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Visits to Hell, Part 5 — The Holy Names Are A True Protection


 (I had an inner experience in which I visited a hell realm. There were many beings who looked very fierce, and it seemed like they wanted to eat me alive. And I realized also that there were three, four fellow initiates beside me. I said to them, “Let’s recite the Holy Names.” And I recited with them. After that, those beings’ faces changed, and they knelt down and bowed to us. I would like to thank Master very much for granting me the Holy Names. Since then, my faith was strengthened. I would like to thank You, Master.) You are welcome. Good!

I have told you that the Holy Names are very, very important, very powerful. Even if you are in hell, if you remember it, you will be released. Remember that? Yes. The names of the five Gods of the Five Worlds… Within the Five Worlds, They are kings. So anybody hears Their names, they really bow down. Then nobody can touch you. It’s a real protection, not just in physical life but in hell and in Heaven, anywhere, whatever universe you go.
Please treasure it. Even if you don’t have the experience like your brother there, do believe me. Yes? (Yes.) I have no reason to tell you not-truth.

Be vegan, Repentant = Save your soul!

Each of Master’s disciples has similar, different or more inner spiritual experiences and/or outer world blessings; these are just some samples. Usually we keep them to ourselves, as per Master’s advice.

To watch and download more testimonies, please visit

Visits to Hell, Part 4 – Hell’s Cauldron
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I can attest that when Master says, “Those who eat meat will go to hell,” that is the absolute truth. One midnight, as I was wrapping up my meditation session, I received a message from my inner Master, saying: “You should pay a visit to hell to learn the work of a Bodhisattva and help the beings there.” My inner Master then transported me to hell. Her Supreme Power protected me from the hellfires, which would have scorched a practitioner of my level. It also freed me of fear. I was escorted to one of the hells by Earth Store Bodhisattva. Here, the wrongdoers were forced to run as fast as they could on a huge spinning black iron wheel, which resembled a waterwheel. The moment they failed to keep up with the speed of the wheel, they would fall into a cauldron of boiling soup on a roaring fire and get cooked to smithereens.
Following Master’s instructions, I recited the Five Holy Names and the Gift. As I did so, Master’s immense power enabled those beings to free themselves from the wheel. They then knelt in front of me. I asked them: “How did you fall into this hell?” They said: “In our previous life, we ate large amounts of flesh of hunted animals and captured fish. They experienced great terror when they were hunted. They tried to flee, but there was no escape. They were captured, slaughtered, and cooked to mush in a pot. As a consequence of eating their flesh, we fell into hell’s cauldron, having to flee and be cooked repeatedly.” I explained to them: “The karmic toll of meat-eating is extremely heavy. People only dare to eat meat because they don’t know what awaits them.” I exhorted them to be sure to adopt a vegan lifestyle and do good deeds in their next incarnation. They then followed Master out of hell, on the path to a new life. Yet, even as I spoke, I could see many meat-eaters arrive from above, falling one after another into hell, all stark naked. Alas, as the scriptures say: “Hell shall never be empty.”
Then, I felt a twinge in my left arm. I looked down and saw that my left sleeve had blown up to an enormous size. Innumerable hell beings were tucked in the sleeve to be rescued from hell. As it turns out, hell beings can shrink and be rescued that way.
Amazed, I reveled in the magnanimity and boundless compassion of Master and Earth Store Bodhisattva, who extend their help to the suffering sentient beings. In the next instant, I was back in hell singing praises of the two great Saints. I had only uttered a few words of praise when I heard a series of startlingly loud clangs. Lo and behold, it was the sound of the iron walls of several adjacent hell chambers crumbling under the power of exaltation of the Saints! At the same time, a pure, effervescent spring gushed forth from the dark ground of hell, forming a lotus pond. Countless gold and white lotuses grew in the pond and bloomed instantaneously. The lotus flowers grew larger and larger, glowing in beautiful splendor. Even golden lotuses can bloom in hell, under the infinite power and merit of our beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai and Earth Store Bodhisattva. Their greatness is truly beyond human comprehension!

Be vegan, Repentant = Save your soul!

Each of Master’s disciples has similar, different or more inner spiritual experiences and/or outer world blessings; these are just some samples. Usually we keep them to ourselves, as per Master’s advice.

To watch and download more testimonies, please visit

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The Way to Go to Heaven, October 4, 2021

Host: On Monday, October 4, 2021, in a work-related phone call with Supreme Master Television team members, our Most Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai graciously commented and shed light on some recent news from Afghanistan, including one tragic event in Kabul.

“Media Report from DW Oct.3, 2021: …in Afghanistan where several people have been killed in a bomb blast outside a well-known mosque. The explosion happened as mourners gathered at the Eidgah Mosque complex for the funeral of a senior Taliban official’s mother.”

[…] (On October 3, a roadside bomb was detonated outside the entrance of a mosque in Kabul,) Oh! (and at least five civilians lost their lives and others were wounded.) Who did it? No one has claimed responsibility for the bombing. […] No one came forward. No one admitted that they did it. (Yes.) Oh, cowards.
Why did they have to kill civilians? They have suffered enough already. […] Afghanistan suffered too much already. And then recently, just too many changes and too many things they have to deal with, and too scared already to even go out of their house. (Yes.) And now, somebody has to even sneak up on them like that, innocent people. (Yes.) I think they are cowards. They must be one of those so-called terrorist groups. They are not Muslim. I told you already. They’re not Muslim. (Yes. They are not.) They’re just murderers. They’re just ambitious or stuff. […]
This is terrible. Because many of the so-called terrorist groups, they also abuse the Islamic teaching, because Islam means peace. (Yes.) And they use the Koran or the Hadith. Hadith are recorded stories of the disciples with the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him forever. […] In the Hadith, some people asked the Prophet what can they do to earn more merit to go to Heaven and all that. (Yes.) And the Prophet’s answer is: one of the acts they should do is the Jihad, spiritual Jihad. (Yes.) Means fighting for the spiritual understanding. But that doesn’t mean go out and fight with other people or kill people at random like that, innocent people. (Yes.) […]
Jihad, spiritual fight, doesn’t mean go killing people. Just like when I told you some time ago, or many times, I say, “Oh, I’m still here, alive, fighting for you.” That doesn’t mean I go out and fight with anybody. (Understand.) I’m just like fighting with Heaven, trying to reduce the sentence for the humans on this planet, so They don’t give them such a severe sentence. And sometimes I make a joke with you, I say, “Oh, this is my spiritual weapon,” like my shoes, my clothes, stuff like that. […] And if you don’t see the video, you’ll think I’m talking about like knives or guns, whatever. Never! We don’t have anything like that. (For sure.) […]

They’ve been brainwashed too long, since generations already. (Yes.) You know, one blind leads another blind, and they both fall down, (Yes, exactly.) because they did not understand what the Prophet was teaching. And they even inserted one or two sentences in there, in the name of the Prophet, said the Prophet said this, the Prophet said that, that you have to kill them and all that. No! Never! All the Masters, all the Prophets, They take the precept of nonviolence: “Thou shall not kill.” That’s the number one in their tenets. […]
All the Prophets know that; all the Masters know that. So, the Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be Upon Him, would have never uttered anything that incites violence against other people.
And the infidels are those who maybe betray Muslims, or just come in and then come out, and maybe talk bad about them. But that doesn’t mean that they have to kill them. (Yes.) […]
The most is that they excommunicate. (Yes.) Excommunicate, that’s all. Buddha also said like that. If somebody is bad for the group or for the sangha, then just alienate them. That’s all. Until they become better, (Yes.) if they will. But killing is never a tenet of any religion. […] And not in our group in any case. Nonviolence, Ahimsa is the universal law that we abide by. […]
And even God gives humans free will. (Yes. Yes.) So how can we as a human dare to force some belief on somebody else by even using violent means to coerce them, or to threaten them, or to frighten them into believing in our own religion? (Yes.) […]
Even if Jihad means “kill the infidel” ‒ supposed to be ‒ “infidel” means the bad people, or the people who betray Muslims, for example, these people they killed in Kabul just recently now or before at the airport, they are innocent. (Definitely.) They have done nothing to Muslims, nothing wrong. So they’re not the “infidels.” The ones who killed them are infidels because they make a bad name. (Yes.) Blacken the name of a peaceful, great religion like Islam. […]
It’s very, very sad. Very sad. (Yes, Master.) Even if I’m not like an official Muslim, but I’m very, very sad because I know it’s a great religion. (Yes. Yes. It is.) It is, yes, yes. And they teach people to do good things, to be charitable, and to be a good guest on Earth, even. And during Ramadan, they go out, do charity and all that. (True.) But that’s all they should do, helping each other, helping the neighbors, helping the needy – not killing the innocent. (No.) Anybody who misunderstands Islam, they should wake up. […]

