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When Honesty Is Lost: Signs of the Last Hour from the Hadith, Part 3 of 16, Nov. 14, 2021
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You can’t even call them priests. They’re not! How can they be a priest? (No, Master.) Just to put on that robe and then cheating the whole world, and killing children. Not just physically but emotionally, psychologically. All their life, they will never forget, even if they are not murdered. (Yes, Master.) They’re dead already, emotionally.

When I was younger, I read the Buddhist sutra. The Buddha said that this world is full of demons and ghosts, and terrifying beings. (Yes, Master.) I read, but I did not understand. I read, but I thought it’s just like a story. (Yes.) You know, like when you were younger, you were told to read many stories or you were told the story is about, in a deep forest somewhere, or some horror house, the witch will cook the children and eat them and all that. (Yes, Master.) (It’s true.) We’re almost similar, anyway. We cook the pig-person to eat. We cook the chicken-person to eat. It’s almost similar, right? (Yes, Master.) Except they’re not humans.
And even they kill the children in abortion in order to worship Satan. And it’s legal! (Oh, Gosh.) Then what’s the use of locking up some of the murderers? (Right, Master.) Or some people, even in self-defense, they have to kill. (Yes.) What’s the use of all this so-called legal system? (Yes, Master.) It’s truly all evil. (Yes, Master.)
And recently, there was some murder in England. One of the MPs (Member of Parliament) was murdered. I’m very, very sorry about that. And this person just did it in the name of Islam ‒ supposed to be ‒ to support some of the so-called Muslim groups, (Yes, Master.) the so-called terrorist groups. They are the ones that keep bombing in Afghanistan, for example. (Yes, Master.) He killed for that. It doesn’t matter if that MP was good or not good. That was in England. (Yes, Master.)
And then in Iraq, they just attacked another big politician. I think he’s a prime minister, which is a very sad thing. (Yes.) You see, sometimes they kill just for nothing. (Right.) Has nothing to do with them, not even provoking them, nothing.
And in England, people are tolerant. They have all kinds of races there. They have all kinds of religions. (Yes, Master. Exactly.) Nobody does anything to a Muslim. On the contrary, they were Muslims who bombed the train and who damaged this area and that area, who killed this and that person, or the public. (Yes, Master.) Otherwise, the English people, they have many religions there that nobody harassed the Muslims or anything. (Yes, Master.) They are the ones who first caused trouble. And then just recently killed an MP, Member of Parliament. (Yes, Master.) And it’s not the first one, either. (Yes, Master.)
And then recently, they attacked the Prime Minister of Iraq. And the pope immediately condemned it.

"Media Report from Rome Reports in English-Nov. 9, 2021 Reporter (f): The pope sent a telegram to the prime minister of Iraq to express his closeness following an assassination attempt on the politician’s life. The pope called the attack a 'vile act of terrorism' and assured the prime minister of his prayers for his family and country."

Oh! So fake and so ugly. (Yes.) Just always siding for the powerful. You see that? (Yes, Master.) So that he can have a good relationship with the Iraqi politicians, just to consolidate his position as a pope. You know, I can see through. (Yes, Master.) And all this time, nothing about the children molested and murdered. (Yes, Master.) By his own priests!
Holy priests! (Wow.) All of you can go to hell. All of you! You WILL go to hell. There’s no way you can escape that. No God, no Heaven would tolerate that. Heavens have never had such low-lifes. (Yes, Master.) And they think they can just do anything, and they just go and confess to another priest then they’ll be forgiven. You must be joking, or you must be a retard to believe like that.
I told you already, the mother of Maudgalyayana. (Yes, Master.) His mother just gave meat to the monks, cheating and telling them that these are vegan, and she had to go to hell, and eating hot coal instead of food. (Yes.) And even he had so big magical power, he could not help her at all. He went down there, he gave her food and they all turned into burning coal. (Wow, yes.) So if you don’t have merit, even food turns to poison, or will kill you. Not to talk about having bad karma. (Yes, Master.)
All these church priests and the pope, they will all go to hell. I tell you the whole truth and nothing hidden. I’m not afraid to say it. (Yes, Master.) The way they do, the way they support all the badness and cover up for the church people and all that so that they continue to have the power. (Yes, Master.) Because if they fired all these priests, then they don’t have a grip on many locations in the world. That’s why. (Yes, Master.) And immediately condemned the attack on the PM. I am very sorry for that and for his family as well. You know, the victim, the prime minister of Iraq. (Yes, Master.)
But why the pope just condemned that and nothing else? There is no clear definition about the church and the priests, and what they should do. (Yes, Master.) It’s like a blurred line, that anybody can come in, don the frock, and that’s it: you’re “holy.” Can you believe that? (No.) Any of you are even better than these so-called “holy” “holes.”
I’m still not over it yet. (Yes, Master.) Because imagine if it’s me. Imagine if you are those children. (Yes.) Molested, tortured, and then murdered in the dark, and just buried in n’importe où, meaning anywhere, (Yes. It’s terrible.) to cover up, and nobody even knew all these decades until now. (Yes, Master.) And it’s not one, not two. Hundreds of thousands of them. (Yes, Master.) So it’s like a system, (Wow.) like an open system, legally protected. Legally can do.

"Media Report from CBS-Oct. 18, 2018 Reporter (f): In 2015, George Koharchik admitted to sexually abusing several children during a grand jury investigation. He was defrocked but never criminally charged.
Media Report from CBS-Aug. 13, 2021 Victim (f): Just my abuser alone, how many victims came forward to me, that was mind-blowing to me, also. He admitted, in the grand jury report, his abuse. The institution covered and protected him for years so he walks freely in my neighborhoods."
"Interview by CBS-Aug. 9, 2018 Reporter (f): How many of you believe that right now a child is being abused at the hands of a priest? How does this happen??
James (m): It appears that there’s something in the DNA of the church that encourages this.
Reporter (f): James Faluszczak says witnessed the church’s secrecy and sex abuse cover-ups firsthand, not only as a victim, but also during his 18 years in the priesthood.
James (m): As I made my way through ministry, it became very clear to me that this was a systemic issue, almost like a contagion, that this was an epidemic."
"Interview by the Wall Street Journal–Jul. 13, 2019 Victim (m): It was a crime that happened to us. Since when should the church be allowed to handle criminal cases? Why isn’t it in front of the judicial system, as it should be?"

And then by the way, anyone who kills another person has to go to jail or be executed. You see that? (Yes, Master.) And it’s all over on the newspapers and everything, and went to all great lengths just to kill that murderer. (Yes.) And look at all these priests and all these so-called “holy” priests, they’re molesting, torturing, murdering children in the dark. Nobody knows even! And the children cannot do anything, they’re so helpless. Innocent and helpless. (Yes, Master.)
Oh, my God! God forgive me, but I hate all these ugly devils. That’s what I would call them. You can’t even call them priests. They’re not! How can they be a priest? (No, Master.) Just to put on that robe and then cheating the whole world, and killing children. Not just physically but emotionally, psychologically. All their life, they will never forget, even if they are not murdered. (Yes, Master.) They’re dead already, emotionally. (That’s right.)

"Interview by CBS-Aug. 9, 2018 Abusevictim (f): The word abuse gets thrown around, we’re talking rapes. They murdered something in me. Something died. Everything I believed, died."
"Interview by CBS–Sept. 7, 2018 Carolyn (f2): Every day of my life, I think about running my car into a pole or off of a bridge.
Teresa (f): It is literal torture. Soul-murdering torture. Every day. Nobody should live like this, with this pain."

And they’ll probably never believe in God again. They turn them into atheists. (Yes.) Or an even more angry youth or angry person. They might turn into some criminal, because they cannot believe anything anymore. They don’t care anymore. They’re just too angry, anguished. They had to do something to revenge, to flush it all out of their system. (Yes.) And they might not do it right. They will never be the same again. They will never grow up as a normal person. You got that? (Yes, Master.) They are broken. They are a broken person since childhood already.
And this is the utmost evil! I condemn all of these people again, again and again!!! And may they go to hell!!! As soon as possible!!! I’m not sorry saying anything like that. (Yes, Master.) These are evil. They just cheat. The whole world is blind to let them continue in their job. (Yes.) I don’t know what kind of immunity they have. They have none. They have no right. They are also the citizens of the world. You understand what I’m saying? (Yes, Master.)
Like even, for example, Mr. Assange. And Snowden. (That’s right.) They just reported the truth, and then all the governments want ‒ especially America wants to extradite them to America in order to charge them. (Yes, Master.) Just that. Not that they tell lies or do anything. They tell the truth only. (Yes.) And they are still in prison or exiled to another country because they cannot live in their own country. And Julian Assange, he’s not even American. They wanted to extradite him to America even. (Yes, Master.)
So why do the church people have any immunity? For what? There is no frontier anymore nowadays. If you do some bad thing, they even send you to Holland, The Hague, to judge you in the International Criminal Court there. No matter which country you come from, no matter how big a shot you were. (Yes, Master.)

