PEACE: The Bigger Picture of Public Service, part 2 of 10, Sep. 16, 2020
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There’s not much the Chinese can gain by invading little Taiwan (Formosa). They are doing well by themselves alone and they do not ask anything from the Chinese government. They have been independent and take care of themselves and they never made any trouble for China.
There’s not much the Chinese can gain by invading little Taiwan (Formosa). They are doing well by themselves alone and they do not ask anything from the Chinese government. They have been independent and take care of themselves and they never made any trouble for China. So, I don’t think the Chinese would want to make war or harm them in any way. I think the Taiwanese (Formosan) people should not worry too much and should not do anything provocative or making an excuse for the Chinese government to cause some uncomfortable conflict against their own will. Because if they invade Taiwan (Formosa), make war with Taiwan, then 23 million souls of Taiwanese people will lament, will suffer, and thus they will pray to Heaven and Earth and curse the Chinese government and the leaders. And also the Chinese people from mainland who have been drafted into the army will also have injuries and die and both sides will have to suffer some loss of any kind. And the people in China have enjoyed peace for a long, long time under the good government of China. They are not used to war-like energy and atmosphere, and when they see blood flowing and the brothers and sisters killing each other like that, they will also not feel well. They will not sit well with the government and they will not also think good of the government. They might pray to Heaven and Earth also to do something to stop the war. And then, because of that, Heavens will intervene and will make trouble for the leaders of the Chinese government, according to the Buddhist teaching of karma, or the Christian doctrine saying, “As you sow, so shall you reap.” “Never do to others what you don’t want to be done to yourself.”
And because of the terrifying situation of the war, and the suffering, the blood flowing of their own people, in the long run, whoever makes war will have to pay the price of burning in hell. This is not escapable. And all this energy will be brewing before that and during the war and after the war, and that will make the war leaders sick or encounter misfortune of great magnitude, and will be falling in many different ways. Even though they might win in the beginning, war is never a recommendation for any conflict. And the government of China, they know very well all this. So, I don’t think they will try to harm the Taiwanese (Formosans) in any way – just my humble opinion and analysis. Because the Chinese people, they are very smart. The government, you see they govern, oh my God, billions of people, and all are peaceful, and they are developed, developed, developed; they are top in the world. So they must be very smart. I don’t think they’d risk anything more than unreasonable just to take over a little island like Taiwan, which is not of interest to them, which they could do without. Because Taiwanese people are peaceful; they are not doing any harm to anybody. They try to help as much as they can in their capacity. Therefore, the Taiwanese people have very much merit in the eyes of Heavens. So whoever harms them would make trouble for themselves, like shooting themselves in the toes. And I don’t think any smart government, so powerful like the Chinese government, would try to make war with a little Taiwanese island. For what? They don’t even need land. They don’t even need Taiwan. All this time they never needed Taiwan. So they won’t ever need it.
Because if they are Buddhists, they know the law of karma: As you sow, so shall you reap. Whatever you do to others, will come back to you, sooner or later. If not in this life, then after you die, you go to hell, suffer no end. Because killing humans, then they will go to hell for sure. All the Buddhists know that. And even non-Buddhists. The Chinese people, not all of them are Buddhists, but the government, they know. The government under His Excellency, President Xi knows because the president is the one who taught people to adhere to Buddhism, their traditional religion since also a long, long time; since the Buddha’s time, since Xuanzang, the great Master, went to India to try to copy the Buddhist sutra and bring it back to China. That’s how we have many Buddhist scriptures due to the Chinese translation from Sanskrit, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to know much about Buddhism. Thanks to the Chinese. It’s their traditional religious belief.
But anyway, the Chinese, they are liberal. They have many other also older religions like Taoism, Confucianism, etc., which all preach peace and harmony and kindness to all beings and toward each other as humans. They even have a saying, saying that the net of Heaven is immensely huge and looks free, but even one tiny feather cannot fall through. So, not just the Buddhist people know the consequences of killing, but the Chinese people, they are very wise. They know all this wisdom because they are a very old country and have an old tradition, very ancient culture. So, especially His Excellency, the President Xi of China would not allow the attack of Taiwan (Formosa) to take place. But please, the Taiwanese (Formosan) people, please do pray. Do pray for a better world, a better country, and a better relationship with your big brother, China. Do pray because you never know.
Everyone knows, especially the great China, they know that it’s the 21st century already. We don’t fight for land anymore. If it doesn’t resolve peacefully, then just let it be. Many countries, they are OK with each other. I like the outcome, the way they treat each other. Like France and Monaco, Italy and San Marino, Liechtenstein is also a very little country next to Switzerland, for example like that. Many little countries smaller than Taiwan do earn some dignity. So I think Taiwan should also have one, should be like an independent nation. I guess there are other small countries within big countries, that used to belong to big countries and became independent and all that. I just don’t remember them all.
Examples of Countries or States in Brotherly Harmony
- Andorra and France/Spain
- East Timor and Indonesia
- Eritrea and Ethiopia
- Iceland and Denmark
- Ireland and the United Kingdom
- Namibia and South Africa
Like North Korea, South Korea; and South Sudan and Sudan; and like Malaysia and Singapore. They became brothers just like that. Because sometimes in the family, one big brother has grown up and does well and the other brother also wants to do well, he’s grown up and wants to do well. So Taiwan is the same. Even if there’s some little strife somewhere due to past history or something, but Taiwan has grown up. They have their own president, their own parliament, their own senate, and their own government, and everything is fine with the Taiwanese people. They are happy like that. So maybe the Chinese government or maybe His Excellency Xi Jinping has been too busy with foreign aid, helping many countries, like African countries and all that – which I’m very, very impressed, because they are poor countries. So if the Chinese government or the president helps them, that means they don’t want anything from them. So I’m very, very impressed with this kind of noble, unconditional assistance. So they have been too busy with foreign and also some other… and now pandemic and all that, and they have forgotten to help Taiwan also. I think soon, when they’re not too busy, when President Xi Jinping has not too much trouble-giving burden onto him, then he might think of helping Taiwan more, to develop more, to rise up more in status in the international stage. You know like bringing Taiwan into the UN as a nation, and help them to be more respected, honored and recognized the way the Taiwanese people deserve, because they have been doing well. They have been really behaving well. And they’re really taking care of themselves and each other, taking care of the poor, and taking care of the needy, and helping other nations the way they can. Not as big as China, of course, because China is a big brother. So in one family, if one big brother is rich and famous and powerful, then they would normally help the younger siblings. Taiwan is a younger brother or younger sister, and so, when the president has time, I think he will help Taiwan more. That’s what I guess. I guess he plans to do that, he just didn’t have time. So anyway, well, because it’s about time that Taiwan should be more recognized and more honored. Maybe if the Chinese government’s too busy to help Taiwan, then maybe the American government should help Taiwan also. Whoever helps Taiwan is OK, because they have been undermined too long, and suffered and humiliated and oppressed too long already. It’s time that Taiwan has some recognition and respect that they deserve. The Taiwanese people should behave also. They already behave very well, just even better would be better. My humble opinion, of course.
I wish all the Taiwanese people the best. I wish the countries of Taiwan and China all the best and peace, happiness, prosperity, the way you are having right now. I wish you keep that and develop more – more inside spiritually, more practicing goodness, benevolence, compassion. More veganism, so your countries will even have more and more merit to sustain peace, happiness and prosperity for all. May Heaven protect you all and help you to elevate your spiritual consciousness. So be it. Amen. Amitabha Buddha, Quan Yin Bodhisattva, protect Taiwan and China. Please, thank You. Thank You all, the Saints and Sages and Buddhas who protect Taiwan and protect China, protect their brotherly relationship. Thank You. I hope you are happy with my answer. (Yes, very happy, Master.) If not, please continue asking me any other question concerning your country, of course, because you are Taiwanese, of course you know your people worry and you also worry, so I took a length, time length, to answer your question. But, if you want to ask anything more, please be welcome. (Thank You, Master, You answered everything. Thank You so much.)
(Master, there are many serious situations around the world at the moment,) Yes, I know. (including forest fires, flooding, hurricanes, the pandemic, food shortages, and more. It seems that no country or nation is being spared.) Yeah. (Does Master know if all of this will somehow pass and life will be able to get back to normal soon, or will it continue until humans change their ways and do more to heal the world? Or could it also be connected to the so-called change or reset from one Age to another that humans have to endure through?)
We did all this actually. So, we can undo it. (Yes, Master.) That’s all, my short answer. (Yes, Master.) We cannot make hell to billions, trillions of beings on this planet, I mean the animals, the innocent ones. (Yes, Master.) We make hell for them, we make torturous hell for them, then we expect Eden on Earth. How is it possible? I mean it’s not even balanced. The tortured and massacred animals outnumber the humans even. (Yes, Master.) How can we expect…? “As you sow, so shall you reap.” All the Bibles, all the religions, tell us that, so how can we escape? (Yes.) So, if humans change, immediately our fate will change, (Yes, Master.) our world will change, and whatever you wish for will come true, I mean the good ones. (Yes, Master.) Of course, if you wish a bad one, it will also come true, but then the consequence is dire. (Yes.) I think they all know that. It’s just difficult to change their habit and turn their thinking around. (Yes.)
Heavens have been very, very patient. (Yes, Master.) God even has been more than patient. But we just took it for granted. We still are taking it for granted. But I’m glad I saw some good news on our TV sometimes, when you give me shows to edit. (Yes, Master.) I saw that we have better news now. People have less and less meat nowadays. Every country. Even in America, it’s a beef country. (Yes.) They like their steak big and well-done, or not well-done, but now they are lessening it. (Yes, Master.) So, I just hope one day, it’s no more. (Yes.) We’re praying for World Vegan because World Vegan means World Peace. You see, it’s getting more and more peaceful now because more people are vegan now. (Yes, Master.) Even the oceans are growing more planktons to absorb more CO2, more toxic air for us. (Yes, Master.) Newly, also, not just before. Before, we had that kind of news already. It’s more now. (Yes.) You see? It’s in proportion with our behavior towards others. If we really appreciate our planet and the world, and whatever is given to us here, we have to show it in action. (Yes.) Not just every day go to the church or temple and say, “Oh, thank You, God, for everything You give me.” We, as humans, what do we give? Ask us (ourselves) that question. And we have to begin thinking, “Now, we have to give back to God, to the Creator, to the creations, to all beings, for what they have given to us.” (Yes, Master.) Not always, “Heaven, give me, give me, give me.” We give. We give by being more benevolent, being more compassionate, being more considerate for others’ pain as if it’s our pain. Then things will go well. I promise you. (Yes, Master. Thank You, Master.)
I don’t have a quick fix. The quickest fix is like that: everyone turns vegan, and the world will become paradise. You expect me to do “hula hup?” I don’t. Even if I can, I won’t do it anymore, not anymore, because that’s not fair. (Yes, Master.) You see all the suffering animals, my God! When I see them suffer, the way they murder them, the way they torture them, oh, I could just die. I said, “Let me die for them. Let me, please. Let me just die for them, if it helps.” It just doesn’t help that way. Truly, I have prayed like that. But it didn’t work like that. (Yes, Master.) When I see it, I cannot look anymore. I try so hard to have to because I have to. I have to see the show. (Yes, Master.) I have to edit the show. I mean, I have to check on it. I cannot edit the way you do. You have magic. You have magical machines. You have the magical touch. You have the magical know-how. I have not learned all that. I never thought I would need it. And before that, I didn’t need. And now we have Supreme Master Television, but I have so many young, talented, like you. What for I need it now? So before, I didn’t need; after, don’t need. (Yes, Master.) But I have learned to do some computer work, and you should be proud of me already. (Yes, Master.) Very! Oh, my God, what little I can do! But I couldn’t do before. So, I’m proud. That’s the greatest thing I could do, computer stuff. Is your question answered? (Yes, Master. Thank You.) I don’t have any new answer for you. (Thank You, Master.) It’s a similar thing. I keep telling the world, but it’s up to them. (Yes, Master.) They have free will, and they have the power to do it. (Yes.)
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The United States Won in Afghanistan, August 24-26, 2021
After seeing the tragic news from Kabul, Afghanistan, in which many Afghans, Americans and members of the Taliban lost their lives on August 26, 2021, Supreme Master Ching Hai shared Her pain and tearful sorrow with us, plus this message for the inflictors:
In the name of the Prophet Muhammad, May Peace Be Upon Him Forever, I’m warning you to stop all these atrocities. Otherwise, you will never get out of hell. You will suffer multifold, more, much more than the pain and sorrow you inflicted upon the innocent people, the children and the women and the elderly, and all that.
On the previous day, August 25, Master also shared Her thoughts on the news that the Taliban was not allowing any more Afghans to leave the country.
Earlier, in another work-related phone call with a Supreme Master Television team member on August 24, Master generously answered questions in regards to girls and women living under the Taliban regime, as well as the true outcome of the war in Afghanistan.
(Master, why do You think they won?) Why? I’ll tell you why.
Most Loving and Courageous Master, may Your profound and truthful words be well considered by those accountable during this humanitarian crisis, as they realize that peaceful governance is the key to everyone’s best interest, including their own. We earnestly pray for an improved situation, and foremost for the safety of the Afghan people, the soldiers and others affected. May all Divine Protectors continue to assist Precious Master and assure Her wellness and peace.
To learn what more Supreme Master Ching Hai has to say to the Taliban, please tune in to Between Master and Disciples on Saturday, September 4, for the full broadcast of this phone call.
Women Have to Be Protected and Respected, August 19, 2021
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Host: Continuing a conversation about the situation in Afghanistan, during an August 19, 2021 work-related phone call with a Supreme Master Television team member, our Most Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai graciously elaborated further on the uncertain future for the Afghan women after the Taliban takeover of the country. She also shared more of Her wisdom on the differing aspects of the Western and Taliban systems concerning women.
(Master, what makes the Afghan women so afraid of the Taliban?)
Oh, yes. You should do some research into what the Taliban’s doing to the women all these decades, and then you’ll understand. (OK.) It is not just about being married away to anybody that they have no choice. But it’s about all kinds of things; the women’s rights, women’s dignity, women’s choice.
They are human beings; they are children of God. (Yes.) They cannot be forced, they should not, they must not be forced into any kind of situation that is degrading to their womanhood and motherhood. According to all the reports, they force the women from a young age to middle age, to marry their own soldiers or fighters without their consent. (Yes.) And in the world, if a man forces a woman into this kind of physical relationship, then they are going to jail. (Right.) Because it’s like a sexual assault. Like raping. (Yes, Master.) So, the Taliban is forcing women to go into a relationship with somebody she doesn’t even know, she doesn’t like, she doesn’t love, she has not the same ideal. (Yes, Master.)
The Blessed Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be Upon Him, and the Koran have never taught us to pillage other people’s property – even if you think girls are property! – nor force women into any thing or any relationship against their will, so any Muslim engaged in any kind of activity contrary to this established teaching is betraying the Koran and the great Prophet’s teaching. They should be punished according to Islamic law, not the gentle, innocent faithfuls in the woman form!!! May Allah protect the women, to whom the Holy Koran granted all freedom and respect!
And normally the Taliban emphasizes the ideal; you have to live with an ideal, you fight for your idealism. But like this, they don’t give women any ideal. The women, they have their own ideal. (Yes. Of course.) So, they’re forcing somebody into their own ideal which sooner or later might explode. You never know. The women, they just want to have a normal life, some education so they can contribute to the society and educate their children in the right way. (Yes, of course.) Like this a forced physical relationship will not make a good society at all. Because it will breed countless unhappy women. And unhappy women make unhappy marriages. Unhappy marriages contribute to an unhappy society. I don’t know how any leader or any government would like to lead or to govern such an unhappy, stressed-out society, lamenting inside out like that. (Yes. That’s true.) And that’s not a good policy. (No, no.) They will not be successful governing a whole country full of sorrow. (Yes.) Full of sorrow and unhappiness from inside the family already.
