GRT: Kiến Thức Linh Tinh - LTP
Mục Lục Kỹ Thuật / Nghề Nghiệp / Mẹo Vặt

Kỹ Thuật:

Microcontroller vs Microprocessor: What’s the difference? #11, p 1
YT - Homeowner Catches Robbers Breaking Into Home On Live Video, #44, p 3
YouTube does not work with Phone, iPad?, # 186, p 13
YT AI có phải là một chúng sinh không?, # 221, p 15
Khi nào nên về hưu?, # 223, p 15
The last cab drive, # 438, p 30
Should you leave your laptop plugged in all the time?, # 656, p 44
Reverse Image Searches, # 749 and 750, p 50
Create Gmail Filters, # 785, p 53

Nghề Nghiệp:

YT - Làm nail cho ngựa, #98, p 7
Tân và Cổ, # 99, p 7
YT - Parallel Parking, # 179, p 12
YT - The Four Uses of Rearivew Mirrors, # 181, p 13
YT - Tài xế xe vận tải chở gia súc bị lật xe, # 187, p 13
Kinh nghiệm quan trọng hơn bằng cấp, # 242, p 17
Đọc sách và chăm học thoát nghèo khổ, # 256, p 18
Bull Leaping, # 276, p 19
As a police officer, have you ever encountered someone who turned out to be far more dangerous than you expected?, # 443, p 30
Psychology Expert: How Colours, Your First Name And Your Location Might Be Ruining Your Life!, # 458, p 31
Book Drunk Tank Pink by Adam Alter, # 460, p 31
Nghề thuốc lá Cẩm Lệ ở Huế, # 553, p 37
Cây thuốc lá và trồng cây thuốc lá tại Mỹ, # 554, p 37

Nghề nghiệp - Cấp Cứu
Rescuing a baby zebrạ # 476, p 32

Giáo Chức:

Debra Allred, # 332, p 23
Jaime Escalante , # 333, p 23
Film "To Sir With Love", # 363, p 25
Quotes from the film "To Sir, With Love", # 364, p 25

How To
Rip Current, # 201, p 14
Make A Paracord Eyewear Retainer, #212, p 15
Basic Knots - Canadian Jam / Arbor Knot - TheSmokinApe, #213, p 15
Esential Knots, # 225, p 15
Cưa cây, # 232,  p 16
Create a safer password, #272, p 19
Crepe skin, # 295, p 20
Get Rid Of Mosquitoes with a Fan & Window Screen, # 232, p 22
Procrastination, # 251, p 24
Say No Effective, # 359, p 24
80 different ways to say No, # 360, p 24
Guide to Watercoloring, # 374, p 25
Using a pencil - Sketching, # 375, p 25
More about Sketching, # 376, p 26
How to keep your pipes from freezing when temps dip below zero, # 456, p 31
A notebook to save you from infinite scrolling, # 497, p 34
How to shape symmetrical nail, # 640, p 43
Reverse Image Searches, # 749 and 750, p 50
Kill Dallisgrass in the Lawn without Killing the Grass!, # 866, p 58

Mục Lục Y Học

Alzheimer's Disease
YT Causes Alzheimer's & Dementia & How To PREVENT IT! #12, p 1
Inflammation, #34, p 3
Nuns and Alzheimer's, #141, p 10
Tê Liệt Xương Sống, # 160, p 11
Vì sao cha mẹ cần sống tại viện dưỡng lão, #165, p 11
Memory loss: 7 tips to improve your memory, #166, p 12
My Father, a movie about Alzheimer’s Disease, #189, p 13
Săn sóc người bệnh dementia, # 196, p 14
Swallow your earbud, #234, p 16
This is what true love looks like, $ 252, p 17
The kindest white lie, # 263, p 18
Does a person know they have dementia?, # 266, p 18
How to eliminate ‘brain fog and forgetfulness’, # 268, p 18
Are you at risk of Alzheimer’s disease?, # 277, p 19
Ed and Alzheimer’s disease, # 290, p 20
Improve Memory by AVOIDING These Drugs ⛔, # 395, p 27
Early dementia symptom could be spotted based on where you leave objects at home, # 457, p 31
What does depression feel like?, # 535, p 36

Dr. Ed Salinger when younger, # 654, p 44
Sleep Apnea, # 685, p 46
3 Brain Exercises to prevent DEMENTIA, # 704, p 47
Alzheimer’s Is Now Optional: Here’s Why And How - Dale Bredesen, M.D., # 916, p 62

Anatomy & Physiology:

How Much Poop Is Stored in Your Colon??, # 318, p 22
How to Save Your Muscles From Aging, # 319, p 22
Why Drinking Water Is So Important, # 320, p 22
Institute of Human Anatomy, # 326, p 22
What It's Like Working With Dead Bodies, # 327, p 22
How Your Body Ages From Head to Toe, # 418, p 28
How the Heart Works. # 467, p 32

Sức Khoẻ:
Mùi người già, #20, p 2
Old person smell, #21, p 2
Từ ý nghĩ, computer chuyển thành ngôn ngữ, #33, p 3
Inflammation, #34, p 3
Stiff neck, tension headache, #35, p 3
Why do the elderly stop cleaning?, #40, p 3
Gratitude Is Good: Why It’s Important And How To Cultivate It, #43, p 3
Tiểu đêm là triệu chứng của bệnh suy tim, #56, p 4
100 year old named Suzelle Poole danced "The Dying Swan", #57, p 4
Sống 100 tuổi, #62, p 5
How to Empty Your Bladder and Overcome Incomplete Bladder Emptying, #63, p 5
Soi Ruột và Ung thư ruột, #65, p 5 
Are oysters still alive when you eat them?, #85, p 6
Trị Táo Bón, #91, p 7
Cách loại bỏ các cục da trên cổ, #97, p 7
Khói và Ung Thư, #109, p 8
Thiếu Ngủ, # 112, p 8
Đau tim và hiện tượng Takotsubo Syndrome,  #122, p 9
Hiện tượng Takotsubo là gì?, #123, p 9
Ung thư xương, # 126, p 9
Fugu (Blowfish), # 138, p 10
Trimethylaminuria (TMAU) aka fish odour syndrome, #139, p 10
Thực phẩm ảnh hưởng đến mùi cơ thể, #140, p 10
Cách hạ chất đường trong tinh bột (gạo, bánh mì, khoai tây), #168, p 12
Sữa chay - nên mua loại nào, #188, p 13
Sống trên 100 tuổi, #191, p 13
Lời khuyên của cụ bà 100 tuổi, #192, p 13
MIT neuroscientist shares 4 things she never does, # 194, p 13
Living Without the One You Cannot Live Without - Research on Aging, # 202, p 14
Xuất huyết não, # 206, p 14
12 Tips to Improve Hearing and Prevent Hearing Loss #207, p 14
The #1 Brain Exercise for Memory Improvement, #209, p 14
Nguy hiểm của thuốc OTC trị mất ngủ, # 217, p 15
Nguy hiểm của thuốc giảm cân DNP, # 218, p 15
Ung thư, # 222, p 15
6 điều cần làm để giúp hệ thống miễn nhiễm chống ung thư, #222, p 15
Have stage 4 cancer and not know it, # 226, p 16
5 symptoms of cancer, # 227, p 16
Gary Brecka, # 229, p 16
Osteoporosis and Osteopenia, # 230, p 16: 203, p 14
Người hôi hám, # 233, p 16
Khai thông động mạch bị tắc nghẽn, # 244, p 17
Cần nhai kỹ thức ăn, #245, p 17
Facing Death, # 246, p 17
Màng mesentery, # 249, p 17
The physical process of dying, # 257, p 18
Thần Y Đắp Chiếu # 259, p 18
Mental Health and Social Media, # 262, p 18
Feeling burnt out, # 269, p 18
Obesity and the Lymphatic Fluid, # 285, p 19
11 ways to improve circulation and blood clots, # 294, p 20
These 11 Things Can Damage Your Brain, # 296, p 20
How to fix a bunion, # 308, p 21
Cô Đơn, #315, p 21
A man ate 8 lbs of burger in 30 minutes, # 318, p 22
Healthy Colon and Colon Cancer Prevention, # 345, p 23
Cochlear implants vs sign languages, # 346, p 24
Mao's Last Dancer Li Cunxin announces retirement amid health concerns, # 347, p 24
Feldenkrais exercises for toes, # 354, p 24
Is Feldenkrais a SCAM?, # 355, p 24
Doctor Gabor Mate: The Link Between Kindness & Illness!, # 358, p 24
The Mind Blowing Science of Meditation, # 362, p 25
Aortic Dissection, # 371, p 25
HEALTHY FOODS That Heal The Body, Starve Cancer & PREVENT DISEASE!, # 382, p 26
Back pain, # 383, p 26
Living Without the One You Cannot Live Without, # 385, p 26
Protein and exercise: The secrets of healthy aging?, # 386, p 26
#1 Reason SENIORS End up in Nursing Homes (and what to do about it), # 390, p 26
The Best Exercises For Seniors To Improve Balance & Prevent Falls, # 396, p 27
This 78-Year-Old Can Squat More Than You, #399, p 27
Máy thở (ventilators), # 411, p 28
9 Home Treatments for Shortness of Breath (Dyspnea), # 412, p 28

Saline Rinse, #430, p 29

  1. Make your own saline rinse
  2. Quora
The #1 Top Remedy for Dental Plaque (TARTAR), # 435, p 29
Morning NECK MOBILITY DRILL That's Life Changing! Dr. Mandell, # 447, p 30
Daniel Browning Smith, Rubberboy, # 468, p 32
Do this exercise 30 times a day for posture correction, shoulder pain, neck hump, back pain, # 469, p 32
The Exercise Expert: This Popular Lifestyle Is Killing 1 Person Every 33 Seconds! Michael Easter, # 471, p 32
Everyone should be able to do THIS exercise: THE GET UP, # 477, p 32

How to: Ushiro ukemi (backward roll), # 478, p 32:

  1. How to: Ushiro ukemi (backward roll) - 後ろ受身 - Aikido Virtual Dojo
  2. How to do Ushiro Ukemi Backward Roll - Aikido Ukemi Tutorial
How to: Mae ukemi (forward roll), # 489, p 33
  1. How to: Mae ukemi (forward roll) - 前受身 - Aikido Virtual Dojo
  2. How to do MAE UKEMI (front roll) in AIKIDO [TUTORIAL]
  3. How to do Aikido Front Roll Ukemi for beginners and advanced