There is one sentence in the Koran or maybe Hadith. The Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be Upon Him, is supposed to have said that, “Go and fight them and strike their neck,” and all that. That’s not what He said. (Yes.) I told you already there was somebody who tried to advise the government that they have to put that in the Koran, because he faked it, he said he is a friend of the Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be On Him. And then saying that he heard the Prophet say that during the time of the persecution. But the government kept hunting them, not the Prophet and His disciples. They were all hiding. (Yes, yes.)
Maybe the only thing that’s so-called fighting is that they shielded their families and the Prophet and other members. (Yes.) Somebody would stand there and stop the massacre. Stop there, sacrifice there, just do something… (They just protect themselves.) That’s right, just to protect them, and so the other ones can escape while they are delaying the forward running of the soldiers or authority at that time. (Yes.) So somebody died, sacrificed for that. And of course, the Prophet would say, “These people would go to Heaven,” because they fought for a spiritual reason. (Yes, yes.) That’s for sure. But they did not go out and fight or anything. They just sacrificed so others could escape. (Yes.) […]
It’s not easy, not easy to be a Master in any time, not just for this time. This time, already very, very good. Very, very good. Compared to the time of Buddha, Jesus, Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be Upon Him, and the time of the Sikh Masters. And, and, and… before that. (Yes, now we have Supreme Master TV, we can spread the information.) Yeah, you’re right, you’re right. But still, there are some people who don’t understand it, even if you told them in the face. (Yes.) Evidently is that we keep telling people, “Please be vegan because it helps your health, helps your soul, liberates you, and helps the planet,” how many people listen? (Understand.) So, you spread the news or information, it depends on luck or the karma of the whole world, whether or not people listen. (That’s true.) Therefore, we still have to work very hard. But thank God that we still can work. (Yes. Yes.) We work very hard but we are grateful that we can still work. I’m grateful every day. Every day I’m thanking for all the support from Heaven and Earth, visible and invisible. (Hope they can wake up soon.) Yeah, we pray. We pray and we hope. That’s what it is. What else to do? (Yes.) That’s how we fight. That’s our Jihad. Our Supreme Master Television is our weapon. And we are Jihadists. Good ones, good ones. We are good Jihadists, saintly. Vegan Jihadists. Nonviolent Jihadists. True Jihadists. (Yes. Yes.) […]

(Initially, when the Taliban took over Afghanistan, they said women and girls need to stay at home until approved to go to school and university. Later, the Taliban said they would be letting women and girls) Can go. (return to school. Recently, a tweet was falsely attributed to the chancellor of Kabul University. It stated that women would be barred from the university for work and study. A Taliban spokesperson confirmed that it was a fake Twitter account and told the media outlet Axios that, “Women have right to access [Of course!] to education and work …”
Yes, yes. In Islam, it says that knowledge is a fundamental right or something like that for all Muslims, meaning it’s required even. (Yes.) […]
Originally, they said men and women have to be separate in the university. So I said, “OK, OK, why not? As long as they can study.” But I don’t know what’s the fuss. Because the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, He taught both men and women. […] He taught both, equally. (Definitely.) And all the writings in either the Koran or Hadith exalted women, saying how great they are. And women were very, very much respected and revered in Muslim original teachings. […]
So, right now they can go to school. (Yes, yes.) It’s supposedly saying something like, because they don’t have enough women professors or teachers. But the more they forbid, the more they won’t have. (True.) If they forbid the women more, then they don’t have any more skilled workers to take care of the women in their country. (Yes, Master) The women can be their mother, their grandmother, their wife, their sisters, their daughters. So, women are important. (Yes. Definitely.) They have to let the women go to school, go to university, and that is correct so. (Yes.)
You cannot avoid women, we are everywhere. And we must learn something to contribute to the prosperity and development and progress of the country. (Yes, Master.) Women are beautiful, very smart and very capable, and also more detailed than men in most cases. So women are a very important part of the society. Any country that looks down upon women or prohibits women in any way, will never develop well, (Yes, agree.) and will stay underdeveloped, or like some other centuries ago. […]
Nowadays they drive. The women, they drive, they fly over you. They go anywhere. Most countries are like that, even in the poor country, women are free. (Yes.) They drive all over the planet. Nobody can stop them. Because if any government tries to stop the women, sooner or later, it will boil over and there will be a revolution. (Yes.) It’s even worse than before. (Exactly.) So, any smart government, including Muslim governments, must let women free. […]
And to separate the men and women ‒ women sit on one side, men sit on one side, […] it’s just common sense. (Yes, Master.) Comfort. It’s not like a sin or anything. (No.) And some of the Muslim groups, they make it such a big deal. Like a sin. And go out, have to cover ‒ this is all not correct. (Yes.) It was correct during the Prophet’s life, because it was war. […]

Even if the Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be Upon Him, said something like, “Go out, strike their neck until they die,” even if the Master said that, it was in the war. […]
But it’s somebody who put it in there, so that the government at that time had the excuse to persecute any Muslim they wanted. […]
So one of the persons inserted that and said, “The Prophet said that, so you have to go out and kill whomever, so-called infidels.” It’s not like that. (Yes.) Even if he said that in the moment of anguish, He said that to the so-called infidels, the enemy, the one who killed His disciples for no reason, killed the innocent, saintly disciples of His, or killed His family. In the time of anguish, maybe He uttered that, as a human emotion. Even then, you cannot apply it now ‒ because there’s no war. (That’s right.)
It’s their own people and they just want peace now. They’re not doing anything. (The terrorists) just go out in the supermarket or in the square and detonate a bomb like that! This is hell. […]
They are following Satan and devils. They are not following the Prophet. I’m not afraid to tell you that, because the truth I have to tell. Otherwise, they’ll go on killing people. These people, the ones who organized all these random murderings of the innocent, should go to jail forever. (For sure.) Don’t ever let them out and harm the innocent again. […]

And also, if the Taliban are short of women professors because of maybe brain drain, maybe they forbid too much before, so not too many women can become educated greatly, and poor country and all that… So they are short of women professionals in many fields. (Yes. Yes.) They should not continue to do this strict law or forbid women to do this, do that. Because I saw it on one of the news somewhere that the Taliban supposedly said that the only job women can do in the government is to clean the toilets. For the women toilets. That’s it. So, all the government women workers before are not allowed to go back in the office and do their job.
I don’t know if the men can do everything, without the help of any woman. (Yes.) Even in the police before, they had policewomen. And now, I’m not sure anymore. If you want to search a woman, you must have a woman police. No? (Yes. Yes.) If you want to talk to a woman customer or somebody who wants to apply for the government woman, then they need a woman to interview them. (Understand.) If they really think women and men should be separated, then they must have women! (Yes.) In order to be separated in different kinds of fields and work. (Yes.)
But in the hospital, you cannot separate the women doctors and men doctors. It doesn’t work like that. (No.) You can’t. Because even women and men, or men and men, they have different fields. They specialize in different things. So this is ridiculous to be always separate between men and women. It won’t work in the society. (Exactly.) It’s not practical, it’s not doable, it’s not workable. (Yes.) They’re just making the country more backwards, more bankrupt. […]

Master also touched on the current legislative activities of the United States leadership, as their outcomes affect many innocent lives, while also further explaining how the demons’ influence is harming the country.

[…] Everything he wants to do, this Biden, it’s to do with death, so that the demons can eat them. (Yes.) So he wants to even kill all the babies like that, so they die in agony in the woman’s womb, or get flushed out, and that’s how the demons can eat them. And the more they can eat them, the more they are powerful. Just like you eat so you’re strong, (Yes.) the humans. If you have no food, then you’ll be weak. So, all the Afghan deaths and bombing, killing the whole family, including seven children, that’s also according to the zealous demons’ dictation.
You see the new abortion law? (Yes, yes.) Supporting-abortion law. So that all the babies can die, and then the humans are also getting weaker, morally, spiritually farther from God. And the demons can feast on these unborn babies. (Yes, understand.) So, everything to do with Biden is all death, death, death. If it’s not zealous demons, then what else? […]
The Democrats said the reason why he let the Mexicans in so easily is because he “loves” children. If he loved children, he wouldn’t want to pass the law to kill all the children, Americans’ children! Why do you take pity on Mexican children and not American children? (That’s right.) They are going to be children in a few months, if they have a chance! They’re just babies in the womb. (Yes, understand.) And they’re Americans! He’s killing your citizens! You hear that? (Yes.) And makes a devilish example for all the other countries in the world. […] And then, […] let everybody else, from every country, don’t even know who, don’t care who, ##just let them in with all kinds of diseases, (Yes, that’s right.) not just COVID-19. (Yes.) So all this is causing trouble and death for your people. And this is all for demons to eat if they die. (Terrible.) Yeah, terrible. It’s demonic. (Yes.) That’s why I’m all out for it. Not because of Trump or anything. (Yes, understand.)
I feel so sorry for the Americans. They have been robbed in many ways that they don’t even know. […] And the bill that Biden asked to sign right now, and nobody wants to sign, it’s included; they want to take some of that trillion-dollar money to pay for abortions. More food for the demons. […]
And about the abortion that they want to pay for, this comes from tax money. […]
Doesn’t matter if they took the money from the public and paid for the private abortions. It’s not about private or public. It’s just that abortion is a great sin. (Yes.) And anybody who supports it will be punished in hell for murdering, especially killing humans. (Yes.) And then whoever’s involved in it, even the innocent taxpayers, will also be punished. (Oh!) That is the problem. (Yes.) And then the whole America, Americans, will be in bad judgment, especially now it’s judgment time. […] It’s not just about the bill and the money. […] This is the thing people don’t understand. I hope they hear me. (Yes.) […]
So, more darkness for your country, more weakened strength of your citizens’ population. Just take in anybody, or smugglers, and child abusers, or drugs, whatever, but kill your innocent citizens. (That’s not right.) […]
Americans have enough money, even if you don’t have adoption anywhere, you still can have an orphanage. I mean, governmental orphanage. (Ah, yes.) And raise them up, educate them, and release them out into the world as nurses, as doctors, as engineers, as astronauts, as scientists, as inventors, whatever. (Understand.) They’re killing all this potential which will be good for your country, and they’re your own people. I mean, who else can defend your country more than your own people? (That’s right.) Not the Mexicans, not the Hondurans, not the whatever else you say. Because blood is thicker than water. (Yes.) You’re born in America, of course you defend for your country, you work for your country. You feel you belong there. (Yes.) As a child already. (Understand.) […]
Because they’re orphans, they’re even more motivated. (Yes.) From childhood already, they will learn more, they will be more strong, they will be more resilient, they will be more motivated to be someone. […]
You never know whom you kill (Yes, that’s right.) in the womb. They might be an excellent doctor. They may be another Tesla. (Yes.) They may be another Armstrong for space. (A new Einstein.) Or Einstein. Or might be another Buddha, or maybe another Saint. […]

