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2021-03-22, 07:43 AM
2021-04-14, 09:25 AM
The Fallen Angels, Part 3 of 8, Feb 7, 2021
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You can see how easy it is to fall. Because God doesn’t control the free will of all beings. And thus, they are using this free will to go against God, to judge God’s decision and benevolence. They are already fallen the moment they think and criticize God’s treatment of humans.
“So, god witnessed all that he had known beforehand and then he solved the problem by letting the two angels die. Then he hung both of their corpses on top of the Darkness Mountain, that exists between the Earth and Heaven.”
The way it is described here, I think it is talking about Astral Level. Otherwise, it would say, “between many Heavens.” Or between “many levels of Heavens.” Of course, there is a god in the Astral Level as well. You know already at the time of initiation. Right? (Yes, Master.) You know his name. (Yes.) In the Hungarian retreat, I told you that each god, each Level, when they have power, they’re creating their own levels of existence. Remember? (Yes, Master.) So this is probably the Astral god. The Chinese, the Aulacese (Vietnamese), they call them also god. And mostly people only know this god.
“Since then, the magicians and those who practice magic and stuff, they all come to that kind of mountain in order to have a good connection with each other, and then learn magic.” Magic, but they say “yêu thuật” meaning the black magic. (Wow.) “Because they are also the descendants of these two angels. Thus, god has destroyed them also, again, so that they will not make the world become contaminated and filthy. Otherwise, because of them, they are more sinful, more vicious, and worse than the humans. They might also drag all the humans down and thus, god will also have to destroy all the humans.” You understand now? (Yes, Master.)
I told you that many of these zealous ghosts and bad spirits, they also influence badly the humans, thus make them hard to teach, to guide them back Home. And according to this book here, that was the reason why we had Noah’s flood. (Oh.) You remember that? (Yes, Master.) Is that Noah, right? (Yes, Master.) The flood. “The great Noah’s flood.” That’s what it is saying here.
“Now, god, the creator, needs new angels to replace the two dead and gone angels. Thus, he summoned Elijah and Nahum and told them that they have to take care of the work that the other two angels, deceased angels, had been doing. In the Bible, it describes these stubborn and bad angels in this story, they call them, ‘the sons of god.’ There is one Jewish scholar named (Rabbi) Moshe David Cassuto. He lived from 1883 until 1951. He had been doing research about this. According to the writings of people of Phoenicia and Ugarit, he explained that when we talk about those previous devas and probably angels that are mentioned in the Bible, he said that they have been exiled to the position of material beings, but have god’s quality. Meaning they belong to the group of the holiness, helping the creator, thus this kind of story has the link to the Bible. It’s supposed to be maybe just a legend, long, long time (ago) and maybe it’s lost from the Sem race of people. That is according to the name of Noah, the first son of Noah. The primary source of Semitic race is comprised of the Jewish, Arabs, and Phoenicians, etc. It’s about the fight between Yahweh, and those who are against Hirm.” Means, Hes enemies. God’s enemies. I didn’t know God has enemies. It is said here. I guess these fallen angels went against him.
“This story has a source from the Bible. Some of them also exist in the Book of Enoch, Mitras, the Quran, Zohar, and other several holy books. This kind of story has the quality of a legend in them,” like a fairy story, “but many writers use it as inspiration. And then… they have created many other kinds of stories, similar. One of these stories, or books inspired by this kind of story, the two Fallen Angels, very famous, is Paradise Lost, written in 1667 by John Milton, England (from 1608-1674), his life. There are two other stories, there are Solomon and Ashmodai. The two fallen angels have been also a water god and wind god, with the names ‘Azza and Azazel.’”
OK, guys, that’s it. The story is done. (Thank You, Master.) Thank you for your patience, because not easy for me to translate either, but now we can learn something from it or not? (Yes, Master.) Tell me, what did you think about the story? What have you learnt about it? Any questions? Any comments?
You can see how easy it is to fall. Because God doesn’t control the free will of all beings. And thus, they are using this free will to go against God, to judge God’s decision and benevolence. They are already fallen the moment they think and criticize God’s treatment of humans. (Yes, Master.) What’s that got to do with them anyway, how God treats other beings? They are the angels, the two of them were treated well, trusted confidantes next to God’s side and doing just easy jobs. Having all the privilege and comfort of an angel and still go around and criticizing God! So of course, at the end, they lose. They lose all the status and privilege. They already are fallen before they even open their mouths, just by their own negative thinking about God’s decision, God’s treatment of the human race.
What’s that got to do with them how God treats others? Just like a very rich man, a millionaire, he decided to give some of his money away. It doesn’t matter to whom he wants to give and how much. It’s his money. (Yes, Master.) If you get some of it, you should be happy already. You should not compare like, “Why God gives him more, why God gives me less.” That is not correct. Anyway, you should be just grateful for what you have been given. (Yes, Master.)
So these two angels, of course, they are no good for God anyway if they carry this kind of critical mind and argumentative attitude against their own boss even, the One who created them, created their existence, in any way. Without God they wouldn’t have existed, they wouldn’t have known any pleasure or pain or suffering or how God treats humans. Therefore, they’re doomed. They made it themselves and you can predict the outcome anyway. And God has been so tolerant and generous already that He even gave them a chance to test their own strength and to understand humans so that they can maybe repent and be appreciative of their own glory. But no, you see, they failed miserably. (Yes.)
That’s why I keep telling you, I’m sorry for humans. And I am trying all my might and still am trying and will be trying to help them, despite so much difficulty, obstacles and harm done to myself by the karma of all that. OK? Now you understand. (Yes, Master.) It is logical that if you look into the other direction, the opposite direction, then you are already on the way to that opposite direction in your mind. In your, make up of your being. The thing is, if they think opposite of God’s thinking, God’s doing, God’s action, then they’re already facing toward the opposite direction. So, the opposite direction is where they will be. It’s like that. They did not have enough love, they did not have love at all to feel sorry for the humans’ lot, who are less fortunate than they are, less privileged. Not only they don’t feel sorry for the humans’ lot, they even criticize them and condemn them and want to destroy them. So of course, this is all the opposite quality of a benevolent being of God. Thus, they will meet their own judgement, their own fate. If you wish ill to someone else, you will beget that fate as well. As you sow, so shall you reap. (Yes, Master.)
The Fallen Angels, Part 3 of 8, Feb 7, 2021
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You can see how easy it is to fall. Because God doesn’t control the free will of all beings. And thus, they are using this free will to go against God, to judge God’s decision and benevolence. They are already fallen the moment they think and criticize God’s treatment of humans.
“So, god witnessed all that he had known beforehand and then he solved the problem by letting the two angels die. Then he hung both of their corpses on top of the Darkness Mountain, that exists between the Earth and Heaven.”
The way it is described here, I think it is talking about Astral Level. Otherwise, it would say, “between many Heavens.” Or between “many levels of Heavens.” Of course, there is a god in the Astral Level as well. You know already at the time of initiation. Right? (Yes, Master.) You know his name. (Yes.) In the Hungarian retreat, I told you that each god, each Level, when they have power, they’re creating their own levels of existence. Remember? (Yes, Master.) So this is probably the Astral god. The Chinese, the Aulacese (Vietnamese), they call them also god. And mostly people only know this god.
“Since then, the magicians and those who practice magic and stuff, they all come to that kind of mountain in order to have a good connection with each other, and then learn magic.” Magic, but they say “yêu thuật” meaning the black magic. (Wow.) “Because they are also the descendants of these two angels. Thus, god has destroyed them also, again, so that they will not make the world become contaminated and filthy. Otherwise, because of them, they are more sinful, more vicious, and worse than the humans. They might also drag all the humans down and thus, god will also have to destroy all the humans.” You understand now? (Yes, Master.)
I told you that many of these zealous ghosts and bad spirits, they also influence badly the humans, thus make them hard to teach, to guide them back Home. And according to this book here, that was the reason why we had Noah’s flood. (Oh.) You remember that? (Yes, Master.) Is that Noah, right? (Yes, Master.) The flood. “The great Noah’s flood.” That’s what it is saying here.
“Now, god, the creator, needs new angels to replace the two dead and gone angels. Thus, he summoned Elijah and Nahum and told them that they have to take care of the work that the other two angels, deceased angels, had been doing. In the Bible, it describes these stubborn and bad angels in this story, they call them, ‘the sons of god.’ There is one Jewish scholar named (Rabbi) Moshe David Cassuto. He lived from 1883 until 1951. He had been doing research about this. According to the writings of people of Phoenicia and Ugarit, he explained that when we talk about those previous devas and probably angels that are mentioned in the Bible, he said that they have been exiled to the position of material beings, but have god’s quality. Meaning they belong to the group of the holiness, helping the creator, thus this kind of story has the link to the Bible. It’s supposed to be maybe just a legend, long, long time (ago) and maybe it’s lost from the Sem race of people. That is according to the name of Noah, the first son of Noah. The primary source of Semitic race is comprised of the Jewish, Arabs, and Phoenicians, etc. It’s about the fight between Yahweh, and those who are against Hirm.” Means, Hes enemies. God’s enemies. I didn’t know God has enemies. It is said here. I guess these fallen angels went against him.
“This story has a source from the Bible. Some of them also exist in the Book of Enoch, Mitras, the Quran, Zohar, and other several holy books. This kind of story has the quality of a legend in them,” like a fairy story, “but many writers use it as inspiration. And then… they have created many other kinds of stories, similar. One of these stories, or books inspired by this kind of story, the two Fallen Angels, very famous, is Paradise Lost, written in 1667 by John Milton, England (from 1608-1674), his life. There are two other stories, there are Solomon and Ashmodai. The two fallen angels have been also a water god and wind god, with the names ‘Azza and Azazel.’”
OK, guys, that’s it. The story is done. (Thank You, Master.) Thank you for your patience, because not easy for me to translate either, but now we can learn something from it or not? (Yes, Master.) Tell me, what did you think about the story? What have you learnt about it? Any questions? Any comments?
You can see how easy it is to fall. Because God doesn’t control the free will of all beings. And thus, they are using this free will to go against God, to judge God’s decision and benevolence. They are already fallen the moment they think and criticize God’s treatment of humans. (Yes, Master.) What’s that got to do with them anyway, how God treats other beings? They are the angels, the two of them were treated well, trusted confidantes next to God’s side and doing just easy jobs. Having all the privilege and comfort of an angel and still go around and criticizing God! So of course, at the end, they lose. They lose all the status and privilege. They already are fallen before they even open their mouths, just by their own negative thinking about God’s decision, God’s treatment of the human race.
What’s that got to do with them how God treats others? Just like a very rich man, a millionaire, he decided to give some of his money away. It doesn’t matter to whom he wants to give and how much. It’s his money. (Yes, Master.) If you get some of it, you should be happy already. You should not compare like, “Why God gives him more, why God gives me less.” That is not correct. Anyway, you should be just grateful for what you have been given. (Yes, Master.)
So these two angels, of course, they are no good for God anyway if they carry this kind of critical mind and argumentative attitude against their own boss even, the One who created them, created their existence, in any way. Without God they wouldn’t have existed, they wouldn’t have known any pleasure or pain or suffering or how God treats humans. Therefore, they’re doomed. They made it themselves and you can predict the outcome anyway. And God has been so tolerant and generous already that He even gave them a chance to test their own strength and to understand humans so that they can maybe repent and be appreciative of their own glory. But no, you see, they failed miserably. (Yes.)
That’s why I keep telling you, I’m sorry for humans. And I am trying all my might and still am trying and will be trying to help them, despite so much difficulty, obstacles and harm done to myself by the karma of all that. OK? Now you understand. (Yes, Master.) It is logical that if you look into the other direction, the opposite direction, then you are already on the way to that opposite direction in your mind. In your, make up of your being. The thing is, if they think opposite of God’s thinking, God’s doing, God’s action, then they’re already facing toward the opposite direction. So, the opposite direction is where they will be. It’s like that. They did not have enough love, they did not have love at all to feel sorry for the humans’ lot, who are less fortunate than they are, less privileged. Not only they don’t feel sorry for the humans’ lot, they even criticize them and condemn them and want to destroy them. So of course, this is all the opposite quality of a benevolent being of God. Thus, they will meet their own judgement, their own fate. If you wish ill to someone else, you will beget that fate as well. As you sow, so shall you reap. (Yes, Master.)
2021-04-14, 09:28 AM
Between Master and Disciples
The Fallen Angels, Part 4 of 8, Feb 7, 2021
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Some people could go to the Astral Level, some human beings could and some astral beings keep coming to us often, we just don’t know. Some of them are good, some are bad. Astral Levels have Heavens and hell, if these beings come from Heavens of the Astral Level, then they are benevolent, they are helping us when we need, by the way. (Master, we hear about the myth of Atlantis where eventually they became corrupted and their land was destroyed. Is that a similar situation as the angels or was it decreed by God that the Earth at that time needed to be destroyed? And were there maybe at that time any survivors that maybe mixed with modern human DNA?) I wasn’t there. I don’t know. I guess we also… It’s not just about the Atlantis story and their destruction or the self-destruction, but there are many stories in different countries. Even in Âu Lạc (Vietnam) also, we have legends that the humans mix with higher beings from Heaven (Yes.) or even from hell, possible also, from demons, because they have also this magic power that they can transform themselves into human beings. The angels, the higher world beings, like in Astral world or even from lower worlds, like from hell or even not from hell but demon’s world. Now, we also are a mix kind of race of beings. We are not always pure human, not all of us are pure humans. And then after a while, it will become just normal. Even nowadays, we interviewed some of the military high rank in Canada before. Mr….. I forgot. He even said that they have an alien working with them. He knows that. He comes in and out every day and he looks like us. And that is an alien maybe from another planet perhaps, but we also have other beings in the same planet as us, just more powerful in psychic power, and all kinds of shape-shifting magic power as well. So, in Âu Lạc (Vietnam), we are not supposed to be human even. We came from the dragon and the fairy. The fairy from Heaven came down and then had a relationship with a dragon king and that’s how the Aulacese (Vietnamese) were born, (Wow.) from eggs even. (Yes.) We are not born from a normal womb like others, but born from eggs, a hundred eggs. And then from then, we became more and more people, as a race of Aulacese (Vietnamese) people. So we call ourselves the children of the dragon and the fairy. We still call like that nowadays. Maybe not daily but in writing and sometimes addressing ourselves or just talking, mostly in literature. We are very near the astral world and we may not be able to always go up to the Astral Level, but the astral beings, it’s easier for them to come down to us and mix with humans, we don’t even know. Astral persons, they are very much similar to us anyway except they don’t have this physical body, they have the astral body and other bodies. We have physical body, astral body and many other bodies that I told you already at the time of initiation. And then when we die, we shed one by one to go up. We shed all these shadow bodies, including the astral body. Some people could go to the Astral Level, some human beings could and some astral beings keep coming to us often, we just don’t know. Some of them are good, some are bad. Astral Levels have Heavens and hell, if these beings come from Heavens of the Astral Level, then they are benevolent, they are helping us when we need, by the way. If they see some need they will help. But if the beings came from the hell level, hell area, then they are not always benevolent. They could cause trouble also or they could just… They also fancy humans. When they come down, they make themselves look like handsome guys or beautiful girls and then they go seducing people. And Heavens, from the Astral, always have to guard, helping humans a lot also. Otherwise, the hell beings, they’ll come up and take over. Keep having relationships with humans and then slowly they change everything. They change into astral beings, they change the race into mixed beings, it’s not pure humans anymore. Therefore, we humans also are having trouble all the time. So, God has to kind of help us, guard us and guide us. And whoever listens, will be good for them, will be more protected, and more intelligent, and more benevolent, just like Heavenly beings. Even just the astral Heavenly beings, they’re good. The Heavenly beings and the hell beings in the Astral Level, they fight with each other, often, for any reason, for even property, for rights, and for all kinds of things. (Oh.) There was one story about the Buddha when He was one of the Kings of Heavens. He had to go and fight with the Astral, because the Astral, they always want to inch themselves up, take over the border and above, beyond the border, just to expand their power, and their territory. So sometimes the Heaven King had to go out and fight with them. So, Buddha was one of the Kings before in one of His incarnations. He went out and fought with the Astral, with the lower level of the Astral, the hellish one. Sometimes lower doesn’t mean only hell, also lower. Not necessarily the hell level. There are different levels. One hundred twenty plus levels in the astral world. And some, the deepest ones, are hells, and these hells, sometimes they are very vicious. They are nearer to the human border and they come make trouble. But the other lower level of Astral is not hundred percent like hell, but also not benevolent and not friendly. They sometimes go and try to take up the Heaven’s territory. And the Buddha went out and fought with them. But the Buddha lost. (Oh.) Almost like, He had to run. (Wow.) He had to keep retreating, retreating, retreating, because the Astral, they are very powerful. They are the worst kinds of enemies that you can deal with. (Wow.) You don’t think that Heavens are always more powerful than the Astral Level, lower level. It’s not. Even the King of the Astral, high Astral Level came out and fought with them and He lost. (Master, how can these low-level demons win over God Power?) Why the lower astral levels or hellish demons levels did win like, for example, in the case of Shakyamuni Buddha’s former incarnation as the God King of smaller Heaven. Why did they win over the Buddha? Because the demons or the devils, they use all kinds of tricks, no matter how dirty, filthy, inhumane or undignified, they use them all. Because they don’t have any dignity, love, compassion in their hearts. They care not how many lives lost or what damage could be done to others, as long as they can seize some more territory or power. That’s why they so-called won. But that’s not winning. On the contrary, even if the Buddha lost at that time, He won. Because after all, love and compassion are the only qualities that any being should possess, if you can call yourself a real being. So, they keep retreating, the Buddha, as the King of Heaven at that time, keeps retreating, retreating. And then, suddenly one of His soldiers who ran before Him, returned back, and said, “Oh, there are some…” I forgot what it was, maybe some “birds” or something “are making a nest in the front, on our way. So, if we go this way, we will trample upon all of them and they will die.” Oh, the Buddha’s compassion immediately arose, and then He immediately turned back, even though He would have to face the strong enemy. (Yes.) He was just thinking of the animals. I guess it was birds, just some Heavenly animals are having some family and a nest, and everything there, they were doing something there, so they cannot go that way. So, the Buddha immediately U-turned. (Oh.) But that means risky. They are already advancing and you are losing, so that means you are going to die for sure. Lost. (Yes.) But the Buddha immediately just U-turned like that and ran, ran, ran, ran back, and the Astral, the astral lower levels’ armies suddenly saw the Buddha just kept running, like flying backward, flying back to them, suddenly like that, with such urgency. And then they are scared. Oh, there must be some tricks. They all ran away. Because the Buddha was running away already, they say how come suddenly he U-turned like that and just ran toward them without caring or anything. So there must be something, something wrong. So they’re all scared and ran back to their own area themselves. So the Buddha won. I like that story also. But I don’t want to be a Buddha and return again and again to the Astral or the King of Heavens or whatever position in this Shadow Universe.
