2023-05-08, 07:08 AM
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2023-05-13, 08:04 AM
2023-05-14, 06:57 AM
2023-05-19, 07:13 AM
I thank you, all of the brothers and sisters, that sent me such sweet greetings for Supreme Master Ching Hai Day. But, as I have told you long ago, Supreme Master Ching Hai Day is not my day. It’s a day of charity, a day of goodness, a day of connection with each other in the brotherhood of humanity. And sometimes I saw your brothers and sisters going out of their houses to bring love, comfort, warmth and caring action to other people on the street who are less fortunate or to the animal-people who are even less fortunate, to bring them some comfort – even physical, but with love. That makes my day, all the time, and that will be pleasing to Heaven and pleasing to God, of course. (Yes, Master. Understand, Master.) That makes me feel like a lot of teachings from the previous Masters, present Masters and future Masters will not be in vain. […]
There is something that I am updated on with the world’s end, and the world’s karma, but I didn’t know whether I should talk about that. […] I don’t know how many people listen to me, but the disciples, they should know to prepare. (Yes, Master.) Because this is very important and very serious. […]
Now, remember last time, we were talking about 2027, (Yes, Master.) when the vision of one person showed the whole world to be empty everywhere of humanity and animal-people and any activities. Remember that? (Yes, Master.) So, this phenomenon, this negative event, this horrific event will start in November 2027 onward, all the way until November 2031. (Oh, no! Oh, my goodness! Oh, my God!) I wrote here: “That will wipe out humanity, (Wow! Oh, God!) so the world people will die, 72%.” (Wow! Oh, dear God! Oh, my God! Terrible!) […] “Zealous demons and all special demons are forced by karma to kill world people.” […]
I want to tell my so-called disciples, if you still call me Master, please listen well. If you do want to survive, please prepare many things. […]
Heaven also told me in one of my meditations, in the darkness of the night, “Do not lose Your hope to save Your world.” […] So I’m keeping that hope alive. Even weak, like a small flame, but it can spread to a bigger flame. […] So, I keep that flame alive. And so should you and so should the disciples. […] I hope we will win, the positive power people will win, with God’s Blessing, God’s Grace and God’s Mercy. (Yes, Master.) Amen. Pray for that. […]
During a conference with Supreme Master Television team members on Sunday, February 19, 2023, our Most Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai (vegan) kindly inquired about the team’s well-being, as She also expressed Her heartfelt appreciation for the greetings on the occasion of Supreme Master Ching Hai Day, celebrated annually on February 22, recorded by our Association members. Moreover, Master shared an important update concerning the world’s future and its karma.
(Hallo, Master!) Hallo, hallo. How are you guys? Is everything OK still? (Yes, Master, everything is OK.) Oh, I’m happy. I’m happy to hear it. I have just watched some of the Happy Ching Hai Day Greetings from your brothers and sisters from all over the world. And I was so touched. These words of sincere longing for Home and gratitude for God’s Blessing and Grace, really, really brought tears to my eyes. (Oh!) And in my heart, I was so touched, so happy that I have so good so-called disciples. I mean disciples of God. (Understand, Master.)
That they are so grateful, they improve and they progress very well, that their spiritual level has been going up and up all these years. And I’m so happy because I don’t always have time to think of such things nowadays because I know they’re progressing, all of them, I mean most of them, it’s just that I don’t have time to check one by one. And seeing them on the screen to say, “Thank You,” and to show their love and happiness like that, really made my day. (We are glad Master is happy.) […]
And you know what? Loving words spoken sincerely, always touch people’s hearts and lift them up to a higher consciousness, and improve the relationship. (Yes, Master.) And enhance the connections inside your heart, inside your soul. So, I do hope also that people in the world will be speaking always in this kind of language, with this kind of sincere love and care and gratitude for everything that they have, that everything good is coming their way. (Yes, Master.) And each one would feel maybe much, much better in their daily life and also in their spiritual connection with the Divine within them. (Yes, Master.) Even though it’s just normal, worldly language, but if spoken with such sincerity and intensity of love, longing and connection, then it will help people, will lift them up, at least temporarily, and make them long to search for something beyond that. (Understand, Master.)
I thank you, all of the brothers and sisters, that sent me such sweet greetings for Supreme Master Ching Hai Day. But, as I have told you long ago, Supreme Master Ching Hai Day is not my day. It’s a day of charity, a day of goodness, a day of connection with each other in the brotherhood of humanity. And sometimes I saw your brothers and sisters going out of their houses to bring love, comfort, warmth and caring action to other people on the street who are less fortunate or to the animal-people who are even less fortunate, to bring them some comfort – even physical, but with love. That makes my day, all the time, and that will be pleasing to Heaven and pleasing to God, of course. (Yes, Master. Understand, Master.) That makes me feel like a lot of teachings from the previous Masters, present Masters and future Masters will not be in vain. That people do still remember their Godliness within and I’m so happy.
Every time I see people are kind to each other or kind to the animal-people, I’m always very happy, happy and grateful in my heart. I pray that all the world’s people behave that way, not just in our group or spiritual people groups, but everywhere, everywhere. (Yes.) That will uplift their souls, uplift the planet and that will bring happiness to each other in the world as well as bringing joy to Heaven and even to God, to see the world in harmony, in peace, in loving kindness as well as in gratitude to the Most High.
I just want to thank all of you as well, not just you, the group that’s always ready with equipment to listen to my talk or to communicate, but to many other assistants over the years, that have helped me in different ways to make my work smoother, go better and easier for me. (Yes, Master.) […]
Alright. Good. Are you guys all still there? (Yes, Master. We are here.) There was some problem before. It’s not always because I forgot to turn on the electricity of the internet. It’s just sometimes the internet doesn’t work. (Yes, Master. Understand.) Even the phone doesn’t work. It’s the karma, it’s the solar flare, it’s the whatever. (Understand.) Anyway, there is something that I am updated on with the world’s end, and the world’s karma, but I didn’t know whether I should talk about that.
And then, whenever I want to talk about that, there is a problem, just like now we had. Two times. (Oh! Understand, Master.) Must be a lot of karma. Heaven doesn’t want me to talk about it. But I will talk anyway because I want to tell people to prepare, whoever wants to listen. (Thank You, Master. Understand, Master.) This is just to tell all of you, the disciples, because outside people, I don’t know how many people listen to me, but the disciples, they should know to prepare. (Yes, Master.) Because this is very important and very serious. So, now, before I start it, I ask everyone to pray that I am wrong, that I heard it wrong, that everything is wrong, so that it won’t happen.
Even if the whole world ridicules me, or says I’m making up the story, whatever, I don’t care, as long as it will be wrong. I would love to have it wrong. But what I mean is, the Heavens and the positive force are still fighting to help humankind in any way They can, to save as many lives as possible, human and animal beings, and all the beings on this planet. (Yes. Understand, Master. Yes, Master.) But it could be that we will fail, it could be. (Oh!) I am very sorry, and ashamed that I might fail, but the karma is so huge and they’re making more and more karma nowadays with war, with threatening and with spending all the precious money of the taxpayers to make weapons, I mean mass destructive weapons. It’s not just normal like a small gun or machine gun. (Yes, Master.) It’s a thing that could even cover the whole of Europe, like a missile that, for example, could be deployed anywhere, the whole of Europe or the whole of America. (Yes, Master.) Such things cause huge, huge, huge, huge, immense karma that is very, very difficult and almost impossible to erase if it happens. (Yes, Master.) And even just to think about these weapons, to want to destroy humanity with these kinds of weapons, it’s already created tremendous karma. (Yes, Master.)
So now, humanity, they’re crazy, even listening to just one crazy, possessed leader of a nation is enough to cause havoc for all the world already, as you see with the war that the Russian Kremlin has created. (Yes, Master.) Hundreds of thousands of innocent people just died like that already, including women, children, the elderly, and animal-people, and hindering, making trouble for food distribution, food cultivation, harvesting and all that. And then the economy is going down with it as well, and gas, and electricity – everything. (Yes, Master.) It’s not just the lives, it’s an immense, terrible negative effect on the lives of everybody on this planet. (Wow.)
“Media Report from Bloomberg – Feb. 22, 2023, Reporter: Russia invaded Ukraine in the predawn hours of February 24, 2022. This, after President Vladimir Putin spent months building up troops along the border. The unprovoked attack sparked the biggest flow of refugees since World War II. Over eight million Ukrainians have fled the war, tens of thousands have died or been wounded amid unspeakable brutality. But the impact extends far beyond the human tragedy. The fighting between two of the world’s biggest food producers hampered exports from the region. Together, Russia and Ukraine had accounted for a quarter of global wheat trade and half of sunflower seeds and oil. Prices around the world surged, though they have since eased back.
The conflict also caused the biggest European energy crisis in decades, especially in Germany, forcing countries to cut their reliance on Russian exports. Before the war, more than 40% of EU imports of natural gas came from Russia and over a quarter of oil imports. No longer. The soaring prices helped fuel the fastest inflation in the Euro’s history, forcing the ECB (European Central Bank) into its most aggressive series of rate hikes ever.
A year later, the war shows no signs of ending, although Ukraine has made advances against Russian forces, using weapons mostly supplied by the US and Europe. It will take hundreds of billions of dollars to one day rebuild the nation. What comes next may in large part depend on Russia’s moves, Western support and Ukrainian determination, led by a president who’s become a household name around the world.”
So now, that’s why I’m telling you, the Lord of karma is not giving leniency. Even Heaven also agrees with it, that humans don’t deserve any more leniency. That is the thing. (Wow.) So now, I’m going to tell you the updates. (Yes, Master. Thank You.) As I told you, I hope I’m wrong. I hope I heard it wrong. But I wrote it all down on a small piece of paper.
Now, remember last time, we were talking about 2027, (Yes, Master.) when the vision of one person showed the whole world to be empty everywhere of humanity and animal-people and any activities. Remember that? (Yes, Master.) So, this phenomenon, this negative event, this horrific event will start in November 2027 onward, all the way until November 2031. (Oh, no! Oh, my goodness! Oh, my God!) I wrote here: “That will wipe out humanity, (Wow! Oh, God!) so the world people will die, 72%.” (Wow! Oh, dear God! Oh, my God! Terrible!) But They told me, “You and initiates will survive for a long time.” (Oh.) I just read to you what I have noted down, (Yes, Master.) as is, and maybe I explain some things, or maybe not.
OK now, I continue reading. (Yes, Master.) “Zealous demons and all special demons are forced by karma to kill world people.” I wrote what They told me. All this is in quotation marks, because it’s not my talk. (Understand, Master.) I wrote, it continued: “2027 starting and until four years after, till 2031 November, this four-year period is for wiping out all humanity, and of course, animal-people as well. (Wow! Oh, dear God! It’s terrible!) And from 2027, Supreme Master TV will be zero.” (Wow!) Maybe we cannot work anymore, because there’s no communication, because there’s no internet, because all these systems will be damaged or destroyed. (Oh. We are so sorry to hear that, Master.) I don’t have time to go into so much detail. All these things already very badly affected my heart already. (Understand, Master.)
But then I also asked Them in between, “So, You say that I and the initiates will continue to live, but what do we live for? If everybody dies, what do we live for and what do we live on?” They said, “Anything, any food left in the field, you can eat.” (Oh.) That’s what They said. And then I said, “Can You just tell me some number?” I will just read whatever I have written. (Understand. Yes, Master.) It might not make continuous sense, but I wrote it before I forgot.
For example, in India, I asked Them how many people will live? For example, in India, there are many initiates. (Yes.) Not just ours, but from other groups as well, like from (Radha Soami Satsang) Beas. (Yes, Master.) So, in India, there will be 1,223,141 initiated that survive. (Oh. Wow.) That’s probably 2027. And then, for example, in the UK, 2027, 42% people left. (Oh, God!) But 2031, in the UK it will be zero, (Wow.) except the initiates. I said, “How about my initiates?” They said, “In UK, there will be 140 total initiates will live, will survive.” (Wow.) And I asked, “How about EU, the European Union?” They told me, “0% left. Zero.” (Wow! This is shocking! So shocking!) Let me read… Oh, in the EU, there will be 300 total persons, initiates left. In Taiwan (Formosa), 9,321 persons left, including initiates, I guess. Or maybe just initiates. The conversation was very fast. (Understand, Master.) I had to note it down and without time to ask more questions.
