2021-12-30, 12:38 PM
Be Vegan, make peace.
2021-12-30, 12:40 PM
![]() [img=160x0]https://suprememastertv.com/images/btn-video169.gif[/img] Pause Mute Current Time 2:12
/ Duration 27:28
Loaded: 12.16% Picture-in-Picture Quality Fullscreen 67[/url] [url=https://suprememastertv.com/en1/search/?type=BMD]Between Master and Disciples The True Saint Title, Part 1 of 7, Dec. 4, 2021 2021-12-28 Language:English Part 1234567 Details Download Rtf So, the thing is not like you just do anything. People truly have to research into the history. (Yes, Master.) And to truly know the facts before any event, (That’s right, Master.) because behind the curtain, there are many things that happened that people don’t know, (Correct, Master.) and just easy to blame anybody. (Hi Master!) (Hallo, Master.) (Hi, Master!) Hallo, guys! How are you? (Very good, Master.) (How is Master?) I’m OK. I’m OK. Too busy to be too formal anymore. We used to wear beautiful dress and you guys arranged a time and I would take my time to put some anti-shine powder or something. (Yes, Master.) And throw some pink powder on the face or whatever, (Yes.) and now we just talk as is. (Yes, Master.) (Yes.) I’m glad that you guys are available and I know you guys work late, that’s why I can call late. (Oh, yes, Master.) (Surely, surely.) Others not guilty, we let them sleep. (OK, Master.) There’s no need to call the whole village up (Yes, Master.) just for a chat because it’s so late already. (Yes, Master.) But I didn’t have time earlier. (Alright, Master.) Yes. (Understand.) At least some of the urgent work is already done, but I still have a lot of other work waiting. (Wow.) But I thought I’d call you guys up because I still need to do my job as a teacher. Maybe I worry that later I won’t have any more job to do, so I do it while I can, (Yes, Master.) while the situation offers opportunity. Are you guys OK with the winter? (Yes.) (Yes, very fine.) (It’s alright.) (It’s not cold yet.) And your villas are warm enough? You have things? (We are warm enough.) (Yes. Heaters, blankets, warm clothes.) Please keep well. Be well. (Yes, Master. Thank You.) (Thank You, Master.) Anyway, this is life in this world. You have winter, you have summer, you have autumn, or whatever you have. (Yes. Seasons change.) And our bodies sometimes cannot adjust quick enough. So we need some extra equipment. (Yes, Master.) That’s alright. (Yes.) Anything you want to demand from me (Yes, Master.) or any questions? (We do, we have some questions, Master, if that’s OK.) Some actual news or something? (Yes, Master.) Go on. Go ahead. (OK.) (So, recently the pope has declared five Catholic priests who were victims of the 1871 Paris Commune, as martyrs, so that they can be beatified in order to be named a saint. Have You heard about this, Master?) Yeah, I kind of passed it by, the news. (OK.) But I thought it’s just … I didn’t pay too much attention. (Right.) At first, I thought, “Oh, it’s just a normal thing that they do. Because otherwise, what would they do? (Right.) What do they do? They only have one Bible. (Yes.) And anybody can even learn it by heart if they have so much time like that. (Yes, Master.) Do some liturgies or go to funerals or go to weddings and eat a lot, talk holiness and stuff like that. What else would they do? (Right, Master. Right.) So I thought that’s their normal exercise. (Right.) So, I heard about it and what about it, then? What do you want to know? My thinking? (Well, Your views.) My opinion? (Your opinion and Your thoughts on this.) If you want to know, by the way, I think it’s just exercise. There’s nothing else to do, and also to do damage control, because there’s so much bad news recently about molesting, killing children, (Oh, yes.) (Yes, Master.) raping children, and all this kind of ugly, devilish stuff. So they have to try do something that looks like positive. (Oh, right.) These are like politicians, they do damage control, (Oh, yes.) (Yes.) (Right, Master.) like distracting people’s attention to something good. And also blaming people for killing the priests. But the thing is, we don’t know how they died. If they are good and virtuous, they can be saints, I don’t care. (Yes, Master.) For me, they can. But according to something I read in the news, was that these priests, they were kind of practicing opposite to the teaching of Jesus, (Ah, right.) like doing many bad things. (Yes, Master.) And cooperated with the government to do many bad things against the normal people, like sadism, they call it. (Yes, Master.) Sexual molestation, or sadistic kind of actions against the normal, innocent people, in the sexual practice or just for pleasure. (Oh, gosh.) And that’s why they were killed, according to those news. (OK, Master.) Otherwise, why didn’t they kill any other religious priests? (Right. Yes, Master.) Buddhist priests or whatever. Or even Muslim priests. (Yes, Master.) These people, the Communards, they call them, and the whole France at that time, they were pretty much Catholic, and they believed in God. (Yes.) So, to kill these priests like this, is not normal. (Yes.) There must be something. (Yes, Master.) Besides, the