Hoa Newens / California - AROUND THE WORLD IN 24 HOURS - Session 14 - 00:00, # 490, p 33
How To Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids, # 500, p 34
REMOVE WARTS with baking soda and castor oil, # 501, p 34
COVID-19 vaccination, # 518, p 35
Make your own saline rinse: Combat sinus infections, # 524, p 35
8 Symptoms of Colon Polyps, # 525, p 35
Living into your 90s, # 540, p 36
How To Correct Your Posture - 5 Home Exercises To Fix Your Posture, # 546, p 37
A Husband Was Found With Another Woman. This Is What Was Done To His Organs, # 550, p 37
When is it TIME to STOP Colon Cancer Screening?, # 556, p 38
9 Ways To Help Yourself Poop Better (and Easier) in the Morning, # 594, p 40
Record! This is the most tartar I have handled in 2023, # 623, p 42
Plastic Surgeon Reacts to the BBL SMELL: Why BBL's Stink!, # 624, p 42
Ezekiel J. Emanuel - WHY I HOPE TO DIE AT 75, # 626, p 42
Cancer diagnosis: 11 tips for copịng, # 634, p 43
The Risks of Getting a Tattoo & What They Do to the Skin, # 639, p 43
Plastic Surgeon Reacts to MY FEET ARE KILLING ME - Why Is Her Foot MASSIVE?, # 643, p 43
Can I now consider myself as an old man?, # 646, p 44
How to Live to 100—And Love It!, # 648, p 44
Mitral Valve Regurgitation, # 661, p 45
Bone cancer, # 796, p 54
(Quora) What is the most horrifying medical thing/disease you have seen?. # 797, p 54
Fix Your Balance & Inner Ear: Vestibular Exercises (Ages 50+),, # 862, p 58
Sociopaths: Warning Signs and Red Flags, # 918, p 62
Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Signs, Traits, and Tests, # 919, p 62

Khiếm thị:

  1. Y khoa chưa tìm ra cách chữa bệnh mù, # 672, p 45
  2. Chữa bệnh mù, # 673, p 45

Do not read too much into Biden, Trump verbal stumbles, experts caution, # 699, p 47
What science tells us about Biden, Trump and evaluating an aging brain, # 729, p 49
How to Plan Your Elder Care if You Don't Have Children or a Spouse, # 741, p 50
Secrets to be Healthy After the Age of 50, # 767, p 52

Thuốc men:
WebMD Health Benefits of Moringa #13, p 1
Autism and Vaccination, #95, p 7
Tránh thay đầu gối: xuống 11 pounds, # 101, p 7
Giải thích hiện tượng TOXIC metal, #103, p 7
Tự chữa bệnh ung thư?, #103, p 7
Chữa và ngăn ngừa bệnh loãng xương, # 203, p 14; 230, p 16
Killing cancer with a breakthrough therapy, # 321, p 22
Health misinformation is rampant on social media, # 424, p 29
Make your own saline rinse: Combat sinus infections, # 524, p 35
Mục Lục Thể Dục 

100+ runners (male and female), #14, p 1
At 97, she flexes her muscle at Tampa Bay competition, # 15, p 1

Takishima Mika (91 years old). Secrets of a fitness trainer, #16, p 2
96-Year-Old That Stays Fit with Yoga and Dance, #16, p 2
The Most Important Exercise For Seniors To Master, #48, p 4
3 Simple Exercises to Improve Balance, #48, p 4
100 year old named Suzelle Poole danced "The Dying Swan", #57, p 4
Knee strengthening exercises, #78, p 6
Beginner Flexibility Routine, #79, p 6
Thể Dục Pushups, #110, p 8
10000 Bước Tại Nhà, #129, p 9
Giữ lưng thẳng, # 146, p 10
13 Powerful Tips To Avoid Knee Replacement Surgery For A Bone On Bone Knee, # 183, p 13
Lợi ích của tập thể dục mỗi ngày, # 199, p 14
Hai phút buồn nhất trong đời bạn, #200, p 14
Beginner dance workout, #238, p 16
Zumba - Tango song Pa’ Bailar, # 240, p 16
9 DANCES in 10 MINUTES, # 297, p 20

Pull-up for beginners, # 174, p 12
  1. Dùng resistance bands để tập pull-ups
  2. Tips for Pull-ups
  3. Common mistakes
8 Yoga Poses To Improve Balance, # 281, p 19
How to do the Yoga Flying Splits, # 282, p 19
The Key to ALL Arm Balances, # 283, p 19
Les Mills - BODYCOMBAT INVINCIBLE | Workout #14 | Free cardio workout, # 299, p 20
10 Myths that Keep You From Getting Fit After 50, # 391, p 27
(Tango) Pa' Bailar - Siempre Quiero Más, # 394, p 27
Everyone should be able to do THIS exercise: THE GET UP, # 477, p 32

How to: Ushiro ukemi (backward roll), # 478, p 32:

  1. How to: Ushiro ukemi (backward roll) - 後ろ受身 - Aikido Virtual Dojo
  2. How to do Ushiro Ukemi Backward Roll - Aikido Ukemi Tutorial
Behind the Back Grab, # 491, p 33
How To Correct Your Posture - 5 Home Exercises To Fix Your Posture, # 546, p 37
Forget neck, shoulder, and back pain, # 684, p 46
Trị bệnh loãng xương bằng thể dục, # 689, p 46
Seniors, please don't stop exercising, # 857, p 58

Tips for Healthy Joints: Exercise, Nutrition, & More in Pictures, #17, p 2
Người một chân chạy 10km nhanh nhất thế giới, #30, p 2
Đi bộ 10 ngàn bước, #69, p 5
Ảnh hưởng tai hại của Steroids, #71, p 5
Thể dục và Xuống Cân, #144, p 10
5 Best Glutes Excercise#s, # 151, p 11
Hệ Thống Tiêu Hoá, # 157, p 11
Which days and hours are the gym most empty?, # 205, p 14
Protein and exercise: The secrets of healthy aging?, # 386, p 26
Brave Body Builder Rescues Woman from Sinking Car: 'It's The Right Thing to Do', # 705, p 47
Training in the Royal Albert Hall at Alegria, Cirque du Soleil, # 763, p 51

Mục Lục Gia Đình và Bạn Hữu 

You Tube:

Keep your elderly parents safe and in their home longer, #18, p 2
Tình không biên giới, không giai cấp, #36, p 3
Abusive girlfriend, #46, p 4
From Navy SEAL to SCARY YouTuber | The MrBallen story, #76, p 6
Chăm sóc người già coi chừng đoạ Địa Ngục, #89, p 6
Duyên nợ thì phải trả, #89, p 6
Michael Hingson and his guide dog named Roselle, #90, p 6
Những loại cây nguy hiểm, #91, p 7
Homemade ice cream, #96, p 7
Tảo Hôn, # 136, p 10
Terry Crews Chứng Kiến Cha Đánh Mẹ , #159, p 11
Mẹ muốn con ăn cơm tối với gia đình, #185, p 13
Dạy con cách đối diện kẻ lạ, #196, p 14
Being bullied, # 352, p 24

Help seniors learn new technology, #19, p 2
Linh mục giúp chó hoang, #32, p 3
Mua tình yêu cho mẹ, #54, p 4
Khi chết, chuyện gì sẽ xảy ra?, #66, p 5
Easy Halloween costume, #74, p 5
Trả credit card 15/3 là sao?, #81, p 6
Tiny stray kitten becomes a gym buddy, #83, p 6
Lòng Tự Trọng của loài chó, #88, p 6
Cha con nghĩa nặng, # 105, p 7
Gia đình hạnh phúc, #107, p 8
Tôn trọng tình bạn, # 115, p 8
Thời gian qua mau, # 116, p 8
Giáo dục con cái, # 119, p 8
Giết Cha: Cái chết của Daniel Halseth, #130, p 9
Giết Mẹ, #131, p 9
Những Cách Thương Yêu, # 134, p 9
Tảo Hôn: I Am Nujood, Age 10 and Divorced, # 137, p 10
Tình Yêu và Tình Bạn, # 142, p 10
Bà cụ bị ông cụ lừa mất $10 k, #145, p 10
Trang hoàng nhà cửa, # 149, p 10
Grew Up with an Emotionally Immature Parent, #154, p 11
Vô Gia Cư và Nghiện Ngập, # 161, p 11
Dạy con, # 169, p 12
Bài Học Khó, # 171, p 12
Sinh Con Tật Nguyền, #180, p 12
Con mèo tên Cat, # 184, p 13
Inappropriate Guilt, # 189, p 13 
5 Ways to Not Be Used, #193, p 13
Defenseless children, # 195, p 13
Kinh nghiệm sống trong tù, # 214, p 15
Đứa trẻ học ngôn ngữ, # 219, p 15
Nghĩa của “chín chiều “ trong “ruột đau chín chiều “, #239, p 16
Ước gì, #261, p 18
Cuộc sống cô đơn?, #267, p 18
7 Tips for Staying Close To Your Children, # 273, p 19
Tư cách con người và Hạnh phúc gia đình, # 274, p 19
Truyện ngắn: Ly dị trong tuổi già, # 275, p 19
Cha đánh mẹ, đứa con 4 tuổi khóc, # 287, p 20
Gia đình Việt cãi nhau dữ dội,  # 289, p 20
Always be positive, # 311, p 21
Loài chim Jacana ở Phi Châu, # 328, p 22
Báo tin người mẹ chết cho con cái biết, # 361, p 25
Jo helps Single Dad save his Broken Family | The McAfee Family , # 368, p 25
Foul mouth Father ruins all Family relationships! | The Davis Family, # 370, p 25
Khi Về Già (tác giả Đạn), # 417, p 28
My Father Tried To Kidnap Me, # 432, p 29
Grandma raised 3 kids, # 436, p 30
Growing up without a mother, # 437, p 30
What is the rudest thing you have ever told one of your parents?, # 439, p 30
Autism vs. abusing parents, #441, p 30
Older Americans Say They’re Trapped in Medicare Advantage Plans, # 461, p 31
Texas jeweler and dog killed in targeted hit involving son, daughter-in-law, # 472, p 32
Wild Tawny Owls Adopt 6 Orphaned Owlets, # 505, p 34
Man Forces Wife to Saw Off Her Lover’s Head: Cops, #514, p 35
Elephants, and book Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult,  # 517, p 35