If a woman is not happy, she’s not going to make her husband happy. Forced or not. Because a loveless marriage, an oppressive marriage is no marriage at all. It’s like slavery. (Exactly.) We are in the 21st century already; we don’t have this type of thing. (Yes.) We should not. (Yes.) It’s too backward, too uncivilized, too barbarous to treat a human, a woman with dignity, like that. So, they are scared. Not just that, but it’s against their will, against their ideal, against anything that they are dreaming of or thinking of. (Right. Yes.) Suppose the man reversed their situation, reversed their positions, and became a woman and was forced into this kind of situation, what would he feel? (Yes.) If the Taliban leader was forced to become a woman and just pushed into anybody else’s bed and then do that kind of sexual thing without their consent, what would the leader of the Taliban feel? Do you understand what I’m saying? (Yes, understand, Master.)
They should do things with more consideration, more intelligence, more feeling toward the others, not just themselves. Any government should do that. (Yes, Master.) Women, we want peace. (Yes.) To think the boy has to be raised up and then be another warrior and go out killing again – of course, no mother would like that. (No.) No future mother would like that. No girls would ever dream of a family like that. (No.) That girls would be oppressed without any education at all, and boys go out to be… whatever they name it. (Yes, Master.) And die, horribly, and bring many people to die with him, something like that. That, no woman can accept. No mother would like her son to be one like that. (No.) So that’s why they are afraid of everything. It’s not just about the Taliban. It’s the idea (I see.) behind all that. You got what I’m saying? (Yes, Master.) Anything being coerced, forced, or oppressed, or threatened into cooperation will never go well. (Yes. It’s true.)
Besides, you see we are in the 21st century, women became astronauts, go into space. Women are in the scientific field. (Yes.) Women have invented many things that are beneficial to human beings, animals, and the whole world. (Yes, yes.) And women have become prime ministers, presidents, and leading the world into prosperity. At least their nation. Of course, the world will benefit as well. (Right.)
So, the Afghan women cannot be contented just to stay home and scrub the floor, and always “aye aye, sir.” (Yes.) Even though she has better ideas, she has more intelligence even. (Yes.) Possible that many women have more intelligence than some men. That’s for sure. So, how can? How can any country go forward in that kind of energy, in that kind of situation, that kind of very unhappy atmosphere? (Yes, understand.) Women, they are wise. (They are.) They understand all that. They can see far in the future. It’s not just about themselves that they worry about. (Yes.) They worry about their country, (Yes.) their children, the future of their children. (Right.)
OK. Anything else? (Yes. I was wondering, so, is then the Western society system better or the Taliban one?) You mean in general or for women? (For women.)
OK. Of course, both systems have flaws. Have good and bad. (Yes.) In the Western countries, women are more respected. (Yes.) Almost everywhere are more respected. Like men, equal. They have same jobs. Same salary. Same ambition. Same positions. They can do what they want, provided they have the ability to give. (Yes. True.) But then, we, I mean the Western people, take the freedom too much for granted, too much over the border, (I see.) and forget that they should keep also their own femininity.
For example, something I do not like about Western society is that the girls, they are wearing too short, and baring too much skin. (Yes. I see.) They are flaunting too much of their assets. Baring too much. (Understand. Right.) That may be supposed to be sexy and provocative, but that also, in turn, a lot of times brings disaster for the girl. (Yes. I agree, that’s true.) They provoke the men’s hormones and then make them crazy, and then they will go after them and doing like sexual assault, or rape them, and then sometimes kill them, and that’s not good for the girl at all. (Yes.) Knowing, it’s scientifically indicated that men already have trouble controlling their hormones. (Yes.) That’s why most of them have to marry. Fine, it’s good. But some men are not in a married situation and their hormones are still there, stacking up. So if a woman is more provocative like that, like baring it out and make the man feel even more provoked, their hormones are more raging, stacking up, rising up. (Right.) Then that’s not fair for the man also. (I see. Yes.)
So in society we have many cases of sexual abuse, or rape or related deaths. (Right, they are.) Even within family, that’s no good. I think in the family, parents should teach the children, especially girls, to wear more modestly, more decently. (Yes.) So not to invite trouble. (Right.) If you don’t wear decently and cover yourself more, of course the men or the boys like to look at you, and you feel more proud. But that is not without risk. And also they look at you in a sexually desirous way. It’s not respectful and not love. (Yes, Master.)
Love is different from sex. (Yes.) To love a woman and tenderly have a relationship with her is different than wanting her sexually only. (Yes, it is.) So the women should also keep their own dignity and decency, (Right.) so that she earns respect, and then when she meets a man, he will love her only because of love. (Right.) And sex comes as a second side effect. (Yes.)
Our society should be free, but freedom should be handled with wisdom. (Yes, that’s right.) A woman should be wise enough to protect her own dignity and decency. You have to earn respect from a man before you marry him. (Yes.) It’s better that way; the relationship will be happier and last longer. (Yes.) Because even if you wear sexy clothes and you entice a man for then, then he’s blind and then he marries you, but there are many more sexy girls around, everywhere. (Yes.) And maybe one day you’ll lose, because the relationship is not based on love and respect. (Exactly. Yes.)
And in the Islamic system, there are flaws also. Like the women have to cover themselves from head to toe. (Oh, yes.) And it’s very difficult to see around like that. Some can stumble and fall. (Yes.) Or will not be able to see if danger is coming. (Right.) Like maybe a corner car coming speedily or men approaching her or some robbery of any kind. (Yes.) It’s difficult to be more prepared (True.) in advance, than if she can see better. And at work, if it’s all covered like that, then the ears sometimes go blum blum blum, cannot hear very well, and cannot work very well. (Yes.) And then covered like that, it’s too hot. In some countries, it’s too hot. (Yes, yes. It’s true.) It’s very uncomfortable and it could also breed some illness. Maybe not very fatal, but still it’s not very comfortable for women.
In the Bible of both Christians and Muslims, it also has this, I think, that God made man, made humans in Hiers own image. (Yes.) In Hiers own image made Hes humans. So the human’s face of a woman and a human’s face of a man should not be hidden. (Right.) Because God has given us birth without any cover. (Yes.) And for the sake of decency in the world, then we cover ourselves. But the face should not have to be covered. (Yes.) That’s what my opinion is. But, it’s OK. It’s not the worst thing. (I see.)
Still, it’s very inconvenient for women to take care of many things, to do work, outside the house or inside the house. (Yes, it’s true.) And also taking care, even taking children to school or doing something like that, it’s very inconvenient. A little inconvenient. Not so easy to work with the clothes like that. But in the Western society, they did the opposite and more exaggerating.
So both sides should like compromise and make the best use of both sides, I think it would be the best. (Yes, exactly.) The woman should keep dignity, that’s for sure. But not cover all over like that. Like you are something ugly, something sinful, you have to hide. (Yes, understand. Yes. Thank You.)
Also, for this system, sometimes, you never know if underneath the burqa is a man or a woman. If a man, if he has bad intentions, he could be hiding something underneath the burqa. Pretending to be a woman and can harm somebody or can harm some of the government persons, in an assassinating scheme and all that. (Yes, Master.)
So, moderate, I think, is the core, (Right.) is the best solution for any country, especially for women.
So, if we oppress half of the society’s population, meaning women, then we might lose talents, exceptional talents like scientists, astronauts, physicists, teachers, Masters, spiritual guides, presidents or prime ministers, etc. (Right.) We might lose so much, so much talent and workforce by eliminating women in any society. (Understand.)
Women should be given the opportunity, like men, to develop their potential, (Definitely.) in order to help the world. God knows we need more wise humans to lift our world into a better situation.
Also, don’t forget that women are the mothers of all the Prophets, all the Masters that have ever graced our planet, and the mothers of all presidents, prime ministers, great leaders, virtuous statesmen of all time, up to now and also in the future. So, we have to respect women. Women have to be protected and respected. And their dignity must be protected, must be respected, so that our world can function. Without women, we don’t have the world that we have now, we don’t have humanity. (Yes, Master.)
The thing is, there’s another side effect of women oppression or forbidding, is that I think the men, in that situation or in that country, are afraid of women. That’s why they try so hard to suppress them. My suspicion. They know women are so clever and so successful if they focus on something, instead of just scrubbing the floor and cleaning the pots. So they try to suppress them, so that women become helpless, useless, and like a slave under the dictator of the man. You understand what I’m saying? (I see.)
(Sources: WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA: Some Facts about Violence against Women and Girls
- Globally, 1 in 3 women, or 736 million, have experienced physical and/or sexual violence.
- As many as 38% of murders of women worldwide are perpetrated by a male partner.
- An estimated 5,000 women globally are murdered by family members each year in so-called “honor” killings.
- 200 million women and girls living today have suffered from female genital mutilation.
- 1 in 5 women globally (650 million alive today) were forced to marry as children, before age 18.
- 126 million girls are “missing” from the world’s population as victims of female infanticide, malnutrition, neglect, etc.
- Two-thirds of the world’s illiterate are female.
- 82% of women parliamentarians in five regions reported enduring some form of psychological violence, including sexist remarks, mobbing and death threats.)
I do feel how they feel. I feel their suffering, I feel their pain, I feel their desperation, the whole world. I feel the animals’ anguish, I feel everything. That’s why I suffer also. (Understand, Master.)
All right, my love. God bless you. (God bless Master.) God bless all of you, the Supreme Master TV workers and supporters around the world, initiates or non-initiates. God bless our world. (Thank You, Master.) God bless all the leaders to see the logic and reason. May God enlighten them all.
Host: Most Benevolent Master, we are grateful for Your unwavering, deep Care and loving Advocacy for those experiencing turmoil now, especially the vulnerable and oppressed. Our hearts are in prayer for the women, as well as other fellow beings on our planet, who have yet to secure peace and freedom as their birthright. May the day come soon when everyone shall live as dignified and equally respected world citizens. Wishing Beloved Master to be always well and tranquil, ever safeguarded by all Heavenly Godses.
Watch the full broadcast of this phone call on Saturday, September 4, to know what Master has to say to the Taliban.
- Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Urgent Plea, August 10, 2021
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Host: In a series of spontaneous self-recordings made on Tuesday, August 10, 2021, our Most Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai conveyed a heartfelt message for the world, with deepest concern about the extremely vulnerable situation that our planet has now reached.
Please. Please, don’t just sit there, dining with animals’ flesh and drinking alcohol, like business as usual.
(Crying lady: There's so many people dead!)
Please take refuge in God’s immense Mercy and Forgiveness. Please take refuge in your own benevolent nature.
Please, truly. Please wake up. Please wake your inner God’s Light nature up. Be merciful, if we want to have mercy.
Pray for your protection from the highest Heaven possible. From the highest Heaven, please pray for mercy. PLEASE WAKE UP. PLEASE BE VEGAN, MAKE PEACE. PLEASE BE VEGAN, MAKE PEACE. The benevolent energy of the vegan diet will keep you safe, will keep your family safe, will keep our world safe. PLEASE BE VEGAN. PLEASE BE VEGAN, MAKE PEACE. PLEASE BE VEGAN, MAKE PEACE.
(Media Report from NBC News Reporter[m]: Climate change is now rapid, widespread and intensifying. That is according to a devastating report by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which warns that many human-caused effects are now irreversible.
Media Report from BBC Reporter[m]: The world’s largest-ever report into climate changes.
Media Report from BBC Reporter[f]: Environmental experts have called it a “massive wake-up call” to governments to cut emissions.
Media Report from CNBC Interviewee[m]: The report is really a “big warning signal” to the world leaders.
Media Report from DW Reporter[m]: UN climate panel predicts the coming decades will bring more extreme weather events like the floods and wildfires we’ve seen in the past weeks. The authors say the report is a final “reality check.”
Media Report from NBC News Reporter[m]: UN Secretary General called the findings “a code red for humanity.”)
We don’t have time now. We don’t have other choices now. PLEASE BE VEGAN. PLEASE BE VEGAN, MAKE PEACE. May God bless our world.
The vegan diet will change the climate for the better. The vegan diet will stop global warming. The vegan diet will cut the methane gas, and methane gas is a driving force behind our climate acceleration. But methane will dissipate quickly from the atmosphere. Thus, the planet will cool quickly, instead of focusing on CO2, because CO2 will stay for long, long, long, long, hundreds of years in the atmosphere. So cut the methane by implementing the vegan diet. Then our planet will cool quickly also, scientifically speaking.
Please read, consult the book called “From Crisis to Peace,” free for download from “From Crisis to Peace.”
PLEASE BE VEGAN. PLEASE BE VEGAN, MAKE PEACE. For the love of God, for the love of humanity, for the love of all beings, animals on this planet, please sail into safe waters. Veganism is your safe waters right now in stormy weather, in stormy seas. PLEASE BE VEGAN, MAKE PEACE. The benevolent energy of non-killing, nonviolence, of the vegan diet, will change the climate, will change the atmosphere of our planet, will create a protection around you and everyone else.
Thank you. Love you. And God bless.
Host: Most Compassionate Master, we join You in urging the whole world to immediately awaken to the endangered state of our planet, as it faces the point of no return. May all of us humans, as the benevolent beings we truly are, be vegan and call upon Heavens for mercy – as the only lifeline left for us now. Wishing Beloved Master safety, the soundest health, and a peaceful heart, in the gentle protection of all the Gracious Godses.
People Need True, Strong and Wise Leaders, August 16, 2021
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Host: On Monday, August 16, 2021, in a work-related phone call with a Supreme Master Television team member, our Most Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai answered questions about the current situation in Afghanistan and other recent world events, while expressing Her concern regarding how they have been handled by the United States as well as world leaders in general.
(Master, right now, people blame Biden for the fall of Afghanistan, but it was Trump who started the peace process with the Taliban for the withdrawal of the American troops.) Correct. (Is this Biden’s fault really?) Yeah, I think so. Yes. Because it’s not about the withdrawal. (Yes.) It’s just that Trump made it differently, and Mr. Biden, he did it with his own ego kind of idea. That’s why it went wrong. Mr. Trump, ex-President Trump, he signed a peace deal with the Taliban, but he made many conditions attached, (Yes.) to protect the troops while they are withdrawing, and the civilians who were in Afghanistan, as well as the people who worked for the American troops while they were there. (Yes.) And the people who worked for the embassy as well as for the troops, like the interpreters, even the cleaners, the drivers. (Wow.) All these people have to be safe, have to be protected before the troops withdraw. (Right.)
And the peace deal signed, the latest for the withdrawal, it’s signed for May 1st, if I remember correctly. But after Mr. Biden went to the office in the White House, he made it different, he prolonged the withdrawal date, and meanwhile the Taliban already warned the Americans that they have to keep their promise and withdraw on time, or else. (Oh. Yes.) But because Mr. Biden did not do according to schedule, so that gives them an excuse to attack and to seize the moment, and to seize the excuse to take over the government of Afghanistan and the capital Kabul, for example. (Yes.) It’s just one of their administration’s failures, one of a series of administration failures from Biden. It’s just because they don’t concentrate on leading and thinking of what to do for the sake of other countries as well as the Americans. They just concentrate on hunting Trump and his supporters, and whatever. (Yes.) So they’re occupied with the wrong thing. (Yes.) Yeah, that’s why.
Before the withdrawal of the US troops, President Trump had signed with them many conditions to protect the Americans (Yes.) as well as the related workers for the Americans. You have to protect them, (Yes.) not just leave them like that. And have to protect other international offices and workers and foreigners in Afghanistan, as well. Not just Americans, but international companies and offices and embassies and other soldiers, or all the interpreters for different countries there.
Instead of that, they delayed the process to give the Taliban an excuse, and don’t have any protection for anybody, (Right.) including Americans and workers in Afghanistan. So, they scrambled. They are flying all the way to the airport and waiting there. And the embassy people have to be lifted from the roof of the embassy. (Wow.) It’s really a shame. (Yes.) They learned nothing from Âu Lạc (Vietnam). (Understand.) So what’s the use of having a leader like that? (No use.) Just to harm your own people?
That’s why I told you they should resign. They should abdicate. All of them. All this group of Biden. (Yes, Master, they should.) Should have left Trump in the office.