“Reporter(f): Did you ever find or look for your birth mother? (Yes. I did. She’s incredible, incredible person. And when I met her, she said, “Can you forgive me?” And I said, “Forgive you? You gave me… You gave me life. And my [adoptive] parents, Jeannie and Jerry, gave me a life, the chance at a life.” And I’m so grateful for her.)”

Suppose all the mothers kill the children up to now when they’re not convenient. Whom are we living with now? What kind of dark age are we still in, (Yes.) without new generations with new ideas, new brainpower? (Yes, understand.) So this is really wicked, evil, and he (Biden) is not for your country, he is really killing your country. […]

(Master, if Master is supposed to be unconditional and God is supposed to be unconditional and forgiving, why do You demand people to be vegan and repentant in order to save them?)
I don’t demand. I just point the way. It’s like if you want to go to the south, I will say, “That way.” “You go through this section, you go to that junction, and then you will see the highway, it points to the south”. […]
What for I demand you or anybody to eat vegan? What’s in it for me? (Nothing.) Maybe compassion for the animals and the consequence for humans, of course. But even if I don’t have any compassion for you or anybody, or I don’t feel sorry for the animals, even then, that is the way ‒ regardless of my emotion, my position. That is a way to go south. (Yes.) I don’t have to like you, you are a stranger, you ask me the way to California, I point you that way: “First, you have to go through that way. And then if you don’t have petrol, then you must fill your tank.” That’s not a demand from my part. It’s for you (Yes, that’s right.) to go there. (Yes.) So, it’s like that. […]
Everything in this physical world has some so-called condition. It’s not the condition from Master. The Master is always unconditional. God is unconditional and forgiving, too. Even if God forgives you everything, you still need to go to hell – because you’re going that way. (Yes. OK.) You are attracting the energy of hell to you. […]
So, even God forgives you, you still go to hell if you eat meat or if you kill animals or partake in it, (Oh, wow.) partake in the murder. And even if you just pay taxes and the government uses it to subsidize the animal industry or to kill the babies in abortion, then, you still need to pay that. (Oh, wow.) Maybe a little less than the ones who organize it or create the law, but still you must pay. […]
Killing, eating animals […] is the way to go direct to hell. That’s the road to hell. (Yes.) That is the universal arrangement. […]
Killing is a grave sin and you have to pay for it. […]
So that’s why I urgently urge everybody to eat vegan, not so that I can be fat or healthy, […] it is for them to rescue themselves, to give an excuse (to be rescued). (Yes, Master.) But they have to be vegan and sincere, because that’s the way, it’s the right way to go! (Yes.) […]
There are ways to go to Heaven, there are ways to go to hell, there are ways to go back to the human’s world, there are ways to go to animals’ world. (Yes.) Your choice will affect your future, (Yes, Master.) and affect the present even. Because you eat meat, you will get sick. That’s the immediate karma. And the future karma is hell, worse than sickness. (Yes.)
In this world, if you’re sick nowadays, you still have doctors and nurses and medicine and things to help you. (Yes.) Or operate under anesthesia, you don’t feel pain. In hell, no anesthesia. Pain, pain and pain ‒ and raw and hundred, ten thousand times, or million times. (Gosh.) And you can’t escape. You can’t run anywhere. […] All you do is just scream and nobody hears you. (Oh, God.) You see why I’m working so hard? (Yes, Master.) […]
Vegan, that’s […] the right way to help yourself, help the world, and go to Heaven. (Yes.) It’s the way to go to Heaven. (Yes. That’s the only way.) Yeah, it’s benevolent. […]
Now you understand. (Understand.) No condition. (Yes, Master.) No condition. God is absolutely unconditional. But if you choose to go in harm’s way, then what to do? Then you will be harmed. (Yes.) That’s it. If you go jump into the fire, you’ll be burned. Don’t say nobody told you. (Yes. Yes.) […]

Host: With hope that humanity can still be awakened and rescued for our world to be a paradise, we send our heartfelt gratitude to Caring Master and wish for all of us to take heed of Her truthful words. Let us embrace God’s unconditional Love and Help at this time, by rethinking our life choices to be more benevolent and considerate of others, especially the most innocent and vulnerable. Wishing Compassionate Master boundless peace and health, in the protection of all Mighty Heavens.
To hear the reasons why it is unwise for governments to overtax the rich, please tune in to Between Master and Disciples, on Saturday, October 16, for the full broadcast of this phone call.

Supreme Master Ching Hai (Vegan) on the Harmful Effects of Meat, Part 1 - The Tragic Toll on Health
Language:English ,Mandarin Chinese

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As a so-called food, meat is simply one of the most unhealthy, poisonous, unhygienic items that could ever be ingested by humans. We should never eat meat at all if we love and cherish our health and our life. We will live longer without meat, healthier, wiser without meat.