9 Frugal Habits Dave Ramsey Swears B, # 521, p 35
A boy named Martin, # 527, p 36
I think two-parent families are more important than college, # 530, p 36
My husband said he wants time away from me, # 536, p 36
8 toxic phrases in friendship, # 539, p 36
My husband secretly set up a trust that includes our home and his investments, # 542, p 37
(Quora) What is the most disrespectful thing someone in your family pulled on you?, # 548, p 37
(Quora) Cha mẹ làm gương cho con cái, # 555, p 37
(Quora) Cha / mẹ ghẻ, # 560, p 38
Obama's mother, # 572, p 39
Judge Recognizes Friend From Middle School, # 585, p 39
Thương yêu - Samba, # 588, p 40
Cha mẹ lớn tuổi, # 610, p 41
Blind Triplet Contemplated Suicide Before Blind Man Adopted Them. Now Boys Are Pursuing Their Dreams (Exclusive), # 612 & 613, p 41
Saving his father, # 659, p 44
Child education about disabled people, # 717, p 48
Father kills his own wife in front of 300 friends and family, # 826, p 56
Baby Bird Falls From the Nest, # 827, p 56

Mục Lục Handyman

How to Locate Your Sewer or Plumbing Cleanout, #23, p 2
8 ưu điểm của ống nước PVC, #24, p 2
Ưu và khuyết điểm của từng loại ống nước, #25, p 2
Slab Leaks 101: What Are They?, #26, p 2
Nhà có hồ bơi, #28, p 2
10 loại cây không nên trồng, # 204, p 14
Cách khoan lỗ chậu sứ,  #270, p 18
A 5000 year old wood finish formula that can't be messed up!, #305, p 21
(Table saws) 60,000 injuries per year, # 464, p 31
Sawstop: Watch a FINGER go into a spinning table saw blade without a scratch,# 465, p 31


7 mẹo treo khung ảnh trên tường, #47, p 4
Mẹo xỏ kim cho người mắt kém, #64, p 5
Giữ đất trồng cây trong chậu luôn luôn ẩm, #104, p 7 
Làm bánh chưng, # 513, p 35

Mục Lục An ninh

Liquor Store Owner (80 yo) Shoots Armed Robber With Shotgun, #22, p 2
My Most Memorable Call, #45, p 3
House safety, #76, p 6

National Emergencies, # 27, p 2
Bảo vệ voi và tê giác, #30, p3
Làm gì nếu bị bắt cóc?, # 170, p 12
What would you do if someone points a gun at you from another car while you are driving?, # 250, p 17
Aitzaz Hasan, # 400, p 27
Gun Shot Wound: A Trauma Surgeon's Grim Reality | ENDEVR Documentary,  # 474, p 32
How Federal Agents Tracked Down Tennessee’s ‘Zip Tie Guy’, # 738, p 50

Trump và MAGA:
Letter to Donald Trump, #265, p 18
Chuyện Kinh Dị Có Thật, # 372, p 25
Shut Up, # 373, p 25
Trial in Colorado seeks to disqualify Trump from 2024 presidential ballot per 14th Amendment, # 377, p 26
Having NO valid defense, Trump turns NY fraud trial into a circus w/combative, unhinged testimony, #379, p 26
BREAKING: Trump attorney LOSES IT in meltdown outside of courtroom, # 380, p 26
Jack Smith knocks down one of Trump's repeated false claims: that Biden is directing his prosecution, # 381, p 26
Obama aides lay out plan to BURY Trump’s candidacy, # 387, p 26
Tấn công đối phương qua lời nói thô tục, không nêu bằng chứng của Trump và MAGAs, # 389, p 26
Trump và MAGAs không coi pháp luật ra gì, # 392, p 27
Speaker Johnson's willingness 'to do things he knew to be wrong' for Trump, # 404, p 27
Speaker Johnson Pledges to Obstruct Justice by Blurring Footage of Jan 6 Insurrectionists, # 406, p 28
Prosecutor on Republican Speaker committing a crime, # 408, p 28
Something does not seem right about the new Hunter Biden indictment, # 410. p 28
Lichtman's 13 keys to the White House, # 413, p 28
🚨 Top attorney (Marc Elias) goes viral with MUST-SEE warning, # 414, p 28
"Pro life"? BOMBSHELL court decision ROCKS entire nation, # 415, p 28
Lawrence: Justice Kavanaugh destroyed Trump immunity claim 25 years ago, # 416, p 28
Trump SNAPS on stage, LOSES IT at his own rally, # 419, p 28
'Poisoning the blood of our country’: Trump ramps up anti-immigrant rhetoric, # 420, p 28
Here's why Jack Smith seeks review of Trump's immunity claim in TWO COURTS at once, # 421, p 29
Trump disqualified from Colorado’s 2024 primary ballot by state Supreme Court, # 422, p 29
Efforts to Remove Trump from the Ballot Are Underway in 16 States, # 423, p 29
Michigan Secretary of State on possible BRIBERY charges against Trump, # 427, p 29
Texas resigns from ERIC, a national program that keeps voter rolls updated, # 428, p 29
Texas Republicans want to hand count 2024 primary ballots. Experts say it’s “a recipe for disaster.”, # 429, p 29
The film the Trump Organization tried to suppress | You've Been Trumped Too (2020) | Full Film, # 431, p 29
New Jack Smith court filing dismantles Trump's claim that he should be above our nation's laws, #434, p 29
Trump and his orange spray, # 440, p 30
US Supreme Court to decide if insurrectionist Donald Trump can be on primary ballot in Colorado, # 444, p 30
How death threats get Republicans to fall in line behind Trump, # 445/446, p 30
New footage shows January 6 rioters yelling at GOP lawmakers, # 448, p 30
Wikipedia: January 6 United States Capitol attack, # 449, p 30
Judges crush arguments by Trump lawyer in today's appellate court hearing on presidential immunity, # 450, p 30
Appeals court probes limits of Trump's broad immunity claim in 2020 election case, # 451, p 31
Trump set for nightmare news in blockbuster court case, # 452, p 31
"Bullhorn Lady" Rachel Powell sentenced to nearly 5 years on Jan. 6 charges, #454, p 31
‘Blood on our hands’: Rep. Raskin’s wakeup call if an insurrectionist is sent back to office, # 455, p 31
BREAKING: Trump gets nightmare news out of Iowa caucus, # 459, p 31
'I just can't': Mika reacts to Haley saying she's not followed Trump's sexual abuse case, # 463, p 31
Trump suddenly poised for nightmare scenario, # 470, p 32
'The end of politics': Donald Trump makes simple offer to voters, # 473, p 32
The Memo: ‘Never Trumpers’ are close to giving up hope, # 475, p 32
Trump-appointed judges TURN ON TRUMP in court, # 479, p 32
Bravo ... Hùng khí ngất trời, # 480, p 32
The Trump-MAGA Purge, # 481, p 33
Jan. 6 rioter got his sentence thrown out. Then his prison time doubled, # 482, p 33
Chính quyền Hoa kỳ gồm 3 ngành, # 483, p 33
Voters go viral with nightmare news for Trump, # 484, p 33
Donald Trump must pay E. Jean Carroll $83 million in damages for defamation, # 486, p 33
Trump Must Pay $83.3 Million to E. Jean Carroll, # 487, p 33
Judge in E. Jean Carroll Trial Gives Jury Ominous Warning After Damning Trump Verdict, # 488, p 33

January 6, # 492, p 33:
  1. Judge slams Republicans for January 6 rhetoric
  2. Judge rips GOP for 'preposterous' Jan. 6 claims, Committee Investigator weighs in
Trump's scheme against his own party BACKFIRES on him, # 493, p 33
Feud ERUPTS on air between Trump and longtime ally Kayleigh McEnany, # 494, p 33
Federal judge calls out the lies of Trump & his allies when they call J6 defendants "hostages", # 495, p 33
Trump mocked the disabled reporter, # 496, p 34
E. Jean Carroll and two New York juries may have found an effective way to shut Donald Trump up,  # 499, p 34
STDs was Trump's “personal Vietnam”, # 502, p 34