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Be Vegan, make peace.
When Honesty Is Lost: Signs of the Last Hour from the Hadith, Part 2 of 16, Nov. 14, 2021
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Because if you don’t have the inner experience, the inner happiness and inner bliss of enlightenment, then you cannot have faith that strongly. (Yes. True, Master.) That’s why sometimes many people who come in to listen to the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, or any Master in the past, they just come in but they don’t take away anything.

So each book has mostly very small phrases. (Yes, Master.) Just some sentences and some, maybe, maximum is about 20 sentences, something like that. (Yes.) Some are bigger, but rarely, mostly because sometimes the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, maybe didn’t talk a lot. But whatever He said, it’s concentrated and true. Just like even the Christians, they say the opposite, “Whatever you don’t want, don’t do it to others.” (Yes. That’s right.) And, “Love others like you love yourself.” It’s similar. Similar. The Buddha also said that. In Jainism or Hinduism, they say similar things. (Oh, yes, Master.)
“Love others, just like you love yourself.” Then, you will have faith. What does it mean “have faith”? Meaning he will be more enlightened. He will be enlightened. He will understand and have more faith in the teaching of the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, or the Master. Because if you don’t have the inner experience, the inner happiness and inner bliss of enlightenment, then you cannot have faith that strongly. (Yes. True, Master.) That’s why sometimes many people who come in to listen to the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, or any Master in the past, they just come in but they don’t take away anything. Because either their level is still too low, their belief is too thin, or they were not interested really in the Master’s teaching, just come in because somebody tells them to come in, or just follow somebody else, or just come in for curiosity. (Right. Understand.)
When you wish for others what you wish for yourself, that means you have enough love to consider others’ feelings as much as your feelings. Or you feel the pain of others, you feel the happiness of others, you feel the nobility, even, of others, not necessarily just the needy part. Or the troubled part. But when you wish for someone else as if you wish it for yourself, then you have really already become quite selfless. (Yes, Master.) If whatever you don’t like and you give it to others, then it’s not much value. Is it? (No, Master.)
Therefore, the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, said to His disciples that, “None of you will have faith till he wishes for his brother,” at that time, it’s a Muslim brother, “what he likes for himself.”
That is the thing that many people don’t practice, maybe don’t deeply understand, because each one just is too much for him or herself, and forget that other people are suffering around him. Just like, for example, in the church, the children have been molested and nobody cares. You see that? (Yes, Master.) So many thousands of them, and that is unrecorded. Others are not recorded, you don’t even know how many more. (Yes, Master.) And children are killed, molested, and then murdered to cover up, and buried in some unknown graveyard or under the school basement and all that. (That’s right. Yes, Master.)

“Interview by CBC News - Jun 3, 2015 Indigenous residential school abuse survivor(m): I remember when we had to shower. You don’t have to show me how to shower and wash myself, how to wash my private parts of [my] body. You only have to show a kid once or twice at the most, but not every day, and have a supervisor come in there and basically take advantage of you.”
“Interview by CBC News - Jun 5, 2021 Kamloops Indian residential school abuse survivor(f): Many times we got knocked to the floor by the nuns and they would call us a whore. We don’t even know what a whore is. I was raped there at the Indian school. For me, it followed me through my life: the anger, the fear, the shame.”
“Interview by CBC News - Jun 3, 2015 Indigenous residential school abuse survivor’s mother: My first two boys went, and then a couple years after, the next two boys went. And so on, as they got older. I told them to be strong. I had always told them to be strong, to be able to take it like the other children. (So you sent 11 kids to residential school? How many of them do you think were strong through that?) None of them. None of them.”

Oh, my God, this is truly evil. Truly evil beyond all evils. Beyond war, even. Beyond the evil of war. When people go to war, at least they have some reason to kill. (Yes.) OK. They defend for their country or for their government, their people, something like that. (Yes, Master.) But these are just murders and molesting children with no excuse whatsoever. (Yes, shocking.) (Yes. It’s terrible, Master.) So how can anybody even believe in such a system of the church or anything at all? Nowadays, many people went out of the church. I don’t blame them. It’s truly evil.
These people, they’re not real. They must be Satan’s subordinates who reincarnated, just to exercise the satanic doctrine. (Yes, exactly.) The evil kind of system. They are not priests, they are not even human. They really want to destroy the church and the doctrine of Jesus, to make people not believe in the church and the teaching of Lord Jesus anymore. (Yes, Master.) Who wouldn’t be shaken, knowing all this and reading all these reports? (That’s true.)

“Media Report from BBC – Oct. 5, 2021 Reporter(f): More than 200,000 children have been victims of pedophile priests and other clergy over the last 70 years in France.”
“Media Report from DW – Sept. 25, 2018 Reporter(f): The latest study says more than 1,600 German clergy sexually abused children under their protection, and that in the last 70 years, there have been at least 3,677 victims.”
Media Report from CBS – Aug. 9, 2018 Reporter(f): Grand jury report details allegations against more than 300 predator priests in six dioceses covering more than 1.7 million parishioners.”
“Interview by Fusion – Feb. 18, 2016: There was one time that there were like four priests at the same time. (Four priests at the same time?) Yes, and they would come in one by one. And it didn’t stop until I became pregnant by one of them.”
“Interview by CBS – Oct. 18, 2018 Abuse victim(m): [emotional] My wife just constantly reassuring me, I haven’t done anything wrong.”

Now, there is another story… That was just one, Book Two. Book Two, Number 12. There’s one paragraph only. And so, there’s not much more I want to say.
Oh, actually, I wanted to tell you that, concerning all these children molesting and murdering… (Yes, Master.) My God. Poor children. How can anybody be so evil? So evil, beyond evil. Oh, God.
I read another story somewhere in the Jewish folklore, (Yes, Master.) that the devils, they are also worshiping God. (Oh?) But they’re still doing all the devil things. But they say they are also with the church, and they worship God and all that. And one person was trapped, kind of by chance having met these people. And he saw that they were worshipping God and reading the Torah and all that. (Yes, Master.) So he was thinking, “Oh, this is a good place.” And then he came in and they said, “Oh, you don’t know what we’re going to do with you yet.” You see? (Whoa.) In the Jewish folklore, there’re several stories like that, that the devils also worship God. But they kill anyone who happens to be lost and have this misfortune to meet them. They say after worshiping, they were going to deal with him. They wanted to harm him or kill him, whatever.
Maybe I will stumble upon that story again and then we will elaborate more about that. (Yes, Master.) But when I read that, I thought, “How can that be?” If they’re devils, then they cannot be worshiping God. (Yes, Master.) (Right, Master.) But if you see nowadays with all this news about all the priests that are doing unimaginable, cruel, inhumane and evil things to the children, then you know it should be true also anywhere else, any other time. Then maybe those stories are not just in the stories, they’re in reality as well. (Yes, Master.)
Oh, when I talk about this, I’m so angry. Oh, I’m so angry. I’m so angry. They waste so much of people’s hard-earned money, just to sit there, eat all the dead corpses from the animal-people and drinking alcohol and wine and whatever, and then do all these kinds of evil things. (Yes.) And I don’t understand how can this kind of system still exist? And nobody does anything! (Yes, Master.)
If it is like, for example, the Americans, sometimes they go to another country to have war because the government there may be molesting people or oppressing people. (Yes.) And then the people ask the Americans to come to help. (Yes, Master.) And here, right in front of everybody, even in America as well, molesting children, murdering children, in Canada and all over the world. And nobody does anything! And even England, for example, refused to deal with all this kind of children murdering and molesting, when people wanted to talk about it. They don’t even want to acknowledge it. They don’t want to deal with it. How can this be? So, this world is truly… it’s not a humane place. (No, Master.) My God.
I asked Heavens how much percentage of humans is worthy of Heaven places after they die. They told me only 10%. (Oh! Wow.) (That’s so low.) Yeah, so low. I just asked yesterday, not just now. When I’m in meditation, there are many things I find out. (Yes, Master.) When I’m busy, of course, I cannot. When I’m busy, I’m dealing with different things, but in the meditation it’s deeper. (Yes.)
Imagine. And so, the rest, whom are we living with now? (Yes, Master.) That’s why everywhere is killing, cheating, molesting, all on the top. (Oh, yes.) Starting all from the top. You see? (Yes, Master.) From the pope down to the other priests and even cardinals and all that. (Yes.) And then from the top government, from the president downward, all cheating, just to sit there. All cheating just to get power, in different ways. Cheating this way or that way. (Yes.) Or cheating in the election and all that. (Yes, Master.) So, it is not really a good world at all. (No, Master.) It’s truly terrifying when you know all about it. (Yes, Master.)
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When Honesty Is Lost: Signs of the Last Hour from the Hadith, Part 1 of 16, Nov. 14, 2021
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Mostly it’s about the stories that are narrated about the Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be Upon Him, about His life. (Ah, yes, Master.) And about His talks or teachings, or mentioning a note here and there during His lifetime, and the disciples, some of them have noted down and made it into a book called Hadith.