Between Master and Disciples
The Fallen Angels, Part 4 of 8, Feb 7, 2021
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Some people could go to the Astral Level, some human beings could and some astral beings keep coming to us often, we just don’t know. Some of them are good, some are bad. Astral Levels have Heavens and hell, if these beings come from Heavens of the Astral Level, then they are benevolent, they are helping us when we need, by the way. (Master, we hear about the myth of Atlantis where eventually they became corrupted and their land was destroyed. Is that a similar situation as the angels or was it decreed by God that the Earth at that time needed to be destroyed? And were there maybe at that time any survivors that maybe mixed with modern human DNA?) I wasn’t there. I don’t know. I guess we also… It’s not just about the Atlantis story and their destruction or the self-destruction, but there are many stories in different countries. Even in Âu Lạc (Vietnam) also, we have legends that the humans mix with higher beings from Heaven (Yes.) or even from hell, possible also, from demons, because they have also this magic power that they can transform themselves into human beings. The angels, the higher world beings, like in Astral world or even from lower worlds, like from hell or even not from hell but demon’s world. Now, we also are a mix kind of race of beings. We are not always pure human, not all of us are pure humans. And then after a while, it will become just normal. Even nowadays, we interviewed some of the military high rank in Canada before. Mr….. I forgot. He even said that they have an alien working with them. He knows that. He comes in and out every day and he looks like us. And that is an alien maybe from another planet perhaps, but we also have other beings in the same planet as us, just more powerful in psychic power, and all kinds of shape-shifting magic power as well. So, in Âu Lạc (Vietnam), we are not supposed to be human even. We came from the dragon and the fairy. The fairy from Heaven came down and then had a relationship with a dragon king and that’s how the Aulacese (Vietnamese) were born, (Wow.) from eggs even. (Yes.) We are not born from a normal womb like others, but born from eggs, a hundred eggs. And then from then, we became more and more people, as a race of Aulacese (Vietnamese) people. So we call ourselves the children of the dragon and the fairy. We still call like that nowadays. Maybe not daily but in writing and sometimes addressing ourselves or just talking, mostly in literature. We are very near the astral world and we may not be able to always go up to the Astral Level, but the astral beings, it’s easier for them to come down to us and mix with humans, we don’t even know. Astral persons, they are very much similar to us anyway except they don’t have this physical body, they have the astral body and other bodies. We have physical body, astral body and many other bodies that I told you already at the time of initiation. And then when we die, we shed one by one to go up. We shed all these shadow bodies, including the astral body. Some people could go to the Astral Level, some human beings could and some astral beings keep coming to us often, we just don’t know. Some of them are good, some are bad. Astral Levels have Heavens and hell, if these beings come from Heavens of the Astral Level, then they are benevolent, they are helping us when we need, by the way. If they see some need they will help. But if the beings came from the hell level, hell area, then they are not always benevolent. They could cause trouble also or they could just… They also fancy humans. When they come down, they make themselves look like handsome guys or beautiful girls and then they go seducing people. And Heavens, from the Astral, always have to guard, helping humans a lot also. Otherwise, the hell beings, they’ll come up and take over. Keep having relationships with humans and then slowly they change everything. They change into astral beings, they change the race into mixed beings, it’s not pure humans anymore. Therefore, we humans also are having trouble all the time. So, God has to kind of help us, guard us and guide us. And whoever listens, will be good for them, will be more protected, and more intelligent, and more benevolent, just like Heavenly beings. Even just the astral Heavenly beings, they’re good. The Heavenly beings and the hell beings in the Astral Level, they fight with each other, often, for any reason, for even property, for rights, and for all kinds of things. (Oh.) There was one story about the Buddha when He was one of the Kings of Heavens. He had to go and fight with the Astral, because the Astral, they always want to inch themselves up, take over the border and above, beyond the border, just to expand their power, and their territory. So sometimes the Heaven King had to go out and fight with them. So, Buddha was one of the Kings before in one of His incarnations. He went out and fought with the Astral, with the lower level of the Astral, the hellish one. Sometimes lower doesn’t mean only hell, also lower. Not necessarily the hell level. There are different levels. One hundred twenty plus levels in the astral world. And some, the deepest ones, are hells, and these hells, sometimes they are very vicious. They are nearer to the human border and they come make trouble. But the other lower level of Astral is not hundred percent like hell, but also not benevolent and not friendly. They sometimes go and try to take up the Heaven’s territory. And the Buddha went out and fought with them. But the Buddha lost. (Oh.) Almost like, He had to run. (Wow.) He had to keep retreating, retreating, retreating, because the Astral, they are very powerful. They are the worst kinds of enemies that you can deal with. (Wow.) You don’t think that Heavens are always more powerful than the Astral Level, lower level. It’s not. Even the King of the Astral, high Astral Level came out and fought with them and He lost. (Master, how can these low-level demons win over God Power?) Why the lower astral levels or hellish demons levels did win like, for example, in the case of Shakyamuni Buddha’s former incarnation as the God King of smaller Heaven. Why did they win over the Buddha? Because the demons or the devils, they use all kinds of tricks, no matter how dirty, filthy, inhumane or undignified, they use them all. Because they don’t have any dignity, love, compassion in their hearts. They care not how many lives lost or what damage could be done to others, as long as they can seize some more territory or power. That’s why they so-called won. But that’s not winning. On the contrary, even if the Buddha lost at that time, He won. Because after all, love and compassion are the only qualities that any being should possess, if you can call yourself a real being. So, they keep retreating, the Buddha, as the King of Heaven at that time, keeps retreating, retreating. And then, suddenly one of His soldiers who ran before Him, returned back, and said, “Oh, there are some…” I forgot what it was, maybe some “birds” or something “are making a nest in the front, on our way. So, if we go this way, we will trample upon all of them and they will die.” Oh, the Buddha’s compassion immediately arose, and then He immediately turned back, even though He would have to face the strong enemy. (Yes.) He was just thinking of the animals. I guess it was birds, just some Heavenly animals are having some family and a nest, and everything there, they were doing something there, so they cannot go that way. So, the Buddha immediately U-turned. (Oh.) But that means risky. They are already advancing and you are losing, so that means you are going to die for sure. Lost. (Yes.) But the Buddha immediately just U-turned like that and ran, ran, ran, ran back, and the Astral, the astral lower levels’ armies suddenly saw the Buddha just kept running, like flying backward, flying back to them, suddenly like that, with such urgency. And then they are scared. Oh, there must be some tricks. They all ran away. Because the Buddha was running away already, they say how come suddenly he U-turned like that and just ran toward them without caring or anything. So there must be something, something wrong. So they’re all scared and ran back to their own area themselves. So the Buddha won. I like that story also. But I don’t want to be a Buddha and return again and again to the Astral or the King of Heavens or whatever position in this Shadow Universe.
2021-04-19, 04:28 PM
The 6Fallen Angels, Part 5 of 8, Feb 7, 2021
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You see they had a chance to seize the power already because President Trump is very compassionate and loving. He cares about the lives of others, so he stopped. This is very salutable, of course, but the opposite party, they should be contented and happy with the seizing of power. I mean they should be more compassionate, more benevolent, more tolerant to calm people’s hearts to stabilize the country.
I would like us all to go back to the safer place, the best place that we don’t have to ever go down again, if we don’t want to. (Yes, Master.) That is the story, so, losing doesn’t always mean losing. (Right.) Winning is not always winning.
Just like the recent story about President Trump. Originally, he didn’t want to give up, (Yes.) and continue fighting for his legal rights, but then because some people mixed in, some other groups’ people mixed in and it happened that some people die. I wonder how. Because only the police at that time had weapons. And according to the newspaper, the new administration called these protestors who ran in to the Capitol… The police killed the first woman. They all have no arms. They have no weapons.
Or one of the participants, he’s a Trump supporter or not, I don’t know, he belonged to another group and then, he just had a spear but to hang the… that is the way you hang the flag of America, that’s all. But he didn’t use it to kill anybody or hurt anyone. I guess, it’s mostly just the stampede, and that caused the trouble, caused some people to die and the police killed one woman, but she had no weapons. So they addressed them…
The new administration called them terrorists. What kind of terrorist has no weapons? You understand what I’m saying? (Yes, Master.) This is overdoing, it’s too much. Now that they have the power, they even are terrifying half of the country. Going witch-hunting from the President downward. This world is really upside down. So many things that many governments do, it’s not according to logic and reason. I hope they rethink, otherwise they will lose the humans’ support and humans’ heart, the hearts of their supporters. If they overdo things, people will wake up and think it’s not logical, it’s not kind. It’s overstating.
What kind of terrorist has no weapons at all and just comes in like that? I guess they just wanted to come in to face the Congress. And the gathering who are supposed to certify the electoral votes. That’s all. They wanted to face them and ask them to change it or… that’s all. That’s why they had no weapons, nothing. The ones who went inside had nothing. And just died like that. One of the police also unfortunately died.
But they are not terrorists. Instead of that even... Now, since then, they’re [those against President Trump supporters] terrifying half of the country. That is not right. (Yes, Master.) Like they’re terrifying them – by hunting them, by firing them, all over, everywhere. Because they lost their job. They’ve been threatened, all kinds of stuff. And mentally terrorized. (Yes, Master.) That’s worse than terrorists. I’m sorry, my opinion. People are scared, scared to say that they are supporting whom, supporting President Trump. They’re hiding; they don’t even dare to speak loud and all that. They’re still hunting them – hunting from the army even, in the army, in the National Guard. And everyone, seems like no one is safe.
We have to do things according to logic and reason. And we have to rule with benevolence. Right? (Yes, Master.) Because, if you win people’s hearts, that will be a more lasting victory. (Yes, Master.)
You see, President Trump wasn’t going to give up. It’s just that after they entered the government building there and some people died like that, of course, that goes against his own principle of peace and non-violence. So, he gave up immediately; he immediately announced that there will be the peaceful transfer of presidential power to the next party, because he did not want any more trouble like that and he did not want any more lives lost, similar to the King of Heaven. The story I told you, one of the past reincarnations of the Buddha, because of compassion, because of real love, he didn’t want victory at all costs. So that is a true victory. Winning is not always winning, losing is not always losing. I very much respect and admire him for that. (Yes, Master.)
You see they had a chance to seize the power already because President Trump is very compassionate and loving. He cares about the lives of others, so he stopped. This is very salutable, of course, but the opposite party, they should be contented and happy with the seizing of power. I mean they should be more compassionate, more benevolent, more tolerant to calm people’s hearts to stabilize the country. Instead, they’re terrifying them, from the top down and doing some things in a short period of time that is defying logic, reason and humanity. You know by witch hunting, wrong condemnation, purposely degrading people and threatening them with all kinds of witch-hunting techniques and fear tactics. And that creates very bad karma, worse karma. That’s why I told you it’s very difficult for me also even to help them, to work with them. I just hope they turn around and it will be easier to work with. Also, it’s involving other things that I have to do in order to work with them peacefully.
(Master, we have a question.) Tell me. (You have the Power of Heaven to change the result of the election.) Yes. (How come Master didn’t do that?)
Yeah. Because… Because we are not supposed to do it like that. (Right.) Also, it would destroy the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party had many good Presidents. I owe the Democratic Party something. (Yes, Master.) I owe President Clinton something. I had to also, to protect Âu Lạc (Vietnam). Even though I had chosen to support America, I need to… I don’t need to, but I wanted to also, to protect Âu Lạc (Vietnam). OK? (Yes, Master.) Because that was the country who nourished me all that time until I’ve grown up. (Right.)
I owe ex-President Clinton, because I had written him a very long letter to ask him to help the Aulacese (Vietnamese). The American government was also helping the refugees. But President Clinton lifted the 30-years long embargo for Âu Lạc (Vietnam) for 74 million people. It was a great job that he has done. You remember? (Yes, Master.) Because of that embargo, Âu Lạc (Vietnam) was very down, down-trodden. Very poor, very oppressed. Very depleted. After the war, everything was already almost depleted. Economically, politically and everything, Âu Lạc (Vietnam) was really dying. President Clinton, after I had written the letter, not long after, he lifted the embargo (Right.) of 30 years. Many presidents did not do that, but he did.
Remember I was supporting President Clinton before he became president. Do you remember that? (Yes, Master.) They made a lot of noise and some people said this and that about me, also. But I knew, if he is the president, he would have helped Âu Lạc (Vietnam). So, I have tried my best. I even jumped into politics. I did support President Clinton, not only outside, but inside. Because I knew he will help to lift Âu Lạc (Vietnam) up. Otherwise, I don’t think Âu Lạc (Vietnam) can survive.
After 30 years of war, and then 30-years of embargo. You understand what I’m saying? (Yes, Master.) How do the people survive? Not just internationally, but nationally as a race. That is a very long embargo and it is very difficult to get up from there. So, that’s why I owed ex-President Clinton that big debt. So I cannot let Heaven heavy-handedly handle the Democrats, even though I knew I could. (Yes, Master.)
The 6Fallen Angels, Part 5 of 8, Feb 7, 2021
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You see they had a chance to seize the power already because President Trump is very compassionate and loving. He cares about the lives of others, so he stopped. This is very salutable, of course, but the opposite party, they should be contented and happy with the seizing of power. I mean they should be more compassionate, more benevolent, more tolerant to calm people’s hearts to stabilize the country.
I would like us all to go back to the safer place, the best place that we don’t have to ever go down again, if we don’t want to. (Yes, Master.) That is the story, so, losing doesn’t always mean losing. (Right.) Winning is not always winning.
Just like the recent story about President Trump. Originally, he didn’t want to give up, (Yes.) and continue fighting for his legal rights, but then because some people mixed in, some other groups’ people mixed in and it happened that some people die. I wonder how. Because only the police at that time had weapons. And according to the newspaper, the new administration called these protestors who ran in to the Capitol… The police killed the first woman. They all have no arms. They have no weapons.
Or one of the participants, he’s a Trump supporter or not, I don’t know, he belonged to another group and then, he just had a spear but to hang the… that is the way you hang the flag of America, that’s all. But he didn’t use it to kill anybody or hurt anyone. I guess, it’s mostly just the stampede, and that caused the trouble, caused some people to die and the police killed one woman, but she had no weapons. So they addressed them…
The new administration called them terrorists. What kind of terrorist has no weapons? You understand what I’m saying? (Yes, Master.) This is overdoing, it’s too much. Now that they have the power, they even are terrifying half of the country. Going witch-hunting from the President downward. This world is really upside down. So many things that many governments do, it’s not according to logic and reason. I hope they rethink, otherwise they will lose the humans’ support and humans’ heart, the hearts of their supporters. If they overdo things, people will wake up and think it’s not logical, it’s not kind. It’s overstating.
What kind of terrorist has no weapons at all and just comes in like that? I guess they just wanted to come in to face the Congress. And the gathering who are supposed to certify the electoral votes. That’s all. They wanted to face them and ask them to change it or… that’s all. That’s why they had no weapons, nothing. The ones who went inside had nothing. And just died like that. One of the police also unfortunately died.
But they are not terrorists. Instead of that even... Now, since then, they’re [those against President Trump supporters] terrifying half of the country. That is not right. (Yes, Master.) Like they’re terrifying them – by hunting them, by firing them, all over, everywhere. Because they lost their job. They’ve been threatened, all kinds of stuff. And mentally terrorized. (Yes, Master.) That’s worse than terrorists. I’m sorry, my opinion. People are scared, scared to say that they are supporting whom, supporting President Trump. They’re hiding; they don’t even dare to speak loud and all that. They’re still hunting them – hunting from the army even, in the army, in the National Guard. And everyone, seems like no one is safe.
We have to do things according to logic and reason. And we have to rule with benevolence. Right? (Yes, Master.) Because, if you win people’s hearts, that will be a more lasting victory. (Yes, Master.)
You see, President Trump wasn’t going to give up. It’s just that after they entered the government building there and some people died like that, of course, that goes against his own principle of peace and non-violence. So, he gave up immediately; he immediately announced that there will be the peaceful transfer of presidential power to the next party, because he did not want any more trouble like that and he did not want any more lives lost, similar to the King of Heaven. The story I told you, one of the past reincarnations of the Buddha, because of compassion, because of real love, he didn’t want victory at all costs. So that is a true victory. Winning is not always winning, losing is not always losing. I very much respect and admire him for that. (Yes, Master.)
You see they had a chance to seize the power already because President Trump is very compassionate and loving. He cares about the lives of others, so he stopped. This is very salutable, of course, but the opposite party, they should be contented and happy with the seizing of power. I mean they should be more compassionate, more benevolent, more tolerant to calm people’s hearts to stabilize the country. Instead, they’re terrifying them, from the top down and doing some things in a short period of time that is defying logic, reason and humanity. You know by witch hunting, wrong condemnation, purposely degrading people and threatening them with all kinds of witch-hunting techniques and fear tactics. And that creates very bad karma, worse karma. That’s why I told you it’s very difficult for me also even to help them, to work with them. I just hope they turn around and it will be easier to work with. Also, it’s involving other things that I have to do in order to work with them peacefully.
(Master, we have a question.) Tell me. (You have the Power of Heaven to change the result of the election.) Yes. (How come Master didn’t do that?)
Yeah. Because… Because we are not supposed to do it like that. (Right.) Also, it would destroy the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party had many good Presidents. I owe the Democratic Party something. (Yes, Master.) I owe President Clinton something. I had to also, to protect Âu Lạc (Vietnam). Even though I had chosen to support America, I need to… I don’t need to, but I wanted to also, to protect Âu Lạc (Vietnam). OK? (Yes, Master.) Because that was the country who nourished me all that time until I’ve grown up. (Right.)
I owe ex-President Clinton, because I had written him a very long letter to ask him to help the Aulacese (Vietnamese). The American government was also helping the refugees. But President Clinton lifted the 30-years long embargo for Âu Lạc (Vietnam) for 74 million people. It was a great job that he has done. You remember? (Yes, Master.) Because of that embargo, Âu Lạc (Vietnam) was very down, down-trodden. Very poor, very oppressed. Very depleted. After the war, everything was already almost depleted. Economically, politically and everything, Âu Lạc (Vietnam) was really dying. President Clinton, after I had written the letter, not long after, he lifted the embargo (Right.) of 30 years. Many presidents did not do that, but he did.
Remember I was supporting President Clinton before he became president. Do you remember that? (Yes, Master.) They made a lot of noise and some people said this and that about me, also. But I knew, if he is the president, he would have helped Âu Lạc (Vietnam). So, I have tried my best. I even jumped into politics. I did support President Clinton, not only outside, but inside. Because I knew he will help to lift Âu Lạc (Vietnam) up. Otherwise, I don’t think Âu Lạc (Vietnam) can survive.
After 30 years of war, and then 30-years of embargo. You understand what I’m saying? (Yes, Master.) How do the people survive? Not just internationally, but nationally as a race. That is a very long embargo and it is very difficult to get up from there. So, that’s why I owed ex-President Clinton that big debt. So I cannot let Heaven heavy-handedly handle the Democrats, even though I knew I could. (Yes, Master.)
2021-04-26, 10:35 AM
The Fallen Angels, Part 6 of 8, Feb 7, 2021
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Sometimes in order to do something for some country, I have to lift that country up, not to the highest Heaven but the highest possible, like for example lifting up to the higher Astral instead of in the lower Astral so the influence of the demons will be less, and the work will be easier, more peaceful. (Yes, Master.) No fighting much, no violent stuff.
Because of that embargo, Âu Lạc (Vietnam) was very down, down-trodden. Very poor, very oppressed. Very depleted. After the war, everything was already almost depleted. Economically, politically and everything, Âu Lạc (Vietnam) was really dying. President Clinton, after I had written the letter, not long after, he lifted the embargo of 30 years. (Right.) Many presidents did not do that, but he did.
Remember I was supporting President Clinton before he became president. Do you remember that? (Yes, Master.) They made a lot of noise and some people said this and that about me, also. But I knew, if he is the president, he would have helped Âu Lạc (Vietnam). So, I have tried my best. I even jumped into politics. I did support President Clinton, not only outside, but inside. Because I knew he will help to lift Âu Lạc (Vietnam) up. Otherwise, I don’t think Âu Lạc (Vietnam) can survive. After 30 years of war, and then 30-years of embargo. You understand what I’m saying? (Yes, Master.) How do the people survive? Not just internationally, but nationally as a race. That is a very long embargo and it is very difficult to get up from there.
So, that’s why I owed ex-President Clinton that big debt. So I cannot let Heaven heavy-handedly handle the Democrats, even though I knew I could. (Yes, Master.) Imagine, the whole country of Âu Lạc (Vietnam), he lifted up. That is a very, very great merit. (Yes, Master.) And a very great deed that he did. So for that, the Democratic Party enjoys also the good influence.
Of course, I am very sorry. I’m in-between America and Âu Lạc (Vietnam). The Aulacese (Vietnamese) good deed has already been done. (Yes.) But, the debt, I still remember. The favor, I’m still grateful. It’s not easy for me. (Yes, Master.) I cannot just forsake Âu Lạc (Vietnam). (Yes.) Of course, that’s not the only thing that I did for Âu Lạc (Vietnam), but that’s the most obvious that I can tell you. (Yes, Master.) (Thank You.) Thus, we cannot really go all the way. Because it will destroy that party. And I respect… before I was very supportive of Democrats also. This is the first time ever that I supported one of the so-called Republican presidents.
I never supported anyone, actually. Maybe inside, but not so outside like that. Not outwardly, obviously, like that. (Yes.) So this is one of the secrets I tell you. Now you understand. (Yes, Master.) (Thank You, Master.) Thank you for what? (For sharing that information with us.) I have written it in my diary actually. One moment. OK? (Yes, Master.) I will read it. (Thank You, Master.) It may be similar. I wrote sometimes in a hurry. I can’t remember the exact words.
You still there? (Yes, Master.) When did I write it? Oh, here. January 20th. You know that day. Right? (Yes, Master.) Historical day. (Yes, Master.) Twentieth of January. I said here to myself, “Must let it go.” I was sad, also, even though I knew it had to happen. I said, “So, Mr. Biden will be president, because I owe the Democrats a big favor =.” Equal sign. “Clinton.” I should have said “President Clinton,” but I wrote very fast. I said, “Clinton lifted the Âu Lạc (Vietnam) embargo after 30 years. Thus, cannot let Heaven be too heavy-handed on Biden. Because it’s connected with Clinton, connected with Democrats. It would destroy the Democratic party totally.” Can’t always win. I tried my best. What to do? Âu Lạc (Vietnam) is my birth country. US is my honorary country. Tough, hard choice.” (Yes.) I talked to myself. “That’s why I supported Clinton, because he is the man for Âu Lạc (Vietnam) to rescue it from the yoke of 30 years’ crippling embargo, which made the innocent citizens suffer tremendously. Alas, it’s over now. Thanks God.” That’s it. That’s for that. (All right.) (Yes, Master.) Now you know my secret. (Yes, Master.)