Because before they withdraw, there must be a condition in the peace accord. Trump did all that, to secure the safety and peaceful withdrawal of his troops and his people, and the people that worked for Americans as long as they were there, for 20 years long. You know what I’m saying? (Yes.)
Because they will be in danger also, after the Americans left. Maybe they will be revenged upon. (Oh, yes.) They might be tracked down and killed, or imprisoned, or whatever; everybody is scared. It is normal like that. (Yes.) It’s normal like that. Not many opposition enemies would tolerate the other side of the so-called enemy. (Right.)
So they just did what they want and they were so fast. More than anybody can imagine, they just took over the whole country, almost now. They’re already in the presidential palace and the president of Afghanistan already fled the country. And many people fled the country. The Afghan troops also fled the country. And the journalists, the interpreters, and all the people who worked for the Americans before, they were hiding, they said, “I’m dying. I’m going to die.” They were very scared.
This is really very sad, and I’m really worried for these people also. (Yes, Master.) Imagine if it’s you. (Yes.) Suddenly, suddenly you are without protection. (Right.) Without job, without protection, and facing the so-called enemies. My God! Who wouldn’t be scared? (Yes.) It’s not just them, it’s their families and friends, and all the acquaintances to go with it.
So, that was a real failure. I think it’s OK if they blame Biden. (Yes, understand.) It’s a very unwise policy. (Right.) They don’t concentrate on the right thing. That’s why. They concentrate on revenge. That’s why. And that is bad also, because people will think they are very small-minded. Petty. (True.)
And on one side, they keep saying, “Oh, unify America. I’m for all Americans.” But on the other side, they’re hunting the so-called enemies which don’t exist. The enemies don’t exist. They are the enemy. They make the enemy. (Yes.)
It’s not just to blame the president or government alone. It’s the people’s karma, (Yes.) and people’s habit, and people’s way of life, they don’t change, they don’t see further in the future. They just see very nearby and…
Even to be vegan, how difficult can that be? (Yes, it’s so simple.) How difficult can that be? They have nothing to lose. But they don’t do it! Well, many are doing it now, but still it’s better it comes from the government. (Yes, yes.) They make many laws which are not necessary and harmful, like the proposal, something, that anybody can go into any shop and steal things. That, they can sign into law! But to sign into law to make people vegan and ban all the meat, they don’t do! (Right!) Because they themselves cannot put down that piece of meat for the country’s sake, for the world’s sake. (Yes, yes.) Just addictive. Meat and all that, they cannot put down. That’s why they cannot sign that into law up to now. (Yes.)
(Master, in a recent statement, the UN Secretary-General blamed coal mining and fossil fuels, but not the livestock industry, as the main reason for the damaging effect of global warming. Why would he address CO2 and not methane as the most harmful cause, despite all the scientific evidence?)
Yeah, I was very disappointed that the great Secretary-General of the UN ‒ apropos talk about that ‒ he blamed it on the industries and coal mines and all that stuff. These are not the main cause of our global warming. I mean it is one of the factors, but smaller, and still have time to deal with. Not the methane!
Methane from animals is the number one driving force of the global warming. Everybody knows that, and he should know that! But he ignores it, just so that he can enjoy meat and wine, continue like before. Shameless! Really shameless! I have no more respect for these kinds of leaders anymore. I’m so disappointed and so hurt! Because they are hurting people! (Yes.) They don’t tell the truth; they don’t support the truth! They are hurting people; they are harming the planet!
Maybe they could not put down that piece of meat, and or whatever bloody animals. From their mouth. Or they took bribes from the animal industry. I don’t know which case, or maybe both. Talking about this, I wonder what kind of leaders and leaderesses, who are responsible for the safety of their citizens and their co-inhabitants, could see all this suffering and pain around them in the world, and their hearts don’t move. (Right.) They’re not moved in sympathy or sorrow or compassion (Yes.) for the beings who are in this situation. Humans and animals alike. (Agree, Master.)
I wonder what kind of men or women they are! (Right.) And just chasing after petty stuff, petty vengeance or petty whatever work that they’re doing, whatever intention that they’re harboring inside their heads, (Yes.) and not doing their job as a leader of the world, and of their country, and of their community, of their organization, whatever. Especially the UN. They’re supposed to be the leaders of the world. (Right. It’s shameful.)
It makes me wonder, and I’m sure many people wonder as well. You think so? (Yes, Master. I agree.) I cannot believe this, because last time, we saw the report that the UN and all the nations signed the accord that they have to reduce meat.
And then now, suddenly, they change the tone again, like, blaming it on coal miners or industrial people. It’s beyond my comprehension. (Doesn’t make sense.) No, it doesn’t! (No.) Seems like they only worry about themselves and their power, their position, and don’t care about who dies, who lives. (Really beyond understanding.) It’s really… I don’t want to say what, but it’s really disgusting. It’s really repulsive. I have no words anymore. Truly. (Yes, it’s terrible.) Just disgusting feeling. So disgusting feeling!
Not only their hearts were not moved by the suffering of others around them or in the animal factory, but continue to eat their meat, drink their blood, and call that food, and enjoy the suffering of others! This is beyond any humane comprehension. They are not religious people. Even though they claim they go to the church and all that stuff. It’s all fake. You know what I’m saying? (Yes, Master.) It’s all fake, it’s all the work of Satan. (It’s horrible.) I cannot imagine any humane being could do all this, could ignore the suffering and enjoy it! At the cost of the suffering and pain and anguish of others, humans or animals. Do you understand? (Yes. It’s really terrible.) That’s what pains me – having to live in this world with this type of so-called humans.
Any other things? (Yes, I have another question,) Yeah. (regarding the Mexican immigrants who have been kicked out of America. Is this the right solution, Master?)
What else to do? Even if it’s not right, it’s too late now to correct. They should have followed Trump’s way of handling it before. (Yes.) I read somewhere that a court ordered Mr. Biden to revert it back to Trump’s “stay in Mexico” policy, before Biden. I hope they will do it. Because they just openly invited everybody to come in without taking care of the consequences, especially in the middle of a pandemic. (Right.) And now the pandemic is even rising up like a skyscraper in America. (Yes.) It’s terrible to invite people and then suddenly turn around and say, “Get out of my house.” (Yes.) How does it make people feel? And now the government of Mexico is pressured to take the Mexicans back. And it’s not that simple, like, OK, they take them back. It’s not like that. (Yes.) Take them back means they might not have any more homes to go back to. (Right.) And they had probably sold everything to give it to the smuggler or whatever, so that they can go to America. And now, suddenly they came back, there’s no home, no job, nothing for them, and then the government of Mexico has to take care of them.
It’s a very big burden and very bad diplomacy as well. (Yes.) And very bad humanitarian way of handling. (Right.) I think they all should resign, these top people, beginning with Mr. Biden and then his, oh, whatever, Harris and whatever. (Yes.) Pelosi. They all did not do anything good, ever since I learned anything from them.
They do nothing good. They did nothing good. They did nothing really with wisdom at all. (Master, these are very sensitive topics...) Yeah. I’m risking myself to tell you the truth like that. Because I’m so angry inside. I’m so anguished. Actually, that’s the word. (Understand.)
I’m so anguished for all the innocent people who have been misled, who have no true strong leader to help them in time of trouble, in time of true need. (Yes.) This is the moment when the leaders should step out and say, “Look here, for your sake, for our sake, for our world’s sake, for our children’s sake, please, we must change our habit of meat eating into a vegan way of life.” That’s very simple. (It’s true. Yes.) People won’t kill them. Even if they say that, even if they make the law like that, people won’t kill them. (Yes.) They might not listen, but at least they say something correct, (Yes.) and as a strong leader, wise leader, to lead people in the right direction to save their lives. No! They don’t do anything like that. Just worry about their own petty selves. I’m really anguished, I’m too anguished to even care for my safety, so I told you all this. (Oh! Master…)
(What advice can Master give for the governments of the world?)
In general, you must rule people with heart, with caring intention, with true, really loving dedication to your country and your people. Then people will feel it. Even if you might make mistakes sometimes, like every human, but people would feel that you are genuinely caring for them. Then they would forgive you, and then you can start anew or make repairment for that mistake. (Right.)
But if, for example, if you need tens of thousands of troops or national guards and fence and barbed wire around your presidential palace, on day one already, then you are not doing a good job. (Yes, definitely.) Then you should know people are not for you, not with you. And you should be more cautious in how you deal with internal and international affairs. (Right.) That’s a good sign of warning. Instead of trying to dig out a bigger hole of dividing people’s hearts and minds within the country. (Yes.)
Maybe you have made mistakes, maybe you have been illegally installed into the presidential palace, but you could change. You could be genuinely caring, loving and tending to the people, especially they are already in deep, deep water with COVID-19 and looting, burning, and a lot of protests and turmoil around the country already. (Yes.) Because if you do things genuinely with love, people with feel it. (Yes, it’s true.) They will support you, and they will forgive you, and they will try to work with you. (Yes, for sure.) Generally speaking. (Yes, Master.) And if, suppose somehow you are in power, or you seize the power, by chance, or by force, or by circumstances, and your citizens immediately wanted to flee from your regime, that means you are not doing a good job. (Right.) That means you are not following God’s will and God’s principle.
So, no matter what religion you belong to, no matter what ideal you follow, if you want to take control of the power and rule your country, you must make sure that your people know your genuinely good intention. Don’t make people fear you, run away from you, fleeing from you at all costs, at the cost of their lives and all that, then you should be ashamed. (Right.) That’s what I say. (Yes, Master.) That you should be ashamed if your citizens flee from you. And if you try to coerce them to stay or use a brutal means to beat them up to force them to stay or to oppress them to accept your policy, your regime, then you are not doing a good job.
Then, God will see to that. God will not let it be continuously for long. (Right. For Sure.)
That’s it. Very simple. Rule with heart, rule with love, rule with caring, rule with genuine compassion for your people. Then, the international community will also respect you, support you, and all will be happy and have peace. (Yes. Exactly.)
Host: Most Caring Master, in this time of so many upheavals, Your loving wisdom and selfless concern show the way for all of us to reconsider our actions and true motives. We have hope and pray that the world’s leaders and governments will acknowledge Master’s courageous and wise words, and thus bring countless lives to peace and safety. May Cherished Master always have serenity, good health, and the protection of all Glorious Heavens.
For the full broadcast of this phone call with Supreme Master Ching Hai, please tune in to Between Master and Disciples on Wednesday, September 1.
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Supreme Master Ching Hai Evaluates the Current US Presidency, August 27, 2021
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Host: On Friday, August 27, 2021, in a work-related phone call with a Supreme Master Television team member, our Most Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai kindly answered some questions and shared Her genuine thoughts related to the United States’ handling of the recent developments in Afghanistan, which saw many innocent lives tragically perish.
(Master, now people blame Biden for the deaths in Kabul and they want him to resign. What does Master think about that?)
I agree. Because if he continues, more Americans will be harmed. Not just outside, but inside. Inside America as well. (Right.) It’s worrisome. This guy is not fit to rule. (Yes.) Now he lost trust from the world, from European allies, and many Americans died, many Afghan allies also died, just like that. (Right.) For nothing. From nothing. (Yes.) Just because he doesn’t listen to the advice from his military commanders, the generals and all that. (Yes.)
"Fox Business Interview Congressman (m): There’s advice that we know that he received. Though he claimed several times that he had his advisors agree with him, we know from our meetings that that’s not the case. We have done one of the worst withdrawals that I believe I’ve ever seen in my life."
"Congressman, Retired Air Force Captain(m): What we have here, is just a string of terrible, terrible judgment and decisions that just have left the door open for further failure. I mean, we’ve had a string of decisions, like the arbitrary evacuation date itself that you just talked about, the August 31. We cannot let the Taliban make that decision for us. And then the decision to give up Bagram Air Base to the Taliban, that’s incredible. Two runways (at Bagram), easily defendable, isolated, and here we are stuck in Kabul. Evacuating our troops before American citizens were evacuated, it’s just incredible that that was done. Depending on the Taliban for our security ‒ amazing that we would be dependent on a terrorist group. And then giving them a list of our people, our allies’ names, green card holders and American citizens that are trying to get out?! I mean, that’s a death sentence, especially for these Afghan allies. And then leaving ‒ worst of all, I think, is leaving US$85 billion worth of equipment there.
This is why I think we need leadership change. I think that this president is hopeless as a commander-in-chief. He’s totally incompetent, he’s totally incapable of… He doesn’t listen. I think he needs to resign immediately. I think he ought to be removed using the 25th Amendment, even some Democrats have even talked about that. Or even an impeachment."
Even five-year-old kids know that. (Yes.) You cannot just take all the army’s defense system and means and weapons and army out and then take the rest out. That’s not possible. I told you already, the airport, there’s nowhere to hide, the American soldiers, they are very brave. (Yes.) And they’re just risking it, and this is just inviting attack. They have just a few guns, small ones, just to keep order with the good people, like the Afghan allies who ran to the airport to escape. (Yes.) Just a few guns, it’s symbolic. They cannot defend themselves or anybody. (Yes. True.) If somebody wants to attack, they’re doomed. (Yes.) Biden really killed them.
I told you he will mess up. He’s not fit to be a president. I told you long before already (Yes, Master.) that if he’s the president, he will lose trust from the international community.
"(What would happen if Mr. Biden were to become President?) Well, what would happen? Well, it’s very difficult to pinpoint. But America will lose trust from the international community. (Oh, wow.) That’s what I’m worried about." ~May the Righteous Triumph, Part 3 of 6, Dec. 24, 2020
Everybody would know if you want to withdraw the troops, there will be civilians who have to come out first, protected. (Yes, Master.) You cannot just take all the army out first and then rescue people, (Yes.) because you’re not in the position to protect yourself and them. (Right.)
"President Trump (m): Nobody has ever handled a withdrawal worse than Joe Biden. We took the military out before we took our civilians out, and before we took the interpreters and people that helped us."
I think people are right. I don’t know how many, 70% of people judge that his decision is bad. I agree. I think he should resign immediately, to save Americans’ lives, and the Afghan allies’ lives. If they want to rebuild the trust of the international ally community, and if they want to save more Americans’ lives. (Yes, I agree also.)
Oh my God, you can see so obviously. (Yes.) There is no protection (No.) anymore. Just some civilians and some American marines and soldiers, not enough to do even the procedures, checking their papers, and protecting them. How? (Yes.) The American soldiers sent there have to do like civilian jobs as well, like checking the Afghans’ papers. (Yes.) Checking the visas or registering them and all that. And then also so-called protecting them and getting them on the airplane at the same time. (Yes.) In such an airport like that, all open. There’s nowhere to hide. (Yes, no protection.) No. Nothing.
He has good advisers. Not that he doesn’t have. But he just doesn’t listen to them. Even a five-year-old kid would know how to protect the people. (Yes, Master.) He just kowtows to the Taliban at the expense of his own people and the Afghan allies. And even bringing also some Taliban’s lives with it. Some Taliban were there also. Of course, they are also checking. (Yes.) Checking the papers to let people in and all that, to see who come in, qualified or not. Because not all Afghans can go in, just the people who have been working with the Americans or maybe with the government. (Yes.) They try to escape and want to run away. And of course, they don’t want to keep so-called enemies around. (Yes.) They promised to let them go, so they’re also there to check, so they died also with the Americans. And their own… innocent people. (Yes.) Children also. Women also. Elderly also. Oh, this is terrible! (Terrible.) This is terrible.
"Reporter(m): The blast has left two-year-old Mohammed Reza fighting for his life. This looks set to be one of the deadliest incidents ever in this horrific conflict. So many of the victims ‒ those who had worked with the international community. Those killed in this awful attack were trying to escape years of violence in Afghanistan. Instead, they became the latest victims in a country torn apart by bloodshed."