government at that time killed about 25,000 Parisians, including women and kids, (Right.) and older people who were innocent. Kids! But the Communards, they killed about 1,300 and like 50 hostages, including the priests also. It’s not just all priests. (Yes.) They didn’t just kill priests only, there were also other people who were colluding with the government or these evil priests, according to the news, to practice sadism on normal, innocent people and maybe children. That’s why they did it. But originally, these Commune people, they did not want to kill them, they offered to exchange these priests with their own prisoners-of-war at that time. But the government wasn’t interested. Many times they refused to exchange. Even for one of their prisoners, the old revolutionary, to exchange for all the prisoners from the Communards. The Communards offered to exchange all the prisoners at one time, just for one of their old Communards, (Right.) and the government refused. So this government was the killer of the priests. (Yes.) And then they (the government) killed 25,000 of them, including women, children. (Wow.) So that’s how they had to kill those priests as well. Not a lot compared to all these innocent people who died, (Yes. Right.) and compared to whatever they have been practicing with the government at that time in Paris, molesting, torturing, sexually harassing, or abusing, raping the faithful. That’s how it happened. (Ah, yes, Master.) Otherwise, these Communards they did not want to kill anyone. They kept offering to exchange even all of the prisoners, including the priests, just for one of their soldiers. (Yes, Master.) Still the government refused. (Wow!) So, it’s not the Communards who were really killing the priests and the other prisoners, it was the government. (Right.) If they were truly Catholic at that time, if they truly believed the priests are important and good, then they should have exchanged at any cost. (Yes, Master. Right, Master. That’s correct.) But no! No. They wanted to just let it be. So the Communards finally killed them, because they killed all of their people, 25,000. According to the thing I read before. (Yes.) So, the thing is not like you just do anything. People truly have to research into the history. (Yes, Master.) And to truly know the facts before any event, (That’s right, Master.) because behind the curtain, there are many things that happened that people don’t know, (Correct, Master.) and just easy to blame anybody. (Yes, Master.) To kill the priest, you should not actually. If they are real priests of course, but if they are killing people, killing children, raping children, raping people, then maybe they are not priests anymore. (Yes, Master. Correct.) But, the government didn’t do anything. They did not even want to rescue the priests. (Ah, right. Yes.) Maybe that government did not even believe in those priests because they knew each other very well, what they had been doing together (Understand. Yes, Master.) So, they just couldn’t care less. Otherwise, how do you explain it? At that time, all the French people were Catholic, faithful Catholics, and believed in God. (Yes.) They wouldn’t have done such things. (Yes, Master.) There must be something that hardened them to this extent, (Yes, Master.) that they even made a revolution and even captured the priests. Because for them, to imprison the priests or to kill the priests is a great sin to them. They know that. (Right. Yes, Master.) They never wanted to even touch any priest or nuns. But there was a thing like this. (Yes, Master.) Maybe similar to what those priests nowadays keep doing to the children, raping them or molesting them. Torturing them and then murdering them. (Oh, my goodness!) Hundreds of thousands! (It’s terrible.) All these decades and years – and still continue, because they don’t just defrock them or anything, just one or two are defrocked, but never charged. I read in the news maybe one or two of them are charged, (Yes, Master.) for a prison term. Maybe some 20, 30 years, something. It depends on how big is the sin. They are not priests. They are pedophiles. (Yes. Right, Master.) They did worse than anybody else outside. (Wow!) They don’t just molest one or two even. A priest will molest several or more. (Yes, Master.) Or sometimes many priests molest one person, (Oh, God!) (Yes.) one child. You read the news. I don’t have to keep telling you. (Yes, Master.) It’s all open, but nobody does anything. They just shift those who are not charged, who still walk around, and even promote them to a higher position in the priesthood. (Oh my God. Terrible.) They don’t defrock them, they don’t excommunicate them, nothing. They just change them from one parish to another, one church to another, (Yes, Master.) so that he has a chance to do it elsewhere, until he’s found out again. Maybe they’ll be more skilled, I told you already. (Yes, Master.) More careful. Know how to do it without being caught again. I’m telling you, I’m so angry about all this, this terrible, injusticed society. (Yes, Master.) Part 2 ươi như [video=youtube]The True Saint Title, Part 2 of 7, Dec. 4, 2021 