How are you, guys? (Very good, Master. Hallo!) A little bit like echoing. Kind of blurred, the voice. But I heard you; you said you’re OK, right? (Yes, Master.)
(How is Master?) Oh, She’s OK. She doesn’t have enough time to think how She is or anything; wherever pain or whatever, She fixes it. And that’s it. Fix it and forget it. Just like that. (Yes.) Anytime. It’s OK for being a Master. It could be worse. (Yes, Master. We are lucky.) I’m very grateful that that’s all there is. It could be worse. The astral body is taking a lot of karma and pain, but the physical body is still OK. (Oh, Master.) It affects a little bit. I mean, quite decently. Otherwise, the physical body still functions.
By the way, are you all alright in winter, no pain, no aching anywhere? (No, Master.) (We are all right. We’re OK.) (Thank You, Master.) You’re all OK? (Yes.) Good. Good.

I’m going to read you something from the Hadith. Some parts. (OK, Master. Thank You, Master.) Hadith is a very big book and it has like nine volumes. And each volume is also quite a decent volume. (Right.) I’m not sure how many volumes we will be able to read. Some things are interesting and some things are less interesting. Mostly it’s about the stories that are narrated about the Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be Upon Him, about His life. (Ah, yes, Master.) And about His talks or teachings, or mentioning a note here and there during His lifetime, and the disciples, some of them have noted down and made it into a book called Hadith. (Right. Understand.)
They even recorded some very minute details like how he would take a bath and all that. It’s really very, very alive. Very lively book. I don’t think anybody would have noticed so much about other Masters’ lives like this Hadith. Well, I guess the Buddha. The Buddha’s stories are also very, very detailed. (Yes, Master.)
Excuse me. Did you hear anything? (Yes. Yes, we did.) I just sneezed. (Bless You, Master.) Thank you, thank you.
It’s winter. (Yes, Master.) Winter, and sometimes I come in and out too quickly, I forgot to put on warmer clothes. (Oh, right.) I don’t like to wear a lot of clothes. So, when I’m in the room, I don’t carry them. Only when I go outside. It’s cold outside, so I should wear it. But sometimes it’s so urgent, I forgot. Sometimes I have to run fast somewhere, you know. So, you know, I don’t really have time to dress up and make up for you. Sorry. (That’s OK, Master.) (That’s OK, we can hear You, that’s good already. Thank You.)
Yeah, you should think like that because in the old time, even to see the Master, you have to arrange a lot, a lot. (Yes, Master.) Or even have to leave your country. (Yes.) And not seeing the Master even after, after the Master passed away to Nirvana or to Heavens, whatever you call it, many people had to devote all their life in order to go to a certain place to acquire this kind of book or that kind of holy book. (Yes, Master.) Like the Torah. Some people devote all their life just to study it. So they became like priests. (Oh right, yes.) It’s very treasured, those holy books. And then, like the Buddha has passed up to Nirvana, but people still devote their life. Some of the faithful had to devote all their life in order to study all the Buddhist sutras. Just like many rabbis, they devoted their life, traveling a long distance in order to study the Torah, with a learned, religious person. (Yes, Master.)
So we are very lucky nowadays, we just push a button, and then push another button to print it out. Like what your brother printed out for me, and sent to me, because I requested it, I don’t have it with me. I probably have it somewhere in other rooms or other residences far away somewhere. But I keep moving too much, I don’t even know where my things are anymore. (Oh Master… Understand.) And there are so many books to take around, you know, right? (Yes, Master.) All the Buddhist sutras, not all, but even some are very heavy already. (Yes.) And then the Jewish stories, (Yes, Master.) and then the Torah or the Koran, the Holy Bibles. (Yes, Master.) Multi-dimensional. (Right.) That is the thing. Not many Masters in the past had to do this. Only I. And God knows why Hes chose such a frail woman to do such a heavy job.
If you’re a Buddhist monk, it’s good enough that you study some of the Buddhist sutras. And people would think you’re learned and good enough already. (Yes, Master.) Many, they don’t even get to study. Maybe many Hinayana monks don’t even get to know the Surangama Sutra and other sutras. (Oh.) So if you could even study all the Buddhist sutras, that’s supposed to be very good already, good monk already. And I have to study so many different religious holy scriptures. (Yes, Master.) Because you want them, you like them. I mean, not you, I mean the so-called disciples, in general. (Yes, right.)
I have to clarify, because not everybody reads the Bible and understands it. (Yes, true.) And not many read the Surangama Sutra and have any idea about it. (Yes, Master.) Generally, they misunderstand a lot or don’t know how to explain it. (Yes.)

OK. Let’s go to the Hadith now. Just because I promised before that, when I have time, I will read some for you, so I do it now. (Thank You, Master.) You’re welcome.
OK. This is from Volume One, Book Two, Number 12. There’s one person named Anas. He has heard the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, say something, so he recorded it. Because there are many disciples. (Oh, yes, Master.) And the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, had been in different places and with different groups of people, sometimes with one or two and sometimes with a big group. And maybe they assign whatever group he’s been in. Maybe one person was assigned to record. (Oh, yes, Master.) Just like in our group, you see sometimes during my talk, one sister or one brother, keeps noting things, what I’m saying, just the essence. (Yes.) So that they can distribute it at home or maybe put it on our magazine. (Yes, Master.) So like that.
This person, his name’s Anas, he said that the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him… I think the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him Forever. Maybe sometimes I forget to say that, I hope the Muslims don’t mind. I do all this and say His name, His title with all respect from the depth of my heart. And you know that. (Yes, Master.) If there’re any Muslims among you, please forgive.
So the Prophet said, Peace Be Upon Him, “None of you will have faith until he wishes for his brother,” means the Muslim brother at that time, “what he likes for himself.” Meaning, whatever you like, whatever you wish for yourself, you should wish for others first, your brother. Brother meaning the brother in faith. (Yes, Master.) That’s how the Muslims, they stay strong. They really knit with each other tightly, (Yes, Master.) because they listen to the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him.
At that time, you must know it was a very difficult time for the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him. Very difficult for Him and for His disciples. He had to keep moving and then He had to run to another city in order to have safety. (Yes. Yes, Master.) The government at that time was really hard upon them, persecuting His disciples, and wanted to kill the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, as well, as the history recorded.
So this is just one of the Prophet’s, Peace Be Upon Him, teaching. And they probably cannot write the whole thing, so they just write whatever is most important. (Oh, yes, Master.) This is from Anas. And many others also recorded many things, each of them recorded something. Maybe they divided, like maybe only write the first, and the other one writes the middle, and the other one writes the end, or something like that. (Yes, Master.)

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Be Vegan, make peace.

Be Vegan, make peace.

Be Vegan, make peace.
When Honesty Is Lost: Signs of the Last Hour from the Hadith, Part 10 of 16, Nov. 14, 2021

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So now you can see, truly, honesty is lost. Like fraud in elections. (Yes.) It’s already the big dishonesty. The Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, said, “When honesty is lost, then wait for the Hour.” Just even one quality lost, only honesty lost, then wait for the Hour. Meaning it’s coming. (Yes.) Doomsday is coming.

So that’s how they use the system in this world, like lobbying. (Yes.) Lobbying in the political arena and then lobby also in the church. And if you don’t pay the tax for the church, when you die, no priest will come to you. That’s what my ex-husband told me. (Yes.) Then he was so happy to hear that in Buddhism, you don’t have to do that, the monks still come to you, to pray for you if you want. (Yes, Master.) So he thought he had to pay a lot of tax for the church. They take it automatically. Then you can say that you are a Catholic. And then when you die, they come to rescue your soul. Because you “paid” for it. If you don’t pay then you’re not registered, and then you’ll be dead and go to hell. If you are poor, then I don’t think you can be rescued. You don’t pay the tax. Church tax. What kind of religion is that? What do they do with Jesus’ teaching? (Yes.) What a shame. (Yes.) (True.)

The people in this world, they do all bad things or sinful stuff against Heavens, against universal law, and then blame God. (Yes.) “If You exist, why do we have war, why do we have famine, why this and that? Why pandemics?” (Yes, Master.) We sow, but we don’t want to reap. This is humans.
No wonder God doesn’t want this world, I’m telling you. Sometimes I just want to let it be. I feel tired also. (Yes, Master.) Feel tired. Feel tired of all this rubbish, from the top already. (Yes.) What else? What else can this world become? Only 10% are worthy of Heaven, my God. Up to now. Maybe more in the future, I hope so, but it cannot be that much because they don’t listen to anything that is good. (Yes.) They just choose the easy way. That’s why many are Catholics, but rarely a Buddhist. Buddhist followers are a lower number. (Yes, Master.)

