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Being Vegan Brings Out Our Love and Benevolence, Part 9 of 13, Dec. 16, 2021

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See, benevolence we must have. Benevolence you cannot learn, but you can try. (Yes, Master.) And if you’re vegan, then your benevolence, your love, your inherent loving quality will come out. Then you will feel sorry for the homeless; you will feel sorry for the poor and the sick. Truly sorry, not just talk.

Ignorance is the root cause of all greed, all problems, and all sin. (Yes, Master.) Ignorance. They don’t search enlightenment. They don’t hear the Bible. “Seek you first the Kingdom of God and all the things shall be added unto you.” You don’t just put on a robe and then you see the Kingdom of God. No. You can see the Kingdom of God in your bathroom, in your birthday suit; naked in the bathroom, even, if you do really seek. If you have someone who helps you, to tell you how, then you can see God right away.
I keep saying that, but nobody believes me because it seems too good to be true. But why? God is within you. The Bible says that. (Yes, Master.) You just look. You have to look in the right place. It’s just like you put money in your pocket, you’ve forgotten. Then you look all over, then you’ll never find it.
Many people wear glasses. They put them on top of their heads, and then they look all over. Me too! You know, reading glasses? (Yes, Master.) Sometimes you take it and you push it on top of your head because you don’t need, (Yes.) and then you go looking all over. I also did that, sometimes, several times. Or if you put money somewhere very secretive and then you forgot all about it. Too secret, you forgot, and then you don’t know where. That’s all.
You just have to look in the right place. (Yes.) But most of the people understand nothing. They just think they go to church, go to the temple, put some money in there, or bring some fruit or offering to monks, and that’s enough. That is very excellent already. That’s very good. But you must also find enlightenment yourself. Because those monks, those priests, mostly they are themselves not enlightened. (Yes, Master.) So they just hope to be enlightened.
But like Zen Master (Nanyue Huairang) said, “You cannot polish the brick to make it into a mirror.” (Yes.) It is like that. (Yes.) That’s not the nature of enlightenment, just to sit or to wear the robe, or to keep praying all day long, or counting the beads, tallying the beads. (Yes.) It’s not the nature of enlightenment. Enlightenment is already there in you. You just have to look in the right direction. You just have to save time to do it. (Yes, Master.)
You know everything already. I’m talking not just to you. (Yes. Sure, Master.) I’m talking to the angels, who are watching, listening, to the Saints and Sages. Thank You for visiting. And to the people outside, their souls are listening. (Yes, Master.) All the people, all the animal-people, all the trees, the streams, the rivers, the oceans, I’m talking to all of them, to the stones. They all have souls. To the COVID, even.

I’ll tell you a secret. Just one moment, I’ll ask if I can. I have permission. (Yay!) I do hope I heard it right. If not then the karma falls back on me.
The other day I asked the chief of all the COVID. (Wow.) I said, “Will you also punish me if I go out, for example, and will you make me become infected as well, like everyone else?” He said, “No, no, we won’t do that.” (Wow. It’s good.) So, I asked him, “But why? I’m also in the risk group, old.” They say for the elderly people, it’s more risky with the pandemic. Right? (Yes, Master.) And now it’s Omicron, it’s even worse, or Delta. So, I said, “Suppose I go out, if I have to, will you also make me infected? Will you also ask your soldiers to infect me?” He said, “No, we won’t do that.” So, I said, “But why? How? All the people, whoever, even my own disciples, if they don’t meditate well, they also get infected, even though milder and they recover. It’s not serious, but they still got infected. Wouldn’t I be like that also?” He said, “No, no. You won’t be.” I said, “But why?” He told me, “Because you don’t put meat in your mouth.” I said, “Of course, of course not. Of course not, I know better now. I never wanted it even when I was a child already. I was forced to. And then it became like a trend, habit in your life. But as soon as I knew, I stopped. (Yes, Master.) I love the animal-people. I don’t want to eat them.” He said, “See, that’s why.”
I pressed further, and this is the secret. (Yes, Master.) So that maybe you can learn something from it, or maybe not you but outside disciples and outside people. (Yes, Master.) If they want to learn this secret, I’ll tell them. Originally, I was afraid to tell, because maybe if I tell, then it won’t work for me. Sometimes, secrets, you must keep. (Yes, Master.)
So, I asked him, I pressed for that, I said, “Suppose I go out, and I’m not in my own place. I cannot cook for myself. I cannot choose what I eat, and maybe I eat in a restaurant and if I eat meat accidently, if I didn’t know and I might eat it, then I would be infected and sick as well. Right? At that time, you cannot say that I didn’t put meat in my mouth. Will you also make me infected?” He said, “No.” (Oh.) I said, “Why? Why? If I even accidently eat it, I still eat meat. No?” He said, “No, no. Because you don’t do it on purpose, because you are benevolent.” That’s the word he said. (Oh, wow!) And I didn’t talk further. I don’t know why. I just pondered about it. He just left, and I just didn’t need to ask anymore.
So, the secret is, don’t put meat in your mouth, and be benevolent. Well, if you are vegan, that is benevolent already, but if you have more love, true love also. But being vegan, you will have love. (Yes, Master.) People will just develop love automatically, (Yes.) because you go in the right direction, and things will happen in that direction, opposite to the way you went before. So, it’s just automatic. (Yes, Master.) If you start to be vegan, you know why already, (Yes.) even if you don’t do it for love, but you just try and because of going that direction, even though you go blindly, but you go in the right direction, then you will arrive where everybody else also goes with intention. (Yes.) So, being vegan, it’s lifesaving; it’s soul saving. (Wow.) Benevolent and vegan will save you. (Wow. That’s wonderful. Thank You, Master, for sharing that secret.) You’re welcome. There are also some other secrets I cannot tell you right now, but I have written it in my diary. One day, maybe you will know.
See, benevolence we must have. Benevolence you cannot learn, but you can try. (Yes, Master.) And if you’re vegan, then your benevolence, your love, your inherent loving quality will come out. Then you will feel sorry for the homeless; you will feel sorry for the poor and the sick. Truly sorry, not just talk. And you will help what you can, or comfort them in any way you can, or pray for them, with your heart, with your love. That is benevolence. It doesn’t have to be going out and giving millions of dollars with cameras clicking everywhere. (Yes.)
Just one second, please. I have to take off my jacket. I went out before and then came back in to do the conference. I didn’t want to take it off to keep warm. (Yes.) Now with an adrenalin rush, I’m too hot. (Ah, OK.) I have to take the jacket off.
So, remember: vegan and benevolence. (Yes, Master.) Feeling sorry for others. Even if you don’t think you have it, you just try to imagine, for example, the homeless man, he sleeps under the bridge, he sleeps in the carton box. He probably did not have a meal that day because nobody gave him any money. He doesn’t have a blanket; he has no cover, no protection from the elements, from the cold wind. Imagine if it’s you. Because you go out in the yard or in the street, then you know how cold it is. (Yes.) Even if you are fully protected by a big coat. So, imagine you are that homeless man, then you feel a little sympathy. Just imagine, really like that. Imagine hard.

“Media Report from – Mar. 12, 2018 Former homeless person (m): Food, being hungry… where our next meal coming from… You really don’t know what the next day is going to hold, you really live day by day out here. Some days you just want to cry yourself to sleep because you feel helpless and hopelessness. I had one of those points where, ‘Why, am I out here?’ And I try to kill myself because of it. I didn’t know why I was out here. I was… I didn’t want to live this life. For me, being homeless in the wintertime was horrible. I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy, man. This is the worst thing I could possibly think of, because it’s not fun. It’s… I don’t want to do it again. Just being looked at like you’re no good.”
“Media Report from Invisible People – Dec. 17, 2017 Reporter (m): If you had three wishes, what would they be? (Three wishes… I would wish for the strength to continue fighting. I would wish that others could get out of this too. And I’d wish for understanding and compassion for everybody, like just… knowledge, I guess. Three wishes are hard. They’re hard not to take for yourself.)”

Or imagine that you are the child that’s been raped by the big fat priest with no one else there to rescue you. You can’t even talk. (Yes.) He’s squashing you. (Yes, Master.) He’s squashing you. You probably could not breathe, being so tender and so delicate. (Yes, Master.) And he’s so big and fat and looks mighty and powerful and you’re scared to death. (Yes.) He even threatens if you tell somebody, you will be condemned forever, eternal damnation on you if you tell people. (Yes.) So many children don’t dare tell also, not just the parents don’t listen. (Yes.)

“Excerpt from ‘Documentary on Roman Catholic Sex Abuse — Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God’ 2012 Clergy abuse survivor (m): I was afraid to tell my mother because I didn’t think she would believe me. She’d say, ‘A priest would never do something like that to children.’ I kept it a secret.”

Nobody would believe that a priest wearing such a dignified monk’s robe and walking tall and talking like a God. (Yes.) And with all this spilling out from his mouth: compassion, virtues. (Yes, Master.) Fear God, love God, believe Jesus and all that. (Yes.) How would anybody believe? (Yes.) You see, he was trained to be dignified, trustworthy, mighty looking, benevolent appearance. (Yes, Master.) Who would believe it? (Right.)
Just like the army or the police, they are trained to look awesome, powerful, authoritative. (Yes, Master.) So even just to look at the police, you slow down, slow down your bicycle or your car. (Yes, Master.) Even if he didn’t do anything yet. (Yes.) He just stands there maybe not to catch you, for something else. (Yes.) You just kind of have respect for him. (That’s true.)
Or the army people, they look really strong, powerful, (Yes.) protective. They look good. They are trained to. (Yes.) They have to walk the way they walk. (Yes.) Even women also. They walk differently. (Yes.) They are trained to walk with dignity, with self-confidence. (Yes.) They look very awesome, (Yes.) and young and enthusiastic and well-trained for many aspects, many talents. (Yes.)
[url=]Between Master and Disciples

Lord Jesus Christ's Glorious Sacrifice for Humankind, Part 1 of 6, Dec 24 & 25, 2021
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They cannot understand that there is something else within that frame of a human body of a Master. Inside there is something precious, something powerful, something that can lift them up to the sky, beyond the Sun, beyond all the galaxies. To bring them forever happiness, bliss and peace. That is difficult. That’s why Jesus had to be nailed on the cross.

(Hallo, Master! How are you, Master?) Hallo, hallo. Nice to hear that you are happy. It sounds happy. (Yes, we are, Master.) Something going on? (You have spoilt us, Master.) Behind my back. Oh, well. We try to be as happy as possible. (Yes, Master. We are.) Oh, good, good. (Master, we have a message for You.) Yeah? (Merry Christmas, Master, and a Happy Vegan New Year!)

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all who can enjoy and also to the patients in the hospitals, to the immigrant people who have not yet settled down anywhere or who are stranded somewhere, and to all the animal-people, to all beings in the sea, in the air and stationed in the ground, (Yes.) trees, plants, flowers.
We also wish all the doctors and nurses and hospital personnel, and all fields of essential workers, a better year ahead and some rest, some break, some relaxing time. May God bless all the good working people and may God bless our planet for a better future. And bless all humans to be awakened, to turn to a more benevolent way of life, such as a vegan diet. Thank You, God and all the angels, who help us in any way.
I wish all of you, and, of course, your brothers and sisters, all the initiates in the Quan Yin Method and other religious or meditation practitioners, all good people, all of you, try to have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in a world that we can hardly find much happiness anymore.
Try to remember God and ask for blessing, for protection, and for happiness, contentment as much as possible. We can continue to pray for all of us on Earth as well as on other planets in the Universe. May God enlighten us, protect us and forgive us all. I’m sorry I cannot be with you guys. But my heart is with you. (Yes, Master. And we feel it.)
I thank you all for a hardworking year and for enduring all the challenges when we’re doing the work for Supreme Master Television, for the sake of the planet and all beings on it, as well as for Heavens and hell. Our job is not easy. Even though it looks like that. My job is also not easy, even though it looks like that. We make it look easy. But it’s not easy. I make it also look easy. Even when I talk to you, through the phone, on some very challenging topics or some unpleasant or painful subjects, I still make it look easy, but it’s not. So, even if we go through hardships and trials, we must continue for now. (Yes, Master. Yes.) I hope you’re still willing. (Yes, we are, Master.)