Warning: You might find the content herein disturbing, but the truth must be revealed.
In our modern era, we are increasingly plagued by pandemics, chronic diseases, rising temperatures, intensified natural disasters, and environmental degradation − a planet in crisis. If we look closely, all these devastating issues can be traced back to the human habit of meat-eating. The time has come to turn away from what was long accepted as the norm and fully examine meat’s impacts on our health and the environment, as well as our moral and spiritual development. Over the years, Supreme Master Ching Hai has shared Her insights about the harmful effects of meat on many different occasions. In this series, we present a collection of Master’s enlightening teachings on this very topic and pray that humanity will soon awaken and embrace the vegan diet, so that we and future generations may live on, and in a more harmonious world.
Today, we will focus on the topic of meat’s tragic toll on human health, not only as a direct cause of some of the deadliest diseases, but also the very source of global-scale epidemics like the one we are currently facing now.
“(Master, all these zoonotic diseases are being transmitted from animals to humans because of our actions.) Yeah. (All the SARS, MERS, swine flu, bird flu… and the COVID-19, this coronavirus.) Yeah! This is supposed to be transmitted by some people who ate the wild animals. (Yes, Master.) And then it was transmitted to other animals and then transmitted to men, and then now even some animals are transmitted to, are also infected. I don’t know how we escape.
The truth is COVID-19 stemmed from the animals, wild animals, from that wet market. (Yes, Master.) And they’re carried by humans all over. All over China, all over the world, because there are always tourists. (Yes, Master.) Or exchanges of humans’ resources or humans’ manpower, or humans studying, or humans cooperating. (Yes, Master.) There are always humans running around the world nowadays. So, the carriers bring the strain all over the world, and it stemmed from there. (Yes. So, those rumors, because I saw on the Internet some media outlets were saying that maybe it came from a lab.) No. It didn’t come from any lab. It came from the wild animals from the wet market. And exactly from Wuhan. I checked inside with Heaven and with the gods of epidemic.
Sadly, COVID-19 is only one of the many series of epidemic diseases in modern times. Since the 1980s, Supreme Master Ching Hai has repeatedly warned us about meat-eating and its consequences to our health: “You see, aren’t the hospitals full of meat-eaters? (Yes.) We vegan monks and nuns rarely visit the hospital. The south raises a lot of chickens, pigs and fish. (Yes.) Now it is plagued with dengue fever. The north doesn’t have it. It’s only in the south. We didn’t have this plague until now, neither did Taiwan (Formosa) raise so many chickens and pigs and have this kind of untreatable disease. Now we have a lot of untreatable diseases in Formosa. (Yes.) Formosa used to be very clean. It was called the fairy island. Now because we eat so much meat and raise so many chickens and pigs, we have more serious diseases. This disease spreads very fast, I heard. So it’s obvious to see that the karma is working fast, you don’t need to ask me questions. The best is to turn the whole country into vegan. Then no one would get these kinds of untreatable diseases. Even if there is, it would be easy to treat.
When we kill, we will get killed unnaturally. When we take off the life unnaturally, our life will be taken off unnaturally also. See how many diseases in the world, not to talk about disaster. How much the hospitals are filled with patients, nowadays that people can afford more meat, more animal products, see how sick people have become, how filled the hospitals are. That’s the cause of what we have to reap when we kill animals to eat or indirectly kill because we eat, so somebody else has to kill. Therefore, I tackle this issue more than anything else because that’s the only thing that we can do faster. Faster than scientific development, faster than technology development, faster than governments reactions, just easy, simple, and just do it, for our sake, for the children’s sake.
Merciful viewers, we will take a moment for an important message. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television!
Welcome back to our program presenting excerpts from Supreme Master Ching Hai’s discourses on the detrimental effects of meat in relation to human health. “Now, if everybody doesn’t stop this meat-eating habit, our planetary fate is going to go into the toilet as well. Right now, it’s already frightening, but I don’t know in the future, even scientists would say this, that it could be more frightening when they mutate into a more deadly virus. Even with all the vaccines, we are helpless against it. I told you, we are helpless against bad karmic retribution. We pay for what we do. Even the vaccine now, people are scared of the vaccines; even the ones who developed the vaccines don’t dare to take the vaccine because of the terrifying side effects - they could be paralyzed forever. They could be dead from the vaccine. That’s why they refused it. This is a terrifying thing, it’s not like we can control it even. And meat industry is responsible for all of this! So we have to stop the root cause of all this trouble, not by vaccine, but by virtue, by heavenly quality, which is inherent inside of us anyhow. We just take it out and use it.”
Even to eat flesh is also the cause of all kinds of diseases and war in this world. All the diseases are the warning to us that we should go back to our virtues. As long as we forget this, we will stumble across different diseases in different periods of time. If we succeed in curing this disease, God will create another. I don't mean God; it is the lord of karma, it's the god of karma. It's the law of nature, of cause and retribution. Ninety percent cause of the (swine) flu is indirectly related to the swine factory in that province; they have calculated, they have researched. For example like, if in your country, in your area there are a lot of swine factories, then in that province have a lot more, 90% related to the flu pandemic, and from then spread out, of course, but slower than the native house, where the animals are breeding. OK, maybe you can cook the pork and say that ‘OK, the cooked meat is not contagious,’ but it’s not so. The viruses fly all over in the air: affects people. The workers who are in the farm are directly affected. And from then, it mixes with human and other flu from birds or other animals, and becomes more deadly. And then slowly or quickly spread out.”
“The health risks of eating meat are more and more evident these days. Livestock are routinely given excessive hormones and antibiotics, which then, when consumed as meat can in turn endanger human health. There are also toxic byproducts in slaughter places such as ammonia and hydrogen sulfide. These poisonous substances have caused deaths among workers due to their extreme toxicity. As a so-called food, meat is simply one of the most unhealthy, poisonous, unhygienic items that could ever be ingested by humans. We should never eat meat at all if we love and cherish our health and our life. We will live longer without meat, healthier, wiser without meat. Meat has been scientifically shown to cause all kinds of cancers, also heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke and obesity. The list goes on and on and on. All these diseases kill millions of people every year. Millions of people die due to meat related diseases, and making millions others seriously sick and disabled as well. There is no end to tragedies caused by the meat diet. Meat eating is a no-no. We should know this by now through all the scientific and medical evidence. Please stop eating meat. Just even for your health’s sake. You want to live long for your children and your grandchildren, and live healthily.

Supreme Master Ching Hai (Vegan) on the Harmful Effects of Meat, Part 2 - The Tragic Toll on Health
Language:English ,Vietnamese(Tiếng Âu Lạc (Tiếng Việt))

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“Avian flu, tuberculosis, listeria, Crohn’s disease, mad cow disease, camphylobacter, Staphylococcus aureus, etc., etc. And now, we have its more dangerous form, called MRSA, namely methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, it’s a “superbug” - meaning there is no antibiotic to cure it, no antibiotic for this superbug. We have it now in our world and its likely source is because we fed the animals too many antibiotics. So, these diseases arose because we over breed animals and create the conditions for the diseases to form and spread. Other diseases came from hunting - another cruelty committed on the poor animals.” 
“HIV, the killer of 25 million people since 1981, is from humans’ consumption of primates. And just recently, as you know from the news, people in China are dying from the pneumonic plague, which originated from hunting marmots for food. It’s very contagious and can kill a victim within 24 hours! So, all these diseases could be prevented if only humans turn away from such unhealthy, cruel, violent habits – the habits of raising, hunting, and eating animal flesh.” 
“Apart from treating the animal cruelly, we also endanger ourselves, by eating the bacteria-laden meat and unhygienically treated meat. All these things are no good for humans. No wonder more and more hospitals are built all the time.” 
“Sometimes the meat is really causing trouble and not many people realize this, and they blame the government for health care failure, and they blame the doctors for not giving enough attention to medical care and all that. But actually, they are the ones who make all these sicknesses themselves. The root of the problem is the meat diet, and not many people are willing to admit that, because they love meat. [It] causes a lot of trouble for themselves, costs a lot of spending for the nation and a lot of suffering for the world and their generation, their children and all that. The problem is so simple, but not everybody likes to believe, likes to follow, and it’s a very sad affair.” 
“Meat is not our friend. Animal products are not our benefactor; they are our enemy. By meat, I mean fish, eggs, milk, etc, etc. Please do research. Even milk is harmful. It’s responsible for many fatal diseases. Meat and milk, dairy products and eggs are cancer causing, fatal disease causing. Millions of people die every year because of meat, eggs, and dairy products. Trillions and trillions of US dollars are spent in this direction to try to cure those diseases that have been caused by meat, dairy, and eggs. So please, for the sake of your health and that of your children, and of our planet, and that of the future of our security and survival, please, just leave the animals alone

Supreme Master Ching Hai (Vegan) on the Harmful Effects of Meat, Part 3 - The Dire Environmental Impact

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Since the late 1980s, Supreme Master Ching Hai was already raising awareness about the fact that meat-eating depletes Earth’s vital resources and destroys our only home. “If you raise a pig or a buffalo, it takes a lot o f grains, a lot of energy, a lot of water, a lot of electricity, a lot of antibiotics, a lot of food, a lot of protein. In order to gain one kilo of beef, you waste a lot of national energy, money, water, clean and beautiful water, and then get some kind of polluted water in return due to the waste from the animals. And all kind of things. When you calculate the cost, oh, this is a loss of business. It's too much waste of natural food in order to feed our appetite.” “We began this industry of the meat diet, then everything got worse – more hospitals, more medicines, more sicknesses, more shortage of any kind, more temperature rise, and more suffering, more disasters, more hunger, more war.” “Each new scientific study finds that livestock production, this killing of animals for meat, bears increasingly more responsibility for the climate change crisis of our planet. In fact, the most recent calculations have concluded that livestock emits at least 51% of the greenhouse gases responsible for global warming. And soon after this new report, researchers from NASA just announced that methane, the potent greenhouse gas whose largest human-created source is the livestock industry, traps a hundred times more heat than carbon dioxide over a 20-year period.” “The many by-products are water shortages, food crisis, water, air, and soil pollution, deforestation, desertification, ocean dead zones, and biodiversity loss. We use almost half of the world’s grain supply to pour into the meat and dairy industry; most of our water supply; almost half the global fish caught to feed chickens and pigs; and 30% of the planet’s ice-free land is used for livestock raising, animal raising, and related business. With two hectares of land, we can support either 1 meat eater or 80 healthy vegans. The good news is that if we all stop eating meat and dairy, we can regain our all-protective ecosystems, stop over 60% of biodiversity loss, save four-fifths of the economic cost to mitigate emissions within 50 years, and much, much, much more.” Catastrophic disasters related to meat-eating could also come from outer space in the form of threatening solar flares, as explained by Supreme Master Ching Hai. “So we have all this violent atmosphere, because of war, because of hatred, because of mass murdering of animals, etc., etc., and abusing the environment. We are killing too much, so we attract this kind of a flare. It’s us, the humans, who attract it, the flare.”

Supreme Master Ching Hai (Vegan) on the Harmful Effects of Meat, Part 8 - The Grave Loss in Spirituality
Language:English ,Mandarin Chinese


The damage caused by meat-eating goes beyond the physical aspect such as sicknesses and ill health; it can also adversely affect us spiritually. How do our diets and professions affect our spiritual merit? Supreme Master Ching Hai explained the connection in a 2010 conference with the Supreme Master Television Team. “It’s about us, that we have to be good. And some merits are spiritually helpful, because if we don’t have enough merits, our spiritual merit will be deducted and our spiritual level will be automatically lower. If we don’t earn merit, then we will keep losing merit, and then we’ll become bad inside also, not just losing it – our quality will change.” “Is there a ranking of meritorious diets?” “Of course, of course. Meat diet is no merit at all – it’s eating up our merit as well. For example, if you have like 100,000 points of spiritual merit and you are eating meat in this lifetime, and that will be deducted according to how much meat you eat, and then maybe you even have a deficit in spiritual merit. Selling meat, fish, eggs, you will lose 100 million to half a billion per year. If somebody owns a meat or fish restaurant, lose 500,000 to one billion points spiritual per year; if owns an alcohol bar, like a pub or something with alcohol, lose 100,000 to 400,000 per year;own a slaughterhouse, lose half a billion to six billion points per year; own a meat animal farm, lose one billion to three billion per year; own or working on a fishing boat, lose half a billion to three billion per year. And work as fisherman, a worker for that, for money, lose 300 million to one billion per year. My God, these people, they will never be able to go to Heaven. They keep having to reincarnate again and again because they keep losing so much spiritual merit that even if they have a lot in the store, they will lose them all.” “It's the law of the universe, that if we kill or if we harm something, we have to share our spiritual merit with that. So how many animals we eat, we share all our spiritual bank account with those animals, and then we’re depleted, we get poorer and poorer spiritually. And if you don't have spiritual merit, enough, then you have to pay with your health, your luck, or your family member’s peace. And then larger, we pay with peace in the world – we have to pay the price, for having no peace.”