Biden has blood on his hands. (Yes.) He should step down immediately. I don’t care who else is made president. Make Trump president. Somebody who has more intelligence, who has more common sense, and who listens to the wise advice of his people, of the commanders, of the army, and of his security force and all that. (Yes. Right.) They know what they’re doing. (Yes.) He has never been in battle, he never had to know any strategy about fighting. So, he should listen to them, he should let them do the job. (Yes, exactly.)
But because he took the position as commander-in-chief, so they know it’s wrong, but they had to do what he told, what he asked. (Yes.) If it were me, I wouldn’t listen. There, now it results in that. Many Americans died, many Afghans died. (Just terrible.) Including the Taliban. This is no good. (No, no.)
And it’s easy for him to stand on a podium and say, “Oh, I would do this, I would do that, I would track you down.”
How? They have no power anymore in Afghanistan right now. (Yes.) Nothing. All the defensive systems ‒ gone. (True.) Or will be in the hands of the Taliban or whoever gets the power and gets their hands on it.
"President Trump (m): All of the military equipment, we have billions and billions of dollars’ worth of new Black Hawk helicopters, brand new army tanks, and all sorts of equipment."
"Graham Richardson, SKY News contributor (m): The Americans have abandoned so much equipment. The Taliban can fight the next two wars with American weapons. They don’t have to worry about their Kalashnikovs (type of rifle). They’ve got all the American stuff."
"Reporter (f): The Taliban has taken over. Their fighters drive US-made Humvees, laden with US-made weapons around the last US military installation in Afghanistan. They look and act like former Afghan government soldiers. The white flag: the only indication this is the Taliban."
"Graham Richardson, SKY News contributor (m): America got out in such a hurry, with no thought, that I think it’s just been a terrible mess!"
And they don’t have anywhere to work as a base. (Yes.) They have another airport or other airports, but there’s nothing there anymore! They cannot even operate anywhere except that Kabul, which is all open and all dangerous for them, for the soldiers. (Yes, I see.) They’re very brave, they just stay there, there’s nothing there for them to hide, just a few guns. I told you. (Yes.) And now it happened. And they’d been warned also. Oh, my God! (It’s a tragedy.)
And if he wants to revenge, I don’t know how! Send in some secret spies to run around the whole country, chasing one by one, kill them or something? (No.) They can’t even bomb anybody now. (No.) Of course they can do that. But that will be like the same as 20 years ago again. Bringing in the big armies and… you know what I’m saying? (Yes.) Like, begin anew again. (I see.) Start from ABC again. And that will be a big bloodshed. (Yes, Master.) And this would be even worse.
He should just step down, man. Whoever becomes president, must have more IQ, more common sense and less ego. (Yes.) Trump can come up. In this situation, anyone is better than Biden. (Right.) Or let the army decide.
Otherwise, Americans are trapped now in Afghanistan, and who knows what their fate will be. And the allies, the ones who worked for them before, what will become of them? Really, you send your soldiers to die. And they’re stuck there, including the tourists, also, American tourists, and others. (It’s a horrible time.) […]
He made it happen, and then now he wants revenge. If he had done it more intelligently, then people wouldn’t have to die. (Yes.) If he revenges, more people will die! What’s the use of that?
We cannot bring the Americans’ lives or Afghan allies’ lives back. (Yes, Master.) OK. […] I’m so sad, so sad. […]
Their lives were just snuffed so early like that, when they’re so young and handsome, and strong and able, and trained (Right.) in many aspects, not just killing only. The armies, they are capable of many things, just like the police. (Yes.) Survival and all that. And defense, and help and protection. (Yes.) They have been trained in many different fields. (Yes.) So, one soldier lost is one big asset lost. And one precious human life lost. You see, he has family, he has parents. He has a wife, kids or girlfriend waiting for him. And now, no more. They won’t ever see him again.
Like the border, he messed it up. He just let them in, without any strategy, without any preparation. (Yes.) In the pandemic.
Now, the people here are desperate. And it’s the Americans’ responsibility to help them out. (Right.) And he hesitated. Dillydallied until they died. And now they’re stuck. Now, even if anybody wants to rescue them ‒ very difficult. […]
It would have been safe to take people out, […] if he had moved them out much earlier. […] He should step down, before more Americans’ lives are wasted. (Yes, Master.) […]
He, vice president, and Pelosi, and many other Democrats, they all should go! To save lives. (Yes.) And the army also should be prepared, should be more careful with security in their own homeland. Strengthen their alert and power. […]
(So would Master say that Americans would actually have to be worried if Biden continues as president?) Yes! […]
Host: We are in deep gratitude for Compassionate Master’s earnest concern and Her forthright advice to the United States government’s leadership. It is our prayer that the individuals in power will listen to Master’s valuable words, for a brighter and more peaceful future for both the country and the international community. Wishing Gracious Master evermore tranquility and safety, as secured by all Magnificent Heavens.
Please tune in to Between Master and Disciples, on Sunday, September 12, to find out why Master sees that a future under a Biden presidency is cause for serious concern.
People Need True, Strong and Wise Leaders, Part 2 of 3, Aug. 16, 2021
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This is the moment when the leaders should step out and say, “Look here, for your sake, for our sake, for our world’s sake, for our children’s sake, please, we must change our habit of meat eating into a vegan way of life.” That’s very simple.
Talking about this, I wonder what kind of leaders and leaderesses, who are responsible for the safety of their citizens and their co-inhabitants, could see all this suffering and pain around them in the world, and their hearts don’t move. (Right.) They’re not moved in sympathy or sorrow or compassion (Yes.) for the beings who are in this situation. Humans and animals alike. (Agree, Master.)
I wonder what kind of men or women they are! (Right.) And just chasing after petty stuff, petty vengeance or petty whatever work that they’re doing, whatever intention that they’re harboring inside their heads, (Yes.) and not doing their job as a leader of the world, and of their country, and of their community, of their organization, whatever. Especially the UN. They’re supposed to be the leaders of the world. (Right. It’s shameful.)
It makes me wonder, and I’m sure many people wonder as well. You think so? (Yes, Master. I agree.) I cannot believe this, because last time, we saw the report that the UN and all the nations signed the accord that they have to reduce meat. And then now, suddenly, they change the tone again, like, blaming it on coal miners or industrial people. It’s beyond my comprehension. (Doesn’t make sense.) No, it doesn’t! (No.) Seems like they only worry about themselves and their power, their position, and don’t care about who dies, who lives. (Really beyond understanding.) It’s really… I don’t want to say what, but it’s really disgusting. It’s really repulsive. I have no words anymore. Truly. (Yes, it’s terrible.) Just disgusting feeling. So disgusting feeling! Not only their hearts were not moved by the suffering of others around them or in the animal factory, but continue to eat their meat, drink their blood, and call that food, and enjoy the suffering of others!
This is beyond any humane comprehension. They are not religious people. Even though they claim they go to the church and all that stuff. It’s all fake. You know what I’m saying? (Yes, Master.) It’s all fake, it’s all the work of Satan. (It’s horrible.) I cannot imagine any humane being could do all this, could ignore the suffering and enjoy it! At the cost of the suffering and pain and anguish of others, humans or animals. Do you understand? (Yes. It’s really terrible.) That’s what pains me – having to live in this world with this type of so-called humans.
I don’t mince my words. I told you already, I have zero respect for this kind of people. They all should resign! All these leaders should resign because they’re fake! They’re not real! They’re not true to themselves and to the scientific evidence. You get me? (Yes, Master. It’s true.) OK. Don’t ask me more about that. Otherwise, I’m angry again. You know I’m angry. Angry vegan Master. (You have the right to be angry, Master.) I’m so pained! I’m pained because people are dying! (Yes.) Not just by all the disasters more frequently now, but COVID-19, and what next coming! (Right.) It’s always more and more deadly! First, just COVID. And then they got a vaccine, and then now, they have to chase after 100 more other variants, which are more deadly, and more infectious, and faster spreading. (Yes, Master.) What do you think I would feel? So frustrated! And so angry with these kinds of stupid leaders! Truly. They’re not stupid. They’re not stupid. They’re just too comfortable.
They don’t care if people are dying, or they don’t care if the world is going down. Just because they cannot put down that piece of meat! Therefore, they have to ignore it. They talked the other way around, blaming something else instead of blaming meat. (Yes, Master.) Because they cannot put it down themselves. That is what it is. I think it’s cowardice! (Right.)
Any other things? (Yes, I have another question,) Yeah. (regarding the Mexican immigrants who have been kicked out of America. Is this the right solution, Master?)
What else to do? Even if it’s not right, it’s too late now to correct. They should have followed Trump’s way of handling it before. (Yes.) I read somewhere that a court ordered Mr. Biden to revert it back to Trump’s “stay in Mexico” policy, before Biden. I hope they will do it. Because they just openly invited everybody to come in without taking care of the consequences, especially in the middle of a pandemic. (Right.) And now the pandemic is even rising up like a skyscraper in America. (Yes.)
And people blame it on immigrants, when they came in before and they took them by busloads and just deposited them anywhere. All the whole America. (Yes, yes.) Who knows if any of them were carrying this Delta variant to bring into the country and infected more people? Because the pandemic was already lowered down. (Right.) And people were happy and many states were open. And then now suddenly it becomes more deadly than before, even. (Yes.) And it’s out of control now, even children were affected. Before, children were less. (Yes, it’s true.) They even thought children were not to be infected by the COVID-19, but now, the hospital’s full of children! I read it on the news. (Terrible.) They don’t spare the children anymore, because this, what they call Delta, is very deadly and spreads so quick. And it doesn’t spare anyone nowadays, anymore. (Very scary.) Even people who are double, completely vaccinated, die! (Wow.) Some teachers died, (Yes.) even already vaccinated. Some nurses or other hospital workers died. Together, even. (It’s getting worse.) I… huh? (This virus.)
It’s terrible to invite people and then suddenly turn around and say, “Get out of my house.” (Yes.) How does it make people feel? And now the government of Mexico is pressured to take the Mexicans back. And it’s not that simple, like, OK, they take them back. It’s not like that. (Yes.) Take them back means they might not have any more homes to go back to. (Right.) And they had probably sold everything to give it to the smuggler or whatever, so that they can go to America. And now, suddenly they came back, there’s no home, no job, nothing for them, and then the government of Mexico has to take care of them. (Yes.)
And meanwhile, because they are mixing together like that, without much precaution, maybe they got sick. (Yes.) Many of them, more sick than normally. And now, that’s another thing to deal with. And if Mexico is already poor, that people have to want to come to America, then now the country is made even poorer, taking care of thousands, thousands, thousands of them back home, and have to take care of them without… I don’t know if they have any facilities. Of course they don’t have. Not out of the blue like that. (Yes.) So this is very bad when you just do things without wisdom, (Yes.) without thinking of the consequences. (Right.) Because that’s the thing that would happen, if you open the border without any condition, without any control, any checkpoint, anything. Any facility. (Yes, it’s true.) And now, they’re all driven, kicked out of America, and the Mexican government has to bear all this burden. (More problems.) All of a sudden. Apart from the COVID-19 rising and everything else for their country already. (Wow.)
It’s a very big burden and very bad diplomacy as well. (Yes.) And very bad humanitarian way of handling. (Right.) I think they all should resign, these top people, beginning with Mr. Biden and then his, oh, whatever, Harris and whatever. (Yes.) Pelosi. They all did not do anything good, ever since I learned anything from them. They do nothing good. They did nothing good. They did nothing really with wisdom at all. I don’t know why they’re there.
Of course, at the moment, the negative power is still gripping, grabbing people and the world. (Right.) Thus, we have recently, many more disasters than ever, and the world has become hotter than ever since on record. (Yes.) And etc., etc., and the pandemic, and one virus after another. (Yes.) Some even rare disease just came out of the blue, and even some old ones came back and… You see what I’m saying? (Yes.) The way I see it… I don’t know.
If the world people don’t repent, and don’t change their way of life, I see no way out. Except if they repent truly in their heart, maybe I can help their souls not to be going to hell. That’s all I can do.
Otherwise, to argue with these worldly people, and especially the top leaders of the world, I am too lazy. I’m too lazy to waste my time anymore. Do you understand what I’m saying? (Yes, Master.) They are so incapable, and they are cowards. (Yes.) That’s what I’m telling you. (Yes.) They just do things for convenience, for the sake of a good name, being the good guy, and then avoid the main problem. (Right.) Like Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan is falling. And the (US) president went to a holiday place somewhere, and the main top Secretary is “not home,” not available. Something like that. (Wow.) And the House Speaker – quiet, says nothing. Nobody is reachable when they need to be reachable. (Yes.) They are all no good. I’m telling you.
(Master, these are very sensitive topics...) Yeah. I’m risking myself to tell you the truth like that. Because I’m so angry inside. I’m so anguished. Actually, that’s the word. (Understand.) I’m so anguished for all the innocent people who have been misled, who have no true strong leader to help them in time of trouble, in time of true need. (Yes.)
This is the moment when the leaders should step out and say, “Look here, for your sake, for our sake, for our world’s sake, for our children’s sake, please, we must change our habit of meat eating into a vegan way of life.” That’s very simple. (It’s true. Yes.) People won’t kill them. Even if they say that, even if they make the law like that, people won’t kill them. (Yes.) They might not listen, but at least they say something correct, (Yes.) and as a strong leader, wise leader, to lead people in the right direction to save their lives. No! They don’t do anything like that. Just worry about their own petty selves. I’m really anguished, I’m too anguished to even care for my safety, so I told you all this. (Oh! Master…)
(Thank You for doing that, and trying so hard to wake up people.) Oh, don’t thank me, my love. I’m very, very frustrated. I feel so frustrated with this world. (I wish we could do more.) Yeah. What else would we do? We, two women. Unarmed. Old. Feeble. My bones are aching. My heart aches more than my bones. (Oh, Master!) You don’t know, I could not sleep, I don’t eat well, I cry a lot. And the other day, my place, my little house, the two-by-four house was flooded. (Oh!) And I thought I will… I woke out of samadhi, I thought, “Oh, am I in Amsterdam?” (Oh, my God!) (Oh, Master.) Am I in the Netherlands, Amsterdam, underwater or? Because you’re wading in water (Yes.) to get out! It’s OK now, it’s OK now. It was just probably raining too much, one time. And the house wasn’t built well. It’s an old place, and it’s only very small, like a storage space, and it’s flat on the ground, it didn’t have any elevation. So the water will seep in, or from under the ground and from outside come in. (Yes.) (Wow.) The door cannot stop the water, you know that. (No.) And the little cement stuff won’t stop the water coming up from the ground when it’s too overflooded. (Yes.) It’s OK, I’m still here, I was not flowed to the ocean. Otherwise, it’s not that difficult, I’m too small. You see, I’m happy I’m talking to you, I’m laughing, but I’m very sad seeing many disasters around the world, people are helpless and just dying in thousands.
You know, Haiti just suddenly… Oh, now I remember. You please, write down a message. (OK.) To please send US$30,000 to Haiti (OK.) to help with the victims. Our small part. (OK, Master.) Please do that. (OK.) Yeah. And see if we can help more later or not. (OK.) But the international people, they have more money. All the governments in the world, they could help more.
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A Leader Is to Protect Lives and World Peace, September 3, 2021
Host: On Friday, September 3, 2021, in a work-related phone call with a Supreme Master Television team member, our Most Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai provided some clarity and details to explain the unjust treatment of former U.S. President His Excellency Donald Trump, as well as the inconsistent conduct by a U.S. Senate leader and its serious impact on the United States and humanity at large.
(Master, President Trump seems to do all the good things for America.) It seems so. (But why are people still against him?) Oh, they just continue from before. Some left over, maybe less now because he’s already out of the powerhouse, so they probably leave him alone a little bit. But, no, no, there’s still many hair-splitting things going on for him. […]
(What is the reason? Why is that, Master??) What’s the reason? Why? Why? Why did they kill Jesus? Why did they try to assassinate the Buddha? Why did they assassinate, or torture or persecute so many of the Masters or many good people since time immemorial? Why, why, why? People, they just do that because they are under influence of the demons. I told you, the zealous demons, they want to cause trouble so people will quarrel with each other, and then it may result in killing each other and then they can eat the corpse. Not physically, but the energy from that corpse, mixed with that corpse. They can eat it in the astral form. That’s how they can survive, the zealous demons. (I see.) Their karma forces them to do that. […]
People are just against Trump because he really did something good for the Americans and the world. (Yes.) But it’s beyond their concept. They did not understand. Also, jealousy. Envy that people like him, that he’s so energetic and does things successfully. So people don’t like it. For them, they’ve never been so successful before. (Yes.) Always go on to war, war, war, spend trillions of dollars, while many Americans are still under the poverty line or homeless. (Right.) And they never stopped to think. Trump did stop and think. (Yes, Master.)