For the moment, our world is not having any more hope than before. In fact, it’s less hope than before. But who knows? Who knows? Maybe people’s hearts will change and then God will be lenient, Heavens will be merciful, and hell will shut down again instead of the world shutting down. (Yes.) The happiness and peace, and contentment actually are in the hands of all humanity, more than in the hands of other species. Humans have more power, more privilege and more chance to make this world a paradise.
Just that at the moment, a lot still choose not to use it, not to use this choice, not to exercise their mighty power which has been endowed to them, and bestowed on them before they’re born, before they even existed. Just most people have forgotten that power or use it blindly for some selfish and destructive purposes. And don’t even remember their origin with all glory and might and bliss and happiness and blessing, forever. Never mind, one day they will, one day they will remember. One day they just have to. Either they’ll have enough with trouble and suffering in this world, or they’ll have enough with hellfire and punishment. One day, they will all wake up.

It’s just sometimes, it taxes our patience because we feel like we are working pretty hard, but we don’t see much of the result. It is good so. It’s good so also. Even though it’s sad, but it’s good so also. Our ego will not flare up, and we’ll concentrate more on the inside prayer and silent sacrifice, so that others will benefit.
It’s a happy night, Christmas Eve. But I tried so hard, I don’t feel happy. I’m sorry. I don’t want to ruin your mood. You just enjoy anyway. Whatever’s arranged for you, it’s all with my love. (Thank You, Master.) And I hope you enjoy whatever you have there. I mean, simple vegan cakes, candies, chocolates. It’s not a lot, but some people don’t have any of that. (Yes, Master. Thank You so much.)
We are thanking God and we are grateful for our luck and fortune. And grateful for our noble mission. Not many people can do what we are doing. Not many people who have talent, and can use it for the world’s benefit. For the big, huge, great benefit, like what you Supreme Master Television team, inhouse or remote, do. Also some indirect helpers and workers for Supreme Master Television. Actually, we are not working for Supreme Master Television, it’s for the world at large. (Yes, Master.) And always hoping, praying, that it really benefits a lot of people. The more, the better. (Yes, Master.)
Maybe we will never know, but it’s all right so. We do what we can, without wanting any reward or even any satisfaction from the work that we offer – free of any condition, of any demand, any strings attached. So, it is good. I’m proud of all of you, very proud. All of you, boys and girls. I mean, men and women, you’re big now. I always say to the girls, I say “the boys.” When I say to you about the women, I say, “the girls.” (Yes.) “The girls this and that.” Or, “the boys this and that.”
Anyway, it doesn’t matter, we are not boys, we are not girls. We are not anything, except the Divine wisdom and love which is inherent within all of us, as well as within all humanity. It’s just a pity that a lot forgot where they came from and how glorious they are, and how powerful they can be. If they but just remember it. No matter how many Masters come and try to tell them to remember their best, the humans are still so in slumber. Many are still in slumber. This is a time for great change, and they should take this opportunity to leap, to leapfrog into a new dimension, new consciousness, new level of spiritual elevation.
But it’s a pity. Not everybody feels ready for that, or not everybody wants to believe that. It seems for them too good to be true, because they’ve been struggling since the day they were born, until now. To be born is also a painful experience; and then to be babies, to be toddlers, to be teen, and teenagers, and then grown-ups, and all this comes with some joy, but also much hardship and sorrow.
Thus, they are not accustomed to think that there is something better than this physical temporary existence. So even the Masters come and tell them, they would not want to listen. Because all the Masters look the same as every one of them. They cannot believe that such an ordinary looking person can be of any service to them. Can be of better service than what they know already. Like working 9 to 5, earning some money or a lot of money in business.
They cannot understand that there is something else within that frame of a human body of a Master. Inside there is something precious, something powerful, something that can lift them up to the sky, beyond the Sun, beyond all the galaxies. To bring them forever happiness, bliss and peace. That is difficult. That’s why Jesus had to be nailed on the cross. So painful, humiliated. Because humans did not change at that time, and did not listen to His holy teaching. Just a very small group of people that followed Lord Jesus, wasting His energy and power. And even then, the Lord was willing to sacrifice in order to save the souls of His disciples, as well as those He knew or believed in Him at that time.
Because of that, He had to sacrifice His physical body in a painful and humiliating death. And even then, nowadays, His so-called top representative used that to humiliate Him. How dare anybody still do that? Not only he doesn’t respect and doesn’t feel grateful for the Lord’s sacrifice to uplift humankind. Even though not all of them went to Heaven, but humanity has been uplifted to some degree by the presence of Lord Jesus, or any other Master. It depends, more or less depends on the level of enlightenment of that Master or this Master, as well as the powers that He carries. Also, it depends on how long He survives on this gruesome planet. But all the Masters contribute to the upliftment of humankind and all beings on this planet. Not to talk about on other planets in the universe. More or less, depends on the grace and the might of the Master.
You see how humankind is so ungrateful. But only an entity who is not human could say such things, like Francis. Only the devils could utter such things. No one would ever dare to do that. No one would ever want to do that, no one would ever have the heart to do that to such a great being like Lord Jesus. Such an ultimate sacrifice on Earth
Important Information from the Chief of COVID, Jan. 26, 2022

On Wednesday, January 26, 2022, our Most Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai received important information from the chief of COVID, and She urgently called to share it with some of the Supreme Master Television team members. She also requested this message to be sent out to the world, with the hope to awaken and save as many souls as possible.

I said, “Then what would save people from COVID?” So, he told me. I wrote here “CV chief.” CV means COVID chief. […] “Disciples of Supreme Master Ching Hai.”! […] “But some of them, my so-called disciples, also got COVID still. Why?” So, the COVID chief said, “Because they are not worthy.” […] “What categorized them as not worthy?” […] So CV chief […] said, “Not seriously practicing.” So, I asked him, “Like which way?” CV chief said, […] “Not diligently meditate, not respect Your teaching, not peace with Your worthy disciples.”

I asked him about Thích Nhất Hạnh. “He died at a ripe age and peacefully, he’s not my disciple. How you explain that?” […] So the COVID chief told me, “Because he is a former worthy saint,” meaning he was a worthy saint. When he was alive.

And then I pressed him, “Can you tell me this time when COVID-19 will end and the world will go back to normal?” So, the chief of COVID said to me… […] Now I asked again, “So if these 91% repent, pray for forgiveness, soon will pandemic be over?” So, COVID chief told me, “Yes, but must be truly sincere. Best turn vegan, too.” […] 

So, I asked him, “Vaccine doesn’t help?” The CV chief said, “No. Zero.”

So, he said, summary is: repent, pray for forgiveness, and turn vegan. Three things. […] Sincerely repent, for all the wrongdoing. Knowing or not knowing, deliberately or unintentionally. Everything that is not right, they have to repent. Even smaller details, like quarreling with neighbors or with family, killing insect-people. Anything they think of, and anything they cannot think of. Please just ask God to forgive, because they do not know. Just repent everything that they did wrong, that they thought wrong, that they have spoken wrong. Actually, just know that they are no good. Have to repent. If we are all good, the world wouldn’t have become what it is right now.

The following message is from Supreme Master Ching Hai to Her disciples.
Dearest beloved all initiates, even if you don’t practice what I have imparted to you during the time of initiation, please listen. The pandemic is just one part. Many humans, or the majority of humans will not survive. The end will come, sooner, even. How soon, also depends on Humans’ behavior, repentance, and U-turn or not. But you, my so-called Initiates, disciples, please, take good care of yourself. Please make sure all your food is pure vegan. […]
Just pray before you eat. Offer the meals to all the saints and sages of the past, present, and future. And eat with all gratefulness and joy in your heart. Gratefulness and joyfulness in your heart, that you have still something to nourish your body. Do not eat anything that is not vegan. And pray as if you are dying, pray as if you need air to live, pray as if you’re drowning. Meditate as much as you can, more than two and a half hours, if you can make it.
Pray in your heart, meditate with all diligence. Please. This is all I can tell you. Not much more I can. The Hour, the end, might come sooner than you expect, than anyone expects. Even if you are my disciples, you must be diligent, practice well, and if you can, tell all your relatives and friends to be vegan and to pray for their survival, if they even listen.  […]
No one will escape this time. They promised to spare you, my so-called disciples, but you must be good, you must be really good humans, good practitioners. Even if all these years, you did not, there’s still time, still time to make up for it. Please repent well. Repent sincerely with all your heart, and redo, redo it. I mean, begin again, and fast. Otherwise, you will not be counted as my so-called disciples. Please, please.

To hear more of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s explanation about the threats to our world, including a mysterious syndrome transmittable through an invisible energy, please tune in to Between Master and Disciples on Wednesday, March 16, 2022, for the full broadcast of this conference.


2022 Happy Vegan Lunar New Year from Supreme Master Ching Hai, Supreme Master Television team and Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association members (all vegans)





Important Information from the Chief of COVID, Jan. 26, 2022

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Host: On Wednesday, January 26, 2022, our Most Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai received important information from the chief of COVID, and She urgently called to share it with some of the Supreme Master Television team members. She also requested this message to be sent out to the world, with the hope to awaken and save as many souls as possible.

I am not really sure whether I should tell all this, but I’ll tell anyway. In case somebody still has ears to hear and wakes up soon. […] I watched the news. […] Then afterward, I could not meditate. And I could not rest. And then I “emailed” the COVID chief and talked to him. I asked him to: “Please come. We have to have a conversation.” Because […] on the news […] I saw a male nurse – he looked very nice. (Yes, Master.) A very kind person, and still very young. Not old, may be 50-something. […] And very kind.

“Media report from WFLA News Channel 8 Jan. 25, 2022 Melanie Michael (f): When COVID hit hard, Jeff Sales knew the risks of working in a hospital. But he also knew nurses were needed. The former Army medic was deeply passionate about saving lives through service. Two days ago, it was his own life that needed saving, but it was too late. Jeff Sales was just 47 years old. The married father of four worked nonstop, 12 hours a day in the COVID unit at Blake Medical Center in Bradenton. He would even work two and three extra shifts to take care of those suffering while taking care of himself and his heart condition. He would remind his son often: saving the world starts with saving one person at a time.
Son of Jeff Sales(m): Because he’s the best man I will ever know. And if I can take half of that, I’d be the man I wanted to be.
Melanie Michael (f): His dad was born to serve and would do just that until his very last breath.”