So now you can see, truly, honesty is lost. Like fraud in elections. (Yes.) It’s already the big dishonesty. The Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, said, “When honesty is lost, then wait for the Hour.” Just even one quality lost, only honesty lost, then wait for the Hour. Meaning it’s coming. (Yes.) Doomsday is coming. (Yes, Master.)
So, the follower asked Him again, “How will that be lost?” The Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, said, “When the power or authority comes in the hands of unfit persons, then wait for the Hour.” Because that’s how honesty will be lost. It’s true, isn’t it? (Yes, Master.)

Being a pope, being a priest and they do exactly against common moral standard, not to talk about being a priest, a holy person. (Yes, Master.) Ordinary people don’t go and rape children. No? (No, Master.) No! I mean, some here and there, but not like that. (Yes.) And they’re ordinary people only. They work hard, they earn their labor’s payment. They don’t cheat.
These big shots sitting in the church, they’re all cheaters. All robbers, because they’re not worthy of their upkeep. They’re not worthy of their food. They just cheat, and they do all the bad things and still get paid. And get paid very lavishly. Living in the luxury anywhere they go. And being pampered and protected from their crimes even. My God. If this is not hell, then what? (Yes.) If they are not devils, then what? Tell me. (Yes. Obvious.) Yeah, it’s obvious.
Obvious that these are devils. (Yes, Master.) Because even ordinary people, they are not priests and they may not even know Catholicism or anything, they don’t do such things. (That’s right, Master.) They earn an honest living. (Yes, Master.) They protect children, even their neighbor’s children. They’re not going to do this kind devil, evil things to the children. (Yes.) And then proclaim that they’re holy. My… My foot.
Oh, I cannot believe it. I cannot. I could talk forever because I’m so anguished inside about what they do to the children, and everybody turns a blind eye to it. So the whole society is rotten, whoever supports, whoever keeps silent.
Keeping silence also means condoning. (Yes, Master.) And the one priest in Germany wanted to resign because he feels that he failed, that he did not defend for the helpless children who are molested and raped and all that. (Yes, Master.) And then he wanted to resign and the pope said, “No.” He is the only one that said something good, and the pope didn’t let him resign. If I were that priest, I’d just resign. I’d just turn my back to all these rotten churches and so-called representatives of the church or the priests. (Yes, Master.) And he says he feels so ashamed. Me too. Me too, if I were that priest. (Yes, Master.)
They just try to protect their position and their power, regardless of who suffers, who dies, who is molested. (Yes, Master.) If this is not evil, then what? (It is evil, Master. It is.) (It’s clear.) It is clear. Nobody would do such things like those evil priests.
Oh, my God. And they are still there. (Yes, Master.) They’re still there in numbers. I don’t know what else is going on still behind the closed door, to these poor children and altar boys and little babies even, of six years old, or even younger or a little bit older.
Oh, my God! So much evil and nobody does anything. The governments of all the world just keep silent. How can this be?? And imprison any other little thief or any little robber. Even like Snowden, he just tells the truth, and then he lost his country. See that? (Yes, Master.)
And here, all these evil criminals are living well, living in luxury, living in high prestige. My God! If this is not hell, then what is it?

"Democracy Now! Interview – Aug. 16, 2018 Interviewer (f): What happens when a priest is caught, what, embezzling? (They’re in jail. Immediately. You can’t steal from the church. The church steals from you. It’s not a two-way street. That is not a two-way street with the church. Money flows one direction.) When a priest steals the life of a child, the dignity of a child… (Part of me feels that there is a… I have to say that there has to be a part of the church that feels that that is their benevolent right of some kind. I really just… It’s starting to seem like there is a percentage of the church that feels like it is their divine right to do this. It is so systemically huge.)"
"Democracy Now! Interview – Aug. 16, 2018: Well, the day I stepped into the religious life at the age of 18, after having graduated from high school as the top senior of my class, this person said to me, this superior said to me, 'Bob, you’re a cold person. I’m going to have to warm you up.' He continued that mantra on for the entire year until the second superior I had in the novitiate, which is the most important year of formation, because that’s where you learn the spiritual life. Well, that superior sexually abused me. And then when I reported it to another superior, he told me that, yes, I was preyed upon. But that night, he crept into bed and sexually assaulted me in the same way that I had described to him several hours previously. (So do you agree with what Shaun suggested, that part of the church is their belief that they have some kind of benevolent right?) Oh, absolutely. What this is, is a massive abuse of power, and then it’s exhibited in the sexual abuse of not just children, but teenagers and vulnerable adults as well. And it’s also part of the reason why financial crimes are committed within the church. So, every aspect of dysfunction is exhibited because of the abuse of power."

Oh, my God! I’m just so, so pained, so heated up. These poor little children. My God, what a wicked world we live in. The children are not safe, are not protected. Then whom can we protect? (Yes, Master.) Who would be protected? If little children are not protected, who will be protected in this world from the hands of all these wicked evil, black-robed or red-robed people. They are evil, 1,000%.

"Democracy Now! Interview – Aug. 16, 2018: But what we’re talking about here is… it’s worldwide, it’s not going to stop unless the outside agencies, like the federal governments… Two years ago, 32 organizations led by Road to Recovery and Catholic whistleblowers approached the Obama administration and pleaded for a national commission to investigate the Catholic Church’s clergy sexual abuse problem. We didn’t get anywhere, but we’re still doing these kinds of things. Australia – the Royal Commission was an absolute gem. It’s going to be a seminal work in the history of child protection. We need to do the same thing in the United States."

And all the governments who did nothing, who also kowtowed to all that, I also condemn them all. They’re weaklings or they’re just condoning all these evil deeds. And don’t dare say anything, just because the church is powerful. They are cowards. I can say that again. They’re cowards!! (Yes, Master.) They’re wasting people’s tax money and cannot even protect little children!! You’re cowards!!!
Maybe same evil-minded, that’s why. Secretly enjoy that, secretly condone all these evil deeds from the priests, or scared that they will not support them. Scared that they will tell their followers, “Don’t vote for them,” that’s why.
All these coward people. All of you should disappear out of this planet, out of my sight! I cannot say I hate you all because you are beyond any hatred. You will answer to hell.
I condemn all these leaders of the nations, because you don’t protect your children. Maybe you can say that the Vatican, the Catholics, they have their own system, they are their own sovereign. Maybe. Maybe. But that is a very ignorant description.
They are supposed to be holy people, but they did criminal deeds. They should be punished like everyone else, or even more so because they know the moral law and they did the opposite, harming the children.
Even if you say the Catholic system or the Vatican are their own sovereign unto themselves, but your children, the children that are molested, tortured, raped and killed, murdered in cold blood, they are your children! They are your citizens! You have the duty to protect them! There is no excuse. I condemn all of you who did not protect the children, who did not bring all these criminals to justice.
Be Vegan, make peace.

Be Vegan, make peace.

Be Vegan, make peace.
When Honesty Is Lost: Signs of the Last Hour from the Hadith, Part 11 of 16, Nov. 14, 2021

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We’re all born with nothing. So, whatever we are given, we should share. (Yes, Master.) That’s why whenever we do something good, I always give credit to God.

They are small, little, weak, helpless. Nobody’s there to protect them. But you could do something to prevent the future criminal deeds like these from happening again. You did nothing! You even refuse to acknowledge it when the evidence is everywhere. You are not worth your salary. You know that? All of you, the leaders of the world, who did nothing to protect these molested, murdered, raped children on your watch, you are going to hell also, and could be forever, because you did not do your duty. Anyone who did not do their duty well has to relearn the lesson, mostly through hell or reincarnating again to experience the same suffering that you ignored to help.