Supreme Master Ching Hai (Vegan) on the Harmful Effects of Meat, Part 9 - Retribution in the Afterlife

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Out of Her loving concern for those involved in meat businesses and those who eat meat, Supreme Master Ching Hai explained the terrifying situation awaiting them in many of Her lectures and conferences. “Eating meat is terrible! It leads one to hell and one’s flesh is cut piece by piece. It’s payback for the meat. One of our initiates is very sensitive because she practices spiritually. She buys meat for her husband to eat, because he forces her to. She practices well, but even so, when she is forced to buy meat, she is beaten up by demons every time she is in the market. every time she is in the market. She knows because she sees them. You can’t see them and wonder why you have a headache when you get home, why you keep falling down at that place, or feel drained of energy as though you’re crawling on the ground. You are beaten by demons, but you don’t know it and you can’t see them.” What are the repercussions for souls that work in butcher shops or slaughterhouses? “What’s the consequence? Oh my God. I don’t even want to think about it. Either they have to suffer a lot like the way the animals suffer in this lifetime, or they have to go to hell even, or they have to even degrade their birth into some lower level of existence in order to repay this debt, in untold suffering. I would advise everybody, please just stay away from these kinds of jobs, because it’s not worthy at all.” “The meat business is a bad business. It’s very bad for you. And the other four are: business in weapons, business in human trafficking, business in intoxicants, and business in poison. All these harmful businesses are bad for you, now and in the future. If you believe in the life hereafter, if you believe in Heaven and hell, you should stop the meat business immediately, like yesterday. Because nothing good awaits you in the life after if you cause suffering to others, be it human or animals. You will have multiple suffering in return, and for a long, long time. So instead, these people in the meat industry should join in the trend, which has already begun and expands hugely every day, I am happy to say. Thank you. Be veg, go green, plant organic vegetables!” Many enlightened Masters have advised people to refrain from meat due to its devastating effects. In fact, “Thou shall not kill” is the first and foremost commandment of many religions. This commandment is not a restriction, but rather a necessary protection for souls in the afterlife. Let us cherish and follow the precious Teachings of the great Masters and choose the vegan diet for a better life now and forever after.

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We All Have a Duty to Protect Ourselves and Others, Part 1 of 6, Oct. 26, 2020


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As long as the world becomes vegan, and the animals suffer less, no more suffering, and no more war, then people will have more conscience awakened, and more intelligence regained. (Yes.) And then we hope that the world is getting better and better.

(Hallo! Hallo, Master!) Are you ready? (Yes. Yes, Master.) I hope you like my hair. (Beautiful always.) Actually, I have done nothing. It’s just the time is too tight. It is as it is. I didn’t do anything to it, no. No time to even put it up or making decoration. I’m just joking, just to relax you. How is everybody doing? (Very well, Master.) (Thank You, Master.) All is good? (Yes, Master.) I like that. The girls, you can hear? (Yes, Master.) Wow, it’s getting high-tech nowadays. Much better now. (Yes, Master.) I like that. I love you both, girls and boys. (Thank You, Master.) Yeah. It’s a feat for me again, to do everything all by myself. OK. I heard that you have some questions. That’s why I call you. (Yes, Master.) You can start now, if you want.

(Master, many countries report that young people are staying away from alcohol and intoxicants. We’ve also seen kids doing fundraising activities for charities and animals. Master, is this because higher level beings are being born in our planet at this time?)
Yes, sure. But also because people are more aware of the harmful effect of these things. And nowadays because of the pandemic, it wakes people up. That is the only one good thing that comes out of it. That wakes people up and makes them do more research into something that is more important to their wellbeing. (Yes.) They want to know what caused the pandemic. How can they avoid it. Because researchers also stated that the smokers, the drinkers are more prone to get infection from the COVID-19. (Yes.) And it’s harder for them to recover if they do get it. So people are more aware now. That’s one good thing that comes out of it and I’m glad.
For the long-term, all this measurement is good for people. (Yes, Master.) And the people who get COVID-19, if they have to go, they go. And I help their souls, whatever souls I can help. If they’re repentant. If they’re praying in their heart. I’m sure at this time of the world’s trouble and at their time of death, they would be praying and repenting. And this is also good. So it’s easier for me to help them. (Yes, Master. Thank You, Master.) Yes, to help their souls. It’s more important. We die sooner or later, but if your soul is liberated, that is the best thing.
So the pandemic somehow wakes many people up. (Yes. Yes, Master.) Wakes the souls up. I’m not saying that people dying is good. But nevertheless, their souls will be helped. (Yes, Master. Thank You, Master.) All right. Thank you. Most people, when they’re in a such a situation, even though they were atheist before, they would be praying to God, (Yes.) and that might help them in the deliverance of their soul. That’s easier for their soul to be rescued, to be liberated. (Understand, Master.)

(Master, COVID-19 affects all corners of the globe. As the chief of the World Health Organization puts it, we “fight a common enemy.” We have seen more cohesive efforts in the world, for example, debt relief of underprivileged nations and collaboration on medical treatment research, etc. Will this trend continue and the world be a tight-knit community?)
Of course. Once they get into the habit of doing good things. (Yes.) A good thing, bad thing, it’s all habit. Once people get used to it and realize the goodness of it, they will continue. (Yes, Master.) Not just the governments, but the people. People go out and feed the strays, people go out to help the neighbors, go out of their way. Not that they go out and contact, but they find some way to help people. Like, I saw some clips while I am scanning the news for you, that people find very innovative ways to help neighbors. Like, they put food in a basket and then the neighbor will just pull it up. (Yes.) Or whatever they need. They do that. It’s very good. Everyone is kind of more awakened now and find their own goodness nature within. And that’s very good for the Master Power to help them. (Yes, Master.)

(Master, as science and technology advances, we’re learning more and more about the universe.) Yes. (Will this prompt people to be interested in spirituality and seek the Truth?)
Ah! Yeah. I want to ask you the same question. We hope, we pray. (Yes, Master.) We pray. Because in many other planets, in the universes, people are very, very highly advanced in technology and science, and all sorts of material comfort. But that doesn’t make them eager to seek any spiritual way of life. (Yes, Master.)

(Master, when we pray for World Vegan, World Peace, should we visualize the world we would like to see? For example, a vegan world where humans live in harmony with nature, clean oceans and rivers, and fields and forests of organic fruit and vegetables to feed the world. On the other hand, nowadays some people are concerned about the increase of large corporations that create non-organic, GMO crops, use harmful chemicals to control pests, and make patents on GMO seeds that prevent communities from having control of their own food supply. The food industry is often connected with the pharmaceutical industry that profits from the sales of chemicals in farming, which in turn cause diseases that require vaccinations and a population dependent on medicine.) Yeah, I know. (With such corporations taking control of the world’s food supply, including lab-grown and vegan meats, is this something we should be worried about as we move forward into a vegan future? Or will it be that once the world goes vegan and the killing energy is lifted, then everything will naturally correct itself no matter what?)
Yeah, I know. We can just pray. (Yes, Master.) Because as the world is more uplifted in their consciousness, maybe those things will become less and less. (Yes, Master.) And people may be more aware of what is good and what is not. (Yes.) Right now, we cannot take care of all the problems. This world will have one set of problems or another set of problems because people are not highly developed spiritually. (Yes, Master.) But as long as the world becomes vegan, and the animals suffer less, no more suffering, and no more war, then people will have more conscience awakened, and more intelligence regained. (Yes.) And then we hope that the world is getting better and better.
I’m just telling you, on one hand I was crying so much, almost daily for the animals that are suffering, whenever I see the cruelty. But on the other hand, if I am out of that, I always realize that this world is really just very illusionary in nature. We just do what we can for those who are in a quagmire of sorrow and suffering and ignorance. And then they will be awakened from this illusionary dream, and then they will seek more spiritual treatment for their souls. What I mean is, for their spiritual consciousness, for their development of the inside of their real Self. Otherwise, the mind and the brain and the influence around them, will make them blind, deaf and dumb to all the truths even if its laid bare right in front of them. (Yes, Master.) So we tackle the World Peace and World Vegan, and then other things will develop accordingly. Our world will become better and better. (Yes, Master.)

(Master, the Trump administration has announced Sudan and Israel have agreed to normalize relations. Earlier, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates established relations with Israel.) Yeah. (Could these events signal that the states of the Middle East and the North Africa region are also ready for peace just like in Korea?)
Well, they are already almost ready. Many of them are ready. Just hope others follow suit. (Yes, Master.) Don’t ask me to look into the crystal and predict the future. I don’t want to keep telling you. (Understand, Master.) You will see it. I told you already. You will see when the time comes, you will see what happens. (Understand, Master.) Next one.