Like, according to one of his colleagues, one time she caught him holding the hands of one new patient before she went to have an operation. And she was very scared. So, this female nurse knew that this male nurse had a thousand other things to do. But still, she caught him sitting there with a new patient, holding her hand – (Wow.) comforting the patient. (Yes, Master.) So, this female nurse, she said to herself, “Oh, that’s the kind of nurse that I want to be.” And guess what? He died from COVID. (Oh, no.) Just after testing positive, twelve hours later, he died just like that, in the same hospital that he worked. (Oh, gosh.) And such a kind person. […]
It was a very busy day, even. And he still took time to sit there and talk to her, (Wow.) comfort her. So, I was kind of upset and angry. I called the chief of COVID and talked to him. I said, “Why did you have to kill such a kind person?” […] So, the COVID chief said, “Because loving kindness wouldn’t save people from COVID.” (Oh.) Look at that. (Wow.) Oh, it’s shaken me after all this conversation with him. It’s not enough, that’s what it is. (Wow.) Loving kindness, it belongs to the emotional domain. (OK. Oh, yes.) Just like intelligence or knowing worldly things or even some spiritual answers, they belong to the intellectual, mental domain. (Oh, right.) This is Astral Level. Emotion is from the Astral Level. […] (Wow.)
I thought they would spare a loving, kind person. […] I thought if people are kind, loving, they’ll be OK. But he told me… this is his quote: “Because loving kindness wouldn’t save people from COVID.”!!! And I put three exclamation marks after that myself. (Wow.) […] My God, you would think loving kindness would protect people. (Yes, yes. Yes, one would, Master.) But that is only one aspect of human quality. That’s the astral emotion. (Oh. Yes. OK.) It’s not like belonging to spiritual high elevation. (Yes, Master.) […]
He said, “But he’s working for his living. It’s his job.” (Oh.) Well, of course, it is true like that. But there are many people, many persons who do their job but not kindly like that. (Right.) Even they are paid. (Yes, Master.) He’s different, this guy. He’s really kind. (Yes.) And he didn’t mind going extra miles to help. (Yes, Master. Yes.) Still, I was so upset. I was very upset. And continued. So, I said to him… I was kind of stern to him… polite, but stern.
I said, “Then what would save people from COVID?” So, he told me. I wrote here “CV chief.” CV means COVID chief. […] “Disciples of Supreme Master Ching Hai.”! (Wow.) I put an exclamation mark. (Wow.) I read to you the way it is, (Yes, Master. Wow.) with commas, and periods and all. I said, “Thanks for your respect. But some of them, my so-called disciples, also got COVID still. Why?” So, the COVID chief said, “Because they are not worthy.” Wow! […]
I continued to grill him. I was upset. So I said, “What categorized them as not worthy?” […] So CV chief […] said, “Not seriously practicing.” (Oh!) So, I asked him, “Like which way?” CV chief said, […] “Not diligently meditate, not respect Your teaching, not peace with Your worthy disciples.” (Wow!) Maybe they quarrel with some of the elder, senior disciples who are better, (Right.) (Wow.) who know better and probably point out some of their shortcomings or tell them to be better than that, and they probably get mad at them. It’s always the same. People are not grateful when you teach them anything because their ego hurts. (Yes.) […] And I said, “Thanks, for your info. I will try to convey this to them. (Oh.) So sad anyway.” (Oh. Yes, Master.) And then a pause, and then […]
I said, “Oh, what became of that nurse?” I mean, where has he gone? (Yes.) What has become of his soul? So the CV chief told me, […] “Die, went to Zero Sick Astral World.” You know what that is? (No, Master.) Meaning he went to a world which has no sickness at all. (Oh. Oh, right.) Probably because of his good karma. (Yes, Master.) And then he died there because he got infected. So, he was rewarded… […] Went to Zero Sick Astral World. […] And then, M asked, “Will he have a chance to live forever there? Or upgrade some else?” Meaning, somewhere else. […] So the CV chief told me, “Return soon.” Exactly the words he said. (Yes.) “Return soon, year 2094.” (Oh.) 72 years later, right? (Yes.) That’s connected with other things later on. You will see soon. […]
So, I said, “Thanks so much for your time, chief. Kind of you.” Meaning, very kind of you. (Yes, Master.) “Please, can we talk a little bit more?” I get a little bit softer now. […] My tone is softer. […] So, CV chief said, “Yes.” I asked, “How about people who turn vegan, will they be spared of COVID suffering also?” […] So, CV chief said, “For disciples only.” (Oh. Wow.) I was kind of not pleased, so I told him, in a little bit higher tone, “But many, many are not disciples, and they won’t be disciples. (Yes, Master.) Many are not my disciples, but they are not infected. Why?” So, CV chief said, “Because their time not come yet.” (Oh. Wow.) […]
By the way, the new news, I asked him about Thích Nhất Hạnh. “He died at a ripe age and peacefully, (Right.) he’s not my disciple. How you explain that?” […] So the COVID chief told me, “Because he is a former worthy saint,” meaning he was a worthy saint. When he was alive. (Yes, Master.) That’s what he meant. But these were his exact words. Because he is a “former worthy saint.” (Oh.) […] I asked him, “So worthy saints will be spared by COVID?” CV chief said, “Right.” (Wow.) […]
And then I pressed him, “Can you tell me this time when COVID-19 will end and the world will go back to normal?” So, the chief of COVID said to me… Oh my God, should I tell? […] Let me check again. (Yes. OK, Master.) Because last time he didn’t want to tell me. (Yes.) This time, because I was kind of upset. (Yes, Master.) One moment. But I have to tell humans, no matter what. They don’t have to believe me. And if it turns out the opposite, even better. So, I’ll tell you. (OK, Master. Thank You, Master.) For the world to take care, to be careful. (Yes, Master.) The COVID-19 chief told me, “Year 2099, […] November 4.” (Wow. That’s a long way. So long.)
So, I was thankful for his details. I said, “Thank you. Thank you, many thanks, chief.” (Woah, that’s a long way Oh my God.) Last time he didn’t want to tell me. This time he told me all in detail. I said, “You’ve got to tell me because some worldly people, they don’t understand anything. (Yes.) Maybe we have to tell them, maybe they will wake up.” Some people are good, they just don’t know and are influenced by bad people. And by the demons who abound. […] (Yes, Master.) And they influence them.
So, I asked him further, “At that time, how many percent left?” Meaning, how many percent of humans. But I just wrote it for myself, so I didn’t write it that grammatically well. […] “And can we start again?” After […] 77 years. Imagine that. […] “And till then, will be death, sickness, destruction, new and more lethal dangerous variants, correct?” So, the CV chief said, “Yes. (Oh, wow.) 9% left.” (9%. Oh, wow.) (Wow.) He said, “Only 9% left until that time.” (Oh, wow.) Like 77 years later. […]
So, I asked him, “Vaccine doesn’t help?” The CV chief said, “No. Zero.” Oh, God. (Oh, wow.) […]
But I kept telling you before, we can’t just rely on vaccines and all that. We have to rely on God. (Yes, Master.) (Yes.) God’s Grace. And we have to better ourselves. (Yes, Master.) To be worthy of that, to be worthy of forgiveness. I keep telling you that. No? (Yes, Master.) […] I knew more or less like this before, but to be told concretely, black and white like that, it also made me shiver, made me tremble, inside. (Yes, Master.)
So, after a pause, I asked him again, “But we need people to make this world function. Can world people survive with so minimal abled, talented workforce?” The CV chief said, “Do not love those people. Evil-doers, they are.” (Wow. Oh. Oh my. Gosh.) I’m not sure if he told me do not love people, evil-doers, or he told me that they don’t love people, evil-doers. We were in conversation; I didn’t ask him. […] I was told one time also before, “Do not love evil people.” Because I was praying for people, for some people. (Yes, Master.) And I was told by Heaven, “Do not love evils.” That’s what They told me. And this time is the second time. It’s from a different person. (Wow.) One second.
I guess they just meant like Jesus said, “Let the dead bury the dead.” (Ah, yes. Right. Yes, Master.) So, we are all transparent. We cannot pretend, we cannot have a façade of good moral guys, and then, think that we are safe. Heavens see everything. Even the negative force, they see everything. (Woah. Right. Yes.) (Yes, Master.) These negative forces, they are also commanded by Heaven to do this. (Oh.) They are just doing their duty. (Understand.) So, I can’t even be mad at them. (Yes, Master.) It is all human-made. (Yes, Master.) Made on planet Earth. (Yes.) […]
Because, I thought he told me, “Don’t love evil-doer people.” So I said, “It’s not always so clear from the outside look, from their appearance and their outer actions.” We were arguing. “So where will their souls go?” […] COVID chief said, “Hell.” (!!!) (Oh.) One word. I put three exclamation marks in parenthesis. And then I pressed him further, “For how long?” So, the CV chief said, “Long, long, long time.” (Wow.)
I asked again, “But even if they repent and turn vegan? No use?” So, CV chief told me, “No.” (Oh my God.) (Wow.) I guess it’s too late, that’s why. Last time he told me, “Too late, already.” Right? (Yes.) Remember? (Yes, Master.) […] And then I protested. I said, “But I promised if they turn vegan, repentant, I will help them go Heaven. […] Is that not supposed to happen now?” So, CV chief said to me, “Oh, well, yes, if sincere.” That’s his words, “Yes, if sincere.” (Wow.) So, you see, the point is people have to repent, turn vegan and truly, sincerely, humbly repent, sincerely repent, as urgent as you need air to breathe. (Yes. Yes, Master.) As sincere as that. (Right.) Then they will be helped. Then they will be allowed to be helped. (Yes, Master. Yes.) And I can interfere with Heaven. That’s what it means. (Right.) […]
So, I asked him, “Some people recover well. Why?” The CVC, meaning COVID-19 chief, said to me, “Because they repent and pray for forgiveness.” (Oh!) Must have been sincere then. (Yes.) […] If they have been praying before and have the habit, and then at this time it’s desperate, in a desperate situation, they probably were very sincere. (Yes.) And then they recover well. But that’s not guaranteed forever. They should continue that way if they want to live and if they want to go back to Heaven instead of going to hell. […] “Because they repent and pray for forgiveness.” That’s all he said. (Yes.)
Now I asked again, “So if these 91% repent, pray for forgiveness, soon will pandemic be over?” So, COVID chief told me, “Yes, but must be truly sincere. Best turn vegan, too.” (Wow.) That’s what he said. “But can’t see that will happen soon.” (Oh.) […] Meaning he can’t see that people would repent so sincerely and turn vegan like that. […] Oh, who knows? Maybe we put this on the air. Maybe people will think about it. Hey? (Yes, Master.) (Wow.)
So, I said to him, […] “We’ll pray that the people wake up. Sorry, humans so ignorant. Thanks so much. Please help us also if you can. God Bless. So long, in God’s Love.” (Wow.) And he turned to go, and then I said, “Oh, but one last question, please.” I asked him, “I have Protectors all around. How you get to contact me? How you can get to me so easily?” He turned around and told me, “Love You.” (Oh! Wow.) That’s all he said, and then he left. (Oh. Wow.) That was the best note of all the conversation. (Oh. Wow.) That is that.
So, people in the world, they have to truly repent. They have to sincerely repent like they need air to live. (Yes.) So urgent as if they need air to live, like when you get COVID, and you cannot breathe. (Yes.) At that time, air is the most important to them. So, praying like that, praying like it’s your last prayer ever, like you will never have a chance to pray again. (Yes.) Pray like all your life and everything else that you treasure depends on it. (Yes, Master.) Pray as if you are drowning and you need air, and turn vegan and repent, of course.
So, he said, summary is: repent, pray for forgiveness, and turn vegan. Three things. Which is not really a lot. I can’t blame him. (Yes. Yes, Master.) He just gives us information, actually. […] So, we came to this kind of common, quiet agreement that if people still repent sincerely and pray for forgiveness and turn vegan, then there is still hope. (Yes.) That’s the only thing that they can hope for, because vaccination doesn’t help anyway. (Right. Yes.) So, no need to press them, no need to mandate them. (Yes.) They also know it themselves, so I am not scared anymore to sound anti-vaccine. It’s not like that. (Yes, Master.)
I said to you, all of you before, “It’s up to you.” I mean, to people, “Up to you.” (Yes. Yes, Master.) When they asked me about some fetal tissue in it, in the vaccine, whether or not they should take it, I said, “Up to you.” (Yes.) But my message is: whether or not you choose vaccination or a booster, whatever you choose, that you are convinced will help you, then, it doesn’t matter. Whatever you choose, a vaccine or not, please pray to God. Please ask humbly for forgiveness in true, sincere repentance. And please turn vegan. That’s all.
In all sincerity, repent, pray for forgiveness, and turn vegan. It’s not difficult at all, is it? (No, Master.) It’s not a big demand. Right? (No, Master.) It’s not a demand even, it is to help yourself. If you keep swallowing poison, then you will die. No? (Yes, Master.) You’ll get sick. (Yes, Master.) […] Our body is a car that needs different fuel. (Right.) We have to put in fresh, living energy from vegetables and fruits, (Yes.) and grains. Not the dead corpses and filthy energy, and rotten pieces of bloody dead meat that’s full of antibiotics, full of fear and horror in there, also. (Yes, Master.)
This kind of energy, before they die, they torture them. They know all that. And they even torture them physically as well. (Yes, Master.) All their life is torture. So, all that is embedded in their meat, and if you eat it, you can’t have peace. (Yes, Master.) You can’t feel happy, not truly happy. (Yes, Master.) And, of course, you get sick. That is not for humans to consume. So many antibiotics and mercury and what not in all the fish-people, and salmonella accidentally, whatever, wherever. Nowadays, so much sickness already, not to talk about COVID. (Yes, Master.)

