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Noteworthy News / Fly-in NewsVegan and Peace Offer Us Paradise, Meat-eating and War Destroy Everything, June 15, 2022



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Host: On Wednesday, June 15, 2022, our Most Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai once again graciously called Supreme Master Television team members. During the conference, Master kindly shared Her thoughts and wisdom on recent events and good news reported by the team, as well as on a question from one of the members. Later, Master also relayed some more good news, concerning Ukraine.

(Master, p. Francis, he again tries to defend Russia’s war on Ukraine, saying that the war was provoked or not prevented. And also he went on further to say that he will not reduce the war to good versus bad. And another thing, he’s also denying that he’s pro-Putin, but Master, I don’t think what he says is correct or right, and I don’t agree with him. What do You think, Master?) What do I think? (Yes. Can you share Your thoughts please?)

This guy again? He has to open his blood-dripping mouth again? For what? (Yes.) He can’t just let it go. He’s having problems walking already and he still wants to have problems with his mouth also? I told you, the little punishment is just a warning. First an operation, and now the knee problem, and then he wants a mouth problem, as well?

I’m telling you what. The war, everybody knows already that it’s unprovoked. (Yes, Master.) And maybe they could have prevented it if NATO let Ukraine join them. (Right, Master. Yes, Master.) And EU also. But the thing is, it’s all excuses. There’s no need to say anything, whether or not it is preventable, or whether or not it is provoked. It’s not the Ukrainians who are provoking. (That’s true. Right, Master.) And it is not the Ukrainians who can prevent this war anyway. So, what’s the use of the blah blah, blah blah. (That’s true, Master.)

And even if it’s provoked, you don’t go and just rape children, women, and elderly, even. And you don’t just kill all the civilians like that. (Yes, Master. Exactly.) These are not politicians, they are just farmers and housewives or husbands and wives and children. (Yes.) They already tried to run away from bombs, they hide in some cellars. They’re hiding there already – still bomb them, where they’re trying to hide. (Yes, Master.) Bomb exactly where they want to hide – it’s all children and women there.

So, if provoked or not provoked, this war is absolutely evil. (Right, Master. Yes, Master.) Killing anybody like that, for nothing. And stealing their grain, their equipment, their money, even their water heater their underwear, and their clothes. These are so despicable, lowlife and evil. (Yes, Master. That’s right.) There’s no excuse at all in the whole world. You cannot find any excuse in the dictionary to define this war. (That’s right.)

So, there’s no need to talk about this p. anymore. You can tell that he’s evil himself, because he’s trying to defend evil. (Yes, Master. Right.) And nobody asked him even, nobody even pays him as a lawyer or anything. (Yes, Master. True.) And even if he’s not evil – just say you doubt whether or not he’s evil, then why does he defend Russia? (Yes, Master.) Many oligarchs. (Yes.) Rich country. (Right.) So, money talks. (Yes, Master. Right.) It’s nothing good at all. No sympathy for the victims.

What for is he trying to defend the war now? What for? (Yes.) What’s the use of it now? (Right, Master. True. No use, Master.) No use at all. (No.) And just rubbing salt in the wounds of the Ukrainian people. (That’s right.) Make them suffer more. (Yes, Master. That’s true.) Even if he cannot comfort them or offer some good prayer or anything, he should not make them suffer more by saying nonsense, by defending their enemy. (Yes, Master.)

Even if it was provoked, it’s not to the extent that you go and kill all the civilians or their citizens, the innocent, the defenseless. (Yes, Master. That’s right.) This is beyond cowardice, beyond evil. (Yes, indeed.)

And what did he say? He’s not pro what? (He denies that he’s pro-Putin.) Then what for does he defend the war of Putin? (True. Exactly. Yes.) Trying to minimize the blame. (Yes, Master.) I don’t know how much Putin gave him. It’s just like in Russia there is a patriarch. His name is Kirill. He said Putin is a miracle from God. I wonder how much that miracle cost. Putin is a very rich man. (Yes.) I just saw his $1.4 billion palace. (Wow.) […]

You remember this guy, p. Francis, he’s pro-everything that is not moral and not humane. If you remember, he was pro-abortion because he treated those who make abortion rights into law like saints. (Yes, Master.) And he also proclaimed that, “sins of the flesh are not too serious.” Remember? (Yes, Master, that’s true.) Concerning all these people who had like extra marital affairs, or even hinting of sexual abuse of children. (Yes, Master.) So, he is also pro-child sexual abuse. (Yes.) So, he is pro-abortion, pro-sins and even encourages people to sin. (Yes, Master.) Because he said sins of the flesh are not serious. And he is also pro-sexual abuse of children, the victims, he ignores them even, when they complain, they plea.

And now he is pro-Putin or pro-war, it’s just another evil approval. (Yes.) Nothing surprises us anymore. Is there? (No, no, Master. Not at all.) He’s not pro-Putin. He’s not actually. (Why, Master.) Do you know why I say that? (No, why, Master? No, we don’t, Master.) Because he’s pro-Satan. (Yes. Right.) So, it’s worse. (Yes, Master.)

You know already, many disciples saw him like an evil demon. (Yes, Master.) Very special and ugly looking demon. So, of course, anything he says like that shouldn’t be a surprise anymore, only the world will be surprised. But those who know him, like those psychic people, clairvoyant people and seers, they know. (Yes.) Just most of the world doesn’t know who he really is. (Yes, Master. Right, Master.) That’s it. Only some people know. (Yes.)

Let me see how many people know in the world. Just let me look. Only 19 people know. (Wow.) But 90 people know Biden is also a demon. (Oh.) Ninety. But for Francis, only 19. One-nine people know. (Oh. Wow.) I did not check. That’s not including me. (Yes, Master.) […]

You can see not just what he says only, but his attitude. (Yes, Master. That’s right.) He continues about it. (Yes, exactly. Yes, Master.) Tries so hard. What for anyway? What’s the use of that to stop the war? How can it stop the war, even? How can it help the Ukrainians feel comforted? (Yes, that’s true. Right.)

The Ukrainians are going bankrupt, you know that? They can’t work, they can’t earn anything. All their precious life-saving food is stuck in their silos. And they’re trying hard now to send them through other countries. Not through the Black Sea. But it’s more complicated and difficult. (Yes, Master.)

And many of the Russian occupied areas now, they’re selling it and cashing in the money, not the Ukrainians. Do you understand? (Oh, yes, Master.)

And the Ukrainians who can earn from it are stuck. They don’t dare to go even through the Black Sea, even though the Kremlin says they’re going to make a corridor for them to export, import food. But they’re scared because there are mines floating around in the sea there. (Yes, Master.) Made in Russia. (Yes.) “Not prevented.” The mines are “provoked.” And also not prevented. That’s why they are floating in the Black Sea. So, people are also very scared to even go through there. (Yes, Master.)

Just like many times before Russia said they opened humanitarian corridors but then they bombed them or they put mines on their road. (Yes. Right. It’s true.) And people still die. And many people don’t dare to go out anymore to go to other countries as refugees. They were stopped. […] (Yes.) Because the refugees “provoked” Putin, I guess. That’s why he bombed them. And all the civilians and all the little children “provoked” the Russian soldiers. That’s why they rape them, they kill them, or they torture them.

I’m telling you. I don’t know why this pope is still there. I think the whole Catholic believers should kick him out. (Yes, Master.) Go make him earn his own money so he can feed himself instead of drinking expensive wines, special wines, and eating such big turkey-people and “moo” beef, raw beef, so, the blood is dripping out of his mouth even. Yuck. What kind of people who are supposed to preach for compassion for all beings and then eat the raw flesh of animal-people? This is really not just barbarous, but like a caveman, like a savage being. (That’s right.) Yuck. […]

Any more questions? […] (We don’t have questions but we actually do have a few good news.) Really? Tell me. (The European Union has adopted a regulation suspending all duties on imports of Ukrainian goods for one year. The step was taken to support the Ukrainian economy and address global food insecurity.)

I hope it helps. Because, Ukraine has to borrow money. They borrow many billions per month. Because they really, really are down to their pennies already. (Yes, Master.) Of course, they are one of the largest exporters of farm produce and they could not do it now. And their farmers even want to go out and fight Russia. (Yes, Master.) And so they’re short of many things. Short of manpower as well and now President Zelenskyy told on the internet that every day the war in the east kills up to 200 soldiers alone. (Oh.) Soldiers only, not to talk about civilians yet. (Wow.)

Because Russia is still attacking very viciously. (That’s right.) They still have money because Europe has not completely stopped all their imports yet. (Yes, Master.) Because of the time, they have to adjust, and also, the contract. (Yes.) And also only oil now, gas, they still use Russia’s. Many still use. (Yes, Master. Right.) And even if Europe, America and many of the West countries don’t buy gas and oil from Russia anymore, but China does. (Wow.) Before they didn’t want, and now they bought – the biggest spender. Germany, India, and many other countries. (Yes, Master.) So, they still earn up to one hundred billion dollars, almost, since the war began – not to talk about before and after yet. (Wow.) So, with all this money, they can still keep the war going on for a while, if they want to. (Yes, Master.)

“Media Report from ET Canada – Jun. 15, 2022 Arnold Schwarzenegger: The 1,300 missiles that Russia launched in the Ukraine cities during the first two months of the war cost €7.7 billion. Now, that's a lot. But during that same time, Europe sent to Russia €44 billion for fuel. They're saying, ‘Hey, at least we don't have to pay for this war. The Europeans are sending us the money. They're paying for the war.’ No matter how you look at it, we have blood on our hands because we are financing the war. We have to stop lying to ourselves.”

And the Kremlin doesn’t care how many Russians die in Ukraine. They blame Russian soldiers or leaders for lack of capability and skill, but it’s not like that. It’s the Heavens who helped the Ukrainians. (Yes, Master.) So, even it’s reported in the news that many of the missiles or their bombs are going in different places. It doesn’t hit where they want. (Oh.) Many. Some do, some do. They keep shelling though. And of course, the angels and the Protectors cannot do that job all the time. (Yes, Master.) They cannot stop all that, but they stopped a lot – the majority of it, otherwise, Ukraine would have been lost already. (Oh. Wow.) The whole Ukraine, not to talk about the east. (Yes, Master.)

So, many of Heavens are helping hugely. Otherwise, Ukraine would have been gone already. And that’s what Putin also expected. He was surprised that Ukraine fought back. And the Kremlin didn’t think that Ukraine could. (Yes, Master.) But it’s because Heaven helped them. They should know that. It’s very obvious to the Russian people that the Kremlin should know that. But the Kremlin, they’re communists, they don’t believe in Heaven. (Yes, Master.) They believe in nothing. They think it’s only one life and done, finished. How stupid can that be? (True. Right.)

You can’t just say you come from the air and then you go back to the air. How can that be that everything is created in minute detail? Everything is perfect. (Yes, Master.) There must be something behind all this creation. (Yes, that’s right.) For example, why is it when you die, you cannot talk anymore? You still have the same body, same mouth. And you could even die healthy, not like sick or handicapped or anything. Some people die in perfect health, and they still have the perfect body. (Yes.) Why is it the mouth doesn’t move? Why is it the eyes don’t open? Why is it the lungs don’t take in air? Why is it the heart doesn’t beat? (Yes, Master.) There is something behind it. (That’s right, Master. Yes, Master.)

Communism that doesn’t believe in Divinity is a stupid, stupid theory. (Yes, that’s right. Yes, Master.) This is beyond idiocy. (Yes, Master.) Whatever you don’t know, you should do research and wait until maybe you can prove it by scientific evidence. (Right. Yes, Master.) So stupid, such a stupid people. How can stupid people lead anything? That’s why Russia just goes in and kills anybody like that. Because they don’t have intelligence. (Yes, Master. That’s true.) They don’t even have common sense, not to talk about compassion, benevolence or fairness. Nothing like that. They don’t have it because they don’t believe anything in that. They don’t believe in Heaven. They don’t believe that humans are truly the children of God, that God made them. (Yes, Master.) That they have souls and spirits, wisdom and intelligence to go with them. If the communists behave like this, then you can see they are stupid, heartless and soulless. (Yes, true, Master.) There’s nothing you can make an excuse for. Nothing. (Yes, right, Master.) […]

No wonder many countries want to get out. And once they’re out, they don’t ever want to go back again. (Yes.) If communism was so good, like it takes care of all the poor people, and fairness and good society, then why do they all want to get out? (True. Yes.) Once they could, they broke up the whole Soviet Union. (Yes.) They never wanted to look back even. Humans love happiness and ease. Simple. So, if communism is really good, intelligent and beneficial to people, then why did they want to go? Why did they want to leave? (Yes, right. Indeed. That’s right.) And they don’t even want to come back or look back even. (Yes.)

And now, when communist Russia doesn’t want to even threaten them, they wanted to go to NATO. (Yes.) Just to show that they are opposite. Just to show, express, that they don’t want Russia, they don’t want communism anymore. (Yes, Master.) People run away. […]

Maybe in the beginning, the Kremlin thought that they could win Ukraine easily. (Yes.) But by now they should know. Tens of thousands of their young children died already. (Yes. Yes, Master.) And all of the generals who were sent to Ukraine died already. They keep sending new ones. (Yes.) I don’t know how many more they have. They could promote the colonels into generals and make more of them, but still, how many more generals do they want to die? (True. Yes.) How many more young, beautiful, handsome, innocent and idealistic Russian children do they want to die? How many more Russian children, young like that, does the Kremlin want to be dead in Ukraine, in the war? How many more? So many already. They should take them home, before they all die. (Yes, Master. That’s right.)

“Media Report from NBC News – June 13, 2022 Zelenskyy: Russian generals see their people simply as the cannon fodder they need to gain an advantage in numbers – in manpower, in military equipment. And this means only one thing: Russia can cross the line of 40,000 of its lost troops already in June. In no other war, in many decades have they lost so much.”

Even Ukrainians also die. (Yes.) Many tens of thousands of them, according to reports, and many tens of thousands of them also wounded. (Yes.) The same with Russia. Not just dying, but wounded as well. Tens of thousands of them are also wounded. Tens of thousands died, tens of thousands wounded. How many more people do these Kremlin gangs want to die before they stop the war? (Yes, Master.)

I don’t know why this p. Francis is still so stupid, and continues to blow his own cover. (Yes.) He’s shooting himself in the foot. (Right. Yes, Master.) Because whatever he says doesn’t make any sense. (It’s true. Indeed. Yes.) He’s not fit for a spiritual leader. (That’s right, Master. Right.) Supposed to have compassion, sympathy and love. No, nothing. (Yes. Right.) Stone faced and saying stone things. (Yes.) Not an ounce of love from his talk. Even, sometimes forced by other people. […]

Any more good news? […] (Yes, Master. A center for Ukrainian refugees has opened in the Lithuanian capital of Vilnius. It will offer education, career guidance, psychological assistance, and recreation for children, youth and adults.) OK. God bless them. (The center was the joint idea of the First Lady of Ukraine and the First Lady of Lithuania.)

OK, very good. The First Lady of Ukraine is working very hard. She rarely appears in the public, but she does work behind the scenes to help these desperate citizens. She’s a good girl. (Yes, Master.) She also contacted Macron’s wife, the First Lady of France so that they can send some refugees and take care of all that for the refugees in France and for the children. (Yes, Master.) Many countries are trying hard now, to help the Ukrainians in all different ways. (Yes. That’s right. Right, Master.)

But still, this costs a lot of money in the long run. (Yes, Master. Understand, Master.) Every country, even if they are generous, they have to spend a lot of money and have to take care of more infrastructure and more personnel in all different fields. (Yes, Master. True.) Not just doctors, psychologists, schools, rooms, food and clothing, but many other things. […] It takes a long time for the refugees to get back to their normal mind, if they could ever get back. If the children could even forget all the nightmares that they have seen and underwent. (Yes, Master.)

“Media report from CNN – Apr. 9, 2022 Salma(f): Irina and her son Kriel fled Chernihiv after spending days hiding in a cellar. ‘It's getting easier,’ she says, ‘but he flinches in his sleep.’ ‘Mom, I have nightmares,’ he tells her. Does he still feel scared? ‘Yes, sometimes. But I try to calm him. We go outside and breathe fresh air,’ she says.”

Oh, man. So, this war is not just about Ukraine. It’s about Europe. All over Europe. (That’s right.) NATO should actually kick Russian soldiers out of Europe. (Yes, Master. Indeed. Right, they should.) Whatever it is, the best is that the Russians are out. (Yes, Master.) And all these, separatists, also out. (Yes.) If they don’t like Ukraine, they should go. If they like Russia, go to Russia, man! (Yes, right.) So simple. Go there and ask Putin, if they still believe that he’s alive, ask him to give them some official work. […] Russia is big. (Yes.) The Kremlin can give them some piece of land. Maybe could be even bigger than Donetsk or Luhansk, because Russia is so huge. (Yes, that’s right. Right, it is.) […]

OK, it’s good, it's good that all countries try to help but the best is that they kick the Russians out of Europe. (That’s right. Indeed.) Because Ukraine is in Europe as well. (Yes. That’s right.) So kick Russia out back to their own Asian land. Kick them out of Europe before they eat everything up and kill everybody. (Yes, Master. That’s true.)

Because they still earn money from gas and oil from other different countries. It’s very noble of Europe to cut gas and oil imports all of a sudden like that. (Yes, Master.) I feel respect for them. But it’s not enough. Because other countries are still buying a lot of oil and gas from them. Especially now, maybe they make it cheaper even so that they can sell more. (Right Master. Yes.) They can sell for many more, many more, for long future years. (Yes, Master.)

So they still can keep the war, because the Kremlin doesn’t care how many of their children die in Ukraine. Least of all, how many Ukrainian people will die. (Yes.) They care about nothing. They are safe in the Kremlin. (Yes, Master.) They’re safe with all their nuclear weapons and threaten everybody nowadays. They threaten everybody, even the United States. (Yes.) Not just Europe. Europe is just the beginning. (Yes.) […]

They threaten America now. Maybe not directly the United States, but they threaten in many other ways. You know, spying, and cyberattacks. (Yes, Master.) And all kinds of things. Financial, and intellectual, and they infiltrate everywhere. And now, they signed a contract with Nicaragua that Russia can send armies there, station there for Nicaragua and in Nicaragua. (Oh.) Isn’t that a neighbor of the United States or many other countries? (Yes, Master.) In America. […] It’s nearby. (Yes, Master.) Nearer than from Russia to America. (That’s true. Yes. That’s right.) […] And they stepped in already. (Yes.)

I don’t know what for Nicaragua wants to have Russian soldiers there for them. What for? They’re not in a war or anything. (Yes. Right) And in their country. Wow. You see another stepping stone for Russia to jump everywhere. (Yes, Master. Yes.) They’re all over Africa and they’re in Europe now. And now they want America. (Yes, right, Master.) And of course, they have other allies, like China to back them up.

Oh man, man, man. What for do they want to be in America? I tell you. What for? (Yes, Master.) With their nuclear and with some of the missiles that they're boasting they could fire from 1000 kilometers away. So, if they’re nearer, they can fire from there. (Yes, Master. True) From Russia is maybe more difficult. (Yes, that’s true.)

I don't know what Nicaragua is doing that for. Probably the government needs money. (That’s right.) Some black market stuff. What else? (Right. Yes.) Why else can it be so easy? (Yes, exactly.) What for you invite a big, powerful and warmonger country into your country? (Yes. That’s right.) It must be a bad government, I’m telling you. (Yes. That’s right.) It cannot be the people who want it.

Many governments in the world, up to now, many of them are doing these kinds of things. Any kinds of things which are not good for their people, but good for them. (Yes.) Sometimes they team up with gangsters or bad organizations to topple good governments, so that they can go up to be a new president, for example. (Yes, Master.) Or a new prime minister, and then continue doing business with that group, to make money for them. And that's the condition. That’s the price. (Yes.)

So, it is similar, Russia must have given them something for free, to sign the treaty. (Yes, Master.) But they should know, Russia doesn’t always keep their promise. (That’s true.) How many promises they broke already? With the United Nations, with Ukraine, with NATO even. They broke all these treaties. (Yes. Exactly.) So, Nicaragua is just a small little country, what would they care about a treaty? What would Russia care about keeping a promise. (Right, Master. Yes, Master.) And once it’s signed already, you’ll be carrying that debt forever. […]

Oh man, what a world. If I could, I would just take you back Home now; we forget this world. I don't know why I cannot forget it yet. But you can see, it looks like Heavens want to destroy humans. (Yes, Master.) All kinds of things, not just war. (Yes.) Everywhere. It's too scary to live in this world. (Yes, it is. Yes, Master. Yes. Very.) For anybody. (Yes. Right.) For the poor people. […]

One little good news that sounds more peaceful, is that in the beginning, the pro-Russian forces in the Donbas region captured three volunteer Ukrainian soldiers. They’re not Ukrainians, they just volunteered to come and fight with the Ukrainians. Two are British and one is Moroccan. […] They sentenced them to death, and they were going to execute them. I saw it now and then, they said there’s no reason not to carry out that execution, that sentence. (Yes, Master.)

But yesterday or the day before, I saw that the British side said that they’ll do anything to free their men, free these two death-sentenced prisoners. (Yes.) And then, I saw another one, the next day, that these Donbas pro-Russian governing bodies said that they’re ready to hear what the British want to say about the prisoners. (Right.) They didn’t even want to swap prisoners. (Yes.)

So probably it will cost the British something to bring these two British prisoners back. I hear nothing from the Moroccan government. But I heard that from the British. […] (Yes.) It’s softer now. (Yes, Master.) It seems more peaceful. (Yes.) It seems like the Kremlin has a softer voice. It could be because of Putin’s death. (Yes.)

Because today, I just read a news again. It says something like… I’ll read it to you. (Yes, Master.) It’s on Newsweek. It says: “Putin ally pleads for reinforcements in Ukraine, but receives blunt response from Kremlin.” (Oh.) It continues a little bit further down: “A request for Russian military assistance from the head of a Moscow-backed rebel in Ukraine's Donbas region has been batted away by the Kremlin.” (Wow.) You hear that? (Yes, Master.) That means the Kremlin doesn’t want to support these rebels anymore. (Oh, wow.)

Oh, I can’t believe this. Thank God. (Yes, Master.) […] I think it’s the time that everybody wakes up now. The Russian people feel different now. They probably have woken up from the nightmare. Because what for are these separatists fighting with their Ukrainian compatriots. (No, they don’t have any reason to.) They’re co-citizens in one country. (Yes, Master.)

There is news here that they say: “The pro-Russia separatists say they’re inflicting losses on Ukrainian forces.” They show, “Luhansk People’s Republic separatists engaging in combat against Ukrainian forces.” They are also Ukrainians! (Yes, they are. Right.) And then they’re inflicting harm and trouble onto their own countrymen for no reason. (That’s right. Right.) No matter what reason, because they’re also Ukrainians and the country was a good and peaceful one. (Yes, Master.)

Because, even if they did not think so before, they did not see the light, they should see it now, because the majority, those that are not under the separatist control, they’re all fleeing from them. (Yes, Master.) Farmers, and even women, old women, young girls, young boys are coming out together to fight Russia. (Yes.) And why would these so-called separatist people think differently? As I said, if they like Russia so much, they should go! (Right, Master. Yes.) Not fighting with their own people like that. (Yes, Master. That’s right.) Oh, this is the devil. […]

So now, people should not just lean on Russia and then think that they can just get anything they want or kill anybody in their own country if they want. That is not morally fit. (Yes, that’s right.) They should be tried for treason if they do not change and repent, and do something to make up for their mistakes. (Yes, Master.)

Now, even if before they did not think that the government is good, they should know by now, because all the people support the government. If not, they run. (Yes.) And they support it, but they have to run, take their children and their elderly away from harm. So they should know that people in Ukraine are not in favor of Putin or Russia governing them. (Yes, Master.) So these separatist people should know by now that their country is good. They should know their country is good and their government is good. As good as it gets. (Yes, Master.) Oh, my God. […]

So, Ukrainians should be Ukrainian, not pro-Russia or not wanting to be Russian-backed. This is just truly evil. (Yes, Master.) And I think the Russian people are waking up now. The ones who decide there don’t want to do anything with them anymore. Suppose people in some region in Russia begin to separate and fight other Russian citizens like that. Would the government like that? (Of course not.) Of course not! Any country, no. Right? (No.) None! And for no reason even. (That’s right.)

They’ve been eating the food from Ukrainian comrades, their own co-citizens. And they’ve been fed by them and nourished by them and taken care of by them until they’ve grown up, and then went, turned around and killed them, their own people. (That’s crazy.) That is no good. And none of the governments should support this kind of mentality of betrayal of their own country and their own people. (Yes, Master.)

I think some of the Russian leaders realize it now. (Yes.) That’s why they don’t want to support them anymore. I guess before, they heard from the separatist people who want to amass their own riches and power, this kind of ambition. (Yes.) These kinds of people probably have been telling Russians that the Ukrainian government is bad and oppressing them. (Yes, Master.) And now maybe the Russian people realize it’s not true! (Ah, yes.) Because all the people in Ukraine support their government. And they even go out to fight with their own government soldiers. (Yes, Master.) And the rest are running from war. So, nobody likes Russia. (Yes, Master.)