"Media Report from BBC – Oct. 6, 2021 Reporter (f): A report into sexual abuse by the French Catholic Church has estimated that more than 200,000 children were assaulted by clergy over the past 70 years. The independent commission said the church had been guilty of negligence, failures and silence.
Reporter (f): 70 years of horror. Hundreds of thousands of victims laid bare in one explosive report. For a very long time, it says the French Catholic Church showed complete, even cruel indifference to those who suffered abuse. The report estimates the number of child victims of sexual abuse at the hands of priests, deacons, monks or nuns at 216,000. If non-clergy are included, that figure rises to 330,000, a third of a million children.
Original French – Jean-Marc Sauve (m): There was above all, a catalog of negligence, failures, silence, an institutional cover-up, which appeared systematic."
"Media Report from DW News – July. 3, 2019: Over a period of decades, the two priests abused many children. Their superiors ensured that everything was hushed up. Research showed that the priest had abused a female student in recent years in the Diocese of Hildesheim. In 2010, she reported the crime herself to the diocese, but the bishop in charge simply sent her home. He did not inform her family or report the case to the authorities."
"Media Report from DW News – July. 3, 2019 Johannes-Wilhelm: I have the impression that there is still a tendency to try to protect the institution by withholding information and not laying the facts on the table."
"Media Report from DW News – July. 3, 2019: The investigation uncovered dozens more victims from youth groups, a kindergarten, and even from faraway Chile. But the expert in charge of the investigation, Peter Mosser, found all the cases had expired under the statute of limitations. (Judging by the pattern we see here, it’s very probable that this is only the tip of the iceberg. We can see a pattern in the church of looking the other way and being unwilling to recognize the full scale of the problem.)"
"Media Report from CBC News – 2018: The two-year investigation lays out in graphic detail, allegations against more than 300 priests, involving more than 1,000 children, though the attorney-general says, for all the horrific stories of abuse spanning seven decades, there are probably more victims who didn’t come forward. (Above all else, they protected their institution at all cost.)"
"Media Report from Real Stories – Nov. 17, 2019: Clergymen found guilty of pedophilia are still active, often in contact with children. Church leaders protect priests accused of sexually abusing minors by sending them from country to country.
Originally in French – Father Stéphane Joulain (m): There is this idea that someone who has been a predator of children, if he goes to Africa or Latin America, it’s not a big deal. It’s criminal!
Reporter (m): And the victims number tens of thousands, marked with scars for the rest of their lives."

What kind of people are you? Their parents pay taxes to keep you in your position, and you do nothing!! When the children need help, you just sleep. And answer that question in your brain, if you even have enough decency, or you will answer that in hell. Nobody cares, because you don’t care about any other people, especially the helpless children.
The children don’t belong to the Catholic system. The children don’t belong to the Vatican, the pope or any other pope or pape, whatever. The children belong to your country. And you, their leader, is supposed to protect them, to defend for them, to make sure they are safe, now and in the future. Otherwise, you should resign!!! Their parents have nowhere to go to air their grievances and complaints, because you turn your head away from their grief, from their suffering, pain, as the parents.

"Interview by CBS – Aug. 9, 2018 Mother of victim (f): My son was 15 when it started, his hell was right here on Earth. Because of the way he was – and I’m not going to say 'abused,' I’m going to say 'the way he was raped,' at age 17, his back was injured. There was nothing they could do surgically. And because of the pain medication, his death was caused by an accidental overdose."

Suppose you are the parents, suppose your children are molested, raped by these so-called “holy priests,” you do nothing?? Why are you all quiet?? To protect whom? To protect yourselves, your positions, or what? What are you there for, sitting on top of the whole country, with all the privilege and power? What are you doing?
The children don’t belong to anyone, because they don’t have enough maturity to even choose to be a Catholic or Christian or with any religious order. They are just there because their parents happen to be Catholic, for example. (Yes.) They don’t belong to any of these evil priests’ system. They belong to your country, and you are the country’s top leaders or jurisdiction system that’s supposed to protect them. If a juvenile like that, or children like that, at their age, did something wrong, you’d bring them to the court, you’d put them in jail. But if anyone does something bad to them, like the way they did, raping them, forcing them, molesting them, you do nothing!! What for do you have this law system in the country? Just to protect the powerful, the rich?
They are no priest even. They just put on the robe, but they don’t have anything that looks like a priest at all, even outwardly. (Yes, Master.) Just anybody puts on a priest’s robe and then they can be invincible, untouchable? (No, Master.) Suppose anybody just goes into the White House or Number 10 Downing Street and just sits on the president’s seat or go into the president’s room, or sit in the assembly on the chair of the prime minister, or the minister’s or the justice’s chair, then they become the justice or prime minister or president? (No.) No. They have to exercise their duty. They have to be the real president or prime minister or the justice, not just the robe or the chair that they just sit on. (Yes, Master.)
Similarly, these priests, they are evil, they are devils! They are not priests. You have the right to treat them just like any other citizen, any criminal. In fact, they are worse than any normal criminals, because they know right, but they did wrong. They abused their power to molest the children and took away their childhood, their dignity, and their whole life also. The children would have nightmares, would never forget what they had experienced under these brutal, evil, hands of the so-called priests.

"Interview by AP – Aug. 16, 2018 Victim (m2): They targeted me because I was fatherless.
Victim (f): I was in my diaper, and I ran out and… ran right to him.
Victim (m): We were taught, I mean, the priests and the nuns are God.
Victim (f): Just think like the word “God” makes me think of him, and I just…
Victim (m): When you have the priest touching you every day, that’s a hard memory to… to have. And the church covered it up.
Victim (m2): Who would have believed me? A priest, in 1948 or ’47, would abuse you?? They would do that?? Never heard of such a thing, because they covered it up.
Victim (m): It doesn’t ever go away. It has an effect on you for the rest of your life.
Victim (m2): And I’m a survivor.
Victim (m): This is not a vendetta against the church. We’re called survivors for a reason.
Victim (m2): These are people that these priests ruined their lives, and they still at 83 years old, still affects them.
Victim (f): I just feel like I’ve… like, my whole life has been a lie.
Victim (m): Has absolutely… destroyed me.
Victim (m2): I couldn’t show any affection with my wife.
Victim (m): I had no desire to have children. None, because of this.
Victim (m2): My children and I couldn’t hold or hug…
Victim (f): I didn’t feel comfortable at all. I still don’t feel comfortable now in relationships.
Victim (m2): They have to be accountable, the church, for what they did."

You have to do something to teach all these fake priests, so that they won’t harm the children again ‒ at least!! You just ignore it, don’t accept it, do nothing, because it’s easy to just run away from responsibility and be a coward.

"Media Report from Real Stories – Nov. 17, 2019: Even inside the Vatican government, high-ranking officials have been accused of covering for priests accused of pedophilia."
"Media Report from CBC News – Aug. 15, 2018: Pope Francis earlier this year, he drew widespread criticism defending a Chilean bishop accused of covering up for that country’s most notorious abuser priest."
"Media Report from Real Stories – Nov. 17, 2019: Only the pope has the power to punish his cardinals. So why doesn’t he take stronger action? Maybe because he, too, faced accusations in his homeland of Argentina, long before his election. The pope did commission a counter inquiry – to try to have a priest who had been sentenced for pedophilia, acquitted."
"Interview by Real Stories – Nov. 17, 2019 Originally in Spanish – Reporter (m): In the case of pedophile priests, he says that 'this never happens in my diocese.' (Never does he want to admit it.) (It’s a lie.) Who tried to contact Bergoglio (Pope Francis)? (Who tried?) (Everyone.) (Me too.) (Everyone.) (Yes.) All of you? (Yes.) And who got a reply? (Never.) (No one.) (No.) (To all the celebrities of the world, like Leonardo DiCaprio, he went to show them the place, he opens the doors to all of them. And for us, he does not even send a little card to say I’m so sorry.) (I don’t expect anything, I don’t believe in him.)"

The coward you are. History will judge you if you don’t judge them. God will judge you. God will bring you to hell and then you will repent. It’s too late. You might not even have enough time or energy to repent when you are burned in hellfire. I’m not joking. I’m not trying to frighten you. It is the reality. So, wake up!!! Take your duty responsibly and seriously.

I don’t want to talk anymore about that. I read the next one. Volume One, Book Three, Number 73. (Thank you, Master.)
This is another disciple of the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him. This disciple’s name is ‘Abdullah bin Mas’ud. He recorded what the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, said. He said, “The Prophet said, ‘Do not wish to be like anyone except in two cases. The first is a person whom Allah has given wealth and he spends it righteously. The second is the one whom Allah has given wisdom,’” like in the holy Qur’an, “‘and he acts according to it and teaches it to others.’” It’s always similar. (Yes, Master.)
You have to be righteous. (Yes.) If you respect Allah, respect God, if you really believe God, then you do exactly like what’s stated in the Qur’an. A good person. (Yes, Master.) Not to talk about priests or anything yet.
You see, the first one is the person who is rich, but gives his money, which is given to him by God anyway. You see, that’s why I always say, “I humbly thank God for all the comfort and the financial help,” because I don’t feel all this wealth or money are from me. (Yes, Master.) We’re all born with nothing. So, whatever we are given, we should share. (Yes, Master.) That’s why whenever we do something good, I always give credit to God. (Yes, Master.) Because it is like that. I really humbly know that it’s all from God.