He’s a worthy president. He should be in the White House forever (Yes.) because he’s good for the Americans and good for the world. You can see he makes peace so easily with many countries. (Yes.) He has a high intelligence, that’s why. (Yes.) Very high intelligence. Very high IQ. And people cannot catch up with him because not everyone has a high IQ like he does. (Oh, yes.) He does things that they don’t understand or they don’t want to understand. (Right.)
He doesn’t want bloodshed. (Yes.) Another president kills just for optics, so people don’t think that he’s weak. Just continues bombing other people. It’s people’s lives. It’s not theater. It’s not a movie. (Right. Yes, Master.) I don’t understand that kind of concept that you have to kill people so that others think you are tough and macho. My God! […] So this president, President Trump, he did not want all that. He’s an honest, straightforward person. He does things honestly and intelligently, and they don’t like that. It’s nothing like them at all. All these presidents, before and after, keep going to war all the time. (Yes.) And he doesn’t. He doesn’t want that. He doesn’t want to start a new war, and he wants to stop other wars as well.
"Fox News Interview President Trump: If you look at my views, my views haven’t changed. I’ve felt this way about these crazy, endless wars where we’re losing so many wonderful, young, beautiful people. And we’re not fighting, we’re just sort of there... But, we got to bring our people back home. It’s time - 21 years in Afghanistan, 21 years."
He’s good for the world as well, not just good for Americans. (Yes.) He’d save hundreds of billions every year, if they don’t go to war. (Yes.) And save people’s lives, Americans and other countries’ people’s lives. (Yes.) So they cannot bear that. And the people who produce weapons, they won’t like it. (Oh, yes.) […] And even though they keep changing presidents by voting, but the system is established. (I see.) They are doing similar things, like the predecessor, the president before them, and they just like to go to war and all that stuff. And even if they cannot, they do something else. […]
There’s a pattern. Or they do whatever fashionable or trendy, (Understand.) just to stay in. (Right.) Just to be voted again or their party will be voted for again. It’s all politically motivated, or for fame and gain, mostly. (Right.) And whoever is not in that fashion, in that established guideline or framework, and especially new coming, then sooner or later they eliminate him. You see, Jimmy Carter was one of the good men. (Yes.) Very humble and good, but he had only one term. (Yes.) The same with President Trump, even though he’s an excellent man for being a politician. He’s good, good, good. (He is. Yes.)
There’s no reason for people to do anything except stick in their square. Doing things like in a square. Too square. That’s why they kill also many good people, good politicians, and many Masters, also they kill them just for no reason. Nothing can explain why they had to kill Jesus. (Right.) He didn’t do anything wrong. (No, He didn’t.) He didn’t steal, He didn’t kill, He didn’t commit any wrong thing. […]
If there is no reason at all, they could find a reason. They could fabricate a reason, like Trump is working with Russia and all that stuff. They found nothing. Any little thing, they make it a big deal so that they can harm him in different ways (I see.) and degrade him. Oh! When I look at that with my eyes, even just physical eyes, I feel so nauseated. […]
So, many Masters suffered on Earth. That’s why they suffered a lot. And any good people, they encountered trouble.
Even like Tesla. (Yes.) He was just an inventor. He tried to make physical life more comfortable for people only. (Right.) It’s not even political. It’s not even religious. […]
Just because he wanted to offer people a better way to live comfortably, with electricity free and all that; there’s no need to even pay. But because of that, it conflicted with the interest of business people at that time. (Yes, Master.) […]
They would hunt him down, so he had to keep moving. So, many of his inventions have never come to fruition. […]
This world is dangerous for any good people. You can tell that from the whole world, read all the news, you know what I am saying, right? (Yes. Right.) Every day I’m grateful that I’m still alive to continue my work. […]
Because the Truth is not easy for the people here to accept. They have been influenced by the negative force too long already. (Yes.) And now in our generation, the negative power leftover is still there. In the humans’ DNA. In the humans’ thinking. (Yes.) It’s still left in the air that you breathe. That’s why it’s very difficult for people still to wake up. […]
Anything else, my love? (Yes, there’s a second question. Master, the Senate Minority Leader Mr. McConnell originally criticized Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan. But now he says that there is not going to be an impeachment of Biden, even though there were some politicians who called for it. Master, what is the reason for Mr. McConnell’s final decision? It seems that he has changed his mind on Biden.)
He did that all the time. He plays this kind of ping pong. […]
Like in the 2020 election, (Yes?) he was a Trump, kind of, faithful. He was kind of President Trump’s friend. But then he kept waiting, waiting. And then everybody was against Trump. (Yes.) At last. Then he announced that Biden won. Just like that, at the end. And then he also hit at Trump when the January 6th riot happened. (Yes.) He said he goes against Trump.
But then later he did not agree with the impeachment of Trump because of the the 6th of January. He plays ping pong like that. (Oh, I see.) He’s just trying so hard to protect his position. He doesn’t want to offend anybody. But he plays this kind of strategy. […]
Like first you befriend somebody. (Yes.) And then whenever there is an opportunity, you will hit him. And then after that, you’ll defend for him or befriend him again in some situation when he needs it, and he seems to need it, depends on where the wind blows. (I see.) Meaning the energy at that time. (Right.) He just plays like that. That’s why he’s still the leader of the minority (party). […] Even though minority, he still continues to be the leader. […]
I think he’s too old already, he should also retire, go home. (Yes.) Maybe it’s not him, maybe it’s somebody advising him at home or something. It sounds very much like Chinese strategy. You know, in politics and in war. You strike when people don’t expect it, like playing good guy, bad guy at the same time. […]
Before, when everybody also wanted to impeach, then he also went with it. And then later, it seems like he needs to defend for that person. For Biden, for example. So that he can win the hearts of others, and Biden as well. So he will never lose anybody. (Yes.) […]
He played the same with Cheney, and whoever that was in the House before. Similar. […]
It’s a boring game. He should change the tactic a little bit. I can see him like an open book. […]
People don’t have self-respect. (Right.) Just do it for gain and fame. That’s the way I see it. […]
But he should not play the same this time. […] He should not, because this time it’s Americans’ lives lost, and could be losing more if Biden continues. (Yes, Master.) So this is Americans’ lives at stake, and international peace at stake. It’s not for him to play anymore. (Right.) It’s real lives. It’s real suffering. So he better change his tactic. Otherwise, sooner or later, he will lose all the respect from others, Congress members or Senate or whatever. […]
This time it’s serious. (Right.) Many Americans’ lives, and Afghans’ lives, and international people’s lives were already lost. And people are still stuck in a restricted country. Their lives are still in danger.
And he just sits there, comfortable, getting good pay, getting good respect, and just say anything stupid that he likes. That is beyond stupidity. […]
Playing with people’s lives like that. God forbid. (Yes.) It’s not right at all. (No.) […]
Either he is mindless, stupid, or evil. Any way, it’s no good for the Americans that he sits there and talk, talk, talk. (Yes.) And don’t care about people’s lives lost. Everyone has to take consequences for his actions. (Yes.) Biden’s actions have killed many lives already, and he still continues to support him. That’s not correct. (No, it’s not.) Just because it’s for him too easy to play. […]
But that is not correct. (No.) Because now it’s the people’s lives. […]
"WFP rep(m): We’re feeding about 5 million people right now, all throughout Afghanistan. The needs there are extraordinary. If the international community allows the Afghan economy to collapse, then you’ve got 40 million people with an economic collapse. And it will be chaos. It will be famine, it will be exploitation like we’ve seen in the past in Afghanistan in the 1990s, what we saw in Syria, what we’ve seen in Yemen. When people don’t have food, they have economic collapse, terrorist organizations exploit and recruit, and you could have the ultimate catastrophe."
Shameless. Shameless. Heartless. I’m sure maybe somebody advised him badly or something. If it’s him, then he’s really wicked. (Yes, Master.) Has no morals. No loyalty to his own citizens, to his own country. […]
Let me try to explain a little bit more clearly. This is very difficult because this is kind of a strategy. (Yes.) It’s subtle, that’s why people don’t see it. It’s like this: he tries to befriend somebody, (Yes.) and then that person thinks, “Oh, this is my friend. He’s for me.” So you don’t have any precaution toward that person. (Yes.) You trust and maybe you could even tell some confidential things. You think he’s your confidant, or at least to you, he’s harmless. (Yes.) And then, when the opportunity knocks, he hits you. And when that person is even in the position of leader, then other people follow suit because they trust him. (Yes, Master.) Also, respect for the leader, so they follow suit. Then the person who’s being hit, is now kind of almost like isolated. (Yes.) And then this person comes back to him, like for a rescue. (Oh, I see.) So whoever that is, is in his hands, feels like powerless, feels like depending on him, confused and don’t know how to fight back. (Yes.) That’s what it is. He keeps playing that all the time. (Confusing.) Yeah, and making people feel like they don’t know how to deal with him. (Understand.) And he sounds even like he’s a very fair person. (Yes.) It’s not like that. (I see.)
It’s not fair when you hit somebody when it wasn’t necessary, and unfairly. (Right.) And then it’s not right when you defend for somebody when he’s wrong. (Yes.)
Like for this case, like Mr. Biden. (Right.) He harmed the Americans by letting the immigrants ‒ in France, they say “n’importe qui,” means doesn’t matter who, ‒ just let them in, catch and let go, catch and let go. Catch means register, and just go. Go anywhere. (Yes, Master.)
"Fox News Interview Mayor of Yuma: This is very much the same push that we had in 2019, and in about three months, the administration at the time was able to put policies in place that stemmed that flow, that kept people from trying to enter the country at these dramatic numbers. Well, with the new administration coming in and the release of those policies, the reversal of those policies, people have seen that as an open door.
There’s really no monitoring. We’re seeing a new era where our country’s facilitating illegal immigration into this country.
They arrested 7,000 illegal aliens just in one day yesterday. Eight hundred children were arrested yesterday. There’re 14,000 in custody at Border Patrol right now."
"Media Report from Fox News: Just to give you an idea of how bad it’s getting down here, the city of McAllen has declared a local disaster, and they are not happy with the federal government. The city says the federal government has just been dumping illegal immigrants in downtown McAllen and they can’t handle it anymore. .##There’s a risk of hundreds of migrants being left out on the streets of McAllen, so they had to build this compound to help house some of these people.
Texas Border Patrol agents releasing more than 1,500 migrants who tested positive for COVID in McAllen in just the past week alone.
The local police say the federal government is still releasing COVID positive migrants into the United States. ‘This stems from the Biden administration’s refusal to enforce immigration laws and allow illegal immigrants with COVID-19 to enter our country.’
It seems that people are becoming numb to what’s going on down here on the border. Not everyone we encounter… We test only those exhibiting some type of symptoms, and not everybody has symptoms that has it. And we’re releasing people out the door, day in, day out with actual positive tests for COVID, and more just keep popping up."
And then make the pandemic worse because they brought it from every different country. (Correct, yes.) Those countries who are not very strict with COVID regulations or vaccines. (Yes.) […]
Didn’t even test, just catch and let go, registered and then go, even take them anywhere they want, and make the Americans more susceptive, more vulnerable for pandemic. More people die now, even children die. (Yes, Master.)
And in Afghanistan, he just let all the troops go, and then whether people over there are rescued or not, doesn’t matter. (Yes.) Until international pressure and internal pressure, then he rush-rushed more airplanes to take them out. Still, too late. Don’t know how many are still trapped in there. (Yes, Master.)
"Fox News Interview Michael Waltz: The evacuation’s not over, Mr. President. There’re still Americans stuck, SIV (Special Immigrant Visa) holders, Green Card holders, that right now as we speak, veterans groups are still trying to help get out. They’re trapped at airports, in the vicinity of airports around Afghanistan. You know why? Because the State Department won’t give the proper clearances for these private charter flights to get out. And in the few instances where they have, then the Taliban won’t let them go. You know what that’s called? That’s called a hostage. (Right.) And we are heading into a mass hostage situation, where the Taliban has all the leverage to get international legitimacy, access to billions in foreign currency, and economic assistance. And we handed them that legitimacy on a silver platter in the form of hundreds of Americans that Joe Biden left behind."
Maybe the Taliban won’t do anything to them because of fear of diplomatic problems, pray so! But still, the pressure for them over there, when everybody else is gone and they’re just left behind like that. (Yes. Unfair.) They feel very, very scared, very fearful. The psychological pressure on them is enormous. (Understand.)
"Fox News Interview Darrell Issa Member of the U.S. House of Representatives Former U.S. Army Captain: A pregnant U.S. citizen is trying to escape with her husband and her father. She claims the Taliban is blocking her and even kicked her in the stomach.
She’s going to stay sheltered in place, hiding her identity, and hoping that her friends will continue to bring her food and keep her secret until frankly, we can come up with something new. We know her exact location but literally are afraid to even have a conversation about a rendezvous until we know where and when somebody could meet her. Anyone who wants to remain unknown, has to switch phones, turn them off, use all the techniques that you would use if you were in survival, escape and evasion. We also have an elderly couple, same thing: repeatedly went to the gate, waited at the gate with their blue (U.S.) passports, and did not get in. So, anyone that says that they didn’t break a promise to the American people and leave people behind, is wrong. Anyone who says that there aren’t people stranded is wrong. These people were stranded, they did everything they were supposed to do, and they simply were not a priority at the end."
And people died at the Kabul airport, and died, also, more elsewhere because of the drone strike. So, this is very clear evidence that Mr. Biden will harm the Americans and other countries’ citizens, also the international peace. (Yes. It is.) And how many more disasters can Mr. Biden afford, can the Americans afford to let him? (Right.)
And this guy, McConnell, trying to play this game of good guy again. He can’t afford this. (No.) He’s supporting somebody who harms his co-citizens. (Yes.) That’s no good. He should retire. Or people should fire him also. (Yes, Master.) […]
He’s not fit to be in the position in the government anywhere. (No, he’s not.) Not just being a leader, but being anywhere in the government, especially at the top, in the center of the government in the Capitol. (Right.) As the Senate or as the House of Representatives. This kind of person is very harmful for the country. He gets paid to help, to protect, to promote the wellness of his country. And he did the opposite. (Yes.)
The border problem, he also did not do much. And now many Americans die, obviously, in front of him, he still does nothing! He does nothing; he still supports this kind of action to harm more Americans. (Right. Yes.) That’s why this guy is no good. (I agree.) […]
To impeach Biden or not impeach Biden, it doesn’t lie in his hands alone. (Yes.) If the Senate and the House of Representatives realize the seriousness of Mr. Biden’s handling of everything, if they realize it, they couldn’t care less whether or not McConnell says what. (Yes, Master.) But it’s not for him to stand up and say, “No, Biden cannot be impeached. It won’t happen.” Can he foresee the future perhaps? Like a clairvoyant or something? Or is he so sure of his power grip on everybody that he can announce like that? (No.) It’s too arrogant. (True.) The government leader, the leaders of any type in a nation, cannot be arrogant. (Yes, Master.) Because you will fall, you will harm people if you are too arrogant because you are too far from reality. […]
He should be removed, together with Biden. […] (Yes, Master.)