Before, maybe they kept injecting some lies, fake news to the Russian leaders. (Yes.) And then, so, that’s why they thought they could win in Ukraine easily, because all the people are pro-Russia and hate the Ukrainian government. And now I think they realize it’s not true. They don’t want to support or to give any more reinforcements to these separatists, to these betrayers of their own country and their own people for no reason. (Yes, Master. Understand.)

So, it’s true that they all know now that the government is not bad, because all the people support them. (That’s right.) Nobody went to Russia and said, “Oh, yes, we are coming with you because our government is bad.” Nobody did that, except these separatists who hunger for power. (Understand.) […]

They think they can just lean on Russia’s power, and then they will be protected and helped and all kinds of stupid stuff. I don’t know if any government at all ever can trust any of these separatists who went against their own country and their own people. (That’s right, Master.) I wouldn’t. (Yes, understand.) Only stupid people would. I don’t think any people would be that stupid to trust these kinds of disloyal citizens of the other country. (That’s right.) I wouldn’t trust them. (Yes, Master.) So now, I hope also that these separatists repent and change. Otherwise, their lives will be gone soon. (Yes, Master.)

So, I hope NATO, Europe and the West will do something, to kick out the Russians, flush them out. (Yes.) Flush them out of Europe. (Yes. Right.) Otherwise, we will be in big trouble. The world will be in a worse situation. No country will be safe because Russia is too aggressive throughout history. They always go here and there, invading this country, that country, control that part, this part. […] (Yes, Master.)

So, they should kick Russia out of Europe. They should get together, then they’re stronger than Russia. They can flush Russia out of Europe before it’s too late. That’s all I can say. That will be the good news if they can do that. (Yes.) That will be the best news concerning the war up to now. (Definitely. Yes, Master.)

But it looks like this NATO leader, he’s as soft as a worm. Or maybe he doesn’t want the war to end. (Oh.) Seems like that. Maybe he enjoys it. And also, he kind of helped Russia and Norway negotiate a deal about their gas and natural oil resources in the sea area between their countries. (Yes, Master.) So, it was OK, so both Russia and Norway divided the area so they could get on with their oil and gas exploration. And that’s how he earned himself the seat of NATO now. People trusted him, thinking that he could be a good guy. (Yes, Master.)

But as I explained before already, this is the time to really prove himself as a good guy. (Yes, Master.) But up to now, I don’t see any sign of it. (Yes, understand.) It seems like he doesn’t care how many Ukrainian people die or how many Russians continue to die in Ukraine, or how much destruction of buildings, even churches, hospitals and many important areas. (Yes, Master.)

So, I’m not sure. At that time maybe it was easy, because Putin wasn’t that leaning toward making war with Ukraine. (Yes.) Maybe he wasn’t ready at that time. And now, he really makes war with Ukraine. So many tens of thousands of people died on both sides, and millions of refugees, and children are orphans, homeless and raped, killed, murdered and tortured, and all that going on – and he does nothing. And even standing there tall and confirming that they are not doing anything. NATO will protect their own member’s land only. (Yes, Master.) Oh, yuck. So sickening.

I mean, if NATO has some guts, then they should do something. (Yes, Master.) And if NATO really has no spine, then please, Europe and other countries get together and tell Russia to get out. (Yes.) Show some guts, show some strength, so that Russia will understand finally that it’s time to go. (Yes, for sure.)

What for are they leaders? If you are a leader, you have to lead. (That's right.) You have to show some strength of a leader, show some worth. (True.) Otherwise, what for are you a leader? If you are not worth it, then you step down, let somebody else go and do the job. (Yes, Master.) You can’t just sit there, occupying the seat and doing nothing.

Show some worth, man, finally. It’s about time. (Yes, Master.) They should show some leadership. (Yes.) That’s all there is. Just show some leadership. Show some worth so that people trust you. (Yes, Master.) You have to do something to show that you are really worthy to sit there in the seat of leadership. (Yes, that's right.)

People trusted him. But that was long ago. That was just something so that he can get in. (Yes.) It’s the game of the demons. They do that. Just like I told you something about good friends and bad friends. (Yes, Master. Yes.) Some bad friends pretend to be your friend for some reason, and they help you here and there. It looks like they are very willing in some small way, but when it comes to a very important issue, they drop you. They betray you. (Yes.) They let you die. They let you die or they let you suffer. (Yes, Master.) […]

Listen here. In Newsweek again. “EU Parliament ‘cautiously Confident’ on Ukraine bid as leaders go to Kyiv.” They promised. They said that they’re going to accept Kyiv as a candidate of the EU next week. (Wow!) And look here. The president of the EU Parliament just announced that. (Yes, Master.) And she said that it would be impossible, it would be unthinkable that we close the door to them, next week. (Yes, understand.)

OK, listen. These leaders are coming, who were before difficult, opposing Ukraine, and now, look: “German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, French President Emmanuel Macron and Draghi are expected to travel to Kyiv on Thursday to meet with Zelenskyy. (Wonderful.) The talks could be pivotal in determining Ukraine's future path.” (Wow. That’s so good.) Yeah.

“Media Report from CityNews – June 17. 2022 Reporter (f): The three Western European powers have been criticized by Ukraine for not going all out in their support of the country that's under invasion. Now, the trio looking to smooth things over. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy welcoming the backing from the visiting leaders, which also included the Romanian president who are supporting Ukraine's bid to join the European Union with immediate candidate status they say.”

(Such good news.) Yes. Even before, Draghi was supportive. And he even said sometime this month, “that every major EU nation, excluding Italy, was opposed to Ukrainian candidate status.” (Wow.) And they need all of them, 27 members have to agree. That’s their law to agree to let any other country come in. (Yes, Master.) And to enlarge their European Union is complicated normally. (Yes, it is.) I saw many countries, it takes years. (Yes, it does.) And some don’t have any chance. (Yes.) Like before, they did not let Turkey. (Yes, Master.) […]

And I read here one of the lines; one of the mayors of an occupied city of Ukraine, I guess said to France or Macron, “Cede France to Putin, not Ukraine.” You see, because Macron said, “You should give some land to Putin to end the war.” You remember? (Yes, Master.) So, he said, “Cede your own France to Putin.” I just read it now, but I said that before. (Yes.) I said, suppose it is France, would he do that? (No.) If Putin came and took some area of France, would he immediately give it, so that it ceases the war? (No, Master.) […]

So now they say fast track, for Ukraine to get in, even fast track Ukraine’s membership ambition. (Yes. That’s wonderful.) […] I am glad that things seem to be more peaceful. Just like I read you the news before and this news again now. (Yes, Master.)

I was told, two days ago, but I couldn’t believe it happened. (That’s wonderful.) I couldn’t believe it, I kept arguing with myself saying, “Oh, they keep telling me all kinds of things. It won’t happen. How can?” But now it’s so obvious. (Yes.) Oh, I thank all Heavens and Earth and all the demons as well for turning around.

There’s also good news that, “A Russian official ignores state TV’s nuclear war threats (as) ‘fake news.’” (Oh, good.) (Yes, finally.) “A Russian official accused the West of spreading ‘fake news’ about Russia’s hypothetical use,” this is from Newsweek, with permission to use, “of nuclear weapons amid the war in Ukraine, ignoring numerous instances in which Russian state television suggested or warned of the use of such weapons in recent months.” (Yes.)

You hear the opposite sound? (Yes. Yes, Master.) Before it’s flying all over, nuclear this, nuclear that, and now it’s just flattened out. Oh man! Isn’t that good news? (Oh, it’s wonderful news.) This is truly good news. (Yes, Master.) Oh, I cannot believe this. I mean, I should know. (Yes, Master.) In a couple of days. I said, “How is it possible?” (Things change so fast.) How is it possible?

Just now, I read it, then, I believed it. I mean black and white. (Yes.) Because many times we said many things, but it didn’t happen. Everybody says this and that. And I’m just tired of all this. (Yes, Master.) Oh, my God! One good news after another. Let’s hope it just keeps going truly! I just hope it continues. It’s truly coming! It’s truly coming!

This threatening of nuclear war from Russia has been for a long time. (Yes, Master.) And they have never tried to slim it down or deny it or saying it’s fake news up to now. (Yes, that’s right.) Oh man! I don’t dare to think about what good is coming next, but this really makes us feel a little better. (Yes, Master, for sure.)

More hope for poor Ukraine and more hope for the whole world’s peace. (Yes, Master.) It still may be possible. World Peace and World Vegan. Vegan and peace offer us paradise, happiness here on Earth and hereafter. Meat-eating and war destroy everything, including our lives here, and make us suffer hereafter.

Host: Most Benevolent Master, thanks to Your enduring Love and Compassion, we see a brighter hope for our world to move forward and embrace a more peaceful and harmonious existence. May we all continue our efforts to create a total Vegan planet, where wars become mere past memories, as we pray in our hearts for God to bless and support us. The more we nurture a new, magnanimous and kinder humanity, the more confident and successful we will be in bringing it to fulfillment. We wish for Master to enjoy safety and excellent health, in the mighty protection of all Glorious Heavens.

To hear more of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s thoughts on the ongoing COVID-19 crises around the world, the dangerous consequences of the vaccines, and what we can do to turn nature in our favor and make the Earth a paradise, please tune in to Between Master and Disciples at a later date, for the full broadcast of this conference.

Also, for your reference, please check out the previous related Fly-in News / Between Master and Disciples conferences, such as:


So, I just hope they wake up and do it. (Yes, Master.) I'm saying all this – it’s bad for me, bad karma for me, but I have no heart to see the Ukrainian people suffer for nothing like that, from nothing. (Understand, Master.) Just like history repeats itself again. Always Russia came and molested them, possessed them, controlled them, destroyed their country and destroyed their people. Murdering, raping and killing their people like that. (Yes, Master.) Destroy their lives, destroy their country. They have done nothing. Just because they're smaller, they’re weaker, and the whole world cheated them to give up their nuclear weapons with just an empty promise that they will protect Ukraine.

Host: During a conference with Supreme Master Television team members on Tuesday, June 21, 2022, our Most Gracious Supreme Master Ching Hai kindly answered questions the members had in relation to the war in Ukraine, as She also shared some good news regarding nations supporting Ukraine and taking steps to counter Russia’s aggression.

I have some good news that I’d like to report to you. (Oh, yay! That’s great, Master.) I read it on the news, on the Internet. (Yes, Master.) You know, the world. (Yes, Master. Oh, wonderful.) Like, UK says that UK troops must prepare to fight in Europe again. (Oh, wow.) They prepare. (Yes.) Well, it’s not very good news, but what I mean is, they have this kind of correct view already. (Yes, Master.) Not waiting till the last minute, like what happened in Ukraine. (Yes, Master.) They’re preparing and training. Also, NATO is training somewhere. The US also.

EU leaders, many leaders went to Kyiv, including Macron. (Yes, that’s right. Oh, yes.) The President of France and the leader of Italy, Draghi. And from Romania and from Germany. (Yes.) Even Macron and Germany, they all came, kissing each other and all that. So romantic. It’s some nice scenery for a change. (Yes.) For a change from only war scenery all the time up to now. (Definitely. Yes, Master.) They seem to be all very united and supportive of Ukraine. (Yes. Wonderful.) Hope things turn out even stronger than that.

“Media Report from NBC News – June 17, 2022 Zelenskyy (m): Russia does not have a choice of whom and when to threaten, whom in Europe to grant safety. Russian aggression against Ukraine is aggression against all of Europe. Against all united Europe, against every one of us, against our values. Our response must be united.

Macron (m): We have jointly expressed our desire to confirm through actions beyond words, that Ukraine belongs to the European family. All four of us support the status of Ukraine’s immediate candidacy for accession to the European Union.

Draghi (m): Today I visited Irpin, a place of massacres carried out by the Russian army. These are terrible facts that are deeply disturbing and that we condemn without hesitation. We give our full support to the investigations of the international institutions on war crime.

Macron (m): Ukraine is not dead. Neither the glory nor the freedom of Ukraine is dead. You can count on the brotherhood of Europe to make sure that Ukraine remains free.”

I’m glad that they continue to help and support Ukraine. (Yes, Master.) Because people worry, I also worry that, they’ll get into a fatigue mood. (Yes, Master. Right, yes.) If a thing goes on for long then people get fatigued. Me too, but that doesn’t mean we don’t continue to support and pray for them. (That’s right, Master. Yes, Master.)

And also, Europe is beginning to use coal again now. Like Holland, Germany and Austria to begin with. They’re doing some of the right things now, all that we talked about before. (Yes.) Doing better. Using coal is not ideal, but it’s still better than being slaves to Russia for gas. (Oh, right, Master.)

Besides, Russia just shut or halved or slowed the supply of gas. Just did that, even without EU canceling. (Right.) They canceled the oil but all these countries did not cancel gas yet. And Russia just turned the tap off, turned the gas off, or slowed it down, gives less. (Right.) So, they turned to coal now. Maybe later they will find something better. There’s always something better. Science will find out. (Yes, Master.)

So in England, UK, recently the new army chief said that we have to “prepare to fight in Europe” again. At first, I thought he meant they are going to fight with Ukraine in Ukraine, because Ukraine is Europe. (Yes. Yes, it is.) So, I was thinking that’s what he said. And I was kind of feeling a little bit more hopeful. Because, if they prepare to fight in Europe, then why not now? (Yes. It will be too late already.) Why not in Ukraine? (Yes.) Why do they wait until Ukraine is gone, Everything’s destroyed, and then the next step is other countries in Europe? One by one. (Yes, Master.) […]

So, they should hurry up, man. Because this force from the Kremlin doesn’t know any morals. Only when defeated, then they will give up. (Yes, Master. True.) They will only give up when they are defeated. And that’s what they need. And that’s the language that they will understand. (Right.) The longer the war drags on, the more people die, and the more Ukraine might not have a chance to win. Even though they could win! (Yes, Master.) It’s very positive that they could win, it’s just that they need more appropriate weapons. (Yes.) They need to close the sky above them. A no-fly zone. And they need more manpower. (Right, Master.) […]

So, I say, if UK is ready to fight in Europe, then they should do it now! Ukraine is Europe. (Yes, for sure. That’s right.) And they don’t deserve all this suffering. (Yes, Master.)

I don’t care what anybody says. And the West should help them, wholeheartedly. Not like Macron says, that they have to make a special unique council, not European Union, but like something below it, so that Ukraine can join in. My God, if you help a friend who is already in big danger, trouble like that, and you have to humiliate him? (Understand. Unconscionable.) Yeah.

And yet, even advise him not to humiliate his enemy. The enemy asked for it. Came into his house, robbed everything, destroyed his house, raped his wife and children, and then you should not humiliate that enemy. Tell me, what kind of language is that? And what kind of world do we want to uphold. Tell me? (Yes, understand, Master.) Right.

I’m sorry. I’m always angry when something is so unjustified like that. The same, I’m angry and anguished about the animal-people when I see them on TV suffering every day. (Yes, Master.) […]

We are all Earthlings, that’s what they say. I agree with that. Animal-people or humans. And we treat each other brutally, like hell beings. (Yes, Master.) Fighting with whoever fights, or not fights even. Just oppress, abuse anyone we can. My God! That’s why I can’t even argue with Heavens anymore.

I’m trying so hard every day. I try to find all kinds of excuses for humans. But most of the Heavens are adamant to destroy the whole human world. (Oh, my gosh.) And They told me, “Only You and Your disciples will be spared.” They told me in my face like that. I said, “How do I live if it’s only me and my disciples? And my disciples are everywhere in the world. If You destroy everything, how do I even know if they live?” (Right.) How can we contact, even? (Yes, Master.) Terrible black vision. (Understand.)

So horrible, so horrible. I cannot tell you much more, who told me all this and that and others, but They said, “It begins from now.” (Oh.) It began seriously already, last month. (Oh, wow.) Let me see if I can tell you, some. No, better not.

But They have particular people for which I argued. I said, “Some people, they just don’t understand. Humans they just don’t understand yet. (Yes, that’s right.) They can’t get it. They don’t understand the connection between eating animal-people and cruelty, and the distance from Heavens because of that. They still don’t understand it. So, You cannot just kill all of them. Let me have time to teach them, to tell them. Let me have some more time.” They said, “You had too much time already.” Meaning, I had too much time already. (Yes, understand.) I said, “I know that. I know that. But I don’t have enough time, because they have been poisoned for so long. Many are waking up. I see a lot of people are vegetarian and vegan nowadays already.” But They said, “It’s too late to even discuss anything.” (Gosh.)

I cannot tell you all the details. (Yes, Master. Understand.) You will be very surprised and shocked, but I’m not allowed to. I just hope that by not saying it, it will not happen. (Hopefully.) I’m just trying to look on the bright side. (Yes, Master.)

And then They said They have a particular type of people they’re going to destroy first. I can’t tell you. I’m not allowed to. Because if I do, the zealous ghosts will find something to suppress that, make some strategy to overwhelm that. At least something. (Yes, Master. Understand.)

And I hope humans wake up soon – soon, soon, soon, soon – or else. My God. We could have a paradise on Earth. So much money, so much food. So much abundance everywhere – a beautiful place. (Yes, for sure.) There was no reason to damage it, to destroy it this way and that way. (Yes, Master.)

OK. Alright. So I just hope that NATO and all of Europe quickly decide to shorten the war, otherwise the longer it goes, the more people will die. (That’s right.) And more food shortages and more starvation in the world. (Yes, Master.) It’s a pandemic also. […]

Before, I read Taiwan (Formosa) was under control. (That’s right.) Very few infections and very few deaths, I mean compared to elsewhere. (Yes, Master.) And now it’s the same. And UK and every country, the COVID infections grow higher and higher.

And now the monkeypox. The monkeypox, originally they said only transmitted through contact, human to human contact. (Yes.) But it jumped from animal-people anyway. (Yes.) And then humans can infect each other by contact, or kissing, touching, eating the same food from the same plate, or from sex. (Yes, Master.) And now they discover it’s not just that, it’s airborne. (Oh, my gosh.) That’s even more dangerous now. So even the US advises people to wear masks. (Oh, my goodness.) They say at least one third of America has to wear a mask, if they go out. (Yes, Master.) Or older people, not the children. That’s why a third. (Yes.)

They wanted to open, to go back to normal, and take COVID-19 just like another chronic flu or something. (Yes. Right.) But it’s not like that, it’s not like that. And I told you already, even if it looks mild, it’s not. The effect is long and invisible even, untraceable. That’s the thing. Scientists don’t even know yet. Maybe they will discover, but there’s nothing to cure this long-term and hidden effect. (Wow.) […]

We all brought it upon ourselves, so, whom can we blame? God turned away from us, because our sin is so overwhelmingly shaking Heavens and Earth, even destroying the stability of the universe to some extent. (Gosh. Wow.) That’s why if Heaven lets us live, the universe will be in trouble as well, because of the collective energy. (Yes, Master, understand.)

Like a car, even just one little hole in one wheel, the car will not function. (Yes, that’s right.) It happens, if you drive on top of the nail or something, even one nail punches a hole in your wheel, that’s it, the whole car has to stop. (Yes, Master.) But the thing is, you can’t keep driving with the kaput wheel. You can for a while only. (Yes.)

So, like our world right now, we are driving with even almost all the wheels kaput. (Oh, my goodness.) Almost all the wheels on the big truck are damaged – no air. (Yes, Master.) And we keep driving with one or two wheels – still continue, don’t stop and don’t repair. Then you will have an accident. You will die. (Yes, that's right.) And your car will also be kaput, upturned, side-turned. And then harming others’ cars on the street as well. (Yes, exactly.) So, that’s why what happens to us also affects the universe. That’s why Heavens don’t want to forgive us anymore, because we don’t repair our damaged wheels. (Yes, Master.)

We could repair – we just stop and replace the wheels. Just right now, if humans stop killing animal-people to eat as so-called food, and eat some other foods – then the planet will be healed, will be whole, will be abundant and beautiful, and paradise-like. (Yes, that’s right, Master.)

All the broken wheels have to be repaired. Maybe if one wheel is broken, but there are many other wheels, you still can drive, like a big truck. (Yes, Master.) But it depends on what wheel also. And then if you continue to drive like that, then many other wheels will also begin to get damaged. And finally, you can’t. (Yes, exactly, Master.) You might topple over on the street somewhere. You can’t control the balance anymore. You can’t drive anymore. And then you die, and then the car is also gone, in the pit or into the deep ravine or in the canyon. And both car and driver die. (Yes, Master.)

So, this is our situation right now in our world. Most of the wheels are done, kaput. And we did not stop to repair. We should have stopped long ago and repaired, so that we can continue driving again in safety and peacefulness, with peace of mind. (Yes, Master. True.) […]

Do you have any good news? Or questions? (We have a question.) Tell me.

(Master has said before that NATO should go in with force to flush Russia out from Ukraine. But NATO would actually say that they could not go in due to their rules, as they would only protect themselves. What would Master say to NATO’s comments that they could not go into Ukraine because of their rules?)

To hell with their rules. People are dying. Tens of thousands on both sides, and the world is heading to starvation. (Yes, Master.) And what for does NATO keep the rules? The rules are for people. Not people for the rules. (Yes, Master. That’s right, Master.) They’re just cowards. So easy. You know, life is never like black and white. You always have to act according to the situation. (Yes, true. That’s right. Yes, Master.) […]

We are intelligent people, or not? (Yes. Yes, Master.) Supposed to be. (Yes, we are.) And the NATO chief should know more than just ordinary NATO members. (Yes, Master. True.) He should know better than other people. That’s why he’s the chief. (Yes, Master.) So, all this is rubbish, unless Stoltenberg, the chief of NATO wanted Ukraine to continue to suffer, because the longer they suffer, the more other countries will want to join NATO, and he would feel more big and powerful as a chief. (Oh, gosh. Right.) Or they want another world starvation, or just to say it simply, in Ukraine. Unless he wants another Holodomor famine, like in 1933. (Yes, Master.)

It was under Stalin’s rule at that time. (Yes, Master.) And a great famine happened for more or less a year. It is said that five million people – estimated only, it might be more, died in the Soviet Union. Most of them were Ukrainians. (Wow. Yes, Master.) The famine was a direct assault on the Ukrainian peasantry. Because Stalin moved a lot of Russian people to Ukraine and moved the Ukrainians to Russia, for example, like that. (Yes, Master.)

And under Stalin, they controlled the peasants, the farming. They did not let the people have anything more than what Russia ruled. (Yes, Master.) So, many of the people did not have enough food to eat. And Russia sent their police or brigade, special units, to always go into Ukraine, to take their things. And they went into their homes all the time, different houses and took out the foodstuff if they thought it was too much food for that family. (Yes, Master.) And even then, even at that time, if somebody supposedly had more food than they were supposed to, according to Russian law at that time, then they were committing a crime. (Oh, right. Yes.)

And then the farmer, the peasants who were hungry and maybe kept some food, even hiding it, the Russians would take it out and they would even kill them. (Oh, wow.) They killed them by firing squad for “stealing” or keeping, hiding even, just a sack of wheat. (Oh, my gosh. Wow.) They called it stealing from the state. (Yes, Master.) So, it’s because of hunger. The rural population, at that time, never had sufficient food to feed themselves. (Oh, I see.)

Imagine that. (Yes, Master.) So, of course, according to that situation, starvation was massive, was huge, in 1933. (So tragic.) But even then, Moscow at that time did not provide any extra relief for the famine, for the starvation at that time. And at the same time, the Soviet Union exported more than a million tons of grain to other countries, to the West, while their own people starved in Ukraine. (Wow. Oh, God.) Their food became the state’s food. (Yes, Master.) It was stored in any silos, and it became state-owned property. (Right.)

“Media Report from BBC News – Feb. 12, 2022 Clive Myrie (m): Well, Russia has long sought to determine the destiny of Ukraine under Soviet communism. As many as four million died of hunger when Moscow forced people from small holdings to disastrously inefficient collective farms. The bitterness remains to this day.

Fergal Keane (m): As the Kremlin's choirs praised Stalin, the world was told of a happy land.

TV broadcast (m): And today it is above all the granary of Eastern Europe, with the black earth bringing forth millions of acres of wheat.

Fergal Keane (m): But 95-year-old Petro Mohilat knows what a lie that was. Forced collectivization of farms brought starvation and terror to his family.

Petro VO translation (m): It was very scary. There was a brigade with pitchforks who came to every house searching for bread. I was five at that time. We locked the door and all the windows but they used crowbars to come inside and then they went to all the barns trying to find any buried bread.

Fergal Keane (m): Food was seized to punish peasants who resisted collectivization. It's thought up to four million people died in what Ukraine calls the Holodomor, killing through hunger. Russia denies the famine was a deliberate attempt to break the independent spirit of Ukrainians. Olexandra Zakharova, aged 98, remembers the corpses of the starved.

Olexandra VO translation (f): What could I see? I saw people who died. They made a big pit and threw all the bodies there. My father went to Western Ukraine taking everything good from our home to exchange for food but he got nothing. You can say I had a life but it was no life.

Fergal Keane (m): Near the family home there's a mass grave from the famine era. It's also an important part of modern Ukraine's story of origin – this idea of a nation in the 1930s suffering the oppression of a dictatorship based in Moscow. This old steel door here?

Dr. Drobovych (m): Yes.

Fergal Keane (m): Ukrainians who resisted ended up in places like this.