I’m still very grateful to President Clinton. I’m still respectful of and admiring many of the presidents from the Democratic Party. (Yes, Master.) So I cannot let Heaven be too heavy-handed. (Yes, Master.) Because it will connect all things together. It’s difficult to prove the fraud. But nothing is difficult with the Heaven Power. (Yes, Master.) Just that I owe them something. You know already, I just told you. (Yes, Master.)
The human body is a very good instrument to attain enlightenment and go back Home. The soul can go back Home through that. But the body is also a very obstructive element. (Yes, Master.) In the human body, we are subjected to weakness, to emotion, to all kinds of influence in this world, as well as from the invisible world. Because this world is nearer to hell, to the Astral, and the lowest, one of the lowest in the material world. So if we are in the human body, we have to be subjected to all that. (Yes, Master.) Just now I told you the story about the Buddha, even He was a Heavenly king, also had no body, no physical body. Still lost to the demons from the Astral World. (Yes, Master.) That is the story that was recorded through Ananda also.
Buddha told them this story or maybe some of them witnessed it or something. The Buddha, many times He told the stories about His past incarnations, remember? (Yes Master.) So that’s one of the stories. So that was an authentic story because it was told by the Buddha and recorded by Ananda. It’s not like a legend or anything. (OK, Master.) And now even then, the God and the King of Gods, the Gods’ King of the higher Astral World, still lost to the demons. Imagine how strong they are, how powerful they are, especially if they have a reason, the karmic permission to punish humans or to do any bad things because we give them excuses by not adhering to the principles of compassion and benevolence, such as don’t kill humans, don’t kill animals. (Yes, Master.)
(If souls, once they’ve repented Master, are they able to affect people to do better?)
A little, yes, a little, yes. But because of the lower level, it’s not easy for them to change so quick. They have their background and also this influence from the demons to boot. That’s what it is. Very difficult, difficult. It could change but it takes time. (Yes, Master.) Takes time. Everything takes time in this world. EVERYTHING TAKES TIME. That’s what wears my patience out. I am also trying to help them.
Let me think if I can tell you. Just one moment. (Yes, Master.) Maybe I could but... (Yes, Master.) I’m just telling you generally. Except everything takes time… everything takes so long because of the time in this world, it makes things like that. It limits the strength of the power, the visibility of humans to see things when it’s actually happening. Something happens now, they might see it a few years later or a few months later, sometimes it’s like that because of the time distortion. Sometimes in order to do something for some country, I have to lift that country up, not to the highest Heaven but the highest possible, like for example lifting up to the higher Astral instead of in the lower Astral so the influence of the demons will be less, and the work will be easier, more peaceful. (Yes, Master.) No fighting much, no violent stuff.
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Sometimes in order to do something for some country, I have to lift that country up, not to the highest Heaven but the highest possible, like for example lifting up to the higher Astral instead of in the lower Astral so the influence of the demons will be less, and the work will be easier, more peaceful. (Yes, Master.) No fighting much, no violent stuff.
Because of that embargo, Âu Lạc (Vietnam) was very down, down-trodden. Very poor, very oppressed. Very depleted. After the war, everything was already almost depleted. Economically, politically and everything, Âu Lạc (Vietnam) was really dying. President Clinton, after I had written the letter, not long after, he lifted the embargo of 30 years. (Right.) Many presidents did not do that, but he did.
Remember I was supporting President Clinton before he became president. Do you remember that? (Yes, Master.) They made a lot of noise and some people said this and that about me, also. But I knew, if he is the president, he would have helped Âu Lạc (Vietnam). So, I have tried my best. I even jumped into politics. I did support President Clinton, not only outside, but inside. Because I knew he will help to lift Âu Lạc (Vietnam) up. Otherwise, I don’t think Âu Lạc (Vietnam) can survive. After 30 years of war, and then 30-years of embargo. You understand what I’m saying? (Yes, Master.) How do the people survive? Not just internationally, but nationally as a race. That is a very long embargo and it is very difficult to get up from there.
So, that’s why I owed ex-President Clinton that big debt. So I cannot let Heaven heavy-handedly handle the Democrats, even though I knew I could. (Yes, Master.) Imagine, the whole country of Âu Lạc (Vietnam), he lifted up. That is a very, very great merit. (Yes, Master.) And a very great deed that he did. So for that, the Democratic Party enjoys also the good influence.
Of course, I am very sorry. I’m in-between America and Âu Lạc (Vietnam). The Aulacese (Vietnamese) good deed has already been done. (Yes.) But, the debt, I still remember. The favor, I’m still grateful. It’s not easy for me. (Yes, Master.) I cannot just forsake Âu Lạc (Vietnam). (Yes.) Of course, that’s not the only thing that I did for Âu Lạc (Vietnam), but that’s the most obvious that I can tell you. (Yes, Master.) (Thank You.) Thus, we cannot really go all the way. Because it will destroy that party. And I respect… before I was very supportive of Democrats also. This is the first time ever that I supported one of the so-called Republican presidents.
I never supported anyone, actually. Maybe inside, but not so outside like that. Not outwardly, obviously, like that. (Yes.) So this is one of the secrets I tell you. Now you understand. (Yes, Master.) (Thank You, Master.) Thank you for what? (For sharing that information with us.) I have written it in my diary actually. One moment. OK? (Yes, Master.) I will read it. (Thank You, Master.) It may be similar. I wrote sometimes in a hurry. I can’t remember the exact words.
You still there? (Yes, Master.) When did I write it? Oh, here. January 20th. You know that day. Right? (Yes, Master.) Historical day. (Yes, Master.) Twentieth of January. I said here to myself, “Must let it go.” I was sad, also, even though I knew it had to happen. I said, “So, Mr. Biden will be president, because I owe the Democrats a big favor =.” Equal sign. “Clinton.” I should have said “President Clinton,” but I wrote very fast. I said, “Clinton lifted the Âu Lạc (Vietnam) embargo after 30 years. Thus, cannot let Heaven be too heavy-handed on Biden. Because it’s connected with Clinton, connected with Democrats. It would destroy the Democratic party totally.” Can’t always win. I tried my best. What to do? Âu Lạc (Vietnam) is my birth country. US is my honorary country. Tough, hard choice.” (Yes.) I talked to myself. “That’s why I supported Clinton, because he is the man for Âu Lạc (Vietnam) to rescue it from the yoke of 30 years’ crippling embargo, which made the innocent citizens suffer tremendously. Alas, it’s over now. Thanks God.” That’s it. That’s for that. (All right.) (Yes, Master.) Now you know my secret. (Yes, Master.)
I’m still very grateful to President Clinton. I’m still respectful of and admiring many of the presidents from the Democratic Party. (Yes, Master.) So I cannot let Heaven be too heavy-handed. (Yes, Master.) Because it will connect all things together. It’s difficult to prove the fraud. But nothing is difficult with the Heaven Power. (Yes, Master.) Just that I owe them something. You know already, I just told you. (Yes, Master.)
The human body is a very good instrument to attain enlightenment and go back Home. The soul can go back Home through that. But the body is also a very obstructive element. (Yes, Master.) In the human body, we are subjected to weakness, to emotion, to all kinds of influence in this world, as well as from the invisible world. Because this world is nearer to hell, to the Astral, and the lowest, one of the lowest in the material world. So if we are in the human body, we have to be subjected to all that. (Yes, Master.) Just now I told you the story about the Buddha, even He was a Heavenly king, also had no body, no physical body. Still lost to the demons from the Astral World. (Yes, Master.) That is the story that was recorded through Ananda also.
Buddha told them this story or maybe some of them witnessed it or something. The Buddha, many times He told the stories about His past incarnations, remember? (Yes Master.) So that’s one of the stories. So that was an authentic story because it was told by the Buddha and recorded by Ananda. It’s not like a legend or anything. (OK, Master.) And now even then, the God and the King of Gods, the Gods’ King of the higher Astral World, still lost to the demons. Imagine how strong they are, how powerful they are, especially if they have a reason, the karmic permission to punish humans or to do any bad things because we give them excuses by not adhering to the principles of compassion and benevolence, such as don’t kill humans, don’t kill animals. (Yes, Master.)
(If souls, once they’ve repented Master, are they able to affect people to do better?)
A little, yes, a little, yes. But because of the lower level, it’s not easy for them to change so quick. They have their background and also this influence from the demons to boot. That’s what it is. Very difficult, difficult. It could change but it takes time. (Yes, Master.) Takes time. Everything takes time in this world. EVERYTHING TAKES TIME. That’s what wears my patience out. I am also trying to help them.
Let me think if I can tell you. Just one moment. (Yes, Master.) Maybe I could but... (Yes, Master.) I’m just telling you generally. Except everything takes time… everything takes so long because of the time in this world, it makes things like that. It limits the strength of the power, the visibility of humans to see things when it’s actually happening. Something happens now, they might see it a few years later or a few months later, sometimes it’s like that because of the time distortion. Sometimes in order to do something for some country, I have to lift that country up, not to the highest Heaven but the highest possible, like for example lifting up to the higher Astral instead of in the lower Astral so the influence of the demons will be less, and the work will be easier, more peaceful. (Yes, Master.) No fighting much, no violent stuff.
2021-05-15, 12:49 AM
The Fallen Angels, Part 7 of 8, Feb 7, 2021
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Because if you want to help the country, if you want to be the good guy, the demons won’t like it and you are in the hell road sitting there. Every day, they are visiting you, they are causing trouble to your staff, to your opposition, to your people, to yourself, making trouble. That’s the hell road, they come in and out, like a highway.
I’m just telling you generally. Except everything takes time… everything takes so long because of the time in this world, it makes things like that. It limits the strength of the power, the visibility of humans to see things when it’s actually happening. Something happens now, they might see it a few years later or a few months later, sometimes it’s like that because of the time distortion. Sometimes in order to do something for some country, I have to lift that country up, not to the highest Heaven but the highest possible, like for example lifting up to the higher Astral instead of in the lower Astral so the influence of the demons will be less, and the work will be easier, more peaceful. (Yes, Master.) No fighting much, no violent stuff.
Also one time I told you about Washington DC, the White House, that it is in the road, hell road, did I tell you? (Yes, Master.) That’s also another trouble. You see how many presidents have been in trouble in that House, good presidents, or died or assassinated or having blemished reputation or people wrongly accused them or giving them all kinds of bad rumors. (Yes.) Like President Clinton, they’re still rumoring about him. (Yes, Master.)
Because if you want to help the country, if you want to be the good guy, the demons won’t like it and you are in the hell road sitting there. Every day, they are visiting you, they are causing trouble to your staff, to your opposition, to your people, to yourself, making trouble. That’s the hell road, they come in and out, like a highway.
And now, because humans in this world the demons they are allowed to come up and down but in a specific road, like the hell road. When humans sin or the moral standards are too low, they are allowed to come up through those roads to make trouble for humans. And it could make trouble, not directly to the humans or to the citizens of your country, but through the leaders or through the administration leaders or through the government or through the police or through anything, or through some of the groups. (Yes, Master.) The separatists or the protestors or whoever they can use, whoever has a lower level and has a penchant to badness, they will use them in that group to cause more trouble.
So, in the whole group, not everybody is doing bad things or doing violent things. (Yes, Master.) Just some, because the demons can use them and not others. Others have more, maybe they are still protesting, maybe in the protesting group, but they have more moral standards, they have more merit. Demons cannot touch them. But if the humans in that group, some humans in that group are low, lower in spiritual attainment or no spiritual attainment at all or no merit at all, then the demons can use them to cause more trouble for the government or can use the government to make trouble for the people. That’s the way it is. (Yes, Master.) And it affects the whole country. In the governmental body also, if somebody is low in moral standards and minus in spiritual merits, then of course, they can use them to harm the leaders, or to harm the top of that department or to harm even the leader of the country.
In the history of humankind, I think America has more assassinated presidents than other countries. I mean the so-called civilized countries, developed countries. (Yes, Master.) Otherwise, there are a lot, a lot more trouble than any other presidents in other countries, no? (Yes, Master.) The president of America has more trouble than any other countries’ presidents and especially good presidents, like President Kennedy or even president Clinton, who has some love in his heart to care, to lift the embargo for Âu Lạc (Vietnam) for example. Many presidents before him didn’t do it. (Yes, Master.)
The more good you do, the more trouble you have, like President Trump for example. (Yes, Master.) He made peace in many regions, many countries of the world and you see what he got? They treated him worse than any criminal citizens in every other country. All the newspapers, all the TV, most of them are trampling upon him all these years non-stop and even big tech like block his account from talking. Yes. (Yes, Master.) Email and all that, and even banks, his banks, closed his accounts. A sitting president looks like he has no power! You saw that? (Yes, Master.) It is really a shame, really a shame, that such a country has no respect for their leader.
He didn’t do anything wrong and they blame him for what? Inciting an insurgence. What’s the name of that? (Insurrection.) Insurrection. (Yes.) Oh, yes, like terrorism. How can? He didn’t say anything. He didn’t tell them to do that. He just said go there to support those brave leaders who will kind of change the electoral college certification. (Yes, Master.) That’s all he said. And then some other groups’ people, excited and kind of zealous temperament, went inside and then others came in together, followed suit and all that, but they had no weapons. (Yes, Master.) Police were the only ones that had weapons. So how can a terrorist be so stupid, want to go terrorize people and have no weapons? What are they going to do? How can they scare people if they don’t have anything in their hands? You see what I am saying? (Yes, Master.) If you want to terrorize people, you must have some weapons, no? Nothing. And just dying like that. Even if other groups that came in also, they didn’t have any weapons, or the people who died had no weapons. They didn’t fight with the police or anything, it’s just by the way, it came up in the heat of the moment according to the news that I saw. Ah, never mind.
What I mean is for big tech to cancel, to shut down a sitting president’s account, that is something shameful, my opinion, shameful. Over abuse of their own power. (Yes, Master.) How can you do that? In the old time, if it’s a king, they would chop their heads off. (Yes.) Just because nowadays, we have a president and we are very, very democratic, but they’re abusing the freedom and the democracy of United States of America. It is really a bad thing, really, really bad. I feel so ashamed for them. I hope Heaven will forgive their sin. Abusing power and terrorizing half of the country like that. All of these people, like they gang together in harassing one president. Even if he’s a president, he’s alone. They all gang up on him and that is a shame. This is not gentlemen. They didn’t even wait for him to get out of the White House first to close his account. They did that when he is still a sitting president. That is truly not acceptable. You don’t see that in any other country, lesser countries even.
You know your question about the repentant souls. We must know that it’s not just them, there’s other related beings around and the force of vengeance from these unrelentless souls who don’t want to let go. It’s not easy to deal with because they have the right to vengeance also. But as I said, I will try to work with whomever I can to make it better. I hope the Americans pray sincerely to make a better energy for their country. (Yes, Master.)
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Because if you want to help the country, if you want to be the good guy, the demons won’t like it and you are in the hell road sitting there. Every day, they are visiting you, they are causing trouble to your staff, to your opposition, to your people, to yourself, making trouble. That’s the hell road, they come in and out, like a highway.
I’m just telling you generally. Except everything takes time… everything takes so long because of the time in this world, it makes things like that. It limits the strength of the power, the visibility of humans to see things when it’s actually happening. Something happens now, they might see it a few years later or a few months later, sometimes it’s like that because of the time distortion. Sometimes in order to do something for some country, I have to lift that country up, not to the highest Heaven but the highest possible, like for example lifting up to the higher Astral instead of in the lower Astral so the influence of the demons will be less, and the work will be easier, more peaceful. (Yes, Master.) No fighting much, no violent stuff.
Also one time I told you about Washington DC, the White House, that it is in the road, hell road, did I tell you? (Yes, Master.) That’s also another trouble. You see how many presidents have been in trouble in that House, good presidents, or died or assassinated or having blemished reputation or people wrongly accused them or giving them all kinds of bad rumors. (Yes.) Like President Clinton, they’re still rumoring about him. (Yes, Master.)
Because if you want to help the country, if you want to be the good guy, the demons won’t like it and you are in the hell road sitting there. Every day, they are visiting you, they are causing trouble to your staff, to your opposition, to your people, to yourself, making trouble. That’s the hell road, they come in and out, like a highway.
And now, because humans in this world the demons they are allowed to come up and down but in a specific road, like the hell road. When humans sin or the moral standards are too low, they are allowed to come up through those roads to make trouble for humans. And it could make trouble, not directly to the humans or to the citizens of your country, but through the leaders or through the administration leaders or through the government or through the police or through anything, or through some of the groups. (Yes, Master.) The separatists or the protestors or whoever they can use, whoever has a lower level and has a penchant to badness, they will use them in that group to cause more trouble.
So, in the whole group, not everybody is doing bad things or doing violent things. (Yes, Master.) Just some, because the demons can use them and not others. Others have more, maybe they are still protesting, maybe in the protesting group, but they have more moral standards, they have more merit. Demons cannot touch them. But if the humans in that group, some humans in that group are low, lower in spiritual attainment or no spiritual attainment at all or no merit at all, then the demons can use them to cause more trouble for the government or can use the government to make trouble for the people. That’s the way it is. (Yes, Master.) And it affects the whole country. In the governmental body also, if somebody is low in moral standards and minus in spiritual merits, then of course, they can use them to harm the leaders, or to harm the top of that department or to harm even the leader of the country.
In the history of humankind, I think America has more assassinated presidents than other countries. I mean the so-called civilized countries, developed countries. (Yes, Master.) Otherwise, there are a lot, a lot more trouble than any other presidents in other countries, no? (Yes, Master.) The president of America has more trouble than any other countries’ presidents and especially good presidents, like President Kennedy or even president Clinton, who has some love in his heart to care, to lift the embargo for Âu Lạc (Vietnam) for example. Many presidents before him didn’t do it. (Yes, Master.)
The more good you do, the more trouble you have, like President Trump for example. (Yes, Master.) He made peace in many regions, many countries of the world and you see what he got? They treated him worse than any criminal citizens in every other country. All the newspapers, all the TV, most of them are trampling upon him all these years non-stop and even big tech like block his account from talking. Yes. (Yes, Master.) Email and all that, and even banks, his banks, closed his accounts. A sitting president looks like he has no power! You saw that? (Yes, Master.) It is really a shame, really a shame, that such a country has no respect for their leader.
He didn’t do anything wrong and they blame him for what? Inciting an insurgence. What’s the name of that? (Insurrection.) Insurrection. (Yes.) Oh, yes, like terrorism. How can? He didn’t say anything. He didn’t tell them to do that. He just said go there to support those brave leaders who will kind of change the electoral college certification. (Yes, Master.) That’s all he said. And then some other groups’ people, excited and kind of zealous temperament, went inside and then others came in together, followed suit and all that, but they had no weapons. (Yes, Master.) Police were the only ones that had weapons. So how can a terrorist be so stupid, want to go terrorize people and have no weapons? What are they going to do? How can they scare people if they don’t have anything in their hands? You see what I am saying? (Yes, Master.) If you want to terrorize people, you must have some weapons, no? Nothing. And just dying like that. Even if other groups that came in also, they didn’t have any weapons, or the people who died had no weapons. They didn’t fight with the police or anything, it’s just by the way, it came up in the heat of the moment according to the news that I saw. Ah, never mind.
What I mean is for big tech to cancel, to shut down a sitting president’s account, that is something shameful, my opinion, shameful. Over abuse of their own power. (Yes, Master.) How can you do that? In the old time, if it’s a king, they would chop their heads off. (Yes.) Just because nowadays, we have a president and we are very, very democratic, but they’re abusing the freedom and the democracy of United States of America. It is really a bad thing, really, really bad. I feel so ashamed for them. I hope Heaven will forgive their sin. Abusing power and terrorizing half of the country like that. All of these people, like they gang together in harassing one president. Even if he’s a president, he’s alone. They all gang up on him and that is a shame. This is not gentlemen. They didn’t even wait for him to get out of the White House first to close his account. They did that when he is still a sitting president. That is truly not acceptable. You don’t see that in any other country, lesser countries even.
You know your question about the repentant souls. We must know that it’s not just them, there’s other related beings around and the force of vengeance from these unrelentless souls who don’t want to let go. It’s not easy to deal with because they have the right to vengeance also. But as I said, I will try to work with whomever I can to make it better. I hope the Americans pray sincerely to make a better energy for their country. (Yes, Master.)