2021-12-29 Language: English Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Details Download Rtf I said to God, “Please help these faithful people. They do believe in You. Please, don’t let them lose faith in You, because where else will they turn to then? Just because of those evil priests that they lose their faith in You. It’s not their fault. Please forgive them, and help them, and bless them so that they can know how to find You again.” I’m telling you, I’m so angry about all this, this terrible, injusticed society. (Yes, Master.) Just one normal person, if he rapes somebody, he goes to jail. (Yes, Master.) And all these priests, they’re raping hundreds of thousands of children, and some adults as well. And nobody does anything! They will all go to hell: those who molest children, rape children, abusing their power, and those who have the power but ignore them, let them still walk around like an innocent person, like a normal law-abiding person. All of them will go to hell as well, not just those who committed the sin. Including the pope. Because he turned a blind eye. (Yes, Master.) All of them will go to hell because that’s the law of Heaven. It’s stated in all the Bibles, in all the scriptures of all the religions. (Yes, Master.) You don’t do such things. It’s already in the Five / Ten Commandments, you don’t commit adultery. Meaning, no illicit sex. (Yes. Right, Master.) And not to talk about the priests. (Exactly. Yes, Master.) This they teach to all of the faithful but they don’t do it. They did the opposite, and more horrific than normal people. (Yes, Master.) And all these governments, all this legal system, it’s just a laughing stock to me. It’s mocking Heavens and Earth. (Yes, Master.) So how can they even get away with it. No Heaven ever have this kind of low-life. You think all the Heaven people are like this? (No, Master. No, not at all. Definitely not.) Of course. So, only hells are like that. (Yes, Master.) Like attracts like. So, they will be attracted to hell. Sucked in there, and then do punishment. At that time, no Bible, no church, no lawyer can help them. God will turn Hiers head away. (Yes, Master.) God said, “Clean yourself of all the sins, otherwise when you pray, I will turn my head away.” (Yes, right.) (Yes.) So I don’t know why all the faithful still believe that the priest can pray for them. How can they pray for anybody when they themselves are so sinful? And eating meat, and drinking alcohol daily. Big chicken, big turkey and big steak, and all that. They’re eating it every day. And how can God even listen to their own prayers, not to talk about praying for somebody else. (Yes, Master.) So, it’s just useless, they are just big cheaters. (Yes.) The biggest cheaters of all, compared to all the small thieves and small robbers around the world. (Yes, Master.) I’m telling you this world is a mess. It’s truly like hell, almost like hell. In many areas. And even the Church is like hell like that. How can the society fare any better? (Yes, Master.) People have nowhere to turn to. (Right.) They lose their faith. (Right. Yes, Master.) I don’t blame them. I can’t blame them. I just hope they still believe in God. Not because of these ugly, evil priests that they will forsake God or forsake their faith in God. That’s all I hope for. That’s all I pray for. (Yes, Master.) I said to God, “Please help these faithful people. They do believe in You. Please, don’t let them lose faith in You, because where else will they turn to then? Just because of those evil priests that they lose their faith in You. It’s not their fault. Please forgive them, and help them, and bless them so that they can know how to find You again.” (Yes.) I pray like that, many times. Whenever I’m reminded of these atrocities from the so-called priests. Oh, my God. It’s like a second government. Worse than evil. (Yes, Master.) Talking about human rights, they all accuse the communists or China human rights violations and all that. (Yes.) And look at this church system. They are worse. (Yes, that’s right, Master.) It’s like a second government in the world with all Satans ruling in it. Not only they make people lose faith in the church, they also smear the honor of all the good priests as well. (Yes, Master. It’s true.) I know, I saw many priests who are even vegan, and the Catholic priests, they’re even vegan. "Interview by In Defense of Animals June 26, 2019 Father Donatello: I think just opening up that aspect of knowing that you know this is the way to go, if you're speaking like this, is the only way to really be that witness of Christ is to not eat animals anymore and to defend those who are being exploited in terms of where animals are used for experiments and entertainment." "Pastor Rob: 'And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every seed green herb for meat. And it was so.' In these verses, it refers to the vegetation as being meat. That’s our true meat, of what we should eat. This, I would have to say, is one of the few times God spoke to humans directly. Throughout this Bible, and every scripture I’ve read, I’ve yet to see many passages where the Lord speaks to us