Dr. Drobovych (m): Some historians say that five or ten thousand people (were) killed here in this basement.

Fergal Keane (m): Interrogation cells of the secret police in Kyiv. It's just impossible to imagine what went through people's minds as they came through that door into this place.

Dr. Drobovych (m): Yeah. Pain.

Fergal Keane (m): Investigation of Stalin's crimes has been suppressed in Russia.

Dr. Drobovych (m): They protect Stalin. They hide (the) truth. They attack us. They don't recognize us like (an) independent country. Why? We don't understand why.”

So, everywhere Russia went all these decades, is just starvation, destruction, demolition, and, murdering people in different types of ways. Either shooting them, or just starving them to death. (Oh, God. So bad. Terrible.) Yeah, and everywhere is like devastated. (Yes.) And that’s how they conquer many other countries. They even say that people who take food like that, they call them “terrorists,” (Wow. Oh, gosh.) “Food terrorists.” (Wow.) They say, “Food terrorism must be stopped.” So, five million people died, at least. (Wow.) And most of those were Ukrainian people. (So evil.)

And Russia, since decades already, brought a lot of Russian people into Ukraine, to make it more Russian, and easier to control. (Oh, right, Master. Yes, Master.) Then they wanted to Russianize all the Ukrainians and delete their identity at that time. (Yes, Master.) So, if Europe or NATO wants that to happen again, then they will just stand by doing nothing, and wait until that happens. And if Ukraine is lost, the whole Europe will be lost, sooner or later. (Yes, Master. That’s right.) Oh man, oh man.

And now you can see starvation already has begun in many countries in the world already, due to Russia’s war in Ukraine, because they cannot export all this grain that they have. (That’s right.) And it will stand there and get rotten if it cannot go out to other countries. (Yes. Yes, Master.) And Russia already stole their grain and sold it elsewhere. And then, of course, those under Russian occupation, or Russia-backed separatists – all this farm produce will go away, exported by Russia elsewhere. (Yes, Master. Right.) So, it’s already begun, the starvation of the world now, not just Ukraine like last time. (Yes, Master.)

“Media Report from On Demand News – June 12, 2022 Zelenskyy (m): Ukrainian agricultural exports play a stabilizing role in the global market, and Russia must be held accountable for provoking a new wave of migration against Europe, using the people of both Africa and Asia simply as hostages.”

“Media Report from Belsat TV – May 30, 2022 Alina (f): This is nothing but an ordinary blackmail, because, without the export of the Ukrainian food, hundreds of millions of people are in danger of starvation.

Reporter (f): Due to the war in Ukraine, the number of people suffering from hunger across the world could rise to 323 million. This was stated by David Beasley, Executive Director of the UN World Food Programme.

Guterres (m): Russia's invasion of its neighbor has effectively ended its food exports.

Reporter (f): The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that as of the 21st of May, Russia had blocked 22 million tons of food in Ukrainian ports, gradually stealing it, taking it out, and trying to sell it.

Reporter (m): Here is a Ukrainian car standing in Dzhankoi and being reloaded into a Russian car. This is how the product gets into the Russian Federation.

Reporter (f): Ukraine is the fourth-largest producer of grain in the world. Prices of cereal products are soaring. Experts are anticipating the worst food crisis in the world. Within two or three months, as experts predict, the countries of North Africa and the Middle East will run out of grain stock. In the meantime, the stolen Ukrainian grain goes to Syria. Egypt and Lebanon have rejected such deliveries.”

It’s like a global Holodomor famine. (Oh. Yes.) So everywhere Russia went up to now is like that. My God. They don’t have any souls, these leaders of Russia, I mean these wicked leaders. Some Russian leaders were probably good before. (Yes, Master.) But up to now, I mean, since communism took over Russia, everywhere they went is all bloody. (Yes, Master.) Blood everywhere – blood and destruction. Even Berlin, after the war, Germany became separated into West and East Berlin, and West Berlin continued to prosper and progress and repair all the war-damaged cities. But East Berlin, no. […]

And so, Russia seems to want to divide Ukraine to become like that also. Like East Ukraine, and West Ukraine or South Ukraine, North Ukraine. (Yes, Master. Right, Master.) Unless Europe wants to stand by and wait for that to happen or NATO is just making all kinds of lousy excuses to watch Ukrainians suffer, then they don’t have to do anything. And wait until Ukraine is lost. (Yes, Master.)

I’m worried about Europe, not just Ukraine. That’s why I said NATO has to come in with force to flush Russian soldiers out because they don’t belong there. They don’t belong in Europe. (Yes, that’s right.) No! They took Crimea just like that. Just also by bombing and frightening people. And then they took the Donbas region, also like that. (Yes, Master. Right, Master.) Everywhere they go blood is running all over, and destruction everywhere, and people, children die everywhere. (Yes, Master.) They are soulless. Otherwise, they could not have the heart to do all this to an innocent country, their neighbor. (Yes, Master. Indeed.) There is no excuse. Nothing. Everywhere they went it’s like that.

So, NATO better stop it. And if NATO doesn’t have any guts to do it, then Europe and other countries have to get together and help Ukraine. I mean practically, totally, with not just weapons, but also with force, with their own soldiers, expertise and everything. (Yes.) They are pledging to continue to help Ukraine, despite fatigue, but still, the weapons don’t always come on time. (Yes. Right. That’s true.) And recently, there’s some delay, on purpose. I don’t know what happened, or why. And the longer the war continues without enough weapons and power, then more Ukrainians will die. (Yes. That’s right.) More Ukrainian soldiers will die, and they probably will be fatigued also.

And on top of that, NATO has to predict something, saying something negative, like, “The war with Russia will be for a long, long, long time. A long haul.” (Yes, Master.) And because of that, it could affect the morale of the Ukrainian soldiers as well. (Yes, that’s true. Right.) Then they will feel, “Oh, my God, it’s a long time.” So, they don’t feel like it. They thought, “It’s quick and we use all of our force and our might, our hearts, to push the Russians out of our country. But now, it feels like it’s a long, long time. The war will last longer.” (Yes, Master.) The way the NATO chief says, it feels like a long time, forever. (That’s right. Yes, Master.)

Why does his mouth have to always say things that are not conducive to help the Ukrainian people? (That’s right. Yes. That’s true.) So, I’m not sure if NATO ever will go into Ukraine and help them truly, totally, practically. (Yes, Master.) Unless America takes the initiative, takes the lead role, and decides that they should go in to help Ukraine, with force, with soldiers as well. (Yes, Master.) And with all kinds of things like a no-fly zone. (Oh, yes.) […]

If Ukraine’s lost, then Russia will continue. (Yes.) Because Russia will use Ukraine’s property, bases and equipment or food to continue to fight. (Yes. That’s right.) […]

Also, for example, Russia went to Chechnya, they also destroyed everything. (Yes, Master. Master, could you tell us more about Chechnya?)

So, it’s all Russia’s doing. (Yes, Master.) And that was not the first time. It was the second time. The first time, was under Boris Yeltsin. The second time, at that time, the prime minister was Vladimir Putin. (Yes, Master.) He wasn’t president, he was prime minister the second time. And then, the first war had already damaged a lot, a lot, especially the capital Grozny. And then, in the second war, they had not even enough time. It was only in 1996 when the first war ceased. (Yes.) They settled with a ceasefire, with Boris Yeltsin. Boris Yeltsin signed the peace treaty with Chechnya in 1997. But two years later, the second Chechen war broke out again, started by Russia. At that time was the future president Vladimir Putin. (Yes, Master.) Only two years, the Chechens had not enough time to recover. That’s why he attacked again. Because he knew they are still vulnerable and weak. (Yes. Right, Master.)

So Grozny was left as a big, big hole in the map. The United Nations called that hole “the most destroyed city on the planet.” (Wow.) Almost nothing left standing. (How sad. Terrible.) And almost no one was spared. (Oh, goodness.)

“Media Report from Channel 4 News – Mar. 25, 2022 Georgina (f): The first war that Putin led is one of the worst humanitarian disasters in recent history. In 1999, when he was only the second most powerful man in Russia, he sent forces into Chechnya just a few years after the Russian military had previously invaded under Boris Yeltsin. The two relentless Chechen campaigns set the template for Putin's wars. Russian forces flattened the capital, Grozny.

Reporter (m): The months of relentless and indiscriminate Russian bombing have left Grozny a dead city.

Georgina (f): By the time they'd left, up to 8,000 civilians were dead. The UN described Grozny as “The most destroyed city on Earth.” Russia’s wars have followed the same pattern ever since.”

You can read it in history. (Yes, Master.) And about 250,000 civilians were killed in the combined Chechen wars. (Wow.) And reports of rape, same like in Ukraine right now. “Reports of rape, arson, torture and other crimes by Russian soldiers were widespread – and cast as a wholly, necessary evil by those forces.” […]

How can any evil be necessary? (Right, Master. That’s right, Master.) And one of the Russian soldiers at that time told the Los Angeles Times in 2000, “We have to be cruel to them,” to the Chechen people, “Otherwise, we will achieve nothing.” (Gosh.) Believe that? That’s his words. So, in order to achieve something, you have to be cruel. No matter if they have done anything to you or not.

At that time Vladimir Putin, already a president, kind of had a direct rule of Chechnya from May 2000. […] They still belong to Russia. (Yes, Master.)

And some years later another Chechen came in, became president, of course, and became rich. They enriched themselves during the time they ruled the Chechen Republic. And he’s a very ruthless leader. He’s just all pro-Russian. (Yes, Master.) All pro-Putin. That’s why he became president. I think he wasn’t voted by the people. But he’s just like a puppet for Putin. Putin appointed him to be the president. (Yes, Master. Right, Master.) This president, his name is Kadyrov, people refer to him as a brutal puppet or “attack dog” of the Russian President Vladimir Putin.

He’s a complete puppet of Putin, of the Kremlin. He even brought his people to Ukraine, to kill the Ukrainian people for Putin, for the Kremlin. And he should know that there was no reason to do that, but because Russia completely controls Chechnya, so all the leaders, whoever they might be, if they don’t listen to the Kremlin, if they don’t do what the Kremlin orders, they will not survive, not to talk about continue to be in the leading role in Chechnya.

So, if Ukraine loses, it will be the same. Russia will install any so-called leader there in Ukraine just to be a slave and listen to absolutely every order from the Kremlin. (Yes, Master.) You can see the evidence. (Yes, Master.)

And this Mr. Kadyrov, the so-called head of the Chechen Republic since 2007 until now – that is a long, long time for a head of state. (Yes, Master.) Similar to Putin and the President of Belarus, they have things in common. Maybe that’s why they like each other. And in order to survive so long, as a head, I guess he has to be the absolute hands and feet of the head of Russia, the Kremlin. (Yes.)

The present leader of Chechnya, Kadyrov, is brutally oppressing, killing, murdering, torturing the Ukrainians, because this is the same mentality as Putin, and he’s absolutely under Kremlin’s control. But I don’t know if he’s proud of himself or he just has to for survival. Because if he truly wants to be proud of himself, he should not do all this. He’s a man. He should be an independent thinker and a true leader of his people. And instead, he became like a devil, for the Kremlin.

“Media Report from VICE News – Aug. 29, 2021 Sahar (f): For any Chechens who dare to question Kadyrov, the options are morbid. Either stay and die or run in fear.

Kadyrov (m): Those who bring discord between people with gossip or quarrels should be stopped. Unless we kill them, put them in prison, scare them, we’ll get nowhere.

Sahar (f): And nowhere seems to be safe. Secretive Chechen death squads hunt Europe and further afield. Critics of Kadyrov have been brutally murdered in Berlin, Vienna, Lille, and even Dubai. More recently, Kadyrov has turned his aggression into the Chechen Republic's LGBTQ+ population. Homosexuality and gender nonconformity have always been a taboo in the state. But in 2017, Kadyrov began what has since been described as a genocide of young men and women.

David (m): It became a project of eliminating every person who could possibly be suspected of LGBTQ emotions or thoughts, if not activity.

Sahar (f): Survivors have spoken about being held in concentration camp- like detention centers, where they were beaten and tortured with electric shocks. Others were freed with the understanding that their own families would punish them even worse than the state. When the media began to report this, Kadyrov declared that gay Chechens do not exist.

Kadyrov (m): This is nonsense. We don’t have such people here. We don’t have any gays. Take them far away from us. To purify our blood, if there are any here, take them.

Reporter (f): Escaped survivors of the genocide are still fearful for their lives, fearful that Kadyrov’s death squad could come and find them. Kadyrov’s reign seems to have no limits. But one wonders when he will go too far, even for Putin. Putin rarely condemns Kadyrov and Russian money pours into the region.

Tanya: For Vladimir Putin, he is still convenient for the Kremlin. And that's the reason he remains in power and is able to do whatever he does.”

It’s really a very sad affair. I think his people will not like him, or they don’t like him, or maybe they never liked him. But they just have to be quiet because they fear war, they fear more bloodshed and more torture, more suffering from Russia. (Yes, Master.)

I think he also had… I hope, maybe I’m wrong… he also had some moments of shame and regret, but he was already under the yoke, could not fight against the Kremlin, so, he had to be brutal. Or maybe he is brutal, because his soldiers that he brought to Ukraine to die or to fight are reportedly very vicious, extremely brutal. (Yes, Master.) So, maybe they’re all the same gang, just in a different location. That’s why they get together and try to destroy wherever they can in Ukraine.

So, there will be no future for Ukraine if it’s lost. There will be no freedom. And as I told you already, the whole of Ukrainian people all stand up against the war from the Kremlin. So, if Russia has a chance to control Ukraine, then all these people will be treated like prisoners, slaves, or enemies continuously, and they will suffer no end. They will suffer, suffer, suffer no end. (Yes, Master.) (They will be brutally oppressed.) Or molested. The Russians will continue murdering, or raping, or taking everything from them. (Yes, Master.) And they might not give them enough food to eat, just like before, just like decades ago. (Yes, Master.)

Therefore, that’s why I don’t care what happens to me because of all this karma. I have to say it. I have to say NATO has to come in, totally committed to helping Ukraine to flush Russia out. (Yes, Master.) And if not, then Europe and other countries have to courageously stand up, go in to help Ukraine, because that means they’re helping themselves, and they will be safe if Russia loses the war in Ukraine. (Yes, that’s right.) If Ukraine regains their complete freedom, regains their land, regains their democracy, just like before anything happened, then Europe will be safe as well. Other countries also will be safe, not just Europe alone. (Yes, Master.) […]

Many other countries or states, like Georgia, South Ossetia, Abkhazia region, Nagorno-Karabakh, have the bloody hands of Russia on them. And the destruction of all that. So many millions of people died because of Russia’s invasion or interference or colonization. (Yes, Master.) Because of that millions of people died everywhere, wherever Russian leaders went with their army. (Yes, Master.) Despite all that, the world still has forgiven Russia, because they have things to offer. (Yes. Right.) But I can’t believe it. This kind of brutal regime from one leader to another – it’s like a succession of brutality. (Yes.) […]

So, unless NATO wants Ukraine to experience that great famine, hunger, death again or become another Chechnya, or become divided like Germany before, then they don’t have to do anything. (Yes, Master.) But the whole world will hold the chief of NATO responsible. Not just the chief, but some big members of NATO. The world, history and Heaven will hold NATO responsible for this war in Ukraine, and whatever else bad happens to Ukraine, like if they become like Chechnya. […]

“Media Report from MSNBC – Apr. 3, 2022 Toomas Ilves (m): This is the first time that anyone has threatened to use nuclear weapons for conquest. This is the fundamental issue which too few people in NATO have actually realized or made clear to themselves. And so, I think we need to really be much more serious than we are. And these kinds of excuses, ‘Oh, we can't defend the Ukrainians because it'll start a nuclear war,’ really already is acceding to Russian blackmail. And that will not stop anywhere, because once they've succeeded there, they will go on and say we will use nuclear weapons when we attack some other country. You have to say, ‘No. We will put a stop to this now.’”

They welcome any other rich and famous and prestigious countries to go in as a member of NATO. (Yes, Master.) So, it’s all about money, profit and prestige. Nothing truly idealistic, nothing truly noble, or even “love thy neighbor” type of doctrine. (Yes, Master.) So, I told you, to hell with the rules. (Yes.) There’re no rules when it comes to helping your neighbor in need, especially in desperate need, in life and death matters. (Yes, exactly.) Especially they know that the enemy of their neighbor is brutal, vicious and has a history of atrocities everywhere before. (Yes, Master.)

Before, the chief of NATO, Mr. Stoltenberg, had earned a good name in the world, because he kind of negotiated between Russia and Norway at that time […] and helped to settle it out. (Yes, Master.) But, now it’s a big war – it’s life and death and bloody, and destruction everywhere in one country. […]

It’s Putin and the gang. (Yes, Master.) Because they continue the tradition of Stalin. They couldn’t care less about how many people die and how they suffer. If they starve to death, or if they’re bombed to death, or if raped, or if molested, or robbed of everything they have. (Yes, Master.) It’s just like a highway robber gangster. (Yes, Master.) It’s truly like that. (Yes.) What else? (That’s right.)

Can you imagine any decent country would do that? (No, Master.) So, the Russian people, they don’t like this. They also went out on the street to protest. And even now they’re on TV and they voiced their opinion, opposed to the war of Putin. (Yes, Master.) Even recently, one of Putin’s so-called allies also voiced openly against Putin’s war in Ukraine.

“Media Report from WION – June 21, 2022 Reporter (m):On the stage, Putin tried to justify the Ukraine war as legal under law. But the Russian president faced some pushback, this time from a key ally.

Tokayev (m): We do not recognize either South Ossetia or Abkhazia and apparently this principle will be applied to quasi-state territories, which in our opinion are Luhansk and Donetsk.

Reporter (m): This is not the first time Kazakhstan has denied the independence of Donetsk and Luhansk. In June, Kazakhstan also said it would not assist Russia in circumventing sanctions. Now, according to reports, Russia asked Kazakhstan to join its forces in Ukraine, but Kazakhstan refused.”

If that was truly Putin sitting there at all. (Yes.) But these kinds of possessed, manifested from the zealous demons, they cannot last long outside. (Yes, Master.) Not like normal people, we are there always, 24/7. (Yes.) This kind of manifestation from demons won’t last long. Even if it was there. Or even hologram. (Oh.) Even just created by makeup or by the double. (Yes, Master.)

I saw many photos of Putin before, and many photos of Putin recently. (Yes.) Not the same face. (That’s right.) The face, one side, it’s not the same. (Yes, Master.) Of course, if you don’t have the comparison, or you don’t look very closely, you won’t see the difference. It doesn’t matter if it’s a different face or not, Putin is dead. I told you. (Yes, Master.) I have no reason to lie to you. What for? And it’s confirmed by Heaven already. And then my Protectors took him somewhere. I can’t tell you where, yet. I don’t want to. (Yes, Master. Understand.) Maybe in the future, I’ll tell you. Right now, it’s not good to tell. (Understand, Master.)

But the world doesn’t know that Putin is dead. They thought Putin was sitting there. And even then, they still opposed him, before that economic forum.

(Master, why don’t we recently put any Putin news on, with his pictures?) Because we don’t report fake news. (That’s true.) Sorry. (Yes, Master.) If you know something is fake, are you going to tell it to people? (No, Master. No.) Or you can put those pictures, or you can put those news on, but you have to put everywhere, like, “Fake News, Fake News, Fake News.” (Yes.) Then I will allow it.

We have the Five Precepts. We always have to tell the truth. (That’s right, Master.) And we cannot tell lies. That’s one of the precepts. (Yes, Master.) And to tell a fake story is also a violation of our principle. (Yes, Master.) We don’t report fake news. (Yes, Master.) We have nothing to gain from fake news. Even if we do, we don’t want to. (Right, Master, yes.) Because one of the precepts, one of our principles is that you do not tell lies. You remember, right? (Yes, Master.) You shall not kill, you do not tell lies, you do not steal things from people, you do not commit improper sexual relationships and you don’t take intoxicants. (Right.) So, one of the precepts is that we don’t tell lies. (Yes, Master.) So, we cannot air the fake news. (Yes.) Especially if I know it’s fake. (Yes. Right, Master.) Other people, they don’t know, so they do what they want. (Yes, Master.) I know it’s fake so I cannot let you air it on our TV, not knowingly doing that. (Yes, Master.)

Alright. Any other questions? […] (Can Master please tell us when the war will end?) I wish I could. (Oh.) I wish I could. I know many things. (Yes, Master.) I know it, but if I tell you, it will turn out differently. (Oh.) I have learned my lesson. Many times, not just one time.

But one very particular time about vegan. […] People think it’s difficult to change everything. […] (Yes, Master.) Excuse me. In fact, it’s very easy. Just no more animal-people industry. No more. (That’s right.) When there’s no meat, then no heat, no buying. (Yes. Exactly.) So simple. And whatever’s already there, leftover, throw away. (Yes.) And people can have many more new jobs and people will have more employment. (Yes, Master. Exactly.) And the whole country will become more bright, more happy and more blessed. They will feel it.

Just right now it’s all surrounded by darkness. Mostly. Many leaders have all very dark, dark, dark, dark colors around them. They don’t have any auras, they just have dark colors. I don’t like the color of Stoltenberg. Unless he changes his heart, unless he does something truly to lead NATO to help Ukraine to gain peace quickly and to prevent more war in Europe and to prevent world famine. (Yes, Master.) His color now, dark coffee, will not change. It might get even darker if he continues just to abuse his power, just to take advantage of the position, just to live well, just sit there and get paid. Now and then, come out and say something. (Yes, Master.) Nothing good. Nothing really practically, truly good. If he continues that way, then his color that’s surrounding him that’s exuding out of him will be darker and darker. Like, some other leaders in the world. I don’t want to name them all. (Yes, Master.) […]

I am not allowed to tell you. I know, I’m just not allowed to tell you. (Understand, Master.) I keep asking many times, “Can I? Can I? Can I?” But I cannot. (Yes, Master. Understand.) Like many other things, I wish I could tell you. Some things are very interesting, some things very happy, some things sad. But right now, you can see in the whole world, you can calculate, how long the war in Ukraine will last.

Even if the NATO chief says that it will last long – you don’t have to always listen to all this garbage from p. (Francis) and from Stoltenberg. Sounds like stone. Like a mountain of stones. (Yes, Master.) Anyway, it’s enough garbage already.

I don’t know why all this money that’s spent to kill, to murder, and to war with neighbors, or other countries, my God, that alone could make our world a paradise already, with all the poor people being helped. With all the beneficial programs for humanity. (Yes.) Then we would never have these kinds of photographs of children, infants with only ribs showing, even protruding out of their skin. (Yes, Master.) You can count the ribs on their body, because they’re so hungry, starving everywhere. (Yes.)

“Media report from Channel 4 News - Mar 29, 2022 Reporter (m): Most of the families here have already lost everything to the drought.

Drought Victim (f): Thirst is here, hunger is here, the scorching sun is here, drought is here.”

“Media report from Channel 4 News - Nov 2, 2017 Reporter (m): The doctor is called to help a 5-month-old boy called Ataan who’s just been brought in by terrified parents.

Female Voice: Is he breathing?

Reporter (m): Ataan is suffering because his mother is so malnourished that she’s unable to breastfeed anymore. Another emergency unfolds a few steps away. It’s a boy with malaria, but malnutrition has made him weak. The doctors do everything they can, working frantically to resuscitate the boy. But it’s too late.

Doctor (m): Ninety percent of the cases in this hospital are children suffering from malnutrition.”

“Media report from BBC News - Feb 24, 2021 Reporter (f): Those causes are complex, but don’t include lack of food in the markets. There’s plenty to buy, but many can’t afford it. Six years of conflict have taken their toll. Food prices have risen about 140%. The Yemeni currency has collapsed along with the economy.”

And all this war and destruction. My God, so much money will be spent later on if the war ends. So much money to reconstruct a country. (Yes, that’s right.) The sad, sorrowful and brutal energy, I don’t know how long it will take to rebuild it. (Yes, Master.) For both Russia and Ukraine. Especially for Ukraine, the victim country. (Yes, Master.) What’s all this for? I don’t know why NATO says they have rules. To hell with rules, I tell you. […] And now the whole country is in boiling water, on fire, in desperation – begging for help.

“Media Report from CBS Evening News – June 12, 2022 Reporter (f): New warnings, Ukraine is outgunned and desperately in need of faster deliveries of arms from the West. Ukraine’s government says it can respond with only one artillery round to every ten fired by Russia. And in Mariupol, this new video of mass graves. Officials say as many as 20,000 people are buried there.”

Every day, I never heard President Zelenskyy not asking for help. (That’s true. Yes, Master. True.) And at least two times he asked NATO to commit totally. (Yes.) Meaning with force and with soldiers and with the best equipment. (Yes, Master.) Still, they just turn a deaf ear and blind eye. […]

So, I ask Europe, all the European countries and whatever NATO country wants to join – they must join forces to help Ukraine to flush their aggressors out. […] (Yes, Master.) If Russia has Ukraine anywhere as a stepping stone, as a springboard, they will be soon in hell, in war. War is hell, man. (Yes, exactly, Master.)

“Media Report from Європейська правда – Mar. 23, 2022 TV host (m): And if you think that we will stop in Ukraine, think again! I should remind you that Ukraine is only an intermediate stage in ensuring the strategic strategy of the Russian Federation!