UK in 2031, did I say it already? “Wiped out.” “How much left?” I asked. “How much left?” They said, “Zero.” “And how about initiates?” They said, “Survive. Some survive.” I said, “How come? Even if we have like an atom bomb or anything that goes off, how come everyone dies like that?” So, They told me, “The zealous demons and other demons will suffocate people with weapons of karmic poison, so they will just disappear.” (Oh, no! Oh, my God!) I had no chance to ask what kind of karmic poison. I kept asking, but They didn’t answer me afterward. (Yes, Master.)
Next page, if I have it here. This is something else. Something about King Charles III. I don’t want to talk about it. (OK, Master. Yes, Master.) Not convenient, about his life. Something here: “World war will start at year end.” (Oh, my God.) That’s what it’s supposed to be. (We hope it won’t happen!)
“World, zero humans in 2047. (Wow! This is shocking!) You and disciples will be peace, happy, and liberated in 2047.” (Wow.) I don’t know how I’ll be happy, even liberated or not. OK, that’s it. The other one, concerning other things, comes by the way. I don’t want to talk about it. (Understand, Master.) It’s concerning the Royal Family. I don’t want to talk about it. OK, that’s it.
More or less, that’s it. I shortened it. When we were talking in the conference, it took a longer time. (Yes, Master. Understand.) All this is not just Their talking, but it’s my questions in between as well, which I eliminated because I wanted to write fast what They were saying, not what I’m asking. (I see, Master.) What They were saying already is clear enough without even hearing my question. These are all the answers already. (Understand, Master. Yes, Master.) And I want everybody to pray that I heard it wrong. (Yes, we hope so.) But I’m not wrong. I know that. And the thing is, we are still fighting and negotiating with the negative side in order to come to a better conclusion. But this is all what’s supposed to happen if we fail to negotiate or exchange something. (Yes, Master. Understand, Master.) Because the karma is too big.
Every time, in any way, the karma has been always too big for any Master alone to take care of. Mostly, even if They die, They sacrifice ultimately for the sake of others, They can only rescue Their disciples and some of the followers, or their relatives and friends, and up to nine generations. (Understand, Master.) No one can absorb the whole karma of the world. Thus, we always will have war, famine, pandemics and all that. Nowadays, it seems like more than ever before. We have different infections and the pandemic keeps getting more and more lethal. And not only that, there are many different diseases all over the world nowadays that still baffle scientists and medical research people. (Yes, Master.) And earthquakes and storms everywhere. Just now we had an earthquake in Turkey and Syria that killed more than 46,000 people already and still many are missing. (Yes, Master.)
“Media Report from Reuters – Feb. 19, 2023, Reporter: More than 46,000 people have been killed in the earthquake. The toll’s expected to soar with some 345,000 apartments in Turkey now known to have been destroyed and many are still missing.”
“Media Report from Sky News – Feb. 14, 2023, Reporter: Fatima’s whole world has gone. Few of her family survived. On a patch of wasteland in a broken city, they try to keep warm as she lists the dead: mother, father, sisters, brothers, in-laws. Thirteen lost to the rubble. Ten children orphaned. ‘We heard stories of people being taken out of the rubble, but dying from cold,’ Fatima tells me. Ayse shows us the government- supplied shelter she shares with 10 others. They have no toilets or showers and a growing fear of disease. ‘We can’t deal with an outbreak now. Those who survived, will then die. Half of the city is dead,’ she says.”
And even then, New Zealand also just had an earthquake as well. You heard that. You know, right? (Yes, Master. Yes.) So, it will not stop there. (Oh! Understand, Master.) It’s not like we are not diligently helping but it just had to happen. (OK, Master. Understand, Master.) And the core of the planet just stopped spinning. (Wow!) And the magnetic field has been damaged. (Oh!) And the Sun is flaring. And one meteorite just hit the Earth somewhere in Texas, if I remember well. (Wow. Yes, Master.) And so many other diseases. Before, the bird flu did not affect humans too much. Nowadays, it affects humans more – more than ever before. And they are making war with the humans that raise the chicken-people for food. (Yes, Master.) There are many, many other things I can’t remember. You can see on the internet that everywhere is like a killing field nowadays, our world, everywhere. (Yes, Master.) Killing children also, the elderly, and even healthy people.
So that’s why I thought I had to tell people this, even though I hesitated for a long, long time. And even if I tried it before, it kept giving me trouble. Like Heaven doesn’t want humans to be prepared. But I want them to know. Even if they don’t believe me, at least they know it and they can choose to be prepared, to repent or not, so that as many can be saved as possible. (Yes, Master. Thank You, Master.) But my heart is so much in pain and I don’t rest well. I toss and turn. Whenever I need to rest, I can’t even rest. I don’t need to drink tea or coffee to keep myself restless. (Oh, dear.) And too much work, also. (Understand.) And a lot of obstruction, like, no internet, internet trouble, telephone kaput, and all kinds of stuff, that I alone have to take care of. (Oh! Wow!) It’s not easy for me alone to take care of everything. (Understand, Master.) Everything takes time, even the small details. […]
If I have a small room or a big room, it depends on where I go, I don’t turn on all the lights. I use only where I need to use. (Yes, Master. Understand, Master.) And I use like a solar flashlight as well. (Yes.) Because my phone, I turn it off. Whenever I don’t use it, I turn it off. And I want to tell the disciples at least, who listen, that you have to save whatever you can. It’s not just because of money, it’s the karma. It’s also for other people who need it. If we use too much, other people might not be able to afford it, because the price will go up if things are not enough. (Yes, understand, Master.) So I save electricity, I don’t turn on all the lights wherever I don’t need, not because I save the money, but for other people to use, to share. (Yes, Master.) So that the price will not be too over-peaked and put other people into suffering and despair.
But I want to tell you people, the so-called disciples, if you still believe in me, and if you still want to live, in case you want to choose to live or survive, whatever you can. Maybe you will not die, maybe we win. Because Heaven also told me in one of my meditations, in the darkness of the night, “Do not lose Your hope to save Your world.”
I will give a photograph, then you can see my scrappy writing in the dark. I had to use a pen and my other finger to trace my writing. (Wow.) So it’s not like a straight line, because if I didn’t use my other finger to trace it, then I would probably write one word on top of the other. (Yes, Master.) So, it says, “Don’t lose Ur hope 2 save Ur world.” Oh, and that made me feel very, very… somehow, much better after that. (Yes, Master.) And I wrote it, I taped it on the wall where I’m working. I’m going to give you a photograph of that. (Thank You, Master.) Don’t laugh at my writing, (No, Master.) because it’s written in complete darkness. I could not find a light at that time, and I didn’t want the light to disturb my continued vision, for many other things. (Understand, Master. Yes, Master.) […]
I want to tell my so-called disciples, if you still call me Master, please listen well. If you do want to survive, please prepare many things, like prepare a solar flashlight, anything solar that you can. And then prepare food. (Yes, Master.) At least it lasts for two weeks or months, or more if you can. Those that will not be rotten soon. (Yes.) And if you’re using some of them because the date of expiration is soon, then you buy new ones to replace it in your pantry or in your cellar, wherever you put your food. Those you don’t need a refrigerator, like rice, dry noodles and different kinds of beans, dry beans or canned beans, canned food and dry food. You save some for yourself in case really an emergency breaks out. I do hope not. I do hope not. Please pray that whatever I said to you is wrong. But just prepare in case. Who knows? (Yes, Master.) Now, prepare food and prepare something for an emergency, warming the house. Look on the internet to learn many things that you could survive with in case of an emergency. (Yes, Master.)
In case atomic bombs or nuclear bombs explode somewhere, even if not too near you, and, of course, especially if near you, don’t go out. Don’t go out for as long as possible. Depends on where you are, of course. Just stay indoors. Eat whatever you have in your pantry. It’s safer. Don’t try to go out and look for food or take things from the agriculture fields. They are contaminated and you will be breathing in contaminated air. Just stay put inside the house, if you can. Or anywhere inside, stay put. (Understand, Master. Yes, Master.) There is something also called anti-radiation drugs. I don’t know how effective it is, but you guys can try to see if it’s good. Then you can also prepare to have some at home, in case. (Yes, Master.) But if a nuclear weapon lands within a 50-kilometer radius, near where you live, then you don’t eat anything in the field for at least many weeks or months on end because it will be contaminated by the radiation of the atom bomb or nuclear bomb. (OK, Master. Understand, Master.)
“Excerpt from ‘How To Survive The First Hour Of A Nuclear Blast / Fallout!’ by Debunked, Stuart Kennaby: Knowing what to do in the first hour of a nuclear attack might just mean the difference between life and death.
Narrator: An atom bomb destroys or injures in three ways: by blast, heat and radioactivity. These, then, are the weapons of the atom bomb that we must protect against.
Stuart Kennaby: According to Jeff Schlegelmilch, deputy director at the National Center for Disaster Preparedness: ‘If you see a nuclear flash, the first thing to do is get behind a barrier in case the shockwave comes.’ Bear in mind, the shockwave is traveling at hundreds of kilometers an hour, so you won’t have long to find cover. Radiation safety specialist Brooke Buddemeier recommends sheltering behind something that is structurally sound: ‘When I think of where I would go for protection from prompt effects, and from the blast wave in particular, I think of the same kinds of things that we do for tornadoes. Be in an area where if there’s a dramatic jolt, things aren’t going to fall on you.’ If you do manage to survive the shockwave, things sadly don’t get much easier. It’s now a real race against time. ‘You will have some time to take action to keep you and your family safe. The biggest thing: get inside, stay inside and stay tuned.’ The likelihood is that you’ll have somewhere between 10 to 20 minutes to find shelter.
First off, don’t stay in your car. The metal doors and glass windows are going to be way too thin to protect you from gamma radiation. Mobile homes won’t offer adequate shelter either. Instead, try to find a basement or a larger multistory building. Remembering the key factor is putting as many thick layers between you and the fallout. We’re talking concrete or brick here, so nice-looking glass skyscrapers or homes built out of wood and plaster aren’t your best bets. If you’re in a city with a subway system, heading deep inside would also offer a decent level of protection. Assuming you’ve made it inside somewhere above ground, avoid the top floors. All the fallout is going to settle on the roof. And the whole point of going inside is to stay as far away as possible from those pesky dust particles that are emitting dangerous levels of gamma radiation, which could lead to radiation poisoning. Instead, get to the center of the building. If there’s time to close off areas where fallout might enter – doors, fireplaces, air conditioners, windows, then do it.
OK, let’s look at a slightly different scenario, one where things didn’t go quite so smoothly. This time we’ve abandoned our car and sprinted to the nearest sturdy looking building, but fallout might be starting to land around you. If you think it is, the best thing to do is cover your nose and mouth with a rag and close your eyes. Stumbling around like this won’t be easy. So, in this example, it’s taken 15 minutes to actually get inside. Did any of that fallout land on you? Is it in your hair or on your clothes? It might be, which means you’re at risk of getting acute radiation poisoning. Carefully remove your outer layer of clothing. This can remove 90% of radioactive material. Put it in a plastic bag and leave it somewhere far out of the way. Take your time. Wiping your kit off too quickly might shake free any radioactive dust, and that’s not going to help anyone. A shower would also be quite handy. By all means, treat yourself to some soap and shampoo to help wash yourself off, but avoid using conditioner. It’ll bind radioactive particles to your hair. Even if there’s no shower, wash your face, hands, and any body parts that were uncovered using a sink, damp cloth or wet wipe. Again, the key is using plenty of water and taking your time. The last thing you want to do is scratch yourself and allow radioactive material to get into your skin.