You see, the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, told the Muslim disciples at that time ‒ and also we can learn from this, told the Muslims and tells us that you should not wish to be anything more than these two examples. (Yes, Master.)
Example number one. The first person is when Allah, means God, has given him wealth and he spends it righteously, meaning he might give offering to the spiritual high-level practitioners or the needy, or give it to the mosque or the church to do charity, or to build the mosque, meaning the meditation hall for people. (Yes, Master.) Just like when the Buddha was alive, they built a garden for Him. (Yes, Master.) Built rooms for Him and for His monks, for these renunciate people ‒ monks and also later for nuns in a separate place.
But have to do it with the heart, with true feelings of reverence or true charity, true compassion, not just do it for show. (Yes. Yes, Master.) Not like a theatrical performance, knowing that people will praise you. Then you have nothing. You just incur more karma. (Yes.) Because you claim that it’s your money that you give. In fact, it was God who gives. (Yes, Master. Right.) That’s why. (Understand.) So like, you steal. You steal things that don’t belong to you and claim it is yours. Because God gives everything. (Yes.)
Even if you do business well, you earn a lot of money, that’s also because of God’s blessing, not because you’re clever or anything. (Yes, Master.) You’re just an instrument. Just like the good driver is driving the car. Good or bad, the car cannot claim credit. (Right.) (That’s true. Yes.) The driver is there. Even if automatic driving, the driver is there. (Yes, Master.) Or even the drone, there is no pilot sitting in that drone, but there is somebody quietly controlling the movement of the drone (Right, Master.) (Yes.) to make it land where exactly it has to land.
Same. God is also maneuvering our lives. (Yes, Master.) Hes gives us also the free will but within the framework of the universal law: cannot harm others. (Yes, Master.) It’s very, very clear. And no matter how many confessions you will make with how many priests, these will not clean you from your sin if you act against the commandments from God, against the Bible, against the Qur’an. (Yes, Master.) (Right.)
So this is personally from the Prophet, Peace Be On Him. (Yes, Master.) Personally. Just like Ananda, he recorded Buddha’s teachings, (Right. Yes, Master.) and most of the events in His life, whenever he could be there. Or, he might have heard it from other monks. (Yes.) You see, so the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, has set a scale for all of us, not just the Muslims. Like, you have to emulate some good examples. (Yes, Master.)

Be Vegan, make peace.
.When Honesty Is Lost: Signs of the Last Hour from the Hadith, Part 12 of 16, Nov. 14, 2021
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So, they believed in the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, at that time because they knew He was real. (Yes.) Whatever He taught, He did. He walked His talk. (Yes, Master.) And He gave them enlightenment so that they could see the (inner Heavenly) Light. They could see God. They could hear the music of the spheres.

You see, so the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, has set a scale for all of us, not just the Muslims. Like, you have to emulate some good examples. (Yes, Master.)
The Buddha said the same. The Buddha said that a person who is rich or famous or in a high position in society but still diligently searches for spiritual enlightenment and continues to practice, then you should know that this person is a Bodhisattva, a saint already. (Yes, Master.)
Because if you are rich, you normally would try to enjoy life. No? (Yes, Master.) You buy flashy cars, you buy airplanes, and yachts for hundreds of millions of dollars even, (Yes.) just for yourself and your family or friends, or you buy a big mansion with hundreds of millions of dollars. (Yes.) For example, like that, or maybe even tens of millions of dollars, just for yourself and your family. (Right.) And OK, you can buy all that as well, but you should also do charity (Yes, Master.) because many people don’t have the fortune and are hungry around you.
I don’t know what for you have to buy a house for many tens of thousands of dollars. How many places can you sleep? (That’s true.) For me, if I have a place, two by four (meters), I feel it’s already too big. Because I don’t want any people to come and clean my place, so I do everything, take care of everything myself, (Yes, Master.) wash my clothes and all that. How many bedrooms do you want? You know, they boasted like 13 bedrooms, many millions of dollars, one vying with the other. (Yes.) Comparing, you know, more powerful, as if the house gives you power, as if the dollars make you like a great person. It won’t. Only you can make yourself a great person, if you adhere to the moral standard and the universal law of not harming others and helping instead. (Yes, Master.)
So, the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, said that if you see such a person who Allah has given wealth to, and does not keep it to himself but spends it righteously, like helping others to maybe build the mosque for people to come there to meditate. The mosque was originally built only for people to come there to meditate, to listen to the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, (Right. Yes.) and prayers when the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, was not there.
Just like we have one now, the New Land Ashram. (Yes, Master.) All this looks very nice, like a castle, but it was there already before we bought it. They built it 30 years ago, (Yes, Master.) and they didn’t have good business. It was like a tourist area, resort. (Yes.) And the business was not good. (Yes.) So they were waiting for us to buy. They wanted to sell for a long time, but they could not until we came. And then after, they changed into vegetarian over there. Before, they killed to feed the guests and all that, because they had restaurants, they had rooms, they had… It was a resort. (Yes, Master.) And afterward, the son of the owner changed into vegetarian, (Wow!) (Cool.) and didn’t cook any more meat in there, and then they could sell to us. (Oh, wow.) They were happy. The son was happy that we are a vegan group, more than happy to sell.
But it’s very expensive, for me it is. I’d rather use the money for SMTV (Supreme Master TV) or charity. But where can you buy a cheaper place and already all-ready like that? And I felt sorry for some old disciples who came and didn’t have a room to stay in, like Hsihu before. (Yes, Master.) We don’t have any rooms. We have only some caves for some monks and nuns. So it was good to buy, and that place just came up and was introduced to me. I didn’t go and look. They sent me photos. I said, “OK. If we have money, we can buy.”
So, we put up some money from me and from many disciples together, and we bought that place. (Right.) And it is as it is, we did not build anything more. (Yes.) And they wanted to build more, but I did not want it. I said, “No, no, no. We don’t build anything more because this is enough already.” The rooms and all that are just for the elderly and the not very well people. And the rest, we can live in tents. We can meditate anywhere in the tent. (Yes, Master.) And if not enough places, then take turns to come. (Yes.) (Right, Master.) Like today 2,000, tomorrow 2,000, next week another 2,000. (Yes, Master.) Take turns, rotate, rotate.
No need to keep building, because I said whenever we build something, we take away the abodes of the animal-people who lived there before us. (Yes.) (That’s true.) And cut many trees. (Yes.) And damage the environment. So, the animal-people, they lived there before. Just because we have money doesn’t mean we can damage their houses. (Right, Master.) They’re residents. They’ve been building it for themselves. (Yes.) Under the ground or on the trees, wherever. If we touch all of that, then we harm them. (Yes, Master.) So I said, “No, we don’t build anything anymore.”
If we do anything, it’s that we may clear some bushes or grasses and plant vegetables. (Yes.) Plant trees, plant vegetables to contribute. (Yes, Master.) But not building anymore big temples and all that. We never did build for, I don’t know, 30 years already, since I began until now. (Yes, Master.) I bought some small, small places for them, but never built anything big, and never built new. You see? (Yes, Master.) They’re all already there and then we use it. I didn’t have a lot of disciples before, so we would buy just small, small places. And Florida is supposed to be the biggest one. (Yes.) But then it was already there. (Yes, Master.) All buildings, everything already there, we just live in. (Yes, Master.) And if I had a lot of disciples who came for retreats, then we would rent some tents. Remember, big tents, (Yes, Master.) and we would sit under there, should be good enough.

