Người thật sự là "creator" aka cha/mẹ đẻ của ChatGPT.
Cô gái này - Mira Murati, 35 tuổi – mới là người thật sự tạo ra ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer) chứ không phải Sam Altman (CEO của OpenAI, công ty tung ra sản phẩm ChatGPT).
Trong bài viết mới đây, TIME đã gọi Mira Murati là “creator” của ChatGPT. Một cách chính xác, Mira Murati là sếp đội ngũ kỹ thuật (CTO, Chief Technology Officer) đứng sau việc thiết kế và xây dựng kỹ thuật cho ChatGPT.
Sinh tại San Francisco, tốt nghiệp Dartmouth College Hanover, Mira Murati có bảng thành tích khá dữ dằn: Từng làm trợ giảng tại Thayer School Of Engineering thuộc Dartmouth College; làm nhân viên phân tích cho Goldman Sachs chi nhánh Tokyo; làm kỹ sư cho Zodiac Aerospace; làm quản lý sản phẩm cấp cao cho Tesla (chịu trách nhiệm sản xuất xe Model X); làm Phó Chủ tịch sản xuất và kỹ thuật cho Leap Motion; làm Phó Chủ tịch bộ phận trí tuệ nhân tạo ứng dụng cho OpenAI; và từ tháng 5-2022 thì đảm nhận vị trí CTO của OpenAI.
Nói cách khác, Mira Murati mới là “cha đẻ” của ChatGPT chứ không phải Sam Altman; và cô là một nhân vật trẻ nữa của nước Mỹ đang góp phần “thiết kế” tương lai thế giới, như Bill Gates với Microsoft; như Larry Page, Sergey Brin với Google; như Steve Jobs với Apple; như Mark Zuckerberg với Facebook; như Jeff Bezos với Amazon; như Elon Musk với Tesla… Tinh hoa thế giới vẫn nằm ở nước Mỹ và thế giới vẫn tiếp tục được định dạng từ những người rất trẻ ở nước Mỹ.
Và mới đây cô vừa đưa ra yêu cầu ChatGPT phải bị "regulated" có nghĩa là phải bị cho vào "khuôn khổ", dạy sao nói vậy.
ChatGPT Must Be Regulated, Says OpenAI’s CTO Mira Murati.
Mira Murati, CTO of OpenAI, recently argued forcefully in favour of regulating ChatGPT and other AI technologies: She cautions that “AI can be utilised by evil actors,” and that “regulators need to get involved immediately” because ChatGPT and its ilk are so strong and will have such a significant impact on society.
This is a remarkable declaration coming from a tech executive, and it has important implications for the future of our world. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons why ChatGPT must be regulated.
The Impact of ChatGPT on Society
Some of the most potent AI technologies to date are ChatGPT and its kind, and they may have a significant impact on society. AI has the potential to shape our lives in ways we can’t yet imagine and it’s essential that we take steps to ensure that these technologies are used responsibly and ethically.
As In an interview with Time that was published on Sunday, OpenAI’s CTO Mira Murati said, “This is a rare moment in time where we do have agency in how it shapes society. And it works both ways: We shape technology, and it shapes us. There are many challenging issues to solve. How do you make the model do what you want it to do while also ensuring that it is in line with human intentions and ultimately serves humanity?
The potential for positive change through the use of AI is great, from personalized medical advice to better customer service and more efficient processes. But we need to be aware of the potential for misuse or abuse. AIs like ChatGPT are capable of processing large amounts of data in ways that humans may not be able to, and this makes them a target for bad actors who could use them for malicious purposes.
That’s why it’s so important to regulate these technologies, as Murati stated:
“It’s important for OpenAI and companies like ours to bring this into the public consciousness in a way that’s controlled and responsible. We are a small number of individuals, therefore we need a lot more input from everyone else, including regulators, governments, and everyone else, in addition to feedback from technologies..”
AI technology, and ChatGPT specifically, is developing at a rapid rate and its potential impact on society is far-reaching. As such, it is essential that the development of this technology is regulated in a way that serves humanity.
The CTO of OpenAI, Mira Murati, has issued a warning that AI “may be utilised by bad actors” and that immediate regulation is required to prevent the technology from escalating out of control.
Murati stated that
“it’s crucial for OpenAI and businesses like ours to bring this into the public consciousness in a way that’s controlled and responsible” in an interview with Time that was published on Sunday. She continued by highlighting the necessity of hearing from a variety of voices, including regulators and governments as well as philosophers, social scientists, artists, and humanities scholars.
This is a unique moment in time where we have agency in how it shapes society. We must be mindful of this responsibility and ensure that the development of AI technology is in service of humanity. To do so, we must bring in different perspectives, consider ethical and philosophical questions, and be sure that governments and regulators are included in the process. Only then can we create an environment of responsible AI development and deployment.