TV host 2 (m): We’ll soon run out of patience and just launch something heavy towards Washington and London.

Speaker (m): Poland is playing with fire. There were three Partitions of Poland. The fourth will be their last.

Putin (m): Russia’s border stretches to no end.

Speaker (m): Time allowing, and nothing will remain of Poland, and of the Baltic states too. Speaker 2 (m): We will bring our army to the western borders again… They (Europeans) are cowardly, they are afraid, they need to be conquered with fear, with a whip.

Speaker 3 (m): We can’t just stop halfway.

Reporter (m): Our submarines are capable of launching more than half a thousand nuclear warheads, which is a guarantee to destroy the United States and all NATO countries to boot.”

“Media Report from MSNBC – Apr. 7, 2022 Senator (m): We are naïve. General Milley said yesterday, we are naïve to believe that this is all going to be wrapped up in a matter of weeks or months. I’m afraid Vladimir Putin has struck out on the course that as long as he’s in control of those Russian military forces, puts at risk, not only Ukraine, which we know today, tomorrow Poland, the day after Baltics. We have to be ready to stop this man, because I can tell you he won’t stop at Ukraine.”

So, I just hope they wake up and do it. (Yes, Master.) I'm saying all this – it’s bad for me, bad karma for me, but I have no heart to see the Ukrainian people suffer for nothing like that, from nothing. (Understand, Master.) Just like history repeats itself again. Always Russia came and molested them, possessed them, controlled them, destroyed their country and destroyed their people. Murdering, raping and killing their people like that. (Yes, Master.) Destroy their lives, destroy their country. They have done nothing. Just because they're smaller, they’re weaker, and the whole world cheated them to give up their nuclear weapons with just an empty promise that they will protect Ukraine. […] (Yes. Right, Master.)

So how bad can that be already? And NATO talks about rules. Just garbage. Do you hear me? (Yes, Master. Exactly.) Absolute rubbish. Nothing more. I don't like the darkness that Stoltenberg exudes from his being. I really hope he understands better. Otherwise, he will just be dragged lower, lower and lower and nearer to hell and then become one of them, one of the demons. (Yes, Master.) Right now, he's possessed, but he will become one of them if he continues like that instead of fighting for goodness, against evil. (Yes, Master.) And not just him, in Europe there're some more. You know already. (Yes, Master.) You know at least one of them.

OK then. I’m sorry to have ended with a negative note. But what else to say when we talk about Ukraine and the unjustified war from Russia, from the Kremlin. (Right, Master, yes.) Not all Russian people agree with that. It’s just the Kremlin. (Yes.) Just Moscow, the evil, stupid, greedy government, continues the trend of the earlier leaders. (Yes, Master.) […] So sad, so sad. So sad.

“Media Report from Sky News – Mar. 9, 2022 Reporter (m): These children are on the move inside Ukraine, trying to stay ahead of the fighting here. Many of them orphans, most of them from broken homes. They are working hard here, but towards what kind of future? No one really knows. ‘All of them went through something,’ she says, ‘some of them were caught in the shelling or the bombing. Some of them had no shelter because their homes got hit. Of course, each of them has trauma.’ ‘Her legs are trembling,’ she says. ‘And she's harming herself.’ ‘They are stressed by moving from their hometowns in awful conditions,’ she says, ‘they are worried about families, the instability and they feel alone.’ ‘What I offer,’ she says, ‘is support and love. They all need love, so much love.’”

“Media Report from Sky News - May 4, 2022 Reporter (m): Iryna says, ‘I just want to comfort them and make their trauma smaller and smaller and smaller.’ Nicole Bulizhenko is 12-years-old. For two months, she's been sheltering from the bombs in a city under attack. ‘It is so painful. I'm anxious about everyone I love.’ What about her family? Are her family OK at the moment? ‘Yes,’ she says. Suddenly, the things she wants to say become too difficult, but it is a glimpse of the harrowing impact all this is having on children here.”

Terrible. Poor people, all these innocent children. My God, how can they live like this? Their childhood is ruined. (Yes, Master.) And what you experience in your childhood will be almost impossible to erase. (Right, Master. Yes. True, Master. Indeed.)

Let’s pray for them, at least the children that they might recover their innocence and their optimism, and their enthusiasm to continue to experience a good world and education and look forward to their bright future. Because that will make their parents and grandparents happy too. And that will contribute to a peaceful energy for Ukraine and for wherever they go to take refuge at the moment, and to have hope that the war will end soon. Pray that they can return to their own land because there’s no place like home. (Yes, Master.) […]

Host: Our humble gratitude to Most Compassionate Master for Her continuous Safeguarding of humanity, and constant faith in our God-like potential to overturn the misfortunate state of our world and make it a paradise. Our hopes and prayers for the urgent awakening of humankind to the simple solution that is fully beneficial for all – to stop any kind of violence, such as the cruel war in Ukraine and the ruthless exploitation of the gentle animal-people. Thus, may we rediscover the vast abundance that our planet offers, as suffering finds no more place in all hearts. We wish Most Loving Master vigorous wellness and mighty protection by all Majestic Divinities.

To hear more of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s thoughts and wisdom on the devastating outcomes of war, and why the West should now take military action in Ukraine before it’s too late, please tune in to Between Master and Disciples at a later date for the full broadcast of this conference.

Also, for your reference, please check out the previous related Fly-in News / Between Master and Disciples conferences, such as:





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[url=]Noteworthy News
 / Fly-in News
Last Call to Turn Vegan and Repent Sincerely, July 29, 2022

I told you, I told people, “Please be careful now. You have to turn vegan now to protect yourself.” And I want to say to everybody, this is my last offer, last call. If you turn vegan and repent sincerely, I will really take you to Heaven. Guaranteed. Within six months from today. It’s the last call. I won’t be allowed to do much more than that. After this last call, without initiation it will not be guaranteed for just anyone. You will have to try harder, fending for yourself. Anyone who repents, I will feel love for them. It’s just automatic. (Yes, Master.)

Concerning Boris Johnson, he is from the positive power. (Yes, Master.) He’s one of the Heavenly beings that came to this world to help the planet. Of course, nobody can see that – not even himself. (Yes, Master.) But if Ukraine accepts him, that will be a very big blessing for the country. (Oh, yes.) He will bless the country and Heaven will bless that country as well. And the English people also like him. I don’t know why they don’t say anything. They should just make a petition to say, “Oh, Johnson, stay.”


Noteworthy News / Fly-in News
The Real Signs of Heavens’ Warning for Humans to Change, June 25, 2022

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The Supreme Court cannot even forbid the whole thing, but at least every state can do what they want now. Like, many states that wanted an anti-abortion law, now they can go ahead. (Yes, Master.) And who knows? Slowly other states will follow suit. (Oh, yes, hopefully. Hopefully soon.)

Host: On Saturday, June 25, 2022, our Most Caring Supreme Master Ching Hai called once again to graciously check on Supreme Master Television team members and share some recent good news from the United States and the European Union. She also highlighted some disturbing happenings around the globe to alert humanity that Heaven is beginning to destroy the world as consequence of our immoral conduct.

Oh, I want to talk to you because we had some good news today. It’s good enough. You know this abortion law in America? (Yes, Master.) That was allowed under Roe v. Wade. (Yes, Master.) And now they changed it. (Yes. Wonderful.)

“Media Report from NBC News – June 24, 2022 Reporter (m): In this historic decision, the Supreme Court has now overturned Roe v. Wade, and the follow-on case called Casey, in which the abortion right was made nationwide. Those two rulings stood for the proposition that states could not ban abortion before the age of viability. They could restrict it during that period up to about 23 weeks, but they couldn’t ban it. So, the immediate effect of this will be to uphold the Mississippi law that would ban abortion after 15 weeks. But this also now means that in roughly half the country, abortion is as of now, or soon will be illegal. Thirteen states have what are called ‘trigger laws’ that were intended to make abortion illegal in those states once the Supreme Court reached this decision. In a few of those states, the law takes effect immediately, in some they have to wait for the state attorney general to certify that this is what the Supreme Court has done. That’s 13 states in which abortion will shortly be illegal. And in the rest of the, up to about half the states, they are expected soon to make it illegal.”
“Mendon, Illinois, United States – June 25, 2022 Donald Trump (m): Yesterday, the court handed down a victory for the constitution. A victory for the rule of law, and above all a victory for life. This breakthrough is the answer to the prayers of millions and millions of people, and these prayers have gone on for decades. For decades and decades, they’ve been praying, and now those prayers have been answered to the generations of Americans, in the pro-life movement as well as countless constitutional conservatives. Your boundless love, sacrifice and devotion has finally been rewarded in full. Congratulations. And thanks to the courage found within the United States Supreme Court, this long divisive issue will be decided by the states, and by the American people. That’s the way it should have been many, many years ago, and that’s the way it is now.”

Before, it was difficult for any state to… I read in the news. It was difficult for any state to forbid abortion. Like Texas, they did not let the abortion law apply to them, so they forbid abortion. And some people can sue them or protest back and forth. It’s a lot of trouble. Right now in this way, Texas can just give this anti-abortion law a very good, solid foundation. (Yes, that’s right.) (Yes, Master. That’s great.) It means, they can do it now, there is no need to wait for the Supreme Court or no need to wait for somebody to sue them or not sue them, whatever. (Yes, Master.)
But that still is not complete. I was so happy. I was thinking, “Oh, like this, all the states in America, every state will have no more abortion.” (Yes.) But it’s not like that. The Supreme Court cannot even forbid the whole thing, but at least every state can do what they want now. Like, many states that wanted an anti-abortion law, now they can go ahead. (Yes, Master.) But maybe some states that don’t want an anti-abortion law, then they can also do that even. (Yes, Master.) It’s sad, but at least many states will have this anti-abortion law. (Yes, Master.) And who knows? Slowly other states will follow suit. (Oh, yes, hopefully. Hopefully soon.) Well, at least some. (Yes, Master.)

“Media Report from KHOU – June 25, 2022 Reporter (f): The Supreme Court’s decision to strike down Roe Vs Wade now has roughly half of all states poised to ban or drastically restrict abortion, but it won’t happen all at once. Let’s start with a look at so-called ‘trigger laws’. Thirteen states have them on the books. They are intended to automatically ban or severely weaken abortion access, as soon as Roe is overturned. As you can see on this map, we’ve got Texas, we’ve got Louisiana and Arkansas – just some of the states that have these trigger laws. Texas’ trigger law: House Bill 1280 was signed by Governor Abbot last year. It will automatically ban abortions and Texas doctors could face life in prison, or a $100,000 fine for performing them. Now in some states, these laws will activate as soon as a designated state official certifies the court’s decision. That can happen within minutes. In other states, the laws will go into effect within the next 30 days.”
“Media Report from NBC News – June 26, 2022 Reporter (f): Following the Supreme Court decision Friday, abortion is no longer legal in these nine states, and in at least three others, providers have stopped services for fear of prosecution, with the laws still uncertain.
Lady (f): It’s a win for unborn children.
Reporter (f): In Arkansas, doctors who perform the procedure could now face up to ten years in prison. In neighboring Louisiana, all three abortion clinics in the state have ceased operations. Angie Thomas had been working toward that moment for years.
Angie Thomas (f): We are so thankful for this day in history where we as a state get to protect our unborn children and help moms.”
“Media Report from CNBC News – June 25, 2022 Nina (f): I’m excited. You can see the celebration, but we all know this is not where the work ends – this is where it begins, because, anyone you can ask, this is what we’ll be working for for the rest of our lives – to make abortion illegal, unthinkable and unnecessary.”
“Media Report from KOIN 6 – June 25, 2022 Lois Anderson (f): We deserve protection, we deserve the right to life. And the ability to preserve the right to life of children before they’re born has been returned to the people, and that is a right and just decision.”

At least some children will be saved. (Yes. Yes, Master.) Not 70 million every year like that. (Right.) It’s terrible. America’s population is already dwindling, like many of the well-to-do countries. (Yes, Master. Yes.) Nowadays people don’t feel like this cumbersome work, taking care of babies and children anymore. (Yes, Master.)
It’s not just about enlarging the population, but it’s very good karma for America. So, it will balance out some of the disasters that might befall this country if people don’t continue killing innocent babies the way they did before. So, it’s a good news. (Yes, Master.) […]
So, that’s the only good news that I tell you. (Thank You, Master.) But it’s a good news, that’s why we have to share it. (Yes, Master. Very good news.) […]

But I’m telling you. Do you want to know how many bad news I have? (How many bad news do You have, Master?) For the 23rd of June, I have at least 13 bad news. All bad news. (Oh. Gosh.) And the 24th, similar. 25th, I have only up to eight, because I didn’t have time anymore to continue further. (Yes, Master.) I read it to you, so you know. […]
And this is only from those countries and from those areas that you can even have news from. There are many corners in the world where there is no news. (Yes.) No internet, no connection, no telephone. So, whatever bad news there, you don’t even know. (Right, Master. Yes.) […]
I read it to you. Don’t be too sad. (Yes, Master.) This is just one day. The reason I never collected all the bad news together like this, not intentionally, is just that recently, you know already that Heaven wants to destroy the world. (Yes, Master.) And They even told me which type. Because I argued. I said you can’t just kill at random. (Yes. Right, Master.)
I cannot spill too much out. Sorry. So, I checked out, I just wanted to see whether or not what They told me is what it is. (Yes, Master.) And I saw some of it. It’s a real sign of what They have told me. (Wow. Oh.) The beginning of it, wherever I can get the news. (Yes, Master.) […]

23rd, this is all I read to you. (Yes, Master.)
Number 1: “Thousands of cows die altogether all at once in the heat in Kansas.” I don’t know if this ever happened before. (Wow.) They just died all in one go. (Wow.)
Number 2: “The boat ignited on fire, just like that.”

“Media from Inside Edition – June 21, 2022 Diane (f): Everything was just burning so fast – so fast! We had to jump.
Reporter (f): Diane and Kitt Watson and the first mate Jarrod Tubbs live on the beautiful 70-foot yacht named ‘Too Elusive,’ or at least they did before it was consumed in an inferno. They were heading to port in New Hampshire when the blaze broke out. They knew they had to save themselves, and their dogs, Pahma and Nancy.
Kitt (m): We grabbed the dogs, jumped off and swam away.
Diane (f): That’s it.
Kitt (m): We did the best we could.
Reporter (f): Did you guys think in those moments you could lose your lives?
Diane (f): Yes.
Kitt (m): Oh, yeah.
Jared (m): Oh, yeah. 100%.
Diane (f): Absolutely, absolutely.”

I just write short for myself. (Yes, Master.) […]
Number 3: “Fishing boat sinks, just in seconds.” (Oh. Wow.) Yeah. They went out from the shore and the water came in, just like that. (Wow.) Broke the little edge of the boat and came in, just sank in seconds. I saw it in the video. (Oh.) All this I saw, of course, in a video or in the news. (Yes, Master.) It’s not in my vision. I don’t like any of this in my vision.
Number 4: “Multi Russian generals, colonels died in Ukraine war.” Well, that was before, but they repeat it again here. (Yes, Master.) I guess there are some more colonels and generals died, so they repeat it to say, “Oh now, there’s one more or two more,” like that. (Yes, Master.)
Number 5: “Multi hits, but mostly missed.” These Russians are firing their missiles, but mostly missed. (Yes, Master.) But still, it’s not good, is it?
Number 6: “Deadliest quake in two decades killed a thousand-plus Afghanistan people.” (Oh.) Well, I told them to send some financial help, but I haven’t heard back yet, whether or not they can send. (Yes, Master. Understand.) It’s also a difficult country. (Yes, Master.) It’s not easy nowadays even, also because of the pandemic. (Yes. Right.)
Like, I also sent some financial help to India, for example, because they had floods. India and Bangladesh. Both. Millions of people have to be relocated, because of the deadly flood recently. (Yes, Master.) […]

“Media Report from AFP News Agency – June 22, 2022 Tyeb (m): That’s my house. The water was flowing over the roof earlier, but now it’s receding. It tore down the doors, windows and fences.
Joban (m): I have never seen this type of flood in my life. The 2004 flood was big but not like this one. My house is still waist deep under water.”

I sent some financial help. Your brothers and sisters they received the money and they said they could go out to do it. Although I did not know if the government would let them because of the pandemic. (Right. Yes.) The pandemic spikes up again. That’s the thing. That’s another bad news. Even though I didn’t write it here. (Yes, Master.) So, I read only on the 23rd of June.
Number 8: “Sun flares are getting stronger and stronger.” (Oh. Wow.) Scientists report it. I make it all short. (Yes, Master.) It’s not like a big report.
Number 9: “Nigeria flood swept away homes.” A lot of homes. (Wow.)
Number 10: “Some planes are damaged. Airbus-Qatar dispute.” They’re arguing about the planes, the damages. Maybe the planes are not good. Not done well or something. (Oh.) […] Qatar, I think they have some problem with each other or something. Because the planes are damaged. They’re not as good as supposed to be for using. (Oh.) It’s dangerous if the plane is not in good condition. (Yes.) If you sell or buy it and if you use it when it’s not good quality, then you’ll be in danger. (Yes.) I guess that’s what it is. […]
Number 11: “At Miami airport, the plane just touched down and then burst into fire.” (Oh.) Just like that. The landing gear kaput. But that shouldn’t be. Oh, maybe that’s why the airplane touched the runway and that’s why it sparked the fire. (Yes, Master.)
Number 12: “There’s a Wing virus that threatens bees worldwide.” Imagine? Bees are very important to us. (Yes, Master.) It threatens them worldwide. (Wow.) […]
Number 13: “Ivory Coast flood left people with nothing.” (Wow.) […]
Number 14: “Cuba storm gives Cuban people a housing crisis.” One of the disasters again.
And then, Number 15: This is not really bad news but, what I mean is, bad news because I am observing.
Like, Putin, some presidents have a person next to them who always carries a briefcase. In that briefcase, there are secret codes to control nuclear power. (Wow. Yes.) He’s shot and in critical condition. (Oh.) Just like that. Shot in his home. Did not even go out anywhere. Wow.
President Macron, he lost in two elections for his party. Not he lost, but his party, the important loss. Imagine that. Who told him to go against Ukraine? (Right. Yes, Master.) Maybe people don’t like that because they don’t like Putin. They don’t like the war in Ukraine. (Right. Yes, Master.) And if he says something, even the slightest hint that is against the principle, then people don’t like it. It says in the news they punished Macron by voting for the other party. (Oh.) So now, Macron doesn’t have the majority in the parliament. (Yes.) So, he lost. It’s bad for him. (Yes, Master.) Not that he lost the presidency but he lost his power. (Yes.) Because in parliament or the House, you need a majority in order to pass many of your agendas. (Yes. Right.)
There are another two mystery explosions in Russia. Just exploded. Maybe they are important buildings. Just exploded and burned. (Oh. Wow.) That happened before already and now it’s a new one. Two new ones. Mysterious explosions. They don’t know why, what caused them. What’s the use even if you know? Exploded anyway. (Yes, Master.)
This is still June 23rd. “Italy big river dries up.” And it even revealed an old ship that was wrecked at the bottom. (Wow.) A long time already, they didn’t know. Now it’s revealed.

June 24. “UN warns of world starvation.” Probably they repeat it. Here. That’s number 1.
Number 2: “Small banks in China running into trouble.” That results in savers, the people who save money with them, “could lose everything.” (Yes.) […]
Number 3: “Aftershock in Afghanistan killed more people. So, the whole death toll rises to 1,150 or maybe more.” (Yes, Master.)
Number 4: “Russia makes gain. Could see tactical victory soon.” That’s bad for Ukraine. (Yes.)
Number 5: “Russian military plane just crashed. Five dead.” This is a big military cargo plane. Just crashed. Five people died. Who told them to go to Ukraine to kill people? (True.) (Yes, Master.) It just crashed like that. So, many things, of course, destroyed as well. Those cargos. (Yes, Master.) Not just five people died, but I guess many things also were all damaged or gone. […] Normally, Russian-made things are very sturdy. They are famous for that. How can it just crash like that? (Yes. Yes, Master.)
That’s Heaven’s doing. (Yes, Master. Ah.) How can it crash just like that? (Yes, Master.) Just like many news before that the Russians cannot hit the target. (Yes.) Because it just didn’t hit well, so they blamed the Russian soldiers, like they don’t have enough talent or ability. But it’s not like that. It’s all Heaven’s doing. (Yes, Master. Right. Yes.) That’s why they keep bombing, bombing all the time, hoping that one or two will hit. It does. Some of them hit. So many of the cities are ruined.
Number 6 now: Even there are two countries, they are different worlds. Very distant. But Lebanon and Sri Lanka share the same fate, economic collapse. (Yes, Master.)
Number 7: “Many villages in Suriname were waiting for aid, because there were unprecedented floods also over there.” (Wow.) Oh, God.
And there was anger in China because there was bad treatment of women.
Number 8 now: “Afghanistan aftershock. Now they don’t have food. Very fearful of cholera.” (Oh.)
Number 9: “North Korea strengthens their military force, and mentioning more deadly weapons,” maybe like nuclear. (Oh.) I did not write the whole thing. I wrote it very short. Like, preparing for war. (Yes, Master.)
There’s a person, who was appointed as the head of the Kherson area. In a blast, he’s dead. He’s supposed to be in charge of Kherson. And he just died in the blast. (Wow.) Heaven’s doing again. (Yes, Master.) […]
And, in Mexico, there were two Jesuit priests. Jesuit – just like p. Francis. (Yes.) Two Jesuit priests killed in Mexico. (Oh.) Maybe bad priests. Just the two of them. But why the Jesuits? (Yes, Master.) They were killed in Mexico.
Europe travel is a mess. Probably, a problem with traveling. One road was shelled by Russia. It’s not good news. All bad news. Even bad or good, it’s mostly bad. All in just one day. (Wow.) […]

The only good news on the 25th is the anti-abortion law. (Yes, Master.) That’s it. And the rest now, number two, that was number one, good news.
Number two, Russia threatens Moldova again because they are joining the EU now. (Yes.) And they were accepted already as candidates for EU membership. Moldova and Ukraine are granted candidacy for EU membership. (That’s wonderful. Wow. Yes.) Because Ukraine almost fulfilled all the conditions already. 70 something percent is already done. (Yes.) Just some little things, but they said that can be done soon, so it doesn’t matter. And Moldova is also accepted now. (That’s great. Yes. Wonderful.) But that is thanks to Russia. And now they are threatening them. (Yes, Master.) All this time Moldova is not in. And now, because Russia invaded Ukraine, so Ukraine became also a candidate for EU. And will soon become a member. (Yes, Master.) Moldova is also accepted. But Russia threatened them. Russia threatens everywhere nowadays anyway, whether you join or not join. (Yes, Master.) And it’s not the first time that Russia invaded Ukraine even, so before there was no NATO or nothing. (Yes.) […] Russia invaded everywhere, anyway. Wherever they want to. And whenever they feel like they got bored, and have nothing to do. So, it’s ‘no excuses.’ (Yes, Master.) So today, they report the same thing again.
And there was a truck, they tied on top of a trailer to bring away somewhere and then it broke away from the trailer and was spraying all over on the street. (Oh. Oh, gosh.) Just like that. It’s just one of those bad news. Small news, but bad news. (Yes, Master.)
Number 4: “Plane lands aflame in Miami.” That’s on the 24th, we have already. Today they repeated again. (Yes, Master.) Sometimes they repeat the same thing. (Oh.) […]
Number 5: “Fire destroys homes, destroys the island of Evia in Greece.” (Oh.) Fires everywhere.
And number 6: “Ukraine has to retreat from Severodonesk.” Because the Russians were overwhelming them. (Too bad.) They don’t have enough manpower, they don’t have enough weapons. They say for every one missile that Ukraine fired out, there were ten returned from Russia. (Oh, my gosh.) So, they cannot always afford it. (Yes, Master.) Once you fire your missile, maybe you give away your position. (Right.) That even. So, if you don’t have enough power to cover yourself then the enemy will overwhelm you. So, they were ordered to retreat. The soldiers did not want, but the upper government told them to retreat because they don’t want them to die too much there anymore. It’s been long fighting over there, that area. (Yes, Master.)
Number 7: “There was a man just walking in his yard and a big tree fell on him and he died.” (Oh.) That was after a storm. It’s in America. After the storm, maybe that tree did not fall down yet and waited for him to go under there and fell down and killed him.
Number 8: “There’s an underwater volcano that could cause huge tsunami for Italy.” (Wow.) Remember one time in Tonga, there was also an underwater volcano. (Yes, that’s right.) (Yes, Master.) And it broke out and then Tonga suffered a big destruction. (Right.) And then normally up to that day, they’d never had any COVID-19. (Yes.) And after the international aid was brought in for them, because the island was much destroyed, then they began to have COVID. (Oh, my gosh.)
There’s some bad news like: “Ukraine reports massive attack from Belarus.” I told you already, Russia has different armies from different countries. (Yes, Master.) And Ukraine is alone. It’s not fair. (Gosh.) Terrible.
And many other bad news. But we will just make some of the international ones. (Yes, Master.)
“Auschwitz Museum says that it is also being used like propaganda for Russia.”
But there’s also some strange news like, “Russian air defense system suffers epic malfunction.” (Oh.) A video shows that. And also, “Pro-Russian militants say that they have taken Ukrainian fortified positions.” (Oh, no.)
And the earthquake in Afghanistan is making trouble for the Taliban because they have a hard time to respond to the earthquake victims because of international isolation as well. (Oh, yes, gosh.)
But some good news from Ukraine like, “The Ukrainians destroyed some of the Russian combat instruments like tanks and ammunition.” (Yes, Master.) And also, “Ukrainian special forces work with artillery units, take out Russian forces.” So, they gain here and they lose there. (Yes, Master.)
The “G7 must act to help tackle global hunger crisis.” The German UN Food Agency said something like that. (Yes, Master.)
“Some people have to drive through Russia to escape the Ukraine war.”
And “World leaders are facing crises on all fronts. Putin will be watching if they fail.” (Oh.)
And some “Ukraine farm animals burned alive in Russian bombing.” Oh, God! Poor animal-people! Oh, God! Oh!
“In the UK and mainland Europe, there are fresh transport strikes.” (Yes, Master.) All this, only bad news.
And “Germany ends Nazi-era abortion ad law.” (Oh.) I will check it out, probably abortion advertisement. They will allow that. (Yes, Master.)
“Op-Ed: Ukraine suffers, but Putin and Russia will be the loser.” Some positive opinions. (Yes, Master. Sounds true.) Hope so.
“Oslo police believe mass shooting that killed 2 and injured 10 was terror attack.” It’s everywhere, just shooting, shooting. (Yes, Master.) There’s not one day gone by that I don’t see any shooting news on the screen of the internet.
“Russia pushes to block second city in eastern Ukraine.”
There’s another shooting at a gay bar here. (Oh.) Oh, God. Injured 21 and killed two. Oh, terrible.
And there is, “Putin’s top priest collapses during Russian Church ceremony.” (Oh, wow.) Must be a bad one.
And the Washington Post says something like, an assessment from Western countries, saying, “Russia will soon exhaust its combat capabilities.” So optimistic. They said that even though there is a Russian advance, it’s likely to stall during the coming weeks as “Putin dealt blow.”
This is, “Ukrainians fire three large tactical ballistic missiles at Russian forces, ammo depots.” This is from Metro press agent.
“Russia hit with a series of unexplained explosions as two fireballs cause mass blackout.” They always have some mysterious explosions. Nobody knows why and where from. (Yes.)
“The Ukrainians’ American-made rockets blast the Russians for the first time.” Well, there are some good news and bad news for Ukraine. (Yes, Master.)