In the old time, many disciples of Jesus, they didn’t have anything. They even had to hide. They didn’t have official houses or meditation halls like we do now. We are very lucky already. (Yes, Master. We are.) That we are not even molested and harassed by the governments of anywhere. (Yes, Master.) But we had some rough times before, misunderstandings, but it’s OK. It’s not as bad as Jesus’ time when they killed the disciples, or in the Prophet Muhammad’s time, Peace Be Upon Him. (Yes, Master.) They killed the disciples and wanted to kill the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, as well. That’s why they keep saying, “Peace Be Upon You,” “Peace Be Upon the Prophet.” You know that, right? (Yes, Master.) When they greet each other, they say, “As-salamu alaykum.” Peace be upon you. See that? (Yes, Master.) And always address the Prophet with this prayer, “Peace Be Upon Him,” because the Prophet was in danger of His life.
The government at that time or the other religion’s big shots wanted to eliminate Him because the people who’d come to Him, they loved Him. Because they knew He’s real, He’s a real Prophet. (Yes.) He’s a real practitioner, real Master. Not like those wearing the priests’ robes and just eating all the carcasses, being so fat. (Yes, Master.) And know nothing else except some rituals like lighting the candles, lighting the incense, and blah, blah, blah. (Yes, Master.) Reading some holy book and don’t understand a thing what they’re reading. (Yes.)
So, they believed in the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, at that time because they knew He was real. (Yes.) Whatever He taught, He did. He walked His talk. (Yes, Master.) And He gave them enlightenment so that they could see the (inner Heavenly) Light. They could see God. They could hear the music of the spheres. (Yes, Master.) So they know. They know they have profit, they have benefits. When they meditate, they practice, when they adhere by His teaching, they know their lives change. (Yes.) They know their lives became better, and their minds become more peaceful, and their soul is free. And they see all the wonders that He said would happen. (Yes, Master.) It’s not like just talk, talk, empty talk, and don’t even understand a thing. That is the difference between an enlightened Master and just ordinary priests.
And if they are just ordinary priests, it’s not bad already. They even harm the world. (Yes.) Killing the children. Torturing them, oppressing them, molesting them. Oh! So evil! (Yes, Master.) Oh, my God. More evil than those normal governments who harassed the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, at that time.
The government, before the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, came, they followed those priests. (Yes, Master.) So when those priests saw that many people followed the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, they got jealous. And they did not understand, because of ignorance. So the government listened to them also, wanted to eliminate the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, and His followers. Well, at least because they were ignorant. (Yes, Master.) But they were not molesting children, at least. No? (No. That’s right, Master.) They were not raping the children, the innocent, and killing them and all that, en masse. (Yes, Master.)
So actually, the evils are with the church of the Catholics now, worse than any other government or any other evil of other Masters’ time. Is that true? (Yes, Master. It’s clear.) You understand what I’m saying is real? (Yes, Master.)
For example, if the government wanted to harass or kill any Prophet or Master in those times, it’s because they believed those existing priests that these people were blasphemous, (Yes, Master.) because Jesus claimed that He’s the son of God. Jesus claimed that He can show people God and He knows God. (Yes, Master.) All the priests never knew anything like that, so they thought Jesus was lying. (Right.) So they wanted to kill Jesus. Or the same with the Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be Upon Him, or the Sikh Gurus and the Buddha and all that. Because they did not understand. At least they think the Prophets are blasphemous. So they wanted to eliminate Them because they think They’re with the devil. (Yes, Master.)
But these children, they are innocent. They’ve done nothing wrong to any of these evil priests. (Yes, Master.) They have no excuse to harm them, to molest them, to rape them, to murder them that way. (Yes, Master.) So that’s why I told you they are worse than those governments that killed or persecuted those Masters in the past. You got the difference? (Yes, Master.)
So, these evil priests, if they won’t go to hell, where else would they go? (No other place.) If they are not the devil themselves incarnate, then they will have to go to hell. (Yes. Right, Master.) Definitely. There’s no other excuse, no other thing you can argue about it. (That’s right, Master.)
They’re worse than any massacring government, worse than the people who work in the slaughterhouse for money. They had to earn a living. They had no other job in such a remote area. (Yes, Master.) They are worse than them.
So, if these people from slaughterhouses or livestock raising will go to hell, then these priests, evil priests will go to deeper hells, and longer, long, long, long… forever. (Yes, Master.) You see the comparison of the gravity of sin? (Yes, Master.) You don’t have to believe in hell or Heaven. You just calculate, then you know what I’m saying. (Yes, Master.)

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Be Vegan, make peace.
When Honesty Is Lost: Signs of the Last Hour from the Hadith, Part 13 of 16, Nov. 14, 2021

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Even if you don’t have money, you can support the wealthy person. Support what he does good. Like, he gives to charity, you are happy in your heart. (Yes, Master.) Happy for the poor people. (Yes.) And you clap your hands, or you pray for that wealthy person. And of course, you can pray that if you have money, you would be like him.

If Heaven is supposed to be a place of peace and benevolence, blissful, how can these evil priests even get there? (No, cannot. No way. Cannot go.) No! (Don’t have a chance.) (No.) Only hell, can, because this is the quality of hell. (That’s right, Master.) Even five-year-old children would understand what I’m saying. (Yes, Master.)

And the second person that we should emulate, according to the Prophet’s teaching, Peace Be Upon Him, is somebody whom Allah has given wisdom, meaning somebody who is greatly enlightened, (Yes, Master.) understands the Qur’an, like what’s taught in the Qur’an, and he acts according to it and teaches it to others. Yeah, of course. If he walks the talk, he can teach others. Right? (Yes.) (Yes, Master.) You cannot tell somebody don’t do this when you are doing it yourself. (Yes.) (Right, Master.)
So these evil priests of the Catholics, on one hand they teach compassion, morals, Ten Commandments, (Yes.) but they did exactly the opposite. So they’re really the devils. They just want to ruin Christianity, to make people not believe in the Christian teaching, not believe in God anymore. (Yes, Master.) Because how can a person who’s supposed to be holy and dedicate his life for God, do this kind of thing? (Yes, Master.)
So they were thinking God doesn’t exist. (Yes, Master.) God just let things happen like this. That means God is powerless, God doesn’t exist. Or all these priests and the church are useless to them, wasting their tax money and hard-earned labor money. (Yes, Master.) So people just leave the church. Maybe they still believe in God ‒ I hope. I hope they leave the church, they don’t leave their faith. I hope so. (Yes, Master.) Even if they leave their faith, I cannot blame them. Can you? (No, Master.)
Such an example of wickedness, evil, deeper than hell. How can anybody believe? (Right.) That’s right.) And the top of it all, condones it, protects it, by keeping silent or defending for it. And liken those with Jesus Christ! Believe that?? Then it’s really the Satan talk. (Yes, Master.) At least possessed by Satan. My God, how come he’s still sitting there in the Vatican? He should be thrown out. (Yes, Master.) He should just go disappear himself at least. Go hide somewhere in some remote area where he can talk to the demons and not harming anyone else.

I pray to God, please, justice for all these innocent babies and children. (Yes, Master.) You have to do something, God. Otherwise, people won’t believe You anymore, and I can’t blame them. I cannot do anything much. I’m just an old woman. I repeat Your teaching. I cannot eliminate these people. I cannot bring justice to these poor, oppressed families who cannot even sue them, cannot even ask for justice for their poor children who suffered in their hands all these decades or hundreds of years. Who knows when it began and when will it ever end? I pray to Heaven for justice.
That’s all I can do. I don’t have an army, I don’t have guns, I don’t have even guards. You know, the guards that they have in the Vatican, with spears and all that. (Yes, Master.) The sharp spears they have, right? (Yes.) Even just symbolic but it’s scary enough. I have a small knife, to protect myself, to protect my health because I have to cut the fruit (Yes, Master.) and some vegetables for the squirrel-people. Fruit and bread for the squirrel-people, and the skunk-people, and the bird-people, and the butterfly-people. (Yes.) I protect. I am the guard. I don’t have guards, but I am the guard. (Yes.)
Even my guards, they just have a bag over their shoulder. Inside they have some tissues. I’m surprised what they all have in there. They all have like a small comb, small mirror, small pack of tissues, and some string or something. I asked them, “What do you have them for?” They said the trainer, the head of the hufa, the guards, asked them to have all that in case I need.
Because one time, I needed a mirror, but I didn’t have. And then they had immediately. And they even had a comb for me when my hair was disarrayed by the wind or something. Sometimes I hug people and they mess up my hair. Too excited and their hands wave in every direction. Or the wind. Because I used to lecture in the open air, (Yes, Master.) because we didn’t have any temple. The place is not allowed to be built. So, we just stayed in the open air, and stayed in the tent. (Yes, Master.) Later, I had some caves for them because caves were allowed. (Yes.)

So these two people you should emulate if you can. (Yes.) That’s all. Even if you don’t have money, you can support the wealthy person. Support what he does good. Like, he gives to charity, you are happy in your heart. (Yes, Master.) Happy for the poor people. (Yes.) And you clap your hands, or you pray for that wealthy person. And of course, you can pray that if you have money, you would be like him. (Yes.) But if you don’t, you can support, you can help him to distribute.
Like many of my so-called disciples, they go and help me to buy things for the victims of the disasters. (Yes, Master.) Or offering to the monks in India, the poor monks and all that. I can give money, but I cannot go everywhere all the time. (Yes, Master.) So, the disciples don’t have enough money, but they can help me. (Yes, Master.) That is very good already. (Yes.) It’s not necessary to always give money or material things; you can offer your time. That’s also money. (Yes, Master.) Time is money, right? (Yes, it is.) And their heart, their pure heart, their willing heart, their happy heart. (Yes.) Happy heart to do good things. (Yes, Master.) So that’s very good.
So, here the Prophet… I taught the same like the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him. You saw that? (Yes, Master.) Up to now. (Yes.) I taught the same like Jesus. (Yes, Master.) Not like I copy immediately or word by word, but I just know it by my own enlightenment, by my own self-wisdom. The more you practice, the more you understand things. (Yes, Master.) And the more you say what you know. (Yes.) It’s not like reading books. (That’s right.)
I do read books, and I do refer to them just for confirmation. (Yes.) For reference. But otherwise, all these things that you heard just now from the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, are just what I have been telling you guys. (Yes, Master.) I mean, the so-called disciples everywhere, right? (Yes, Master.) Not because I read the Hadith, I did not. I just read it now, I mean a few days now, just so that I can read it to you. (Yes, Master.) I have to read it first so that I can digest it, so I understand it first, (Yes, Master.) and then I can explain to you. So, I work double. (Yes. Thank You, Master.) No, it is my duty.
I am your teacher, I have to teach. (Thank You, Master.) I cannot stop being a teacher, so that you will know things. And in case I die, you can pass it on to others. Also with your knowledge, not just copy my talk. (Yes. Understand.) Or if you cannot, then at least you can pass all these videos (Yes.) and type it out or print it out or air it out. (Yes, Master.) That is also very good. It’s the same as you copy these two persons. (Yes, Master.) You do both. You copy both. Both of these two persons that the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, has praised. (Yes.)