By now, it’s likely an hour has passed, which means that the radioactive fallout outside will have already decayed by 50%. Within the first 24 hours, it will have given up 80% of its energy, going up to 99% after two weeks. But remember, if the radiation was high enough to begin with, that 1% could still be dangerous. So staying indoors for as long as significantly possible reduces your chances of contamination.”
If you have any farm or any land around your garden, use it to the maximum, to plant a vegetable, every time. And if you don’t have, then maybe you squeeze together and keep one room free. And in that room, you grow vegetables. It doesn’t have to be “big-deal” vegetables, any vegetable you eat. Most of them, for example, even cabbage, if you take out all the leaves, in the middle there is a core. If you don’t cut too deep into the core to damage it, then you just plant it in the earth and water it, it will grow. (Yes, Master.) I promise, it does. (Yes.) I did that before. It helps. It really grows. And even peppermint, you take out some leaves already and just the stem left, you plant it, the little branch, you plant it in the soil, it will grow again.
And vegetables like bok choy and stuff like that, you just cut the leaves and leave the end of the bok choy or the vegetable, about two, three inches (five to seven centimeters), and then plant it again. (Yes, Master.) It will grow out just as new, and broccoli core, everything. I did that before. (Yes, Master.) I think I might have some photographs somewhere. They grow out of them. They grow again, like new in no time. (Wow. Understand, Master. Yes, Master.) It really grows. And you can buy a lot of seeds, a lot of beans and begin growing vegetables already. I mean, the beans, they can grow sprouts. And even in shortage cases, the bean sprouts and the dry beans are enough for you to consume and to survive. (Yes, Master. Understand, Master.) And beans and seeds don’t go bad so quickly. You can always keep growing them and eating them instead of going out to buy vegetables, because in emergency times, there might be no shops, no vegetables for you to buy.
And store some water in containers, gallons (~four liters) or something, all ready. (Yes, Master. OK, Master.) And in the case of emergency, just keep them to drink not to bathe or anything. Maybe just cleaning teeth but not bathing. Maybe just use the wet towel to wipe your body whenever needed. It doesn’t have to be every day. (Yes, Master. Understand, Master.) In Buddhism, the monks take a bath every two weeks. I do the same and it doesn’t matter, it’s OK nowadays. Of course, if I have to go out and lecture, then I have to make myself more clean. But I feel clean the way I’m doing it and you don’t have to eat three meals a day. If you don’t work so hard, you don’t go out or anything, normally one meal is enough. You just eat until you are happy and that’s all you need really. (OK, Master. Understand, Master.)
And if you don’t have any money to store a lot of food and fancy things, you just buy like brown rice and sesame already roasted or even maybe raw, and then you roast it yourself if you can. If not, just buy roasted sesame and eat it with brown rice and salt. So store some of these. It will last a long time. (Yes, Master.) But brown rice doesn’t last as long as white rice, so you buy both. So you eat first the brown rice and then the white rice, you eat later. (Understand. OK, Master.) Keep sesame and peanuts. Those things have a lot, a lot of protein. Even if you cannot cook anything, you can eat them with rice. (Understand.) And then, you will have enough nutrition to survive. (Yes, Master.) I have done that for three months at least. When I did not have any so-called disciples, I went on retreat, like every monk should do every year, three months or the rainy season, and I ate only brown rice, sesame and some salt. And at that time I could afford a bottle of soya sauce and I added a little bit for taste. Otherwise, just brown rice, sesame and salt is good enough already. (Understand, Master.) […]
Look on the internet to learn from other people how they grow their vegetables in the house, inside any room, with even buckets, or even plastic bags or any discarded bags, anything they grow in, how they grow them and how they harvest and use them. (Yes, Master.) Or grow it on the balcony, grow it even in your big bathroom. I did grow soya sprouts in my bathtub before. (Wow!) […]
So all this I tell you is from my own experience also. You can grow anything inside the house and put them next to the windowsill or on the windowsill, or next to the window, or spare one room, or also put them in your living room, just as a plant, just as a decorative plant as well. (Yes, Master.) Doesn’t have to be planting any other plants. You can plant your vegetables as decorative plants so that you are ready in case of emergency. (Understand, Master.) If there’s nothing else you can buy or it’s not possible to have any money or nobody would accept any money, just keep growing them. Even if there’s no emergency, you still can eat them. (Yes, Master.) Every day you need them anyway. You have to go to the supermarket to buy them. And nowadays, food keeps getting less and less available and more and more expensive.
So, you can grow them easily, very easily. All the plant needs is just soil. Any soil from the garden or you buy from the shop and mix with some soil in your garden or some sand. And if you have a garden, you have trees, then you can use the leaves to compost. (Yes, Master.) And anything, like when you mow the grass, you just put it in the compost, together with the leaves and put some soil and some things, and it will be fantastic already. (Yes). I don’t have all that luxury. I did not have, so at that time when I planted, I just put tea leaves. The teabags that you drink. (Yes. Yes, Master.) You put it in your cup to make tea and the bag is still there. (Yes.) You take it out and then put it on your plant. (Yes. Oh, I see.) They grow like crazy. […]
So truly, we don’t need a lot in life. If you don’t have anything to eat, make sure you have brown rice, sesame and salt and you will survive. (Yes, Master.) And water. (Thank You, Master.) And make sure you keep some water filters, so in case the water becomes contaminated or dirty, you can filter the water and cook it. Or drink it straight, without cooking, it depends. (Yes, Master. Understand, Master.) But I always cook the water, even if it’s filtered. I feel safer that way. I feel better.
You should buy canned food, so no need to cook in the event that we don’t have even electricity or gas or any means of cooking – have to prepare for all scenarios. You have to even train your pet-people to do their business inside – somewhere in the bathroom, or some piece of maybe artificial grass, or anything that they will do their poo-poo, pee-pee inside on. Because in the case of a nuclear or atomic explosion, the pet-people cannot go outside because they will bring the toxic radiation into the house when they come back in. And that would be bad for all of you, including the pet-people.
There are so many things we have to do if we want to survive in any case in some demonic, evil war between humans. We don’t just have to deal with human warmongers, we have to even deal with now the demonic force which is compelled to come, kill and destroy, and wipe out humanity. Some of the top demons that I have banned to hell, they’re allowed to come back now. (Wow.) I don’t know how to win this situation because we must have humans’ cooperation as well to be stronger in order to defeat all these negative forces. They’re everywhere now. They’re seducing humans and they are contaminating humans and they are poisoning humans’ brains, minds and bodies. That’s why you can see all kinds of disasters coming almost together, but it will get worse even. They will come more together, at the same time… all kinds of disasters, diseases and all that. It’s just beginning only. (Wow.)
And in order to win this karmic war, we need also humans’ cooperation so that Heaven and Earth are united. (Understand, Master.) Then we’ll be stronger to be able to make peace, to create harmony and safety for all humans and all other non-human people on this planet. I feel very, very… frustrated. And very lonely even with the help of Heavens. Anyone would feel lonely without the cooperation of the Earth’s inhabitants. I hope everyone understands what I’m saying. (Yes, we hope so.) United we stand, because this is about the world, Earthlings and the animal-people who live here.
The animal-people cooperate with us, but humans, not completely. Not a lot at the moment. So even though Heavens have comforted me and told me, “Don’t lose hope to save Your planet,” at the moment honestly, I just don’t know how we can win. Please pray, whoever can, please. We need all humanity to stand up, to back us in this troubled time. I don’t know... I cannot cry anymore. Then I say, whatever happens, happens. The soul will not die, ever. It’s just the human souls or animal-people souls are still trapped in many layers of so-called bodies. So even if the physical bodies are gone, the astral bodies are still there and will still be punished in hell – horribly.
You cannot imagine the punishment there, whoever has to go to hell. But… oh God. But they don’t know it, that is the problem. They’re so blind… so blindfolded, that they don’t know Heavens, they don’t know hell. And they just do anything, thinking there’s no consequences and my heart cannot continue to bear all this. Because if humanity is wiped out en masse at the same time, it’s very difficult to help their souls. It’s very difficult to rescue their souls if they are all going en masse like that. It’s said that they will be “wiped out” – it’s the words of Heaven, not mine. “Wiped out.” Seventy-two percent, my God. I mean, the first half of it and the next half coming. And that’s it! Goodbye planet Earth, 2047, will be all gone! It’s not about going. You, the initiates, will go to Heaven but other people will suffer no end in hell. My God! Oh! I pray so much! But I don’t know if anything will help anymore.
The situation is just like when doctors and nurses want to help the patient, but the patient doesn’t do anything that he is supposed to do in order to get well. The patient has to also cooperate with the medical personnel in order to get well. He has to take the prescribed medicine, has to trust the doctors, has to be willing to cooperate, to fight with the doctors in order to defeat the disease, which is ravaging his body. We don’t have that much cooperation from the world people. The animal-people cannot do much. But the world people can. They are given all the capabilities, intelligence and tools to make peace between themselves and with the co-inhabitant animal-people, but they are just not doing it. They are not doing it. Some, but the percentage is so low. Just take the medicine. Just be vegan, my God. It’s not even about God or spirituality. It’s scientifically proven that vegan will save you, save your lives, save your loved ones, and save your planet. Please just go vegan, be repentant, make peace and do good deeds.
So, save whatever you can and be as independent as possible. Because you might need to be in that position, in that spirit of self-cultivation, self-harvesting and taking care of yourself so that you can survive. In some cases of the world, people are so crazy. You can imagine that there is such a crazy person in the Kremlin. And in the whole country, there are so many military people, so many strong people and they could not even defeat one crazy person, and just keep following him and die in hundreds of thousands in a foreign land, in Ukraine (Ureign), for example. (Yes, Master.) That’s how things happen. Even like Hitler – also the whole country followed him until he fell. (Yes.) So, anything could happen in this crazy world because of karma. So be ready, be prepared in case I fail also. I mean, in case the group, our group, the Heaven group fails because of too big karma. (Understand, Master.)
But because Heaven also told me, “Do not lose Your hope to save Your world,” so I’m keeping that hope alive. Even weak, like a small flame, but it can spread to a bigger flame. For example, you have just one small candle, but if you have wood, leaves and dry things, burnable things in the garden, you can use that candle to make a big fire. (Yes. Yes, Master.) So, I keep that flame alive. And so should you and so should the disciples. We are not as many as the whole world, but we must try. We must have faith in God, in justice and in our own purity, goodness and in our unconditional love for humankind and other people, other beings on this planet. We pray and we meditate as much as possible. (Yes, Master. Yes.) Nothing is as important as your meditation and prayers, especially nowadays – everyone should remember that.
Your time is precious, more precious now than ever. Please, do not neglect your duty, like praying for the world, meditating for yourself and for the world as well. We do share the merit, the blessing of meditation that God bestows through us. So, whatever we do spiritually, sincerely, it will help the world. I mean, maybe not the whole world, because this time is the time of real cleansing. It’s supposed to be the Golden Age but not too many are fit to live in it. So that’s how the world may be destroyed. The world is wiping out all humanity. That’s what They told me. (Wow.) Anyway, I hope I’m wrong. And moreover, I hope we will win, the positive power people will win, with God’s Blessing, God’s Grace and God’s Mercy. (Yes, Master.) Amen. Pray for that. (Yes, Master. We’ll pray so. Thank You, Master.) (We will fight until the very end with You, Master.) Yes. What you are doing is fighting also without weapons. We don’t need any weapons. We don’t want any. (Yes, Master.)
The world, they spend crazy billions, trillions, all the time now, just to make killing weapons instead of spending it to uplift people, to help the poor and to help the needy. How many people would benefit from that if war never happens, if all these weapons are never produced, and all that money goes to the needy people? Then we will never have any poverty in this world to start with. (Yes. Yes, Master.) But they do. My God. Any country, even the richest country, also has homeless and destitute, poor people.