Trump Org CFO Allen Weesselberg, # 503, p 34:
  1. Set for PRISON after massive misstep
  2. Pleaded guilty to perjury for lying at Trump's NY fraud trial
How has Obama survived without a scandal, # 504, p 34
George Conway says Trump is a pig, # 506, p 34
Diễn tiến duyệt xét tội xúc phạm Hiến Pháp Hoa Kỳ của Donald Trump, # 507-508, p 34
Nine Supreme Court Justices are being called upon to save democracy - can they do it?, # 509, p 34
Scheme to STOP Trump prosecution FAILS MISERABLY, # 511, p 35
Supreme Court puts details over democracy; appears poised to keep Trump on presidential ballot, # 515, p 35
“Awful and unethical”: Legal experts say Judge Cannon could face removal for “disturbing” order, # 516, p 35
Biden to defeat Trump in election 2024 | Allan Lichtman, # 519, p 35
Trump can't remember saying he has a great memory, # 520, p 35
'We did nothing': Trump is a coward. At NRA gun show, he admitted as much, #522, p 35
"Get over it", # 523, p 35
Taylor Swift, # 526, p 36
Takeaways from Fani Willis’ stunning testimony in Georgia, # 529, p 36
DA Fani Willis testifies; exposes lies Trump & his co-defendants told about her in Georgia RICO case, # 531, p 36
Trump fake elector in Wisconsin describes how he says he was tricked | 60 Minutes, # 532, p 36
Why did Donald Trump fire the White House Chief Usher right before Joe Biden moved in?, # 537, p 36
Jamie Raskin Destroys Donald Trump’s ‘Sickening’ Alexei Navalny Comparison, # 541, p 37
How the final days of Trump's presidency brought America to the brink of war | 60 Minutes Australia, # 543, p 37
Film: You've Been Trumped Too (2020), # 544, p 37
'Trump would sell this country for a dollar': AOC highlights stakes of Trump's desperation, # 545, p 37
Obama talks about the Republicans, # 549, p 37
Nhi Ngoc Mai Le lãnh án tù, # 551, p 37
Voter Asks Trump Why He Personally Insults Those Who Used to Work for Him, # 552, p 37
Democracy on Trial (full documentary) | FRONTLINE, # 558, p 38
'Cool story, never happened': Internet mocks Donald Trump for claiming 82% of Americans 'understand' 2020 election was rigged, # 562, p 38
E. Jean Carroll's lawyer can 'get to work' on his assets next week, # 563, p 38
Trump's $454 Million Penalty Upheld: Asset Seizure Looms as New York Fraud Trial Intensifies, # 564, p 38
Truth and Trump: An Evening with Bob Woodward, # 565, p 38
'Five-alarm fire': Trump's latest public schools threat causes experts to panic, # 566, p 38
Bombshell court announcement ROCKS 2024 election, # 567, p 38
Unfit (2020) | Donald Trump Documentary | Full Movie | Malcolm Nance | George Conway, # 569, p 38
E. Jean Carroll expresses ‘very serious concerns’ Trump won’t pay $83M judgment, # 570, p 38
Trump embarrasses himself by REPEATEDLY asking NY judges to lower amount of appeal bonds, # 573, p 39
The Lincoln Project, # 575, p 39
WATCH: Full 2024 State of the Union address | MSNBC, # 576, p 39
The GOP's State of the Union Reaction, # 579, p 39
Trump campaign insider recounts failed hunt for 2020 fraud in new book, # 581, p 39
Trump glorifies Jan. 6 convicts, # 590, p 40
Trump says there will be a 'bloodbath' if he loses the election, # 591, p 40
Trump khùng quá mạng, ta ơi!!!, # 592, p 40
Cuộc thanh trừng nội bộ trong đảng Cộng Hoà, # 595, p 40
George Conway demolishes complaints that Trump's 'bloodbath' rant is being misrepresented, # 596, p 40
Michael Cohen on how former Trump aide Peter Navarro's life will change in prison, # 599, p 40
Coup bombshell: Peter Navarro in prison after admitting coup plot to MSNBC’s Ari Melber, # 600, p 40
Trump creates 'an environment of fear' to win over voters, # 602, p 41
Stormy Daniels could take down Trump — not stolen documents or Jan. 6, # 606, p 41
Taylor Swift JUST GOT THREATENED By Trump After HUMILIATION, # 607, p 41
Trump Aides Vow 'HOLY WAR' on Taylor Swift If She ENDORSES BIDEN AGAIN: Rising Reacts, # 608, p 41
Federal judge delivers rare response after Trump attacks the daughter of a judge, # 611, p 41
Trump SHUT DOWN by fed up judge in court, # 616, p 42
'It's blasphemy': Chris Matthews reacts to Trump comparing himself to Jesus, # 617, p 42
Vote against Trump, former supporters urge in $50m video campaign, # 618, p 42
Truth Social is a scam, # 619, p 42
Maddow: There is no governing talk happening in the GỌ, # 625, p 42
‘The threat is authoritarian government’: What happens if Trump wins again, # 627, p 42
Trump is suing two co-founders of the newly public parent company of his Truth Social platform, # 628, p 42
Pastors respond after Trump says Christianity is under attack, # 629, p 42
"Cruel, Rude, Mean, Vindictive, Vengeful, Hateful", #630, p 42
CNN reporter confronts GOP nominee who called for Obama to be executed, # 631, P 43
Bankruptcy documents detail how GOP NC governor nominee Mark Robinson failed to file federal income taxes for 5 years, # 632, p 43
The Bible Trump sells, # 633, p 43
'I will not have any jurors intimidated': Judge issues warning during trial, # 635, p 43
Column: With his Truth Social stock, Trump may be laughing all the way to the bank — but his investors have reason to weep, # 638, p 43
Juror dismissed from Trump's "hush money" trial, # 642, p 43
Will Trump Get the Latino Vote? John Leguizamo Hopes to God No, # 645, p 43
Prosecutors deliver first MAJOR blow to Trump at trial. # 647, p 44
The Lincoln Project REDUCES Trump TO TEARS In New Ad & Trump THROWS A TANTRUM FIT!, # 650, p 44
Trump DARES judge to jail him in stunning move, # 651, p 44
New Ad: Dictator Donald, # 653, p 44
Trump's very bad week: a jury's in the box & NY AG James objects to $175 million bond in fraud case, # 655, p 44
Ex-Trump Official Busts 1 Of Trump's Favorite Myths About Himself Wide Open, # 657, p 44
Trump calls on his supporters to protest in NYC, but he's not getting the circus he wants, # 658, p 44
Lawrence: Supreme Court justices can protect the Constitution or Trump. # 662, p 45

  1. The Rachel Maddow Show 4/25/24, # 666, p 45
  2. Ronan Farrow: This is a parallel between Trump and Weinstein’s cases, # 666, p 45
Fmr. Trump Voter: "He lost the election, fair and square!", # 667, p 45
Trump LOSES Biggest Supporter Because of This…, # 668, p 45

  1. Trump Supporter Reveals Sad Truth About MAGA, # 669, p 45
  2. MAGA Man Learns the Truth About Trump, You Won't Believe His Reaction, #669, p 45

Trump chế riễu người bị tàn tật, repost (post #496, p 34), # 674, p 45
Trump and those Pussyhats, # 676, p 46
ABC's George Stephanopoulos says 2024 race can't be treated normally after Biden urges press to alter coverage, # 686, p 46
Trump tells Time magazine that he won't rule out violence if he loses the 2024 presidential election, # 687, p 46
Joy to Trump: Please testify, we’re begging you!, #690, p 46
Judge Merchan calls out Trump's lie about gag order prohibiting him from testifying in NY trial, # 691, p 47
(Quora) Did Ivanka Trump throw her father and brothers under the bus to save her own skin?, # 692, p 47
‘A very chilling signal’: Ex-Trump official reacts to Tim Scott’s answer about election results, # 693, p 47
'I'm stunned': Joe reacts to Sen. Scott's response about 2024 election results, # 694, p 47
Donald Trump puts America on notice again: If he loses, he won't go quietly, # 695, p 47
Could Donald Trump really go to jail for gag order violations?, # 696, p 47
Former Trump attorney calls hush money judge a ‘pro’, # 697, p 47
Regarding Biden’s mental acuity, # 698, p 47
Lawrence: ‘You get monsters like Donald Trump thanks to people like Hope Hicks’, # 703, p 47
Trump ‘Stunned’ Oil Execs Demanding They Raise $1 Billion for His Campaign, Promising ‘Deal’ of Lower Taxes, Regulations: Report, # 705, p 47
Trump told to pay up before rallying in N.J. town he previously stiffed, # 706, p 48
Trump Campaign Hid Settlements With Women, New Complaint Says, # 707, p 48
Lawrence: Why Trump's lawyer called him the 'orange turd' during Stormy testimony, #708, p 48
Scaramucci predicts what to expect from Michael Cohen testimony, # 709, p 48
Lara Trump issues DANGEROUS public threat, # 710, p 48
How to get rid of Judge Aileen Cannon, # 711, p 48
Lara Trump's Blatant Lie, # 712, p 48
Trump trial ending with bombshell: Fixer nails Trump with 'just do it' evidence, # 713, p 48
Republicans ready for a Trump loss, # 714, p 48
Former Situation Room officer: Pence came ‘close’ to being killed on Jan. 6, # 715, p 48
Lawrence: Sleeping 'old man' Trump made trial look like it was in a nursing home, # 716, p 48
Ableism and Disablism, # 718, p 48 (See also # 496, p 34)
National Security Expert: If Trump Loses Election, Expect Violence | Amanpour and Company, # 719, p 48
Lawrence: Presidential Debates - 'theater of the absurd', # 720, p 48
Allan Lichtman offers insight into 2024 U.S. presidential election, # 721, p 49
Upside-down US flag flew at Justice Alito's home after 2020 election, NYT reports, # 722, p 49
Ann Coulter To Vivek Ramaswamy: "I'd Never Vote For An Indian", # 723, p 49
Ann Coulter To Vivek: We'll Never Really Accept You Because You're Not White!, @ 725, p 49
Lawrence: Trump’s indictments will make debates with Biden 'theater of the absurd', # 726, p 49
John Eastman, former Trump lawyer, pleads not guilty in Arizona election interference case, # 727, p 49
Trump, MAGAs and their pink penis-shaped balloons, # 731, p 49
Trump Makes INSANE PROMISE To Do THIS... He's Crazy!, # 732, p 49
Clear the courtroom, # 733, p 49
CRY BABY Trump has MAJOR EMOTIONAL ISSUES Exiting Trial, # 734, p 49
Lawrence: Are Trump's donors really as stupid as Donald Trump believes that they are?, # 736, p 50
Mayor Pete Buttigieg Gets Standing Ovation on Fox News, Angers Trump | NowThis, # 737, p 50
How Federal Agents Tracked Down Tennessee’s ‘Zip Tie Guy’, # 738, p 50

Trump's education:
  • Trump threatens to sue film on man who 'taught Trump how to get away with lying'. # 742, p 50
  • The Final Lesson Donald Trump Never Learned From Roy Cohn, # 743, p 50