“Excerpt from The Real Truth About Health Conference Sept. 29, 2019 Maryn Mckenna(f): A lot of people don't know this, but most meat animals raised on the planet get doses of antibiotics on most of the days of their lives.”
“Media Report from NewsChannel 5 Apr. 7, 2015 Reporter(f): What's added to beef, pork, and poultry has the attention of the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and hospitals all over the US.
Dr. Amy Collins(f): Eighty percent of the antibiotics used in this country are used in animal agriculture. That's 30 million pounds (~1,360 metric tons) of antibiotics used every year to treat animals that aren’t even sick.
Reporter(f): Antibiotics are fed to livestock to prevent disease and promote growth.
Dr. Amy Collins(f): This practice of giving them low dose antibiotics in their food on a daily basis is the perfect opportunity to breed antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
Reporter(f): These antibiotic-resistant bacteria from meats can be passed on to you and me, making once treatable conditions more problematic.
Tom Wagstaff: There's many patients who are difficult to treat because they have resistance to antibiotics.
Reporter(f): Government tests of raw supermarket meat found antibiotic-resistant bacteria in 81% of ground turkey, 69% of pork chops, 55% of ground beef and 39% of chicken.”
“Excerpt from The Real Truth About Health Conference Sept. 29, 2019 Maryn Mckenna(f): Antibiotic resistance is considered by the World Health Organization and the major national health agencies around the world as one of the most profound threats to human health in this century.”
“Excerpt from TED Talk Mar.18, 2015 Maryn Mckenna(f): Fifty-thousand people a year die of infections which no drugs can help. The worldwide toll right now is 700,000 deaths a year.”
“Mic the Vegan YouTube Channel Sept. 3, 2015: Researchers are saying that in a few decades it will kill more people than cancer.”
“Media Report from Consumer Reports Sept. 23, 2014 Reporter(f): Some seafood contains high levels of a form of mercury, called methylmercury.”
“The Doctor’s Farmacy Podcast Apr. 5, 2021 Dr. Mark Hyman(m): We find so many people have not only high blood levels of mercury, but high total body levels. Forty percent of the people who came to the Ultrawellness Center had high levels of mercury that interfere with their biology.
Dr. Elizabeth Boham(f): Even the World Health Organization recognizes that mercury is one of the top 10 chemicals of major public health concern.
Dr. Mark Hyman(m): Mercury is the second most dangerous toxin on the planet after plutonium. It's the most potent neurotoxin out there. It's an immunotoxin, meaning it can cause autoimmune diseases and all kinds of other issues.”

All right, any questions, love? (Yes, Master.) Tell me. (When Master’s saying “sincerely repent,” people in the world may not know what they are repenting for. Is it for eating meat or what else?) For anything they did that is against the law of the universe, against the Bible, against the Buddha’s teaching, against Jainism teaching, against Hinduism, against Muslim. All the Masters’ teachings tell you to live a peaceful life, a non-violent life, and treat others as if you treat yourself.
So, anything you do against that, you have to repent. They have to repent for being a part of the murder en masse of the innocent animal-people, or even killing babies, their own. Or even making war with other countries or making war with neighbors or within the family. Anything they know is wrong, they repent. Anything they don’t know is wrong. They have to pray to God to also forgive them for what they don’t know that they’re doing wrong. Just repent what’s all wrong and turn vegan. Ask for forgiveness. That’s all they have to do. (Yes, Master.)
Sincerely repent, for all the wrongdoing. Knowing or not knowing, deliberately or unintentionally. Everything that is not right, they have to repent. Even smaller details, like quarreling with neighbors or with family, killing insect-people. Anything they think of, and anything they cannot think of. Please just ask God to forgive, because they do not know. Just repent everything that they did wrong, that they thought wrong, that they have spoken wrong. Actually, just know that they are no good. Have to repent. If we are all good, the world wouldn’t have become what it is right now. That’s obvious, no? (Yes, Master.) And on top of that, they continue warring with each other, and with neighbor’s country, and oppressing the smaller nation. Killing their own babies, in millions. My God. It’s like a war, on-going war. (Yes, Master.)
And competing with the pandemic. Humans are also a big pandemic, on-going pandemic, continuing pandemic, up to now. (Yes, Master.) They do what they can. They have to find it in their hearts to be sincere and humble. To pray for forgiveness, and turn vegan to back up their repentance. To prove that they truly repent and want to become a better human being. (Yes, Master.) Any negative thought that is not virtuous, not noble, not kind, not nice, all that, it also needs to be repented.

(That sounds like after everyone repents, Master, they would have to keep the perfect way to live [Lifestyle.] from then on.) Of course. Of course. That’s what repent means. (Yes.) And ask for forgiveness. If you do it again, then what for you repent and what for you ask for forgiveness? You can’t be forgiven forever. I mean people have to turn around and continue that benevolent way of life, (Yes, Master.) and be morally aware. (Yes.) Just read the Bible. Very simple, the Ten Commandments. Read Buddhist sutras, also the Five or Ten Commandments. Five is the shortest, but it also comprises together the Ten Commandments. […]
But it’s all similar. I mean, if you keep the Five Commandments from Buddhism, that should be OK. And you have to truly be vigilant. Otherwise, the mind always wanders or tells you to do this, do that. And the negative power is surrounding, always whispering in your ear, tempting you to do wrong. You always have to keep God in your heart. You don’t have to be my disciple. This is what the COVID chief told me – that my disciples are spared, everyone else, not. It’s not me who said that. Imagine if I have to take on the whole world as my disciples. It’s not what I really wish for. I don’t know if I will survive if all people become my disciples. (Yes, Master.) So, it’s not like I want to advertise for myself. (Right, Master.) […]
It’s of course very difficult for the people to understand what they have to repent. (Yes.) But just turn vegan first, and then things will become more clear. (That’s right, Master. Yes, Master.) You just naturally become more loving, more kind, more understanding about things. (Yes, Master.) And more benevolent toward all others, more understanding and have sympathy with their suffering. (Yes.) That’s what it is. […] You just become more sensitive. (Yes.) And then you will regain more of your real taste for freedom, for compassion, for enlightenment, for spiritual longing, for God longing, for Heaven yearning. All that will come if you turn vegan at least, first. And then pray to God to guide you further. […]
It’s just for the people. Truly, for the world to understand, then, to wake up. (Yes, Master.) Just try your best to sincerely say, “Whatever I did wrong, please, I sincerely repent, and whatever I know is wrong, I won’t do it again. Just forgive me.” And turn vegan. (Yes, Master.) Ask God for help. God will help, if you sincerely ask. (Yes, Master.) Even, we humans, when we’re lost on the road or we cannot do some heavy task or something, we ask another human, and he or she would help. How would God not help, if you sincerely and desperately need? (That’s right. Yes, Master.) I just worry that we are not sincere. So, please, sincerely repent, sincerely pray for forgiveness and be a sincere vegan.
Sincere repentance, sincere prayer for forgiveness, sincere vegan. Three things. Even the COVID chief would give you some allowance so that you can get help, to rescue yourself from hell, so that you don’t have to go to hell. And you don’t even have to be reborn as a human again to suffer. If you repent, be vegan, pray for forgiveness sincerely and remember my name, even if you don’t ask for initiation or be my disciple, I still can help you. That’s all I can say to the world’s people out there. More I cannot do. They have to also help themselves. (Yes, Master.) […]

So the nurse is allowed to be reborn again in 72 years. At that time, the world is clearing out already. No more sickness and he’ll be fine. Doesn’t have to work so hard anymore, or sacrifice too much anymore. (Right.) But that’s all he can have. He’s allowed to be in Heaven for 72 years only because he was so good, so kind, went above his duty. (Yes.) Just he was not vegan, so he can’t be in Heaven forever. So, kindness and love, affection, sympathy towards others is not enough. It’s not a sufficient condition to guarantee you Heaven forever. But that’s very good already. (Yes, Master.) 72 years in Heaven. […]
In 2099, the world will have no more COVID. Right? (Yes, Master.) So, he will be born a little earlier then, but at the end already. (Yes.) (Yes.) It’s winding down, the COVID. Wow, 77 years long. It’s almost a century, man. (Yes.) We won’t be there anymore. We just try to save people now, not wait until that time when 91% are all gone. (Yes.) I told you, even though I knew that, but to be confirmed by this sort of reliable information entity, it’s really a shock to me also. […]

Any more questions? […] (Well, up to that 2099, Master, will the climate change disasters effect still increase?) […] I did not ask about that. I was just talking with the COVID chief. I didn’t talk about the weather. I did not think about the weather at that time, but of course, what do you think? (Yes, Master.) If you don’t die by COVID, then you will die by other things. Weather change, extreme heat, all that kind of stuff. (Yes, Master.) […]
Life is so, so very impermanent. Everybody thinks they will live here forever and they’re hoarding things, or they’re warring, and stealing, and threatening each other with might and… Instead of using money for their citizens, they use it to develop more and more lethal weapons just to kill other citizens. You have to develop to the point that other countries’ citizens are just like yours. (Yes, Master.) You have to look upon them just like your citizens. Think of their suffering and their hardship if you make war. So, you have to protect them and spare them from all that suffering.
We’re suffering enough already. (Yes, Master.) From all sides, all kinds of unknown disease. And even more are coming! (Gosh.) Even they know it already anyway because they predict that more variants will come, and they will totally reject vaccination. So, what’s the use now? (Yes.) Wasting a lot of money to develop it and to produce it and then it’s useless. (Yes.) If we don’t have merit and humility to have Heaven’s protection, then nothing works. (Yes, Master.) Even the best doctor cannot cure you. […]

The following message is from Supreme Master Ching Hai to Her disciples.
Dearest beloved all initiates, even if you don’t practice what I have imparted to you during the time of initiation, please listen. The pandemic is just one part. Many humans, or the majority of humans will not survive. The end will come, sooner, even. How soon, also depends on Humans’ behavior, repentance, and U-turn or not. But you, my so-called Initiates, disciples, please, take good care of yourself. Please make sure all your food is pure vegan. If it’s not, if you are not sure, if in doubt, better don’t eat it. You don’t even have to purchase any of these plant-based meats, or any other things that are the replacements of animal-people products. You just eat vegetables. Any vegetables you can find and any vegetables that are available to you in your region. They have plenty of nutrition, protein, and anything you need for your wellness already.
Just pray before you eat. Offer the meals to all the saints and sages of the past, present, and future. And eat with all gratefulness and joy in your heart. Gratefulness and joyfulness in your heart, that you have still something to nourish your body. Do not eat anything that is not vegan. And pray as if you are dying, pray as if you need air to live, pray as if you’re drowning. Meditate as much as you can, more than two and a half hours, if you can make it.
Pray in your heart, meditate with all diligence. Please. This is all I can tell you. Not much more I can. The Hour, the end, might come sooner than you expect, than anyone expects. Even if you are my disciples, you must be diligent, practice well, and if you can, tell all your relatives and friends to be vegan and to pray for their survival, if they even listen. This is for you only, because the world out there doesn’t listen to me much.
My heart is aching for all of them. But if they have chosen to go with the negative side, then there’s not much more I can do for them. I meditate well, diligently, I do my work to spread the Saints’ teachings and God’s Blessing through television, but I also pray for them, for everyone. Nevertheless, you, my so-called disciples, please, be diligent. Not just to help yourself, but maybe to lend some of your little blessing to help those around you. The end may come sooner than you think. Very soon. Too soon. Please, heed my words. Even if in all these decades, you might have taken my teachings for granted, please, practice it now. Please meditate.
The end will come too soon, sooner, too soon, if humans do not change to be more benevolent, to be vegan and to repent all their misdeeds. Whether or not they know or not know, they should repent and change. Especially change to the benevolent way of life, to a vegan diet way of life. But maybe they won’t change. Not many. Then the end will come sooner. Too soon. Too soon. Please, take care of yourself. Take good care of yourself spiritually. Meditate, be a pure vegan, and pray, please.
You see, it’s not only the pandemic. The pandemic part is to chase, to trace, to hunt all the bad humans until the last one. But only if they even survive other like disasters that would come from the sky, comets, for example, and other disasters that are going to destroy humans and the world. So the pandemic isn’t the only thing that you should worry about. That’s all I can say to you. The end could come very sudden. No one has time to prepare, if they don’t change. And any survivor at all of all these other manmade or Heaven-made disasters will be traced, will be hunted down, till the last one.
No one will escape this time. They promised to spare you, my so-called disciples, but you must be good, you must be really good humans, good practitioners. Even if all these years, you did not, there’s still time, still time to make up for it. Please repent well. Repent sincerely with all your heart, and redo, redo it. I mean, begin again, and fast. Otherwise, you will not be counted as my so-called disciples. Please, please. I love you. God loves you. Please, take good care of yourself. Thank you.