But they spend billions and trillions even, just to keep making these murderous, destructive weapons. Why is that? Our world is beautiful. We don’t need anything except whatever God gave us already. We have enough for everyone. Why keep killing? Why fighting? So they must be crazy or possessed by demons. (Yes, Master.) That’s what it is. There is no sense. (Yes.) Is there? (No, Master. No sense at all.) Nobody can believe that now, in the 21st century, they’re still fighting, still killing, with no remorse, no repentance, no sorrow, nothing! They don’t have a heart. They don’t have love. They only have demons in them. That’s how they can do it. Or what else? Can you explain it to me? Can you? (No, Master.)
We will fight till the end. (Yes, Master.) Yes. One more thing I want to say, even to the disciples only, or for whoever listens, please don’t mind, don’t care. Just be virtuous, be good, and even if you die, it’s just a change of clothes. But if you’re not virtuous, not conscientious, not moral, then you should be worried, because hell will be waiting to clean you up. And it could take long, long, long, long, long decades or a millennium even. So just make sure that you’re worthy of Heaven’s loving, caring Mercy and Grace. That’s all we should worry about. So even if we die, it’s just changing clothes. You’ll be OK. The soul will never die, just the body changes, so do not be too afraid. (OK, Master.) Just live your life as normal, just more intensely praying, meditating, and helping others. That’s all you can do for this time in our history. (Understand, Master. Understand.)
Don’t worry too much. All this could change, we are working on it. We’re working on it. Heaven and my humble self, do what we can, so that this 2027-2031, will not happen the way it’s supposed to happen. (Understand, Master. Thank You, Master.) And if it happens, then it happens. Our souls will never die anyway, especially for the initiates, you will be liberated, you will go to Tim Qo Tu’s Land, and you will be happy. (Thank You, Master.) Even if you are not high enough to go there, you can go to some lesser Heaven and then slowly go up, the initiated people. My initiates. I don’t know about other people’s initiates. I just can only promise my own initiates can go to Tim Qo Tu’s Land, sooner or later. (Thank You, Master.)
OK, any other comments or questions? Anything at all? (Thank You, Master, for sharing. We hope that the horrific event will not happen; the positive forces will win, Master will win, and that humanity will survive. We stand with Master to win.) God bless you. I thank you for working diligently for the noble cause. (Thank You, Master. We love You, Master.) This is what we can do to help others and ourselves, and our relatives, our generations, whomever we can. May God bless us all. Amen. (Amen.) Till next time, my love. (Thank You, Master. Love You, Master. Take care, Master.)
All information concerning the scientific evidence of climate change and its solution is in Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Book, “From Crisis to Peace.” Free for download at: Crisis2Peace.org
To our Most Compassionate Master, we offer sincerest thanks for Your eternal guiding Light on our earthly journey and beyond. Your Love and Benevolence truly surround and protect all beings. In these exceptional times, may we all recognize our dependence on Heavens’ Mercy, and express gratitude for God’s countless Blessings in our daily lives. Let us acknowledge the immense power of our free will to turn vegan, repent and do good deeds now, for the sake of a brighter world filled with harmony, compassion, and divinity. Wishing Cherished Master wellness, peace, and safety, with the loving Assistance of all Glorious Protectors.
For the full broadcast of this conference that includes a story about the simple daily vegan meal of a very strong Qigong practitioner from Taiwan (Formosa), please tune in on Monday, March 6, 2023, on Between Master and Disciples.
Also, for your reference, please check out the previous related Between Master and Disciples conferences, such as:
Appreciate God’s Leniency and Listen to Hiers Commandments
Pray for World Liberation
Last Call to Turn Vegan and Repent Sincerely
Countries with Most Karma: Humans Must Pray for Forgiveness
Go in the Direction of Peace and Be Grateful to Have a Better Life
Be Self-Sufficient in Case of EmergencyHow to Prepare for a Nuclear Fallout or Residual Radioactive Material Such as Dust and Ash Produced after a Nuclear Weapon Explodes
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[url=https://suprememastertv.com/en1/v/198237159108.html]Humans Must Cooperate and Be Vegan for Lasting Peace and Happiness, Mar. 6, 2023
2023-06-02, 05:02 AM
Noteworthy News / Fly-in News
Humans Must Cooperate and Be Vegan for Lasting Peace and Happiness, Mar. 6, 2023
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(Why does the UK not want to rejoin the EU, and why have they left the EU?) […] According to a report, they prefer to be independent and the British people don’t like to be controlled too much. […] Whatever the problem between the British and European Union is, they have to sort it out, not try to so-called like harass the British people just because they got out of the European Union. That’s just not fair and it’s a bad reputation. […] The British have been living alone before the European Union ever existed, and they always are OK. (Yes.) They have always been OK, so they don’t care about joining anybody, and if there’s too much regulation or rules, and whatever is new to them restricts their freedom, then I cannot blame them if they don’t want to stay with the European Union. […]
(Master, is there any good news for 2027?) Oh, I’m sorry. I wish, I wish we had. No, no. (Oh!) It’s bad news, but I just didn’t want to tell. […] The vision is the Earth will… this is exactly what They told me: “The Earth will be swollen.” You hear me now, yeah? Swollen. (Yes, Master.) And then will burst and these hot substances, hot magma, lava, from the Earth will flow out and kill everyone, whoever’s nearby. (Wow! Oh, my God! No!) Will kill a lot of people. (Wow.) […] I guess that is the weapon of karmic poison. (Oh!) And also, other things from the sky will fall down and the Earth will be… I don’t know if the Earth will even exist, not to talk about humans. […]
I said, “Please, can You Guys do something? Make it slow and slow. Give humans some more time to think, to change.” They didn’t answer me. (Wow. So sad.) I’m still thinking of a way, but I’m not sure what. (Understand, Master.) I will do anything, you know that, even if it damages or ruins my body or my reputation, anything I’ll do, but They just don’t give me any options at the moment. Please do pray for all beings – for humans and for all other beings. […] They even told me, […] “God abandoned You. Demons snatched Your world.” That’s what They told me. Exactly Their words. […]
The thing is, I’m still having hope. I’m praying that I can keep that hope alive. But, you see, even if Heaven allows me to have a solution to save the world, I need, I truly need humans’ cooperation. They have to be vegan. They have to make peace. They can’t continue to make war and then expect peace. […] And the world people still continue to kill animal-people and torture them in such a devilish way. So, how will they get permanent peace and lasting happiness on Earth? […]
On Monday, March 6, 2023, while still in Her meditation retreat for the world, our Most Compassionate Supreme Master Ching Hai (vegan) lovingly made time to talk to Supreme Master Television team members. As Master checked on the team’s welfare and comfort, She also graciously answered questions prepared by them regarding the relationship between the United Kingdom and the European Union, as well as shared new important information from Heavens concerning the year 2027 and humanity’s future.
(Hallo, Master.) Hallo. How are you? […] Are you guys alright? Everything’s good? (Yes. Yes, we are good, Master.) Sorry, I don’t have a really good place for you guys at the moment, so just stay there, stay put, because of internet problems. […] We will see… if it goes faster, then you can move. I had to move to another area, and now I don’t have internet. You got to be patient. (Understand, Master.) […]
Alright. Any important things you want to tell me? On the phone only. (We have two questions, Master.) Yeah, tell me quick. (Why does the UK not want to rejoin the EU, and why have they left the EU?) Oh. I did not ask them. According to a report, they prefer to be independent and the British people don’t like to be controlled too much. (Oh, I see. Understand.) I also can understand because after the European Union began, my bank became so strict. Even when I just wanted US$10,000 or €40,000 to give to some charity – they didn’t let me. (Wow!) They said I have to go find a lawyer, because for a long time, I have not been there, I have not withdrawn the money, so I have to find a lawyer, an international guy, whatever. (Oh, understand.) And then, how do I have time to do all that? (Yes, Master.) And I’m not even sure if they will accept whatever explanation. When they accepted my money, they should already know where it comes from, right? Not now. (Right. Yes.) Not many tens of years later, and then ask me to find all the papers to prove it. I don’t have any more papers left. But they should know it, because the money comes from where, where, where. They should have recorded it in their system. (Yes, Master.) […] This is not fair that they just stop my money like that and make me… And takes so much time. […]
I truly don’t have time. What for to be a Master and then get so many obstructions like this? At the moment, I don’t have a lot of money to pay for this, for that. I don’t know what’s next. Maybe that’s the reason the British also don’t like, maybe they also have problems with the bank – money transference and taking out cash. If you just spend like €10,000-plus in one go or send it to somebody as a payment or because you owe him, or because he helped you to buy something, then the bank will ask you for the proof, for the receipt. It’s funny. […] That’s what really bothered me. It’s not fair. My money, I earned it very honestly. […]
I don’t think the idea of having a European Union is a bad idea. It’s quite good. United we stand. It’s just that the people, some of the departments of the European Union, these people who organize something in the European Union system maybe don’t have sufficient IQ or are not trained well enough and mess up the reputation. (Understand.) Because it’s ironic that they are the ones who emphasize no corruption. Recently, one of the vice presidents of the European Union has been in jail for corruption. It’s in the news all over. And they found money, caught red-handed with cash. (Understand.) Maybe a million or more. (Oh, my God.) Truly, the real evidence is there. In my bank account, there’s no evidence of (me) doing anything wrong, and all the money has been legally put in there. (Yes, Master.) Because even before the European Union, if you wanted to put money in the bank, you had to prove it already. (Yes, Master. Understand.) You had to say where it comes from. […] I don’t even have exceedingly a lot of money in the bank. Imagine how many more people have a lot of money in the bank and who have to do international business – how troublesome for them. (Yes. Indeed.) […]
I mean, whatever system, you cannot just blanket all the people like that and demand this kind of impossible task of the client. (Yes, Master. Right.) And if they already know my name and they know who I am and what I’m doing in the world, then they should trust me. (Yes.) Give me my money to spend where I need it. I cannot even, my God. The money I earn is the most honest money ever. (Yes, Master.) If they don’t even know what I do to earn my money, then they should close their bank. Truly. Because normally, the bank, they know how to trace people’s history and their whereabouts, and what they do. They’re allowed to do that. (Yes, Master.) They can get in touch with police records and anything. And they still don’t know who I am and what I’m doing? […] So now, this is a ridiculous thing. Maybe this is one of the many reasons that the British people don’t like to rejoin the European Union. Even though still many people want to for convenience and commercial and economic sake, but still, mostly they don’t want to. (Yes, Master. Understand.) […]
Whatever the problem between the British and European Union is, they have to sort it out, not try to so-called like harass the British people just because they got out of the European Union. That’s just not fair and it’s a bad reputation. For example, the European people can stay in England for six months straight. But the British cannot stay in the European Union for more than three months. (Wow.) They have to leave the European Union for three months and wait until three months later in order to come back for another three months. Six months in the year, you cannot even take it all at once. It’s inconvenient for many people. (Yes, indeed. Yes, Master.) Can you hear now? Hallo? (Yes, Master.) It’s not fair treatment […] since Brexit. It doesn’t seem like a gentlemanly treatment. It’s like vengeance or something, that’s what I heard the British people complain about. (Yes, Master. It’s not fair.) It’s not fair. Not fair, really. So, I don’t know whom to blame either. The British must have their reasons to back out because otherwise why would they do that? It’s better for trading, better for transportation or housing, and many other conveniences, if they are together with the European Union. But I guess they lost trust in the European Union. That’s what I feel, according to what I read in the news. (Yes, Master.) They don’t feel like there’s fair treatment of each other. (Right.)
And I said also before that it is not nice to kick people out after just three months like that. Whereas they themselves, the Europeans, can stay in Britain for six months. (Yes, Master.) And even if they stay longer, or whatever, I never heard that Great Britain kicked any of the European member citizens out of their country. I have not read that anywhere. Maybe I missed it, but I read many times that the European Union really kicked the British out of Europe. (Oh.) I mean they are just citizens, not all of them can decide whatever the politicians do about Britain, about Brexit or not. (Yes, Master.) It’s just very, very unfair and very inconvenient for them. They have to sell their houses. It’s very difficult to go back and forth and they don’t have enough time to even prepare to sell their houses or even to enjoy if they have to keep coming and going on such short notice like that. Because before the European Union existed, many British bought houses or did business in any European country. And now, it’s very difficult for them. Too much paperwork. Too much red tape. (Right.) Who would like that type of attitude between neighbors. (Yes, Master.)