Should remove him immediately before he makes more trouble and causes more pain and suffering to the American people, who pay him through taxes. (Yes, Master. Yes.) He should be more loyal and protective toward them, his employers – the ones who pay him. (Yes, absolutely.) The Americans are the ones who pay him. They are his employers. He should be more protective toward them. Not to any individual just so that he can control all the powers. (Yes.) Control people mentally and psychologically. (Yes, Master.) I don’t know how to express this more eloquently. I’m just telling you as it comes out. (Yes, Master. Understand.) I said just straight from my heart, and the way I see it. (It is very clear and straightforward. Yes, Master.) It’s clear? (Yes.) Good.
Host: Most Benevolent Master, we are deeply thankful for Your wholehearted commitment to opening people’s eyes to the truth, and foremost to awakening our leaders. We pray that the future of the United States and the world will be nothing short of brilliant and more peaceful than ever. May we soon witness a cardinal change where those truly caring and wise take government positions, thus uplifting the state of their countries and our planet. Wishing Cherished Master to be in the best of health, ensured by all Splendid Cosmic Beings.
To learn what else Supreme Master Ching Hai has to share concerning why most humans don’t recognize good leaders, please tune in to Between Master and Disciples, on Monday, September 20.
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Work Together in the World’s Final Hour, August 29 & 30, 2021
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Host: During work-related phone calls with a Supreme Master Television team member on August 29 and 30, Master readily answered some questions regarding the situation in Afghanistan, with further insights and guidance for the Taliban and United States government. The topic was also raised about the current endangered state of our world.
This is the time of screening. Almost like the final hour ‒ 11th hour of humanity. The scientists keep telling us and I’ve been sounding the alarm all these years and recently. But if humans do not change, then probably many will lose their lives, and not just that, but then the economy will collapse and many things will happen before we can see the change. And at that time, I don’t know if we can start it all over again from ABC to rebuild the world. […]
With so much sickness and pandemics, and even old pandemics or old deadly diseases and infections returned, and so many disasters everywhere, I think, maybe… Heaven wants to get rid of all the humans. (Oh!) Or as many humans as possible. (Oh God.) […]
Even though some already changed into a more benevolent lifestyle, like choosing vegan to reduce karma and reduce destruction for the planet. But not enough. Everyone has to change. (Yes.) And then, the tables will turn immediately. Things will get better immediately, almost. Few weeks. (Wow.) […]
(Master, […] as President Joe Biden wasn’t meant to be the president this time, does this mean that he might not have enough merits to stay in that office?)
No, he doesn’t. That’s why I hardly call him president. (I see.) He’s not supposed to be in that post. But by some means, as the negative karma of humans and Americans are too strong, it overrides it. That’s why he cannot make any good decisions. Everything is opposite to what is good for the Americans. (Yes.) […]
Even though President Trump does not look like what people expect him to be, but he is absolutely good for the Americans. (Yes.) […] He’s supposed to look after the Americans at this time. […]
It’s not just Biden. It’s just for America that we’re talking about, but quite a few leaders don’t have enough merit to be there. That’s why our world is a mess. (Understand.) […]
He (Biden) just destroys peace. (Yes. True.) I mean not destroy, but damaging, and kind of restarting the devil’s circle, the vicious circle of vengeance. (Yes.) Terrible. (It’s really not good.) To be strong is not like, wait until the enemy attacks you and then you bomb them back. (No.) That’s not showing your strength. (No.) Strength, wisdom is to avoid that from happening, (Right.) so that peace can be more established and nourished. (Yes.) So citizens of both sides or every side can have their freedom, their peace to enjoy and to build their lives for themselves, their countries, their children, and for the next generation. They should have peace to think, to relax, in order to reorganize their lives, (Yes.) or build their lives, in peace. (Yes.) […]
(Master, should the US Congress reclaim war powers authority since Mr. Biden has proven unable to handle the Afghan crisis?) […]
They could do that if they think he’s not good enough. They should fire him anyway. (Yes.) But I’m not really supporting any war. (Yes. Understand.) But I cannot also advise them not to do anything. It’s not in my position. But war will always breed more war. (Yes, Master.) They should have taken over before. Not now, things already happened. (Yes.) Take over before, to speed up the rescue process before the withdrawing of all the equipment and personnel and soldiers and all that. (Right.) Like this, right now, billions in equipment are left behind in Afghanistan. (Yes.) (So it’s too late.) Too late, yes, yes. […]
War is never good anyway. (It’s true. Never.) Because the war destroys many things. Destroys the country, destroys people’s lives, destroys peace, destroys the economy, destroys even security for people, destroys farming, (Yes.) agriculture and all that. It breeds famines. […]
No matter what ideology or who wins, who loses, it’s devastating for people everywhere, in that country and spilling over to the next, neighboring countries, and into the world at large as well. (Yes. Right.) Very difficult. It’s better to avoid war at all costs. […] The option of war should never be a priority. […]
But that’s what I was afraid of, that the generals and the commanders of the army and all the Congress, all the Senate, will take over. If they are very angry, if they are in pain and feeling humiliated by the Taliban or by any other organization, (I see.) they might take the matter into their hands. And the European alliance could also take matters into their hands, (Right.) if they feel too frustrated, and too pained, too much grievance. Or too angry if the government, or any government, or Taliban is mistreating their female members of society and molesting little girls like that. My goodness! (Goodness!) Terrible. This is evil, beyond evil. (It is, yes.) Beyond any uncivilized concept. […]
You see, the Taliban say that the women should stay in the house because their soldiers have not been trained for respecting women. My goodness. […]
If the Taliban leaders, even though they don’t want it, but their soldiers, they’re going out house to house and harassing people like that and they don’t discipline them, then I don’t think any European country or America even wants to work with them. Unless they show goodwill first. (Yes, right.) Discipline. Because if you cannot discipline your own soldiers whom you have been fighting alongside or at least teaching all these decades, then how can you govern a nation? (Right.) What kind of a nation that has to be under such atrocities, brutality, immoral behavior of their own people like that? How do they survive? (Yes.) […] So I don’t know if any country would really cooperate with the Taliban if they don’t show their better side. And soon. (Yes, Master.) The country is already reeling in pain and suffering and losing international trust, and if they don’t turn around soon, I don’t know if they can even keep their power or country. (Yes. I agree.) Because the international governments or armies, they might not be able to hold it, even though they want peace. (Yes.) They might not be able to hold it to see the women and children being abused like that. (Yes. Of course.) […]
So if the Taliban doesn’t show a better side, doesn’t treat their citizens, especially women and children, with normal behavior, don’t even ask for anything more. (Yes, yes.)
Just treat them like everybody else in the Western society. With normal respect and peace, to let them get on with their lives. All the women want and all the other citizens want is just to live a normal life, (Exactly, yes.) to have peace and to go to work, and come back home with a warm welcome of a family. (Yes.) Harmonious family. And raise their children up to be good citizens, to contribute to the country and the world. That’s all they want. They don’t want anything more from the government. The government doesn’t even have to give them anything. Just leave them alone (Yes.) to survive, to live.
And now, our world looks like it’s coming to an end, with so many disasters, one after another non-stop, and the pandemic and the virus, one after another variant keeps coming. One is worse than the others. Now there are some variants that even reject the vaccination even. (Oh, yes.) That will take some more time to develop a new one. And then meanwhile, they will have new variants, even worse. (Yes.) So we can chase viruses forever.
So the whole world is in the grip of disaster and death right now. And in such a time period of the world, still think of waging war, and bombing people without arms, bombing innocent and helpless people like that, it’s beyond despicable. (Yes. It’s beyond.)
And therefore, I hope the international community, including the Taliban and many other Muslim countries, would work together, something, to let people, the ordinary, poor people, have some breathing space, at least. (Yes, right.) Just leave them alone to deal with their lives, their family, […] they go to work, they pay taxes. That’s all they need. (Yes.) […]
The governments are the employees (Yes.) of the people, because the people pay taxes in order to keep them in office. So I don’t know why any government would dare, or any army would dare to go and harass them. That is upside down. […]
(There are reports saying that the Biden administration gave away the names of Americans and US allies to the Taliban. Master, should they still cooperate with the Taliban after the deadly attacks that happened recently?) My God. This is a taboo. […]
To give your own people, a name list, away, give it away to the so-called enemy, a former enemy. (Yes.) It takes some time to work with them to know if they’re sincere and peace-loving. (Yes.) Between the United States and the Taliban, and also between the Taliban and their own people. We don’t know. The Americans don’t know yet.
So to give away a list like that, it’s endangering the lives of American servicemen there. And also their families, and relative and friend connections. It’s so easy to find them. (Yes.) And then it could become a blacklist for murdering, killing or assassinating. (Yes, Master.) Or taking into prison, whatever they would do. It’s so easy. (Right.) And then now, there was an attack on them like that. (Yes.) I’m not sure how they’re going to deal with this.
Under Biden anything could happen. Any illogical thing, dangerous thing could happen. Not to him. To his people, to the Americans who expose their lives in dangerous situations to help others. […] And now he gave the list of the Americans and Afghan allies’ names. Make it so easy. Maybe the Taliban don’t want to kill them. But maybe they leaked out the information to another (Yes.) so-called terrorist organization, that’s how the bomb happened. (Oh, right.) (Yes, Master.) […]
You see, now, America made it happen so that there is war between them and the ISIS, (Right.) and between the ISIS and the Taliban as well. (Yes.) And between America and the Taliban also, because the Taliban is now condemning the drone strike from America.
The Americans were conducting a drone strike to revenge the Kabul airport bombing. (Yes.) And then now, the Taliban also died in that attack. And before that, they said they vowed to track down and revenge the ISIS-K for this. (Yes, yes.) And then the Americans did the same. (Oh, yes.) They also vowed to revenge the evil. […]
Both of them vowed to do the same thing, but now the Americans did it and the Taliban condemned them. (Yes, I see.) This is so funny. It’s truly funny. So now, at least three groups become enemies now. The ISIS and the Taliban become America’s enemies. (It’s worse than before.) Before that, the Taliban was the enemy of the ISIS and vowed to find them and punish them. See what I’m saying? (Yes.)
First, let somebody kill, and then later make an excuse to revenge. And then they revenge you back. America revenges them, the Taliban or whoever revenges them back, and the circle never ends. (Right.) The devil’s cycle or circle never ends. (True. Yes.) The Buddha and Jesus always emphasized that: Must cut the cycle of vengeance.
Must forgive, make friends, otherwise it will never end. The cycle doesn’t just end here, but also after life, in hell, it will not end. (Yes.) People will suffer, the perpetrators will suffer more, more, more, more, more, more, forever in hells as well. Not just this lifetime that we should worry about. (Yes, understand.) So this is a really, grave, very, very serious and grave problem with venging. (Yes.) That’s why God said, “Vengeance belongs to me.” (Yes.) The Buddha emphasized peace. (Yes.) All good religions emphasized that. […]
I pray that the world will wake up, especially those so-called leaders. They will just have to wake up, really dedicate themselves for the sake of their co-citizens or subjects, and not thinking of their power and their fame and their gain, and their selfish, all bloody goals. (Yes.) What for want to conquer a world? I’m telling you, the world is ending. Ending signs are everywhere. If we don’t wake up, we will have no more world to live in, no more planet to stay on. (Yes.) Not to talk about fighting with each other for a seat in the presidential, prime minister’s palace, or parliament or senate, whatever. (Exactly.) Or a land or country. […]
OK, my love. My well wishes to all of you, in-house workers and outside workers for the Supreme Master Television and all the initiates. Keep safe, keep healthy, praying to God. Be humble, be grateful for your life and your health and your safety. May Heavens, may God, may Allah be with you. Amen. (Amen, Master. Thank You.) May our world have peace and have vegan policy.
Host: The time has now come for both leaders and citizens to apply our highest virtues, removing all obstacles that oppose mercy and endanger life on our planet. Let us pray and take the chance, while we still have it today, to unite and heroically build a peaceful vegan world, as our children’s lives depend on it.
With utmost gratefulness to Most Gracious Master, may She be always in the loving Support of all Godses, while Her courageous messages move us to demand the triumph of goodness!
To hear what more Supreme Master Ching Hai has to say about how the international community should respond to the Taliban, please tune in to Between Master and Disciples, on Wednesday, September 15.
Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Advice on COVID: Be Humble. Be Prayerful. Be Grateful. August 27, 2021
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Host: With loving concern for our Association members’ safety during the pandemic, on August 27, 2021, our Most Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai shared Her caring advice along with some extra remedies as precautions against COVID-19 and its even more dangerous emerging variants. Master also asked us to share this message with the world, as a help in these still uncertain times for all.
This is just a reminder for all of you, wonderful souls. There are quite a few variants of the COVID. But Delta, it seems to be the worst right now. Even though there’s another new one, but the scientists say it’s not as bad as Delta. If you read the news, everywhere people are getting it easier and quicker than before. Even people who are vaccinated, double already, still got sick and died also, very shortly afterward, including children. Before, children were more or less spared of this COVID-19, but now the Delta doesn’t spare anyone. And it spreads so fast.
Even with the mask and face shield and all that, if you stay too long in a room with many people, especially if someone is sick in there, you’ll get it. Maybe you got it, but you don’t think you got it, because you are asymptomatic.
Apart from all the precautions, you must always be humble, be grateful, that you are healthy. Pray for your safety. Pray for protection. If you have this kind of arrogant attitude like, “OK, I am vegetarian, I’m vegan, I’m raw, whatever, and I won’t get it.” No, you might, because the COVID-19, especially Delta, they have souls, I told you already. And they know everything, they hear everything. They will find you. So you might get it. Even if you’re vegan or raw or whatever.
Especially if you’re telling other people, misinforming them that, “OK, you have to be this, you have to do that, and you don’t care, you don’t need to wear a mask because it’s unhealthy because you keep thinking of sickness.” No, you don’t have to think of sickness. You don’t have to think that you might get it, you just be cautious.
Cautious is always healthy. Because if you get it, you might transmit it to other people, family members and all that. It’s not cool. Because maybe you get it but you are kind of an asymptomatic person, and you don’t know it and you keep boasting a lot, and you go everywhere without a mask or without precautions. Then you might get it.
Many people make fun of people who recognize COVID, and deny that COVID is anything important or serious. They all die. It’s all in the news. Old, young, whoever. You cannot have disrespect for this kind of virus. If you happen to be in a crowd somewhere, like an airplane, even though before, they said, “It’s very seldom you get it, the chance is very hard to get it by traveling in the airplane,” but now people get it everywhere. And the death number spiked up, and the children’s infected number also spiked up, not like before. And the children deaths also spiked up.
Many hospitals ‒ many states’ hospitals ‒ are full. Some people are not accepted to go in the hospital, even though they are very sick. So if you are sick and you are in the hospital and get taken care of, you count your blessings. Thank God, thank Heaven for that.
I’m giving you some of the extra prevention or extra cure medicines and tips, if you’d like to try. Take them between any kind of your prescribed medicine, not together, at least 30 minutes after.
Like if you have it or if you can, you can crush some fresh garlic and take about one teaspoon twice a day, 12 hours between. If you don’t have fresh, you can take dry garlic powder also. Similar amount. It will also be effective.
And you can also take like Vitamin D2 or (vegan) D3, Vitamin E, and of course the multivitamin. With meals.
Hope these things help you. If you have to travel long distance and have to mingle with other people, like in an airplane, for example, before you go, you take these. Take all of these. Of course, it won’t smell nice, but after that you drink something, you eat some mint to dilute the smell of the garlic.
Also, there is a flu concoction that I have taught you before. It’s still on the internet, in maybe our cookbook or something. So take that and all those vitamins and garlic before you go.
“Ingredients: 650 ml (3 cups) water 1½ Tbsp cloves 20g (1 oz) ginger (about thumb-size) 2 star anises 10g (0.5 oz) cinnamon 1 clove garlic 50g (2 oz) crystal sugar (to taste)
Directions: Wash ingredients with water (crystal sugar not included); set aside. Combine all ingredients with water in a pot. Bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce to low heat and simmer for 20 minutes. Filter out the dregs.
* For 2 persons, double ingredients. This tea is particularly effective for treating influenza and for clearing up a runny nose.”
