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Gunman disguised as police officer kills 16 in Nova Scotia rampage, deadliest in Cana
Gunman disguised as police officer kills 16 in Nova Scotia rampage, deadliest in Canada’s history

TORONTO — A man disguised as a police officer went on a shooting rampage in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia, killing 16 people Sunday, in the deadliest such attack in the country’s history. Officials said the suspected shooter was also dead.

A police officer was among those killed. Several bodies were found inside and outside one home in the small, rural town of Portapique, about 60 miles north of Halifax — what police called the first scene. Bodies were also found at other locations

Police identified the man believed to be the shooter as Gabriel Wortman, 51, who was thought to live part-time in Portapique. Authorities said he wore a police uniform at one point and made his car look like a Royal Canadian Mounted Police cruiser. Authorities believe he may have targeted his first victims but then began attacking randomly.

Police first announced that they had arrested Wortman at a gas station in Enfield, outside Halifax, but later said he had died. It was not clear how, and they did not explain further.

“This is one of the most senseless acts of violence in our province’s history,” said Nova Scotia Premier Stephen McNeil.


RCMP spokesman Daniel Brien confirmed that 16 people had been killed in addition to the suspect. The dead officer was identified as Constable Heidi Stevenson, a mother of two and a 23-year veteran of the force. Another officer was also injured.

Mass shootings are relatively rare in the country. Canada overhauled its gun-control laws after a 1989 mass shooting in which gunman Marc Lepine killed 14 women and himself at Montreal’s Ecole Polytechnique college. Before this weekend’s rampage, that had been the country’s worst.

It is now illegal to possess an unregistered handgun or any kind of rapid-fire weapon in Canada. The country also requires training, a personal risk assessment, two references, spousal notification and criminal record checks to purchase a weapon.

“As a country, in moments like these, we come together to support one another. Together we will mourn with the families of the victims, and help them get through this difficult time,” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said in a written statement.

Death toll in Nova Scotia shooting rampage increases to 23

Hôm nay em qua tuốt bên bắc Canada lấy tin về hở, SB?  Lol. Ăn tối chưa? Bên Cali văn phòng chính phủ, và các nơi không cần thiết, đóng cửa cho đến 5/15.  Ở bên em đã mở rồi hỉ?
(2020-04-21, 08:42 PM)OneSunday Wrote: Hôm nay em qua tuốt bên bắc Canada lấy tin về hở, SB?  Lol. Ăn tối chưa? Bên Cali văn phòng chính phủ, và các nơi không cần thiết, đóng cửa cho đến 5/15.  Ở bên em đã mở rồi hỉ?


Em có tình báo bên CA

Em ăn tối rồi anh

Wow Canada nho be
Stay strong nha Canada
Hy vọng anh Goimi không ở gần chổ đó.   Em có bao giờ qua canada du lịch chưa?

Hello Ody.
(2020-04-21, 09:11 PM)OneSunday Wrote: Hy vọng anh Goimi không ở gần chổ đó.   Em có bao giờ qua canada du lịch chưa?

Hello Ody.

Em đi Toronto cũng lâu rồi anh

Bay qua Buffalo, xong lái xe qua CA

Năm vừa rồi Anh có qua bên thành phố Calgary ở bang Alberta CA dự đám cưới của một đứa cháu gái.  Lúc đó hơi lạnh.  Brrrrrrr.  Hôm qua Anh tập làm nem thịt bò học từ chị Vành Khuyên.  Lol.
Bắt đầu hơi chua. Có lẽ hai ngày nữa ăn sẽ chua hơn.
[Image: D1343955-D843-414-C-8811-1822-C8189333.jpg]
(2020-04-21, 09:30 PM)OneSunday Wrote: Năm vừa rồi Anh có qua bên thành phố Calgary ở bang Alberta CA dự đám cưới của một đứa cháu gái.  Lúc đó hơi lạnh.  Brrrrrrr.  Hôm qua Anh tập làm nem thịt bò học từ chị Vành Khuyên.  Lol.
Bắt đầu hơi chua.  Có lẽ hai ngày nữa ăn sẽ chua hơn.
[Image: D1343955-D843-414-C-8811-1822-C8189333.jpg]

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Có khi nào em nghĩ đến lên Youtube để dạy nấu ăn không?  Anh học lẹ lắm.  Lol.