(Master, the lower Heavens’ gods attained their positions based on merit. Merit gave a compassionless Brahma the power to create the Three Worlds and rule over them. Does Heaven mandate that a being must have a certain amount of God’s Love before they can create and rule?)
Oh, they are different things altogether. They have, but limited. (Yes, Master.) It’s just like you, the so-called disciples studying with me. (Yes.) And I told you OK, you have to do this, you do that. Not have to, but you should. Like being vegan, being compassionate, being loving and kind. But they are trying. (Yes, Master.) You’d be trying. But that doesn’t mean that is enough to be worthy, (Yes.) except relying on the Master’s grace to go up. The love that you have is so thin, I mean the so-called disciples, so thin that they don’t even realize that they don’t have it. (Yes, Master. Understand.)
So the Brahma himself, also wants to have love, wants to do what Gods have advised him. But that doesn’t mean his love is enough. Not enough. Besides, there are also lower Heavens who don’t have love at all. And then so they will create other things that tempt humans or and animals to do wrong. Then, they continue to control their souls and control the population forever, so that these souls will never be liberated and go up somewhere higher in the universe. (Yes, Master.)
It’s just like, even Brahma himself, he doesn’t want to relinquish his domain. And he argued with me, he said he wants to rule 93.9 worlds. (Wow.) I told you before, right? (Yes, Master.) Yeah. I said, “But your ruling is a mess and other godses below you are also doing bad things to keep the souls imprisoned forever. And whatever they did wrong, it’s also part of your scheme, your fault, to make them do wrong. So I don’t like your system. You either forsake it, follow me, or cooperate with me to rescue the souls including yours, then I let you rule.” But he did not want it. Greed makes him not want to relinquish his power, because once he is in it, he forgets. Just like, sometimes, people elected a leader, and they came in maybe with a big, big ideal – they think they have ideals or good intentions – but once they are in that power, they keep forgetting it. Or exercise very little of their idealistic power, idealistic origin. And they will just go with the flow, and their subordinates, everybody keeps feeding them with all the negative ideas and information that make them forget, and then they would just do wrong, forget their original ideals.
This is not only Brahma alone, but this is also other lower gods in the lower levels, like the Second god, and the Astral god. (Yes, Master.) And the demons, the chief of the demons, around Astral. Because the Astral Level, for example, some parts are Heaven, some parts are hell and demons. Therefore, the influence, it depends if the god has enough power to subdue it; it’s not always. Because the god sometimes loses the battle to the demons, because they’re more overwhelming. Because they already infused humans with all kinds of bad negative qualities. So the humans also help them, invisibly or unknowingly.
And then, they will rely on all this negative force that is backing them up, to beat the Heavenly god in the Astral Level, as well. And that influences also the Second Level, and the Brahma, due to his want to have power over many worlds, also will not have enough love and wisdom to refuse them or to defeat them. And that’s how they all fall in together. Now, for example, in our world, we have good people. (Yes.) But we also have bad people. (Yes.) We have good governments and also not good governments. We have good presidents and also not good presidents. Therefore, our world is also a mixture of good and bad. Same like Astral Level. They have Heaven and hell. You got it now? (Yes, Master.)

.We All Have a Duty to Protect Ourselves and Others, Part 2 of 6, Oct. 26, 2020

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If it’s too good, just to come down and help people, make peace, make vegan laws and…everyone can do it. (Understand.) But, of course, the Master Power supports good leaders. (Yes, Master.) Still, they are blinded by the influence of this world, by the things that they have to eat as a part of the game. (Yes, Master.)

Now, excuse me, you see my clothes. It’s anti-mosquitos. You know, you have them, right? (Yes, Master.) Yeah. I don’t have new clothes, so I put it on, just to attract your attention. Otherwise you might mix up this conference with the other conference with the same shirt. Like this, you know, “Oh, it’s a different one.” Just in case the editor mixes it up with a different conference somewhere, before, when I wear the same clothes. The inside one is the same one. The outside is the anti-mosquito dress that I have when I have to go out in the garden. Because the mosquitos, they don’t know anything about ahimsa. No matter how much you tell them or how much I tell them, they just do what they do. (Yes, yes.) Thank you. Next question, please.

(Master said that Good Love was the assistant to the Third Level Lord, and yet Good Love came down to protect Master against him and maya. Why did Good Love choose Master over the Third Level Lord?)
Oh, because we had affinity before. Yeah. But he was also used by the lower gods for some time and made trouble for me a lot. But I knew it wasn’t his fault, so I forgave him, and I cured him, I healed him instead. Yes. But he loves me forever. Yeah, no matter what. Even if he’s poisoned or brainwashed by other lower gods, he will still finally return to his intention of protecting me. (Yes, Master.) Because of my love for him. The love, when it’s pure and unconditional, will always win at the end. (Yes, Master.) Even might not be immediately, but it wins fast. (Yes, Master.)

(Master, did President Donald Trump help bring peace between countries in a past life? For example, perhaps as a nation’s leader in ancient times?)
These things I probably have to tell you personally someday. There are things about Heaven’s plan and the affinity and the connection between the Master and different people, I cannot always tell you. (Yes, Master.) (Thank You.) Maybe one day, OK? (Yes, Master.) When everything is better and the world is better and everything is done. When we have time to sit down for a cup of tea, I will whisper it in your ears. (Oh, nice.) (That’s good.) I wish we have time for some cup of tea, because God knows we need it, right? (Yes, Master.)

I’m sorry for you that you have to work all the time. I hope you still can cope. (Yes, we are OK, Master.) Because sometimes even I, I thought, “How can I cope with all this? I need a break, I need a vacation.” Go where? Go where nowadays? Yeah, but I just have to go out, do some exercise, a little, few minutes, if I have a few minutes. And do something else to take a break, and come back to my computer, and do my work again. Same with you, OK? (Yes, Master.) When you feel you’ve had it, you go out (garden), eat something, drink something, do something that’s good for yourself only. Just be selfish. Take a nap, take a rest, go push-up, put-down, pull up, push down. (Yes, Master.) Take a walk. (Yes, Master.) And borrow the dog from your brother to talk to, and then everything will be better. (Yes, Master.)
We have to. We have to work now, day and night. We cannot escape. We have to work. You can see the world is in such a shape. (Yes, Master.) If we don’t work, who will? (Understand.) Who will? You know I have so many, many disciples. (Yes.) At least more than a bunch of you now. (Yes.) But this is what I have – the bunch of you. I’m sorry. The bunch of goodness. The bunch of noble, idealistic people like you are. I don’t have anyone else. I mean, a couple more bunches in the other area. (Yes, Master.) And some other bunches outside in the whole world. But the rest, they are busy with their own things. (Yes, Master.) Or they don’t want to stay even, if they were with you already. Because of different reasons. Because of girlfriend, because of a better world outside, because of more comfortable houses, whatever, whatnot. (Yes, Master.)
So we have to work. We must. (Yes, Master.) We must win. (Yes, Master.) We don’t let the maya win anymore, even indirectly through brainwashing the humans or some of their leftover weakling subordinates. Got that? (Yes, Master.) We have to win. We have to do it. (Yes, Master.) We have to rescue all suffering animals so that we don’t cry anymore. (Yes, Master.)
Some days I cry and one time I recorded it by accident. And then, I thought, “Oh, it’s recorded!” And then I shut it off, but then I thought, “Oh, maybe it’s good, maybe I should do it again, later, another time.” Because I don’t know whom to talk to about this. It’s a negative emotion, but I was crying my heart out and I threatened Heavens and hell many times. You see, they are working on it. But the time in Heavens, it’s maybe just a second compared to our months here or the years here. (Yes, Master.) So, don’t ask me why it’s so slow. I ask also why it’s so slow, because I’m not patient about this matter, when it comes to the suffering of others. (Yes, Master.) Especially, the helpless animals, helplessly delivered like that. Hanging one leg in the air while your throat is cut or you’re shocked by high-voltage electricity. Imagine if it’s you – and they have feelings just like we have! (Yes, Master.) It boils my blood, it really does. Never mind, we talk about something else now, otherwise I will cry again. I will yell again, I will scream again. Next question, please.

(Master, this, I don’t know if Master can answer this one. Did President Trump come down in this lifetime specifically for his peacemaking role?)  Again, I will tell you another time. (Yes, Master.) Without asking me, you can see the fruit, then you can tell the tree. (Yes, Master.) But all the details, I cannot tell you. (Yes, understand, Master.) But I think you would guess, I don’t know how you would not guess. (Understand, Master.)
(Master, did Chairman Kim Jong Un come to Earth for a peace-making role or another role to benefit our planet?) You can see that from what he does. (Yes, Master.) Same answer with President Trump. (Yes, thank You, Master.)