Better when symptoms just start. If a symptom persists after two days, you should consult with your doctor. All this is for prevention and an extra boost for recovery, not to replace your doctor’s prescription for infection. Always consult your doctor if symptoms don’t ease.
You can also take pure lemon juice, one teaspoon twice a day. All that might help you more than just nothing. Even if they won’t help, it’s no harm. At least no harm.
Important thing is, you must be humble. You cannot have a careless and arrogant attitude. You think that, like, raw food will protect you. No, no, no. It’s not that. It may be that your karma is better. You still have some good karma left. Plus God’s Blessing! But if you mingle too much with many people, you’ll get it. Not because the virus doesn’t spread as fast if you get out fast, but because you mingle with too many people, different energy, maybe very low-level spiritually. Then you’ll get it. Because your karma might not be enough to cover. Maybe you’re not humble enough.
God helps those who help themselves. So don’t just rely on God or Heaven alone. You have to take care of yourself also. God cannot eat for you. See? God cannot drive your car. See? God cannot wear the clothes for you. You have the physical body in the physical dimension. You have to take care in the physical world in a physical way.
And God helps, of course. You must pray all the time, remember the Five Holy Names, and do not think that you are a good practitioner and all that and you won’t get COVID. No. You might not be as good as you think. If your karma is heavy and you don’t practice well every day to protect yourself, then you still might get it. Not just COVID or Delta, maybe something else.
Always be humble, grateful, and pray for protection. That’s all you can do. If you still get it, then that means you cannot avoid. The meat and the eggs and the fish before, come chasing after you. The Delta is really looking for the people. It’s really chasing, tracking people ‒ tracking those low-level people to infect them. So make sure your level is high, make sure you meditate well also.
Vegan is not enough. Better than animal eaters, of course, of course. But there are many factors involved. Mostly, vegan people, if they are pure and humble also, and repentant, they will be more protected. But vegan alone is not a hundred percent protection.
It is a big protection, bigger than people who eat animal blood and flesh. But still, our attitude, our sincerity, our purity, also has a big influence, because the karma we carry around will attract different kinds of karma and mix together with them in the public, where there are so many different energies and mix-matching, low, high and middle.
You never know who is who. That will also bring you infection. The people who don’t get it yet: Don’t talk too loud, don’t be too proud. Even I don’t dare. If I happen to go out somehow, I wear a mask. I mostly wore it before the pandemic even. I have been wearing it whenever I can, if I go out and mix with people. Except with the disciples, I wear less, I care less, because I cannot wear the mask and shield and all that; they cannot see me, and I cannot talk very well. But when I go outside, like before, long ago, like go shopping or anything, I try to wear a mask. When I travel, I wear a mask.
Even when at home with other people, I also wear a mask. I say, “In case I’m sick and I might transmit it to you.” And people around me who work, from a long time up till now, or in the restaurant, I always advise them to wear masks, and also wear gloves and all that. Just to protect each other.
We do our best, and Heavens do the rest. Do not be so arrogant or so self-conceited. Then you might be in for a big surprise. A surprise is not always nice.
Take good care of yourself. We are in a big, big problem right now, I mean the whole world – one variant after another. This Delta is very strong. So, many countries already opened, thinking the pandemic is gone down, but many places had to re-close-down again. Because this Delta is really devious – very, very bad, very evil. So, don’t take everything for granted.
Most disciples are safe, except those who are low-level, or don’t take good care, or eat wrong things that they don’t even know. You know, eat things that were not pure. Or mingle with people who are not too pure, too often or too long. Then, can also get sick.
Do not try God. Do not try Heavens.
Any initiation: small number, spread out, and outdoors, not inside rooms.
Take care of yourself. Be humble. Be prayerful. Be grateful. All the time. All the time. Even if we don’t have a pandemic, always be grateful, be humble.
The flu concoction that I have made before, a long time ago, it’s for mild cases; it could help very quick. Or for the beginning of the infection. If it’s long-term already, it might also help, but probably less noticeable. You can try, it won’t hurt. It won’t hurt at all.
The garlic might smell bad, but you can eat some mint leaves or something afterward. Drink some vegan milk with mint ‒ peppermint, or tea with peppermint, to dilute the smell. Then it’s OK. It’s not quite OK, but this can help you to feel better. It won’t harm you in any way, there’s no side effect. But don’t take more than advised. Like vitamins, you take according to the dosage, or according to what the doctor tells you. Like garlic and all that, also take it moderately.
Even if you have good karma, but if you mingle too often with different people who have heavy karma, then you will share their karma and then you might get it as well. Maybe not too heavily infected. Maybe you think it’s just a headache or something.
But if you see any symptom and you are suspicious, you must go see a doctor. You have to go test. You cannot just say, “Oh, because it’s raining or because it’s a cold day.” No, no, no, no. You must go test before it’s too late. If you know it earlier, it’s easier to cure. If you know it earlier, even the garlic or the flu concoction would even cure you ‒ with isolation three weeks, of course. Minimum two weeks.
But, if it’s already been long and you don’t even know it, or you think it’s just a normal, common flu, and you let it be too long, then it’s very difficult to get well, to heal. Because your lungs may be damaged, or your heart or even your brain. It might damage one of your inner systems, inner organs, and then it will be difficult to cure. Or it might damage many organs together, depends on how bad it is. Depends on the numbers of virus that you got from others.
The numbers of virus is very important also. Because sometimes you get not too much, then you won’t feel too bad and it’s easily cured. That’s why you have mild symptoms. But if you have gotten a lot, a lot, big amount of virus, then it’s very difficult to cure. It could be deadly also. So be very careful. Don’t take everything for granted. We all have bad karma, so must remember that.
Be well. Be safe. Thank God. Love you. Love all of you. God bless. God bless you, God bless our world. God knows. God knows how hard it is for everybody at the moment. Without freedom, without jobs, without security, without guarantee about anything. Just because our planet is truly in trouble right now. It’s getting faster and faster. I’m really worried for everybody. But what can we do? I do my best, you also. OK? I do my best to help, you also. Take care. God Love. OK. That’s it for now. Best of luck to all of you.
Host: Our heartfelt appreciation for Gracious Master’s precious and helpful advice on how to protect and care for ourselves, as well as those around us. We sincerely pray for this unsettled period to end soon, and primarily for the world to turn to the preventive vegan lifestyle, as the quickest and only long-term solution for all such unfavorable circumstances on our planet. May Master be in the best of health and protection, accompanied by the Love of all Benevolent Divinities.
All of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s tips for protection during the COVID-19 (and any other) pandemic are free for viewing and download at
Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Support for Those Who Are Good for the World, September 16, 2021
Host: In light of reports from the United States regarding a newly passed abortion law in Texas and the recent California gubernatorial recall election results, our Most Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai addressed related questions during a work phone call with a Supreme Master Television team member on September 16.
“Media Report from ABC NEWS Sept. 15, 2021: Breaking news as we come on the air this hour, Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom will keep his job.”
“Media Report from FOX NEWS Sept. 16, 2021: 67.3%, 32%, that means that Gavin Newsom will not be recalled.”
“Governor Newsom: Coming out of this recall, I want to turn the page and express respect and a deep sense of responsibility, not just to those that voted ‘no’ on this recall but those that voted ‘yes.’ They matter, I care, and I want them to know I’m going to do my best to have their backs as well.
Tonight I’m humbled, grateful but resolved in the spirit of my political hero, Robert Kennedy, to make more gentle the life of this world.”
(Master, Governor Newsom survived the California recall with a clear majority. If Master is pro-Trump, why does Master support Governor Newsom, who is a Democrat?) Do you expect that I am a Republican somewhat? (Well, if You’re pro-Trump, he’s a Republican, Master.) Oh… OK. Well, that’s not my fault that America has two parties. (Yes.)
Anyway, I am not pro-Trump, and I am not pro-Newsom. I am pro-fairness. I’m pro-Americans. I’m pro-world citizens. (Yes.) Anyone who is good for Americans, then he is a good American government worker. (Understand.) So Trump was excellent for Americans, so I supported that. (Yes.) I support anything that’s good for Americans through any leader or persons.
So, I told you in some conference a long time ago that Governor Newsom is a very good person. (Yes.) Well, of course, he has maybe some of his misjudgment because of another system. Like the church decided for something, and he goes with it, that’s all. (Yes.) Maybe without much thinking. But overall, he’s a very good governor for your state.
I’m not pro-Democrat, I’m not pro-Republican, I’m pro-nobody, (Understand.) only the one who is good for his country, his people, or his world. Because his world is my world too. (Yes, yes.) And his state is my state too; his country is also my country. Because whatever affects one state, affects the whole country; whatever affects the country, affects the whole world. You see that? (Yes, definitely.)
I’m not here for any political motivation, agenda, nada, nothing. He’s good, you can see that. Right? (Yes, yes, he’s definitely good.) You know Newsom is good, as good as it gets in this world. (Understand.) What it means is that, his heart is good, his intention is good. (Yes.) So if you cannot find a better person, which I doubt for this moment, to replace Newsom, then better to keep him. (Yes, yes, definitely.) He’s the best now for California. […]
I’m here to help but not to go for any of my profit. People support one party and not support the other, because that party appeals to them for some reason. […]
But I am not in any party, and I’m glad I’m not. (Yes, understand.)
I don’t know if I can deal with any politics. To be a Master like this is already a lot, a lot of work. (Yes, understand.) In a way, it is similar to some leaders of the countries, and even worse than that.
Today I was thinking to myself, oh, how have I survived all these years? All these decades. (Yes, we wonder.) Dodging bullets and running from knives, and […] even having to endure body searches in the airport (Wow.) all the time whenever I’m out of the country, any country. […]
I was thinking, oh my God, I don’t think I can do that again. (Yes.) I mean, avoiding gunpoint is something, and avoiding bullets is another thing. And moving houses for security also. And running from one place after another, just to keep myself safe so that I can continue my work. (Yes, I don’t know how You do it, Master.) And all this defamation as well. But the psychological and mental stress sometimes is really… that you don’t know. It’s true, you don’t know. […]
I also don’t know how I’ve done all that, all these years. The politicians or leaders, they have it better because they have bodyguards. (Yes, yes.) They have airplanes ready anytime for them. Or at least they have people who are supporting them. For me, it’s different. Never mind…
I’m not for any political agenda or any personal gain, that’s why I just support whoever is good for the country and for the world, because that is in my heart that everyone should be satisfied in their country, in the world, and have peace, prosperity, happiness. (Yes.) Therefore, I support anyone who does that. Now you understand why I’m pro-Trump but I support Mr. Newsom ‒ in my speech only. There’s not much I can do. (Yes, yes.) But at least I explained it so people who hesitate to vote for Newsom, they would understand why they vote for him, and they can rethink whether or not they should continue voting for him. (Yes. Yes.)
Because it is not fair for a good person to be persecuted and defamed for any reason. Because nobody else would be better for their state, or for their country. Therefore, I have to help whatever way I can. In my humble way, in my weak, not-powerful position way, and risky way even. (Yes.) Because if you support one party or one person, you risk offending the rest, (Oh yes, definitely.) the others, and that is not a good position to be in. Especially when you gain nothing. What for you talk? (Yes. Yes.) So you can see I’m just truly unconditional and fair, that’s all. (Yes.) […]
“Father Fidelis Moscinski Community of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal United States: Every day in New York State, about 289 unborn children are killed through abortion.”
“The Guardian Interview: Regardless of anything else, I thought of the babies that are being killed every day. It’s very sad.”
“Eddie Lucio, Jr: When I hear a person’s beating heart, I don’t just hear their heart, I hear their soul speaking and I listen carefully.”
“Governor Abbott(m): Our Creator endowed us with the right to life, and yet millions of children lose their right to life every year. I’m about to sign the Bill that ensures that the life of every unborn child who has a heartbeat will be saved from the ravages of abortion.”
“Media Report from WFAA May 7, 2021: The Heartbeat Bill is to protect the unborn child when a heartbeat is detected as early as six weeks. Republican State Senator Shelby Slawson is the lead sponsor of the Bill, who shared her personal story, saying that her mother was given a ‘dim prognosis of an abnormally developing baby,’ and that baby, Slawson says, is her.”
“The Guardian Interview July 7, 2021: I was a victim of sexual assault. At one point, I was contemplating abortion. (And is this the baby?) This is the miracle baby, yes.”
(Texas has recently passed a law banning abortion. What does Master think about this law?)
Oh, any killing harms our planet, harms the safety of the world. Any killing of innocents, especially babies in the womb, even it’s yours but it’s God-given. So any killing like that would bring disaster to our world, to everybody. So, it is good, that, to remind people not to do any killing of the innocents. You got that? (Yes.) Of course, people won’t like it. Many women, I think, went on demonstration, right? (Yes, yes. They did.) Very strongly. But I think it’s better not to abort any fetus. They’re innocent. (Yes.) They are new citizens, we should welcome them with warmth and love, and take care. And if you could not take care and you, by the way, happen to be pregnant, you can give birth and give it to someone else who’d love to have a child and cannot have. (Yes.) Then that makes two people happy, the baby and the new family. (Definitely.) And makes yourself also happy because your conscience agrees with that and blesses you. (Yes.)
“The Honorable Eddie Lucio, Jr. Texas State Senator Senator(m): I’m one of ten kids. There were actually nine of us and my mother and father had such a compassionate heart, they adopted a four-month-old baby girl that was dying, and she’s my sister now and she’s 67 years old today. And we love her dearly, so we were shown and taught to be good neighbors and a caring person that we ought to be, and respect humanity.”
The women nowadays, if get themselves pregnant, that is a very unthinkable thing. There are many things to prevent it. If you don’t have a stable relationship, I mean if you are not in a marriage, then it’s better you be careful. If you don’t want children, you have preventive medicine. You have preventive means to stop that. (Yes.)
So, if you make a mistake and you get yourself pregnant, then you cannot blame the little baby inside. You cannot kill for your mistake. That’s what I think. (Yes.) You cannot kill, because that will have a bad consequence on you, on your body, on your psyche, on your mental, on your conscience. You might try to ignore it, but it will gnaw at you all your life ‒ and afterlife, because a life killed is a life that has to be repaid. (Yes.)
"Media Report from 100 Huntley Street June 29, 2011: Statistics show that one in six of all North American women have experienced abortion at least once.
Jenny McDermid(f2): All I could think about was, 'How do I get myself out of this terrible mess as quickly as possible?' And I had an abortion within the hour. I didn’t take time to think about it.
Susan(f): I made the decision out of fear, fear of embarrassment, fear of the neighbors finding out, fear of the people that I went to school find out about… my friends find out… It was all about… the decision was made out of fear.
Dionne(f): I chose it. I chose to have an abortion.
Jenny McDermid (f2): We’ve brought it on ourselves, and it is our own child that is lost at our own hand. We hate what we have done, and we have to live with that, the reality of that. Some women go into meltdown immediately after an abortion procedure and others can keep things buttoned down for a long time, and I was one of those. But there was a deadness and a flatness and a grayness to my life that I just could no longer deny. And wonderful things were happening around me, but I just didn’t feel as if I could engage with joy. I just had refused to go to that place where I could resolve that loss.
Dionne(f): I just pushed it down, pretended it didn’t happen, but I found that something had really changed within me. I didn’t trust myself anymore, I didn’t trust other people anymore, I built a wall around myself. I didn’t let anybody in. I turned to sort of clichés, like drinking and drugs and food.
Reporter(f): Susan, not her real name, says she woke up suddenly in the middle of the night on the 30th anniversary of her abortion. (The lightbulb went on and I finally realized that I’d spent the last 30 years sort of hating my mom, hating myself, not being able to come to terms with what I had done.) Susan’s mother encouraged her to have the abortion, saying it would release her from the trap of early motherhood or a marriage of convenience. But in fact, she says, it did the opposite. (When you have a secret inside that’s so shameful and painful, you just start to shut off everything in your life. You shut down in your relationships, you shut down in any dreams.)"