directly. It is irrefutable; it does not say that we can eat animals at any time. So, please, and this is specifically to any other pastors, clergy, ministers, priests, deacons, it’s the first chapter of the Bible, follow it. Preach veganism from your pulpit." No wonder even China, the government selects their own cardinals or priests. They don’t even have anything to do with the Vatican. Whether or not the Vatican recognizes them. (Yes, Master.) So, if they were a saint, my very much respectful salute and may they rest in God’s Benevolence. But if they were sinners, doing sadistic deeds against innocent children and women and men alike, then may they go to hell. (Yes, Master.) Not to talk about beatification, or martyrdom or anything. So, it’s not just because you die as a priest, you should be a martyr. It’s not like that. (Right, Master.) (Yes, Master.) If you are good and virtuous, then you are a saint. (Yes.) But not if you still eat meat and drink alcohol, no, like every other commoner in the pub. (Right, Master.) In the English pub, or the Irish pub. Then you are nothing! Just because you can read the Bible, that means nothing. Does it? (No, Master.) Anybody can read the Bible. (That’s right.) (True.) And at least they are honest, they married and they have children and they work hard for their own living. (Yes, Master.) They don’t cheat anybody to call them a priest and Reverend, this and that. And then eating people’s hard-earned money. Fat turkey, big chicken, or huge steak, and drinking alcohol and all that. (Yes, Master.) Ah! Just too good to be a priest! And even can molest children anytime. My God! Imagine that!? (It’s horrible.) (No, we can’t.) (Cannot.) (No, Master.) If any faithful are so devilish like them, then the government would condemn them and put them in jail. But these priests, they are walking tall, talking big. (Yes.) Just to eat well and drink. And drunken by alcohol. Doing nothing good. Not just doing nothing good but harm people. Hurt people, hurt children. See what I’m saying? (Right Master.) (Yes, Master.) At least the government should forbid them to ever be priests again, so they don’t have any more chances to harm their own little children citizens. (That’s right, Master.) But no! They continue to turn blind eyes. The governments in the world don’t care if the children suffer in the dark, alone, helpless, defenseless, have nowhere to run. My God. Tell me, is that all good justice? (No, Master. Not at all.) (It’s not.) They are legally protected. (Yes, Master.) While the government’s spending a lot of money just to jail those small crooks. (Yes.) Small thieves or small pedophiles. They’re nothing compared to this evil in the black robe or pink robe. I don’t care, white robe, whatever they wear. (Right, Master.) (Yes, Master.) They stain the Church’s name. (Yes.) They blackened the teaching of Jesus. (That’s right, Master.) They bloodied the walls of whatever church they are in. (Yes.) (Yes, Master.) And the biggest priest of all, the pope, does nothing. Just protects them, and sends them elsewhere, or even promotes them to higher priesthood, my God, so that they can molest more children!! All these are evil! Devils! They are devils. They’re working for the devils. They are not working for God. You can see it or not? (Yes, Master, we can.) I’m not scared to say anything like this, because it’s all truth. (Yes.) "Message from the Archbishop July 31, 2021 Vigano (m): We have come to a point that even simple people with little knowledge of doctrinal issues, understand that we have a non-Catholic pope, at least in the strict sense of the term." "Media Report from Euronews Aug. 27, 2018 Reporter (m): [Archbishop] Vigano says he has proof that as of the year 2000, the Vatican authorities had been informed by the nunciature in the United States, a former cardinal and Archbishop of Washington Theodore McCarrick’s immoral conduct. Unsanctioned, McCarrick was instead promoted to Archbishop and Cardinal. Vigano, a conservative, listed his allegations over 11 pages, including explosive phrases, such as, 'We must tear down the conspiracy of silence with which bishops and priests have protected themselves at the expense of their faithful.' It was Vigano himself who sent the Vatican a dossier against McCarrick. He did the same in 2008, forwarding to the highest Vatican authorities an even more damning report, but nothing was done. The church and indeed all churches are under increasing attack from governments and public institutions seeking to make them answerable to the law." It’s like the daylight truth. Isn’t it? (Yes, Master.) (It is.) Let me take some breath, please. I’m so anguished inside. You know, I’m so… I’m so hurt. Worse than if I am myself in that situation. (Oh, Master…) Oh, dear God, please help us. Please, I beg You again and again. Please protect the children. Please, please protect the children. Please enlighten those parents. Let them protect their children. Please let the parents watch all these priests in any church like a hawk; always check on their children, and listen to the children’s complaints. Don’t push it aside, please, because they