Even if the British want to do Brexit, meaning get out of the European Union, they are not killing anybody. They are not stealing anything from them. (Yes, Master.) They just prefer to be independent. It’s not like a big deal, or criminal, or anything that their citizens should be treated that way. (Yes, Master.) But this world, you can never continue talking enough about what the humans are doing to each other. (Yes, Master.) Not to talk about what they are doing to helpless, defenseless animal co-citizens of the planet. (Yes, Master.)
And the British have been independent ever since you can even remember. And their Royal system, not absolute Royal, but they still have a Royal system, and they’re proud of themselves. They normally don’t bother anybody and don’t like to be controlled. They are their own sovereigns. That’s the problem, I guess. (Yes.) And recently, I heard that they are going to abolish or maybe they abolished already, some of the many rules from the European Union. I guess too many rules, nobody can bear it. (Yes, understand. Yes, Master.)
So, I have told you that I really like countries to group together as a unified entity. It might be better for protection, for the economy, for trading and all that. (Yes. Yes, sure, Master.) But if the rules are too strict and too rigid, then people don’t like it. Then I cannot do anything. I can only suggest or maybe voice my opinion. But people have to live their lives. (Yes, Master. That’s right.) Because the British have been living alone before the European Union ever existed, and they always are OK. (Yes.) They have always been OK, so they don’t care about joining anybody, and if there’s too much regulation or rules, and whatever is new to them restricts their freedom, then I cannot blame them if they don’t want to stay with the European Union. (Yes, Master. Understand, Master.)
Like for example, the war in Ukraine (Ureign), the British Prime Minister went there alone, immediately, no need to ask the European Union Commission or anything. They helped Ukraine (Ureign) almost like immediately when they needed. Otherwise, if you are in the European Union, maybe you have to ask. (Oh, yes. Understand.) For example, like that. And also, they did the (COVID) vaccine first. They didn’t have to ask permission or get agreement from the European Union. Maybe similar things like that happened. They are a proud folk. They can’t be underlings. (Yes, Master.) And they have always been independent and making their own decisions. If they want to rejoin the European Union, they have to vote for it. They have to ask people if they want it. It’s not like the government even can decide anything alone. (Yes, Master.) Or it’s not like the King and the Queen and the Royal Family can decide anything for the British people. (Understand. Yes, Master.) So, are you happy with my answer? (Yes, Master. Thank You, Master.) OK, good, good.
(Master, is there any good news for 2027?) Oh, I’m sorry. I wish, I wish we had. No, no. (Oh!) It’s bad news, but I just didn’t want to tell. For example, I wanted to find out what They meant by weapons of karmic poison to suffocate people. They didn’t answer me directly, but the vision is the Earth will… this is exactly what They told me: “The Earth will be swollen.” You hear me now, yeah? Swollen. (Yes, Master.) And then will burst and these hot substances, hot magma, lava, from the Earth will flow out and kill everyone, whoever’s nearby. (Wow! Oh, my God! No!) Will kill a lot of people. (Wow.) So, They didn’t answer me, but I guess that is the weapon of karmic poison. (Oh!) And also, other things from the sky will fall down and the Earth will be… I don’t know if the Earth will even exist, not to talk about humans. (Wow! So scary! Terrible.)
The inside of the Earth is very hot. (Yes, Master.) And maybe because of karmic consequences, it will come nearer to the crust of the Earth, nearer to the surface, and then it will just explode like that. (Wow!) And recently, I think I read somewhere that scientists have discovered that the hot substance, or lava, from inside the Earth has come nearer to the Earth’s crust – about 100 miles (160 kilometers) away only. (Wow!) And this is too near. (Yes, Master.)
“Media Report from The Cosmos News – Feb. 8, 2023, Narrator: A team of researchers at the University of Texas at Austin (UTA) has found a new layer under Earth’s crust called ‘melt,’ according to a press release. It comprises hot molten rocks and reveals useful insights about our planet’s tectonic plate activity. These plates are constantly moving and their movement is linked to the occurrence of earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions. The newly discovered layer melt is located 100 miles (161 kilometers) under the Earth’s surface and is a part of the asthenosphere. This is the first time scientists have confirmed the existence of this new layer beneath the Earth’s crust. Study author Hua found melt as an anomaly in the asthenosphere. He and his team were studying seismic images of the asthenosphere and discovered a unique molten region whose seismic readings were not at all in relation to the tectonic plate movement. They observed the same anomaly on a global scale and were astonished by the seismic properties of this molten region, which they called melt. The fact it is unrelated to things we know means that maybe it serves an unexplored purpose beneath the Earth’s crust.”
I don’t know how long the Earth’s surface, the Earth’s crust, can hold it. Not just that, and then climate change, or the thawing of the permafrost and methane gas comes out etc., etc., and then the magnetic fields are kind of damaged. And They said there will be more disasters coming.
“Media Report from Future Unity – Jan. 1, 2023, Reporter: For millennia, people across the globe have reported alarming animal behaviors in the run-up to natural disasters. It is said that animals can sense impending danger, sending warning signals to people of the catastrophes that are yet to come. Recently, the falling of hundreds of blackbirds from the sky in Mexico, the bizarre shift in the moving pattern of animals toward high land, the excessive beaching of whales, and a lot of strange changes in animal behaviour across the globe are said to hint towards something very big and bad that is about to happen.”
I said, “Please, can You Guys do something? Make it slow and slow. Give humans some more time to think, to change.” They didn’t answer me. (Wow. So sad.) I’m still thinking of a way, but I’m not sure what. (Understand, Master.) I will do anything, you know that, even if it damages or ruins my body or my reputation, anything I’ll do, but They just don’t give me any options at the moment. Please do pray for all beings – for humans and for all other beings. (Yes, Master.) That’s what I do. And it makes it worse now that I am in a situation where I haven’t even had internet for some days already. (Oh, wow.) […]
Any other questions, comments? Anything you want to say? Is there anywhere that is safe on the Earth right now? Or in the future? I have no idea because They don’t tell me where it will happen. They just say the Earth will be swollen and explode, and all these hot, boiling substances, boiling lava will explode out, will flow out of the Earth’s surface, and will kill people. (Wow.) Because that’s what the collective karma produces. You can’t even blame all the demons because it is the karma that allows them to have the power to destroy our planet and kill humans and other beings. (Yes, understand. Yes, Master.) We are the ones who make all these troubles – war and famine. We spend money on killing instead of healing. We talk of war instead of negotiating for peace. It should not even have to be a negotiation. We live peacefully together. The Earth has so much to offer. But we waste it, we destroy it. People are suffering, hungry and dying, and disease is everywhere because we don’t spend the tax money for the right purposes. You know all that.
And we kill humans and we kill animal-people without blinking our eyes even. So how can anybody even do anything? (Understand, Master.) The Heavens think humans are mad, not worthy to be rescued, not worthy to be taught anything anymore because they don’t listen. Humans don’t listen to wisdom. They don’t listen to righteousness or good teaching. They just do what they want and badly influence each other to do the same bad stuff. (Yes, Master. It’s a pity.) All these days, I have tried many things. I don’t have internet. Maybe Heaven even forbids me to work in that way. (Woah!) OK, whatever. Whatever happens, happens, OK? I do my best. You do your best, and that’s all we can do. Pray. Meditate. (Yes, Master.) The solution is as simple as the fingers on my hand. Be Vegan. Make Peace. Because as you sow, so shall you reap. (Right. Yes, Master.) If you do good things, you get good results. If you make peace, you will have peace. If you be good to others, good things will come to you. It’s very simple logic. Like attracts like. No need to talk big about anything else. It’s no big thing. (Understand, Master. Yes, Master.) If you plant apple seeds, you have apple trees. But how come humans don’t understand all this? And they’re harming themselves, they’re poisoning themselves. They’re really, really destroying life on this beautiful planet.
We have to see. Maybe one day, Heaven will let me know any solution, any sacrifice I can do. Right now, nothing. (Wow. Yes, Master.) Sorry about that. I’m also very sorry, but my crying doesn’t help and my prayers don’t seem to be effective anymore. They even told me, “God abandoned You,” meaning the planet, the world. (Woah.) “God abandoned the world and demons seized…” oh, “snatched” – that’s Their word. (Woah.) “God abandoned You. Demons snatched Your planet.” (Oh. Wow.) “Your world.” They said, “Your world.” “God abandoned You. Demons snatched Your world.” That’s what They told me. Exactly Their words. (So sad.)
And even the Moon is getting further and further away from us. (Oh.) Not just the gods abandoned us, but the Moon even is getting away from us. We have only bad news these days. You know, the Moon was in a favorable position for our planet. If the Moon wasn’t in that favorable fixed place, then we wouldn’t exist. (Yes, Master.) We wouldn’t exist as a planet. And it wouldn’t be so favorable and abundant like the way we have. And now the Moon is moving further and further away, so who knows what might happen. (Understand, Master. Yes, Master.) The Cosmos’ balance will be disturbed. And then God knows where we’re going.
“Media Report from Future Unity – Feb. 20, 2023, Narrator: NASA is predicting record flooding on Earth due to the shifting of the Moon. Even though separated by hundreds of thousands of kilometers, the Moon has huge effects on the Earth. In fact, scientists have claimed life would be completely different on Earth without the effect of the Moon. The Apollo Laser experiments proved that the Moon is receding at a rate of two inches or five centimeters per year. The distance between the Earth and the Moon grew while their spins shrank. And according to NASA, rising sea levels caused by climate change, combined with the influence of the lunar nodal cycle will result in a dramatic increase in the number of high-tide floods soon. Benjamin Hamlington, a research scientist and a leader of NASA’s sea level change science team, studies how sea levels respond to both the natural and human actions and what this means. According to Hamlington, these floods exacerbated by the Moon, will damage infrastructure and alter coastlines. Flooding will increase four-fold. Since the lunar nodal cycle affects every location on the planet, and sea levels are rising everywhere, we will see an increase in high-tide floods all over the world.
And it’s not just humans that will bear the effects of these floods. The lunar nodal cycle may present many challenges for humans, but it poses an existential threat to wildlife and coastal ecosystems. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has carried out a study of what rising sea level means. Interestingly, the results coincide with the effects and timeline of the Moon’s wobbling. And as you can expect, floods caused by today’s sea levels, weather patterns, and infrastructure are expected to occur more than ten times as frequently in the next 30 years. This new data on sea rise is the latest confirmation that the climate crisis is flashing code red. There will be a high human price because 40% of the population of the United States lives within 60 miles (97 kilometers) of our coastlines.”
That’s worrisome. It’s not just worrisome, we could say fatal. Fatal to us, to all life. (Yes, Master.) Not to talk about lava would be streaming out of the Earth’s crust and then would be all over the planet. Where would you go? (Yes, Master. We’d have nowhere to go.) Nowhere. We have only one planet A. No planet B. Even if you have an airplane, you don’t even know where to go. (Yes, Master.) You would never know when this lava would burst out anywhere. It could be doing it everywhere at the same time, on purpose, by the force of the demons, and they direct it wherever they want. Oh, my God. (Understand, Master.)
So, I don’t know when the humans will wake up and take the medicine, the simple medicine. My God. Anything you eat – any vegetable, anything from the vegetable kingdom, even one single thing is enough to sustain you. (Yes, Master.) A lot of nutrition. I talked about that before already, but I can say it again. All the vegetables carry enough nutrition for you to live comfortably, healthily and intelligently and there will not be the need for any medicine. Humans are damaging their DNA and making themselves weaker and weaker and less and less resistant to the attack in the air. (Right. Yes, Master.) It’s terrible. So, I hope that Heaven will be lenient, I mean good Heaven, highest Heaven, to give us more leniency or at least give me some solution. No matter what, I’ll do it. I don’t have any at the moment. (Yes, Master. We hope so.)