Host: Most Compassionate Master, no words of gratitude would be ever enough to convey our profound appreciation for Your Most precious presence in our world, and all Your hard work to rescue it. We deeply pray for humanity to take heed of Master’s loving guidance for our own survival, as we all acknowledge the dire situation of our planet. And in becoming vegan today, humans will take a leap forward for our future, accepting God’s extended Hand of Forgiveness. May Beloved Master be always well and safe, in the mighty Protection of all Heavens.
To hear more of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s explanation about the threats to our world, including a mysterious syndrome transmittable through an invisible energy, please tune in to Between Master and Disciples on Wednesday, March 16, 2022, for the full broadcast of this conference.
Also, for your reference, please check out previous related Fly-in News / Between Master and Disciples conferences, such as:
Fly-in News:
Real Compassion and Awakening Is the Solution
Forsake Meat for a Peaceful World and a Healthy Planet
Between Master and Disciples:
When Honesty Is Lost: Signs of the Last Hour from the Hadith
Catholic Priests Should Preach the True Gospel of Lord Jesus
The True Saint Title
Being Vegan Brings Out Our Love and Benevolence

Lord Jesus Christ's Glorious Sacrifice for Humankind

Noteworthy News / Supreme Master Ching Hai's Lectures
Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Advice to All Religious Faithful, and the Best Solution for Saving Our World, Jan. 25, 2022
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Host: On Tuesday, January 25, 2022, our Most Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai, while still in Her intensive meditation retreat for the world, called some of the Supreme Master Television team members, who asked questions on various topics, seeking Master’s valuable insights.

(Master, Mitch McConnell used to have a good relationship with Biden when he was vice president. But recently, McConnell has turned on him and criticized Biden saying, “He is profoundly un-presidential.”)

“Media report from C-SPAN News Jan. 13, 2022, Senate Minority Leader,USA,Mitch McConnell: How profoundly, profoundly unpresidential. Look, I’ve known, liked, and personally respected Joe Biden for many years. I did not recognize the man at the podium yesterday.”


(And even said he did not even recognize him anymore. What prompted McConnell to turn on Biden like that?)

Are you not happy that your country has a better high official? (Yes, yes.) Well, I hope he is sincere. But he’s truly an adept politician. He bends with the wind, very, very flexibly. (Yes.) He had a very good relationship with Biden, not just when he was vice president. It’s been a while already. […] And he has been always with Biden all this time now. (Yes. In the Senate.) Until whenever he made that remark. But I hope he’s sincere, for your own country, for your citizen’s sake. […] (I hope so.)

Truly. I truly hope for your country’s sake. (Yes, Master.) But I just hope it’s not like he’s just strategically a clever person or worked as his wife advised him. (Yes, Master.) […]

You remember before he kept changing his tone all the time, (Yes, he did.) concerning President Trump. (Yes, he did, Master.) And others, etc., etc. I think he’s very adept at survival. Recently Biden himself and the White House administration, the Democrats also, have been going down, in approval ratings. (Yes, Master.)

And […] quite a few of the Democrats are resigning or did resign already for different reasons. (Yes, Master.) Either they want to live their private lives, or they don’t agree with Biden, but didn’t want to say it due to the party protectiveness or they’re just getting old and tired and feel frustrated, so resigned. (Yes, Master.) Thus, many empty seats have been or will be in the Democrat House and Senate. (Yes, Master.) So, Republicans will gain control. (Yes, Master.) The consequence is like that. And then, Trump has been more popular because of Biden’s unpopularity. (Yes, Master.) So, I think he knows it’s the time that the flag will fly in the other direction. (Right. Yes.) So, he begins to criticize. That’s very, very strong of him. Because since he was praising Biden when Biden left, even as vice president, he said, “It has been an honor to work with you,” and so on and so forth. (Yes, Master.) And he has been supporting Biden and his administration all this time. And suddenly he turned. That’s very crispy. (Yes, Master.) Yeah, very crunchy. “How unpresidential.” Blah, blah, blah. That’s a lot for him. Yeah? (Yes.) I mean, normally he has criticized a little bit here and there. And then suddenly like that. It’s a very strong hammer. (Yes.)

Well, he has been wavering a little bit, I think, for a while now. Since the Democrats have been kind of losing, (Yes, Master.) in different states. (Yes. Right.) And people are also fed up with the White House. And a significant number of staff resigned from the White House. Just quit. (Yes, Master.) Yeah. Democrats. (Yes, Master.) Who work for the White House, or work for Harris, they quit in numbers. (Wow.)

I didn’t count, but I saw some here and there, a few. And they’re significant staff members. And there are many rumors, like they don’t get on well. (Oh.) The White House is a mess and all that. So, he smells all this. (Yes.) If he doesn’t turn to the other direction, he’ll be doomed. (That’s right.) I don’t know why he cares so much, he’s so old already, he should be gone. But he likes his position. He likes his work because he’s more powerful than president even. (Yes, Master.) […]

And also, some of the Republicans warned him, that if he doesn’t support Trump, he doesn’t work for Trump, then nothing will work. He’s not going to be the leader of the Senate again. (Wow. Right.) And they meant it. They meant what they said. So, he’s kind of shaky a little bit. (Yes, Master.) If Republicans regain control of the House and the Senate, then, I don’t think they will leave him in peace. (Yes, Master.) Because he has been not very favorable with the Republicans all this time, especially for his president (Trump). (Yes, Master.) Not faithful, loyal and not good. […]

But I sincerely pray that everything is possible with God’s Grace, that he might have turned around and changed his heart. (Yes, Master.) And […] to really serve your country faithfully and sincerely. I do hope like that. (Yes, Master. We hope so too, Master.) It’s not good for any country if politicians are not sound in moral standard. (Yes, Master.) That’s obvious, no? (Yes, right. Very obvious.) […]

I don’t promise anything. I’m just saying I hope, I hope everything is possible, if God’s Grace interferes, (Yes, Master.) and that he is really sincere in serving his country with all his honesty and moral fitness, OK? (Yes, Master.) Alright. More? (Yes. […])

(Francis now promises to bring justice to abused children; the victims of sexual abuse by the clergy. So, he spoke to an audience- the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, […] a few days ago. So, that was just a day after an independent audit had faulted the previous Pope Benedict XVI of his handling of four cases of sexual abuse of minors by the clergy, when he was archbishop of Munich, Germany.)

“Media Report from CBS News Jan. 21, 2022 Reporter (f): A new report accuses Pope Emeritus Benedict the XVI of poorly handling sexual abuse cases in a German diocese. The report claims, when Benedict was Archbishop in Munich, he knowingly allowed abusive priests to continue working for the church without sanctions. Pope Benedict denies the accusations.”


(What are Master’s thoughts on this? Could this be another one of Francis’ distractions or is he turning good?)

You hope. (Yes.) […] Oh, I’m telling you, I don’t trust this guy. I told you many times already. (Yes.) He just did, and does something trendy, (Yes.) to make it look good. Just like before he became pope, people already groomed him. Already prepared. (Yes, Master.) Many years before he became pope. So, they even let him wash the feet of the criminals, on video. (Yes.) So they use that, and everybody thinks he’s a humble and good pope. See that? (Yes, Master.)

Never mind about that. Because, he didn’t seem to be any more humble and more caring in many other dimensions. (Yes, Master.) That’s why many people complained to him about sexual abuse of their children and themselves and he just ignored them all. (Yes, Master.) He didn’t even write anything to them or comfort them or say sorry, or anything. Nothing. (That’s right, Master.) Not even seeing them, not even replying to them, not even comforting them, nothing. (Yes, Master.) Right. So, the sexual abuse stuff has been reported to him long ago already. (Yes, Master.) And he didn’t do anything, as you know. (Yes.) And now “boom” somebody, reported about Pope Benedict, so he immediately said, “Oh, I will do it.” You see that? (Yes, Master.) Now he has another scapegoat.

Last time he kicked out the second most powerful priest from Vatican’s office, (Yes, Master.) because of the gay marriage condemning as a sin. And then he wrote a letter to everybody saying, “It’s OK,” and all that stuff. (Yes.)

This guy, he knows nothing, he cares for nothing. I asked Heaven, “How much love quality does he have?” They said, “Minus 40 something.” (Oh, Wow.) Minus! (Minus. Oh, my goodness.) Not even zero. (Wow.) Minus zero. Let me remember. Minus 42%. (Wow.) Remember before, I told some of you, “You have too little love. (Yes.) Like 20 something percent or 30%.” I said, too little already. (Yes.) (Oh, minus. Wow.) Minus. So, even if he’s not a devil himself, he is very easy to be worked on by the devils. You understand me? (Yes, Master.) Because they will be greedy, they will be liars, they will be immoral. Anything, just to gain fame. (Yes, Master.) And, gain fame and profit. (Yes, Master.) And under him, they’re using 90% of donations originally for the poor just for the Vatican. (Wow.) (Yes, Master.) […]

I told you, he blames somebody else. It’s easier. He found a scapegoat again, because how come he didn’t say anything about it before? (That’s true, Master.) Many people complained that some newspaper printed all about that evidence, everything. And he said, “Oh it’s not a sin. A sin of the flesh is not a big deal.”

Remember? (Yes, Master.) Just to ignore it. Because, these people are the ones who voted for him. The whole gang. (Yes, Master.) The “mafia gang” they call themselves even. (Yes.) Because they cheated to put him in there. And then even according to the canon law it is illegal, spiritually illegal, and he should be excommunicated or kicked out. (Yes, Master.) So, of course he didn’t dare to offend them. (Right.) Otherwise, who would support him? Who would protect him in his position? (Yes.)

“Mic’d Up Report The St. Gallen Mafia Podcast Oct. 31, 2021 Reporter (m): Cardinal Godfried Danneels was a key member of the very St. Gallen mafia he mentioned in 2015. A group of powerful churchmen who worked behind the scenes to get Pope Francis elected in 2013. Their goal? According to historian Henry Sire, To gather these powerful like-minded prelates together to use their vast networks of contacts to bring about what political analysts would recognize as ‘regime change.’ Discarding priestly celibacy, offering communion to divorced and civilly remarried Catholics, voting for pro-abortion politicians, ordaining women priests and normalizing homosexuality. According to German journalist and author Paul Badde, in an interview conducted by the National Catholic Register at the invitation of Cardinal Silvestrini, the St. Gallen group met in Villa Nazareth. The purpose of the meeting? To prevent the election of Joseph Ratzinger. This meeting, called by Silvestrini, was held according to Badde only three days after Karol Wojtyła, or John Paul II’s death.

Brian Williams (m): We are reporting the death of Pope John Paul II at the Vatican. He was 84 years old.

Reporter (m): The 2005 conclave proved unsuccessful for the St. Gallen mafia as Ratzinger was elected. But 2013 was another story.”

February 11, 2013. Pope Benedict announces his resignation.

“Media Report from BBC Feb.12, 2013 Reporter(f): Within hours of Pope Benedict announcing that he was to resign, take a look at this: lightning struck St. Peter’s Basilica. You can see it again now in slow motion.”

“Excerpt from ‘The Pope Is Hiding Something Ancient From The Public’ Reporter (m): Lightning struck St. Peter’s Basilica twice immediately following the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI. Now, some people might not make anything of that, but lightning is something in sacred literature that almost always carries spiritual connotations. Sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s evil, like when Jesus referred to satan as, ‘falling like lightning.’”

So, he didn’t want to do anything. Now he has a scapegoat. So, he said, “Oh, I will do it.” You see that? (Yes, Master.) Because it was just a small diocese.