Donald Trump's Bronx Hate Rally Demonizes Immigrants, the Homeless, and Others, # 744, p 50
Lawrence O'Donnell PUTS THE DAGGER In Trump With Buffoon Statement!. # 747, p 50
Donald Trump's Libertarian Convention Appearance Goes Off Script (Trump got booed), # 748, p 50
Protestors DROWN OUT Trump Bootlickers at NY Trial, # 751, p 51
Don't Fall For The Bullsh*t: Trumpers TARGET Black Voters With FAKE AI Generated Images, # 753, p 51
New York Times SURPRISES Trump With ELECTION BOMBSHELL, # 755, p 51
Former Trump attorney (Jenna Ellis) has Colorado law license suspended for attempting to overturn 2020 election results, # 756, p 51
Cop nearly killed on Jan 6 called Trump ‘authoritian.’ Hours later, his mom was ‘swatted’, # 757, p 51
Trump Guilty on All Counts in Hush-Money Case, #758, p 51
SEE HISTORY: Donald Trump found guilty on all 34 counts, # 759, p 51
Joe Biden breaks silence following Donald Trump guilty verdict, # 760, p 51
Donald Trump Asks for Donations After Being Found Guilty on All Counts in Criminal Trial, Lashes Out, # 761, p 51
Donald Trump Shares Chilling ‘Final Battle’ Video For Supporters Following Conviction, # 752, p 51
Watch The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell Highlights: May 31, # 764, p 51
What was Trump convicted of? Details on the 34 counts and his guilty verdict, # 765, p 51
Prosecutor gives MUST-SEE news on Trump sentencing: gag order, jail time, ..., # 766, p 52
Prosecutor on Trump IGNORING sentence if he wins presidency, # 768, p 52
YIKES! Obama drops MUST-SEE TRUTH BOMB on Trump, # 769, p 52
Kinzinger reacts to Mike Johnson bashing Trump verdict, # 770, p 52
Lawrence: When Trump says breaking point, he’s hoping for a breaking point, # 771, p 52
What Does it Say that a "Truth Social" Juror Convicted Donald Trump on All 34 Counts in a NY Minute?, # 772, p 52
Trump Family CAN’T COPE with FELON Daddy, # 774, p 52
Watch The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell Highlights: June 3, # 775, p 52
Obama: "Being President is a serious job.", Obama ROASTS Trump Over Conviction! What Happens Next Shocks Everyone!, # 776, p 52
By refusing to take responsibility for his crimes, Donald Trump may pave his own way to prison, # 777, p 52
Speaker Johnson announces plan to take on justice system following Trump conviction, # 778, p 52
Why Trump may lose 2024: He’s a convicted felon along with his CFO, 2016 chair, WH aides & lawyers, # 779, p 52
Joe: 'Trump is running against the greatness of America', # 780, p 53

Trump threatens to jail Hillary Clinton as revenge for hush money verdict, # 781, p 53
Veterans Unload On 'Draft Dodger' Trump In Scathing New Attack Ad: 'He's Not Fit', # 784, p 53
Linh tinh sau phiên toà xử tội Trump, # 786, p 53
Justice Alito nói dối, # 787, p 53
Trump TURNS AGAINST Crowd in DISASTER Vegas Speech, # 789, p 53
George Conway Explains: Judge WILL Sentence Trump to Prison, # 790, p 53
Trump says only a ‘psycho’ would call war dead ‘suckers and losers’ – which a general says Trump did, # 791, p 53
Trump suggests MAGA fan would contemplate suicide before backing Biden, # 792, p 53
Lawrence: Alito tapes prove justice isn't telling the truth about flag controversy, # 793, p 53
'I’m gonna get them’: Supreme Court Justice Alito's wife targets media in bombshell secret audio, # 794, p 53
The Legal Breakdown episode 312: @GlennKirschner2 discusses Trump's pre-sentencing interview, # 795, p 53
Lawrence: What did Mrs. Alito mean when invoking being German to those who come after her?, #  798, p 54
Lawrence: Secret funds of Ginni Thomas group may be worst SCOTUS ethics crisis ever, # 799, p 54
Trump Flag Stunts BACKFIRE in his Face as TRUTH IS REVEALED, # 800, p 54
Opinion: What’s to lose with a second Trump presidency? Here’s a list., # 801, p 54
Professor who predicts elections explains which way the election is leaning, # 802, p 54
At Recent Rallies, Trump AGAIN Signals he Won't Accept Election Loss. Will the Rule of Law Stop Him?, # 803, p 54
Watch The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell Highlights: June 17, # 806, p 54
BREAKING: Trump gets bad news ahead of sentencing in New York, # 807, p 54

  1. Lawrence: No Republican businessmen are ever going to thank Biden for enriching them
    , # 808, p 54

  2. Names of the 6 victims in Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse, # 808, p 54
Obama to Republicans: I didn't create Trump, # 809, p 54
Lawrence: Trumpism means ‘never having to say you're sorry for being stupid’, # 810, p 54

Too old to be a President, # 811, p 55:

  1. ‘Like a sober person taking the DUI test’: Nicolle on Trump bragging about cognitive test
  2. Misleading GOP videos of Biden are going viral. The fact-checks have trouble keeping up.

  1. What Is a Tariff and Why Are They Important?, # 812, p 55
  2. Trump proposes replacing income tax with an all-tariff policy, # 813, p 55

Watch The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell Highlights: June 19, # 815, p 55
Lawrence: It’s time to thank Dr. Fauci for saving millions upon millions of lives, # 816, p 55

Dr Fauci, #817, p 55:
  1. Fauci says empathy motivated his career but an old phrase from high school kept him goin
  2. Fauci on his fraught relationship with Trump and the attacks  he has faced
  3. Trump’s failure & dangerous lies: Dr. Fauci on bleach, lab leak & WH lessons
Trump Gets HUMILIATED By a Lincoln Project ad, # 818, p 55
Trump Media shares are in free fall, # 820, p 55
David French on being canceled by his church: I've never seen anything like it, # 821, p 55
Lawrence: Trumpism means ‘never having to say you're sorry for being stupi, # 822, p 55
Why didn't Trump have his DOJ indict Hillary?

  1. (Quora) Why didn't Trump have his DOJ indict Hillary? James Comey said she was guilty, # 824, p 55
  2. Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System, # 825, p 55
Trump says Comedian Joan Rivers Voted for Him in 2016: Problem is . . . Joan Rivers Died in 2014,  # 828, p 56
Watch The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell Highlights: June 24, # 830, p 56
What has Taylor Swift accomplished?, # 831, p 56
Trump vs Biden DEBATE, # 832, p 56
Project 2025:

  1. The most profound threats to the American people, # 833, p 56
  2. Project 2025 by David Pakman, # 833, p 56
  3. Project2025: Mối hiểm hoạ của nền dân chủ Mỹ, # 834, p 56

See Biden's fiery speech after shaky debate performance, # 835, p 56
Biden should not step down, # 836, p 56
The Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell 6/28/24 | 🅼🆂🅽🅱🅲 Breaking News June 28, 2024, # 837, p 56
BREAKING: Biden issues MUST-SEE statement after debate, # 838, p 56
‘Not a healthy democracy’ that calls Trump a winner for ‘firehose of falsehoods’, # 840, p 56
VIRAL: Buttigieg issues MUST-SEE response to Trump-Biden debate, # 841, p 57
Trump made more than 30 false claims during CNN’s presidential debate — far more than Biden, # 842, p 57
Nelson Mandela, # 843, p 57
Donald Trump Issues Supreme Court Warning, # 844, p 57
Unless Trump loses, America ends, # 851, p 57
Justice Department Sends Message to Trump After Supreme Court Ruling, # 852, p 57
Raskin: ‘Lots of discussion’ happening ‘very quickly’ about Biden’s future, # 853, p 57
Flag Day 2024, # 854, p 57
Bannon Imprisoned; Rudy Giuliani Disbarred; Yet Supreme Court Gives Trump Immunity to Commit Crimes!, # 855, p 57
Three Ways to Defeat Both Trump AND the New President-Is-King Supreme Court Opinion, # 856, p 58
Watch The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell Highlights: July 3, 2024, # 859, p 58
Dr. Fauci weighs in on Biden's debate performance, # 860, p 58
Trump Posts INSANE 4th Of July Message... He's LOSING IT!, # 861, p 58
The Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell 7/4/24 | Breaking News July 4, 2024, # 864, p 58
After Supreme Court Gives Trump Immunity, He Endorses Military Tribunal Prosecution for Liz Cheney, # 865, p 58
PISSED OFF Combat Vet DROPS THE HAMMER on Supreme Court, # 867, p 58
How the Trump cult will end, # 868, p 58
He’s trying to hide his connections to his allies’ extreme Project 2025 agenda, # 869, p 58
Tự do ngôn luận và MAGA, # 870, p 58
Is Mike Johnson gay?, # 871, p 59
Pete Buttigieg To Mike Pence: 'Your Quarrel, Sir, Is With My Creator', # 872, p 59
Pete and Chasten Buttigieg on fatherhood, # 873, p 59
Former Trump Voter: Why I'm Voting Against Trump, # 874, p 59
Biden Says He's 'Not Going Anywhere' – Part 1 | The View, # 875, p 59
Trump xạo . Bằng chứng Trump thừa biết Dự Án 2025!!!!, #876, p 59
Lawrence O'Donnell: Sức khoẻ của Biden bình thường, # 877, p 59
Trump tries to dista, p nce himself from Project 2025 after voters learn how ‘terrifying’ its agenda is, # 878, p 59
Watch The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell Highlights: July 8, # 879, p 59
Trump denies knowledge of Project 2025, despite multiple connections to allies, # 880, p 59
'That's who you guys picked': Maddow blasts GOP hypocrisy of backing Trump, # 881, p 59
Trump tries to distance himself from Project 2025 after voters learn how ‘terrifying’ its agenda is, # 882, p 59

CNN's Abby Phillip Calls 'BS' On Trump's Project 2025 Dodge — And She Has Receipts, # 883, p 59
Ex-Trump Administration Officials Involved in Project 2025: Full List, # 884, p 59
Allan Lichtman: TRUMP LIKELY WINNER if Biden is replaced, # 885, p 59
Lawrence: Biden speaks to NATO and AFL-CIO after Trump read a teleprompter full of lies, # 886, p 60
"I'm Older Than Biden": 'Auntie Maxine' Waters Shows Biden Support At Essence Fest | Roland Martin, # 887, p 60
Historian who predicted 9 of the last 10 elections says Dems shouldn't rebel against Biden, # 889, p 60
"Death Squad Ruling:" Maddow Reacts to SCOTUS Trump Immunity Ruling, # 890, p 60
New York Times Editorial Board: "Donald Trump Is Unfit To Lead" as "The Rule of Law Matters.", $ 891, p 60

NYT Editorial Board, # 892, p 60

  1. The 5000 word piece from NYT Editorial Board
  2. Ban biên tập New York Times: Khả năng để làm tổng thống của Trump
BREAKING: Biden Addresses The Nation On The Trump Rally Shooting, # 893, p 60
Thomas Matthew Crooks identified as Trump shooter at Pennsylvania political rally, # 894, p 60

AR-15 rifles. # 895, p 60:

  1. How they work
  2. Danger of AR-15 rifles

Gun Control After Trump Rally, # 896, p 60
Republicans drop all pretense, make JAW DROPPING admission in public, # 897, p 60
Republicans Now Shamelessly Try to Rewrite THEIR HISTORY OF ENCOURAGING VIOLENCE IN POLITICS!!!, # 898, p 60
The Gunman and the Would-Be Dictator, # 899, p 60
Child Asks Obama: "Why Do People Hate You?", # 900, p 61

Project 2025, # 901, p 61:
  1. David Pakman: "FREE GUIDE - Project 2025: The history, risks, and threats of Project 2025"
  2. The Radical Conservative Plan to Reshape America Under Trump | WSJ
  3. A blueprint for a conservative takeover | The Take
  4. Trump’s Second Term Not-So-Secret Plan
  5. Law School Grad Breaks Down Project 2025's Plan for the U.S.
  6. What is Project 2025? Project 2025 Explained | 5 Criticisms of Project 2025
New BOMBSHELL Report On Trump Rally Shooter SHOCKS MAGA!,# 902, p 61
Trump Fondly Remembers the Fake Civil War Battle That Took Place on His Golf Course, # 903, p 61
Biden to push for Supreme Court reform and amendment to overturn presidential immunity ruling, sources say, # 904, p 61
Trump bán giày sau khi bị ám sát hụt, # 905, p 61
Jamie Raskin issues DIRE WARNING on Project 2025, # 906, p 61
Ai không thích các bài chống Trump, # 907, p 61

Summary of Project 2025 by David Pakman, # 908-911, p 61
Cảm tưởng độc giả vê Summary of Project 2025 by David Pakman, # 912, p 61
(Việt Ngữ) Dự Án 2025 và Trump nhiệm kỳ hai đáng sợ ra sao đến người Mỹ gốc Việt?, # 913, p 61
Rachel Maddow exposes the real reason JD Vance was chosen to be Trump's running mate, # 914, p 61
MAGA trong VietBest muốn bịt miệng LTP về Trump, # 915, p 61

Alzheimer’s Is Now Optional: Here’s Why And How - Dale Bredesen, M.D., # 916, p 62

Trump's sickness: # 917-9, p 62:
  1. George Conway DESTROYS Trump By Doing THIS Live On Air!, # 917, p 62
  2. Sociopaths: Warning Signs and Red Flags, # 918, p 62
  3. Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Signs, Traits, and Tests, # 919, p 62
Biden tells Democratic lawmakers he is weighing big reforms to the Supreme Court, # 920, p 62
(Quora) Why do people hate President Donald Trump?, # 921, p 62
Maddow on Biden's dropping out, "What a man! What a patriot!", # 922, p 62
BREAKING: Trump PANICS, starts to BACK OUT of debate with KAMALA, # 923, p 62
The Republican Party Is Over | Robert Reich, # 924, p 62
How Trump is Following Hitler's Playbook | Robert Reich, # 925, p 62
How Is a Convicted Felon and Insurrectionist a Leading Candidate for President? | The Coffee Klatch, # 926, p 62
Lawrence: Joe Biden launched Kamala Harris' campaign flawlessly and passed the torch, # 927, p 62
Who are the Republicans who don’t support Trump in 2024?, # 928, p 62
Kamala Harris is the right person for the moment AND the right person for opponent Donald Trump - Glenn Kirschner, # 929, p 62
The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell - July 24 | Audio Only, # 930, p 63
NY Judge Sets Steve Bannon's NEXT Criminal Trial For Dec. 9, Shortly After He's Released From Prison - Glenn Kirshner, # 931, p 63
Kamala Harris Gets HUGE Surge Of Support + Pete Buttigieg Talks Trump, Vance and The Vice President, # 932, p 63
Kamala Harris speaks at Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.'s convention in Indianapolis | full video, # 933, p 63
Trump Is Project 2025 | Robert Reich, # 934, p 63
'I'm not going to be nice:' Donald Trump launches all-out attack on Kamala Harris, # 935, p 63

President Biden's Speech, # 936, p 63:

  1. FULL SPEECH: President Joe Biden gives address after dropping out of 2024 election
  2. The Dramatic Contrast of Biden’s Last Act
  3. What 'struck' Jen Psaki on Biden’s historic Oval Office speech on stepping aside
Biden campaign, # 937, p 63

  1. Biden: "You can't be pro-insurrectionist and pro-America."
  2. WATCH LIVE: Biden marks Jan. 6 anniversary with campaign speech on democracy
13 KEYS TO THE WHITE HOUSE (JULY 2024 UPDATE) | Lichtman Live #61, # 938, p 63
Obama endorses Harris as Democratic nominee, # 939, p 63:

  1. Obama endorses Harris as Democratic nominee
  2. BREAKING: Obama drops SURPRISE good news for Kamala
Why These Eighteen Former Trump Voters Are SAYING NO in 2024, # 941, p 63


MUST-SEE: Jamie Raskin drops WORST NEWS on Trump, # 677, p 46
Jamie Raskin issues brilliant Second Amendment debunking, # 678, p 46
Jamie Raskin on constitutionality of Trump disqualification, # 679, p 46
Book - Unthinkable: Trauma, Truth, and the Trials of American Democracy Hardcover – January 4, 2022 by Jamie Raskin , # 680, p 46
"Love & the Constitution": Rep. Jamie Raskin on Son's Death, Trump's Coup Plot & Protecting the Vote, # 681, p 46
MUST-SEE: Jamie Raskin drops BOMB on Trump, # 814, p 55
Jamie Raskin issues the Project 2025 WARNING we've been dreading, # 906, p 61

Mục Lục Giải Trí

Âm Nhạc 

Baha Men - Who Let The Dogs Out (Official Video), #37, p 3
Numa Numa Original Music Video, #37, p 3
Dừng Bước Giang Hồ | Hoàng Trọng, #77, p 6
Barbra Streisand - Women In Love, # 121, p 9
Aida Nikolaychuk - Women In Love, # 121, p 9
Barbara Streisand - The Way We Were, # 125, p 9, a collection of 3 songs:

  1. The Way We Were (0:0)
  2. Woman In Love (3:30)
  3. Memory (7:19)
Nhạc Hoàng Dương - Quang Dũng
  1. Tiếc Thu, # 172, p 12
  2. Hướng Về Hà Nội, # 172, p 12
Dĩ Vãng - Trịnh Nam Sơn, # 231, p 16
Ricky Martin - Livin' La Vida Loca, # 247, p 17
  1. Unbelievable Performance of a 4K Lezginka, # 248, p 17
  2. How do they "float"?, # 248, p 17
Josh Turner:
  1. Your Man, # 286, p 20
  2. I'm No Stranger to the Rain, # 286, p 20
  3. The First Time Josh Turner Met Johnny Cash, # 286, p 20
The Mozart Effect: #298, p 20

  1. Mozart - Sonata for Two Pianos in D, K. 448 [complete]
  2. YANNI - “Acroyali & Standing In Motion” Live At The Acropolis 1993 !
Sakura (đàn Koto 25 dây), # 302, p 21
(Tango) Pa' Bailar - Siempre Quiero Más, # 394, p 27

  1. Maître Gims - Bella (Clip officiel), # 425, p 29
  2. BELLA - GIMS | ZUMBA fitness, # 425, p 29
Dừng Bước Giang Hồ, # 426, p 29:
  1. Khánh Ly
  2. Nguyễn Phi Hùng

Sway with me, # 557, p 38:
  1. Fred Astaire and Rita Hayworth
  2. Michael Bublé - Sway (Lyrics)
Salute, # 804, p 54
Major Payne - You hit that boy again, I'm gonna do more than salute you, # 805, p 54


Sweet Dreams, #41, p 3
Für Elise (Beethoven), #41, p 3
Moonlight Sonata (Beethoven), #41, p 3
Toccata (Bach), #41, p 3
"Innuendo" by Queen & "Asturias" on One Guitar, #42, p 3
Chopin Nocturne on Guitar (Official Video), #52, p 4 (also -- Vadim Chaimovich - Chopin Nocturne on Piano, #52, p 4)
Paganini's Caprice no. 5 on One Guitar, #55, p 4 (also -- Markov - Paganini Caprice no.5 on Violin[HQ], #55, p 4)
Fly Me to the Moon, #94, p 7
Just The Two Of Us on Guitar - Marcin and Ichika Nito, #215, p 15

Classical Music

Phim Amadeus (1984) and various musical definitions, #51, p 4
Mozart - Symphony No. 40 in G minor, K. 550 [complete], #49, p 4
Antonio Salieri – Requiem in C minor, #50, p 4
Vadim Chaimovich - Chopin Nocturne on Piano, #52, p 4
Alexander Markov - Paganini Caprice no.5 on Violin[HQ], #55, p 4
Classical Music: Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Chopin, Vivaldi, Tchaikovsky, Handel, Offenbach, Grieg, Wagner, #70, p 5
Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata (FULL) -  Piano Sonata No. 14, #72, p 5

Pop Music

Katy Perry - Roar, #82, p 6
Frank Sinatra - Fly Me to the Moon, # 94, p 7
Eagles - Hotel California (1977), #148, p 10
Grover Washington Jr. - Just the Two of Us (feat. Bill Withers) (Official Lyric Video), # 215, p 15
Tip Toe, #241, p 17

Phim Ảnh

Big Stan, #84, p 6
Lều Chõng, #100, p 7
The Frozen Ground, # 111, p 8
(Final scene) The Way We Were, # 124, p 9
Những film đáng xem, #133, p 9
Queen Elizabeth II and the Olympic, # 614, p 41

Kể Chuyện

TOXIC metal, #103, p 7
Giải thích hiện tượng TOXIC metal, #103, p 7
Giấc Nam Kha của Mitch, # 113, p 8
Điển tích giấc Nam Kha và nồi kê, # 114, p 8
Thầy Đồ, # 224, p 15
Butch Minds the Baby, # 228, p 16
Hoạ sĩ và ông thợ giày, # 237, p 16
Thiên Thần, # 251, p 17
The Egg (YouTube), # 589, p 40
Chiếc Đĩa Cổ Trong Phiên Chợ Tết, # 621, p 4
That annoying kid visits his teacher thirty years later...when she heard why he came she was shocked, # 754, p 51