(Master talked about good leaders in the last conference. Why are the leaders that are good seem to be portrayed as the very opposite of that? Is that part of maya/negative forces, or is there a purpose behind it?)
Yeah, it’s the negative forces. And they have to bear it. If it’s too good, just to come down and help people, make peace, make vegan laws and…everyone can do it. (Understand.) But, of course, the Master Power supports good leaders. (Yes, Master.) Still, they are blinded by the influence of this world, by the things that they have to eat as a part of the game. (Yes, Master.)
Don’t ask me that. You can see Jesus Christ. (Yes.) Yeah, how much He had to suffer. (Yes.) And He is the best of all, at that time. (Yes, Master.) And Buddha, people also slandered Him and even accused Him of making the woman… she just donned some pillows inside her stomach and accused the Buddha for making her pregnant, for example like that. (Yes, Master.) And many other Prophets, Masters, They are all pure good, pure holy and still being persecuted or blemished. So, of course, anyone who wants to do good things in this world has to bear the bad attack from the negative force in this domain. (Yes, Master.)
And I’m glad that, for example, President Trump is still tough enough to continue his job. And after he regained his health, (Yes.) and we prayed for him also, he came out feeling powerful. And then now he is unbeatable in his determination. Before that, probably he was kind of depressed. I remember, reading it somewhere, he said he doesn’t remember why he wanted to be a president again in the second term, in any case. You see what I mean? (Yes, Master.) For a man to say that, he must have felt pretty beaten inside, pretty down. (Yes.) Even he doesn’t say a lot like I do, like, “Oh, I’m tired, I’m exhausted, frustrated.” He doesn’t say a lot. But just one sentence, it shows you how much he’s beaten inside. (Yes, Master.) Relentlessly. And like, very, very badly, they attacked him.
Anyways, it’s very difficult to recognize the bad from the good, because there is also some catch in between, some strings attached to what they do. I mean, before they were born. They have to do this and that. Also, to disguise. (Yes, Master.) So, they cannot just do all good, all at once. For example, like that. Or it seems like they did bad, but actually, they did good. (Yes, Master.) I told you before, I cannot explain everything. But trust me when I say somebody is good. (Yes, Master. Yes.)
And Chairman Kim Jong Un is one of the good leaders. Of course, he is still young, and he must also learn his way. (Yes, Master.) In a human world, it’s difficult to grovel in the darkness and find your way out and do good things. Not that easy. (Yes, Master.) Same with President Trump. I said he is one of the good leaders and you got to believe me. (Yes, Master.) There’s another one, good president. But I don’t want to tell you. (Yes, Master.) It’s in kind of this Latin American area. Because he seems to be not doing good. I cannot tell you. (Yes, Master.) But I help him. I mean the Master Power supports him, helps him. (Yes, Master.)
There are many things in this world I cannot explain to you. (Yes, Master.) Whatever it is, the price they have to pay, (Yes, Master.) for rescuing the world, rescuing people, their souls, for example like that. They have to pay. And also, whatever it is, the negative power wants to kind of cover it, so people don’t even know that they are good leaders. (Yes, Master.) They have to be born in such circumstances, they have to be attacked or blemished by others, so that people cannot figure out if it’s good or bad, because there are fake news even. (Yes.) And fake accusations and all that stuff just to make people blurred in their judgements. The world is already making them busy and confused. And if there are more fake news, more negative feedback, then people, of course, it’s difficult to choose. (Yes, Master.) Like which president to vote for. (Yes.) That’s the purpose, of course. What do you think?
The good people, good leaders or the spiritual people, or good Masters, they came into the enemy state. It’s lucky that they’re still alive and continue working and not immediately killed almost, like Jesus Christ. (Yes, Master.) What has He done? The Lord Jesus, what has He done to anybody? (Yes, Master.) Even if He keeps preaching, even if He says He’s a child of God, so what? Nobody has to believe Him. (Right. Yes, Master.) But they don’t have to kill Him in such a way. (Yes, Master.) And for that, the world has to slump into darkness for a long time. Nobody sees it, but many people were condemned to hell and darkness for long, long, long centuries. And that influenced the development of our world, spiritually and scientifically as well. (Yes, Master.)
Not just the meat eating that adds up on to it, that makes many wars, many plagues, many disasters. Do you understand me? (Yes, Master.) People don’t know it, don’t see it. But the murder of Jesus Christ brought so much misfortune, disaster onto our world. (Yes, Master.) I cannot talk. I can never talk enough about that. But OK, next question, please, before I get too emotional about Jesius. (Master… Sorry.) Yeah. OK. You can cry if you want, and then ask me later. If somebody else can ask a question? (Yes.) And then you ask later. OK? (Yes, Master.) To save time. You can cry. It’s not forbidden, it’s just that we have other things to do, please.

  • The True Jihad, Part 7 of 14, Oct. 4, 2021

  • 11

    You never know whom you kill (Yes, that’s right.) in the womb. They might be an excellent doctor. They may be another Tesla. (Yes.) They may be another Armstrong for space. (A new Einstein.) Or Einstein. Or might be another Buddha, or maybe another Saint. Another good monk, another good doctor. (Yes.) The best inventors for new technology.

    How are you going to have all these young people if you kill all these babies? Nowadays already many couples don’t want babies. (Yes.) Because they are working; they are enjoying their lives. They don’t want to have babies, like in Japan for example. Many couples don’t want it. (Yes.) So the government has to support them, give them incentives, give them financial support and all that, (Yes.) to have more babies. And here we have babies already in the womb, by accident or not, just have to use them, raise them up. (Yes.)
    The government, the Americans, have enough money. Even if we don’t have adoption, we can raise all those babies until they grow up and be independent and get work. (Yes.) We can raise them up as orphans. (Yes. That’s a good idea.) If the mothers don’t want them, just make an orphanage. Train them from childhood already to be loyal to the country, and to grow up, protect the country, contribute to make the country stronger. (Yes.)
    The best thing is to educate children when they were young already, (Yes.) so these children will be born as orphans. They will be more receptive and more motivated to make themselves independent, to be somebody. (Yes.) Because they’re orphans, they’re even more motivated. (Yes.) From childhood already, they will learn more, they will be more strong, they will be more resilient, they will be more motivated to be someone.
    The proof is that many orphanage children grow up being this and that, a doctor, nurse, computer engineer, and all kinds of good, good, educated people, helpful to their country. And they even come back to the orphanage to help others, or open their own orphanage to help other children. (Yes.)
    Even governments don’t have to take care, just give it to some NGO organization, and they’d be happy to take care of the orphanage. (Yes, that’s a good idea.) And give them an education. You Americans can afford it. Moreover, if you don’t go to war, you’d save hundreds of billions of dollars, every year. Then you can even raise the whole country without work even. But of course, we need workers, not because of salary, but because we have to work to contribute to the country, to make the country strong and independent and able. (Yes, that’s right.) That’s all. And these children, they will contribute.
    You never know whom you kill (Yes, that’s right.) in the womb. They might be an excellent doctor. They may be another Tesla. (Yes.) They may be another Armstrong for space. (A new Einstein.) Or Einstein. Or might be another Buddha, or maybe another Saint. Another good monk, another good doctor. (Yes.) The best inventors for new technology.
    Kristin Chenoweth (Tony and Emmy Award-winning US actress and singer) was interviewed by Katie Couric (Emmy Award-winning US television journalist) Dec.7 2019:
    Katie CouricDid you ever find or look for your birth mother?
    Kristin ChenowethYes. I did. She’s incredible, incredible person. And when I met her, she said, ‘Can you forgive me?’ And I said, ‘Forgive you? You gave me… You gave me life. And my (adoptive) parents, Jeannie and Jerry, gave me a life, the chance at a life.’ And I’m so grateful for her.”
    Suppose all the mothers kill the children up to now when they’re not convenient. Whom are we living with now? What kind of dark age are we still in, (Yes.) without new generations with new ideas, new brainpower? (Yes, understand.) So this is really wicked, evil, and he (Biden) is not for your country, he is really killing your country. (Gosh!) You can see that or not see that? (Yes, I see that.) I’m sorry, I’m not American, but I have to tell you, because it’s kind of burning in my heart to see people killing your innocent co-citizens like that, when they could not even open their mouths to defend.
    Even criminals in your country… just talk about your country, not anywhere else, (Yes.) since you’re American. Even a criminal, they’re entitled to a government lawyer, that’s the law, (Yes, yes, that’s right.) if they don’t have money to pay. (Public defender.) The government gives them a public lawyer to defend him. Well, I am not sure if they are a good defender or not, but that’s the law. (Yes.) Even criminals, with all the evidence and all that, they still don’t kill them yet, they have to take a long, long time to investigate, (Yes.) to argue in court, because you have the right to defend. (Yes.) These unborn children, they have the right to defend. (That’s right.) They are not there for you to just murder like that.
    How can you spend so much money and time to defend a criminal, and waste so much tax money and have to build facilities to house them ‒ and then kill a baby! (Yes, doesn’t make sense.) It doesn’t make sense to anybody, (No.) so it’s only driven by devils. You hear me or not? (Understand, understand.)