The former Pope Benedict, (Yes.) he was just an archbishop in Munich. (Yes, Master.) It happened there, maybe just not a lot. (Yes, Master.) Maybe one or two priests. […]

He wasn’t a pope at that time. And then, when he was the pope, there were so many things, other things he had to do, and he is a straight forward guy so, sometimes he offends other people. So, since he couldn’t do it, he resigned. (Yes, Master.) Maybe not because of old age or illness or anything, even though maybe it was one of the reasons. But maybe he saw the corruption, in the Church, in the Vati-gang. (Yes, Master.)

“Media report from CNN Feb. 27, 2013 Reporter (m): As much as sexual scandals and innuendo have come to a boil in the last days of Pope Benedict the XVI’s reign, what is proving equally damaging to his legacy are the simmering stories of disarray, corruption and infighting in the management of the Vatican. The pope himself has repeatedly, over past months, made references to it.

His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI speech: The sins against the unity of the Church, of the divisions in the body of the Church.”

“Media report from CNN Feb. 25, 2013 Reporter (m): De Gregorio is one of the two journalists who have reported as this headline in our paper says, ‘Sex and blackmailed careers are behind Benedict’s resignation.’ ‘Sordid tales of Vatican officials consorting with male prostitutes.’

Concita de Gregorio (f) [Reporter (m) translated]: ‘A church governed,’ she says, ‘by a network of officials, some of whom are compromised by their homosexual activities.’

Reporter (m): ‘Compromised perhaps to senior levels,’ says Ignazio Ingrao, a writer for the newsweekly ‘Panorama.’

Reporter (m): How high does it go? Cardinals?

Ignazio Ingrao (m): Yes, cardinals.

Reporter (m): Ingrao says he believes Pope Benedict’s attempts at reform were stymied every step of the way.

Ignazio Ingrao (m) [Reporter (m) translated]: ‘In these eight years, the pope has repeatedly made calls to stop the divisions,’ he says, ‘to end the power struggles in the Curia and to have more transparency. But these calls weren’t heeded.’”

“Media report from CNN Feb. 27, 2013 Reporter (m): The secret documents leaked last year by the pope's butler, according to the reporter who first published them, paint a devastating picture of an isolated pope, surrounded by members of the Italian Curia, who actively impeded his efforts, something that surprised the author.

Gianluigi Nuzzi [Reporter (m) translated]: The Pope’s loneliness in front of what is happening in the Vatican Curia. A pope that was alone, he was left alone. A pope who was a great theologian, but who hasn't succeeded in bringing forth his reforms in the battle for transparency.”

“Media report from CBS News Jan. 21, 2022 Chris Livesay (m): He was the first pontiff to ever take meaningful action in response to the waves of priest’ sex abuse that have plagued the Catholic Church for these many decades now. He sat down with priest sex abuse victims. He even apologized for what he considered to be the “filth” sweeping through the Catholic Church, unlike his predecessor John Paul II. Benedict the XVI was long known as God’s rottweiler for being a fierce defendant of Catholic Church doctrine.”

“Media report from CNN Feb. 27, 2013 Reporter (m): In fact, Nuzzi, whose book is now coming out in English, entitled ‘Ratzinger Was Afraid,’ believes the butler took the risk of leaking the documents precisely because he believed making them public would help the pope in his battle to restore order. According to Nuzzi, the corruption the pope tried, but failed to root out, included kickbacks on Vatican contracts, money laundering and influence peddling, among other things. And author Nuzzi is convinced each time the pope tried to change the rules, his attempts were frustrated.

Gianluigi Nuzzi (m) [Reporter (m) translated]: You can keep on believing in the fable that the pope has resigned because he is tired. But I don't believe it.”

“Media report from CNN Feb. 25, 2013 Concita de Gregorio (f) [Reporter (m) translated]: ‘He decided by himself,’ says De Gregorio, ‘to resign because he no longer trusted the men around him.’

His Holiness Pope Benedict (m): Thank you for the prayers.

Reporter(m): Benedict says he’s not abandoning the Church. But, according to these accounts, the Church may have abandoned him.”

So, he probably didn’t know how to deal with it. (Yes, Master.) At that time it was not such a big problem yet. Maybe some reporting here and there, but we did not even discover all the murdered children, in the graves, in silence, in the darkness of the Catholic administration, priests and all. In Canada or in America, we didn’t discover hundreds or thousands of them, dead in unknown graves. Because of the sexual rape, because maybe murdered to keep silent. (Yes.) To keep it secret. Maybe the way they raped them was too brutal, and they just died. Imagine they were just two, three, six years old. (Yes, Master.) How can they bear it? (That’s right, Master. Yes.) All these fat people who eat from the donations, and then turn around and harm the children. (Yes, Master. God!) […]

They came from anywhere, somewhere, and robbed them of their land. Destroying their houses and snatching away their children, raping them, murdering them. What kind of civilization is that? Shameless. Especially when it comes from so-called holy institutions, holy churches and clergy, and are supposed to be God’s representatives. […]

“The Prey – Silence in the Name of God (2013) Documentary Directed by Luce Bellino/Silvia Luzi, Father Giovanni Lupino: I can assure you that there is a high percentage of corruption in the high Roman clergy, even the clergy that are close to the pope. This means that very few priests are faithful to celibacy.”

“Media report from CNN Feb. 26, 2013 Christiane Amanpour: One former priest said that perhaps 50% of priests who enter the priesthood may be gay. I talked to a longtime veteran journalist here in Rome who said it’s well known that monsignors and others in the Vatican conduct affairs, either with women or men. The real issue here is there is a difference between having affairs and committing crimes against young boys, which is what happened under these priests for so many generations.”

“Media report from NBC News Jan. 25, 2022 Walter Robinson (m): Everywhere that we have good data, 10% of the priests abuse children. And in Buenos Aires where Pope Francis served as the Cardinal Archbishop, he claimed that no priest abused children there. And that’s simply ridiculous.”

I advise all the people who believe in God or Buddha, just pray to God and Buddha. Don’t ever trust these priests who might harm you spiritually, physically, emotionally and mentally, in any way. […]

Go in to peoples’ houses, stealing their food, stealing their land, robbing them of their freedom and even raping and murdering their children. (Oh, God.) Oh, God. Sickening. Sickening race of people. (Yes, Master.) No wonder Heaven wants to destroy this planet. And hell is waiting to roast them. […]

The governments are siding with the powerful, with the Church, with the priests, the bad and rotten, evil priests, instead of protecting the citizens, while they’re taking their tax money, to have privilege, to have prestige, to have richness, and security. (Yes, Master.) That’s why I told you they’re cowards, they’re rotten. These governments, they’re all rotten. I dare to say that in their face also. […]

The children are suffering, and they’re ignoring it. They’re siding with the criminal instead of the victim. (Yes, Master.)

And outside in their society, they’re just chasing after one poor thief, or some little, small criminal. (Yes, Master.) Just for show, just to put it on the TV, just to be in the press that they’re doing something, while the real, truly wicked, worst criminals are protected by their own system. That’s why I told them, all these governments, who did nothing to protect the children – now, past, present and future, they’re all rotten. They all will go to hell, together with these criminals. And I’m not telling you a lie. It is the truth like that. (Yes, Master.) I will make sure they will stay in hell forever. ‘End!’

The politicians and the corrupt church people, church priests and administration people, they have the same thing in common; they cheat to go to high positions. (Yes, Master.)

In the case of Francis, his gang cheated so that he could become pope. (Yes.) In the case of Biden, it’s the same. (Yes, Master.) And similar! Wow, they love each other! You saw that? (Yes.) Didn’t you see? It’s obvious. (Yes, Master.) Chemical reaction. (Yes.) The chemistry between these groups of people is obvious. (Yes, Master. Right.) […]

So, now you can see Francis’ promise and why, right? (Yes, Master.) We can see very well. Don’t count too much on it. (OK, Master.) Don’t count too much on it.

When Pope Benedict was still in office, it probably wasn’t that much reported. (Yes, Master.)

“The Prey – Silence in the Name of God (2013) Documentary Directed by Luce Bellino/Silvia Luzi, Robert Mickens (m): One way that you get appointed is that you run your diocese well. Under John Paul II, one way that people got appointed was by how many seminarians and priests they had. So, if you were getting more and more vocations – ‘he’s a good bishop, give him a bigger diocese.’ And certainly, you didn't want to have on your record that you had a number of priests that abused people, because that would reflect badly on you. So, they keep this kind of stuff quiet. It’s kind of like, if you want to be seen in a positive light from Rome, which makes a lot of these career decisions for people- only bring good news to the Vatican.”


And then, he probably didn’t know what to do. Maybe they were too strong for him also, (Yes.) in the Vati-gang. At that time, they were already preparing for Francis. They were already boiling, brewing with darkness. And he probably was not comfortable. And so he resigned. But at least, while he was in office, he feared God, he worshipped God. He even said he retired because God wanted him to meditate. (Ah…) It is possible. See, he’s connected with God. God told him to do what, and he does it.

But he has never opened his mouth, in any way, anywhere, that we heard of to blemish God, to degrade Jesus Christ. (Yes. That’s correct, Master.) At least not. (Yes, Master.) He’s humble. He fears God, and he worships God, that’s for sure. (Yes, Master.) Even though he couldn’t do all the things that people wanted him to do. But at that time, it was not so obvious, like Francis’ time, when he knows everything, (Yes, Master.) about many hundreds of thousands of children, being raped and molested and died, murdered. (Yes.) And evidence was everywhere. (Yes.) And everyone was talking about it. So, there was more prominent evidence for him to do something, but he didn’t. He just ignored it all the time. And said, “Sins of the flesh are not important.” And then said, “God is a failure.” Many times, he said that, “Jesus is also a failure.”

“Kasarani Stadium Nairobi, Kenya Nov. 27, 2015 in Spanish, Pope Francis (m): This here, in this item, is the history of God’s failure. It’s the way of the cross.”

“Media Report from Vatican Radio Jan. 20, 2017 Host (m) [Pope Francis(m)’s speech]: ’At times, I like to think about joking with the Lord,’ he said, ‘You don’t have a good memory. This is the weakness of God. When God forgives, He forgets.’”

“New York City United States Sept. 24, 2015 Pope Francis (m): We need to remember that we are followers of Jesus Christ. And His life, humanly speaking, ended in failure. The failure of the cross.”

“Villavicencio, Colombia Sept. 8, 2017 in Spanish, Pope Francis (m): In the veins of Jesus runs pagan blood.”

“Media Report from Vatican Radio Apr. 4, 2017 Host (f): This is Vatican Radio and I’m Susie Hodges. Pope Francis said, ‘The story of God’s love for us can be found on the cross, where Jesus emptied Himself of His divinity and dirtied Himself with sin, in order to save humanity.’ Turning back to the figure of the serpent, Pope Francis said, ‘The animal is a mystery, because it’s a symbol of sin but both kills and saves.’ ‘And it’s a mystery of Christ who emptied Himself, humiliated Himself, destroyed Himself, and became sin in order to save us.’ Pope Francis said, ‘Using this symbol, Jesus became a serpent.’”

Then what is he doing in the house of God? (Yes, that’s right, Master.) And the place of Jesus worship? (Yes, Master.) It’s like a thief, (Yes.) going into a house illegally, and yelling at the owner. And disrespecting them. […] Like shoving them out. […]

By degrading them. By slandering them. You see that? I don’t know why the Christian people still let him stay here! […] You go into the house of God, and because of God, because of Jesus that he has such a fame, such a privilege, such a high position, and he turns around and slanders Them in the hardest terms! And the Christian people do nothing!! And the governments who are supposed to be Christian faithful also do nothing! This world is hell!!

And it’s going to be more hell if they continue this way. Worshipping the devil instead of God. (Yes, Master.) […]

He doesn’t slander anybody bad, he just slanders the good one. And the Almighty God. And said he’s not even coming in Hiers name.