"Bernadette Goulding(f3): The biggest regret of my life is having had my abortion. Initially there’s relief because your problem is gone and you feel like everything is going to be fine, your life will get back to normal. But very soon afterwards, I began to realize that was not the case for me. I began to… I had an emptiness inside, like there was something missing. I had terrible grief, terrible guilt, terrible shame. It’s very shaming, and of course it’s also very isolating. I suppose my right to choose, took away the right to live for my child. How come we can define when somebody’s heart is stopped, that they’re dead, and yet when their heart starts beating, we cannot say there’s a life there? My baby was alive. My baby’s little heart was beating under my heart at 21 days. And I wish that I had realized and known that, that somebody had sat with me and encouraged me to give life to my child. There are so many families out there who can’t have babies of their own, who would just love to adopt a child."
So that’s my humble opinion. It’s not my humble opinion ‒ my outright opinion. (Yes, yes.)
I am also against abortion, because you don’t have to do that, unless the doctor advises you for some reason. (Understand.) For some good, good reason for the child’s sake, or sometimes the child and the mother’s sake. (Yes.)
But there are many cures nowadays; everything is doable. You don’t have to get pregnant and then kill to cover it. You cannot be that selfish and cruel to your own blood and flesh. Even tigers, lions, they don’t eat their own babies. You know that? (Yes, Master.) That’s what we say in Âu Lạc (Vietnam). So if you kill your child, I’m not sure what else you are capable of. I’m not sure how much you killed your love until this extent, in order to bring a termination to an innocent life within your body. It’s supposed to be your precious baby, your own flesh, your own blood. (Yes, Master.) You cannot have pleasure and then kill to cover up. (Yes.) No matter what.
(Many proponents of the abortion laws, say that one of the arguments is, in the case of rape, how does that) Yes. (play into it, Master?)
Oh, I see, I see. Well, it’s the same case. There is a child in your body, and you have to protect it. And if you don’t want to have that child, you can give birth to it and, I told you already, give it away. (Yes.) Many people would love to have a baby, to cuddle, to love, to take care until that baby grows up into a useful citizen of the world and to himself or herself.
I think the government should make adoption an easier law. (Yes.) Of course, checking the background of the parents and the motive all that. Of course. But adoption should be made easier, more available, and anyone who accidentally get into pregnancy can count on that law, on that rock, (Yes.) to sustain themselves until the delivery day, and then can always give it away, if they still want to give away. (Yes, I understand.) And for the adoption, I think all the hospitals, at least the hospitals that have maternity service for delivering babies, they have to have the list of all the people who are childless or and good, and want to have adoption for the newborn babies, and they can, by the way, do it right there. Make it convenient for everyone.
In the case of rape, many people would feel sorry for that woman, and would support her, even parents or anybody. (Yes.) They would give them comfort and sustenance until the baby is born, and then they can decide, keep it or not. (Yes, understand.)
The baby is not at fault for the rape. (Yes.) So why kill the baby for the misdeeds of adults? (Yes, that make sense.)
But it is not like blaming the woman. Most people have abortions because they don’t have other people to give them wise counsel, to support them. They were lonely and vulnerable. So in the society, in any country, we should make like a volunteer group or something for this case, so that people who get unwanted pregnancies can come to them or talk to them, even over the phone, about their problem, and get right, wise counsel. In this case, many lives will be saved, and also many guilts and consciences will be at peace.
Any more arguments? (No, no, Master.) […]
Good. Thank you very much. And I take the opportunity again to thank all of you for all your hard work and your dedication, because, truly, I know. Because I’m working with you, so I know what it is like. I know that sometimes you forget your sleep and you forsake your meal, just to finish the work on time. Same, I do the same. […]
And sometimes the stress and the time pressure, and all that ‒ I know all that. And I really, really, really, really am grateful to all of you. Also, the brothers and sisters outside, not just the inhouse team. (Yes, Master. We’re grateful that we have the chance to be able to help affect the world peace and saving the animals and such, through Your powers.) That’s very noble of you, all of you. I like that very much. That’s truly noble, truly unconditional. […]
We’re looking in the same direction, and I’m very proud, very proud to have co-workers like you. Like all of you inhouse and outside. (We thank You, Master, for giving us the opportunity.) It’s so good, it’s so good. We thank God for that Grace, for the Grace that we can do something. […]
At least we can do something. Right? (Yes.) OK. May God bless all of you abundantly, keep you healthy, keep you happy, keep you strong, so that we can continue our job. (Thank You, God.) Thank You, God. […]
Host: As we see more wise choices being made in the world, where good people are recognized and trusted as leaders, and where new God-given lives are being shielded by the law, we are optimistic that such examples will be followed for a better society and planetary future. We humbly thank Compassionate Master for Her unconditional support through the years for those with kind and deserving hearts, despite the challenges involved for Her. May Precious Master be always protected and well, in all Majestic Heavens’ Love.
Please tune in to Between Master and Disciples, on Sunday, September 26 to hear how Supreme Master Ching Hai sees the use of military action for optics and what inspired Her to honor the Sun during this month.
Be Wise and Have Peace in Your Country, September 20, 2021
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Host: On Monday, September 20, the eve of the jubilant Moon Festival, our Most Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai graciously took time from Her intensive meditation retreat for the world to call a Supreme Master Television team member and greet everyone for the holiday. Master also kindly shared Her thoughts on a question about the dress code mandate given by the Taliban for the Afghan women who would be allowed to continue their education.
(Hallo, Master.) Hi. (How have You been doing?) OK. OK. Not bad. How about you guys? (Oh, we’re very well, Master.) […]
Did you have cakes and grapefruit for Moon Festival that I told them to send you? (We did, Master. Very enjoyable.) A lot? (Yes, quite a bit.) I told them to give a lot, a lot, so you can have the whole month, maybe. Not Moon Festival, but “month festival.” (Thank You very much, Master. We really appreciate it.) […]
It’s Moon Festival and I wish all of you in-house, out-house, and everyone in the world, whoever can hear me, a very good Moon Festival and a more hopeful future. (Thank You very much, Master. We wish You the same. We wish You a wonderful and beautiful Moon Festival, Master.) I try to. I try to. I try to think that it’s Moon Festival, but I don’t even know what day it is and I don’t even know if it’s the Moon Festival already or not. I’m just reminded by your TV, that they are putting up some program or something ‒ and make me check ‒ to celebrate Moon Festival, and then I remembered, “Oh, the Moon Festival!” So I ordered the kitchen and supplier to bring you some good stuff, like moon cakes, (Yes.) chocolate and grapefruit. […]
Try it. It’s good for you. There’s a lot for everybody. I ordered at least 12 for each of you. (Yes. Thank You, Master. Thank You.) […]
(Master, we have some questions. If we could ask You, if You have time?) Sure, sure. […]
“Media report from DW News sept. 14, 2021: Women in Afghanistan will be allowed to study in female-only classrooms, and the subjects they take will also be reviewed.”
“Global News Interview Sept. 9, 2021: So we are trying our best to accept these new instructions from the Ministry of Higher Education and also encourage students to attend their classes.
Within this new policy, boys and girls will be separated and they might even attend classes at different times.”
(Master, the Taliban now say that Afghan women can continue their studies in universities, but they need to wear black hijab, which would cover them fully, except the face. They also need to be in separate rooms from the males. Master, what do You think about that?)
Oh, except the face, yeah? (Except the face.) That’s already an improvement. Before, they had to cover everything, like burka. (Yes, everything.) Now they… except the face. Are you sure? Hijab is except the face, right? (Hijab – except the face. Fully…) Fully from head to toe except the face. That’s already something. At least you can see the Sun. At least the Sun can kiss your face, to comfort you, (Yes.) and give you some nice color. Vitamin D, good for people, men and women alike.
What do I think? I think it’s a good improvement already, and people should be happy for any improvement. Any progress. The country has just been in turmoil recently, so whatever improvement, they should welcome it.
I know the women love to be beautiful and all that. I too, I too. But nowadays, I’m in retreat, I couldn’t care less much. Of course, that’s good. […] (Understand.) When I go out alone without any disciples, I mean, when I live alone without having to do anything with the work, the mission, then I don’t wear any makeup. I don’t wear anything luxury. All the things I wear are just because of work, like fashion. (Yes.) I designed them, so I wear them, like advertisement. (Yes, Master.)
Otherwise, nowadays, I think the most important thing is: You should focus on more than just the looks. (Yes, Master.)
Are you a woman or something? Why are you so concerned? (Well, Afghanistan is a very hot country and wearing hijab may be uncomfortable for some women.) Yeah, yeah, OK. But better than burka already. (Ah, yes.) Burkas cover everything except some net in front of your eyes, and you could not even see around. (That’s true, Master.) Difficult and you fall down sometimes. Or somebody might attack you and you don’t even know yet. Behind you, or when he comes near, you don’t even see. So this is an improvement already. Of course, it’s not completely to the liking of a woman or many other countries where the dress code is more relaxed and easy. (Right, Master.)
But we have to look on the positive side, like it is good for now because the important thing is to be wise, and to have peace in the country. So if you just accept it, that will calm down everything now at least, more, for the women, and be more peaceful for them. (Right. Right, Master.)
Because if you show your beauty, it could be also a risk. Especially now, when all over it says that the fighters go out door to door and kidnap girls and force women, raping and all that. So, it is better you cover yourself. (Yes, I have seen stories about that.) It’s wise to cover more yourself.
And also, if you want education, you don’t want anything else. If you want to go to school or outside, you want education, safety and peace. So it’s good, you just go along with it for now. Maybe in the future things will change and you will have more freedom. But right now, it’s good like that. (Right, Master.) It’s very good already.
And then if you’re separate from the men, it’s also good. So both can be more concentrated on education, (Yes.) instead of looking left and right, in front and back, just for something else. (Right.)
I think it’s not too bad like that. It’s not the worst thing that happened. At least you can go to college, university, that’s a good thing already. (Yes.) That’s the best thing for you if that’s what you want. (Yes.) Then you can help yourself for a nice future, and a good future, and for the country, contribute to your country and your family. (Yes, education is very valuable.) Yeah, education is important, more than looks. At least just for now, for peace’s sake. (Yes, Master.) […]
So, whatever situation, if it doesn’t endanger your life, then I think we should just accept it.
It’s good that you ask all these questions. I think it’s good that the men ask, because it shows that everybody cares, not just women who care about themselves. (Yes, we do, definitely.) It’s good. You happy with my answer? (Yes, Master.) Anything else? (Yes.)
(Some women don’t like the new dress code, and right now we see in the news that, “Afghan women around the world are protesting against the Taliban new hijab mandate by posting photos of themselves wearing colorful traditional dresses on social media.” Does Master have any comment on that?)
It’s also good like that. Why not? They are free to express their opinions. (Yes.) And besides, the traditional clothes are very beautiful, also very dignified. (Yes, very much so.) It covers also a lot of the body. (Very much so.) It’s also very, very, very nice clothes. I saw it. I saw it myself. It’s very colorful, very beautiful. It shows their national mentality. (Yes.) Like, they love beauty, they love brightness. They love colorful things that make life more bearable. (Yes, very elegant.) Elegant, oh, that’s good as well. […]
The Afghan women outside, they can wear what they want. (Right, Master.) And the people inside the Afghan country, they should just go with the flow, I think, just for peace’s sake and safety’s sake. (Right, Master.) More safety. More safety for them. It is good like that also. I’m answering you but I just hope they hear me. At least maybe their souls can hear me. And they can think about it and just accept it for now, for their own peace and safety. (Right.)
I pray that they have peace and safety, for the whole country, men and women alike. And the Taliban also, that they have peace with each other, so they have time to think more about enlightenment, more about the Prophet’s teaching, Peace Be Upon Him, more about Allah. (Yes, Master.) More about peace within their own country, with each other, and within the international community. (Yes, Master. We wish them the very best.) Yes. […]
So, it’s good the girls can study. That’s important. So I suggest that the girls accept whatever’s offered to them now, so that we have more steps forward for the country, and no more war, no more conflict within the nation. (Yes.) And can go ahead with development and more building for the country, more progress. (Yes.) (Definitely. More progress.) Yes, more progress.
(Master, women have gained for the past two decades much freedom in many aspects, including the clothing. Master, how can they protect that freedom?)
How? Not by going against any powers that be. Not like that, because let’s face it, women are weaker and they have not learned to fight physically. (Yes.) So, it is better just to accept what it is, as long as it doesn’t harm you physically. (Yes.) Then should just accept.
During the monarchy and the monarchic regime, they had more freedom. And this is the time that the country is going through a different period, a more upheaval type of situation. So, it’s better to just let it be, OK? (Yes.) Let it be. Otherwise, there will be more bloodshed, more restrictions, more curfews, more conflict. (Right, Master.) That is also no good, no good.
Things always change. Yes, the proof is that they had more freedom before. (Yes.) And now they have so-called less freedom. You see? (True.) So, things changed from better to worse, and maybe it will change to the better later. (Definitely, Master.) Life is like a river. In some places it flows smoothly, some places it flows through the rocks and waterfall and deeper area of water. So we just have to be calm, be peaceful, be more prayerful, and hope for the future. […]
First you have to survive. (Yes.) And do your best to survive and to help in whichever way you can. Then you can contribute to yourself, your family, your country, and to the world. The government, either the Taliban or any new government, should be proud if the women of their country achieve something noteworthy or great. […]
Should not suppress them, but let them develop their potential, because it’s good for them also. […]
“CNN Interview Sept. 16, 2021: How can you have any hope that this can get better? (I really have no other choice. I honestly don’t. None of us do. We have to. We have to believe that something is going to give, something is going to change, and we are going to be… something is going to be better. Our education, our place in society, as mothers, as daughters, as wives, as the women that we are. And all of that, I want to do according to Islam. We don’t want anything more, honestly! I don’t want to ask them anything more. Islam has given me a lot of rights, honestly. A lot of rights. And if those rights are given to me, I can live very finely in here.) And if the Taliban don’t listen to you? (They are going to be making mistakes, because they will not hear from us women, from our point of view, what we know, what we have learned, what kind of ideas we can give them, to make things better.)”
So, in order to achieve international recognition and equality, everyone should have freedom to choose their lifestyle. (Right, Master.) And then the whole country can benefit, and can take pride together, men and women, and it would be good for the children to follow up. […]
All right, any other questions, my love? No, Master. That’s everything. […]
OK. Then I wish all of you well and I thank all of you again. And may God bless us. May God bless all the world, bless especially the poor animals, so there’s no more suffering for them. May God bless our world to be completely vegan so that we can save ourselves, our children, our world, and the animals from all suffering. Amen. (Amen, Master. We wish Master the very best, may God bless Master, and may animals be forever protected and everyone to observe Heaven’s law so we can live in paradise.) Yes, that’s why. Vegan law is Heaven’s law.
God keeps warning us but we don’t listen. Any religion would teach you nonviolence: “Thou shall not kill.” (Yes, Master.) But the people who read that every day or who go to the church every week, who have the Bible in their home, they don’t obey that Commandment. (Yes.) That’s why God was angry, and God wanted to destroy the whole world. If it’s not been for some interventions from some good practitioners, then we’d have been doomed a long time ago already. (Yes, Master.) OK, my love. We pray, continue, OK? […]
I wish all of you, all the Quan Yin practitioners and all other practitioners, good, good practitioners, all the best from the most Gracious God, so that they continue to help and bless the world visibly and invisibly, to please God, to appease all the murdered, innocent humans and animals so that they don’t continue revenging on us, on our world. […]
Host: Obedience to God’s Commandments brings us Grace and purifies our world. May we all find the strength to abide by all that is wise, good and virtuous – thus keeping our dignity as loving and noble beings. With deep appreciation for Caring Master’s prudent words and advice, we continue to pray for global vegan law, with its miraculous world-saving power, to be quickly passed. We also pray that all citizens of Afghanistan will be united in peace and reap the fruits of prosperity and international respect. Wishing Master the best of health and a tranquil heart, secured by all Benevolent Godses.
To learn what else Supreme Master Ching Hai advises the Afghan people and how our world can be a paradise, please tune in to Between Master and Disciples, on Tuesday, September 28.