And there’s some good news here: “One hundred million dollar World Bank loan approved to resolve malnutrition in Philippines.” (Wow.)
Somebody here is saying that “Foreign chief Locsin says no more joint exploration of oil with China.”
Russian air force struggling in Ukraine because of combat problem. That’s it.
And then it comes back to the small news here from my mobile phone.
“Kremlin officials see that NATO is preparing for war with Russia.” “Ukrainian sappers remove bomb from Kharkiv block.”

That is that for now. I haven’t the time to read more than that. Every day our world doesn’t seem to be a peaceful era at all. (No, it doesn’t, Master.) Even some good news is also from the war. (Yes.) And from hunger, from problems. (Yes, always sad.) Even if problem solving, there is a problem there. (Yes, Master.) Bad things and good things are just together somehow. (Yes, Master.) We never can have all good things in this world. And that’s just two and a half days that I looked into the Internet. There’s so many bad news like that! All bad news! (Yes, Master. It’s a lot.) Many other news are also bad news. (Yes, Master.) Or just nothing to be happy about. I did not have time to write all that down. But even just that is enough already for you to know what kind of world we live in. In two and a half days, so much bad news like that. (Yes, Master.) […]

Every time I send you news, I only send those that I think are good ones. Because news, they sometimes also develop. Sometimes they say something, but that’s in the early stage of the matter. Later they report updated. (Yes, Master.) Then I will send you the updated. […] We don’t support fake news, and I mean that. You know that. (Yes, Master.)
So, now this monkeypox is new, and they consider to announce it to the world, the World Health Organization, whether or not to announce that it’s an emergency already. (Yes, Master.) In the beginning, they said it’s only transmitted in some remote corner, maybe Africa or something like that. But it’s updated, updated all the time. (Yes, Master.) And lately it’s all over already. It’s not just in Africa or that remote corner anymore. And they even discovered that it’s airborne. And then, for example, I said that people should wear masks. This is in the news like that. (Yes, Master.)
And then the scientists also discovered that the monkeypox now changed their attitude, changed their quality, changed their strategy, so now it’s airborne even. So that is why they recommended masks. Before they said that it’s only through touching, or close contact, physical contact. And now they found it’s not just that. (Yes, Master.) They changed, just like COVID-19 has mutated. Now they found it’s different. The scientists don’t know why the monkeypox changed, they still don’t know yet. (Yes.) But they say it is airborne.
I wanted really this news, the news about monkeypox to come out as early as possible, so people can take care. (Yes, Master.) Wear masks or whatever, or don’t touch, or don’t go near sick people, stuff like that. They will be more careful.
The American Center for Disease Control, you know how harmful they have been to American citizens already. The CDC. They always say this, say that and the other, always changing – all these last two years about the pandemic.

“Media Report from Blaze TV – Jan. 6, 2022 Stu Burguiere (m): It doesn’t seem like these changes come from a position of science. They (CDC) change it to five days, and now they want to add a testing requirement after getting pressure from other groups. Pressure is supposed to be what science is supposed to ignore. It’s not supposed to have anything to do with pressure.
Drew Holden (m): Exactly. And Stu, most of this pressure is coming from pretty well-heeled financially and politically powerful organizations. We saw almost overnight, a handful of organizations and then a lot of media people putting a little bit of pressure on a rule that they don’t like, almost instantly forces the science to then correct itself.
Stu Burguiere (m): The CDC is really setting a new standard for incompetence.”

Maybe you have not seen all that news but I have. I informed myself. I have to. (Yes, Master.) I want to take care of you. That’s also one point, one main point of it. I have to show what's going on.

And who got COVID now? Tell me. Mr. who? (Fauci.) Yeah. He got COVID. You know, right? (Yes, Master.) So much for the golden advice. Harming so many Americans already, telling them to get vaccines, and then make the government, not just endorse, but enforce. (Yes, Master.) So, tens of thousands of people lost their jobs because they didn’t want the vaccine, because they know so much other information. (Yes, Master.) Maybe some also misinformation, but some not – some news that they suppressed. I have read that Pfizer knows that it’s harmful, and not effective, but still did not openly announce it to the world. I read one news that was quickly deleted after. (Yes, Master.) […]
And there was a news also that one-third of Americans should wear masks. I didn't make it all up. I wanted the people to know the news, also. The public. So, whoever wants to protect themselves can try. (Yes, Master, understand.) And if they don’t want, I can’t force them. But if I know something good for them, I should tell them. (Yes, Master.) […]
And this head is controversial, and has done so much harm already. And then, there are leaking news, saying that Fauci is the one who spearheaded the experiments of this COVID-19 virus in China. They financed it. (Yes, Master. Oh, wow.)

“Media Report from Fox News – Oct. 30, 2021 Reporter (f): The NIH (National Institutes of Health) providing documents to the House of Representatives showing that the NIH did fund gain of function research in Wuhan.”

So, after the news of COVID leaked out, that laboratory burnt out, moved away, and no trace was left. If there’s nothing, they wouldn’t have done that. (Yes, Master.) It maybe has something to do with it – somehow. (Yes, Master.) So much for believing in these people. […] They still keep investigating. Even up to not long ago, they investigated and still the news kept surfacing. We can say maybe the news is not correct. Maybe Fauci didn’t do it – maybe they did not finance a China laboratory to create this kind of virus, and then it leaked out by chance. (Yes, Master.) But some of the scientists have said that themselves also, that they knew it. They saw it with their own eyes. Because they know the genome from the lab there, and the genome of COVID. Identical. (Yes, Master.) But of course, they shut her up. They shut her boss up also. Her boss even told her, “Don’t say anything. Don’t say anything.” (Yes.) And these are only two cases that leaked out. There are other people who you can never chase. (Yes, Master.) You might never know who they are and where they went already.
So, even if we think so, we cannot always believe everything the news says. Maybe that’s not true news. But, how can you believe everything that the CDC or Fauci says when it all went wrong? (Yes, Master.) And you can see it already. It’s not I who said it. People are vaccinated – three times, and boosted again – two times. Still sick and die! Or have complications. (Yes, Master.) So, I’m not saying anything just because of the news. I have been observing it. And, of course, the news is just to prove it. (Yes, Master.) […]
So, this is the latest. The updated latest. That monkeypox is airborne and you should wear a mask anyway. If it’s airborne, you should wear a mask. That’s simple. No matter if I say it or not, or who says. (Yes, Master.) What do you do with the airborne? You have to cover. No? (Yes. That’s right.) And then the CDC goes ahead and says no need masks. Again? How many more people does he want to kill, this guy? (Wow. Yes.) He himself already got COVID, just to prove that he’s so wise, and he knows everything, how to protect. I’m telling you. […]
Even if all the news that I told you right now about the monkeypox is airborne, and you should wear a mask, it will do you no harm. (Yes. That’s true, Master.) It does nobody harm. (Yes, Master.) It will do them good only. Because the pandemic and every other virus are all around still, and it’s spiking again now. (Yes.)
The pandemic is spiking up everywhere, even in Taiwan (Formosa). It used to be better before. Now if I look at the news, 100-something people die in Taiwan (Formosa) every day. And tens of thousands of new cases. (Yes, Master.) It’s terrible. Oh, God.
But humans brought it upon themselves. Nowadays, there’s so much information everywhere, they just probably don’t look at it. They just watch TV, whatever news they like, or watch those movies. (Yes, Master.) Because they work hard every day, and they come home, they don’t want to think, they can’t think anymore – no time. So, if they have time, they just watch some quick news, and then just watch a movie, or maybe, like, drop dead in between already, on the sofa or anything. (Yes, Master.) Oh, God.
So, it’s very difficult to lead humans into a better kind of life. (Yes, Master.) Because life in this world is already too demanding on the physical strength and mental ability. (Yes, Master.) They are tired from all sides – mental, physical, psychological; anything. Anything. (Yes, Master.) That’s why I just feel so sorry for humans. They’re just all trapped, all trapped. Some people have to work two, three jobs, to make ends meet, for their family. (Yes, Master.) Terrible. They don’t have enough time to sleep, just a couple of hours, or three, four hours. If they have debt, then that’s it. They have to work like that all their life. (Yes, Master.) If they have also many children, and they don’t have enough income, then they have to do that, all their life. Until the children grow big, then maybe they stop working so hard. They still continue working, because of the house mortgage. (Oh, yes.) Car insurance and petrol and nowadays gas prices skyrocket because of the war. (Yes, Master.)
The war even interferes with farming in other countries like Brazil, they don’t have fertilizer. They’re complaining about that. (Yes, Master.) And many African countries don’t have food.

“Media Report from The Economist – May 17, 2022 Reporter (m): Every day the war lasts, world food supplies are damaged.
Edward (m): It could affect hundreds of millions of the world’s most vulnerable people and all across the world. About 80% of Egypt’s grain comes from Ukraine and Russia, and that’s 100 million people in Egypt. There are 90 million people in the Congo and about 70% of their grain comes from Ukraine and Russia.”
“Media Report from CBC Canada – June 13, 2022 Amin (m): Prices in the world are going up. We see in some countries up to 13% of inflation. We see shortages of food in many parts of the world, especially in the Sahel of Africa, the Horn of Africa and other populous countries.”
“Media Report from CNN – June 8, 2022 Michael (m): The region that I’m overseeing, Eastern and Africa in the Horn, this time last year, we estimated there were 50 million people acutely food-insecure, acutely hungry. Today, that figure is up at 84 million. So, 34 million people additionally. It’s not all because of the war, but it’s the combination of conflicts in places like Tigray and Somalia. It’s the effects of climate change. We’ve got the worst drought in 40 years in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia. Then, of course there is the macroeconomic impact of COVID, which has decimated economies across the region. And now, we have the war in Ukraine, which is accelerating the levels of hunger and malnutrition across the region.”
“Media Report from CBC Canada – June 13, 2022 Amin (m): Between fuel, energy, food and finance, there is a combined crisis that the world is feeling, seeing, and it needs to be addressed and addressed quickly.”

Starvation everywhere and on top of that, drought. Or bad, unprecedented floods. Either very dry or flooding like that. (Yes, Master.) What kind of world is this? And people still can continue to live on.
Wow. Truly, humans are so strong. Strong but just for not very noble and not very helpful purposes. (Yes, Master.) Just to work and earn money and have to spend it on meat and then after meat, spend it on hospital and medicine. (Right. Yes, Master.) Because the meat makes you sick and the alcohol also to boot. (Yes.) And/or cigarettes and drugs. Oh, that’s it. (Yes, Master.) It doesn’t help you to eat meat, to drink alcohol, because you will spend it on hospital and doctors. (Oh, yes.) And suffering as well. […]
Not one day goes by without any bad news. Like mass shootings anywhere. (Yes.) Ten people die, 20 people die, or two, three, four people die from shootings. (Yes.) Or car accidents or fall into a ditch or sink holes. Or the flood took away the whole house, fell into a river and everything with it, and also sometimes people’s lives in it as well. (Yes, Master.) Everywhere, every time there’s news, mostly all bad news like that. (Yes.) All these people’s crimes, raping or killing children or women, or even older women are killed, robbery everywhere. (Yes, Master.) All these are also bad news but just not as big. (Yes, Master.) But every day, everywhere. My God. […] Oh, terrible. I don’t know how humans can continue to live like this. It has to change. It has to become better. Oh, dear. What difficulty. […]

I don’t even enjoy reading news. It’s mostly bad news. (Yes.) It’s to prove some point or to alert people in the world. (Yes, Master.) At least the children, maybe they listen, because they are innocent. Maybe. I save whomever I can. (Yes, Master.)
First, physically, so that they can continue to maybe develop, and maybe by chance they will find some Master or listen to Supreme Master Television. Maybe become enlightened, who knows. (Yes, Master.) But physically, they have to be alive first. (Yes.) So that’s important. It’s not that it is so materialistic and not important. It is important! If you didn’t have your body, you couldn’t have found me. Right? You, yourselves. (Yes. True. Right, Master.) Or some of your brothers couldn’t have found you and told you this news, that there is an initiation, that you could be enlightened, you could be liberated in one lifetime. (Yes, Master.) […]

Host: Most Benevolent Master, our deep appreciation for always showing empathy and sincere understanding for humankind – especially our weaknesses, while encouraging our innate strengths to overcome them. We pray that Your heartfelt and unconditional message for the world to U-turn now and leave behind suffering and violence through the compassionate vegan lifestyle be heard and put into action as soon as possible. Only then may we really know the status of being the crown of creation – by wearing the crown of loving kindness. May Beloved Master be forever safe and in excellent health, in the constant protection of all Magnificent Godses.
To learn what else Supreme Master Ching Hai has shared on the current state of the world and to find out more about Her devoted Helper Good Love, as well as the identity of the three Ascended Masters who are always around Her, please tune in to Between Master and Disciples at a later date for the full broadcast of this conference.
Also, for your reference, please check out the previous related Fly-in News / Between Master and Disciples conferences, such as: Fly-in News:
[b]Treasure Others’ Lives by Making Peace[/b]
[b]Only Peacemakers Can Go to Heaven[/b]
[b]Forgiveness Dissolves Vengeance and Brings World Peace[/b]




[url=]Noteworthy News
 / Fly-in News
Vegan and Peace Offer Us Paradise, Meat-eating and War Destroy Everything, June 15, 2022

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Host: On Wednesday, June 15, 2022, our Most Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai once again graciously called Supreme Master Television team members. During the conference, Master kindly shared Her thoughts and wisdom on recent events and good news reported by the team, as well as on a question from one of the members. Later, Master also relayed some more good news, concerning Ukraine.

(Master, p. Francis, he again tries to defend Russia’s war on Ukraine, saying that the war was provoked or not prevented. And also he went on further to say that he will not reduce the war to good versus bad. And another thing, he’s also denying that he’s pro-Putin, but Master, I don’t think what he says is correct or right, and I don’t agree with him. What do You think, Master?) What do I think? (Yes. Can you share Your thoughts please?)
This guy again? He has to open his blood-dripping mouth again? For what? (Yes.) He can’t just let it go. He’s having problems walking already and he still wants to have problems with his mouth also? I told you, the little punishment is just a warning. First an operation, and now the knee problem, and then he wants a mouth problem, as well?
I’m telling you what. The war, everybody knows already that it’s unprovoked. (Yes, Master.) And maybe they could have prevented it if NATO let Ukraine join them. (Right, Master. Yes, Master.) And EU also. But the thing is, it’s all excuses. There’s no need to say anything, whether or not it is preventable, or whether or not it is provoked. It’s not the Ukrainians who are provoking. (That’s true. Right, Master.) And it is not the Ukrainians who can prevent this war anyway. So, what’s the use of the blah blah, blah blah. (That’s true, Master.)
And even if it’s provoked, you don’t go and just rape children, women, and elderly, even. And you don’t just kill all the civilians like that. (Yes, Master. Exactly.) These are not politicians, they are just farmers and housewives or husbands and wives and children. (Yes.) They already tried to run away from bombs, they hide in some cellars. They’re hiding there already – still bomb them, where they’re trying to hide. (Yes, Master.) Bomb exactly where they want to hide – it’s all children and women there.
So, if provoked or not provoked, this war is absolutely evil. (Right, Master. Yes, Master.) Killing anybody like that, for nothing. And stealing their grain, their equipment, their money, even their water heater their underwear, and their clothes. These are so despicable, lowlife and evil. (Yes, Master. That’s right.) There’s no excuse at all in the whole world. You cannot find any excuse in the dictionary to define this war. (That’s right.)
So, there’s no need to talk about this p. anymore. You can tell that he’s evil himself, because he’s trying to defend evil. (Yes, Master. Right.) And nobody asked him even, nobody even pays him as a lawyer or anything. (Yes, Master. True.) And even if he’s not evil – just say you doubt whether or not he’s evil, then why does he defend Russia? (Yes, Master.) Many oligarchs. (Yes.) Rich country. (Right.) So, money talks. (Yes, Master. Right.) It’s nothing good at all. No sympathy for the victims.
What for is he trying to defend the war now? What for? (Yes.) What’s the use of it now? (Right, Master. True. No use, Master.) No use at all. (No.) And just rubbing salt in the wounds of the Ukrainian people. (That’s right.) Make them suffer more. (Yes, Master. That’s true.) Even if he cannot comfort them or offer some good prayer or anything, he should not make them suffer more by saying nonsense, by defending their enemy. (Yes, Master.)
Even if it was provoked, it’s not to the extent that you go and kill all the civilians or their citizens, the innocent, the defenseless. (Yes, Master. That’s right.) This is beyond cowardice, beyond evil. (Yes, indeed.)

And what did he say? He’s not pro what? (He denies that he’s pro-Putin.) Then what for does he defend the war of Putin? (True. Exactly. Yes.) Trying to minimize the blame. (Yes, Master.) I don’t know how much Putin gave him. It’s just like in Russia there is a patriarch. His name is Kirill. He said Putin is a miracle from God. I wonder how much that miracle cost. Putin is a very rich man. (Yes.) I just saw his $1.4 billion palace. (Wow.) […]
You remember this guy, p. Francis, he’s pro-everything that is not moral and not humane. If you remember, he was pro-abortion because he treated those who make abortion rights into law like saints. (Yes, Master.) And he also proclaimed that, “sins of the flesh are not too serious.” Remember? (Yes, Master, that’s true.) Concerning all these people who had like extra marital affairs, or even hinting of sexual abuse of children. (Yes, Master.) So, he is also pro-child sexual abuse. (Yes.) So, he is pro-abortion, pro-sins and even encourages people to sin. (Yes, Master.) Because he said sins of the flesh are not serious. And he is also pro-sexual abuse of children, the victims, he ignores them even, when they complain, they plea.
And now he is pro-Putin or pro-war, it’s just another evil approval. (Yes.) Nothing surprises us anymore. Is there? (No, no, Master. Not at all.) He’s not pro-Putin. He’s not actually. (Why, Master.) Do you know why I say that? (No, why, Master? No, we don’t, Master.) Because he’s pro-Satan. (Yes. Right.) So, it’s worse. (Yes, Master.)
You know already, many disciples saw him like an evil demon. (Yes, Master.) Very special and ugly looking demon. So, of course, anything he says like that shouldn’t be a surprise anymore, only the world will be surprised. But those who know him, like those psychic people, clairvoyant people and seers, they know. (Yes.) Just most of the world doesn’t know who he really is. (Yes, Master. Right, Master.) That’s it. Only some people know. (Yes.)
Let me see how many people know in the world. Just let me look. Only 19 people know. (Wow.) But 90 people know Biden is also a demon. (Oh.) Ninety. But for Francis, only 19. One-nine people know. (Oh. Wow.) I did not check. That’s not including me. (Yes, Master.) […]
You can see not just what he says only, but his attitude. (Yes, Master. That’s right.) He continues about it. (Yes, exactly. Yes, Master.) Tries so hard. What for anyway? What’s the use of that to stop the war? How can it stop the war, even? How can it help the Ukrainians feel comforted? (Yes, that’s true. Right.)
The Ukrainians are going bankrupt, you know that? They can’t work, they can’t earn anything. All their precious life-saving food is stuck in their silos. And they’re trying hard now to send them through other countries. Not through the Black Sea. But it’s more complicated and difficult. (Yes, Master.)
And many of the Russian occupied areas now, they’re selling it and cashing in the money, not the Ukrainians. Do you understand? (Oh, yes, Master.)
And the Ukrainians who can earn from it are stuck. They don’t dare to go even through the Black Sea, even though the Kremlin says they’re going to make a corridor for them to export, import food. But they’re scared because there are mines floating around in the sea there. (Yes, Master.) Made in Russia. (Yes.) “Not prevented.” The mines are “provoked.” And also not prevented. That’s why they are floating in the Black Sea. So, people are also very scared to even go through there. (Yes, Master.)
Just like many times before Russia said they opened humanitarian corridors but then they bombed them or they put mines on their road. (Yes. Right. It’s true.) And people still die. And many people don’t dare to go out anymore to go to other countries as refugees. They were stopped. […] (Yes.) Because the refugees “provoked” Putin, I guess. That’s why he bombed them. And all the civilians and all the little children “provoked” the Russian soldiers. That’s why they rape them, they kill them, or they torture them.
I’m telling you. I don’t know why this pope is still there. I think the whole Catholic believers should kick him out. (Yes, Master.) Go make him earn his own money so he can feed himself instead of drinking expensive wines, special wines, and eating such big turkey-people and “moo” beef, raw beef, so, the blood is dripping out of his mouth even. Yuck. What kind of people who are supposed to preach for compassion for all beings and then eat the raw flesh of animal-people? This is really not just barbarous, but like a caveman, like a savage being. (That’s right.) Yuck. […]

Any more questions? […] (We don’t have questions but we actually do have a few good news.) Really? Tell me. (The European Union has adopted a regulation suspending all duties on imports of Ukrainian goods for one year. The step was taken to support the Ukrainian economy and address global food insecurity.)
I hope it helps. Because, Ukraine has to borrow money. They borrow many billions per month. Because they really, really are down to their pennies already. (Yes, Master.) Of course, they are one of the largest exporters of farm produce and they could not do it now. And their farmers even want to go out and fight Russia. (Yes, Master.) And so they’re short of many things. Short of manpower as well and now President Zelenskyy told on the internet that every day the war in the east kills up to 200 soldiers alone. (Oh.) Soldiers only, not to talk about civilians yet. (Wow.)
Because Russia is still attacking very viciously. (That’s right.) They still have money because Europe has not completely stopped all their imports yet. (Yes, Master.) Because of the time, they have to adjust, and also, the contract. (Yes.) And also only oil now, gas, they still use Russia’s. Many still use. (Yes, Master. Right.) And even if Europe, America and many of the West countries don’t buy gas and oil from Russia anymore, but China does. (Wow.) Before they didn’t want, and now they bought – the biggest spender. Germany, India, and many other countries. (Yes, Master.) So, they still earn up to one hundred billion dollars, almost, since the war began – not to talk about before and after yet. (Wow.) So, with all this money, they can still keep the war going on for a while, if they want to. (Yes, Master.)

“Media Report from ET Canada – Jun. 15, 2022 Arnold Schwarzenegger: The 1,300 missiles that Russia launched in the Ukraine cities during the first two months of the war cost €7.7 billion. Now, that's a lot. But during that same time, Europe sent to Russia €44 billion for fuel. They're saying, ‘Hey, at least we don't have to pay for this war. The Europeans are sending us the money. They're paying for the war.’ No matter how you look at it, we have blood on our hands because we are financing the war. We have to stop lying to ourselves.”