2021-05-15, 12:52 AM
The Fallen Angels, Part 8 of 8, Feb 7, 2021
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I had to be fair and just (Yes, Master.) to my own conscience, not to any party, not to any government, not to any powerful person, even though I know it is not the safest way for me to do things like that or to say things like this. But I have to say what I want to say. And it’s always just and fair.
Any other questions, my love? (No, Master.) Hallo? (No, Master.) You’re so quiet. You don’t even say yes or no. (That’s all, Master.) You’re all satisfied, understood? (Yes, Master.) All right. Now you know everything, almost. You know all my secrets. (Yes, Master.) Do you judge me? (No, Master.) (Not at all.) You, Americans. (No, Master.) (No, not at all.) A debt has to be repaid. (Yes, Master.) A favor has to be appreciated. (Yes.) The whole Âu Lạc (Vietnam), 70 or 80 million people, right? (No. Ninety-four million now.) Ninety-four now? (Yes.) Oh, they are diligent. Ninety-four million people now and President Clinton helped them all. By lifting the embargo, meaning taking away the embargo, (Yes.) which was like a yoke on their shoulders. Thirty years long, imagine that?
And Âu Lạc (Vietnam) was already devastated, with a war, 30-years war. And the many other wars before that. War with the French, with the Japanese, right? Japan also was there. And Chinese before that. Non-stop, maybe already devastated, people are exhausted, have nothing to eat and… Even their fields, their rice fields are burnt, their coconut fields, many other food areas are burnt by Agent Orange. And people are also burnt by that, and claymores and all kinds of bombs were raining down on that little fragile, gentle country.
And 30 years extra embargo, for what? For what they have done? I appreciate the Americans sacrificed their lives there for maybe freedom of the world, but I’m not sure. How about your country doesn’t have freedom now? Freedom of speech is being censored, being threatened. So how are you fighting for freedom in another world? How would the world trust you to let you help to fight for their freedom?
Even if the Communists from the North invading the South, broke the Armistice agreement in Geneva, before that. But that is the Aulacese (Vietnamese) to the Aulacese (Vietnamese). You see what I’m saying? (Yes, Master.) And if one side wins, one side loses, It’s a very bad thing. Very, very bad. I still cannot forget the war, and forget the people’s suffering, and forget the shame that the refugees created for our country. They did not create it. What I mean is that the refugees’ situation created a shame, big shame for Âu Lạc (Vietnam). That is not good. Not good war, not good after, for the refugees, because of the refugee situation and all that. But still, that is the Aulacese (Vietnamese) fighting the Aulacese (Vietnamese). (Yes.) They are not fighting your country. They’re not fighting America.
So why punish them, the whole blanket like that? I mean, half of Âu Lạc (Vietnam), Southern Âu Lạc (Vietnam), they are just defending their territory. Why punish the whole Âu Lạc (Vietnam) with the embargo? Do you understand what I’m saying? (Yes, Master.) Of course, it’s all karma, it boils down to all karma. So, on one hand, I suffer with the Aulacese (Vietnamese) people, on the other hand, I know it’s karma. Still, I suffer. And for many years I could not… I could not really say I’m from Âu Lạc (Vietnam) with gusto, because of the war and the refugees’ suffering situation.
I never liked it when people asked me where I came from. I never wanted to say I came from Âu Lạc (Vietnam) because of that, all that. So, it affects people, not just the dead people, but also the living. People, they live under the shame, under the sorrow already, and under the control of the new regime when they first came, that’s why they ran away, as refugees. And now Âu Lạc (Vietnam) is better, of course, it’s more free now. People can come in and out of the country very well, very easily and for that I thank the Government of Âu Lạc (Vietnam). And it’s more prosperous now, many international companies came and invested in Âu Lạc (Vietnam) and all that. I’m very glad. I’m very happy for the openness of the Aulacese (Vietnamese) Government. Every government has some problem, of course, has some defect because … the governmental body is big and complex. There are bound to be some people in the government that are no good and making trouble for the whole governmental reputation. (Yes, Master.) But overall, Âu Lạc (Vietnam) is freer now and people are more free to come in and out of the country and for that I’m happy. (Yes, Master.)
So, you can see Âu Lạc (Vietnam), so many millions of people, and after the war, after 30 years of embargo, President Clinton… He’s a former president but I still want to call him President. I don’t want to call him former because such a big benevolence that he did for Âu Lạc (Vietnam). (Yes, Master.) Many presidents before him came and went. Nobody cared. After 30 years of embargo, that means how many presidents could have been already? Many before him, right? (Yes.) Nobody cared. I didn’t think Âu Lạc (Vietnam) deserved that. The war was bad, but not the Aulacese (Vietnamese) people. And the embargo hurt the Aulacese (Vietnamese) people, hurt the citizens. So, he did a great job, you see? He, lifted the embargo and I am forever grateful to him. Thank you, President Clinton, I am still grateful to you. May God bless you and yours with everything that is favorable and good.
Now you know I was stuck in-between. I care for Americans but on one hand I cannot harm the Democratic Party. Do you see what I’m saying? (Yes, Master.) I tried other ways to soften the effect. (Yes, Master.) Even though President Trump is no more in power, I try to work with the other party, to help them, and to soften the gravity of the situation. It will get better. (Yes, Master. Thank You, Master. Thank You, Master.) Yes.
I had to be fair and just (Yes, Master.) to my own conscience, not to any party, not to any government, not to any powerful person, even though I know it is not the safest way for me to do things like that or to say things like this. But I have to say what I want to say. And it’s always just and fair. I don’t side on anything, with anyone. (Yes, Master.) Many things also I cannot tell you, of course. (Yes, Master.) When the time comes, you can see it and then you will feel it, then you will know that it is Master Power’s doing. All right? (Yes, Master.) Or helping.
Any more questions at all? No, huh? (No, Master. No, Master.) And no questions in the box, no huh? (No, Master.) Good. (Thank You, Master.) I thank you for your presence. (Thank You, Master.) Your pleasant presence. And I also thank you for being there, for the world, for Supreme Master Television of course, but that’s for the world. I thank you for that. (Thank You, Master.) I thank you to be my hands, my feet, my eyes. For working for me, helping me to help the world. I’m always thankful. (Yes, Master. Thank You, Master.) Despite your personality, your shortcomings, your defects, doesn’t matter. You’re doing a great job. Got that? (Yes, Master.) (Thank You, Master.)
And I will never forget, and I will never forsake you. Never. (Thank You, Master.) Even if you’re not with me or you’re working far away, I will never forsake you. When the end comes, we’re always together. (Yes, Master.) When your end comes, I’ll be there for you. (Thank You.) I’m always there for you. From now, I mean, from before, now, and at the end of your life. Right. (Thank You.) Promise. (Thank You, Master.) Thank you, also. We are together. Good. Love you. (Thank You, Master. Love You, Master.) God bless. Maybe I’ll talk to you again before Lunar New Year. (Yes, Master. Thank You, Master.) Love you. (We love You, Master.) Forever love you. (Love You too, Master. We love You too, Master.) I’ll always be there for you. (Thank You, Master.)
You go rest now. (Thank You. Yes, Master. Thank You, Master.) And see you all next time. It’s not always easy for me. Even it looks easy for you but it’s not. I try very hard (Understand, Master.) even just to read you a story. It looks easy but it’s not. Ciao! (We appreciate that so much, Master.) (Thank You, Master.)
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I had to be fair and just (Yes, Master.) to my own conscience, not to any party, not to any government, not to any powerful person, even though I know it is not the safest way for me to do things like that or to say things like this. But I have to say what I want to say. And it’s always just and fair.
Any other questions, my love? (No, Master.) Hallo? (No, Master.) You’re so quiet. You don’t even say yes or no. (That’s all, Master.) You’re all satisfied, understood? (Yes, Master.) All right. Now you know everything, almost. You know all my secrets. (Yes, Master.) Do you judge me? (No, Master.) (Not at all.) You, Americans. (No, Master.) (No, not at all.) A debt has to be repaid. (Yes, Master.) A favor has to be appreciated. (Yes.) The whole Âu Lạc (Vietnam), 70 or 80 million people, right? (No. Ninety-four million now.) Ninety-four now? (Yes.) Oh, they are diligent. Ninety-four million people now and President Clinton helped them all. By lifting the embargo, meaning taking away the embargo, (Yes.) which was like a yoke on their shoulders. Thirty years long, imagine that?
And Âu Lạc (Vietnam) was already devastated, with a war, 30-years war. And the many other wars before that. War with the French, with the Japanese, right? Japan also was there. And Chinese before that. Non-stop, maybe already devastated, people are exhausted, have nothing to eat and… Even their fields, their rice fields are burnt, their coconut fields, many other food areas are burnt by Agent Orange. And people are also burnt by that, and claymores and all kinds of bombs were raining down on that little fragile, gentle country.
And 30 years extra embargo, for what? For what they have done? I appreciate the Americans sacrificed their lives there for maybe freedom of the world, but I’m not sure. How about your country doesn’t have freedom now? Freedom of speech is being censored, being threatened. So how are you fighting for freedom in another world? How would the world trust you to let you help to fight for their freedom?
Even if the Communists from the North invading the South, broke the Armistice agreement in Geneva, before that. But that is the Aulacese (Vietnamese) to the Aulacese (Vietnamese). You see what I’m saying? (Yes, Master.) And if one side wins, one side loses, It’s a very bad thing. Very, very bad. I still cannot forget the war, and forget the people’s suffering, and forget the shame that the refugees created for our country. They did not create it. What I mean is that the refugees’ situation created a shame, big shame for Âu Lạc (Vietnam). That is not good. Not good war, not good after, for the refugees, because of the refugee situation and all that. But still, that is the Aulacese (Vietnamese) fighting the Aulacese (Vietnamese). (Yes.) They are not fighting your country. They’re not fighting America.
So why punish them, the whole blanket like that? I mean, half of Âu Lạc (Vietnam), Southern Âu Lạc (Vietnam), they are just defending their territory. Why punish the whole Âu Lạc (Vietnam) with the embargo? Do you understand what I’m saying? (Yes, Master.) Of course, it’s all karma, it boils down to all karma. So, on one hand, I suffer with the Aulacese (Vietnamese) people, on the other hand, I know it’s karma. Still, I suffer. And for many years I could not… I could not really say I’m from Âu Lạc (Vietnam) with gusto, because of the war and the refugees’ suffering situation.
I never liked it when people asked me where I came from. I never wanted to say I came from Âu Lạc (Vietnam) because of that, all that. So, it affects people, not just the dead people, but also the living. People, they live under the shame, under the sorrow already, and under the control of the new regime when they first came, that’s why they ran away, as refugees. And now Âu Lạc (Vietnam) is better, of course, it’s more free now. People can come in and out of the country very well, very easily and for that I thank the Government of Âu Lạc (Vietnam). And it’s more prosperous now, many international companies came and invested in Âu Lạc (Vietnam) and all that. I’m very glad. I’m very happy for the openness of the Aulacese (Vietnamese) Government. Every government has some problem, of course, has some defect because … the governmental body is big and complex. There are bound to be some people in the government that are no good and making trouble for the whole governmental reputation. (Yes, Master.) But overall, Âu Lạc (Vietnam) is freer now and people are more free to come in and out of the country and for that I’m happy. (Yes, Master.)
So, you can see Âu Lạc (Vietnam), so many millions of people, and after the war, after 30 years of embargo, President Clinton… He’s a former president but I still want to call him President. I don’t want to call him former because such a big benevolence that he did for Âu Lạc (Vietnam). (Yes, Master.) Many presidents before him came and went. Nobody cared. After 30 years of embargo, that means how many presidents could have been already? Many before him, right? (Yes.) Nobody cared. I didn’t think Âu Lạc (Vietnam) deserved that. The war was bad, but not the Aulacese (Vietnamese) people. And the embargo hurt the Aulacese (Vietnamese) people, hurt the citizens. So, he did a great job, you see? He, lifted the embargo and I am forever grateful to him. Thank you, President Clinton, I am still grateful to you. May God bless you and yours with everything that is favorable and good.
Now you know I was stuck in-between. I care for Americans but on one hand I cannot harm the Democratic Party. Do you see what I’m saying? (Yes, Master.) I tried other ways to soften the effect. (Yes, Master.) Even though President Trump is no more in power, I try to work with the other party, to help them, and to soften the gravity of the situation. It will get better. (Yes, Master. Thank You, Master. Thank You, Master.) Yes.
I had to be fair and just (Yes, Master.) to my own conscience, not to any party, not to any government, not to any powerful person, even though I know it is not the safest way for me to do things like that or to say things like this. But I have to say what I want to say. And it’s always just and fair. I don’t side on anything, with anyone. (Yes, Master.) Many things also I cannot tell you, of course. (Yes, Master.) When the time comes, you can see it and then you will feel it, then you will know that it is Master Power’s doing. All right? (Yes, Master.) Or helping.
Any more questions at all? No, huh? (No, Master. No, Master.) And no questions in the box, no huh? (No, Master.) Good. (Thank You, Master.) I thank you for your presence. (Thank You, Master.) Your pleasant presence. And I also thank you for being there, for the world, for Supreme Master Television of course, but that’s for the world. I thank you for that. (Thank You, Master.) I thank you to be my hands, my feet, my eyes. For working for me, helping me to help the world. I’m always thankful. (Yes, Master. Thank You, Master.) Despite your personality, your shortcomings, your defects, doesn’t matter. You’re doing a great job. Got that? (Yes, Master.) (Thank You, Master.)
And I will never forget, and I will never forsake you. Never. (Thank You, Master.) Even if you’re not with me or you’re working far away, I will never forsake you. When the end comes, we’re always together. (Yes, Master.) When your end comes, I’ll be there for you. (Thank You.) I’m always there for you. From now, I mean, from before, now, and at the end of your life. Right. (Thank You.) Promise. (Thank You, Master.) Thank you, also. We are together. Good. Love you. (Thank You, Master. Love You, Master.) God bless. Maybe I’ll talk to you again before Lunar New Year. (Yes, Master. Thank You, Master.) Love you. (We love You, Master.) Forever love you. (Love You too, Master. We love You too, Master.) I’ll always be there for you. (Thank You, Master.)
You go rest now. (Thank You. Yes, Master. Thank You, Master.) And see you all next time. It’s not always easy for me. Even it looks easy for you but it’s not. I try very hard (Understand, Master.) even just to read you a story. It looks easy but it’s not. Ciao! (We appreciate that so much, Master.) (Thank You, Master.)
2021-05-15, 12:59 AM
Mysterious UFOs: “The Phenomenon”
In our presentation today, we’ll take a look at how the 2020 documentary “The Phenomenon” challenges the public’s perception of UFOs with never-before-seen footage and extensive interviews with eyewitnesses, experts, government officials, and high-ranking members of the military. Among the numerous compelling sightings featured in this documentary are the encounter experiences reported by astronaut Gordon Cooper while training in Germany and Air Force Col. William Coleman in Alabama, USA. In 1964, police officer Lonnie Zamora in Socorro, New Mexico, USA, not only sees a big white object sitting in the arroyo, but also two small figures walking around the craft dressed in white overalls. “Maybe they’re trying to communicate.” “The UFO shut down several missile silos in Montana.”
It was recently revealed that UFOs visited high-security military bases in the US and Ukraine decades ago, and have shown the ability to manipulate and disarm nuclear weapons. A more recent event in 1994, believed to be the most significant close encounter in modern history, occurred at the Ariel School in Ruwa, Zimbabwe. One child told Dr. Mack how, during the encounter experience, thoughts came to her: that we are harming our world, too many trees have been cut down, and eventually there will be no air and people will die.
In 2010, Supreme Master Ching Hai answered a question about UFOs. “Now they feel they could come more now; also because of the urgencies of our planet, okay? (Yes.) Because now it’s safer for them to let us see them. They wish that we’re also as developed and as knowledgeable about moral standards, like they are. We have to thank them also. Even individually, they helped to rescue many people who doesn’t even know that they are rescued; because they’re unconditional. Without their intervention, we would have gone: the planet, gone; people, gone – all gone. They are trying to help us so that we can hang on in there, so that we may wake up and help ourselves.”
In our presentation today, we’ll take a look at how the 2020 documentary “The Phenomenon” challenges the public’s perception of UFOs with never-before-seen footage and extensive interviews with eyewitnesses, experts, government officials, and high-ranking members of the military. Among the numerous compelling sightings featured in this documentary are the encounter experiences reported by astronaut Gordon Cooper while training in Germany and Air Force Col. William Coleman in Alabama, USA. In 1964, police officer Lonnie Zamora in Socorro, New Mexico, USA, not only sees a big white object sitting in the arroyo, but also two small figures walking around the craft dressed in white overalls. “Maybe they’re trying to communicate.” “The UFO shut down several missile silos in Montana.”
It was recently revealed that UFOs visited high-security military bases in the US and Ukraine decades ago, and have shown the ability to manipulate and disarm nuclear weapons. A more recent event in 1994, believed to be the most significant close encounter in modern history, occurred at the Ariel School in Ruwa, Zimbabwe. One child told Dr. Mack how, during the encounter experience, thoughts came to her: that we are harming our world, too many trees have been cut down, and eventually there will be no air and people will die.
In 2010, Supreme Master Ching Hai answered a question about UFOs. “Now they feel they could come more now; also because of the urgencies of our planet, okay? (Yes.) Because now it’s safer for them to let us see them. They wish that we’re also as developed and as knowledgeable about moral standards, like they are. We have to thank them also. Even individually, they helped to rescue many people who doesn’t even know that they are rescued; because they’re unconditional. Without their intervention, we would have gone: the planet, gone; people, gone – all gone. They are trying to help us so that we can hang on in there, so that we may wake up and help ourselves.”
2021-06-12, 08:52 AM
The Traveling Businessman and a Trustworthy Ghost, Part 1 of 6, Apr 25, 2021
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And the COVID has mutated itself up to now, even a double mutation, double variant, and it rearranges itself to avoid the neutralization of the vaccine. (Yes, Master.) This virus is something. I told you before, it has souls in it. It’s so clever; it seems to always be one step ahead of humans’ intelligence and invention. I think humans don’t invent quickly enough for this kind of virus.
Do you have questions? (We have one question so far.) Only one? (Yes.) OK. Tell me then.
(Master, there is an ongoing crisis at the US-Mexico border. In the first few months of Joe Biden’s presidency, the number of illegal immigrants apprehended has surged, with more arrivals than any other period in the past 20 years. Some say it is fueled by the perception that his administration has a more “open” border policy. By contrast, the former US president, His Excellency Donald Trump’s policies tightly restricted legal and illegal immigration, and directed immigration officials to apprehend anyone in the country unlawfully. Would Master kindly share Her thoughts on this issue?)
Yes. President Trump wanted to regulate the immigration traffic flow from other countries to be in a more orderly manner, to protect the Americans as well as the immigrating people. The US has already actually a kind of open policy, like yearly everyone can apply to live there or work there if they win the Green Card program. Fifty-five thousand nowadays, yearly, can have that chance, plus anyone can apply in many other ways to live and work in the US openly.
Open border is very good. (Yes, Master.) But it should be done in the organized way. Otherwise it will be chaotic. As I have read in the news, it seems to breed a kind of crisis at the border between USA and Mexico. (Yes, Master.) Because you cannot just open the border without foreplanning. (Yes, Master.)
In Europe, it’s different. They have a Schengen zone where people from different countries in Europe can just go in and out of any other countries without any border, without checkpoints. Without passport or any ID necessary. But they had planned many equipment and systems to put this into practice.
But America and Mexico and others, like South American countries, they did not plan. So in that case, it is not very good to just let people come in like that, because you might have different people who are not qualified, with maybe disease or criminal records or other kinds of unpleasant things. And also, if you don’t plan in advance, then you don’t have like a center to screen people and to give them ID to go into the US, so that they can find a job or they can find their relatives.
As I saw it in the news, this is kind of very chaotic, all the children squeezed together in pens, and it’s very… almost very unkind. Because people come to the United States, all of a sudden, so the people at the border cannot deal with the influx so fast. And there might be not enough comfortable accommodation and not enough food, the logistic stuff. This is not very good like that. Not good for America, not good for Mexicans and other immigrants. I heard that they came all the way from even Honduras and other countries in Central America.
So, to open the border is very nice, very kind and very good for any country. When you need some extra workers, or you just want to be hospitable, it’s very good. But in this case, when it’s so chaotic like that, it’s very bad for the immigrants, especially for the small children. I saw them even dropped over the fence, the wall of the border, and that’s very bad for them. This must be traumatic for them, and it’s very difficult for the child to forget this kind of traumatic experience in their very young and tender age.