Ảo Thuật

Giải thích 13 trò ảo thuật, # 349, p 24

Vui Cười

Cảnh Sát Viết Giấy Phạt, #29, p 2
Hercules attemping to give his cat a pill, #53, p 4
Tiếng dê kêu, #86, p 6
Giả làm Tổng Thống George Bush, # 128, p 9
Einstein joke, # 135, p 9
Do you know who I am?, # 162, p 11
Vợ hiền, # 163, p 11
Looks can be deceiving, #198, p 14
Don’t mess with old folks, #211, p 15
Bubba Tonto Gonzales, # 293, p 20
Show him your BADGE, # 398, p 27
Jokes, # 466, p 32
I'm at Jason's house, # 512, p 35
Taylor and Swift trucks side by side, coincidence?, # 538, p 36
A 70 year old lady staying at a hotel, # 609, p 41
Can John Cena Do 20 Push-Ups?, # 641, p 43
How was I born?, # 644, p 43
20 Street Performers That Will Amaze You, # 688, p 46
(Quora) Emotional support chickens, # 727, p 49
(Quora) Painting the Porch, # 740, p 50
(Quora) Whales, Wales, # 849, p 57
A Hitler Cat, # 858, p 58

Mục Lục Văn Hóa

Bless your heart, #38 và 39, p 3
(Thread Linh Tinh - LTP, #1427, p 96)
Học Anh ngữ 1, # 87, p 6
Học Anh ngữ 2, # 102, p 7
Học Anh ngữ 3, # 117, p 8
Cách tính chu vi trái đất, # 106, p 8
Mê Tín, # 108, p 8
Cách Cư Xử, # 143, p 10
Bí quyết sống, #147, p 10
Cảnh sát Anh Quốc, # 150, p 10
Đừng lo, không ai để ý đến bạn lắm đâu, #153, p 11
Don't be a bully, # 155, p 11
Đánh Học Trò, # 156, p 11
Chúa Phật ở đâu?, # 164, p 11
Tiểu Thừa và Đại Thừa, # 167, p 12
Opinion: Hakeem Jeffries gave the speech that Kevin McCarthy should have — but won’t, # 175, p 12
Rep. Hakeem Jeffries Gets Laughs And Cheers For Alphabet Speech After Kevin McCarthy Win, # 175, p 12
Mark Kantrowitz from Quora, #176, p 12
Nếu trọng lực hạ bớt 1%, chuyện gì sẽ xảy ra?, #178, p 12
Du lịch thế giới?, #208, p 14
Bị đuổi sở một cách tàn nhẫn, # 210, p 14

Why does HOA exist?, # 235, p 16
How to talk to a lawyer in court, #236, p 16
UC Berkeley professor, Ken Jowitt, #243, p 17
Cờ bạc, # 254, p 17

Sửa soạn cho cuộc sống vô gia cư tại Mỹ, # 258, p 18
Telling a 'white lie' may affect one's ability to recognize emotions, # 264, p 18
Middle class neighborhood in America, # 271, p 19
Fights, beatings and a birth: Videos smuggled out of L.A. jails reveal violence, neglect, # 279, p 19
Phút Cuối của Nhà Thơ Đông Hồ, # 280, p 19
Boss can't prevent employees from serving jury duty, # 288, p 20
KKK, # 291, p 20
Án chặt đầu, # 292, p 20
Biden and dementia, # 303, p 21

Definition of Woke, # 304, p 21
Georgia RICO vs Federal RICO, # 313, p 21
Norman Rockwell's "The Young Lady with the Shiner", # 350, p 24

Sinh Điếu, Sinh Quan, Sinh Phần, # 384, p 26
Công dân giáo dục - Hả Mai Anh, # 401, p 27
Committing Career Suicide With Two Words, # 405, p 27
The dirty truth about taking your shoes off at the door, # 407, p 28
Honor Killing - Domestic Abuse, # 409, p 28
Khi Về Già (tác giả Đạn), # 417, p 28
Memorization Strategies, # 442, p 30
9 Huge LIES about Living in a Camper Van Nobody Talks About (RV Life), # 462, p 31
Bullying, # 498, p 34:

  1. Bullied Man Confronts Alleged Childhood Bully 35 Years Later
  2. ‘My childhood torturer grew up to be school superintendent’
  3. Man Who Called Out Alleged Former Bully Lance Hindt Gets Huge Responsee!
The Nation That Never Was: Reconstructing America's Story, # 510, p 34
Robert Wright’s ‘Why Buddhism is true’, # 534, p 36
What is Super Tuesday and how does today's voting work?, # 571, p 39
WATCH: Full 2024 State of the Union address | MSNBC, #576, p 39
The “Dark Brandon” meme — and why the Biden campaign has embraced it — explained, # 577, p 39
What are delegates?, # 578, p 39
The Rich Family In Our Church, # 580, p 39
7 unexpected moments when Biden went off-script at State of the Union, # 584, p 39
Good judges, # 585, p 39
I Tried The 6/10 Cleaning Method And Now I'm A Believer, # 586, p 40
Wow! Watch SpaceX Starship re-enter Earth's atmosphere in these incredible views, # 593, p 40
Real life French spiderman, # 597, # 598, p 40
Medicaid Sues to Take Dead People's Homes for Payment, Families Say, # 603, p 41
Got an electric shock, # 605, p 41
The eclipse will be an exciting day for science, # 620, p 42
Chiếc đĩa cổ bán giá hơn 1,7 tỷ, # 622, p 42
Social Security Cuts: Here Are 4 Ways Retirees Should Prepare Their Bank Accounts for Upcoming Changes, # 356, p 43
Suze Orman: 5 Social Security Facts Every Soon-To-Be Retiree Must Know, # 357, p 43
Generation definitions, # 649, p 44
The sweetest thing that someone has ever said to you, # 670, p 45


  1. Annuities are key to retirement. So why are so few of us buying them?, # 682, p 46
  2. Buying an Annuity: A Step-by-Step Guide, # 683, p 46
How to recognize AI generated pictures, # 700, p 47
9 Simple Ways to Detect AI Images (With Examples) in 2024, # 701, p 47
The interesting cas(t)e of Vivek Ramaswamy, # 724, p 49
You're Going to Live Past 90. Congrats! Here’s How to Pay For It, # 735, p 49
The story of Maya Angelou, # 739, p 50
Who is Cecilia Payne?, # 745, p 50
Thơ văn xuôi, # 746, p 50
Interview with Pulitzer Prize-Winning White House Photographer David Hume Kennerly, # 752. p 51
100 Things You Didn't Know Were Invented by Black People, # 773, p 52
What Is a Tariff and Why Are They Important?, # 812, p 55
"All Hat and No Cattle", # 819, p 55
Massive Bird Nests Built on Telephone Poles in Southern Africa are Home to Multiple Species of Birds, # 822, p 55
Lessons from design school that apply to everyday life, # 829, p 56
What has Taylor Swift accomplished?, # 831, p 56
What's a thing elderly people regret in their lives?, #839, p 56
(Quora) Nurse must decide to kill the hitman with her bare hands, # 888, p 60

Brian Tyler Cohen (BTC):
  1. Đối thoại giữa Brian Tyler Cohen (BTC) & Glenn Kirschner (GK), # 306, p 21
  2. Trump's attorneys finally face CAREER-ENDING news, # 307, p 21
  3. BREAKING: Secretaries of State weigh Trump DISQUALIFICATION over 14th Amendment, # 309, p 21

Trump fraudulently inflated his net worth by up to $2.2 billion, New York judge rules, # 329, p 22
'Devastating': Trump suffers potentially catastrophic loss in court; Judge 'furious', # 330, p 22

Giáo dục trẻ em:
How To Get Kids To Listen Without Yelling, # 334, p 23
(Quora) What would you do if someone kicked your pet?, # 378, p 26
Never use these 7 phrases when their children are young, # 393, p 27
Real life French spiderman, # 597, p 40
Blind guide dog user confronted by angry commuter, # 671, p 45
(Quora) Want some tea?, # 845, p 57
Obama's mother: (Quora) Have you ever met a person who later became famous?, # 850, p 57
Elder orphans, solo agers, # 863, p 58

Các Môn Học:

Anatomy & Physiology:

How Much Poop Is Stored in Your Colon??, # 318, p 22
How to Save Your Muscles From Aging, # 319, p 22
Why Drinking Water Is So Important, # 320, p 22
Institute of Human Anatomy, # 326, p 22
Why do we have crooked teeth when our ancestors didn’t? - G. Richard Scott, # 601, p 41


3^m–2^m=65, # 314, p 21
So sánh: 222^333 vs. 333^222, # 322, p 22
Find the Area of the Blue Triangle Inside of a Rectangle, # 323, p 22
What is 0 to the power of 0? (introducing to Calculus), # 331, p 23
Find the Areas of the Blue and Green Circle if AB = 24 & CD = 10, # 336, p 23
Dividing by zero, # 337, p 23
Who cares about complex numbers??, # 338, p 23
How To Find The Square Root Of Iota, ί. √ί=?, # 339, p 23
Why Complex Numbers, # 340, p 23
What's String Theory, # 341, p 23
Why a negative times a negative is a positive | Pre-Algebra | Khan Academy, # 342, p 23
Can you find the diagonal length AB? | (Important Geometry skills explained), # 343, p 23
Menelaus Theorem, # 344, p 23
Find the area of the triangle ABC?, # 348, p 24
A Beginner's Guide to the Fourth Dimension, # 353, p 24
The MIND-BENDING Paradox of the Möbius Strip and Klein Bottle - A 4D Visualization, # 353, p 24
USA Math Olympiad Question, # 356, p 24
Remember the trick !!, # 357, p 24
Can you solve the system of equations for a^4+b^4+c^4?, # 366, p 25
discrete vs discreet, # 369, p 25

Luât Pháp:
Misdemeanor, # 335, p 23

DUI, # 485, p 33
Supreme Court, # 663 - 665, p 45
Innocent man facing the death penalty saved by Seinfeld creator | 60 Minutes Australia, # 788, p 53

