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How to Make Your Own Protective Face Shield, Face Mask and Gloves




How to Protect Yourself and Others during the COVID-19 or any other Pandemic

Out of Her loving concern regarding the COVID-19 pandemic,
Supreme Master Ching Hai has shared general hygiene notes and other practical tips to protect ourselves and others in this urgent time (and for any other epidemic).

0828 AJAR Friends of Eternity P15 6m

Selections from the Writings of Chatral Sangye Dorje Rinpoche (vegetarian), Part 2 of 2 – Words of Advice
Be Serious: Wear a Mask, May 25, 2020 

務必嚴肅以對並保護自己 2020-05-25 (Be Serious and Protect Yourself by All Means, May 25, 2020


Master’s Love Will Win, June 10, 2020

Hướng dẫn ngồi Kiết già không đau chân, ngồi lâu và không bệnh cột sống

Trị được bệnh đau thần kinh kinh tọa, đau cột sống, đau lựng,

The Teaching of Vimalakirti – Chapter 9: The Dharma-Door of Non-duality, Part 1 of 2


Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Harmful Effects of Meat, Part 2 - The Tragic Toll on Health

“Avian flu, tuberculosis, listeria, Crohn’s disease, mad cow disease, camphylobacter, Staphylococcus aureus, etc., etc. And now, we have its more dangerous form, called MRSA, namely methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, it’s a “superbug” - meaning there is no antibiotic to cure it, no antibiotic for this superbug. We have it now in our world and its likely source is because we fed the animals too many antibiotics. So, these diseases arose because we over breed animals and create the conditions for the diseases to form and spread. Other diseases came from hunting - another cruelty committed on the poor animals.” “HIV, the killer of 25 million people since 1981, is from humans’ consumption of primates. And just recently, as you know from the news, people in China are dying from the pneumonic plague, which originated from hunting marmots for food. It’s very contagious and can kill a victim within 24 hours! So, all these diseases could be prevented if only humans turn away from such unhealthy, cruel, violent habits – the habits of raising, hunting, and eating animal flesh.” “Apart from treating the animal cruelly, we also endanger ourselves, by eating the bacteria-laden meat and unhygienically treated meat. All these things are no good for humans. No wonder more and more hospitals are built all the time.” “Sometimes the meat is really causing trouble and not many people realize this, and they blame the government for health care failure, and they blame the doctors for not giving enough attention to medical care and all that. But actually, they are the ones who make all these sicknesses themselves. The root of the problem is the meat diet, and not many people are willing to admit that, because they love meat. [It] causes a lot of trouble for themselves, costs a lot of spending for the nation and a lot of suffering for the world and their generation, their children and all that. The problem is so simple, but not everybody likes to believe, likes to follow, and it’s a very sad affair.” “Meat is not our friend. Animal products are not our benefactor; they are our enemy. By meat, I mean fish, eggs, milk, etc, etc. Please do research. Even milk is harmful. It’s responsible for many fatal diseases. Meat and milk, dairy products and eggs are cancer causing, fatal disease causing. Millions of people die every year because of meat, eggs, and dairy products. Trillions and trillions of US dollars are spent in this direction to try to cure those diseases that have been caused by meat, dairy, and eggs. So please, for the sake of your health and that of your children, and of our planet, and that of the future of our security and survival, please, just leave the animals alone.”
Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Harmful Effects of Meat, Part 1 - The Tragic Toll on Health


Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Harmful Effects of Meat, Part 1 - The Tragic Toll on Health

Mindful Breathing and Meditation

Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurants Worldwide - Part 4 (Europe Part 2)

Tim Qo Tu's Love Will Win, Part 1 of 9, June 10, 2020



Tim Qo Tu's Love Will Win, Part 2 of 9, June 10, 2020



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