OK, my love. Anything else? (No, Master. We hope we still can get through this time.) You what? (We hope we can get through this hard time, Master.) I do hope also. Because some good Positive Force Representative also told me, “Don’t lose Your hope to save Your world.” I’m still waiting for this solution and anything else I can do, but at the moment, no. If there’s something, I’ll tell you. Or maybe I’m not allowed to tell you, but if you see the world getting better and has less disasters, or more people become vegan, then you’ll know, I have had a solution, but I was not allowed to tell you. (Yes, Master.)
But even then, it’s a thankless job. If the world goes down, then all people die. Nobody can say anything. And they may say, “Oh, Master Ching Hai was right.” What for I want to be right? I don’t want to be right. And if everything goes smoothly, and we have peace and vegan, and the world doesn’t explode, then they would think, “Oh, Master Ching Hai told lies. See, nothing happened to us. We’re OK.” So, I’m just fed up to tell anything. (Yes, understand, Master.) I just have to tell you because I have disciples, I have to care for them. I have to be responsible. That’s all. (Thank You, Master.) Otherwise, I didn’t even want to say anything because whatever I say, they can twist it or explain it in a different way. And I’m the only one that loses. (Understand, Master. Yes, understand.) Whatever happens, I’m just the loser in their explanation, their opinion. Doesn’t matter, we never need to win or anything. I just hope the world will get better and everybody has peace and love. That’s all. (Yes, we hope so. Yes, Master.)
Thank you for everything that you’re doing for the world. We’re still having to try. And the thing is, I’m still having hope. I’m praying that I can keep that hope alive. But, you see, even if Heaven allows me to have a solution to save the world, I need, I truly need humans’ cooperation. They have to be vegan. They have to make peace. They can’t continue to make war and then expect peace. You hear what I’m saying? (Yes, Master.) As we sow, so shall we reap. You cannot just make war and expect peace. Even if I have a solution, humans have to give me assistance, help and cooperation – otherwise, it might not work. (Understand, Master.) It might happen that I, maybe, with Heavens’ assistance and God’s blessing, can save maybe a couple of, or maybe several areas or several countries’ areas, but it’s not possible to save everyone and the whole planet if the Earth bursts out. Even if just in some specific place, and not the whole world, not the whole Earth bursts out, still, we will not be able to recover quickly. And the world people still continue to kill animal-people and torture them in such a devilish way.
“Excerpt from ‘The Great Meat Debate’ (2023) DW Documentary, Reporter: Almost every chick’s life begins with the removal of part of the upper beak.
Friedrich Mülln (vegan): Putting a sow in a narrow cage where she can’t even turn around, chaining a cow – it’s all forbidden. This is actually a clear violation of the Animal Welfare Act, which prohibits mutilation. There’s a specific paragraph that states this clearly. You’re not allowed to cut off testicles, cut off tails, cut off ears, grind off teeth, cut off the beak. Yet it’s done again and again. There are millions of exemptions. The suffering that we inflict on animals, we can’t even imagine it. Not in our worst fantasies, not in the most horrific horror movie.
Reporter: Just since you tuned in, 9,200 cattle have been killed on the planet. Every second, nine more are added. In the same amount of time, 19,400 turkeys, 33,300 sheep and goats, 42,200 pigs, 105,000 ducks and 2.3 million chickens have been slaughtered – all in the last 16 minutes and 41 seconds. If we stacked on top of one another all the animals we kill and eat in a year, we would reach the moon and back 40 times. Fish die in such large numbers that we only measure them in tons.
Tobias Leenaert (vegan): It’s one of the biggest, if not the biggest, moral problem of our time.
Reporter: Nine out of ten people in Europe eat meat.
Tobias Leenaert (vegan): This problem has in itself the solution to many other problems.
Reporter: To satisfy the world’s appetite for meat, we have created a gigantic global industry.
Gary Francione: We kill and eat more animals in a year than the number of human beings who’ve ever lived on the planet from whenever we crawled out of the swamps.
Reporter: With devastating consequences for the Earth’s ecosystem and for billions of living beings.”
So, how will they get permanent peace and lasting happiness on Earth? (Yes, Master.) So, don’t keep asking me, “Do You have any good news?” “Does Master have any solution?” “How can You help save the planet?” Maybe I can, but just this lifetime and then the next lifetime, they continue to do all these cruel things to each other and to the animal-people, then they will never have peace. Then, sooner or later, the world will be kaput again, the Earth will burst again, will explode again, the way They told me. (Understand, Master.) They said the Earth will be swollen and explode, and the lava, I forgot the word They said, but it means lava, the hot molten or something, They called it. […]
The melting stone and the melting metal from the Earth’s inner parts will explode all over the world and all over the planet, then where would you go? (Yes. Yes, Master.) It will destroy everything in an instant. It’s not just like one or two volcanos. Now we can forget the volcano, it’s just small stuff compared to the thing that will come from the whole Earth, when the Earth’s core inside, the inner side of the Earth, will explode and all the lava, the same like from the volcano, will flow out everywhere. (Oh, no. Understand, Master.)
And now, even the whole of Asia has a lot of trouble with water already. Everywhere we’re having trouble with water. Just some lucky areas don’t have trouble, but the Earth is drying up already. I guess it’s not just climate change, it is the Earth’s heating system coming out nearer to the surface. (Understand, Master.) And then something maybe is already broken underneath the Earth’s crust. So the water from the rivers and the lakes also runs down into this molten, 10,000 degrees Celsius heat and then it will be nothing. The water goes down there and becomes just nothing. (Yes, Master.)
And the scientists just discovered recently that the Earth’s molten rocks or metal come nearer and nearer to the Earth’s crust. They just discovered that, maybe just in one place, but they cannot discover every place and maybe in some other place, it’s already too near to our surface. You hear the urgency of the situation? (Yes. Yes, Master.) So don’t keep asking me, calling me, telling me, to save the planet. I would, if I can. But it’s teamwork between myself, the Heavens, and the Earthling people – but they don’t do anything to help me.
Just like a doctor cannot help the patient if they don’t take the advice, if they don’t take the medicine prescribed to them. (Understand. Yes, Master.) And then they wait until their sickness already became very grave, very serious, and then they have to go for an operation. An operation may work, even then – if the patient cooperates with the doctor. But in some cases, when it’s too serious already, an operation is impossible, and it’s even dangerous. (Yes, Master. Yes.) Is the example clear to you? (Yes, Master. Understand) Can you hear me still? Hallo? (Yes, Master.) Is the doctor/patient example clear to you? (Yes. Yes, Master.) […]
OK, my love. Thank you, even though it’s desperate, thank you for still trying. (Thank You, Master, for trying all the time.) Thank you. Love you. And talk to you maybe next time again. Thank you. (Thank You, Master, for calling. We love You, Master.) God bless. God love. God protect you. (Yes, Master. Thank You, Master. God bless, Master.)
Our immense gratitude to Most Loving Master for Your tireless work, filled with touching bravery and countless sacrifices for the sake of our world and all of its beings. May the Most High abundantly bless the team effort of Yourself and Heavens, that Earthlings must join, to scatter the dark clouds of division and disharmony caused by making war and killing – thus revealing to us the all-embracing Light of peace and virtue. Let us unite in prayer for a positive future, where the vegan lifestyle is espoused by all and the innocent animal-people are safe and free, in God’s Mercy. Wishing Beloved Master serene surroundings, comfort and the best of health, with the kind Protection of all Benevolent Godses.
To hear what else Master shared about the banking system in Europe, and more, please tune in on Tuesday, March 28, 2023, on Between Master and Disciples, for the full broadcast of this conference. Also, for your reference, please check out the previous related Between Master and Disciples conferences, such as:
Heavens’ Revelations About Future World Events
Heavens Assist Those on the Benevolent Vegan Path
Appreciate God’s Leniency and Listen to Hiers Commandments
Pray for World Liberation
Last Call to Turn Vegan and Repent Sincerely
Noteworthy News / Fly-in News
Humans Must Cooperate and Be Vegan for Lasting Peace and Happiness, Mar. 6, 2023
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(Why does the UK not want to rejoin the EU, and why have they left the EU?) […] According to a report, they prefer to be independent and the British people don’t like to be controlled too much. […] Whatever the problem between the British and European Union is, they have to sort it out, not try to so-called like harass the British people just because they got out of the European Union. That’s just not fair and it’s a bad reputation. […] The British have been living alone before the European Union ever existed, and they always are OK. (Yes.) They have always been OK, so they don’t care about joining anybody, and if there’s too much regulation or rules, and whatever is new to them restricts their freedom, then I cannot blame them if they don’t want to stay with the European Union. […]
(Master, is there any good news for 2027?) Oh, I’m sorry. I wish, I wish we had. No, no. (Oh!) It’s bad news, but I just didn’t want to tell. […] The vision is the Earth will… this is exactly what They told me: “The Earth will be swollen.” You hear me now, yeah? Swollen. (Yes, Master.) And then will burst and these hot substances, hot magma, lava, from the Earth will flow out and kill everyone, whoever’s nearby. (Wow! Oh, my God! No!) Will kill a lot of people. (Wow.) […] I guess that is the weapon of karmic poison. (Oh!) And also, other things from the sky will fall down and the Earth will be… I don’t know if the Earth will even exist, not to talk about humans. […]
I said, “Please, can You Guys do something? Make it slow and slow. Give humans some more time to think, to change.” They didn’t answer me. (Wow. So sad.) I’m still thinking of a way, but I’m not sure what. (Understand, Master.) I will do anything, you know that, even if it damages or ruins my body or my reputation, anything I’ll do, but They just don’t give me any options at the moment. Please do pray for all beings – for humans and for all other beings. […] They even told me, […] “God abandoned You. Demons snatched Your world.” That’s what They told me. Exactly Their words. […]
The thing is, I’m still having hope. I’m praying that I can keep that hope alive. But, you see, even if Heaven allows me to have a solution to save the world, I need, I truly need humans’ cooperation. They have to be vegan. They have to make peace. They can’t continue to make war and then expect peace. […] And the world people still continue to kill animal-people and torture them in such a devilish way. So, how will they get permanent peace and lasting happiness on Earth? […]
On Monday, March 6, 2023, while still in Her meditation retreat for the world, our Most Compassionate Supreme Master Ching Hai (vegan) lovingly made time to talk to Supreme Master Television team members. As Master checked on the team’s welfare and comfort, She also graciously answered questions prepared by them regarding the relationship between the United Kingdom and the European Union, as well as shared new important information from Heavens concerning the year 2027 and humanity’s future.