Ballet: The Dying Swan (Natalia Makarova), #68, p 5
Ballet: Rehearsal of the concert program. Igor Moiseyev Ballet, #73, p 5
Ice Skating: Vanessa James and Morgan Cipres Skate to "The Sound of Silence" (No Audience Noise), #75, p 5
Múa bụng, # 120, p 8
Bản Tính Con Người là Vô Ơn, # 158, p 11
Jeffries thanks Pelosi before handing gavel to McCarthy, # 175, p 12
Hakeem Jeffries BRINGS THE HOUSE DOWN in must-see speech of the year (The ABC speech), # 175, p 12
Pomp and Circumstance Graduation Walking March (Song Extended), # 253, p 17
Parrotfish and Humphead Parrotfish, # 260, p 18
The closed world of Carmelite Nuns, # 365, p 25
When US Navy Most Feared Jets Miss Landing on US Aircraft Carriers, # 604, p 41
Mục Lục Suy Niệm 

Hướng ngoại, mơ ngủ .  Who looks outside, dreams.
Hướng nội, tỉnh thức .    Who looks inside, awakes.
-- Carl Jung

Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said
-- Voltaire, # 173, p 12

How to make friends, #80, p 6
Lực sĩ Đô Vật Zion Clark: Vượt thử thách, #132, p 9
Chó có biết mình sắp chết không?, #284, p 19
Định nghĩa "tấm lòng", # 316, p 22
The right thing to do, # 433, p 29
Vai trò của người học đạo, # 574, p 39
Tưởng Niệm Nguyễn Đăng Chương Dương, # 783, p 53
(Quora) Was Hitler justified in doing the Holocaust? Were the Jews really that scummy?, #846, p 57

Missing 100%, # 559, p 38

Tử thi mục rã, #58, p 4
4 thời kỳ tử thi mục rã, #59, p 4
YT - Các thời kỳ tử thi heo con mục rã, #60, p 4
YT - Tử thi con người mục rã, # 61, p 5
YT - Tử thì con người mục rã, 182, p 13

Tiền Kiếp - Hậu Kiếp
7 year old Eric and Sidney Coe Howard, # 152, p 11
Microcontroller vs Microprocessor: What’s the difference?
Linsey Knerl

November 11, 2019

Do you know what a microcontroller does? Are you familiar with how it differs from a microprocessor? If you don't know the answers to these questions, you are not alone. Many people aren't sure of the difference between these standard PC components. In this article, we’ll explore what makes each component special and why their differences matter.

What is a microprocessor?

Also known as a central processing unit, or CPU, the microprocessor (MPU) is the brain of the computer. It doesn’t contain any other components, such as memory. Microprocessors are vital to computers of all types, and the technology is commonly found in the desktops and laptops we use today.

While you won’t usually be asked to choose a type of microprocessor, there are five types. They include:

  1. Complex instruction set microprocessors
  2. Reduced instruction set microprocessors
  3. Superscalar processors
  4. Application specific integrated circuit
  5. Digital signal multiprocessors

Each of these performs a variety of tasks, including math and logic processes that tell the computer how to behave, store data, and interact with other devices. It takes the data coming in, processes it, and sends it back to the components or peripherals that you use to interact with the computer. A microprocessor is formed as a microchip, making it a very small solution to our very big computing tasks.

Microprocessors in HP computers

If you own one of the many popular HP laptops and desktops, you are likely already enjoying the features of today’s microprocessors. Intel® i3, i5, and i7 MPUs offer a variety of perks for users who want lightning-fast speeds for gaming, creating art, rendering video, and browsing the web.

It’s hard to believe that the newest generation of Intel microprocessors, the 8th Generation, can do so much since the first commercially available unit was invented in by Intel in the early 1970s. Powering everything from calculators to super-advanced PCs, our lives wouldn’t be the same without these technological gems.

When it comes time to shop for your next computer, the microprocessor may be the most important choice you’ll make. For the Intel line, remember that the larger number indicates more processing power. For typical office use, an i3 may work just fine. But for high-speed gaming, it’s recommended that you invest in the i7 MPU.

What is a microcontroller?

Microcontrollers (MCUs) control a specific function instead of handling the data for hundreds or thousands of functions. One other big difference is that they aren’t just a CPU on a chip. They are an entire computer on a chip, including the microprocessor, memory, and components needed to send and receive data.

Microcontrollers are made to do a specific job on their own. They are a complete system. The types of microcontrollers include:

  • 8-bit microcontroller
  • 16-bit microcontroller
  • 32-bit microcontroller
  • Embedded microcontroller

As you can see from the types listed, they are grouped by data size. Could there be larger microcontrollers in our future? Quite possibly.

MCUs are used in everything from toys and tools, to remote controls and appliances. You can't see them working, and there's no user interface to tell them what to do. You'll also find them in vehicle anti-lock braking systems and in advanced medical devices. They are programmed to do their job independently even when no one is around to provide inputs.

Microcontroller vs microprocessor

There’s no way to really say that one type of technology is better than the other. They both have separate functions and work for completely different applications.

An easy way to remember what each does, however, is to think of microprocessors as the brain for the computers we use as consumers. It runs the operating system, such as Windows 10, that allows us to interact with programs, adjust settings, and perform tasks like sending emails or creating documents.

A microcontroller, on the other hand, is a tiny computer on a chip that runs without a sophisticated operating system and can run one thread or loop at a time. It can’t handle the multiple tasks that a microprocessor does. Most consumers won’t be asked to pick out or shop for a microcontroller. These are generally used in programming and engineering fields at a very detailed level of technology.

Fun fact: While microprocessors were originally nicknamed a “computer on a chip,” it’s the microcontroller that better fits this description because it has a processor, memory, and other components built into one tiny microchip.

Additional differences between microprocessors and microcontrollers

Since the microprocessor is a more robust component, it uses more energy, needs external cooling, and can be used with larger machines. It is also more expensive and can be very fast.

A microcontroller uses very little energy because it does one or two basic tasks. There is no need for a dedicated fan for this device, and it’s only as expensive as the components featured on the chip. It’s very affordable but operates much slower than a microprocessor.

The future of “micro” tech

As tech advances, we see the microcontroller start to pick up additional functionality. More tasks can be done, and the data it can process within an embedded system will expand. Microprocessors are starting to incorporate more possibilities as well.

Could the two somewhat overlap in definition? It’s possible, but there is no way they can be used interchangeably. Each has a very specific role in computers and electronic gear. One can’t replace the other any time soon, but they’re both vital when it comes to using the products we enjoy every day.

Linsey Knerl is a contributing writer for HP® Tech Takes. Linsey is a Midwest-based author, public speaker, and member of the ASJA. She has a passion for helping consumers and small business owners do more with their resources via the latest tech solutions.
Doctor REVEALS What Causes Alzheimer's & Dementia & How To PREVENT IT! | Dr. David Perlmutter

WebMD - Health Benefits of Moringa
By Keri Wiginton


  1. Are There Health Benefits?
  2. Uses of Moringa
  3. Is It Safe?
Moringa oleifera is a plant native to northern India that can also grow in other tropical and sub-tropical places, like Asia and Africa. Folk medicine has used the leaves, flowers, seeds, and roots of this plant for centuries.

It's traditionally been used as a remedy for such conditions as:

  • Diabetes
  • Long-lasting inflammation
  • Bacterial, viral, and fungal infections
  • Joint pain
  • Heart health
  • Cancer

Are There Health Benefits?

Moringa has many important vitamins and minerals. The leaves have 7 times more vitamin C than oranges and 15 times more potassium than bananas. It also has calcium, protein, iron, and amino acids, which help your body heal and build muscle.

It's also packed with antioxidants, substances that can protect cells from damage and may boost your immune system. There's some evidence that some of these antioxidants can also lower blood pressure and reduce fat in the blood and body.

Uses of Moringa

So far, much of the research on moringa has used animals as test subjects. We don't know if the results would be the same with humans. Researchers are working to find out exactly how extracts from this tree affect people, but early studies show it may help with:

Rheumatoid arthritis:
Moringa leaf extract may lower fluid swelling, redness, and pain.

Diabetes: Several early studies show that insulin-like proteins found in moringa may help lower blood sugar. Plant chemicals found in the leaves might help the body process sugar better, and it may affect how the body releases insulin.

Cancer: In lab tests, leaf extracts slowed the growth of pancreatic cancer cells and helped chemotherapy work better. Other lab studies show that moringa leaves, bark, and roots all have anti-cancer effects that might lead to new drugs.

Memory: Some experts think the antioxidants and other health-promoting plant chemicals may heal stress and inflammation in the brain.

Scientists are also trying to see if it might help with:

  • Cholesterol
  • Arthritis
  • High blood pressure
  • Liver damage caused by medicines
  • Stomach ulcers
  • Asthma
  • Wound healing
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Diarrhea
  • Anemia
  • Weight Loss

Is It Safe?

Research shows that it's generally OK to eat the leaves or young seed pods, and leaf extracts made from powder and water may also be safe. But it can be dangerous to eat bark or pulp, especially for pregnant women. Chemicals in the bark may make the uterus contract and lead to a miscarriage.

Though you can buy it as a powder, pill, oil, or tea, supplements and powders made from moringa aren't regulated by the FDA. That means there isn’t a standard dose you should take for health benefits. And companies don’t have to prove that their product is safe or that it works as advertised.

Don't use it if you're pregnant or breastfeeding. Talk to your doctor before taking moringa or any supplement, especially if you take any medications.
100-Year-Old WWII Veteran Lester Wright 26.34 100m At Penn Relays

103-year-old runner breaks a new record

At 97, she flexes her muscle at Tampa Bay competition

Everyday Tampa Bay video series: video by Monica Herndon, Times Staff Photojournalist
Edith Traina stood in line at a church banquet hall, dressed in a black singlet with white piping. When her turn came, she stepped onto a bathroom scale. That would determine her weight class, though it didn’t really matter, as she was the only participant in her age group: 95-99 years old.

Traina, who is 97, may seem an unlikely weightlifter, but she was one of seven elderly women who traveled from Tampa Bay to compete in the Polk County Senior Games in Lakeland recently. They wore matching T-shirts that read, "Bill Beekley Academy of Powerlifting Senior Division."

The group attends about six competitions each year, including the Hillsborough County Senior Games in the fall.

Traina likes the challenge of competing, to demonstrate what she’s capable of, and because "you’re also proving to yourself that you’re able to do something you probably never thought you could do."

At the senior games, she took gold with a 60-pound bench press and a 130-pound deadlift.