Then in what name is he coming? Can only be satan, no? (Yes, Master.) It’s so obvious. Why does nobody do anything!? The whole Christendom, 2 billion of them, doing nothing! You see that!? (Yes, Master.) It makes me so angry! My God! Worse than in the time of Jesus. In the time of Jesus, they said Jesus was blasphemous. That’s why they killed Him. At least they killed Him in the name of God. Because they thought that Jesus said He’s the Son of God, but He’s lying. (Yes.) So, they thought He was cheating people. But this guy, he truly is offending God! Slandering God! (Yes.) And the true people, Christian people, do nothing! […]

No wonder the world became like this. No wonder Heaven is punishing them with one virus after another. And many more strange viruses keep coming, and more variants coming. And they don’t even know how dangerous they can be yet. One is stronger than the other already, obviously. […] (Yes, Master.)

This man, if he doesn’t go to hell, then you should not trust me anymore. He will. OK? (Yes, Master.) And he will never get out of hell again. (Wow.) I will make sure of that. This, you can trust me. (Yes, Master.) Even if the world is too cowardly or too blind or too poisoned to do anything, hell will not spare him. (Yes, Master.) The judgement of Heavens will not spare him. […] So, don’t believe anything. (OK, Master.)

I just believe one thing, that the Christians and the Catholics, whatever they call themselves, Evangelists or Born Again Christians or Seventh-day Adventists, they all believe in Christ. They should all kick him out. (Yes, Master.) In unison. Unify together and kick this evil out and banish him far away from humans. (Yes, Master.) Or put him in jail and lock him in there forever, before hell locks him in. Otherwise, he will harm more humans. And he will protect more of these pedo-priests, molesters. (Yes, Master.) My God. […]

Any other questions? (Yes, Master. Why is it that poorer nations who emit less greenhouse gases and CO2 emissions get more punishment than richer nations who produce more greenhouse gases, but seem to have less consequences? These poor nations suffer more in terms of hunger and diseases and extreme climate-related disasters.) […]

I ponder about that, too, but, you see, it’s like this… Recently it’s coming also to the west; many volcanos, storms, funny weather, big wild fires everywhere. (Yes, Master.) I mean, in those powerful countries, it’s coming now to them also.

“Media report from DW News Jan. 10, 2022 Rob Watts (m): Hurricanes, floods, wildfires; 2021 brought more than its fair share of natural disasters, and as well as claiming around 10,000 lives. They also took a major financial toll. German re-insurer Munich Re says it was one of the most expensive years on record, with the global damages estimated at around $280 billion. Only $120 billion of that was insured. Hardest hit was the United States, which accounted for $150 billion of the damages. It was struck by Hurricane Ida, disastrous tornadoes and an extremely cold winter in the south, and wildfires in the west. Meanwhile, let’s look at Europe. Floods did the most damage there. $54 billion worth in total. Last year’s flooding in western Germany was the country’s worst and most costly natural disaster on record. Meanwhile, let’s look at Asia, the Asia Pacific region saw damages of $48 billion.”


But the thing is, even if they don’t come to them, it doesn’t mean that Heaven doesn’t punish them. (Yes.) Either they get it now or they get it in hell. (Oh.) Just like our body. We eat something wrong, but the stomach gets punished. It’s not the mouth. (That’s true.) (Understand.) And the liver, for example, will get punished, (Yes.) bile problem, or any other thing. (Alright, Master.) But sooner or later, if you don’t treat it, it will be aggravated, the illness, the unwellness, the sickness. And then the body will also collapse. (That’s true, Master. Right.)

Like in your body, like people, for example, nowadays they catch COVID-19. Their faces don’t look any different. (Right. Yes.) Often not. In a rare case, maybe the skin is blistered or something. But rare. Mostly they look normal. (Yes.) Until they have to go in the hospital gasping for breath, (Yes, Master.) or die.

Because the body is all connected. (Yes.) If one of the organs inside or outside get troubled, then the body also suffers sooner or later, if not treated. Similarly, the whole world is an entity. It is a collective population. So, the punishment or the disasters attack where it’s more vulnerable, easier. (Oh, right, Master.) Similarly, the liver or lungs, they’re sensitive organs. (Yes, Master.) If we don’t have them or if they are in trouble, we are in trouble, sooner or later. They are sensitive organs. So, if left untreated, we will die. (That’s true.) Similarly, […] the whole world will collectively take the consequence. (Ah, right.) And nowadays, you can see COVID going everywhere. (Yes. That’s true, Master.) You don’t have to have other disasters to prove that Heaven only punishes the poor. They don’t have to always punish in the same way. But the consequence will be shared among human inhabitants. (Yes.) And that is for sure.

You don’t worry about it. (Yes, Master.) Justice will be done. If not by humans wisely, then will be done by Heaven. […]

The only solution now, in the desperate situation, is to turn vegan. (Yes, Master.) Leave all the animal-people, domestic and wild, alone! (Right.) Then, maybe we will still have help. I’m sure we still have hope. I’m praying for that. I say, “Even if humans repent late, dear Lord, please forgive us, forgive them and help us. Please help. Even if they repent too late, but better than never. They’re ignorant, They’ve been poisoned, they have been misled. Please, have pity on us, even if we repent late.” […] But they must repent. […] Don’t do all the wicked things like in a hellish domain and expect to go to Heaven. (Yes, Master.) That’s all, very simple. Just […] turn vegan and be repentant, and if possible, do good, help others. Otherwise, be repentant, be vegan, minimum, (Yes, Master.) Then I can help, truly I can. […]

Host:Our deep gratefulness, Most Caring Master, for Your enlightening messages to humanity during this time of global difficulties. May Heavens’ Mercy guide our leaders towards higher virtues, in order to create a peaceful and stable future for all nations on Earth. May our world come together in unity and trust, as we realize we are all connected in the Infinite Creation. We wish Precious Master the best of health and serenity, forever shielded by all Heavens and Divine Beings.

To hear Supreme Master Ching Hai’s thoughts on why Pope Francis acknowledges some of the requirements set forth in the Bible’s Book of Leviticus, but ignores those on veganism, please tune in to Between Master and Disciples on Tuesday, March 22, 2022, for the full broadcast of this conference.

Also, for your reference, please check out previous related Fly-in News / Between Master and Disciples conferences, such as:

Fly-in News:

Forsake Meat for a Peaceful World and a Healthy Planet

Important Information from the Chief of COVID

Between Master and Disciples:

Why Do Good People Suffer in This World?

Governments Should Be Pro-Life and Promote Veganism

Heaven Does Not Accept the Killing of the Unborn

Free Will Is to Choose the Righteous Way

When Honesty Is Lost: Signs of the Last Hour from the Hadith

Catholic Priests Should Preach the True Gospel of Lord Jesus

The True Saint Title

 One-Year King

 Being Vegan Brings Out Our Love and Benevolence

 Lord Jesus Christ's Glorious Sacrifice for Humankind

 Real Compassion and Moral Standards Is the Real Solution


Real Compassion and Moral Standards Is the Real Solution, Part 10 of 22, Dec. 21, 2021
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Thus, there’s no doubt that the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, would have encouraged everyone, “Don’t eat the animal-people’s flesh or meat or fish-people or...” No animal products, all completely out. Vegan is the best for all of them. If the Muslims just become vegan and truly concentrate on Allah alone, everything, everyday in their life, or whenever they can, then surely, they will go to Allah’s spiritual, splendid realm, as the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, has said it.

It’s better for all the Muslims, while worshipping wholeheartedly, one-pointedly, Allah, they should also follow the teaching of the Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be Upon Him. (Yes, Master.) So that the Prophet can help them better, and they will a hundred percent go to Allah’s land, (Right.) spiritual realm, splendorous and glorious, and blissful, and peaceful, and blessed forever. (Yes.)

Remember, there’s also one story I told you that one man came out, a follower or something, or knew about the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, came to Him and he went back and boasted that the Prophet let him kill his lamb for sacrifice.
And one of the Prophet’s, Peace Be Upon Him, high representative or high priest, has doubted that story – whether or not it’s permitted only for that person or for everyone. (Yes.)
I mean, everyone who follows the Master, the Prophet Muhammad at that time, Peace Be Upon Him. (Yes, Master.) That’s why I say to you that kind of story is not trust-worthy. (Right.) People can just interpret anything, or he’s listening with only one ear, (Yes.) and it went out the other, and interpreted or translated it the way they want it. (That’s right.)
Because if the Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be Upon Him, has allowed this kind of killing, murdering animal-people, then everyone who follows Him would have known already. (Yes, that’s true.) (Yes, Master.) Especially those who are high priests, high representatives of the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, would have known it. So, the question would have not arisen, whether or not in his doubt, whether or not the Prophet allowed this man alone to kill the lamb or it’s for everyone. (Yes, Master.)
How can the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, who is so beloved and respected at that time, wouldn’t have told everyone else? (Yes, Master.) Because the teaching was already wide-spread. That’s why He was pursued and persecuted, by the government or the powers that be, or other religious establishments at that time. (Yes.) People know all over the land, and in the next country even, about Him. (Yes, that’s right.)
And He was always near to His disciples. (Yes.) Teaching them every little thing of everyday; everyday behavior or even how to dress and how to worship Allah and how to even rinse their mouth. (Right.) With those mouth liquids, before going to the mosque or before going to prayers together with others. (Yes, Master.)
Just like during initiation, I told you guys, before you go to meditation… Like, in the morning, you wake up, do your ablution, (Yes.) wash your mouth or brush your teeth and all that, before going to meditation. (Yes, Master.) Even that, the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, taught them. (Right.) He even said that, “If I’m not afraid that it’s too difficult for people, I would have asked everyone, the followers and the Muslims, to rinse their mouth for every prayer.” (Yes.) Just to make sure that you are pure enough, at least physically, to worship Allah. (Yes, Master.) And to worship God, that’s what He meant.

But Allah particularly is the One that endowed the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, with all this power to rescue His disciples and the followers. (Yes, Master.) That’s why the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, advocated, “You have to worship Allah…” the Muslim at that time and the followers, “have to worship Allah with all your heart. And not include any other names or worshipping together with Allah.” (Right, Master.)
Because that will dilute the attention and the power. (Yes, true.) Like a leaking pipe. Even from a little hole that leaks, a little hole from the water pipe, will leak some water out. (Yes, Master.) So, it’s not full strength.
People in this world, including His disciples at that time, were already too busy with every other things. (Yes.) And if their attention cannot be one-pointed to worship Allah alone, then it’s almost like they don’t have any concentration on God. (Yes, Master, true.) Yeah, yeah, yeah. How long it takes for you guys even to sit down, before you calm your mind and concentrate on meditation? (Yes, exactly.) The way I taught you. (Yes.)
So, that’s why the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, was not like dictating anybody what to do. He just told them the Way. He was so merciful. And He was so understanding of people’s psychology and physical makeup, that they can’t concentrate well on too many things, and still retain the absolute power of single-mindedness. (Yes.) So, He kept telling them again and again that they have to concentrate only on the Name of Allah.
The people, the Muslim people, if they truly understood this and they concentrated only on the Name of Allah, and be vegan as well, they surely will go to Allah’s spiritual realm. That I can promise. (Ah.) But you have to be single-minded, only on Allah. And no doubting or no including any other names of other gods or Masters’ names. (Yes, Master.)
But also, should be vegan. (Yes.) Because of all the reasons I have explained to you, that definitely the Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be Upon Him forever, would have never allowed or encouraged anyone to kill any animal-people. (Yes, true.) And many other teachings in the Hadith or Qur’an also forbid eating animal-people, because of the suffering thereof, because of the collective karma therefrom, because of the unmerciful act or cooperating with the cruel, wicked, inhumane and not God-like quality of killing and eating the animal-people. (Yes, Master.)
Thus, there’s no doubt that the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, would have encouraged everyone, “Don’t eat the animal-people’s flesh or meat or fish-people or...” No animal products, all completely out. Vegan is the best for all of them. If the Muslims just become vegan and truly concentrate on Allah alone, everything, everyday in their life, or whenever they can, then surely, they will go to Allah’s spiritual, splendid realm, as the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, has said it. (Yes, Master.) But must be vegan, must be absolutely single-minded. (Yes, Master.) (Thank You, Master.) You’re welcome.
So, it’s all clear. (Yes, Master. Clear, very clear. Thank You for explaining that, Master.) I hope you understood. Really? (Yes, Master.) Yeah, I think you guys do. (Yes. One-pointedness is key. It’s the most important part) Yes, yes. (of the concentration. Whole-hearted concentration.) Otherwise, you’ll be tainted also with other people’s karma or lower realm gods and deities and stuff. (Yes, Master.) Alright. Good, like that.