(Hallo, Master.) Hallo. How are you? […] Are you guys alright? Everything’s good? (Yes. Yes, we are good, Master.) Sorry, I don’t have a really good place for you guys at the moment, so just stay there, stay put, because of internet problems. […] We will see… if it goes faster, then you can move. I had to move to another area, and now I don’t have internet. You got to be patient. (Understand, Master.) […]
Alright. Any important things you want to tell me? On the phone only. (We have two questions, Master.) Yeah, tell me quick. (Why does the UK not want to rejoin the EU, and why have they left the EU?) Oh. I did not ask them. According to a report, they prefer to be independent and the British people don’t like to be controlled too much. (Oh, I see. Understand.) I also can understand because after the European Union began, my bank became so strict. Even when I just wanted US$10,000 or €40,000 to give to some charity – they didn’t let me. (Wow!) They said I have to go find a lawyer, because for a long time, I have not been there, I have not withdrawn the money, so I have to find a lawyer, an international guy, whatever. (Oh, understand.) And then, how do I have time to do all that? (Yes, Master.) And I’m not even sure if they will accept whatever explanation. When they accepted my money, they should already know where it comes from, right? Not now. (Right. Yes.) Not many tens of years later, and then ask me to find all the papers to prove it. I don’t have any more papers left. But they should know it, because the money comes from where, where, where. They should have recorded it in their system. (Yes, Master.) […] This is not fair that they just stop my money like that and make me… And takes so much time. […]
I truly don’t have time. What for to be a Master and then get so many obstructions like this? At the moment, I don’t have a lot of money to pay for this, for that. I don’t know what’s next. Maybe that’s the reason the British also don’t like, maybe they also have problems with the bank – money transference and taking out cash. If you just spend like €10,000-plus in one go or send it to somebody as a payment or because you owe him, or because he helped you to buy something, then the bank will ask you for the proof, for the receipt. It’s funny. […] That’s what really bothered me. It’s not fair. My money, I earned it very honestly. […]
I don’t think the idea of having a European Union is a bad idea. It’s quite good. United we stand. It’s just that the people, some of the departments of the European Union, these people who organize something in the European Union system maybe don’t have sufficient IQ or are not trained well enough and mess up the reputation. (Understand.) Because it’s ironic that they are the ones who emphasize no corruption. Recently, one of the vice presidents of the European Union has been in jail for corruption. It’s in the news all over. And they found money, caught red-handed with cash. (Understand.) Maybe a million or more. (Oh, my God.) Truly, the real evidence is there. In my bank account, there’s no evidence of (me) doing anything wrong, and all the money has been legally put in there. (Yes, Master.) Because even before the European Union, if you wanted to put money in the bank, you had to prove it already. (Yes, Master. Understand.) You had to say where it comes from. […] I don’t even have exceedingly a lot of money in the bank. Imagine how many more people have a lot of money in the bank and who have to do international business – how troublesome for them. (Yes. Indeed.) […]
I mean, whatever system, you cannot just blanket all the people like that and demand this kind of impossible task of the client. (Yes, Master. Right.) And if they already know my name and they know who I am and what I’m doing in the world, then they should trust me. (Yes.) Give me my money to spend where I need it. I cannot even, my God. The money I earn is the most honest money ever. (Yes, Master.) If they don’t even know what I do to earn my money, then they should close their bank. Truly. Because normally, the bank, they know how to trace people’s history and their whereabouts, and what they do. They’re allowed to do that. (Yes, Master.) They can get in touch with police records and anything. And they still don’t know who I am and what I’m doing? […] So now, this is a ridiculous thing. Maybe this is one of the many reasons that the British people don’t like to rejoin the European Union. Even though still many people want to for convenience and commercial and economic sake, but still, mostly they don’t want to. (Yes, Master. Understand.) […]
Whatever the problem between the British and European Union is, they have to sort it out, not try to so-called like harass the British people just because they got out of the European Union. That’s just not fair and it’s a bad reputation. For example, the European people can stay in England for six months straight. But the British cannot stay in the European Union for more than three months. (Wow.) They have to leave the European Union for three months and wait until three months later in order to come back for another three months. Six months in the year, you cannot even take it all at once. It’s inconvenient for many people. (Yes, indeed. Yes, Master.) Can you hear now? Hallo? (Yes, Master.) It’s not fair treatment […] since Brexit. It doesn’t seem like a gentlemanly treatment. It’s like vengeance or something, that’s what I heard the British people complain about. (Yes, Master. It’s not fair.) It’s not fair. Not fair, really. So, I don’t know whom to blame either. The British must have their reasons to back out because otherwise why would they do that? It’s better for trading, better for transportation or housing, and many other conveniences, if they are together with the European Union. But I guess they lost trust in the European Union. That’s what I feel, according to what I read in the news. (Yes, Master.) They don’t feel like there’s fair treatment of each other. (Right.)
And I said also before that it is not nice to kick people out after just three months like that. Whereas they themselves, the Europeans, can stay in Britain for six months. (Yes, Master.) And even if they stay longer, or whatever, I never heard that Great Britain kicked any of the European member citizens out of their country. I have not read that anywhere. Maybe I missed it, but I read many times that the European Union really kicked the British out of Europe. (Oh.) I mean they are just citizens, not all of them can decide whatever the politicians do about Britain, about Brexit or not. (Yes, Master.) It’s just very, very unfair and very inconvenient for them. They have to sell their houses. It’s very difficult to go back and forth and they don’t have enough time to even prepare to sell their houses or even to enjoy if they have to keep coming and going on such short notice like that. Because before the European Union existed, many British bought houses or did business in any European country. And now, it’s very difficult for them. Too much paperwork. Too much red tape. (Right.) Who would like that type of attitude between neighbors. (Yes, Master.)
Even if the British want to do Brexit, meaning get out of the European Union, they are not killing anybody. They are not stealing anything from them. (Yes, Master.) They just prefer to be independent. It’s not like a big deal, or criminal, or anything that their citizens should be treated that way. (Yes, Master.) But this world, you can never continue talking enough about what the humans are doing to each other. (Yes, Master.) Not to talk about what they are doing to helpless, defenseless animal co-citizens of the planet. (Yes, Master.)
And the British have been independent ever since you can even remember. And their Royal system, not absolute Royal, but they still have a Royal system, and they’re proud of themselves. They normally don’t bother anybody and don’t like to be controlled. They are their own sovereigns. That’s the problem, I guess. (Yes.) And recently, I heard that they are going to abolish or maybe they abolished already, some of the many rules from the European Union. I guess too many rules, nobody can bear it. (Yes, understand. Yes, Master.)
So, I have told you that I really like countries to group together as a unified entity. It might be better for protection, for the economy, for trading and all that. (Yes. Yes, sure, Master.) But if the rules are too strict and too rigid, then people don’t like it. Then I cannot do anything. I can only suggest or maybe voice my opinion. But people have to live their lives. (Yes, Master. That’s right.) Because the British have been living alone before the European Union ever existed, and they always are OK. (Yes.) They have always been OK, so they don’t care about joining anybody, and if there’s too much regulation or rules, and whatever is new to them restricts their freedom, then I cannot blame them if they don’t want to stay with the European Union. (Yes, Master. Understand, Master.)
Like for example, the war in Ukraine (Ureign), the British Prime Minister went there alone, immediately, no need to ask the European Union Commission or anything. They helped Ukraine (Ureign) almost like immediately when they needed. Otherwise, if you are in the European Union, maybe you have to ask. (Oh, yes. Understand.) For example, like that. And also, they did the (COVID) vaccine first. They didn’t have to ask permission or get agreement from the European Union. Maybe similar things like that happened. They are a proud folk. They can’t be underlings. (Yes, Master.) And they have always been independent and making their own decisions. If they want to rejoin the European Union, they have to vote for it. They have to ask people if they want it. It’s not like the government even can decide anything alone. (Yes, Master.) Or it’s not like the King and the Queen and the Royal Family can decide anything for the British people. (Understand. Yes, Master.) So, are you happy with my answer? (Yes, Master. Thank You, Master.) OK, good, good.
(Master, is there any good news for 2027?) Oh, I’m sorry. I wish, I wish we had. No, no. (Oh!) It’s bad news, but I just didn’t want to tell. For example, I wanted to find out what They meant by weapons of karmic poison to suffocate people. They didn’t answer me directly, but the vision is the Earth will… this is exactly what They told me: “The Earth will be swollen.” You hear me now, yeah? Swollen. (Yes, Master.) And then will burst and these hot substances, hot magma, lava, from the Earth will flow out and kill everyone, whoever’s nearby. (Wow! Oh, my God! No!) Will kill a lot of people. (Wow.) So, They didn’t answer me, but I guess that is the weapon of karmic poison. (Oh!) And also, other things from the sky will fall down and the Earth will be… I don’t know if the Earth will even exist, not to talk about humans. (Wow! So scary! Terrible.)
The inside of the Earth is very hot. (Yes, Master.) And maybe because of karmic consequences, it will come nearer to the crust of the Earth, nearer to the surface, and then it will just explode like that. (Wow!) And recently, I think I read somewhere that scientists have discovered that the hot substance, or lava, from inside the Earth has come nearer to the Earth’s crust – about 100 miles (160 kilometers) away only. (Wow!) And this is too near. (Yes, Master.)
“Media Report from The Cosmos News – Feb. 8, 2023, Narrator: A team of researchers at the University of Texas at Austin (UTA) has found a new layer under Earth’s crust called ‘melt,’ according to a press release. It comprises hot molten rocks and reveals useful insights about our planet’s tectonic plate activity. These plates are constantly moving and their movement is linked to the occurrence of earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions. The newly discovered layer melt is located 100 miles (161 kilometers) under the Earth’s surface and is a part of the asthenosphere. This is the first time scientists have confirmed the existence of this new layer beneath the Earth’s crust. Study author Hua found melt as an anomaly in the asthenosphere. He and his team were studying seismic images of the asthenosphere and discovered a unique molten region whose seismic readings were not at all in relation to the tectonic plate movement. They observed the same anomaly on a global scale and were astonished by the seismic properties of this molten region, which they called melt. The fact it is unrelated to things we know means that maybe it serves an unexplored purpose beneath the Earth’s crust.”
I don’t know how long the Earth’s surface, the Earth’s crust, can hold it. Not just that, and then climate change, or the thawing of the permafrost and methane gas comes out etc., etc., and then the magnetic fields are kind of damaged. And They said there will be more disasters coming.
“Media Report from Future Unity – Jan. 1, 2023, Reporter: For millennia, people across the globe have reported alarming animal behaviors in the run-up to natural disasters. It is said that animals can sense impending danger, sending warning signals to people of the catastrophes that are yet to come. Recently, the falling of hundreds of blackbirds from the sky in Mexico, the bizarre shift in the moving pattern of animals toward high land, the excessive beaching of whales, and a lot of strange changes in animal behaviour across the globe are said to hint towards something very big and bad that is about to happen.”
I said, “Please, can You Guys do something? Make it slow and slow. Give humans some more time to think, to change.” They didn’t answer me. (Wow. So sad.) I’m still thinking of a way, but I’m not sure what. (Understand, Master.) I will do anything, you know that, even if it damages or ruins my body or my reputation, anything I’ll do, but They just don’t give me any options at the moment. Please do pray for all beings – for humans and for all other beings. (Yes, Master.) That’s what I do. And it makes it worse now that I am in a situation where I haven’t even had internet for some days already. (Oh, wow.) […]
Any other questions, comments? Anything you want to say? Is there anywhere that is safe on the Earth right now? Or in the future? I have no idea because They don’t tell me where it will happen. They just say the Earth will be swollen and explode, and all these hot, boiling substances, boiling lava will explode out, will flow out of the Earth’s surface, and will kill people. (Wow.) Because that’s what the collective karma produces. You can’t even blame all the demons because it is the karma that allows them to have the power to destroy our planet and kill humans and other beings. (Yes, understand. Yes, Master.) We are the ones who make all these troubles – war and famine. We spend money on killing instead of healing. We talk of war instead of negotiating for peace. It should not even have to be a negotiation. We live peacefully together. The Earth has so much to offer. But we waste it, we destroy it. People are suffering, hungry and dying, and disease is everywhere because we don’t spend the tax money for the right purposes. You know all that.
And we kill humans and we kill animal-people without blinking our eyes even. So how can anybody even do anything? (Understand, Master.) The Heavens think humans are mad, not worthy to be rescued, not worthy to be taught anything anymore because they don’t listen. Humans don’t listen to wisdom. They don’t listen to righteousness or good teaching. They just do what they want and badly influence each other to do the same bad stuff. (Yes, Master. It’s a pity.) All these days, I have tried many things. I don’t have internet. Maybe Heaven even forbids me to work in that way. (Woah!) OK, whatever. Whatever happens, happens, OK? I do my best. You do your best, and that’s all we can do. Pray. Meditate. (Yes, Master.) The solution is as simple as the fingers on my hand. Be Vegan. Make Peace. Because as you sow, so shall you reap. (Right. Yes, Master.) If you do good things, you get good results. If you make peace, you will have peace. If you be good to others, good things will come to you. It’s very simple logic. Like attracts like. No need to talk big about anything else. It’s no big thing. (Understand, Master. Yes, Master.) If you plant apple seeds, you have apple trees. But how come humans don’t understand all this? And they’re harming themselves, they’re poisoning themselves. They’re really, really destroying life on this beautiful planet.