And the Kremlin doesn’t care how many Russians die in Ukraine. They blame Russian soldiers or leaders for lack of capability and skill, but it’s not like that. It’s the Heavens who helped the Ukrainians. (Yes, Master.) So, even it’s reported in the news that many of the missiles or their bombs are going in different places. It doesn’t hit where they want. (Oh.) Many. Some do, some do. They keep shelling though. And of course, the angels and the Protectors cannot do that job all the time. (Yes, Master.) They cannot stop all that, but they stopped a lot – the majority of it, otherwise, Ukraine would have been lost already. (Oh. Wow.) The whole Ukraine, not to talk about the east. (Yes, Master.)
So, many of Heavens are helping hugely. Otherwise, Ukraine would have been gone already. And that’s what Putin also expected. He was surprised that Ukraine fought back. And the Kremlin didn’t think that Ukraine could. (Yes, Master.) But it’s because Heaven helped them. They should know that. It’s very obvious to the Russian people that the Kremlin should know that. But the Kremlin, they’re communists, they don’t believe in Heaven. (Yes, Master.) They believe in nothing. They think it’s only one life and done, finished. How stupid can that be? (True. Right.)
You can’t just say you come from the air and then you go back to the air. How can that be that everything is created in minute detail? Everything is perfect. (Yes, Master.) There must be something behind all this creation. (Yes, that’s right.) For example, why is it when you die, you cannot talk anymore? You still have the same body, same mouth. And you could even die healthy, not like sick or handicapped or anything. Some people die in perfect health, and they still have the perfect body. (Yes.) Why is it the mouth doesn’t move? Why is it the eyes don’t open? Why is it the lungs don’t take in air? Why is it the heart doesn’t beat? (Yes, Master.) There is something behind it. (That’s right, Master. Yes, Master.)
Communism that doesn’t believe in Divinity is a stupid, stupid theory. (Yes, that’s right. Yes, Master.) This is beyond idiocy. (Yes, Master.) Whatever you don’t know, you should do research and wait until maybe you can prove it by scientific evidence. (Right. Yes, Master.) So stupid, such a stupid people. How can stupid people lead anything? That’s why Russia just goes in and kills anybody like that. Because they don’t have intelligence. (Yes, Master. That’s true.) They don’t even have common sense, not to talk about compassion, benevolence or fairness. Nothing like that. They don’t have it because they don’t believe anything in that. They don’t believe in Heaven. They don’t believe that humans are truly the children of God, that God made them. (Yes, Master.) That they have souls and spirits, wisdom and intelligence to go with them. If the communists behave like this, then you can see they are stupid, heartless and soulless. (Yes, true, Master.) There’s nothing you can make an excuse for. Nothing. (Yes, right, Master.) […]
No wonder many countries want to get out. And once they’re out, they don’t ever want to go back again. (Yes.) If communism was so good, like it takes care of all the poor people, and fairness and good society, then why do they all want to get out? (True. Yes.) Once they could, they broke up the whole Soviet Union. (Yes.) They never wanted to look back even. Humans love happiness and ease. Simple. So, if communism is really good, intelligent and beneficial to people, then why did they want to go? Why did they want to leave? (Yes, right. Indeed. That’s right.) And they don’t even want to come back or look back even. (Yes.)
And now, when communist Russia doesn’t want to even threaten them, they wanted to go to NATO. (Yes.) Just to show that they are opposite. Just to show, express, that they don’t want Russia, they don’t want communism anymore. (Yes, Master.) People run away. […]
Maybe in the beginning, the Kremlin thought that they could win Ukraine easily. (Yes.) But by now they should know. Tens of thousands of their young children died already. (Yes. Yes, Master.) And all of the generals who were sent to Ukraine died already. They keep sending new ones. (Yes.) I don’t know how many more they have. They could promote the colonels into generals and make more of them, but still, how many more generals do they want to die? (True. Yes.) How many more young, beautiful, handsome, innocent and idealistic Russian children do they want to die? How many more Russian children, young like that, does the Kremlin want to be dead in Ukraine, in the war? How many more? So many already. They should take them home, before they all die. (Yes, Master. That’s right.)

“Media Report from NBC News – June 13, 2022 Zelenskyy: Russian generals see their people simply as the cannon fodder they need to gain an advantage in numbers – in manpower, in military equipment. And this means only one thing: Russia can cross the line of 40,000 of its lost troops already in June. In no other war, in many decades have they lost so much.”

Even Ukrainians also die. (Yes.) Many tens of thousands of them, according to reports, and many tens of thousands of them also wounded. (Yes.) The same with Russia. Not just dying, but wounded as well. Tens of thousands of them are also wounded. Tens of thousands died, tens of thousands wounded. How many more people do these Kremlin gangs want to die before they stop the war? (Yes, Master.)
I don’t know why this p. Francis is still so stupid, and continues to blow his own cover. (Yes.) He’s shooting himself in the foot. (Right. Yes, Master.) Because whatever he says doesn’t make any sense. (It’s true. Indeed. Yes.) He’s not fit for a spiritual leader. (That’s right, Master. Right.) Supposed to have compassion, sympathy and love. No, nothing. (Yes. Right.) Stone faced and saying stone things. (Yes.) Not an ounce of love from his talk. Even, sometimes forced by other people. […]

Any more good news? […] (Yes, Master. A center for Ukrainian refugees has opened in the Lithuanian capital of Vilnius. It will offer education, career guidance, psychological assistance, and recreation for children, youth and adults.) OK. God bless them. (The center was the joint idea of the First Lady of Ukraine and the First Lady of Lithuania.)
OK, very good. The First Lady of Ukraine is working very hard. She rarely appears in the public, but she does work behind the scenes to help these desperate citizens. She’s a good girl. (Yes, Master.) She also contacted Macron’s wife, the First Lady of France so that they can send some refugees and take care of all that for the refugees in France and for the children. (Yes, Master.) Many countries are trying hard now, to help the Ukrainians in all different ways. (Yes. That’s right. Right, Master.)
But still, this costs a lot of money in the long run. (Yes, Master. Understand, Master.) Every country, even if they are generous, they have to spend a lot of money and have to take care of more infrastructure and more personnel in all different fields. (Yes, Master. True.) Not just doctors, psychologists, schools, rooms, food and clothing, but many other things. […] It takes a long time for the refugees to get back to their normal mind, if they could ever get back. If the children could even forget all the nightmares that they have seen and underwent. (Yes, Master.)

“Media report from CNN – Apr. 9, 2022 Salma(f): Irina and her son Kriel fled Chernihiv after spending days hiding in a cellar. ‘It's getting easier,’ she says, ‘but he flinches in his sleep.’ ‘Mom, I have nightmares,’ he tells her. Does he still feel scared? ‘Yes, sometimes. But I try to calm him. We go outside and breathe fresh air,’ she says.”

Oh, man. So, this war is not just about Ukraine. It’s about Europe. All over Europe. (That’s right.) NATO should actually kick Russian soldiers out of Europe. (Yes, Master. Indeed. Right, they should.) Whatever it is, the best is that the Russians are out. (Yes, Master.) And all these, separatists, also out. (Yes.) If they don’t like Ukraine, they should go. If they like Russia, go to Russia, man! (Yes, right.) So simple. Go there and ask Putin, if they still believe that he’s alive, ask him to give them some official work. […] Russia is big. (Yes.) The Kremlin can give them some piece of land. Maybe could be even bigger than Donetsk or Luhansk, because Russia is so huge. (Yes, that’s right. Right, it is.) […]
OK, it’s good, it's good that all countries try to help but the best is that they kick the Russians out of Europe. (That’s right. Indeed.) Because Ukraine is in Europe as well. (Yes. That’s right.) So kick Russia out back to their own Asian land. Kick them out of Europe before they eat everything up and kill everybody. (Yes, Master. That’s true.)
Because they still earn money from gas and oil from other different countries. It’s very noble of Europe to cut gas and oil imports all of a sudden like that. (Yes, Master.) I feel respect for them. But it’s not enough. Because other countries are still buying a lot of oil and gas from them. Especially now, maybe they make it cheaper even so that they can sell more. (Right Master. Yes.) They can sell for many more, many more, for long future years. (Yes, Master.)
So they still can keep the war, because the Kremlin doesn’t care how many of their children die in Ukraine. Least of all, how many Ukrainian people will die. (Yes.) They care about nothing. They are safe in the Kremlin. (Yes, Master.) They’re safe with all their nuclear weapons and threaten everybody nowadays. They threaten everybody, even the United States. (Yes.) Not just Europe. Europe is just the beginning. (Yes.) […]

They threaten America now. Maybe not directly the United States, but they threaten in many other ways. You know, spying, and cyberattacks. (Yes, Master.) And all kinds of things. Financial, and intellectual, and they infiltrate everywhere. And now, they signed a contract with Nicaragua that Russia can send armies there, station there for Nicaragua and in Nicaragua. (Oh.) Isn’t that a neighbor of the United States or many other countries? (Yes, Master.) In America. […] It’s nearby. (Yes, Master.) Nearer than from Russia to America. (That’s true. Yes. That’s right.) […] And they stepped in already. (Yes.)
I don’t know what for Nicaragua wants to have Russian soldiers there for them. What for? They’re not in a war or anything. (Yes. Right) And in their country. Wow. You see another stepping stone for Russia to jump everywhere. (Yes, Master. Yes.) They’re all over Africa and they’re in Europe now. And now they want America. (Yes, right, Master.) And of course, they have other allies, like China to back them up.
Oh man, man, man. What for do they want to be in America? I tell you. What for? (Yes, Master.) With their nuclear and with some of the missiles that they're boasting they could fire from 1000 kilometers away. So, if they’re nearer, they can fire from there. (Yes, Master. True) From Russia is maybe more difficult. (Yes, that’s true.)
I don't know what Nicaragua is doing that for. Probably the government needs money. (That’s right.) Some black market stuff. What else? (Right. Yes.) Why else can it be so easy? (Yes, exactly.) What for you invite a big, powerful and warmonger country into your country? (Yes. That’s right.) It must be a bad government, I’m telling you. (Yes. That’s right.) It cannot be the people who want it.
Many governments in the world, up to now, many of them are doing these kinds of things. Any kinds of things which are not good for their people, but good for them. (Yes.) Sometimes they team up with gangsters or bad organizations to topple good governments, so that they can go up to be a new president, for example. (Yes, Master.) Or a new prime minister, and then continue doing business with that group, to make money for them. And that's the condition. That’s the price. (Yes.)
So, it is similar, Russia must have given them something for free, to sign the treaty. (Yes, Master.) But they should know, Russia doesn’t always keep their promise. (That’s true.) How many promises they broke already? With the United Nations, with Ukraine, with NATO even. They broke all these treaties. (Yes. Exactly.) So, Nicaragua is just a small little country, what would they care about a treaty? What would Russia care about keeping a promise. (Right, Master. Yes, Master.) And once it’s signed already, you’ll be carrying that debt forever. […]

Oh man, what a world. If I could, I would just take you back Home now; we forget this world. I don't know why I cannot forget it yet. But you can see, it looks like Heavens want to destroy humans. (Yes, Master.) All kinds of things, not just war. (Yes.) Everywhere. It's too scary to live in this world. (Yes, it is. Yes, Master. Yes. Very.) For anybody. (Yes. Right.) For the poor people. […]

One little good news that sounds more peaceful, is that in the beginning, the pro-Russian forces in the Donbas region captured three volunteer Ukrainian soldiers. They’re not Ukrainians, they just volunteered to come and fight with the Ukrainians. Two are British and one is Moroccan. […] They sentenced them to death, and they were going to execute them. I saw it now and then, they said there’s no reason not to carry out that execution, that sentence. (Yes, Master.)
But yesterday or the day before, I saw that the British side said that they’ll do anything to free their men, free these two death-sentenced prisoners. (Yes.) And then, I saw another one, the next day, that these Donbas pro-Russian governing bodies said that they’re ready to hear what the British want to say about the prisoners. (Right.) They didn’t even want to swap prisoners. (Yes.)
So probably it will cost the British something to bring these two British prisoners back. I hear nothing from the Moroccan government. But I heard that from the British. […] (Yes.) It’s softer now. (Yes, Master.) It seems more peaceful. (Yes.) It seems like the Kremlin has a softer voice. It could be because of Putin’s death. (Yes.)

Because today, I just read a news again. It says something like… I’ll read it to you. (Yes, Master.) It’s on Newsweek. It says: “Putin ally pleads for reinforcements in Ukraine, but receives blunt response from Kremlin.” (Oh.) It continues a little bit further down: “A request for Russian military assistance from the head of a Moscow-backed rebel in Ukraine's Donbas region has been batted away by the Kremlin.” (Wow.) You hear that? (Yes, Master.) That means the Kremlin doesn’t want to support these rebels anymore. (Oh, wow.)
Oh, I can’t believe this. Thank God. (Yes, Master.) […] I think it’s the time that everybody wakes up now. The Russian people feel different now. They probably have woken up from the nightmare. Because what for are these separatists fighting with their Ukrainian compatriots. (No, they don’t have any reason to.) They’re co-citizens in one country. (Yes, Master.)
There is news here that they say: “The pro-Russia separatists say they’re inflicting losses on Ukrainian forces.” They show, “Luhansk People’s Republic separatists engaging in combat against Ukrainian forces.” They are also Ukrainians! (Yes, they are. Right.) And then they’re inflicting harm and trouble onto their own countrymen for no reason. (That’s right. Right.) No matter what reason, because they’re also Ukrainians and the country was a good and peaceful one. (Yes, Master.)
Because, even if they did not think so before, they did not see the light, they should see it now, because the majority, those that are not under the separatist control, they’re all fleeing from them. (Yes, Master.) Farmers, and even women, old women, young girls, young boys are coming out together to fight Russia. (Yes.) And why would these so-called separatist people think differently? As I said, if they like Russia so much, they should go! (Right, Master. Yes.) Not fighting with their own people like that. (Yes, Master. That’s right.) Oh, this is the devil. […]
So now, people should not just lean on Russia and then think that they can just get anything they want or kill anybody in their own country if they want. That is not morally fit. (Yes, that’s right.) They should be tried for treason if they do not change and repent, and do something to make up for their mistakes. (Yes, Master.)
Now, even if before they did not think that the government is good, they should know by now, because all the people support the government. If not, they run. (Yes.) And they support it, but they have to run, take their children and their elderly away from harm. So they should know that people in Ukraine are not in favor of Putin or Russia governing them. (Yes, Master.) So these separatist people should know by now that their country is good. They should know their country is good and their government is good. As good as it gets. (Yes, Master.) Oh, my God. […]
So, Ukrainians should be Ukrainian, not pro-Russia or not wanting to be Russian-backed. This is just truly evil. (Yes, Master.) And I think the Russian people are waking up now. The ones who decide there don’t want to do anything with them anymore. Suppose people in some region in Russia begin to separate and fight other Russian citizens like that. Would the government like that? (Of course not.) Of course not! Any country, no. Right? (No.) None! And for no reason even. (That’s right.)
They’ve been eating the food from Ukrainian comrades, their own co-citizens. And they’ve been fed by them and nourished by them and taken care of by them until they’ve grown up, and then went, turned around and killed them, their own people. (That’s crazy.) That is no good. And none of the governments should support this kind of mentality of betrayal of their own country and their own people. (Yes, Master.)
I think some of the Russian leaders realize it now. (Yes.) That’s why they don’t want to support them anymore. I guess before, they heard from the separatist people who want to amass their own riches and power, this kind of ambition. (Yes.) These kinds of people probably have been telling Russians that the Ukrainian government is bad and oppressing them. (Yes, Master.) And now maybe the Russian people realize it’s not true! (Ah, yes.) Because all the people in Ukraine support their government. And they even go out to fight with their own government soldiers. (Yes, Master.) And the rest are running from war. So, nobody likes Russia. (Yes, Master.)
Before, maybe they kept injecting some lies, fake news to the Russian leaders. (Yes.) And then, so, that’s why they thought they could win in Ukraine easily, because all the people are pro-Russia and hate the Ukrainian government. And now I think they realize it’s not true. They don’t want to support or to give any more reinforcements to these separatists, to these betrayers of their own country and their own people for no reason. (Yes, Master. Understand.)
So, it’s true that they all know now that the government is not bad, because all the people support them. (That’s right.) Nobody went to Russia and said, “Oh, yes, we are coming with you because our government is bad.” Nobody did that, except these separatists who hunger for power. (Understand.) […]
They think they can just lean on Russia’s power, and then they will be protected and helped and all kinds of stupid stuff. I don’t know if any government at all ever can trust any of these separatists who went against their own country and their own people. (That’s right, Master.) I wouldn’t. (Yes, understand.) Only stupid people would. I don’t think any people would be that stupid to trust these kinds of disloyal citizens of the other country. (That’s right.) I wouldn’t trust them. (Yes, Master.) So now, I hope also that these separatists repent and change. Otherwise, their lives will be gone soon. (Yes, Master.)

So, I hope NATO, Europe and the West will do something, to kick out the Russians, flush them out. (Yes.) Flush them out of Europe. (Yes. Right.) Otherwise, we will be in big trouble. The world will be in a worse situation. No country will be safe because Russia is too aggressive throughout history. They always go here and there, invading this country, that country, control that part, this part. […] (Yes, Master.)
So, they should kick Russia out of Europe. They should get together, then they’re stronger than Russia. They can flush Russia out of Europe before it’s too late. That’s all I can say. That will be the good news if they can do that. (Yes.) That will be the best news concerning the war up to now. (Definitely. Yes, Master.)
But it looks like this NATO leader, he’s as soft as a worm. Or maybe he doesn’t want the war to end. (Oh.) Seems like that. Maybe he enjoys it. And also, he kind of helped Russia and Norway negotiate a deal about their gas and natural oil resources in the sea area between their countries. (Yes, Master.) So, it was OK, so both Russia and Norway divided the area so they could get on with their oil and gas exploration. And that’s how he earned himself the seat of NATO now. People trusted him, thinking that he could be a good guy. (Yes, Master.)
But as I explained before already, this is the time to really prove himself as a good guy. (Yes, Master.) But up to now, I don’t see any sign of it. (Yes, understand.) It seems like he doesn’t care how many Ukrainian people die or how many Russians continue to die in Ukraine, or how much destruction of buildings, even churches, hospitals and many important areas. (Yes, Master.)
So, I’m not sure. At that time maybe it was easy, because Putin wasn’t that leaning toward making war with Ukraine. (Yes.) Maybe he wasn’t ready at that time. And now, he really makes war with Ukraine. So many tens of thousands of people died on both sides, and millions of refugees, and children are orphans, homeless and raped, killed, murdered and tortured, and all that going on – and he does nothing. And even standing there tall and confirming that they are not doing anything. NATO will protect their own member’s land only. (Yes, Master.) Oh, yuck. So sickening.
I mean, if NATO has some guts, then they should do something. (Yes, Master.) And if NATO really has no spine, then please, Europe and other countries get together and tell Russia to get out. (Yes.) Show some guts, show some strength, so that Russia will understand finally that it’s time to go. (Yes, for sure.)
What for are they leaders? If you are a leader, you have to lead. (That's right.) You have to show some strength of a leader, show some worth. (True.) Otherwise, what for are you a leader? If you are not worth it, then you step down, let somebody else go and do the job. (Yes, Master.) You can’t just sit there, occupying the seat and doing nothing.
Show some worth, man, finally. It’s about time. (Yes, Master.) They should show some leadership. (Yes.) That’s all there is. Just show some leadership. Show some worth so that people trust you. (Yes, Master.) You have to do something to show that you are really worthy to sit there in the seat of leadership. (Yes, that's right.)
People trusted him. But that was long ago. That was just something so that he can get in. (Yes.) It’s the game of the demons. They do that. Just like I told you something about good friends and bad friends. (Yes, Master. Yes.) Some bad friends pretend to be your friend for some reason, and they help you here and there. It looks like they are very willing in some small way, but when it comes to a very important issue, they drop you. They betray you. (Yes.) They let you die. They let you die or they let you suffer. (Yes, Master.) […]

Listen here. In Newsweek again. “EU Parliament ‘cautiously Confident’ on Ukraine bid as leaders go to Kyiv.” They promised. They said that they’re going to accept Kyiv as a candidate of the EU next week. (Wow!) And look here. The president of the EU Parliament just announced that. (Yes, Master.) And she said that it would be impossible, it would be unthinkable that we close the door to them, next week. (Yes, understand.)
OK, listen. These leaders are coming, who were before difficult, opposing Ukraine, and now, look: “German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, French President Emmanuel Macron and Draghi are expected to travel to Kyiv on Thursday to meet with Zelenskyy. (Wonderful.) The talks could be pivotal in determining Ukraine's future path.” (Wow. That’s so good.) Yeah.

“Media Report from CityNews – June 17. 2022 Reporter (f): The three Western European powers have been criticized by Ukraine for not going all out in their support of the country that's under invasion. Now, the trio looking to smooth things over. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy welcoming the backing from the visiting leaders, which also included the Romanian president who are supporting Ukraine's bid to join the European Union with immediate candidate status they say.”

(Such good news.) Yes. Even before, Draghi was supportive. And he even said sometime this month, “that every major EU nation, excluding Italy, was opposed to Ukrainian candidate status.” (Wow.) And they need all of them, 27 members have to agree. That’s their law to agree to let any other country come in. (Yes, Master.) And to enlarge their European Union is complicated normally. (Yes, it is.) I saw many countries, it takes years. (Yes, it does.) And some don’t have any chance. (Yes.) Like before, they did not let Turkey. (Yes, Master.) […]
And I read here one of the lines; one of the mayors of an occupied city of Ukraine, I guess said to France or Macron, “Cede France to Putin, not Ukraine.” You see, because Macron said, “You should give some land to Putin to end the war.” You remember? (Yes, Master.) So, he said, “Cede your own France to Putin.” I just read it now, but I said that before. (Yes.) I said, suppose it is France, would he do that? (No.) If Putin came and took some area of France, would he immediately give it, so that it ceases the war? (No, Master.) […]
So now they say fast track, for Ukraine to get in, even fast track Ukraine’s membership ambition. (Yes. That’s wonderful.) […] I am glad that things seem to be more peaceful. Just like I read you the news before and this news again now. (Yes, Master.)
I was told, two days ago, but I couldn’t believe it happened. (That’s wonderful.) I couldn’t believe it, I kept arguing with myself saying, “Oh, they keep telling me all kinds of things. It won’t happen. How can?” But now it’s so obvious. (Yes.) Oh, I thank all Heavens and Earth and all the demons as well for turning around.

There’s also good news that, “A Russian official ignores state TV’s nuclear war threats (as) ‘fake news.’” (Oh, good.) (Yes, finally.) “A Russian official accused the West of spreading ‘fake news’ about Russia’s hypothetical use,” this is from Newsweek, with permission to use, “of nuclear weapons amid the war in Ukraine, ignoring numerous instances in which Russian state television suggested or warned of the use of such weapons in recent months.” (Yes.)
You hear the opposite sound? (Yes. Yes, Master.) Before it’s flying all over, nuclear this, nuclear that, and now it’s just flattened out. Oh man! Isn’t that good news? (Oh, it’s wonderful news.) This is truly good news. (Yes, Master.) Oh, I cannot believe this. I mean, I should know. (Yes, Master.) In a couple of days. I said, “How is it possible?” (Things change so fast.) How is it possible?
Just now, I read it, then, I believed it. I mean black and white. (Yes.) Because many times we said many things, but it didn’t happen. Everybody says this and that. And I’m just tired of all this. (Yes, Master.) Oh, my God! One good news after another. Let’s hope it just keeps going truly! I just hope it continues. It’s truly coming! It’s truly coming!
This threatening of nuclear war from Russia has been for a long time. (Yes, Master.) And they have never tried to slim it down or deny it or saying it’s fake news up to now. (Yes, that’s right.) Oh man! I don’t dare to think about what good is coming next, but this really makes us feel a little better. (Yes, Master, for sure.)
More hope for poor Ukraine and more hope for the whole world’s peace. (Yes, Master.) It still may be possible. World Peace and World Vegan. Vegan and peace offer us paradise, happiness here on Earth and hereafter. Meat-eating and war destroy everything, including our lives here, and make us suffer hereafter.

Host: Most Benevolent Master, thanks to Your enduring Love and Compassion, we see a brighter hope for our world to move forward and embrace a more peaceful and harmonious existence. May we all continue our efforts to create a total Vegan planet, where wars become mere past memories, as we pray in our hearts for God to bless and support us. The more we nurture a new, magnanimous and kinder humanity, the more confident and successful we will be in bringing it to fulfillment. We wish for Master to enjoy safety and excellent health, in the mighty protection of all Glorious Heavens.
To hear more of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s thoughts on the ongoing COVID-19 crises around the world, the dangerous consequences of the vaccines, and what we can do to turn nature in our favor and make the Earth a paradise, please tune in to Between Master and Disciples at a later date, for the full broadcast of this conference.
Also, for your reference, please check out the previous related Fly-in News / Between Master and Disciples conferences, such as:
Fly-in News:
Treasure Others’ Lives by Making Peace
Only Peacemakers Can Go to Heaven
Representatives of the Positive Power are Beneficial to Humankind
The Bigger You Are in Society, the Humbler You Should Be
Forgiveness Dissolves Vengeance and Brings World Peace
World Leaders Must Protect Freedom and Democracy through Action
The Entwinement of the Positive and Negative Power
If You Are Good to Others, God Will Be Good to You
The Message God Sent to the Russian Army
Between Master and Disciples:
Governments Worldwide Must Stand with Ukraine
Powerful Countries Must Be Courageous and Help Ukraine
Heaven Is Aiding Ukraine in the War Between Good and Evil
Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Thoughts on the Urgent Situation in Ukraine
The World Left Ukraine to Fight Alone
Inspiring Good News in Support of Ukraine
Big Powers Did Not Keep Their Promise to Ukraine
The United Spirit of the Ukrainian People Shines Before the World
Ukraine’s Noble Willpower Is Stronger than Russia’s Force
Two Friends
To Believe in Humanity and Goodness Is to Help Each Other
There Are No Excuses for Invading a Country
Diligent Group Meditation to Protect Ourselves and the World



Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Message for Taiwan (Formosa), Aug. 8, 2022

I just want to tell you all, my respected and worthy Taiwanese (Formosan) people, because no one else has said it. I want to say it myself, strongly, sincerely, that the world owes you a big debt and gratitude, though none express it. I, hereby thank you. I hope the world’s people find it in their hearts to also thank you. And please do not fear, beloved Taiwanese (Formosan) people. Live strongly further. Even if we might lose the body and any possessions, our soul is never lost, especially in your nation’s case. The spirit of your nation will never be lost. And no one will ever forget you.

