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Coldest Village on Earth
Coldest Village on Earth

Con thấy hồn như cuốn mảnh chiều thu
Nhớ Cha Mẹ êm đềm dòng sông chảy
Biết làm sao được trông, được tìm lại
Ánh sắc ngời phủ trải của trăng son!
Nguyễn Thành Sáng

Oh my gosh!!! I am shivering now after watching this video due to cold and will like to say that will be there with my mates after enjoying cherry blossom tours. Does anyone like to share with us in which month I can enjoy kind of views? Don’t forget to share with us guys cause my excitement on peak now.
Buddy, I am going to say that you have shared such a nice video with us about the Coldest Village on Earth. I really liked this video and will say this city is seriously cold and it will be very difficult to manage the daily routine there. Byu the way, thanks for sharing. 

The tours sf is a great source of fun in life.