And also important is, in the time of pandemic, most borders are closed to protect the people, and at the moment it’s not favorable to open. If the children are squeezed together like that, healthy and unhealthy, that’s very bad for all of them. Don’t you think so? (Yes, Master.) And also I saw it in the news that many people are sick. Like they have COVID-19, and they are just let to run, go into the United States. And that might infect healthy Americans also. (Yes.) That’s very, very inconsiderate. It should not have been done this way. It should have been more organized before the immigrants were able to come into America.
Otherwise, the open border is very good. Good for the host country, good for the immigrants, because immigrants need jobs and they will be motivated to work very hard and contribute to the country as well as for the immigrant himself. It’s just that we have to organize in advance. Have a good place for them to stay meanwhile, and some doctors, some medical personnel to take care of their health when they first come, and organize the logistic situation, with food and clothing, and blankets, and rooms, and hygiene, stuff like that. It wasn’t really very organized, and that’s very, very bad for the children who are sent there, especially without any parents or adult accompaniment.
I don’t think it’s very kind, even though the intention may be good. (Yes, Master.) But good intentions are not everything. Good intentions have to come also with good logistic arrangements, and all the preparations to welcome the guests.
Even in Europe, with this Schengen Agreement in the Schengen zone, during the pandemic, borders are closed also. So the border between the US and Mexico opened, I think it’s not a very good idea at the moment. Besides, the mentality of European countries is maybe different from the mentality of the Mexicans and the Americans, different expectations, different way of life. In the European Union, most of the people’s standards of living are similar. Of course, there are always the richer and the less rich, but the standards of living are more or less similar between the countries in the Schengen zone. Even then, during the pandemic, they close the borders as a prevention to protect their citizens. Especially in the pandemic situation like we are in right now, I don’t know if the border should be open like that. (Yes, Master.) And that would be also encouraging the smugglers, the human traffickers or drug traffickers. All kinds of unfavorable groups of people also will be mixing in, and that’s no good for the host country, for America, at all. (Yes, Master.) Any more questions?
(Master, I thought of one recently. India is experiencing a record number of COVID infections and deaths recently.) Recently, more than before? (Yes. Hospitals are even having to turn people away, and some hospitals are even running out of oxygen, which is very worrying.) Yes. (I wonder why India is experiencing this unfortunate situation at the moment. I know that recently one of the biggest festivals went ahead, Kumbh Mela, which attracted many thousands, perhaps even millions of people,) Yeah, yeah. (and it still went ahead, even amid the pandemic.) Yeah. (Could this be one of the reasons why there are so many infections and deaths happening at the moment?)
Well, it’s obvious, no? (Yes.) Maybe they opened too early. (Yes.) (Yes, Master.) But India is a very big country and has a big population; I think the government also doesn’t want to restrict people too long. (Yes.) And especially it concerned the Kumbh Mela, a very, very big event, and it’s religiously very, very important. So perhaps the government couldn’t really forbid that. (Right.) India is a very religious country, and Kumbh Mela is like Mecca, hundreds of thousands of people come every day; it amounts to millions. In this situation, the COVID infection is very easy to spread. So, that probably is also one of the reasons. (Yes.)
But in other countries also, they have such a problem right now as well. And the COVID has mutated itself up to now, even a double mutation, double variant, and it rearranges itself to avoid the neutralization of the vaccine. (Yes, Master.) This virus is something. I told you before, it has souls in it. It’s so clever; it seems to always be one step ahead of humans’ intelligence and invention. I think humans don’t invent quickly enough for this kind of virus. (Yes, Master.)
So, it’s just karma. (Yes, Master.) Very difficult to avoid this kind of sickness. And the thing is, it’s not like many other pandemics or epidemics, where you can have a vaccine, and then it will go away. This one, for some people, it goes away, for some people, it doesn’t go away. And the report from the authorities is that… They did research, and it is stated that one-third of the infected patients have a long, long, long recovery, or many have a long recovery. Even one year on and after, they still don’t feel the same. They still feel this hangover from this pandemic, and they say one-third of the patients would have a brain problem. (They call it brain fog. You have a hazy thinking or feeling inside your brain, so it’s called brain fog.) Ah, yeah, yeah. They’re also like that, one-third of the patients, at least. That’s what they said. So, it looks like it’s difficult to avoid this one, (Yes, Master.) the COVID-19, very difficult. It keeps changing its strategy, and we humans keep running after it. Keep chasing it and hunting it, but it seems like we are not in a favorable win-win situation right now. (Right.) Even a double variant, my God!
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And the COVID has mutated itself up to now, even a double mutation, double variant, and it rearranges itself to avoid the neutralization of the vaccine. (Yes, Master.) This virus is something. I told you before, it has souls in it. It’s so clever; it seems to always be one step ahead of humans’ intelligence and invention. I think humans don’t invent quickly enough for this kind of virus.
Do you have questions? (We have one question so far.) Only one? (Yes.) OK. Tell me then.
(Master, there is an ongoing crisis at the US-Mexico border. In the first few months of Joe Biden’s presidency, the number of illegal immigrants apprehended has surged, with more arrivals than any other period in the past 20 years. Some say it is fueled by the perception that his administration has a more “open” border policy. By contrast, the former US president, His Excellency Donald Trump’s policies tightly restricted legal and illegal immigration, and directed immigration officials to apprehend anyone in the country unlawfully. Would Master kindly share Her thoughts on this issue?)
Yes. President Trump wanted to regulate the immigration traffic flow from other countries to be in a more orderly manner, to protect the Americans as well as the immigrating people. The US has already actually a kind of open policy, like yearly everyone can apply to live there or work there if they win the Green Card program. Fifty-five thousand nowadays, yearly, can have that chance, plus anyone can apply in many other ways to live and work in the US openly.
Open border is very good. (Yes, Master.) But it should be done in the organized way. Otherwise it will be chaotic. As I have read in the news, it seems to breed a kind of crisis at the border between USA and Mexico. (Yes, Master.) Because you cannot just open the border without foreplanning. (Yes, Master.)
In Europe, it’s different. They have a Schengen zone where people from different countries in Europe can just go in and out of any other countries without any border, without checkpoints. Without passport or any ID necessary. But they had planned many equipment and systems to put this into practice.
But America and Mexico and others, like South American countries, they did not plan. So in that case, it is not very good to just let people come in like that, because you might have different people who are not qualified, with maybe disease or criminal records or other kinds of unpleasant things. And also, if you don’t plan in advance, then you don’t have like a center to screen people and to give them ID to go into the US, so that they can find a job or they can find their relatives.
As I saw it in the news, this is kind of very chaotic, all the children squeezed together in pens, and it’s very… almost very unkind. Because people come to the United States, all of a sudden, so the people at the border cannot deal with the influx so fast. And there might be not enough comfortable accommodation and not enough food, the logistic stuff. This is not very good like that. Not good for America, not good for Mexicans and other immigrants. I heard that they came all the way from even Honduras and other countries in Central America.
So, to open the border is very nice, very kind and very good for any country. When you need some extra workers, or you just want to be hospitable, it’s very good. But in this case, when it’s so chaotic like that, it’s very bad for the immigrants, especially for the small children. I saw them even dropped over the fence, the wall of the border, and that’s very bad for them. This must be traumatic for them, and it’s very difficult for the child to forget this kind of traumatic experience in their very young and tender age.
And also important is, in the time of pandemic, most borders are closed to protect the people, and at the moment it’s not favorable to open. If the children are squeezed together like that, healthy and unhealthy, that’s very bad for all of them. Don’t you think so? (Yes, Master.) And also I saw it in the news that many people are sick. Like they have COVID-19, and they are just let to run, go into the United States. And that might infect healthy Americans also. (Yes.) That’s very, very inconsiderate. It should not have been done this way. It should have been more organized before the immigrants were able to come into America.
Otherwise, the open border is very good. Good for the host country, good for the immigrants, because immigrants need jobs and they will be motivated to work very hard and contribute to the country as well as for the immigrant himself. It’s just that we have to organize in advance. Have a good place for them to stay meanwhile, and some doctors, some medical personnel to take care of their health when they first come, and organize the logistic situation, with food and clothing, and blankets, and rooms, and hygiene, stuff like that. It wasn’t really very organized, and that’s very, very bad for the children who are sent there, especially without any parents or adult accompaniment.
I don’t think it’s very kind, even though the intention may be good. (Yes, Master.) But good intentions are not everything. Good intentions have to come also with good logistic arrangements, and all the preparations to welcome the guests.
Even in Europe, with this Schengen Agreement in the Schengen zone, during the pandemic, borders are closed also. So the border between the US and Mexico opened, I think it’s not a very good idea at the moment. Besides, the mentality of European countries is maybe different from the mentality of the Mexicans and the Americans, different expectations, different way of life. In the European Union, most of the people’s standards of living are similar. Of course, there are always the richer and the less rich, but the standards of living are more or less similar between the countries in the Schengen zone. Even then, during the pandemic, they close the borders as a prevention to protect their citizens. Especially in the pandemic situation like we are in right now, I don’t know if the border should be open like that. (Yes, Master.) And that would be also encouraging the smugglers, the human traffickers or drug traffickers. All kinds of unfavorable groups of people also will be mixing in, and that’s no good for the host country, for America, at all. (Yes, Master.) Any more questions?
(Master, I thought of one recently. India is experiencing a record number of COVID infections and deaths recently.) Recently, more than before? (Yes. Hospitals are even having to turn people away, and some hospitals are even running out of oxygen, which is very worrying.) Yes. (I wonder why India is experiencing this unfortunate situation at the moment. I know that recently one of the biggest festivals went ahead, Kumbh Mela, which attracted many thousands, perhaps even millions of people,) Yeah, yeah. (and it still went ahead, even amid the pandemic.) Yeah. (Could this be one of the reasons why there are so many infections and deaths happening at the moment?)
Well, it’s obvious, no? (Yes.) Maybe they opened too early. (Yes.) (Yes, Master.) But India is a very big country and has a big population; I think the government also doesn’t want to restrict people too long. (Yes.) And especially it concerned the Kumbh Mela, a very, very big event, and it’s religiously very, very important. So perhaps the government couldn’t really forbid that. (Right.) India is a very religious country, and Kumbh Mela is like Mecca, hundreds of thousands of people come every day; it amounts to millions. In this situation, the COVID infection is very easy to spread. So, that probably is also one of the reasons. (Yes.)
But in other countries also, they have such a problem right now as well. And the COVID has mutated itself up to now, even a double mutation, double variant, and it rearranges itself to avoid the neutralization of the vaccine. (Yes, Master.) This virus is something. I told you before, it has souls in it. It’s so clever; it seems to always be one step ahead of humans’ intelligence and invention. I think humans don’t invent quickly enough for this kind of virus. (Yes, Master.)
So, it’s just karma. (Yes, Master.) Very difficult to avoid this kind of sickness. And the thing is, it’s not like many other pandemics or epidemics, where you can have a vaccine, and then it will go away. This one, for some people, it goes away, for some people, it doesn’t go away. And the report from the authorities is that… They did research, and it is stated that one-third of the infected patients have a long, long, long recovery, or many have a long recovery. Even one year on and after, they still don’t feel the same. They still feel this hangover from this pandemic, and they say one-third of the patients would have a brain problem. (They call it brain fog. You have a hazy thinking or feeling inside your brain, so it’s called brain fog.) Ah, yeah, yeah. They’re also like that, one-third of the patients, at least. That’s what they said. So, it looks like it’s difficult to avoid this one, (Yes, Master.) the COVID-19, very difficult. It keeps changing its strategy, and we humans keep running after it. Keep chasing it and hunting it, but it seems like we are not in a favorable win-win situation right now. (Right.) Even a double variant, my God!
2021-06-30, 05:43 PM
The Traveling Businessman and a Trustworthy Ghost, Part 2 of 6, Apr 25, 2021
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Because you can read a thousand sutras, can read hundreds of bibles, or any other documents, spiritual documents. It would never get you anywhere, (Yes, Master.) never give you the experience that you want or the experience that is spoken of in the holy scriptures – spoken but nobody can have it, except by the initiation with a real Master.
Any other questions? This earphone doesn’t hear very well. Say something, so I can hear whether or not… (Hallo, Master. Hallo, Master.) You are like a herd. You have herd immunity or not? I remember I saw in some film somewhere of the aliens. When the leader or somebody says something, they always say, “Uh-huh,” all together. “Uh-huh, uh-huh.” All together, big group. I can’t remember what name that is. It’s a comedy about alien babies and alien people who came and fell in love with an Earthling woman and stuff like that.
Any other questions? (No, Master.) “Uh-huh.” Did you rehearse in advance? (No.) Because you always say like in a group, “No, Master. Yes, Master.” Like these “uh-huh, uh-huh,” the aliens in that film. If you don’t have any more questions… So, I’ll read you a story, or not? (Yes, Master!)
From the same book. I was seeing somewhere, where it talked something about Solomon, saying Solomon had another kind of Bible, but it’s not written. And I was thinking, “Wow, just like us.” (Yes, Master.) In the Buddhist sutra, they say that the real Dharma is transmitted without spoken words, without written words, without sutras, without Holy writings. So, probably the same. They all say the same thing. (Yes, Master.) Your Master gives you initiation, same stuff. (Yes, Master.) There’s nothing written in the Bible at all, or in any Buddhist sutra. (No, Master.) That’s what it is. Chinese, they say, “A special transmission outside the scriptures.” Meaning, “outside of the scriptures.” The method will be transmitted outside of the scriptures. That’s what it is. And the Diamond Sutra says also, if you use the forms or the sound to understand the Dharma, the teaching, then it’s not it.
So that’s why the initiation doesn’t have any form, doesn’t have any sound. (Yes, Master.) Because the form and the sound are from this world; it’s not the real teaching. Only the one from Heaven, direct, within yourself, and transmitted by the Master, that is the real teaching, without talking.
Because you can read a thousand sutras, can read hundreds of bibles, or any other documents, spiritual documents. It would never get you anywhere, (Yes, Master.) never give you the experience that you want or the experience that is spoken of in the holy scriptures – spoken but nobody can have it, except by the initiation with a real Master. (Yes, Master.) Everybody can read the sutras, say, “Oh, you can see God, you can see (inner Heavenly) Light, you can hear the (Heavenly) Music inside,” but nobody sees anything, nobody hears anything. They can read, they have a thousand sutras. It may say the same thing and describe all the experiences, but they never see anything. You can read it, just like reading a money report on TV, but you don’t have any. You know it. I’m glad you laugh. It’s good, it’s good. It means you’re enlightened. It’s different, different when you’re enlightened and when you’re not.
I’ll read you something. We talked about money. Now I’m reading you something about a businessman. Just, by the way, it is right here. This is about a traveling businessman and a ghost. A trustable ghost. You can say that? Means you can trust him. (Trustworthy.) Trustworthy. Thank God I talk to you sometimes. Otherwise, I don’t know human language anymore. Sometimes I still need to deal with many things in Chinese. And I said to them, “Oh, lucky-lucky that I can speak some Chinese.” Because not everything can be written and sent by email. (Yes, Master.) Some things sometimes are confidential, sometimes I have to explain, sometimes it takes too long to write, so I have to still speak in Chinese, and it’s good so. Otherwise, I forget.
Just now, we did some meditation and prayer for the Vegan World. (Yes, Master.) Were you in? (Yes, Master.) I mean really in, in your heart? (Yes, Master.) I was crying so hard. I was crying so much. And I told all the Heavens that They have to do something because in the physical world, I have some limitations. You understand what I’m saying? (Yes, Master.)
I told Them They have to put all Their power together and do something to help the animals. I told Them, “Don’t help me. Don’t need to help me. Whatever happens to me, it happens. Just help the animals. They suffer so much. And in turn, they make humans suffer so much, too.” Oh, I was crying my heart out with Heaven. I wonder if you heard me? Did you hear me? No, huh? (No.) You were too busy in “samadhi.” No, I am sure you are sincere. I’m sure you are sincere. It’s good. Just to let you know that I am not over that yet. (Yes, Master.)
Actually, I don’t need this. I hear you well. Oh, I did plug it in, but it doesn’t work. Just makes more trouble. All right, I’ll still put it on so that whoever bought it feels happy. He feels satisfied, like he’s done some good thing. He feels “boom boom boom” inside.
Here comes. “A rich man had a son whom he loved immensely with all his heart. But one day, the son came to talk to the father, to talk to this rich man, saying, ‘Father, I have never gone away from home to do any business yet. Nowadays, I see that you are not very young anymore, and should it happen that one day you have to leave this physical world, then I worry that at that time, I will not be able to do any business as I will not have had any experience then.’ So, the father said to the son, ‘Yeah, you’re right. This is true that I and your mother both are very old now. But we are very wealthy, and except for you, no one is here to take care of both of us.’” Meaning the father and the mother. “‘So, it is better, I think, that you stay here with us. You don’t need to do any business. Why would you want to leave me and your mom and go away?’
So, the son replied, he insisted that he already decided. He said to the father, ‘I am already determined in this direction.’ And the father said, ‘Oh, so be it then. Now you take 100 gold pieces and then go wherever you want to go, and then buy and sell anything that you would like to. But you must remember, never do any business with someone else.’” Meaning he should just be independent and do all the transactions all by himself. “The son took the money and left. He went with the ship to the other side of the sea to see other countries. Over there, he bought-bought, sold-sold, until he earned a big sum of money, and he himself became very rich.” Wow. (Wow.)
That’s typical of children. They want to be also something. (Yes.) To be independent and able, successful. (Yes, Master.) It’s OK so, and why not? It’s just the parents felt that they are rich enough and the son doesn’t have to go anywhere. But you know, children, when they’re grown up, they like to make adventures and be themselves, independent, and feel like grown up and successful.
“And then, he heard that there was a very big land somewhere, very far away, and over there, there may be better opportunities for business. So, he also packed up and went there. Before he went into the capital of that country, he saw a farmer plowing the field. (Yes, Master.) So he said hallo and wished him well and all that. And then the farmer responded to his courtesy, also wished him well.”
Like in the Arab countries, when you see them, they will say, “Peace be on you.” (Yes, Master.) As-salamu alaykum. Something like that. (Yes, Master.) Maybe my Arabic is not that good, but that’s what I heard. And then, also like in England or America, when you see somebody… Not all of them do that to a stranger, but some people would say, “Hi! How are you?” And the other would say, “Hey, I’m OK. And you?” Something like that. How are you, by the way? I forgot. (Good.) (We’re fine.) (We’re good, very good, Master.)
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Because you can read a thousand sutras, can read hundreds of bibles, or any other documents, spiritual documents. It would never get you anywhere, (Yes, Master.) never give you the experience that you want or the experience that is spoken of in the holy scriptures – spoken but nobody can have it, except by the initiation with a real Master.
Any other questions? This earphone doesn’t hear very well. Say something, so I can hear whether or not… (Hallo, Master. Hallo, Master.) You are like a herd. You have herd immunity or not? I remember I saw in some film somewhere of the aliens. When the leader or somebody says something, they always say, “Uh-huh,” all together. “Uh-huh, uh-huh.” All together, big group. I can’t remember what name that is. It’s a comedy about alien babies and alien people who came and fell in love with an Earthling woman and stuff like that.
Any other questions? (No, Master.) “Uh-huh.” Did you rehearse in advance? (No.) Because you always say like in a group, “No, Master. Yes, Master.” Like these “uh-huh, uh-huh,” the aliens in that film. If you don’t have any more questions… So, I’ll read you a story, or not? (Yes, Master!)
From the same book. I was seeing somewhere, where it talked something about Solomon, saying Solomon had another kind of Bible, but it’s not written. And I was thinking, “Wow, just like us.” (Yes, Master.) In the Buddhist sutra, they say that the real Dharma is transmitted without spoken words, without written words, without sutras, without Holy writings. So, probably the same. They all say the same thing. (Yes, Master.) Your Master gives you initiation, same stuff. (Yes, Master.) There’s nothing written in the Bible at all, or in any Buddhist sutra. (No, Master.) That’s what it is. Chinese, they say, “A special transmission outside the scriptures.” Meaning, “outside of the scriptures.” The method will be transmitted outside of the scriptures. That’s what it is. And the Diamond Sutra says also, if you use the forms or the sound to understand the Dharma, the teaching, then it’s not it.
So that’s why the initiation doesn’t have any form, doesn’t have any sound. (Yes, Master.) Because the form and the sound are from this world; it’s not the real teaching. Only the one from Heaven, direct, within yourself, and transmitted by the Master, that is the real teaching, without talking.