    You hear why I’m angry? (Yes, definitely.) I told you I’m an angry Master, but only (You have a right to be.) with cause. (Yes.) I’m not angry because people molest me mentally, (Yes.) or abusing me or anything. I have never complained. (Yes.) Even though I could write books. But this is not about me, is it? (No. No, it’s not.) I’m angry only when it comes to someone else or other innocent beings like animals. (Understand.)
    I’m not just angry, I’m anguished, I’m pained inside. I can’t understand this world anymore. I cannot understand anybody would vote for a President or a group that governs like this. (Yes.) And spends billions in money for these elections. (Yes, a lot of money goes to these elections.) And every four years, you spend a lot, a lot, a lot out of the taxpayers. And then after they’re elected, you still have to pay them a lot. (Yes.) Well, except Trump, he did it for free. (Yes, that’s right.) That’s why they hate him. Because he is too good. (Yes, very.) Too good compared to them.
    Not only do they take the salary from people over decades, for example like Biden, the public treat him well. (Yes.) Give him a lot of money, so he earned millions, more than multi-millions, (Yes.) became a multimillionaire. He was poor. (Yes, that’s right.) I mean, maybe at least average. And then he has become a multimillionaire now. And the son even earned more for him (Yes.) and for his family. He even said that. It’s on the news. I know nothing about them. I just tell you what’s in the news. (Yes.) The son complained to his daughter that he had to finance half of the family’s expenses. (Yes.) Maybe that’s why he has to do many unethical businesses (Ah, OK.) and unethical art selling. (Yes.) So, cannot just blame the son. (That’s right.) (Yes, understand.) And the son asked for commission for his father even.
    And nobody said anything. I don’t know where are all (The media.) the CNN (Yes.) and Washington Post and the… Where are they? (Yes.) They don’t even want to publish it. They don’t say anything. They don’t mention anything, not to talk about investigating and reporting. (Yes.)
    And Trump, they’re digging him out for things, anything! He didn’t do anything! They’re just cooking it all up. (They’re very biased. Yes.) But this is terrible because you’re killing people’s reputations, and mental peace, and psychological unwellness. (Understand.) And he does nothing. He did all the good things. That is the thing. (Yes.) If he did something bad, maybe then you can even punish him, fine, why not? But the bad person, bad government, they do nothing. (They don’t do anything. Yes.) They even praise or keep quiet about their bad stuff, corruption stuff. (Yes.) And then digging Trump out and wrongly accusing him or blaming him for nothing. (Yes.) I don’t know why Trump wants to run, really. Well, he must have been very enthusiastic and very concerned about his people. Otherwise, I don’t think anybody even wants to run again. (Yes, yes. He must love the country.) It seems like you’re all against all odds. My God.
    But I experience all this myself and I’m still doing it, so I don’t know why I talk about Trump. (Yes, You understand.) I understand it, but sometimes I just feel humans at large are very ungrateful and very blindfolded, that’s all. (Yes.) But it doesn’t mean I am not sad. It doesn’t mean I wasn’t upset. (Yes, yes.) I feel sad also, for myself and for them, because they’ll create more karma and it’s more difficult for me to help, more difficult for Heaven to pardon. (Yes, yes. And out of Your love… You keep doing it, regardless of what You feel and how things are against You.) Yeah, for decades already. (Yes.) So Trump had it for four years. Well, he has better… So I cannot ask why he runs again. I’m just thinking like that. I’m just thinking if it were me, I couldn’t care less.
    But I do care. I care for the whole world, that’s why I just continue. (Yes.) Sometimes with all the stress and everything now even, I still continue because I know it’s the right thing to do. (Yes, yes.) It’s the only thing that is worth doing. (Yes. Maybe Heaven is still mandating him to continue.) Yeah, maybe so. He really cares (Yes.) about his people, about his country. He was trying hard to protect the Americans, that’s why his motto is “America First,” (Yes.) and he does everything for that. Really. He promised.
    In contrary to Biden, he said many things, he did the opposite. (That’s right.) He hasn’t even talked about his promise, he’s killing Americans, Americans’ babies, (Yes.) American future citizens. I mean, already citizens. In the womb, they are already citizens because they are in America. (Yes, yes.) Their mothers are Americans, so the children already are American (That’s right, that’s right.) by birth, by right, by citizen’s right, in the womb already. (Yes.) So he’s killing his own citizens. Do you hear me? (I hear You.) Biden and this administration is killing their own citizens, and nobody does anything about it. I don’t know why. And they still want to vote for him? They must be all working for the devil or something. (Yes.) Just for that, he should be gone already.
    Everybody who kills anybody in America has to do time, or be executed. I am not for execution though, (Yes.) because many times they’re wrongly accused. (That’s right.) And many people get freed after many decades, because the DNA proved differently, (Yes.) and because at that time, they did not investigate well. So, everyone who kills anyone in America must be brought to justice, (Yes.) and judged or condemned accordingly. (Yes.) So here, legally, Biden and his hench group, evil group, are killing outright American citizens, under everybody’s watch. What kind of country? (Yes.) What kind of policy is that? (Doesn’t make sense.) Tell me. So, if he’s not working for the demons, then whom do you think he’s working for? (He must be working for the demons only.) Yes. There’s no other explanation, no? You guys?
    All of you. Is it clear or not? (Yes, very clear, Master.) I’m not accusing him for nothing. (No, Master.) I’m not talking behind his back even. All this will be in the open air through our television.

    I hope somebody wakes up someday and saves all these innocent souls in the wombs of the mothers. (Yes, Master.) Not like this, my God, then Americans will be depleted of new younger generations. (That’s right, Master. Yes.) Oh, my God! And you can afford to have them. You can. Your country is rich, powerful. Every month you collect taxes, about US$300 billion at least, (Yes, yes.) and you spend only US$40 something billion for paying the debt. Only 44 billion. And then, they pay maybe some poor people or something, elderly a little bit, or some odds-and-ends payments, for social services.
    The rest is a lot of money left over, (Yes.) if you don’t ever have war. Even if you have war, you still have a lot of money there. (That’s right.) You can raise all these unborn or unwanted children, to be useful to your country’s system. (Yes.) They will learn, they will be this and that. They will be talented. They will be good artists, they will be good doctors, they will be… Who knows who they will be, a saint even. (Yes.) Maybe a saint will be born among those children. You don’t give them any chance. You just kill life like that. It’s worse. Kill animals already, and now kill children. My God! They’re heartless people. They’re not people. They are demons. (Yes, Master.)
    I’m not afraid to say anything like that, because it’s the truth. It’s logical speaking. (Yes, Master.) You don’t even have to believe me that they’re under demons’ control or anything, all of them; you don’t have to. If they support abortion, and want to pay for the abortion, then you know where they are already. (Yes, Master.) You know whom they’re working for and why. (Yes.)
    Long ago, long before we talked about all this system in America, I already told you that the zealous demons, they eat dead bodies, the essence of the energy of the anguished people who die anguishedly. (Understand. Yes.) Like in war or under oppression, or wrongly killed, especially babies like this. (Yes.) Oh, they’d be happy! (Oh dear!) And the more they eat, the stronger they become. (Wow.) And then they will use this human energy mixed with the anguish to influence others, to bear more devils. (Wow!) They can spread out, they can multiply, with all this energy feeding them. (Yes. Yes, Master.) And then America will have just demons, running around. Sorry. (Oh my God.) Yes, yes. (Terrible!) That’s the future. (Oh no.) If you don’t stop all this, that’s in your future.

  • The True Jihad, Part 8 of 14, Oct. 4, 2021

In every society, there are rich and poor. The rich people can donate some, but they must stay rich, and opulent, because they earned it. And then that is also an example for others to strive, to work harder. (Yes.) To tax their intelligence IQ, so that they can earn, so they can be like him, can be rich like his neighbor. If everybody is motivated like this, the country will be richer and richer.

And now he (Biden) wants to tax all the rich, just so that he can spend on whatever he thinks is more socially “moral,” whatever. But I don’t think you should tax the rich so much. Because even if they tax the rich, the people say it affects the poor also. The less rich are also being taxed more. …But they just do it with agenda, just to make some people happy so that they can vote for them.

You cannot force people to donate what they don’t want to. That will defeat the purpose. To donate something, that means you have a good heart, you have to feel it. You want to donate it, then you feel good. But if you rob them of their money just because they’re rich, that is just like a robber. It’s robbery.

If you rob the rich, give it to the poor, it won’t last long anyway. And it has a bad effect…

The True Jihad, Part 9 of 14, Oct. 4, 2021


If you see somebody rich and you envy them, and… that’s not fair. That’s their merit, that Heaven gives to them because they did something good in the former life. And if they do it all legally, they pay taxes, they pay their employees a lot already for the country. Otherwise, these people may be jobless and they’ll go to take out the money from the social service. That’s some more loss.
So, taxing the rich has consequences. When they can earn money elsewhere and better, spend less and earn more and the government there treats them better, then sometimes they move.
And the more rich people, the more they will encourage other people to work harder, to be more rich, then the richer your country becomes. It’s a pride of all the citizens of the whole country. You should not snub them like that.
So if you corner people too hard, you will lose at the end. And then if you continue like that, then you’ll have no more talent, no more enthusiastic younger people, to motivate themselves to be somebody, to make something for their own living and their proudness. So it’s not always good.
Thiên Đàng Không Chấp Nhận Những Ai Ủng Hộ Sát Sinh- Ngài Thanh Hải Vô Thượng Sư (Vegan ) 25/10/2021

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