We have to see. Maybe one day, Heaven will let me know any solution, any sacrifice I can do. Right now, nothing. (Wow. Yes, Master.) Sorry about that. I’m also very sorry, but my crying doesn’t help and my prayers don’t seem to be effective anymore. They even told me, “God abandoned You,” meaning the planet, the world. (Woah.) “God abandoned the world and demons seized…” oh, “snatched” – that’s Their word. (Woah.) “God abandoned You. Demons snatched Your planet.” (Oh. Wow.) “Your world.” They said, “Your world.” “God abandoned You. Demons snatched Your world.” That’s what They told me. Exactly Their words. (So sad.)
And even the Moon is getting further and further away from us. (Oh.) Not just the gods abandoned us, but the Moon even is getting away from us. We have only bad news these days. You know, the Moon was in a favorable position for our planet. If the Moon wasn’t in that favorable fixed place, then we wouldn’t exist. (Yes, Master.) We wouldn’t exist as a planet. And it wouldn’t be so favorable and abundant like the way we have. And now the Moon is moving further and further away, so who knows what might happen. (Understand, Master. Yes, Master.) The Cosmos’ balance will be disturbed. And then God knows where we’re going.
“Media Report from Future Unity – Feb. 20, 2023, Narrator: NASA is predicting record flooding on Earth due to the shifting of the Moon. Even though separated by hundreds of thousands of kilometers, the Moon has huge effects on the Earth. In fact, scientists have claimed life would be completely different on Earth without the effect of the Moon. The Apollo Laser experiments proved that the Moon is receding at a rate of two inches or five centimeters per year. The distance between the Earth and the Moon grew while their spins shrank. And according to NASA, rising sea levels caused by climate change, combined with the influence of the lunar nodal cycle will result in a dramatic increase in the number of high-tide floods soon. Benjamin Hamlington, a research scientist and a leader of NASA’s sea level change science team, studies how sea levels respond to both the natural and human actions and what this means. According to Hamlington, these floods exacerbated by the Moon, will damage infrastructure and alter coastlines. Flooding will increase four-fold. Since the lunar nodal cycle affects every location on the planet, and sea levels are rising everywhere, we will see an increase in high-tide floods all over the world.
And it’s not just humans that will bear the effects of these floods. The lunar nodal cycle may present many challenges for humans, but it poses an existential threat to wildlife and coastal ecosystems. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has carried out a study of what rising sea level means. Interestingly, the results coincide with the effects and timeline of the Moon’s wobbling. And as you can expect, floods caused by today’s sea levels, weather patterns, and infrastructure are expected to occur more than ten times as frequently in the next 30 years. This new data on sea rise is the latest confirmation that the climate crisis is flashing code red. There will be a high human price because 40% of the population of the United States lives within 60 miles (97 kilometers) of our coastlines.”
That’s worrisome. It’s not just worrisome, we could say fatal. Fatal to us, to all life. (Yes, Master.) Not to talk about lava would be streaming out of the Earth’s crust and then would be all over the planet. Where would you go? (Yes, Master. We’d have nowhere to go.) Nowhere. We have only one planet A. No planet B. Even if you have an airplane, you don’t even know where to go. (Yes, Master.) You would never know when this lava would burst out anywhere. It could be doing it everywhere at the same time, on purpose, by the force of the demons, and they direct it wherever they want. Oh, my God. (Understand, Master.)
So, I don’t know when the humans will wake up and take the medicine, the simple medicine. My God. Anything you eat – any vegetable, anything from the vegetable kingdom, even one single thing is enough to sustain you. (Yes, Master.) A lot of nutrition. I talked about that before already, but I can say it again. All the vegetables carry enough nutrition for you to live comfortably, healthily and intelligently and there will not be the need for any medicine. Humans are damaging their DNA and making themselves weaker and weaker and less and less resistant to the attack in the air. (Right. Yes, Master.) It’s terrible. So, I hope that Heaven will be lenient, I mean good Heaven, highest Heaven, to give us more leniency or at least give me some solution. No matter what, I’ll do it. I don’t have any at the moment. (Yes, Master. We hope so.)
OK, my love. Anything else? (No, Master. We hope we still can get through this time.) You what? (We hope we can get through this hard time, Master.) I do hope also. Because some good Positive Force Representative also told me, “Don’t lose Your hope to save Your world.” I’m still waiting for this solution and anything else I can do, but at the moment, no. If there’s something, I’ll tell you. Or maybe I’m not allowed to tell you, but if you see the world getting better and has less disasters, or more people become vegan, then you’ll know, I have had a solution, but I was not allowed to tell you. (Yes, Master.)
But even then, it’s a thankless job. If the world goes down, then all people die. Nobody can say anything. And they may say, “Oh, Master Ching Hai was right.” What for I want to be right? I don’t want to be right. And if everything goes smoothly, and we have peace and vegan, and the world doesn’t explode, then they would think, “Oh, Master Ching Hai told lies. See, nothing happened to us. We’re OK.” So, I’m just fed up to tell anything. (Yes, understand, Master.) I just have to tell you because I have disciples, I have to care for them. I have to be responsible. That’s all. (Thank You, Master.) Otherwise, I didn’t even want to say anything because whatever I say, they can twist it or explain it in a different way. And I’m the only one that loses. (Understand, Master. Yes, understand.) Whatever happens, I’m just the loser in their explanation, their opinion. Doesn’t matter, we never need to win or anything. I just hope the world will get better and everybody has peace and love. That’s all. (Yes, we hope so. Yes, Master.)
Thank you for everything that you’re doing for the world. We’re still having to try. And the thing is, I’m still having hope. I’m praying that I can keep that hope alive. But, you see, even if Heaven allows me to have a solution to save the world, I need, I truly need humans’ cooperation. They have to be vegan. They have to make peace. They can’t continue to make war and then expect peace. You hear what I’m saying? (Yes, Master.) As we sow, so shall we reap. You cannot just make war and expect peace. Even if I have a solution, humans have to give me assistance, help and cooperation – otherwise, it might not work. (Understand, Master.) It might happen that I, maybe, with Heavens’ assistance and God’s blessing, can save maybe a couple of, or maybe several areas or several countries’ areas, but it’s not possible to save everyone and the whole planet if the Earth bursts out. Even if just in some specific place, and not the whole world, not the whole Earth bursts out, still, we will not be able to recover quickly. And the world people still continue to kill animal-people and torture them in such a devilish way.
“Excerpt from ‘The Great Meat Debate’ (2023) DW Documentary, Reporter: Almost every chick’s life begins with the removal of part of the upper beak.
Friedrich Mülln (vegan): Putting a sow in a narrow cage where she can’t even turn around, chaining a cow – it’s all forbidden. This is actually a clear violation of the Animal Welfare Act, which prohibits mutilation. There’s a specific paragraph that states this clearly. You’re not allowed to cut off testicles, cut off tails, cut off ears, grind off teeth, cut off the beak. Yet it’s done again and again. There are millions of exemptions. The suffering that we inflict on animals, we can’t even imagine it. Not in our worst fantasies, not in the most horrific horror movie.
Reporter: Just since you tuned in, 9,200 cattle have been killed on the planet. Every second, nine more are added. In the same amount of time, 19,400 turkeys, 33,300 sheep and goats, 42,200 pigs, 105,000 ducks and 2.3 million chickens have been slaughtered – all in the last 16 minutes and 41 seconds. If we stacked on top of one another all the animals we kill and eat in a year, we would reach the moon and back 40 times. Fish die in such large numbers that we only measure them in tons.
Tobias Leenaert (vegan): It’s one of the biggest, if not the biggest, moral problem of our time.
Reporter: Nine out of ten people in Europe eat meat.
Tobias Leenaert (vegan): This problem has in itself the solution to many other problems.
Reporter: To satisfy the world’s appetite for meat, we have created a gigantic global industry.
Gary Francione: We kill and eat more animals in a year than the number of human beings who’ve ever lived on the planet from whenever we crawled out of the swamps.
Reporter: With devastating consequences for the Earth’s ecosystem and for billions of living beings.”
So, how will they get permanent peace and lasting happiness on Earth? (Yes, Master.) So, don’t keep asking me, “Do You have any good news?” “Does Master have any solution?” “How can You help save the planet?” Maybe I can, but just this lifetime and then the next lifetime, they continue to do all these cruel things to each other and to the animal-people, then they will never have peace. Then, sooner or later, the world will be kaput again, the Earth will burst again, will explode again, the way They told me. (Understand, Master.) They said the Earth will be swollen and explode, and the lava, I forgot the word They said, but it means lava, the hot molten or something, They called it. […]
The melting stone and the melting metal from the Earth’s inner parts will explode all over the world and all over the planet, then where would you go? (Yes. Yes, Master.) It will destroy everything in an instant. It’s not just like one or two volcanos. Now we can forget the volcano, it’s just small stuff compared to the thing that will come from the whole Earth, when the Earth’s core inside, the inner side of the Earth, will explode and all the lava, the same like from the volcano, will flow out everywhere. (Oh, no. Understand, Master.)
And now, even the whole of Asia has a lot of trouble with water already. Everywhere we’re having trouble with water. Just some lucky areas don’t have trouble, but the Earth is drying up already. I guess it’s not just climate change, it is the Earth’s heating system coming out nearer to the surface. (Understand, Master.) And then something maybe is already broken underneath the Earth’s crust. So the water from the rivers and the lakes also runs down into this molten, 10,000 degrees Celsius heat and then it will be nothing. The water goes down there and becomes just nothing. (Yes, Master.)
And the scientists just discovered recently that the Earth’s molten rocks or metal come nearer and nearer to the Earth’s crust. They just discovered that, maybe just in one place, but they cannot discover every place and maybe in some other place, it’s already too near to our surface. You hear the urgency of the situation? (Yes. Yes, Master.) So don’t keep asking me, calling me, telling me, to save the planet. I would, if I can. But it’s teamwork between myself, the Heavens, and the Earthling people – but they don’t do anything to help me.
Just like a doctor cannot help the patient if they don’t take the advice, if they don’t take the medicine prescribed to them. (Understand. Yes, Master.) And then they wait until their sickness already became very grave, very serious, and then they have to go for an operation. An operation may work, even then – if the patient cooperates with the doctor. But in some cases, when it’s too serious already, an operation is impossible, and it’s even dangerous. (Yes, Master. Yes.) Is the example clear to you? (Yes, Master. Understand) Can you hear me still? Hallo? (Yes, Master.) Is the doctor/patient example clear to you? (Yes. Yes, Master.) […]
OK, my love. Thank you, even though it’s desperate, thank you for still trying. (Thank You, Master, for trying all the time.) Thank you. Love you. And talk to you maybe next time again. Thank you. (Thank You, Master, for calling. We love You, Master.) God bless. God love. God protect you. (Yes, Master. Thank You, Master. God bless, Master.)
Our immense gratitude to Most Loving Master for Your tireless work, filled with touching bravery and countless sacrifices for the sake of our world and all of its beings. May the Most High abundantly bless the team effort of Yourself and Heavens, that Earthlings must join, to scatter the dark clouds of division and disharmony caused by making war and killing – thus revealing to us the all-embracing Light of peace and virtue. Let us unite in prayer for a positive future, where the vegan lifestyle is espoused by all and the innocent animal-people are safe and free, in God’s Mercy. Wishing Beloved Master serene surroundings, comfort and the best of health, with the kind Protection of all Benevolent Godses.
To hear what else Master shared about the banking system in Europe, and more, please tune in on Tuesday, March 28, 2023, on Between Master and Disciples, for the full broadcast of this conference. Also, for your reference, please check out the previous related Between Master and Disciples conferences, such as:
Heavens’ Revelations About Future World Events
Heavens Assist Those on the Benevolent Vegan Path
Appreciate God’s Leniency and Listen to Hiers Commandments
Pray for World Liberation
Last Call to Turn Vegan and Repent Sincerely
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