Because you can read a thousand sutras, can read hundreds of bibles, or any other documents, spiritual documents. It would never get you anywhere, (Yes, Master.) never give you the experience that you want or the experience that is spoken of in the holy scriptures – spoken but nobody can have it, except by the initiation with a real Master. (Yes, Master.) Everybody can read the sutras, say, “Oh, you can see God, you can see (inner Heavenly) Light, you can hear the (Heavenly) Music inside,” but nobody sees anything, nobody hears anything. They can read, they have a thousand sutras. It may say the same thing and describe all the experiences, but they never see anything. You can read it, just like reading a money report on TV, but you don’t have any. You know it. I’m glad you laugh. It’s good, it’s good. It means you’re enlightened. It’s different, different when you’re enlightened and when you’re not.
I’ll read you something. We talked about money. Now I’m reading you something about a businessman. Just, by the way, it is right here. This is about a traveling businessman and a ghost. A trustable ghost. You can say that? Means you can trust him. (Trustworthy.) Trustworthy. Thank God I talk to you sometimes. Otherwise, I don’t know human language anymore. Sometimes I still need to deal with many things in Chinese. And I said to them, “Oh, lucky-lucky that I can speak some Chinese.” Because not everything can be written and sent by email. (Yes, Master.) Some things sometimes are confidential, sometimes I have to explain, sometimes it takes too long to write, so I have to still speak in Chinese, and it’s good so. Otherwise, I forget.
Just now, we did some meditation and prayer for the Vegan World. (Yes, Master.) Were you in? (Yes, Master.) I mean really in, in your heart? (Yes, Master.) I was crying so hard. I was crying so much. And I told all the Heavens that They have to do something because in the physical world, I have some limitations. You understand what I’m saying? (Yes, Master.)
I told Them They have to put all Their power together and do something to help the animals. I told Them, “Don’t help me. Don’t need to help me. Whatever happens to me, it happens. Just help the animals. They suffer so much. And in turn, they make humans suffer so much, too.” Oh, I was crying my heart out with Heaven. I wonder if you heard me? Did you hear me? No, huh? (No.) You were too busy in “samadhi.” No, I am sure you are sincere. I’m sure you are sincere. It’s good. Just to let you know that I am not over that yet. (Yes, Master.)
Actually, I don’t need this. I hear you well. Oh, I did plug it in, but it doesn’t work. Just makes more trouble. All right, I’ll still put it on so that whoever bought it feels happy. He feels satisfied, like he’s done some good thing. He feels “boom boom boom” inside.
Here comes. “A rich man had a son whom he loved immensely with all his heart. But one day, the son came to talk to the father, to talk to this rich man, saying, ‘Father, I have never gone away from home to do any business yet. Nowadays, I see that you are not very young anymore, and should it happen that one day you have to leave this physical world, then I worry that at that time, I will not be able to do any business as I will not have had any experience then.’ So, the father said to the son, ‘Yeah, you’re right. This is true that I and your mother both are very old now. But we are very wealthy, and except for you, no one is here to take care of both of us.’” Meaning the father and the mother. “‘So, it is better, I think, that you stay here with us. You don’t need to do any business. Why would you want to leave me and your mom and go away?’
So, the son replied, he insisted that he already decided. He said to the father, ‘I am already determined in this direction.’ And the father said, ‘Oh, so be it then. Now you take 100 gold pieces and then go wherever you want to go, and then buy and sell anything that you would like to. But you must remember, never do any business with someone else.’” Meaning he should just be independent and do all the transactions all by himself. “The son took the money and left. He went with the ship to the other side of the sea to see other countries. Over there, he bought-bought, sold-sold, until he earned a big sum of money, and he himself became very rich.” Wow. (Wow.)
That’s typical of children. They want to be also something. (Yes.) To be independent and able, successful. (Yes, Master.) It’s OK so, and why not? It’s just the parents felt that they are rich enough and the son doesn’t have to go anywhere. But you know, children, when they’re grown up, they like to make adventures and be themselves, independent, and feel like grown up and successful.
“And then, he heard that there was a very big land somewhere, very far away, and over there, there may be better opportunities for business. So, he also packed up and went there. Before he went into the capital of that country, he saw a farmer plowing the field. (Yes, Master.) So he said hallo and wished him well and all that. And then the farmer responded to his courtesy, also wished him well.”
Like in the Arab countries, when you see them, they will say, “Peace be on you.” (Yes, Master.) As-salamu alaykum. Something like that. (Yes, Master.) Maybe my Arabic is not that good, but that’s what I heard. And then, also like in England or America, when you see somebody… Not all of them do that to a stranger, but some people would say, “Hi! How are you?” And the other would say, “Hey, I’m OK. And you?” Something like that. How are you, by the way? I forgot. (Good.) (We’re fine.) (We’re good, very good, Master.)
2021-06-30, 05:46 PM
The Traveling Businessman and a Trustworthy Ghost, Part 3 of 6, Apr 25, 2021
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For an ordinary person or an ordinary disciple, to be positive is good. (Yes, Master.) But for a Master, it doesn’t matter if you’re positive, negative. Things happen the way it should happen.
I was lost in all this technical stuff. (Yes, Master.) My table, it doesn’t look like anything that I have ever imagined in my younger life. My goodness. Just maybe you can see something. Can you see anything? (Yes, Master.) (Yes.) Yes? (Wow!) (Oh, my goodness!) (Wow! A lot of wires!) And I roomed a lot already. There are a lot more everywhere else. A lot, a lot, a lot, hidden. I’m a very tidy person, but… But in this case, I gave up. Because so much, so much stuff. (Yes, Master.) (Wow!) It takes up the whole table. And I’m glad that I could even put my book, but it’s on top of many wires. You see?
Oh, thank you. What are you doing? The camera wants to go away to do business or something. You better stay here, take care of me. I am alone. We don’t need to do business. We are rich enough.
You know, I’m a very tidy person, but this is beyond my housekeeping talent. Before, I could not see the wires anywhere and I tried to hide them or organize them so that they’re not seen, but now I just give up, I just… whatever, I let it be. And they even threatened to buy more stuff for me. Oh, my dear!
“So the traveling businessman told the farmer thus: ‘In this capital city, do you know anyone who is trustworthy?’ The farmer told him about one person, such and such, and said, ‘If you even have 1,000 gold pieces, you would feel peaceful to give it to that person to take care of it for you.’ So he was very happy, the traveler, thanked the farmer, and then asked the way to go to that trustworthy person. When he got there, he introduced himself to this trustworthy person. And then he said to him, ‘Sir, I have heard that you are a very, very trustworthy person. At the moment, I have with me a very, very big, big sum of money. I would like to have somebody take care of it. If you would be so kind, I would be happy to entrust it to you. And one year after, I will come back to get it.’ So the trustworthy person said, ‘Oh, yeah. Sure, sure, you can. You go to…’” Why are you laughing? (Of course, he would say that.) “He said, ‘Sure, can do. You just go to my office over there, and in my office there is a big safe. You can put anything there you want.’ And then the traveling businessman did as he was instructed. He put all his money, gold pieces inside the safe, locked it, and then took the key with him.”
It sounds like a bank. (Yes, Master.) You put things in the safe and take the key with you. I never did it, but I saw people do that. I don’t have enough to have to do that. Not enough. Not much. Actually, even if I had it, we would use it somewhere anyway. (Yes, Master.) I don’t take care of money that much. Some, but the rest, others take care. (Yes, Master.) In our group there are people who take care of this and that. Thank God. Otherwise, I don’t think I could sit here if every day I have to keep counting money and put it in the safe like that boy. Then I think my table would be more crowded than this right now. Full of gold pieces.
In the old time, people used gold as currency. (Yes, Master.) Gold and silver and copper and stuff like that. Maybe gold for US$1,000. (Yes.) And silver for maybe US$500. (Yes.) And copper for US $200. Zinc or whatever-not, like change, small ones, coins? (Yes.) Maybe like that. My God. Poor people in the old time. Imagine you carry one million US dollars with you! (Wow!) In gold! And they didn’t have cars like we have nowadays. (Yes.) And poor horses. (Yes, Master.) Poor horses who had to carry rich people, and their gold and silver, and whatnot. Oh, man. Aren’t you glad you are in this period of our Earth lifetime? (Yes, Master.)
Paper is also heavy if it’s a big sum, but it’s not that heavy like gold and silver. (Right. Yes, Master.) We’re lucky. And we have cars even! Oh! Things are lighter, and we have cars. Before, things were heavier. And before, they also had like pots made with earth (Yes, Master.) or copper and stuff like that, to put their things inside. (Yes, Master.) Or to put water and to put rice and food, and whatever. Oh, man! I feel sorry for the horses who had been born in those times. Don’t you? (Yes, Master.) And imagine if you go somewhere and you cannot get a horse cart. What do you do with all that? To carry money with you is already a big problem, with all this gold, silver, copper, zinc, aluminum, whatever that is.
“So, then this traveling businessman took the key with him and went to other cities in that big, big, huge country, and continued to sell-sell, buy-buy, and then earned a lot, a lot of money.” (Money.) Wow! Don’t you feel like itchy? Don’t you feel like wanting to go to some big country like that? (No.) Huge country, like America, Russia, Spain. Make money, no? (No, Master. Not for us.) No. Not interesting. We don’t know if we will stay that long here, right? (Right. Yes, Master.)
Who knows about the world or about the karma of people? But let’s not be so un-positive. Actually, I have never been so un-positive before, but the negative things still happen to me. Then I begin to doubt whether or not I am positive enough. But for an ordinary person or an ordinary disciple, to be positive is good. (Yes, Master.) But for a Master, it doesn’t matter if you’re positive, negative. Things happen the way it should happen. (Right.) (Yes, Master.)
You can see all the Masters, They are the most positive. (Yes, Master.) Like Lord Jesus, Lord Buddha, Lord Mahavira, but things still happened to Them. (Yes, Master.) But for the disciples, they are very positive, and good things always happen to them. Lucky. It’s better than nobody has good things happen to them. (Yes, Master.) So, it’s only the Master, when no good things happen, then it’s OK. Only one person, it’s all right.
“So, after one year, he returned to the capital of that country. On the way, he saw a person who walked opposite him. And then he asked that person whether or not he knew the person that he had entrusted his money to. So the opposite direction person said, ‘Yeah, I know him. I know him. But he is not alive anymore.’” Ah! (Oh!)
You should be alive, man. You just sat there, waiting for me to direct you like a film. Open your mouth. Ah! (Ah!) Show some surprise or something. (Oh!)
Even when I went to the theater to see movies, I was more alive than you. You are not supposed to make noise in the movies, but I could never help myself. I was all excited or sad, or said, “Uh? Huh? No! No! No!” I always commented on the movies. And I even criticized the character. I said, “You bad boy!” And sometimes, the movie goers in front of me, they’d look at me. “Hey!” I’d say, “OK, sorry. Sorry.” And then I did it again!
So, I always went early so that I could sit right in the front or right at the back or wherever was the most empty. Or I put the toothpick in my mouth, so I can watch the movie without talking. But then I forgot, and then the toothpick fell on the ground. And I cannot pick it up again. It’s so dirty. I’m all real. I focus on something, then I’m so intense.
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For an ordinary person or an ordinary disciple, to be positive is good. (Yes, Master.) But for a Master, it doesn’t matter if you’re positive, negative. Things happen the way it should happen.
I was lost in all this technical stuff. (Yes, Master.) My table, it doesn’t look like anything that I have ever imagined in my younger life. My goodness. Just maybe you can see something. Can you see anything? (Yes, Master.) (Yes.) Yes? (Wow!) (Oh, my goodness!) (Wow! A lot of wires!) And I roomed a lot already. There are a lot more everywhere else. A lot, a lot, a lot, hidden. I’m a very tidy person, but… But in this case, I gave up. Because so much, so much stuff. (Yes, Master.) (Wow!) It takes up the whole table. And I’m glad that I could even put my book, but it’s on top of many wires. You see?
Oh, thank you. What are you doing? The camera wants to go away to do business or something. You better stay here, take care of me. I am alone. We don’t need to do business. We are rich enough.
You know, I’m a very tidy person, but this is beyond my housekeeping talent. Before, I could not see the wires anywhere and I tried to hide them or organize them so that they’re not seen, but now I just give up, I just… whatever, I let it be. And they even threatened to buy more stuff for me. Oh, my dear!
“So the traveling businessman told the farmer thus: ‘In this capital city, do you know anyone who is trustworthy?’ The farmer told him about one person, such and such, and said, ‘If you even have 1,000 gold pieces, you would feel peaceful to give it to that person to take care of it for you.’ So he was very happy, the traveler, thanked the farmer, and then asked the way to go to that trustworthy person. When he got there, he introduced himself to this trustworthy person. And then he said to him, ‘Sir, I have heard that you are a very, very trustworthy person. At the moment, I have with me a very, very big, big sum of money. I would like to have somebody take care of it. If you would be so kind, I would be happy to entrust it to you. And one year after, I will come back to get it.’ So the trustworthy person said, ‘Oh, yeah. Sure, sure, you can. You go to…’” Why are you laughing? (Of course, he would say that.) “He said, ‘Sure, can do. You just go to my office over there, and in my office there is a big safe. You can put anything there you want.’ And then the traveling businessman did as he was instructed. He put all his money, gold pieces inside the safe, locked it, and then took the key with him.”
It sounds like a bank. (Yes, Master.) You put things in the safe and take the key with you. I never did it, but I saw people do that. I don’t have enough to have to do that. Not enough. Not much. Actually, even if I had it, we would use it somewhere anyway. (Yes, Master.) I don’t take care of money that much. Some, but the rest, others take care. (Yes, Master.) In our group there are people who take care of this and that. Thank God. Otherwise, I don’t think I could sit here if every day I have to keep counting money and put it in the safe like that boy. Then I think my table would be more crowded than this right now. Full of gold pieces.
In the old time, people used gold as currency. (Yes, Master.) Gold and silver and copper and stuff like that. Maybe gold for US$1,000. (Yes.) And silver for maybe US$500. (Yes.) And copper for US $200. Zinc or whatever-not, like change, small ones, coins? (Yes.) Maybe like that. My God. Poor people in the old time. Imagine you carry one million US dollars with you! (Wow!) In gold! And they didn’t have cars like we have nowadays. (Yes.) And poor horses. (Yes, Master.) Poor horses who had to carry rich people, and their gold and silver, and whatnot. Oh, man. Aren’t you glad you are in this period of our Earth lifetime? (Yes, Master.)
Paper is also heavy if it’s a big sum, but it’s not that heavy like gold and silver. (Right. Yes, Master.) We’re lucky. And we have cars even! Oh! Things are lighter, and we have cars. Before, things were heavier. And before, they also had like pots made with earth (Yes, Master.) or copper and stuff like that, to put their things inside. (Yes, Master.) Or to put water and to put rice and food, and whatever. Oh, man! I feel sorry for the horses who had been born in those times. Don’t you? (Yes, Master.) And imagine if you go somewhere and you cannot get a horse cart. What do you do with all that? To carry money with you is already a big problem, with all this gold, silver, copper, zinc, aluminum, whatever that is.
“So, then this traveling businessman took the key with him and went to other cities in that big, big, huge country, and continued to sell-sell, buy-buy, and then earned a lot, a lot of money.” (Money.) Wow! Don’t you feel like itchy? Don’t you feel like wanting to go to some big country like that? (No.) Huge country, like America, Russia, Spain. Make money, no? (No, Master. Not for us.) No. Not interesting. We don’t know if we will stay that long here, right? (Right. Yes, Master.)
Who knows about the world or about the karma of people? But let’s not be so un-positive. Actually, I have never been so un-positive before, but the negative things still happen to me. Then I begin to doubt whether or not I am positive enough. But for an ordinary person or an ordinary disciple, to be positive is good. (Yes, Master.) But for a Master, it doesn’t matter if you’re positive, negative. Things happen the way it should happen. (Right.) (Yes, Master.)
You can see all the Masters, They are the most positive. (Yes, Master.) Like Lord Jesus, Lord Buddha, Lord Mahavira, but things still happened to Them. (Yes, Master.) But for the disciples, they are very positive, and good things always happen to them. Lucky. It’s better than nobody has good things happen to them. (Yes, Master.) So, it’s only the Master, when no good things happen, then it’s OK. Only one person, it’s all right.
“So, after one year, he returned to the capital of that country. On the way, he saw a person who walked opposite him. And then he asked that person whether or not he knew the person that he had entrusted his money to. So the opposite direction person said, ‘Yeah, I know him. I know him. But he is not alive anymore.’” Ah! (Oh!)
You should be alive, man. You just sat there, waiting for me to direct you like a film. Open your mouth. Ah! (Ah!) Show some surprise or something. (Oh!)
Even when I went to the theater to see movies, I was more alive than you. You are not supposed to make noise in the movies, but I could never help myself. I was all excited or sad, or said, “Uh? Huh? No! No! No!” I always commented on the movies. And I even criticized the character. I said, “You bad boy!” And sometimes, the movie goers in front of me, they’d look at me. “Hey!” I’d say, “OK, sorry. Sorry.” And then I did it again!
So, I always went early so that I could sit right in the front or right at the back or wherever was the most empty. Or I put the toothpick in my mouth, so I can watch the movie without talking. But then I forgot, and then the toothpick fell on the ground. And I cannot pick it up again. It’s so dirty. I’m all real. I focus on something, then I’m so intense.
2021-07-20, 11:47 AM
The Traveling Businessman and a Trustworthy Ghost, Part 5 of 6, Apr 25, 2021
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“He still had strong faith in God and believed that whatever God has arranged, Hes has Hiers purpose. So, he has never lost faith in God. (Right.) This is kind of a story to explain how come good people, virtuous people, often encounter suffering.”
“Job himself was thinking of these hell people when he said to God, ‘You make all the countries become great, and You will also destroy them all. You make them become important, and You will also make them ruined.’” That’s what Job said. You know Job is one of the personages in the Bible. (Yes, Master.)
We’ll talk about that later. I’ll finish this first.
“So, after that, the traveling businessman returned home to his own country, with all the money and possessions that he had earned. The parents were so overjoyed to see him again. And from then on, the whole family lived in happiness.” End of story.
“Job is one of the personages in the Holy Bible. The story in the Bible talks about a very rich person named Job. He was very faithful to God. He feared God and believed in God strongly, even during any of the calamities that he encountered in life, such as: twice, his house was burned and all his property was gone. His family all died, wife and children, all dead. (Wow.) He still had strong faith in God and believed that whatever God has arranged, Hes has Hiers purpose. So, he has never lost faith in God. (Right.) This is kind of a story to explain how come good people, virtuous people, often encounter suffering. And bad people, not just bad people, of course, but like villains, (Yes.) never have any trouble.”
But it’s not true. There are also some bad people who’ve been punished. (Yes, Master.) But people don’t see that. They see something else. They see some wicked people, how come they are prosperous? Famous and glorified even, or in a high position, stuff like that. So, they mostly complain, say, “Good people don’t have luck. Bad people are glorified.” That’s it. Just to tell you who Job was. It’s done now. (Thank You, Master.)
Will you be sleeping well tonight? Can you still go to the bathroom alone, or you need your colleagues to accompany you? Don’t worry, I am also alone. I don’t know if I can ask anybody to come accompany me. Nobody around, nobody near, not even dogs. So, we are the same; we are in it together. (Yes, Master.) If you are afraid, you call your Master. (OK.) If I am afraid, I’ll think of you that’s calling me, so we have company.
You see that? People die, they don’t enjoy Heaven and are not all well, like sometimes the relatives and friends who are still alive think. (Yes.) It’s not like that. Lucky are some who are rescued by some maybe good practitioners or Master or something like that, or who are not in hell. (Yes.) Then, maybe sometimes relatives and friends can contact them. Rarely though, rarely though. Most are just fake. (Yes, Master.) Faked by some medium in some dark room, just faking the relatives and friends to answer them, just for entertainment or earning money. But if somebody who is staying above the Astral world…
Most people, if they don’t do anything good, they cannot go to Heaven well. They cannot. They must go to hell first, long or short, depends. And other people who may be lucky, can go to this so-called Astral city, above the Astral planet, similar to the film that we have seen. (Yes, Master.) It is true like that. As I told you already, between different levels of consciousness, there is a buffer zone. (Yes, Master.) Very big, very big. And great practitioners or Masters, they can create cities or countries there or a place or a Heaven for Their followers or some good people who are connected with Them, to go there and live, so they don’t have to go to hell. (Wow.)
I don’t know why I wanted to read you that story. But this traveling businessman, he is very brave. (Yes, Master.) Would you dare to grab a ghost like that? (No, Master.) Let me try. “Stop! Tell me who you are. Tell me now! I won’t let you go.”
Any question concerning that? Any comments? (No, Master.) No? Good. No, good. Then it’s good. Then it’s good. Ah, I just want to scare you, but you’re not scared at all. It doesn’t look to me like you are scared. No, huh? (We have Master.) Because you live together, that’s why! That’s the secret of your bravery. (Yes, true, yes.) If you live alone like me, I’m not sure.