will be telling the truth if the priests begin to lust after them, and begin to groom them for future molestation and rape, and murder, whatever not. Please, please help these children. Please, help their parents to understand that this is serious, so that they can keep an eye on their children, or better don’t send them to any church. And if they do have to send, or they do want to send, they have to keep an eye on them. They have to keep an eye on them all the time. All the time, otherwise their children will suffer, suffer… Oh, please. My heart doesn’t feel good. I’ll call you back, OK? (Yes, Master.) I’ll call you back. (OK, Master.) Few minutes, yeah? (Yes, Master.) I need to go out, take some fresh air, drink some water. I’ll come back. (Please, Master.) (Yes, Master.) Don’t go away. (We’ll be here, Master.)[/video] . The True Saint Title, Part 3 of 7, Dec. 4, 2021 2021-12-30 Language:English Part https://suprememastertv.com/en1/v/154918293273.html 1234567 Details And I will not tell anything untrue to you. Even if it’s risky for my safety or anything. I have to do what I must do, according to all the teachings of all the good religions in the world. That is, be truthful. Because the truth will help somebody to understand, so they won’t make mistakes again, or they will try to avoid the trouble and pain by believing those who they should not believe. I have to protect the truth, and protect these innocent children, because even governments are powerful, have all this legal system and court case, and do nothing to protect them. So I have to say it openly so the parents and the children, at least they take precautions. Instead of helping anybody, they just sit there, eat themselves to obesity and then drink alcohol until they are drunk. How can anybody like that help you? (No.) And lead the faithful to God? You must be joking. This is the ultimate of all cheating. …I hope the people outside understand also, and be careful, and protect their children. That’s the purpose of my talk. We mortals cannot beatify anybody, truly, if we ourselves don’t have any quality. How can you make somebody a saint if you yourself are a sinner?
Be Vegan, make peace.
2021-12-30, 12:56 PM
. Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Christmas Message, December 24-25, 2021 2021-12-30 Details To mark the special celebration, Master kindly called some of the Supreme Master Television team members, sharing Her thoughts and Wisdom about Lord Jesus Christ’s exceptional Love and the world’s current state. The next day, on December 25, 2021, our Most Compassionate Master called more Supreme Master Television team members to convey Her wishes for the occasion. She elaborated further on Lord Jesus’ sacrifice, and those who fail to appreciate it, as well as spoke about the Omicron variant. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all who can enjoy and also to the patients in the hospitals, to the immigrant people who have not yet settled down anywhere or who are stranded somewhere, and to all the animal-people, to all beings in the sea, in the air and stationed in the ground, trees, plants, flowers. We also wish all the doctors and nurses and hospital personnel, and all fields of essential workers, a better year ahead and some rest, some break, some relaxing time. May God bless all the good working people and may God bless our planet for a better future. And bless all humans to be awakened, to turn to a more benevolent way of life, such as a vegan diet. Thank You, God and all the angels, who help us in any way. I wish all of you, and of course your brothers and sisters, all the initiates in the Quan Yin Method and other religious or meditation practitioners, all good people, all of you try to have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in a world that we can hardly find much happiness anymore. Try to remember God and ask for blessing, for protection, and for happiness, contentment as much as possible. We can continue to pray for all of us on Earth as well as on other planets in the Universe. May God enlighten us, protect us and forgive us all. The happiness and peace and contentment actually are in the hands of all humanity, more than in the hands of other species. Humans have more power, more privilege and more chance to make this world a paradise. […] This is a time for great change, and they should take this opportunity to leap, to leapfrog into a new dimension, new consciousness, new level of spiritual elevation. […] Our Taiwanese (Formosan) Association members also showed their utmost respect and affection for Supreme Master Ching Hai with an inspiring poem written especially for Her. I really wish that the Omicron is just the way it is, but it’s not. I can’t tell more. I can’t tell details, but it’s not the way it is. Oh, it’s going to destroy humans. To learn what makes enlightened Masters special, the true meaning of being pagan, and why Satan wants to spread more darkness, please tune in to Between Master and Disciples on Wednesday, January 26, 2022, for the full broadcast of these phone calls.
Be Vegan, make peace.
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