On Monday, August 8, 2022, our Most Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai, while still in Her meditation retreat for the world, kindly called Supreme Master Television team members to share a loving message of praise and gratitude for the Taiwanese (Formosan) people, together with a list of many of their valuable contributions to the world.

Now, recently because of the tension between Taiwan (Formosa), China and America, China banned exports from about 100 companies from Taiwan (Formosa). I hope they will reconsider because Taiwan is innocent. …She invites herself. And who would refuse? Who would be able to refuse the House Speaker of the US? …Such a powerful country, can Taiwan (Formosa) say, “No, we don’t want you?” (No, Master.) …So, I think the Chinese should reconsider and not punish Taiwan (Formosa) for nothing.

But I approve of one of the Chinese bans on Taiwan. That they banned fish and seafood. (Oh, yes. We agree.) Yeah, I agree with that so that Taiwan (Formosa) has less karma. (Right. Yes, right.) And they can turn to other jobs, other things to do. I’m sorry for the fishermen and all related for this. But it’s even good for them, for these fishermen and the related people.

I just hope you will all become vegan, so perfecting yourselves and showing a more glorious, shining example to the world. It’s not difficult. Taiwan (Formosa) produces a lot of beautiful, tasty, delicious vegan food. It’s not difficult. Please consider it quickly. Please. For your own sake. For your nation’s sake, as well as for the sake of the world.

I want to also mention something very important. Although you won the battle with China decades ago, you, the Taiwanese (Formosan) people, never sought to spill further bloodshed. …The reason you never intended to use your victory to cause more bloodshed is because you consider China as your big brother and big sister. You would never want to harm your bloodline family, and Heaven knows that. And you have a big, big, big bravo from me, a big, huge praise from me for that.

So, Taiwanese (Formosan) people, you should be proud of yourselves, no matter what. Because you use your strength just for conducive things. I really love this kind of spirit. Please continue on, with further determination to keep peace, to help the world by your intelligence, by your talents, by your capabilities. And God, Heaven will see to it, that you will have everything you need, you deserve.

Pray for Peace in Taiwan (Formosa), Aug. 2, 2022

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(Master said that Master would give people six months to turn vegan and to repent, so that Master could bring them to Heaven. Why only six months, Master?) “Only six months?” Originally, it was only one month. And I bargained with Heaven. Then I got six months. Within six months, if they truly repent, whatever misdeeds they have done, and won’t do them again, and turn vegan, then I have an excuse to take them to Heaven. Within six months, that’s my last offer.
(So, why not longer than six months, Master?) Because the karma of the world is so heavy. I told you, it’s shaken Heaven and Earth. And the human race has been given many, many warnings, many, many leniencies and much repeated forgiveness. And they don’t change. The humans don’t change. Heaven cannot accept this type of behavior. A cruel and uncompassionate way. No love, no kindness. Killing anything just to fill their stomach, or just go killing anything, anybody, just to steal their land, their food, their property, or their country, whatever. That was the last call.
Concerning the trip of Pelosi, this is truly the wrong time, the wrong decision and provocative. It’s all just fame-grabbing and recognition seeking. So, if anything happens to Taiwan because of her trip, she will never get out of hell. No matter who she is. (Wow.) And blood will be all over her body, from head to toe, not just on her hands.

Host: On Tuesday, August 2, 2022, our Most Compassionate Supreme Master Ching Hai called Supreme Master Television team members and caringly addressed the situation of Taiwan (Formosa) and the potential escalation of international tensions. As Master shared Her insights on the visit of the US House Speaker to Taipei, She also graciously answered questions regarding Her previous phone call where She stated the time limit given by Heavens for humans to turn vegan and repent sincerely.

(Hallo, Master. Hi, Master.) Hallo, hallo. I hope nothing will be bad, but you guys, when you meditate, you’ve got to pray for Taiwan. (Yes, Master.) Pray so that we have peace in Taiwan. (Yes, Master.) Because according to the internet, Taiwan forbids all the soldiers to go on holiday or go anywhere, because they’re ready now for war. (Yes, Master.) And America also has some military preparation near Taiwan. (Yes, Master.) And China’s also preparing live training, live practicing already at their border, nearest to Taiwan. (Yes, Master.)

“Media Report from CNBC Television - Aug. 4, 2022 Shepherd (m): China’s preparing to carry out a series of live fire military drills, just miles off the coast of Taiwan. They're essentially a blockade, according to Taiwan defense officials. It's seen as a retaliatory move, as promised for the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's trip to the island. According to the New York Times, Chinese State media reports the drills are set to begin tomorrow. As you can see on this map, the military zones surround Taiwan and some cross into the island's territorial waters. Look at that. Taiwan's Defense Ministry reports if Beijing follows through with the exercises, it would be a direct challenge to Taiwan sovereignty.
Reporter1 (f): ‘Those who offend China will be punished,’ they warned, as they vowed to launch live fire military exercises in the waters encircling Taiwan, starting tonight.
Reporter2 (f): Tomorrow, China will start live fire exercises all around Taiwan, some as close as ten miles from the shore.”

So, three – two big powers, and Taiwan, a small power, all prepare for war. All because Pelosi wants to go to Taiwan. All this is just ego. Wanted recognition. (Yes. Master.) It’s very difficult to say, whether or not Taiwan will win against big China. So, right now, because China has warned Taiwan, very loudly already, if Pelosi goes to Taiwan, they will attack Taiwan too. (Yes, Master.) They make a good excuse for China. Maybe China doesn’t really want to attack Taiwan, not like that, because it’s been more than 100 years already, many decades and they did not do anything. (Yes, Master.) And now they even want to, but Pelosi still insists to go.

(Master, is it necessary for Pelosi to go to Taiwan?)
Even Biden told her not to. (Oh.) Yeah! The COVID did him good. He is reinfected again anyway. (Yes, Master.) Even Biden said at the moment it’s not too good. I can see why. Because even if America wants to help, they’re far away. (Yes, Master.) It’s not that convenient. It takes some time. (Yes.) Meanwhile, if China really hit Taiwan, America cannot come that quick. (Yes.) (That’s right. Yes, Master.) And also, they are already divided between Ukraine and many other countries. (Yes, that’s right.) But ego always makes trouble. You can see that. (Yes, Master.)
I see they have a very big ego. I checked it out. So, all this is big talk. Because Taiwan has been OK all these decades already, no matter what. Peaceful people are OK. And the country is rich enough to take care of everyone. And they have a lot of reserves of money. (Right. Yes, Master.) And so it should be OK.
Why should they have to compete with China? No matter if America helps quick enough, Taiwanese people will still suffer. (Yes, Master.) Normal Taiwanese people and young soldiers of Taiwan will suffer first. (Yes.) And, of course, China also. Their soldiers also will suffer. And then the economy and everything will go down.
Even if, finally, maybe Taiwan wins, so what? China can hit again in another decade. (Right. Yes, Master.) Or whenever they have an excuse. Now, they make a good excuse for them, even if China doesn’t want to hit. But if they lose face, they would want to. (Yes, Master.) But the Chinese keep suppressing Taiwan, so they push Taiwan into the arms of America.
But America right now has a lot of problems already. Inflation and all kinds of stuff. Hit by pandemic already. And now COVID, and monkeypox and all kinds of poxes. (Yes, Master.) So, even if they want to help Taiwan (Formosa), it’s only half of their strength. (Yes, Master. Right.) They have already a big problem. They have a recession coming. It has maybe already come, it’s just that nobody wants to admit it. The government doesn’t want to admit it. But, of course, tens of thousands of people are out of jobs, and more and more are out of jobs now because of the pandemic. So how can they be stable in the economy and everything? (That’s right.) And they also have to help give billions and billions to Ukraine. And other countries also have some American soldiers stationed there. (Yes. Right. Yes, Master.) It’s just like a normal position. Everywhere, just to keep invaders out of this and that continent. (Yes, Master.) So, they don’t just have Taiwan (Formosa).
But Pelosi insists to go. If no miracle happens, then I don’t see any way out. (Wow.) She’s already going tonight. Supposed to. (Oh.) It’s already reported like that. Insisting. And so, America has to prepare, ready for war. (Yes, Master.) And the Chinese have already been drilling ever since Pelosi announced that she might go to Taiwan (Formosa). And they confirmed already that she’s going tonight. They confirmed some days ago already that she is going. But she doesn’t mention it, even though they confirmed. The Senate confirmed or the government confirmed. And Taiwan (Formosa) confirmed. They’re all proud of it.
Oh, man. So, you guys, when you meditate, when you have time, you have to pray. (Yes, Master.) God. That’s all I wanted to tell you. (Yes, Master.)
Two big powers are bending to war now. And Taiwan (Formosa) also already is all prepared for war. They prepared for long months already. But now it is more serious because Pelosi is going. China threatened to shoot her plane down, because she will go with military airplanes to accompany her. Fighter jets.

“Media Report from WION – Aug. 2, 2022 Palki (f): The pictures you just saw are believed to be from Fujian. This is a Chinese province. It is the closest Chinese province to Taiwan. And it is teeming with weapons, military vehicles and troops. Look at these pictures now. These are Chinese troops moving across a beach with tanks. What is the Chinese military doing? They've prepared a range of options, and they're working on all of them it seems. The PLA is ratcheting up military activity around Taiwan. It made the first move with fighter jets. This morning China dispatched several war planes. They flew towards the Taiwan Strait. In response, Taipei dispatched its own planes. The Chinese jets returned, but they left behind a message. They demonstrated how quickly Chinese planes can reach Taiwan. And that’s not all, the PLA Southern Theater is on high alert. Military units there are on standby. Taiwan (Formosa) is preparing to counter another Chinese attack. It has built air raid shelters. Taiwanese citizens are being trained to dodge missiles. Officials are reviewing existing infrastructure. Basement car parking, underground shopping centers and parts of the subway system can be used as shelters too. Officials in Taipei are comparing their situation to the war in Ukraine.
Abercrombie Yang (m): When you look at the war in Ukraine, when the Russians strike, in the beginning they would hit military targets, but it's hard to imagine that they would not hurt the innocent public. Normal buildings, organizations or schools could get hit by strikes too. In the same vein, Taiwan could face the same situation.”

It doesn’t matter who wins, who loses, Taiwanese (Formosan) people will suffer first. (Right.) And all these handsome, young, poor innocent boys have to die first. (Yes, Master.) And, of course, the Chinese soldiers also will die. And the leaders don’t care. They always already have bunkers or anything ready for them. (Yes, Master.) Underground tunnels to get out, and if in desperate case, their Air Force One and their Air Force Two are already ready any time for them to go.
But the Taiwanese (Formosan) people will be stuck. (Yes, Master.) And after the war, they will be hunted to see who before supported which president or being from what kind of party. (Yes, Master.) And all the soldiers and all the people will be interrogated or tortured or murdered – who knows? (Yes, Master.) The whole of Taiwan (Formosa) will not be just like that. Not after winning the war, China will just let them be – it’s not like that. (Yes, Master. That’s right.) The spy game will be going on. They will go door-to-door checking people. (Yes, Master.)
Now, the Taiwanese (Formosan) people, they cannot just go anywhere so easily. Before, they could not even go anywhere. After I came to Taiwan (Formosa) for a while, a long time ago, then they could go to USA under a five year visa. (Yes, Master.) Come in and out anytime. And they could even go to Europe for six months. Even Americans cannot. Americans can go only three months. (Yes, Master.) It’s all peaceful and good like that.
They (the leaders) don’t understand the consequences. Or maybe they don’t care. Because leaders can always jump and go anywhere anytime. They have airplanes reserved for them, they have an army to protect them. (Yes, Master.) But the normal citizens don’t have such luck. They don’t have such luxury. (Yes. Right.) Even if they have money and can just go, but they can have a visa for only three months or six months. (Yes.) And in such a rush, how many people can get a visa so quickly to go? (Right. Yes, Master.)
Oh, God. I just hope miracles do happen. Taiwan has been peaceful for a long time. Maybe it’s not as good as other countries but they’re OK. They have enough money and gold reserves. And everyone is OK. (Yes, Master.) Taiwan is rich enough for the whole country, and everything’s OK.
And Taiwan (Formosa) has everything. There’s no need to even ask for an official name. I’m for whatever is all peaceful and not harming the lives of the Taiwanese (Formosan) people and their nation. In this world, everything is mostly just temporary and illusion anyway. As long as people live in peace and can take care of themselves without any harm, any shortage, any need of any kind, then that nation is very blessed already. […]

And Taiwan (Formosa) is respected and loved in many, many countries in the world. When I travel everywhere, I heard that. And sometimes you can see it on the news that Taiwan (Formosa) has very friendly vegan cities, and Taiwan (Formosa) was very good at fighting the pandemic before, for example. (That’s right, Master.) Taiwan (Formosa) has a good foreign reserve, and Taiwan has a good living standard, and Taiwan has a very high level of freedom, high level of democracy. All this is very important.
And Taiwan having peace is very important. Who cares if people say your country is officially recognized or not. Many countries are officially recognized but are not in peace, and they have a lot of trouble – a lot of economic problems, life standard problems, war and all kinds of other disasters, like famine. All kinds of things. Taiwan (Formosa) is very, very blessed already. (Yes. Right.) So, there is no need for anyone to just barge in just to be more famous and get more applause, and all of this empty fame and gain.
That’s what I think. I think Taiwan (Formosa) has been having very good blessing from Heaven. And the Taiwanese (Formosan) people enjoy many benefits, and the government takes care of all the poor. That’s what I know. And there’s no suppression of religious freedom of any kind. You can believe anything you want. Well, of course, as long as it doesn’t harm the public. (Yes, Master.) But there’s nothing like that happening in Taiwan (Formosa). There are no people who are worshipping Satan openly, like in some other countries I know. People just choose wisely, so that should be very good.
We should be contented with what we have and not always asking for more and more and more. Things will be given to us according to our deserving worth, in time. I think Taiwan (Formosa) is one of the most lucky, happy countries in the world already. So, I don’t think anyone should jump in and cause trouble for these peace-loving and kind people of Taiwan (Formosa). Nobody should encourage it of any kind. Nobody should directly be making trouble, disrupting peace in Taiwan (Formosa) or anything by their own lowly agenda or maybe evil intention. (Yes, Master.) That’s what I think. And in the free world I think what I want to think. So, Taiwan earns respect everywhere, and is welcome everywhere and we should be happy with that. (Right. Yes, Master.)
Every country has some problems of a different nature. (Yes.) And Taiwan might think that China is giving the nation problems. But every other country has also problems. Even more than that, or maybe less. Or just a different nature. (Yes.) There’s no country in the world that has no problem absolutely. (That’s right.) And for a such small nation, it’s very, very blessed already the way it is right now. (Yes.)
So, it’s better just to keep the peace with all the neighbors, as much as possible. Peace is very important for all citizens. Because without peace, they cannot live, they cannot prosper, they cannot improve anything. (Yes.) And if war comes, then, most things will be destroyed, many people will die. Citizens will flee the country. So, what good is that for anyone anyway, for the winner or the loser? (Right.)

(Master, will Taiwan [Formosa] be invaded by China?)
If China, has a more strong-handed treatment with Taiwan, or even invades Taiwan for any reason, then, they will just have a bad name, like a bully brother or bloodthirsty invasion-monger. What good is that in the world and the history of humankind? (Yes, Master.) Besides, they believe in Buddhism, and they know if they make war, kill people – hell is waiting for them. So, I think they will not want to make any war.
I don’t think China would want to make more hardship for Taiwan. Should not. In my opinion. And Heaven also prefers that way. It’s good for China if China makes peace with everyone around and shows the generous, kind-hearted and peace-loving nature of the Chinese people. Chinese people love peace and all Taiwanese people also love peace. Every citizen in the world loves peace. (Yes.) So, any leader who wants to lead long or be supported by their own citizens should love peace, show peace and do any kind of possible things to keep peace for their own sake and their own citizens’ wellness.

(Master, why does Taiwan (Formosa) lean towards the US?)
It is fair to say that Taiwan (Formosa) was pushed toward the West, toward America, by China, because, let’s face it, they don’t seem to have any official ally. And there are not even official embassies in Taiwan (Formosa) for many countries. (Yes.) They just have a representative of this and that country.
And often, they are threatened by China, huge China, for anything that they do. They just want to prove that they are grown up, and they want to be independent, want to be like every other country. Just like that. And they’re threatened all the time, the Taiwanese (Formosan) are threatened all the time, looks like they cannot move, they feel suffocated, lonely and scared. (Yes.) Frightened! So, of course, if anyone seems to have the power to protect them or to be their friend willingly, they’ll be glad to lean on that friend. (Yes, Master.) It’s human nature.
I could cry again thinking about this situation of Taiwan (Formosa). If China, big China, switches position, if China was Taiwan (Formosa), what would China do? (Yes, Master. Understand.) You just have to think of the opposite party and then you know how they feel, and then you know how to react. (Understand, Master.)
If China was protective towards Taiwan (Formosa) and not oppressive, by helping them to stand up within the world with dignity, with security, safety, peace, then they would never need to go with America or anyone. Don’t you think? (That’s right, Master.) (If they were strong and they had support from their big brother or big sister China, then they wouldn’t need help from everyone, but they would be a part of the world with China.) Yeah. With China as a friend, as a brother. (Yes.)
Nowadays, many countries that used to belong to such and such a colony or confederation or Commonwealth, they are going out, going out. (Yes.) And the old colonizer just lets them go out. I don’t remember all of them, but recently Iceland used to belong to Denmark, and they let them be independent. (Yes, Master.) No big deal.
And nowadays, several countries that used to belong to the Commonwealth of England expressed their desire to be independent, and Prince William and Princess Kate also seem to support them. (Yes, Master.) And they brought the message back. And then Prince Charles also doesn’t seem to oppose that. (Yes, Master.)
And India, for example, used to be under colonization, and also became independent. No hard feelings, nothing. (Yes.) Used to be under the colonial rule by the British. (Yes.) And they wanted independence and so they got it. (Yes.) And they did not even fight too much, they did not use any weapons under Mahatma Gandhi. (Yes, Master.)
Also, for example, Singapore used to be with Malaysia. Later, they just got themselves separated. And both are still friends. There’s no problem. They come in and out with each other through the border, no big deal. Nothing. No threatening, no frightening, no scary admonition, nothing. (Yes, Master.)
This is the way of the gentleman, (Yes, Master.) That will gain respect from all of the world. (Yes, Master.) Like, Singapore became strong and healthy, better than when together. And Malaysia is also the same. (Yes.) They also have respect from all over the world. No hard feelings, nothing. (They both benefit.) Both benefit.
Sometimes a family member, if they’re grown up, they want to be different, then as long as they harm nobody then why not? (Yes, Master.) That’s what I think. (For example, if Hong Kong was able to be independent from China, that would also have been beneficial for both, but because China took over Hong Kong now, it’s not as good for Hong Kong. So, if China tries to do this with Taiwan [Formosa], it’s not good as well.) The world gets darker. (Yes, Master.) It feels that way. Darker and dimmer. Not growing so happily. (Yes, Master.) Not prosperous and not simple and peaceful. (Yes.) Not easy go lucky. (Yes, Master.)
Anyway, we are not politicians, but we are free to express our opinion. And if anybody can hear it, it’s good. (Yes, Master.) We do no harm. I just express my free opinion. (Yes, Master.)
I have nothing against China and I have nothing against Taiwan (Formosa). (Yes, Master.) Nothing in my heart. I just want both to have peace with each other, and help or grow alongside each other to help the world to become a happier place, a more abundant, peaceful place for all to be. For all to be in the world. For all to live. That’s all I wish. (Yes, Master.) War is never a win-win for anyone. Never. (No.)
Oh, God! You know what it’s like. Politicians. (Yes, Master.) “Vote for me, I’m going to beat the hell out of them.” And all that stuff. And because Xi Jinping is waiting for the third term for him to continue to be president. (Ah. Yes, Master.) So, he feels like he cannot show weakness. That’s why they make a big deal of Pelosi coming or anyone coming from America. (Yes, Master.) And why does Pelosi have to go now? (Right. Yes, Master.) Don’t we have enough problems with Ukraine? (Yes.) Or Afghanistan or Yemen or Iraq and Iran? (Yes, Master. Right. Yes.)
Iran’s threatening with nuclear bombs already. They never threatened like that before. They said that it’s against their religion to have nuclear weapons, and now they also threaten like that. And North Korea threatens also with nukes. (Yes.) And Ukraine is ongoing like that. Even the whole world helps Ukraine, still the war doesn’t stop. (Yes, Master.)
We should have had enough like that, and Pelosi insists she has to go to Taiwan (Formosa). She went around Asia anyway, Japan and all that, and then will stop by Taiwan (Formosa). It’s announced already, she will go tonight. I saw it. Tuesday night.
This is truly the wrong time, the wrong decision and provocative. It’s all just fame-grabbing and recognition seeking. But, if anything happens to even one of the Taiwanese (Formosans) because of her trip, if any harm comes to them, the blood is on her hands. (Yes, Master.) It’s just for her own fame-seeking desire, ambition. Nothing more. But the price is almost 24 million people in Taiwan (Formosa). (Yes.) And many young Chinese people, or commanders, etc., will be involved, will be harmed, if war breaks out. (Yes, Master.)
And it’s not only that, the whole West will respond on such a scale that it will become like World War III. (Yes, Master.) So, the whole world is at risk with one trip of hers to Taiwan (Formosa) at the wrong time. The situation in the world is already very tense. (Yes. Right.)
And the war in Ukraine, I told you already. Even the whole world supports Ukraine, the war is still dragging on. And Ukrainian people are still dying and suffering. (Right. Yes, Master.) Millions of people go out of the country to avoid the tragedy for their children, the elderly and women. And they became beggars. (Yes, Master.) It’s not like they are always immediately accepted by all the countries in the world. And they suffer a lot, a lot immensely, from all kinds of pain, being refugees. (That’s right.) But at least the Ukrainians can go because the Ukrainian passport is recognized everywhere. And Ukraine has many neighbors in Europe, so they can just stream into all the neighbors easily, no matter what. (Yes.)
But Taiwan (Formosa) is a small island. Where would the people go? Where would they go so quickly? Not everybody has money to afford to go abroad. (Yes. Yes, Master.) And not all in a massive exodus like that. And they will not be accepted as a refugee so easily anywhere. I’m not sure about that. If their visa even allows them to stay anywhere long. (Yes. Understand, Master.) And then if they are not accepted, what will they do? Return to Taiwan and face the penalty? Face the punishment from the Chinese Communist Party? They don’t tolerate anyone who so-called betrays their ideals and policies. (Yes.)
Up to now, still, freedom, democracy and the communist authoritarianism are still polar opposites. (Yes, Master.) So, if the Taiwanese go abroad to avoid the war or during the war, then if they’re not accepted anywhere, they come back, they will be in big, big, big, big trouble with controlling China. If China wins. (Yes, Master.) Even if Taiwan (Formosa) wins, there will be bloodshed. And the Taiwanese (Formosan) normal citizens will suffer too much. (Yes, Master.) And then the infrastructure and farming disruptions and all kinds of destructive things that will happen in the war naturally.
So, if anything happens to Taiwan because of her trip, she will never get out of hell. No matter who she is. (Wow.) And blood will be all over her body, from head to toe, not just on her hands. Because she would be safe in America. The war would not be in America. It’s far away from her hometown, so she couldn’t care less how many people, Chinese or Taiwanese, die. (Yes, Master.) She just goes to Taiwan so that people think, “Oh, big shot.” “Tough woman” and all that bs.
For what, anyway? For what? As I said already, it’s the wrong time, wrong motive. (Yes.) And if anything happens to even one of the Chinese or Taiwanese (Formosan) people because of the war, hell is her only hope. And blood is on her body. (Right. Yes, Master.)
I just hope that the Chinese leaders and government really are smart enough and calm enough to look at Pelosi’s trip as just an ego trip. (Yes, Master.) Because if somebody is representing the devils, then, there’s nothing else we can talk about. So, they should take her ego trip with a pinch of salt instead of escalating it further and making her more like a very important big shot for nothing. Just a woman’s ego inflation. (Yes, understand.) When they are in a big power, of course, they will have their ego more inflated. And that’s normal.
And I hope the Chinese government continues to maintain a peaceful relationship with Taiwan (Formosa), the world and America. And not blaming everyone else for this evil woman’s ego trip. (Yes, Master.) She just wants to be more famous, more recognized. That’s all. And I hope the Chinese government doesn’t fall for it. There’s no need to make a big deal out of it, to make her look even bigger. She’s not the only one, she is not the first House Speaker that came to visit Taiwan. (That’s right.) There was one before, Newt Gingrich. So, what’s the problem? (Right. Yes, Master.) She’s just a very old woman, bored with her incriminated husband, bored with family life, and bored with the old audience.