All right, I also won’t go out at night, though. No. Not because I’m afraid of ghosts. Guess why I don’t go out at night. Tell me. If you are right, I’ll read you the next story next time. (Master is more afraid of humans than the ghosts.) Ah! Who said that? Raise hand. I don’t even see your face anyway, so I don’t know who is who. Very good. Next time, I’ll read the next story to you alone. Very good answer. Yes, I’m more afraid of humans than ghosts. I have to always take care of myself. But one day, there will be a day. Sometimes I’m afraid, sometimes not. It depends on the energy they sent or that’s around, or something is stirred up or not.
I could be living alone in the desert or mountain, I never feel afraid. Unless there is something else that makes me feel afraid, influences me. Like if the hunters are around, shooting around, and all the animals are very frightened. (Yes, Master.) And I feel also frightened. But that doesn’t mean I run away. I would just stay there. I just have this feeling of fear. (Yes, Master.) It’s too near. All right.
Even if I want to talk to you like this, I have to consult with Heaven whether or not it’s safe tonight. I wanted to talk to you three nights ago. But it wasn’t safe. So, I waited until today. They said today is OK. Anyway… (Thank You, Master.) You’re welcome.
I was sometimes forgetful of the date, because sometimes I work at night or meditate at night a lot, and then I forgot the time when I saw like… Last night, after 12, it’s Sunday. (Yes, Master.) Now it’s Monday already, right? (Yes.) But after maybe two, three o’clock already in the morning, I had to go look for something and I turned on the flashlight of the cell phone, (Yes.) and I saw it said Sunday, 25th. It was Sunday 25th yesterday, right? (Yes, Master.) That’s the day I’m supposed to talk to you. And I was thinking, “Oh my God, I passed it! Oh, what to do, what to do? How can I be so forgetful?”
But then today I realized, no, no! No, it was just the beginning. (Beginning!) And then I immediately called you guys and said, “Prepare, we make a conference before it’s too late.” (Thank You, Master.) Why? For what? (For calling us, Master.) (Calling us.) (Talking to us.) “Thank you for… talking to us.” (Yes.) I thought you said, “For nothing to ask.”
Oh, your Master is getting old, man. She’s pretty old now. It’s too much work. I’m like a forgetful professor or something. Lucky I don’t forget you yet. Don’t think I forget you. (Thank You, Master.) You’re not that lucky. I mean, you’re not that lucky that I already forget you. (Very lucky.)
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“He still had strong faith in God and believed that whatever God has arranged, Hes has Hiers purpose. So, he has never lost faith in God. (Right.) This is kind of a story to explain how come good people, virtuous people, often encounter suffering.”
“Job himself was thinking of these hell people when he said to God, ‘You make all the countries become great, and You will also destroy them all. You make them become important, and You will also make them ruined.’” That’s what Job said. You know Job is one of the personages in the Bible. (Yes, Master.)
We’ll talk about that later. I’ll finish this first.
“So, after that, the traveling businessman returned home to his own country, with all the money and possessions that he had earned. The parents were so overjoyed to see him again. And from then on, the whole family lived in happiness.” End of story.
“Job is one of the personages in the Holy Bible. The story in the Bible talks about a very rich person named Job. He was very faithful to God. He feared God and believed in God strongly, even during any of the calamities that he encountered in life, such as: twice, his house was burned and all his property was gone. His family all died, wife and children, all dead. (Wow.) He still had strong faith in God and believed that whatever God has arranged, Hes has Hiers purpose. So, he has never lost faith in God. (Right.) This is kind of a story to explain how come good people, virtuous people, often encounter suffering. And bad people, not just bad people, of course, but like villains, (Yes.) never have any trouble.”
But it’s not true. There are also some bad people who’ve been punished. (Yes, Master.) But people don’t see that. They see something else. They see some wicked people, how come they are prosperous? Famous and glorified even, or in a high position, stuff like that. So, they mostly complain, say, “Good people don’t have luck. Bad people are glorified.” That’s it. Just to tell you who Job was. It’s done now. (Thank You, Master.)
Will you be sleeping well tonight? Can you still go to the bathroom alone, or you need your colleagues to accompany you? Don’t worry, I am also alone. I don’t know if I can ask anybody to come accompany me. Nobody around, nobody near, not even dogs. So, we are the same; we are in it together. (Yes, Master.) If you are afraid, you call your Master. (OK.) If I am afraid, I’ll think of you that’s calling me, so we have company.
You see that? People die, they don’t enjoy Heaven and are not all well, like sometimes the relatives and friends who are still alive think. (Yes.) It’s not like that. Lucky are some who are rescued by some maybe good practitioners or Master or something like that, or who are not in hell. (Yes.) Then, maybe sometimes relatives and friends can contact them. Rarely though, rarely though. Most are just fake. (Yes, Master.) Faked by some medium in some dark room, just faking the relatives and friends to answer them, just for entertainment or earning money. But if somebody who is staying above the Astral world…
Most people, if they don’t do anything good, they cannot go to Heaven well. They cannot. They must go to hell first, long or short, depends. And other people who may be lucky, can go to this so-called Astral city, above the Astral planet, similar to the film that we have seen. (Yes, Master.) It is true like that. As I told you already, between different levels of consciousness, there is a buffer zone. (Yes, Master.) Very big, very big. And great practitioners or Masters, they can create cities or countries there or a place or a Heaven for Their followers or some good people who are connected with Them, to go there and live, so they don’t have to go to hell. (Wow.)
I don’t know why I wanted to read you that story. But this traveling businessman, he is very brave. (Yes, Master.) Would you dare to grab a ghost like that? (No, Master.) Let me try. “Stop! Tell me who you are. Tell me now! I won’t let you go.”
Any question concerning that? Any comments? (No, Master.) No? Good. No, good. Then it’s good. Then it’s good. Ah, I just want to scare you, but you’re not scared at all. It doesn’t look to me like you are scared. No, huh? (We have Master.) Because you live together, that’s why! That’s the secret of your bravery. (Yes, true, yes.) If you live alone like me, I’m not sure.
All right, I also won’t go out at night, though. No. Not because I’m afraid of ghosts. Guess why I don’t go out at night. Tell me. If you are right, I’ll read you the next story next time. (Master is more afraid of humans than the ghosts.) Ah! Who said that? Raise hand. I don’t even see your face anyway, so I don’t know who is who. Very good. Next time, I’ll read the next story to you alone. Very good answer. Yes, I’m more afraid of humans than ghosts. I have to always take care of myself. But one day, there will be a day. Sometimes I’m afraid, sometimes not. It depends on the energy they sent or that’s around, or something is stirred up or not.
I could be living alone in the desert or mountain, I never feel afraid. Unless there is something else that makes me feel afraid, influences me. Like if the hunters are around, shooting around, and all the animals are very frightened. (Yes, Master.) And I feel also frightened. But that doesn’t mean I run away. I would just stay there. I just have this feeling of fear. (Yes, Master.) It’s too near. All right.
Even if I want to talk to you like this, I have to consult with Heaven whether or not it’s safe tonight. I wanted to talk to you three nights ago. But it wasn’t safe. So, I waited until today. They said today is OK. Anyway… (Thank You, Master.) You’re welcome.
I was sometimes forgetful of the date, because sometimes I work at night or meditate at night a lot, and then I forgot the time when I saw like… Last night, after 12, it’s Sunday. (Yes, Master.) Now it’s Monday already, right? (Yes.) But after maybe two, three o’clock already in the morning, I had to go look for something and I turned on the flashlight of the cell phone, (Yes.) and I saw it said Sunday, 25th. It was Sunday 25th yesterday, right? (Yes, Master.) That’s the day I’m supposed to talk to you. And I was thinking, “Oh my God, I passed it! Oh, what to do, what to do? How can I be so forgetful?”
But then today I realized, no, no! No, it was just the beginning. (Beginning!) And then I immediately called you guys and said, “Prepare, we make a conference before it’s too late.” (Thank You, Master.) Why? For what? (For calling us, Master.) (Calling us.) (Talking to us.) “Thank you for… talking to us.” (Yes.) I thought you said, “For nothing to ask.”
Oh, your Master is getting old, man. She’s pretty old now. It’s too much work. I’m like a forgetful professor or something. Lucky I don’t forget you yet. Don’t think I forget you. (Thank You, Master.) You’re not that lucky. I mean, you’re not that lucky that I already forget you. (Very lucky.)
2021-07-20, 11:52 AM
The Traveling Businessman and a Trustworthy Ghost, Part 6 of 6, Apr 25, 2021
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It’s not enough that you wear the monk’s or nun’s robe and just every day doing some not very useful rituals, taking donations, having a comfortable church or temple to live in, and being revered by the faithful. You must turn around. Be vegan. No more meat. No more animal products. Otherwise, you cannot escape hell. In my honor, in the name of God, I tell you the truth like that.
Oh! Forgot. I want to say something. You see, in this story, the ghost even told, and truthfully, that most people who die, suffer in hell. Because very rare we have some virtuous and morally uncorrupted person. (Yes, Master.) And to eat meat and all that is already a sin, already sinful and already punishable by law, the Universal law.
I really want to plead with all the religious leaders. You must make a good example. You must be a vegan, now. Then God will forgive. Otherwise, truly, you will go to hell. I mean it. Like everyone else, if you continue to eat meat, drink wine, and even just to eat meat, not drink wine, it’s already sinful enough to be punished in hell for a long, long, long, long time.
We can put the Heartline, or the talk of the sister from China, about hell.
“I can attest that when Master says, ‘Those who eat meat will go to hell,’ that is the absolute truth. One midnight, as I was wrapping up my meditation session, I received a message from my inner Master, saying: ‘You should pay a visit to hell to learn the work of a Bodhisattva and help the beings there.’ My inner Master then transported me to hell. Her Supreme Power protected me from the hellfires, which would have scorched a practitioner of my level. It also freed me of fear. I was escorted to one of the hells by Earth Store Bodhisattva. Here, the wrongdoers were forced to run as fast as they could on a huge spinning black iron wheel, which resembled a waterwheel. The moment they failed to keep up with the speed of the wheel, they would fall into a cauldron of boiling soup on a roaring fire and get cooked to smithereens.
Following Master’s instructions, I recited the Five Holy Names and the Gift of the Seventh Level. As I did so, Master’s immense power enabled those beings to free themselves from the wheel. They then knelt in front of me. I asked them: ‘How did you fall into this hell?’ They said: ‘In our previous life, we ate large amounts of flesh of hunted animals and captured fish. They experienced great terror when they were hunted. They tried to flee, but there was no escape. They were captured, slaughtered, and cooked to mush in a pot. As a consequence of eating their flesh, we fell into hell’s cauldron, having to flee and be cooked repeatedly.’ I explained to them: ‘The karmic toll of meat-eating is extremely heavy. People only dare to eat meat because they don’t know what awaits them.’ I exhorted them to be sure to adopt a vegan lifestyle and do good deeds in their next incarnation. They then followed Master out of hell, on the path to a new life. Yet, even as I spoke, I could see many meat-eaters arrive from above, falling one after another into hell, all stark naked. Alas, as the scriptures say: ‘Hell shall never be empty.’
Then, I felt a twinge in my left arm. I looked down and saw that my left sleeve had blown up to an enormous size. Innumerable hell beings were tucked in the sleeve to be rescued from hell. As it turns out, hell beings can shrink and be rescued that way. Amazed, I reveled in the magnanimity and boundless compassion of Master and Earth Store Bodhisattva, who extend Their help to the suffering sentient beings. In the next instant, I was back in hell singing praises of the two great Saints. I had only uttered a few words of praise when I heard a series of startlingly loud clangs. Lo and behold, it was the sound of the iron walls of several adjacent hell chambers crumbling under the power of exaltation of the Saints! At the same time, a pure, effervescent spring gushed forth from the dark ground of hell, forming a lotus pond. Countless gold and white lotuses grew in the pond and bloomed instantaneously. The lotus flowers grew larger and larger, glowing in beautiful splendor. Even golden lotuses can bloom in hell, under the infinite power and merit of our beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai and Earth Store Bodhisattva. Their greatness is truly beyond human comprehension!”
It’s not enough that you wear the monk’s or nun’s robe and just every day doing some not very useful rituals, taking donations, having a comfortable church or temple to live in, and being revered by the faithful. You must turn around. Be vegan. No more meat. No more animal products. Otherwise, you cannot escape hell. In my honor, in the name of God, I tell you the truth like that. Even if you feel offended, even if I risk my safety to tell you, the leaders of religions, I have to tell you, in the name of God. It’s not enough just to learn some ritual by heart and just repeat what is in the Bible or the sutra.
People trust you to lead them to the righteous way. Not only you have to be vegan, you must also advise your followers, the faithful, to do the same. Must be vegan.
No more killing, indirectly, the poor, innocent animals that God made. The animals are also God’s children, and shall not be destroyed. The animals are helpers of humankind. In the Bible it even says all that: “Ask the birds, they will show you. Ask the fish, they will instruct you. Ask the animals, they will tell you. They will advise you.” So they are some beings to be respected, to be loved, at least to be friendly with. It’s not for us to eat, to torture, in such a barbarous way.
And if you eat them, these torturously killed meats, you condone this practice and you are an accomplice. I am telling you as a friend, as a faithful. As a person who respects, loves God. As a person who loves human beings and animals. As a person who cries every day and night, for their suffering.
I’m not spending idle time talking to you like this. I must warn you that hells are awaiting you if you don’t turn around now and stop eating meat of the innocent animals. We − even no priests, even ordinary people – we humans, a humane human, should never enjoy at the cost of suffering of any others. God says, “Thou shall not kill.” And that never fails. That law of the Universe is everywhere, correct and just. No one can escape that. “As you sow, so shall you reap.” Just because you don’t see the animal suffer, just because you don’t kill the animal, doesn’t mean you don’t partake in the sin thereof.
People trust you. You must advise them to go the compassionate way, the way Jesus walked, the way the Buddha taught, the way Guru Nanak Dev Ji showed to us, the way Prophet Muhammad, peace be on Him, taught us. All the Masters said the same. Lord Mahavira did not even want to eat, all the fruits even. And we are allowed to eat fruits and vegetables, and in plenty. We are not short of food, of nutrition. We should not kill just to enjoy. That is wicked. That is against God. That’s against your mission, against the robe that you are wearing, which is the holy robe, the representative of holiness, of Heavens, of God. You have to live the way our Masters taught us, like Lord Jesus, Lord Buddha, Lord Mahavira, Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the Prophet Muhammad, peace be on Him, the Prophet Baháʼu’'lláh etc., etc.
I have no more tears to show you. I cannot take out my heart to show you how sincere I am, and how broken it has been, over and over again, because of the suffering of humans and animals. The suffering of animals affects humans and thus humans also suffer.
You are the representative of Heaven. You’re supposed to walk the way of Heaven, of compassion, of love, of benevolence, of mercy. Then all that will come to you, the day you leave this world, the day you discard your robe to go back to Heaven. Otherwise, you go to hell, and I guarantee that. You know I mean it, and you know it is true. So U-turn now. I wish you the best, in God’s Mercy and Love. And I love you, all of you. Please, U-turn. Thank you.
OK. Thank you, all of you, for helping in this mission to save the animals, (Thank You, Master.) thus save the world as well, save humans from this bad karma. Because every time I saw them suffering on TV, I cannot help crying my heart out. Thank you really, from my heart. God bless you. (Thank You, Master.) (We love You, Master.)
I really want to talk to you every day, or read to you every day to refresh your practice and to encourage you to go on, continue with the hard job and to have continuous faith in God. But it’s not always possible. So we do when we can. (Yes, Master. Thank You, Master.) I just would love to. I just would love to, just that we all have work to do, and also it’s not always favorable to talk. (Yes, Master.) (Understand.)
So now, I wave goodbye. (Bye-bye, Master.) Love you forever. (We love You, Master.) Thank you to you, also, that you are good kids. (Thank You, Master.) See you next time. (God Bless You.) (See You, Master.) Love you. (We love You, Master.)
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It’s not enough that you wear the monk’s or nun’s robe and just every day doing some not very useful rituals, taking donations, having a comfortable church or temple to live in, and being revered by the faithful. You must turn around. Be vegan. No more meat. No more animal products. Otherwise, you cannot escape hell. In my honor, in the name of God, I tell you the truth like that.
Oh! Forgot. I want to say something. You see, in this story, the ghost even told, and truthfully, that most people who die, suffer in hell. Because very rare we have some virtuous and morally uncorrupted person. (Yes, Master.) And to eat meat and all that is already a sin, already sinful and already punishable by law, the Universal law.
I really want to plead with all the religious leaders. You must make a good example. You must be a vegan, now. Then God will forgive. Otherwise, truly, you will go to hell. I mean it. Like everyone else, if you continue to eat meat, drink wine, and even just to eat meat, not drink wine, it’s already sinful enough to be punished in hell for a long, long, long, long time.
We can put the Heartline, or the talk of the sister from China, about hell.
“I can attest that when Master says, ‘Those who eat meat will go to hell,’ that is the absolute truth. One midnight, as I was wrapping up my meditation session, I received a message from my inner Master, saying: ‘You should pay a visit to hell to learn the work of a Bodhisattva and help the beings there.’ My inner Master then transported me to hell. Her Supreme Power protected me from the hellfires, which would have scorched a practitioner of my level. It also freed me of fear. I was escorted to one of the hells by Earth Store Bodhisattva. Here, the wrongdoers were forced to run as fast as they could on a huge spinning black iron wheel, which resembled a waterwheel. The moment they failed to keep up with the speed of the wheel, they would fall into a cauldron of boiling soup on a roaring fire and get cooked to smithereens.
Following Master’s instructions, I recited the Five Holy Names and the Gift of the Seventh Level. As I did so, Master’s immense power enabled those beings to free themselves from the wheel. They then knelt in front of me. I asked them: ‘How did you fall into this hell?’ They said: ‘In our previous life, we ate large amounts of flesh of hunted animals and captured fish. They experienced great terror when they were hunted. They tried to flee, but there was no escape. They were captured, slaughtered, and cooked to mush in a pot. As a consequence of eating their flesh, we fell into hell’s cauldron, having to flee and be cooked repeatedly.’ I explained to them: ‘The karmic toll of meat-eating is extremely heavy. People only dare to eat meat because they don’t know what awaits them.’ I exhorted them to be sure to adopt a vegan lifestyle and do good deeds in their next incarnation. They then followed Master out of hell, on the path to a new life. Yet, even as I spoke, I could see many meat-eaters arrive from above, falling one after another into hell, all stark naked. Alas, as the scriptures say: ‘Hell shall never be empty.’
Then, I felt a twinge in my left arm. I looked down and saw that my left sleeve had blown up to an enormous size. Innumerable hell beings were tucked in the sleeve to be rescued from hell. As it turns out, hell beings can shrink and be rescued that way. Amazed, I reveled in the magnanimity and boundless compassion of Master and Earth Store Bodhisattva, who extend Their help to the suffering sentient beings. In the next instant, I was back in hell singing praises of the two great Saints. I had only uttered a few words of praise when I heard a series of startlingly loud clangs. Lo and behold, it was the sound of the iron walls of several adjacent hell chambers crumbling under the power of exaltation of the Saints! At the same time, a pure, effervescent spring gushed forth from the dark ground of hell, forming a lotus pond. Countless gold and white lotuses grew in the pond and bloomed instantaneously. The lotus flowers grew larger and larger, glowing in beautiful splendor. Even golden lotuses can bloom in hell, under the infinite power and merit of our beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai and Earth Store Bodhisattva. Their greatness is truly beyond human comprehension!”
It’s not enough that you wear the monk’s or nun’s robe and just every day doing some not very useful rituals, taking donations, having a comfortable church or temple to live in, and being revered by the faithful. You must turn around. Be vegan. No more meat. No more animal products. Otherwise, you cannot escape hell. In my honor, in the name of God, I tell you the truth like that. Even if you feel offended, even if I risk my safety to tell you, the leaders of religions, I have to tell you, in the name of God. It’s not enough just to learn some ritual by heart and just repeat what is in the Bible or the sutra.
People trust you to lead them to the righteous way. Not only you have to be vegan, you must also advise your followers, the faithful, to do the same. Must be vegan.
No more killing, indirectly, the poor, innocent animals that God made. The animals are also God’s children, and shall not be destroyed. The animals are helpers of humankind. In the Bible it even says all that: “Ask the birds, they will show you. Ask the fish, they will instruct you. Ask the animals, they will tell you. They will advise you.” So they are some beings to be respected, to be loved, at least to be friendly with. It’s not for us to eat, to torture, in such a barbarous way.
And if you eat them, these torturously killed meats, you condone this practice and you are an accomplice. I am telling you as a friend, as a faithful. As a person who respects, loves God. As a person who loves human beings and animals. As a person who cries every day and night, for their suffering.