I’ll read you a story, a true story from Âu Lạc’s (Vietnam’s) folklore. (Oh. Yes, Master. Thank You, Master.) And this one is from Lữ Huy Nguyên and Đặng Văn Lung. They compiled and selected. We have asked somebody to contact them and asked for permission. And they contacted one, they said, “OK.” The other one, maybe also, “OK.” We didn’t hear from. I didn’t hear from them.
I asked here if the authors give us permission to read this story. I’m sure they would like to. Because one of the compilers is not anymore with us in the world, God bless his soul. May he be liberated. And his son said his father wouldn’t have asked for anything, wouldn’t have wanted to accept any compensation. So, we took that as a permission. I asked my disciple to bring some gifts or something as a gratitude, and to light some incense and candles in front of the father’s photograph, in the altar of the father.
I’m sure he’d be happy, that we read it. (Yes, Master.) Because it will benefit others, (Yes.) Always, if I read a story; some stories always benefit someone. (Yes.) So, they can learn something, to be a good person. If they cannot go to Heaven, at least be a good person on Earth. (Yes, Master.)
Many of the folklores of Âu Lạc (Vietnam) are true stories, or at least big part of them is a true story. I mean true personages, true historical beings in those old times. (Yes, Master.)
We have a lot of folklore stories, but some are not very suitable. Because it’s a normal story about people who probably go hunting and stuff like that. So, it’s not all suitable to read to you. (Ah, right, Master.) (Yes, Master.) It’s about normal people outside there, not normal, but they’re just habitual like every other human, (Yes.) thus incurring a lot of karma.
I read some stories that I hope to help people to change their karma. Maybe not this one, but many other ones that I read to you. (Yes, Master.) This one is about a person named Chử Đồng Tử.
A person who was Aulacese (Vietnamese) a long, long, long, long time ago, in the ancient times, when the Âu Lạc (Vietnam) country was not as big as it is right now. The Aulacese (Vietnamese) country continues to be built up since ancient times, and from a small, little country, it becomes bigger, bigger, bigger, bigger. Through many events or many exchanges for land or through alliance with other countries, or through negotiation. A lot of things happened in the Aulacese (Vietnamese) history. We don’t have a lot of time to tell you here.

I read you this story about Chử Đồng Tử. It’s like a fairytale, because he is a very poor person. He lives with his father. Both are very poor, and they have only one piece of cloth which they take turns to wrap around if they have to see people or go out buying things (Wow.) or exchanging things. But then he will be married to a princess. (Oh.) Interesting or not? (Yes. Very interesting.)

You wish you are. No, you don’t have to. You are princes. You’re more than princes. Special, from Heaven. And will go to Heaven. Not every prince on this Earth will go to Heaven, so you are better. (All right. Thank You, Master.) Nice, huh? Nice. (Thank You, Master.) You’re welcome.
If you continue working for the world unconditionally, of course you are better than any prince, because you have love. Any prince who has no love, just takes care of his own position and political needs, and he is not worthy. (Yes.) Prince or prime minister, or minister, or president, the same. They’re not worthy if they don’t have love, compassion and selfless service to humankind. (Yes, true.) So therefore, I say you’re better than any prince. Any prince, that type of prince.

Chử Đồng Tử is his name. Now, begins the story. Long, long, long time ago, in Âu Lạc (Vietnam), in a village named Chử Xá. Chử Xá nowadays is a district, Văn Giang. Before that, it belonged to Bắc Ninh. But nowadays it belongs to Hưng Yên. This is some location in Âu Lạc (Vietnam), in the south. In the north, sorry. One moment. It’s cold. I’ll get something. I’ll call you back. (Yes, Master.)

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The Phoenix, Part 1 of 13, Mar 26, 2021
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I just want to beg everybody in the world, please protect the animals. Please love them. Please do not hurt them in any way because they are angels in disguise.

(Hallo, Master!) Hallo! All good, yes? (Yes, Master!) Ah, yeah. Oh, I don’t know. I’m sweating. Too much work. You guys OK? (Yes, Master!) You guys are always ready. Easy. Just put the mask on and the hat on, you’re done. I have to do everything else. That’s why it takes so long. Freedom has a price. You have to do everything yourself. (Yes, Master.) Are you all right? (Yes, Master.) Anyway, at least. You are good. You have nothing to worry about. (No, Master.) Every day, you just go to your office and do whatever you can. (Yes, Master.)
I’m all alone. I don’t work with anyone. No one around me except squirrels and birds, who are so extremely kind, extremely, extremely kind and protective. They always came, even midnight, came and warned me of something. (Wow.) So I just want to beg everybody in the world, please protect the animals. Please love them. Please do not hurt them in any way because they are angels in disguise. (Yes, Master.) They do anything for you. They do anything for you, even so tiny, little spider like this, risks his life to come next to the door, knowing that I could always close it and he might be squashed. But he’s so tiny, he has to come right there so that I can see him. Then he can convey the message to me. (Wow.)
I’m touched to tears every day with their care and loving kindness, which we hardly see in the human world, I’m sorry to say. (Yes, Master.) Not only we don’t treat animals well, but we also don’t treat each other well. And that’s why our world is in trouble as it is right now. (Yes, Master.) Despite all the curfews, all the lockdowns, all the vaccines, all the rules, in many places the infection is still spiking. (Yes, Master.) They cure this group and then the other group jumps up. They put one strain under control, the other two, three, four, five strains spring up again, (Yes, Master.) and even double. (Yes.) Not bad enough – just one strain, one virus. They’re double. In India they just recently found a double one. How are you going to deal with this forever? (Yes, Master.)
Besides that, there are many other diseases still in the world, not under control. (Yes, Master.) And we cure one disease, the other one will spring up if we don’t change our way of life. I’m not sure if we could even keep this planet or stay on it. (Oh.) Truly like that. But nobody seems to worry about it because they don’t know anything. The less they know, of course, the less they worry, and maybe it is also good. But I’m not sure if this is the way it should end.
You don’t know, people outside, they are so, so, so suffering. (Yes, Master.) Especially the infected people, the ones who lost jobs, the ones who don’t have money. Even in England, such a powerful country, there are many people who live under poverty. (Yes, Master.) Many children, I just… even in winter, they don’t dare to have the heater on all day. (Yes.) Just a very short time, and the children have to wear warm clothes, parkas and all that, to do their homework in the cold room. England is cold, it’s not like where you are staying. (Yes, Master.)
People are suffering, animals are suffering everywhere. So do have some feelings. (Yes, Master.) And do be grateful every day. (Yes, Master.) I am very grateful all the time, all the time, for everything, and even for nothing, that I’m still here and I can do some work to help others. (Yes, Master.) (Thank You, Master.)

I heard you have some questions, right? (Yes, Master.) You want to have questions first or you want a bedtime story first? (Questions first.) OK, ask me.

(Master, in recent news, it’s reported that the Vatican is re-affirming its stance against gay marriage, stating, “God cannot bless sin.” It has ruled out any possibility of same-sex couples having a Christian blessing on their marriage. Master, would You be able to share Your opinion on this? Is it really true that this is a sin and that God cannot bless such a marriage?)
Human stuff again. According to Leviticus, a man should not do anything like in the loving kind of… having physical relationship with another man as if he does it with a woman. It’s one of those sins that God has conveyed to the people at that time. But aren’t we all sinners? (Yes, Master.) Even if we didn’t sin today, maybe we sinned yesterday. (Yes, Master.) Even if we did not sin in the flesh, we sin in the thought. (Yes, Master.) So we all have to pray for forgiveness. (Yes.)
Actually, when Adam and Eve, our foreparents, ate the apple, the sin had already begun. (Yes, Master.) That’s why God asked them to leave Eden. (Yes, Master.) Just eating an apple, you lost your paradise. So, what to talk about any other thing? (Yes) In the Kṣitigarbha Sutra of Buddhism, it’s also stated that He observed the beings on this planet, anything they think, anything they do, any little movement, any little thought, is all sinful. So we are confirmed now that we all sin. We’re all sinners. But what to do? I think by God is all forgiving as long as we repent and be humble in our heart.
A marriage between two beings is not just about physical pleasure or sexual… I normally am shy to talk about that word, but I’m old enough now, I guess I should not be so shy anymore. A marriage is not just about sexual stuff. It’s about companionship. It’s about friendship. It’s about support for each other in times of happiness as well as sorrow. In this sense, the people of the same sex, saying lesbian or gay people, they can get married. And the thing is, it’s the hormones that rage inside them that sometimes cause them to have more intimate physical relationships. (Yes, Master.) But after a long while, after long years, they just kind of taper off. After a while, like many married couples, they grow old until 90-plus, 100 years, they are not having any physical intimacy anymore. (Yes, Master.) (You are right, Master.) But they still love, love each other, so much, so much like the best friends in the world. And that’s what marriage should be. (Yes, Master.)
It is about love. (Right.) (Yes.) So you can bless love. And do not think about these physical things that men and women, gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans, alike are forced into due to the hormones raging in their bodies. (Yes, Master.) Then, anyone can bless any marriage. Because a marriage is like a sacred promise from one human being to another so that they will be forever together under any circumstances. It’s about loyalty. It’s about deep, genuine friendship, and companionship in this lonely planet. Even though we have more than seven billion humans now, (Yes, Master.) but we are lonely as a human.
So I think, if it was up to me, I would bless them because they love each other. (Yes.) And love is important. Anything else is a secondary side effect. (Yes, Master.) Just like you take medicine because you need it, otherwise you would die or you would be languishing daily with this disease. So you take it with the side effect. So, about the blessing, it’s to make the couple happy (Yes.) and feeling assured that their marriage, their loyalty to each other, their love and commitment to each other are shared with someone else and witnessed and recognized, and being happy with them. (Yes, Master.) That’s why married people throw a big party and everything, (Yes.) (Right.) so they can share their happiness with other people. (Yes.)
If I were a priest, I would bless them and use this occasion to preach to them about moral obligation, about abstinence from physical indulgence as much as possible, about charity, about enlightenment, about God’s blessing, about prayers and humility, etc., etc. It would be useful for them. And whatever sin, I will take it. I’m a sinner anyway. I don’t feel I’m better than anyone else. Just as Jesus said, “Who among you who has never sinned, then you can throw the stone (Right.) on that woman who is supposed to be condemned as a sinner.” (Yes.) And nobody threw any stones. (Yes, Master.)
Maybe God said that, “You should not do this, you should not do that,” but we did everything already and we are still doing it. So what’s a little bit more with the gay couple, or lesbian couple? Let them be happy, wish them well. (Yes, Master.) Don’t you think so? (Yes, Master. Absolutely.) And one more happy couple, the world is a happier place. (Yes, Master.) At least this is what we can do. We cannot do anything to make them happy because it’s their life, but we can wish them well. (Yes, Master.) And we can say, “We bless you.”
And God, even if Hes doesn’t agree to that, oh, that’s God’s business. Don’t you think so? (Yes, Master.) “I bless you in the name of God, but if God doesn’t want to give that blessing, that’s Hiers business. I am a human with you here, on this lonely sojourn, and so much trouble, so much temptation, and so much weakness and pollution into the human mind, body, and spirit. So at least, I as a human, I will bless you, I bless all of you, sinners or not.”
Whoever thinks they are not sinners, they should think twice. Are we not here for sinners? (Yes, Master.) We are not here only for the virtuous. If the whole world are virtuous people, we don’t need any churches, we don’t need any temples, we don’t need any monks, we don’t need any nuns, we don’t need any… nothing, we don’t need any blessings. (Yes, Master.) (Understand, Master.) That’s why Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva, the Saint, He went to hell, (Yes, Master.) to stay with the sinners and help them whatever He can, because Heavens don’t need us, do they? (No, Master.)

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