“Media Report from FOX News – Aug. 1, 2022 Jessie (m): Her timing is perfect. And can you think of a better way to distract from your husband’s DUI hearing on Wednesday than to fly into an Asian hornet’s nest and scramble the US Navy?”
“Media Report from FOX News – Aug. 3, 2022 Martha (f): House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wrapping up her very controversial visit to Taiwan, but her husband facing some legal troubles thousands of miles away. Paul Pelosi is said to be arraigned this morning on DUI charges stemming from his car crash in May.
Claudia (f): Just an hour before his arraignment, we are learning new details about Paul Pelosi’s behavior the night of his DUI arrest and how he tried to curry favor with the arriving officers.”
“Media Report from FOX News – Aug. 2, 2022 Jessie (m): There were a series of injuries involved, serious ones. Both cars were totaled. There were drugs involved, not just alcohol. And Paul did hand cops something that wasn’t his driver’s license. And just today, on the eve of the hearing, the judge has been replaced in a blatantly corrupt move. Court documents now show papa Pauly P was absolutely plastered and that, ‘His eyes appeared red and watery. He was unsteady on his feet. His speech was slurred. And he had a strong odor of alcoholic beverage emanating from his breath.’ The report goes on to say that Pelosi was under the influence of an alcoholic beverage and a drug, and he failed several field sobriety tests, miserably.
This report has shed some light onto the injuries of the victim as well. These injuries were much more severe than we were told. Originally, they said there were no injuries. And then it was, oh no, you know, these injuries aren’t that serious. Well, the victim has reported the day after the collision, ‘Pain to his upper right arm, right shoulder and neck … was also difficult to lift things with his right arm and he was suffering from headaches and from fatigue. And is being treated by a physician.’ Remember District Attorney Allison Haley? Hey, Allie. Her entire justification for charging Pauly with a misdemeanor instead of a felony is that the injuries, she said, were not serious. Now we know they are serious.
When asked to hand over his driver’s license, instead, papa Pauly P fumbled around and then handed them a donor card, specifically for the California Highway Patrol. In other words, implying, hey guys, I’m a donor. And I can be an even bigger donor if we can, you know, work this out. What also happened today, the night before the hearing, the presiding judge has mysteriously stepped down, and a new judge has been quickly installed. So, who’s this new judge? You’re not going to believe this. Her name is Monique Langhorne, and she’s a registered Democrat. Whose previous job… are you ready? She used to work for the Napa County DA’s office.
Does Judge Langhorne have any experience in criminal cases? No. This would be her first. And it gets better. Guess who donated to this judge’s campaign? The assistant DA who’s going to be prosecuting the case tomorrow. Can you say rigged? Look, we get it – Paul’s married to a California bigwig, he and Nancy are Golden State royalty. But they shouldn’t get a free pass.”

So, she just seeks new applause abroad. That’s all there is. (Yes, Master.) The only thing you should react with is just contempt. (Yes, Master.) Because she couldn’t care less about how many people involved suffer or die just for her ego inflation. (That’s right, Master.) So, all the Chinese, and government should react with is just contempt. She’s not worth their effort to make such a big deal. (Yes, Master. Just treat her as unimportant.) She’s unimportant. She’s old already. It’s like a candle trying to flare up right before it’s extinguished by itself. Or the juice is running out from her, that’s why. (That’s right.)

“Media Report from WION – Aug. 2, 2022 Hem Kaur (f): Dire warnings from China. US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi is currently in Taiwan (Formosa). Now her arrival prompted a furious response from China. As her plane touched down on Tuesday, over 20 Chinese military jets entered Taiwan's air defense zone. Within an hour of her landing, Beijing announced that its army would conduct a series of live fire military drills in the air and at sea around Taiwan from Thursday to Sunday. It warns ships and aircraft not to enter the affected areas. Beijing also summoned the US ambassador to condemn Pelosi’s trip.
Susan Tehrani (f): With Nancy Pelosi meeting with Taiwan's president and other high-ranking officials, many aspects of this trip are under scrutiny. One aspect is the legacy issue. With Nancy Pelosi expected to retire sometime next year as House Speaker, this trip may have a bookend value.”
“Media Report from Channel 4 News – Aug. 2, 2022 Siobhan (f): Pelosi was given a rock star welcome with crowds chasing her entourage for a glimpse of the US speaker as she arrived at her hotel in Taipei, precisely the kind of open display of affection that will so anger Beijing. President Biden, the White House and the US military didn't think this was the right time. It was a bad idea for her to travel to Taiwan (Formosa) right now given escalating tensions between China and the US and that warning from President Xi himself about her ‘playing with fire.’”
“Media Report from WION – Aug. 2, 2022 Raymond (m): Taiwan is in a very sensitive and difficult place. An area this small, with 23 million people against a 1.4 billion, is not sustainable.”
“Media Report from France 24 – Aug. 2, 2022 Dheepthika (f): In the New York Times today, columnist Thomas Friedman calls the visit to Taiwan ‘utterly reckless.’ He writes, I quote, ‘Nothing good will come of it, and a Chinese military response could result in the US being thrown into indirect conflict with both a nuclear-armed China and a nuclear-armed Russia. This at a time when Europe’s attention is focused on the war in Ukraine and therefore it will not have the help of its allies in Europe,’ he says.”

She just wants to live it up, be recognized, and go down in history as something. (Right. Yes, to show that she still has power.) And all that, is just the dying candle. That’s all.
So, I don’t think the Chinese government will react more than just contempt. (I hope so, Master.) I hope so too. Because the Chinese people are not unintelligent. (Right. Yes, that’s right.) Communist or not, the Chinese are intelligent people. (Yes, they are.) Just look at Taiwan (Formosa). They are just a small country but they’re the eighth strongest democratic country in the world. (Ah, yes. That’s right.) The eighth. How many countries can claim that? And they’re doing well for their citizens as a whole. (Right. Yes.)
So, actually, the Taiwanese government should also calm down. And just continue as usual as before. Why do they have to compete with China? Or give them excuses? Even if you can fight an enemy, or the opposition, you don’t have to always choose fighting. (That’s right.)

There was one story in China before, the person’s name was Han Xin. In Âu Lạc (Vietnam), it’s translated as Hàn Tín. When he was a nobody, he was provoked by a big bully person in the market, who asked him to fight with him. He was smaller. (Yes.) And that person, the provoker, was huge and strong and famous for bullying and he knocked out everyone. (Yes.) So, he challenged Hàn Tín to fight him. If not, then he has to bow down and crawl under his two legs, spread legs. (Ah, OK.) And Hàn Tín just did that, and everybody laughed at him. Ridiculed him. (Yes, Master.) But he knew at that time he could not win, so, why bother? (Yes, Master.) Why risk his life for that, just for being applauded. (Yes, that’s right.) But later, he became a very famous leader in the war in China. (Yes.)
He became a winner, a victorious leader in war. (Yes.) He was a famous leader in the army. And sometimes people still told him, when he was already famous, strong and victorious, people said, “Oh, it’s you? The one who crawled under the open legs of so and so?” He just shrugged his shoulders, he couldn’t care less. (Yes, Master.)

You have to know when to do what. (Yes. Know when to pick your battles.) Timing is important also. (Yes, Master.) And what for do you even need some shallow fame in this world anyway and then have blood on your hands? For what? (Yes, Master.) And then go to hell and shed your blood there, by the devils. Or go to an oil cauldron to burn yourself forever or in hellfire forever. (Yes, Master.) What’s the worth of that?
She’s not worth her salt. That’s what I would say. (That’s right.) Not worth China’s or Taiwan’s (Formosa’s) salt, nothing. Just a big ego woman who wants to have some more fame before she dies. That’s it. (Yes, Master.) Too old and then too bored. (Yes.) Seeking a new audience. These people are drunk with power. If they stay in power too long, they become more drunk and insensible to anyone else except themselves. (Yes.) That’s why they risk anything, they risk millions of lives or whatever damage, just for their own sake. (Yes, Master.)
In many other civilized planets, they don’t even have leaders. They just have an elderly council. (Oh.) They would sit, come together sometimes, reporting things, what they do, whatever concerning their planet. What happened, what did they invent or what else they need or don’t need. It’s just for fun, just to be together, but there’s no leader. (Right. Yes, Master.) Anyone who has virtues and a good enlightened level can come up to be a leader. In this world, it’s hell.

Taiwan (Formosa), of course, is a good country, a good island but also many people still eat meat, killing a lot every day – pig- and chicken-people and all that. You can see that. (Yes.) […]
But, after more disciples came, more chicken-, more pig-people. Because they think, a lot of people, they can sell a lot more. (Oh.) So, they made more pig-, more chicken-people there. Also, because of the karma because the Chinese people eat a lot of pig- and chicken-people everywhere. (Oh.) In Âu Lạc (Vietnam), we say the Aulacese (Vietnamese) use chopsticks to pick food but the Chinese use chopsticks to pick the rice. Meaning they eat more accompanying food than rice. The Aulacese (Vietnamese) – they eat more rice than the accompanying food. (Yes, Master.) The Chinese eat a lot. You hardly see any fat Aulacese (Vietnamese) but you can see a lot of round Chinese. (Yes.) Maybe not fat, but round.
So, it’s just that I tell you this. So you pray whenever. (Yes, Master.) And we have to see if we have any miracles coming. (Yes, Master.) But I’m not sure if it comes because of karma of the world.
We have a lot of Taiwanese (Formosan) disciples, but not all 20-something million are disciples. (Yes, Master.) And even if they’re Buddhists, they still eat eggs and fish and whatever they do. And the Taoists don’t eat vegetarian or anything. (Yes, Master.) Even though we have a lot, it’s good, it’s a good portion, but still not the majority. (Yes, Master.) So, a lot of big karma every day.
Before, when I lived somewhere in Xindian a long time ago, every day I went out, I saw the whole river was red. (Wow.) A big, big stream, not really a river, but it could be also called a riverlet. And it was all red, all the time. (Wow.) Before I didn’t know, and after they told me it was because they raised some pig-people and killed them every day up there. And they washed it down the stream like that. (Wow. Oh, goodness.) After that I was glad to be gone. […]

Any questions? (Master said that Master would give people six months to turn vegan and to repent, so that Master could bring them to Heaven. Why only six months, Master?)
“Only six months?” Originally, it was only one month. And I bargained with Heaven. Then I got six months. Within six months, if they truly repent, like from harming the animal-people, because of killing them or eating them, or hurting them in any way, or making war, harming people by war, and many other similar crimes. (Yes, Master.) If they repent all that, whatever misdeeds they have done, and won’t do them again, and turn vegan, then I have an excuse to take them to Heaven. Within six months, that’s my last offer. Why six months from now? Because at the moment, there’s no other solution available. (Oh.)

(After six months, if they don’t turn vegan and repent, Master, what will happen to the people?)
What will happen? I was also asking that. They will have to try harder to be vegan, and try harder to repent, and they have to fend for themselves. They have to do it themselves. No one will help them anymore after that. (Oh.) Even if they get initiation anywhere else, it’s not the same. (Yes, Master.)
And the people who were initiated by me, of course they will go to Heaven – low Heaven or high Heaven accordingly. But, of course, they also have to sincerely want it, and also continue with veganism. (Yes, Master.) Otherwise, it also doesn’t work. (Yes, understand.) It’s not just because you’re initiated, then it’s guaranteed. It is guaranteed if you follow the instruction and work at it. (Yes, Master.) But it’s very easy anyway. You guys do this every day, you know it. (Yes, Master.) Just like taking a rest even. And then, you go further, further up to Heaven. It’s very simple.
But initiation and knowing the instruction and continuing to work, meditating every day, it’s good for you anyway. (Yes, Master. Right, Master.) Even lower Heaven or higher Heaven – it’s guaranteed. Unless that person comes in just for different purposes. Not for wanting to go Home. (Yes. Understand.) People sometimes are not sincere. So even if you’re initiated, but you are not sincere and don’t continue to practice accordingly, then also, you will be cast out of this salvation scheme. (Oh wow.)
So that’s what it is. But how many people believe in all this? I offered, I told it. It costs them nothing. (We thank You, Master.) You’re welcome. Everyone’s welcome. I’m just so sad, that’s all. I don’t know what else to say. I’m sad. (Yes, Master.)
All around nowadays, it’s all bad news, everywhere. (Yes, there are.) More than ever before. Everywhere. Naturally or unnaturally, it’s all about destruction and death, suffering, sickness, sorrow and pain, everywhere. (Yes.) So, six months is what Heaven negotiated with me. Originally, it was only one month. (Understand, Master.) That’s that. C’est la vie. That’s it. That’s what it is. (Yes, Master.)

(So, why not longer than six months, Master?)
Because the karma of the world is so heavy. I told you, it’s shaken Heaven and Earth. And the human race has been given many, many warnings, many, many leniencies and much repeated forgiveness. And they don’t change. The humans don’t change. So, whoever doesn’t change has to go their way. (Yes, Master.) Not the Heaven way. Heaven cannot accept this type of behavior. A cruel and uncompassionate way.
No love, no kindness. Killing anything just to fill their stomach, or just go killing anything, anybody, just to steal their land, their food, their property, or their country, whatever. (Yes, understand, Master.) Just because they have power. They have murdering machines. (Yes, Master.) So, if Heaven continues to be lenient, then humans continue to be this barbarous way. That’s why. (Yes, Master.) That was the last call. And I even have been bargaining with that to get that six months. Otherwise, they told me one month only. So, it’s up to humans now. I’ve done my best. (Yes, Master.)

(Well, we’re just wondering, after the six months, is the world going to accelerate to more destruction?)
Yes. It looks like so. (Yes, Master.) There are disasters and murdering everywhere. Not just in the war. Between children and between parents to children even, everywhere. It’s like a crazy world. (Yes, Master.) Sometimes anybody just goes out and has like road rage. And then just killing anyone, children, babies, anything.
And even nowadays, animals also attack humans more often than before. Even monkeys in Japan or in India were snatching babies and killing them. And, also, killing or hurting adult humans, for no reason. (Wow.) And even buffalos or cows, the whole herd chasing one man. For example like that, but luckily he escaped. But this behavior is unusual. Normally cows don’t attack humans. (That’s right, Master.) So many things on the internet. I don’t want to remember them all.
You guys can look, everywhere there are sudden fires, sudden floods, sudden landslides, sudden ice melting, all kinds of things. There is some ice melting in Europe that even changed the border between Italy and Switzerland. (Oh, wow.) Yes. Everywhere there is something. And there are droughts and floods everywhere. People are hungry, starving everywhere. I mean, in normal times, in different countries. And still, have to make war or threaten to make war. Don’t give people peace and normalcy to get on with their lives.
The world is going bankrupt because of the pandemic already. (Yes.) The pandemic doesn’t just infect people’s health. It infects the economy and many other aspects of human life. And then on top of that, the harvest is lost. (Yes, Master.) And famine, war and many weird diseases coming up even. (Yes.) Now you know.
Heaven does not want to be lenient anymore. God doesn’t want this type of human race anymore. Do you understand me? (Yes, Master. Understand.) Probably they will have to go to hell and be washed and cleansed and repaired or whatever forever until they really are done. Until they really understand what it’s like to suffer. To have endless pain like that. But if they ever will be reborn again this time, I’m not sure if they will even remember. They will be made to forget. (Yes.) And then they will do bad things again if it’s like a habit. It will be recycled with them, with each of their incarnations.
I just hope everybody listens to Heaven’s mandate. Just turn vegan and make peace. That’s all. (Yes, Master.) To turn vegan is also like making peace. Making peace for yourself, for your conscience, and making peace for the animal-people. And stopping war, that is also making peace. (Yes.) Both are making peace, but for the sake of language clarity, we say, “Be vegan, Make peace,” as if it’s two separate things. But actually, they are only one thing. Making peace. (Yes, Master.)
Making peace with God by not killing Hiers creation, by not making war and killing Hiers children. The animal-people are also God’s children because Hes made them. Hes made humans and Hes also made animal-people – both are Hiers creation, Hiers children. So, make peace with God. No more killing of any of the beings that God has created. Make peace with animal-people – be vegan, turn vegan. Make peace with humanity – no more war. These two peace-making actions mean making peace with God, anyway. (Yes.)
Without making peace with God, we have nothing to cling to, we have nothing to protect ourselves. So, we just have to go down to hell, to see whether or not hell will be able to cleanse out all the trace of any sin, any unpeaceful action against God. (Yes.) So that’s what will happen to the souls who don’t turn around and repent and make peace with God, by not creating war, by not killing or eating animal-people. Is that clear? (Yes, very clear. Thank You, Master.)

(Master, is there any other way at all to save the world?)
That’s what I hope for. But I was told there is a world called “punisher world,” which Heaven has assigned to make the judgment according to all this terrible, brutal karma of our world. And they want to destroy the whole planet, and immediately even. (Wow!) They can do that, because that is their job. They have equipment, they have power, they have everything they need for punishment. That’s why that plane is called the “punisher world.” Just like when we call the hell world or the physical world. (Yes.) That one is called the “punisher world.” And that world is very strict, to the millimeter or nanometer. Nothing escapes them and they will tolerate nothing. (My gosh.) So don’t ask me why six months. (Yes, Master.) It’s normally one month, with bargaining, exchanging and negotiating. (Yes, Master.)
And I was even told that I should shut down Supreme Master Television and let the world sink. (Oh, wow! My God.) Many things I cannot even tell you. (Yes, Master.) But this I could, because, well, there’s nothing worse. (Yes, Master.) Whether I tell or not tell, it cannot be worse. (Understand.)
I’m very sad, and I don’t feel peaceful these days. Even I don’t meditate well. I have to stand up or do walking meditation. Small steps, inside or outside the room. (Yes, Master.) So, now you understand. (Yes, Master.) I don’t eat well, I don’t sleep well. And all these leaders of the world still want to kill each other and kill humans, to add more trouble – like helping Heaven to destroy the world, to destroy humans, for their own position, for their own opinions, or for their own gain or fame. (Yes, Master.)
I’m beyond sorrow. (It feels so hopeless.) Yeah. So, when I was told that I should shut down Supreme Master Television altogether and let the world sink, I said, “No, no, no, no. Not yet, not yet. Well, at least not this.” I’m still fighting, hoping. (Thank You, Master.) I just hope I can. (We hope so.)

In this time of our world, all the scientists already warned us of… I just read the news, on the internet. They say, “Scientists warn of devastating mass extinction event caused by climate change.” (Wow.) They say that it’s time for humans to prepare for extinction. (Wow.) Because climate change keeps heating the world up. (Yes, Master.)
And now even the planet is spinning faster. (Oh.) Imagine if it’s spinning out of control. (Wow.) Like there’s no more force to hold it stably. (Yes.) And then it would be just like a spinning top. (Yes.) And there’s no need to even make war. We will all die.
Why don’t they just calm down and think of their future? (Yes, Master.) They should concentrate more on Heaven, on God, and pray for forgiveness, repenting and stop killing animal-people and humans. Stop even thinking about it. (Yes.) Then maybe God will bestow some leniency. That’s what I am praying for. (Yes.) But I alone, what can I do? And some group of you. (Yes.)
My so-called disciples and our group is nothing compared to the whole world and the whole karma of the planet, of humans. (Understand.) The atrocity can never be compared to anywhere else, except hell. So, I hope all these leaders think of the priority – their own souls, their own liberation after they leave the world or in case the world spins out of control. Because climate change keeps heating up the atmosphere. (Yes, Master.) And if it’s heated more than expectation, then we’re all doomed. Then, we will have nothing. (That’s right, Master.)
No need to make war, man. My God. You should be thankful that you’re still alive and the planet is still here and the world is still here. Not to talk about trying to destroy anything or killing anyone, including animal-people. (Yes, Master.) Must be vegan, make peace. That’s all they have to do. And help each other. Be vegan, make peace, do good deeds. Meaning stop killing and eating animal-people, stop making war, and help each other wherever needed. (Yes.) That’s all they have to do. It’s not difficult. God doesn’t ask a lot from us? Does Hes? (No, Hes doesn’t.) It’s a very reasonable, very simple thing and it’s for our own good even! (Yes, Master.) God doesn’t even ask, “Oh, you have to worship me, fear me or anything, or else.” No!
Just be vegan to cool the planet, to restore the beneficial, peaceful energy. And stop making war – not hurting others the way you don’t want to be hurt. (Yes.) And that’s it, and help each other, whoever needs. (Yes, Master.) That’s all there is. It’s all for the humans’ benefit. Nothing for God there. Is there? (No, there’s not.) Right now, God also cannot do much. Doesn’t want to, because the lamenting, the crying, the pain from all other creations, including humans and animal-people are really wrenching everyone’s heart from Heaven to Earth. (Yes, Master. Gosh.)
And the punisher world will not let anyone escape. That’s their job. And this time, they’re getting more power to do their job. (Wow.) They can just wipe the whole world out in the blink of an eye. (Gosh.) That’s it. (Yes, Master.) But it’s still hanging on in there because the Saints, the Sages, and the practitioners are still praying for more leniency, more time, but I don’t know how much more time will be given to us. How long, how much more leniency will be granted to humanity.
I am praying. (Yes, Master.) I am not sure anymore. I can’t say anything anymore. No vision in front of me right now these days that anything can be helped. (Oh, my God.)
So I just hope they all wake up, and save themselves, instead of killing others. They have to save themselves. (Yes.) Everyone dies with nothing. That’s what Alexander the Great’s message was for all humanity, for all warmongers in the world. (Yes.) I just hope they remember that.
Pray whenever you have a little time and whenever you sit in meditation also. Not just for vegan but peace for Taiwan (Formosa). Not just for Ukraine. (Yes, Master.) I’m just telling you to pray for peace. That’s all. (Yes, Master.) Whatever happens, happens. (Yes, Master.)
God bless. (God bless Master. Thank You, Master.) God protect.

Host: With profound gratitude, we appreciate Benevolent Master’s loving Concern and Wisdom on the rise of challenging events throughout the world, including those affecting the future of Taiwan (Formosa). We deeply pray that peace on the island will be sustained. May we always act in harmony with the Divine laws, including non-violence against animal-people and humans, thereby assuring many years ahead of freedom, kindness, and prosperity for our world. Wishing Beloved Master serenity and the best of health, safeguarded by all Heavenly Protectors.
To learn what else Supreme Master Ching Hai shared related to these topics, including relevant stories from Her past, please tune in for the full broadcast of this conference on Between Master and Disciples at a later date.
Also, for your reference, please check out the previous related Fly-in News / Between Master and Disciples conferences, such as:
Fly-in News:
Important Information from the Chief of COVID
Energy Radiating into Our Planet
Only Peacemakers Can Go to Heaven
In the Hour of Heavens’ Judgment, Wake Up and Be Vegan Now

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[url=]Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Message for Taiwan (Formosa), Aug. 8, 2022




Part 2 


Part 3 

Part 4 .


After getting to know Supreme Master Ching Hai and Supreme Master Television, many Ukrainian people have expressed their sincere prayers, desire for peace, and heartfelt appreciation on the social media platform Facebook. Today, we would like to share some of these messages.

“Lord, glory to You for every defender. Bless our soldiers with victory, strengthen each defender with Your Holy Spirit. Lord, send Your Heavenly Army to the Ukrainian land. Help liberate Ukraine from all enemies. Through the prayers of the Mother of God, Savior, save us sinners and bring home alive all those who have passed the hardships of war. Amen.” “The whole world is praying for our prosperous Ukraine and for our defenders. Thank you. We will survive. We are Ukrainians, a good peaceful country.”

Here is an excerpt from Supreme Master Ching Hai’s loving response to the messages from the Ukrainian people on June 5, 2022. “I love you. We all love you. The Supreme Master Television team and I embrace all of you with our heartfelt love, sympathy and prayers every day for you, for all of you, for the souls of the deceased and for the souls of the living, for your whole country to know peace soon. Until then, we will not know sound sleep or tasteful meals. I’ll send all your prayers, your grievances into the world through our Supreme Master Television. I’m sorry we cannot send all of your prayers, because there are millions of them. We just send some symbolically. Please know in your heart that we love you. May human beings love one another and spare each other any pain, any needless suffering. May Heaven bear witness to your prayers.”

Since the start of the war, the Supreme Master Television team has aired shows introducing the world to the beauty of Ukraine’s culture, art, and cities, and to its natural wonders that deserve to be protected. More importantly, Supreme Master Ching Hai has been holding conferences almost weekly with Supreme Master Television team members, giving timely advice to world leaders, providing in-depth political analyses of the situation from a historical perspective, and applauding signs of peace.

In the current dark days for the Ukrainian people, we say to you, “Please stay strong and have faith. The whole world is standing by you and supporting you. We look forward to the day when peace is restored in your land, and you can return to your homes and build a brighter future.”


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