I’m not spending idle time talking to you like this. I must warn you that hells are awaiting you if you don’t turn around now and stop eating meat of the innocent animals. We − even no priests, even ordinary people – we humans, a humane human, should never enjoy at the cost of suffering of any others. God says, “Thou shall not kill.” And that never fails. That law of the Universe is everywhere, correct and just. No one can escape that. “As you sow, so shall you reap.” Just because you don’t see the animal suffer, just because you don’t kill the animal, doesn’t mean you don’t partake in the sin thereof.
People trust you. You must advise them to go the compassionate way, the way Jesus walked, the way the Buddha taught, the way Guru Nanak Dev Ji showed to us, the way Prophet Muhammad, peace be on Him, taught us. All the Masters said the same. Lord Mahavira did not even want to eat, all the fruits even. And we are allowed to eat fruits and vegetables, and in plenty. We are not short of food, of nutrition. We should not kill just to enjoy. That is wicked. That is against God. That’s against your mission, against the robe that you are wearing, which is the holy robe, the representative of holiness, of Heavens, of God. You have to live the way our Masters taught us, like Lord Jesus, Lord Buddha, Lord Mahavira, Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the Prophet Muhammad, peace be on Him, the Prophet Baháʼu’'lláh etc., etc.
I have no more tears to show you. I cannot take out my heart to show you how sincere I am, and how broken it has been, over and over again, because of the suffering of humans and animals. The suffering of animals affects humans and thus humans also suffer.
You are the representative of Heaven. You’re supposed to walk the way of Heaven, of compassion, of love, of benevolence, of mercy. Then all that will come to you, the day you leave this world, the day you discard your robe to go back to Heaven. Otherwise, you go to hell, and I guarantee that. You know I mean it, and you know it is true. So U-turn now. I wish you the best, in God’s Mercy and Love. And I love you, all of you. Please, U-turn. Thank you.
OK. Thank you, all of you, for helping in this mission to save the animals, (Thank You, Master.) thus save the world as well, save humans from this bad karma. Because every time I saw them suffering on TV, I cannot help crying my heart out. Thank you really, from my heart. God bless you. (Thank You, Master.) (We love You, Master.)
I really want to talk to you every day, or read to you every day to refresh your practice and to encourage you to go on, continue with the hard job and to have continuous faith in God. But it’s not always possible. So we do when we can. (Yes, Master. Thank You, Master.) I just would love to. I just would love to, just that we all have work to do, and also it’s not always favorable to talk. (Yes, Master.) (Understand.)
So now, I wave goodbye. (Bye-bye, Master.) Love you forever. (We love You, Master.) Thank you to you, also, that you are good kids. (Thank You, Master.) See you next time. (God Bless You.) (See You, Master.) Love you. (We love You, Master.)
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2021-07-28, 05:22 AM
Between Master and Disciples
PEACE: The Bigger Picture of Public Service, part 1 of 10, Sep. 16, 2020
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Taiwan has been always independent since a long time. Many decades. So the good and smart Chinese government would not risk their reputation and morals to invade the little island. It’s not much of interest to China anyway, that’s what I’m thinking.
(Hallo, Master!) Hi, handsomes! (Hallo. Hi, Master.) How are you guys? (Good. Thank You, Master.) I have to talk to you sometimes. (Thank You, Master.) I miss you guys. (We miss You, Master.) A little bit, sometimes. Thinking of how you work very hard and how you try your best to help me to help the world. Thinking like that, I miss you. (Thank You, Master.) (We miss You.)
I think you guys are awesome. No matter what reason you came, they’re just catalysts. Truly, your soul must have wanted to help the world. (Yes, Master.) Even if you don’t know it, even if you think you came just, I don’t know, whatever reason. Sometimes we don’t even know why we are doing what. So, what’s up?
(How are You, Master?) I’m good. I’m good. I mean as good as it gets. I mean I’m very fortunate always. (Yes, Master.) Whatever circumstance, I’m always thinking I’m fortunate. (Yes, Master.) Because everything happens for some reason and good or bad, we are not here long anyway. We won’t be long in the world. We will go back Home. (Yes, Master.) So, any garbage on the road, or any left wallet on the road, we return anyway (Yes, Master.) to the world. So, anything I can do for you to make you happy? Anything more I can do? (We have some questions, Master.) You do. (Yes, Master.) I reckoned because long time we haven’t talked. (Yes, Master.) I heard that you organized like a page or like a space so anybody who has questions can deposit there and then everybody knows. (Yes, Master.) That’s good.
Before we start it, (before) I forget, I want to tell the girls in the center there that they should buy some beds or sofa. Because winter is coming, they should not always sleep on the floor. (Yes, Master.) Buddha was in India. That’s a hot country. (Yes.) Even winter there is not as cold. (Yes, Master.) But where you are, it’s not just cold but damp. This is for the girls. For you guys also, but I think you guys are set, right? (Yes, Master.) For the girls who have no sofa and no bed, just get some. One each. So, when it’s winter, you can have a more comfortable and warm place to lie down. (Yes, Master.) If you lie down. If you don’t lie down, even you should sit on the higher setting because the air from near the floor is colder and damp. (Yes, Master.) It’s not good in the long run. (Understood, Master.)
Maybe that’s why the Buddha said only men should be monks, because they were ascetic. (Yes.) It’s not because the Buddha didn’t want. Like in one of the precepts for those who came in for some days for practicing meditation in the presence of the Buddha, He said, “No large and high bed.” (Yes.) But that is because they didn’t have enough space. (Yes, Master.) And they’d be there for a while only. Also, India is warm. (Yes, Master.) But He allowed, they call it “hanging bed.” That’s what we call hammock nowadays. (Yes, Master.) So you can hang it on the tree and lie down. (Yes, Master.) But in your office… I imagine all the hammocks hanging everywhere. And you sit on one side and put your computer and all this incredible equipment on the hammock, I don’t know how. So the girls can do that. Can also buy a hammock to relax sometimes if we have a few minutes. (Yes, Master.)
I tell you what. I also have one hammock, but I never thought I had any chance at all. (Yes.) And it’s only good for summer; winter it’s kind of cold if you hang a hammock. Oh, it depends. If you buy a thick hammock, like with the padding, or the thick kind of material, then it won’t be too cold. But if the normal hammock, like a net, (Yes, Master.) it’s quite cold, it’s quite cold. It’s good for summer. I tried that before. (Yes, Master.) Before the mosquitos invaded my privacy. Before, I didn’t know what a mosquito is and now they make themselves known. The more disciples, the more mosquitos love me. I think it hangs together in that.
So, tell the girls that for me. (Yes, Master.) Or if you send them this conference, then… You’re recording, right? (Yes, Master.) Always do that. In case somebody misunderstands or something, can listen again. (Yes, Master.) Now, you have some questions. Just one minute, (see) if I have forgotten anything else. Tell them to sleep on the higher platform, higher raising kind of surface. (Yes, Master.) Or at least about 15 centimeters or 10 centimeters is fine, 20. (Yes, Master.) Fifteen, 20 is good. Don’t have to be very high, in case you meditate too well, you’d fall off. I’m not worried about your head, I worry about the floor. Oh, I’m just joking. I worry about you. You know, right? (Yes, Master.) (Thank You, Master.)
They say you have a hard head, but not that hard. I mean, you try your best. I mean, you are already doing something. Everybody is doing their best. But you do have some defects. But it’s not your fault. It’s already implanted there before you were born. (Yes, Master.) Also, DNA, or background, or education, habit. That’s difficult also for everyone. (Yes, Master.) But I do appreciate your sincerity in your work. And God bless you. (Thank You, Master.) God bless you all the time. God protect you in your work. Be careful, because when you’re doing the work for Master, the maya, whatever leftover, they will try to make trouble. So, you have to discern what is your intention and what is infused into your head. Like somebody tried to put some idea into your mind, (Yes, Master.) which wasn’t there, and it’s not your original ideal. (Yes, Master.) All right. Now you can ask your questions, please.
(Yes Master. In August, one of the highest-ranking US officials to visit Taiwan (Formosa) in decades met with business leaders and government officials, including the President of Taiwan. China denounced this meeting. During and since this visit, China has carried out military exercises, and has flown numerous war planes crossing Taiwan’s airspace over the Taiwan Strait. Last month, China has also carried out missile tests in the South China Sea. Master, should Taiwan worry? Will China make war with Taiwan?)
Maybe they just do their military exercises, just like many countries they do that. Now and then they have to test their own army equipment, or the trained personnel, or trained soldiers, just to be ready in case. Just like Switzerland, even though they are a neutral country and they don’t want a war with anybody and they also never have any war made with them, but they always train their staying-home soldiers. So everybody is ready anytime. Just like a reserve army.
Because I don’t believe that the government of China under the good leadership of President Xi Jinping, would want to start any aggression. What for? Because President Xi is a faithful Buddhist, and he even taught his people to adhere to Buddhism. He says that China is originally believing in Buddhism anyway, so we should continue this tradition. And the Buddhist teaching never advocates war. That’s why I said to you before, when I read some stories to you guys, I said, I like Buddhism because it’s peaceful. It teaches peaceful. Ever since the Buddha was alive and preaching to His disciples and followers in India up to now, the Buddhist people, hardly ever heard them making war anywhere, or incite any war or provoke any war with anyone. That’s what I like about Buddhism. And President Xi, he knows all that, so I don’t think he would instigate a war.
And the Taiwanese (Formosans) don’t give them any good reason to do that. The Taiwanese people are peace-loving, generous and kind, and just very content with their life and they never want anything much. They’re just happy with what they have. Very peaceful people. Quiet, gentle. There’s no good reason for the Chinese government to make war with Taiwan (Formosa).
Even if the American government officials or high position officials came to Taiwan, that’s not the Taiwanese’s fault. They wanted to come. The Taiwanese people, they just welcome them. They’re very hospitable people. They welcome thousands of Chinese to Taiwan every day. You know that, (Yes, Master.) and I always say that. They are very welcoming, very generous people. So the government also cannot refuse if any of the diplomats or envoys from any country come to visit their homeland. Any country’s envoy, not just Americans. Of course they want to also expand their diplomatic relationships to all. So, it’s not Taiwan’s fault that they visit Taiwanese country. The President Xi is a very smart man, very serious, and he’s an upright person, I think, I feel that way. So he would never want to damage his own reputation as well as his moral standard and the principles that he upholds as a Buddhist to wage war, just to take over a small island, because China has big, big, big land already. They wouldn’t want to take any other little small island anywhere. (Yes, Master.)
(But China is taking control of Hong Kong, Master, so shouldn’t we worry about a similar situation in Taiwan?) Ah, Hong Kong. Well, that’s another story. You see, Hong Kong is a so-called SAR – Special Administrative Region. And it used to belong to China, so now it’s returned by the British government after over many decades of lease, more than 90 years something. So also, the young Hong Kong people kind of also gave China an excuse to do so by being so restless for many months and causing a lot of trouble for normal people. Business going down and people scared to go to invest in Hong Kong and all that. I’m not saying the young people in Hong Kong did not have the right to demand things. But to keep on-going like that, you give an excuse to the Chinese government to interfere, to intervene. Because if the Hong Kong government asked them to intervene, then they would intervene. But Taiwan (Formosa) is different. Because Taiwan has been independent ever since a long time already.
So Hong Kong is a different story. Hong Kong also belonged to China, officially. And also the Hong Kong young people are very enthusiastic and very patriotic and also worry too much about some law that might make them feel threatened, their freedom. That’s why they have been demonstrating for many months, and it caused a lot of suffering for businesses and normal people. But Taiwan (Formosa) is different. Taiwan has been always independent since a long time. Many decades. So the good and smart Chinese government would not risk their reputation and morals to invade the little island. It’s not much of interest to China anyway, that’s what I’m thinking.
Between Master and Disciples
PEACE: The Bigger Picture of Public Service, part 1 of 10, Sep. 16, 2020
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Taiwan has been always independent since a long time. Many decades. So the good and smart Chinese government would not risk their reputation and morals to invade the little island. It’s not much of interest to China anyway, that’s what I’m thinking.
(Hallo, Master!) Hi, handsomes! (Hallo. Hi, Master.) How are you guys? (Good. Thank You, Master.) I have to talk to you sometimes. (Thank You, Master.) I miss you guys. (We miss You, Master.) A little bit, sometimes. Thinking of how you work very hard and how you try your best to help me to help the world. Thinking like that, I miss you. (Thank You, Master.) (We miss You.)
I think you guys are awesome. No matter what reason you came, they’re just catalysts. Truly, your soul must have wanted to help the world. (Yes, Master.) Even if you don’t know it, even if you think you came just, I don’t know, whatever reason. Sometimes we don’t even know why we are doing what. So, what’s up?
(How are You, Master?) I’m good. I’m good. I mean as good as it gets. I mean I’m very fortunate always. (Yes, Master.) Whatever circumstance, I’m always thinking I’m fortunate. (Yes, Master.) Because everything happens for some reason and good or bad, we are not here long anyway. We won’t be long in the world. We will go back Home. (Yes, Master.) So, any garbage on the road, or any left wallet on the road, we return anyway (Yes, Master.) to the world. So, anything I can do for you to make you happy? Anything more I can do? (We have some questions, Master.) You do. (Yes, Master.) I reckoned because long time we haven’t talked. (Yes, Master.) I heard that you organized like a page or like a space so anybody who has questions can deposit there and then everybody knows. (Yes, Master.) That’s good.
Before we start it, (before) I forget, I want to tell the girls in the center there that they should buy some beds or sofa. Because winter is coming, they should not always sleep on the floor. (Yes, Master.) Buddha was in India. That’s a hot country. (Yes.) Even winter there is not as cold. (Yes, Master.) But where you are, it’s not just cold but damp. This is for the girls. For you guys also, but I think you guys are set, right? (Yes, Master.) For the girls who have no sofa and no bed, just get some. One each. So, when it’s winter, you can have a more comfortable and warm place to lie down. (Yes, Master.) If you lie down. If you don’t lie down, even you should sit on the higher setting because the air from near the floor is colder and damp. (Yes, Master.) It’s not good in the long run. (Understood, Master.)
Maybe that’s why the Buddha said only men should be monks, because they were ascetic. (Yes.) It’s not because the Buddha didn’t want. Like in one of the precepts for those who came in for some days for practicing meditation in the presence of the Buddha, He said, “No large and high bed.” (Yes.) But that is because they didn’t have enough space. (Yes, Master.) And they’d be there for a while only. Also, India is warm. (Yes, Master.) But He allowed, they call it “hanging bed.” That’s what we call hammock nowadays. (Yes, Master.) So you can hang it on the tree and lie down. (Yes, Master.) But in your office… I imagine all the hammocks hanging everywhere. And you sit on one side and put your computer and all this incredible equipment on the hammock, I don’t know how. So the girls can do that. Can also buy a hammock to relax sometimes if we have a few minutes. (Yes, Master.)
I tell you what. I also have one hammock, but I never thought I had any chance at all. (Yes.) And it’s only good for summer; winter it’s kind of cold if you hang a hammock. Oh, it depends. If you buy a thick hammock, like with the padding, or the thick kind of material, then it won’t be too cold. But if the normal hammock, like a net, (Yes, Master.) it’s quite cold, it’s quite cold. It’s good for summer. I tried that before. (Yes, Master.) Before the mosquitos invaded my privacy. Before, I didn’t know what a mosquito is and now they make themselves known. The more disciples, the more mosquitos love me. I think it hangs together in that.
So, tell the girls that for me. (Yes, Master.) Or if you send them this conference, then… You’re recording, right? (Yes, Master.) Always do that. In case somebody misunderstands or something, can listen again. (Yes, Master.) Now, you have some questions. Just one minute, (see) if I have forgotten anything else. Tell them to sleep on the higher platform, higher raising kind of surface. (Yes, Master.) Or at least about 15 centimeters or 10 centimeters is fine, 20. (Yes, Master.) Fifteen, 20 is good. Don’t have to be very high, in case you meditate too well, you’d fall off. I’m not worried about your head, I worry about the floor. Oh, I’m just joking. I worry about you. You know, right? (Yes, Master.) (Thank You, Master.)
They say you have a hard head, but not that hard. I mean, you try your best. I mean, you are already doing something. Everybody is doing their best. But you do have some defects. But it’s not your fault. It’s already implanted there before you were born. (Yes, Master.) Also, DNA, or background, or education, habit. That’s difficult also for everyone. (Yes, Master.) But I do appreciate your sincerity in your work. And God bless you. (Thank You, Master.) God bless you all the time. God protect you in your work. Be careful, because when you’re doing the work for Master, the maya, whatever leftover, they will try to make trouble. So, you have to discern what is your intention and what is infused into your head. Like somebody tried to put some idea into your mind, (Yes, Master.) which wasn’t there, and it’s not your original ideal. (Yes, Master.) All right. Now you can ask your questions, please.
(Yes Master. In August, one of the highest-ranking US officials to visit Taiwan (Formosa) in decades met with business leaders and government officials, including the President of Taiwan. China denounced this meeting. During and since this visit, China has carried out military exercises, and has flown numerous war planes crossing Taiwan’s airspace over the Taiwan Strait. Last month, China has also carried out missile tests in the South China Sea. Master, should Taiwan worry? Will China make war with Taiwan?)
Maybe they just do their military exercises, just like many countries they do that. Now and then they have to test their own army equipment, or the trained personnel, or trained soldiers, just to be ready in case. Just like Switzerland, even though they are a neutral country and they don’t want a war with anybody and they also never have any war made with them, but they always train their staying-home soldiers. So everybody is ready anytime. Just like a reserve army.
Because I don’t believe that the government of China under the good leadership of President Xi Jinping, would want to start any aggression. What for? Because President Xi is a faithful Buddhist, and he even taught his people to adhere to Buddhism. He says that China is originally believing in Buddhism anyway, so we should continue this tradition. And the Buddhist teaching never advocates war. That’s why I said to you before, when I read some stories to you guys, I said, I like Buddhism because it’s peaceful. It teaches peaceful. Ever since the Buddha was alive and preaching to His disciples and followers in India up to now, the Buddhist people, hardly ever heard them making war anywhere, or incite any war or provoke any war with anyone. That’s what I like about Buddhism. And President Xi, he knows all that, so I don’t think he would instigate a war.
And the Taiwanese (Formosans) don’t give them any good reason to do that. The Taiwanese people are peace-loving, generous and kind, and just very content with their life and they never want anything much. They’re just happy with what they have. Very peaceful people. Quiet, gentle. There’s no good reason for the Chinese government to make war with Taiwan (Formosa).
Even if the American government officials or high position officials came to Taiwan, that’s not the Taiwanese’s fault. They wanted to come. The Taiwanese people, they just welcome them. They’re very hospitable people. They welcome thousands of Chinese to Taiwan every day. You know that, (Yes, Master.) and I always say that. They are very welcoming, very generous people. So the government also cannot refuse if any of the diplomats or envoys from any country come to visit their homeland. Any country’s envoy, not just Americans. Of course they want to also expand their diplomatic relationships to all. So, it’s not Taiwan’s fault that they visit Taiwanese country. The President Xi is a very smart man, very serious, and he’s an upright person, I think, I feel that way. So he would never want to damage his own reputation as well as his moral standard and the principles that he upholds as a Buddhist to wage war, just to take over a small island, because China has big, big, big land already. They wouldn’t want to take any other little small island anywhere. (Yes, Master.)
(But China is taking control of Hong Kong, Master, so shouldn’t we worry about a similar situation in Taiwan?) Ah, Hong Kong. Well, that’s another story. You see, Hong Kong is a so-called SAR – Special Administrative Region. And it used to belong to China, so now it’s returned by the British government after over many decades of lease, more than 90 years something. So also, the young Hong Kong people kind of also gave China an excuse to do so by being so restless for many months and causing a lot of trouble for normal people. Business going down and people scared to go to invest in Hong Kong and all that. I’m not saying the young people in Hong Kong did not have the right to demand things. But to keep on-going like that, you give an excuse to the Chinese government to interfere, to intervene. Because if the Hong Kong government asked them to intervene, then they would intervene. But Taiwan (Formosa) is different. Because Taiwan has been independent ever since a long time already.
So Hong Kong is a different story. Hong Kong also belonged to China, officially. And also the Hong Kong young people are very enthusiastic and very patriotic and also worry too much about some law that might make them feel threatened, their freedom. That’s why they have been demonstrating for many months, and it caused a lot of suffering for businesses and normal people. But Taiwan (Formosa) is different. Taiwan has been always independent since a long time. Many decades. So the good and smart Chinese government would not risk their reputation and morals to invade the little island. It’s not much of interest to China anyway, that’s what I’m thinking.