You copy both of them by supporting them. Like you’re supporting me, my wealth, when I distribute it, and you’ll feel happy. (Yes.) And then you use your time, which you don’t use to go out and work and earn money, you use your time to help me with the Supreme Master Television. That’s just like you contribute wealth. Far better than wealth. Far beyond wealth. This is spiritual wealth. (Yes, Master.) It’s more valuable, more precious.
So, it’s as if you give money also, because you don’t go out to work and earn money, but you spend your time working for Supreme Master Television. (Yes.) And also, it’s as if you’re given wisdom, and teach it to others. Maybe you don’t teach it personally, but you are spreading my teaching (Yes, Master.) by helping to air it on TV. (Yes, Master.) So, you are doing good.
You are emulating both of these exemplary persons that the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, had advised you to. (Yes, Master.) So you are good Muslims. Yeah! You are vegan. You do charity, and you spread the teaching. (Yes, Master.) So, bravo! (Thank You, Master.) Thank you to you for being good. That makes me proud and comforts me somehow. Any questions concerning what I just told? (No, Master.) No?

OK, next one. (Yes, Master.) Next one, is Volume One, still Book Three, Number 79. I read all that in case you want to compare. (Yes, Master.) Or any viewers or anyone who knows what I’m talking about, can refer to the original text. (Yes, Master.)
This one is narrated by Abu Musa, another Abu. Probably he’s a teacher. Senior in the Muslim group at that time when the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, was still on Earth. So, Abu Musa related something.
He said that, “The Prophet said, ‘The example of guidance and knowledge with which Allah has sent me is like abundant rain falling on the earth, some of which was fertile soil that absorbed rainwater and brought forth vegetation and grass in abundance. And another portion of it was hard and held the rainwater and Allah benefited the people with it and they utilized it for drinking.’” Like, you know the well, hard like the hard earth that the water doesn’t sink but stays, maybe like becomes a well or the pond. (Collecting.) Or lake.
So, this portion of water fell on something hard, and that something held the rain, and Allah benefited the people with it. “‘And they utilized it for drinking, making their animals drink from it and for irrigation of the land for cultivation.’” Others’ harvest. “‘And a portion of it was barren…’” You know, the earth, a portion of the earth that the rain fell on was barren, “‘…which could neither hold the water nor bring forth vegetation, then that land gave no benefits. The first is the example of the person who comprehends Allah’s religion and gets benefit from the knowledge thereof, which Allah has revealed through me,’” means the Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be Upon Him.

Be Vegan, make peace.
When Honesty Is Lost: Signs of the Last Hour from the Hadith, Part 14 of 16, Nov. 14, 2021

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Like the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, would teach you, “You shall not kill.” Because you, the killer and the killed, both will go to hell. (Yes.) It’s very clear. (Yes, Master.) And you should treat animal-people kindly. (Yes.) Because in the Qur’an, it says that, “There’s not any animal with two legs or wings or four legs, but they all are people like you.”

“‘The first is the example of the person who comprehends Allah’s religion and gets benefit from the knowledge thereof, which Allah has revealed through me,’” means the Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be Upon Him. Not me, me that’s reading here, no. I’m just reading. (Yes, Master.) “Through me,” means the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, had told the audience at that time.
“‘…through me, the Prophet, and learns and then teaches others. The last example is that of a person who does not care for it and does not take Allah’s guidance revealed through me. Then he is like that barren land.’” (Wow.) We have all this, right? (Yes, Master.)
Outside our group. How many times I went to lecture at different places, different lands, but not many people capiche or care. Not many. Some even came in for initiation, but also left. (Yes, Master.) Go back to meat and wine and… whatever, improper sex. For example. (Yes, Master.) Because that is easier for them, than to deny themselves of those sinful activities. They get used to it, and it’s easier. They don’t want to change. They don’t want to better themselves. So it’s like the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, said here, they are just like barren land. (Yes, Master.) Even the rain fell down on them, but benefits no one, benefits nothing. (Yes.)

So that’s just about it for today. Or did I forget anything? Oh, maybe… I thought I saw one more. Oh, OK. There’s one more, one more left. Last one for today. (OK. Thank You, Master.) There is a compiled list. Some of them I read, some of them I don’t. (OK. Thank You, Master.) Because some of them are just telling some stories or about some disciples, and it’s not much. Because we can read the whole life. (That’s true.) The way I explain and talk. This is just a few paragraphs up to now. (Yes, Master.) And the first volume, only Book Three. And within that, we selected only four or five articles. (Right, Master.) So now, this is the last one from this selection for tonight, because I still have a lot of work that you shoved onto me. You know, right?
I have not finished all of the work that you have given to me yet. You know, editing for the Supreme Master TV. (Yes, Master.) I wish you don’t always give me those with food. Delicious they look, and… (Mouth-watering.) Yeah, and long time no have, or never had before. Wishing could, but can’t. Alright.

This is another portion of Hadith, narrated by Anas again. Oh, this Anas, we have seen before. The first one. (First. Yes.) It’s the second time.
“Allah’s Apostle said…” They’re just repeating what the Master has said, what the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, has said. Often in the Hadith, it’s like that. Either that or they recount some stories about the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, personally or something that happened, some miracles or something that happened concerning the Prophet or His disciples. (Yes, Master.) So, this is another short story from Anas.
“Allah’s Apostle said,” means the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him. (Yes, Master.) They called Him at that time “Allah’s Apostle.” It’s the Prophet, it’s the same. The same. (Yes Master.)
“Allah’s Apostle said, quote, ‘From among the portents of the Hour are the following: First, religious knowledge will be taken away.’” Meaning the Doomsday, the end times. He predicted, He told the signs of it. Just like we have many AP, Ancient Predictions of Our Planet (programs). (Yes, Master.) I wonder why your Muslim brothers and sisters, did not make an AP out of this.
So, the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, foretold that there are some important signs of the Hour, means the Doomsday, “‘are the following: 1. When religious knowledge will be taken away by the death of religious learned men. 2. Religious ignorance will prevail. 3. Drinking of alcohol drinks will be very common.’” (Wow.) True. (Yes, Master.) “‘4. There will be prevalence of open, illegal sexual intercourse.’”
We saw all that, right? (Yes, Master.) We are seeing all that as well, right? (Yes, Master.) You see, so, “religious knowledge will be taken away,” that is for sure. (Yes.) Those so-called religious leaders nowadays, they don’t know a thing about the religion that they follow. (Yes, Master.) I mean, many of them don’t know. (Yes.) I don’t say all of them, but you know those low-life, and ignorant, and proclaim to be big shots even. And sit on the big or biggest seat of religious splendor. (Yes.)
So the knowledge would be taken away. How? Because some religious learned men are no longer available. Either they’re dead or persecuted or gone (Oh, yes.) by the time, old age or something. Therefore, the learned religious persons are no longer available. So what’s left behind after their demise is just empty words. (Yes, Master.) Incomprehensible words. Many can read it and recite it like parrots, or recite by heart even and be praised for it. But they don’t understand a thing. (That’s right.) And they don’t even act according to it. (That’s right.) (Yes, Master.)
Like the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, would teach you, “You shall not kill.” Because you, the killer and the killed, both will go to hell. (Yes.) It’s very clear. (Yes, Master.) And you should treat animal-people kindly. (Yes.) Because in the Qur’an, it says that, “There’s not any animal with two legs or wings or four legs, but they all are people like you.” Like us. (Yes, Master.) So we have to treat these kindly. (Yes.) Allah wants that. And the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, has taught that.
But what do they do? They’re killing lamb-children and sheep-people, any opportunity they can, just to make a fest, a religious festival even. (Yes, Master.) The Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, maybe saved, or Jesus maybe saved some injured or weak animal-people, but Their followers nowadays continue eating them, murdering them, torturing them in different locations in the whole world. (Yes.)
Regardless of any religion, they all do the same. They don’t follow the teachings of the Prophet, of the Masters. (Yes, Master.) So, the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, said here that the true religion knowledge will be taken away, gone, because nobody can understand. Nobody truly understands or really takes anything seriously, because they don’t care, also are ignorant, and the true religious learned men are no longer there. That’s why. So we can see that now. (Yes, Master.) We can see that most of the so-called priests and high priests, and the top-most of the religious leaders, they’re all ignorant. (Yes.)
They have nothing of the so-called religious knowledge at all. Zero, below zero, and even lowlife, leading life like devils on Earth. You see that? (Yes, Master.) And supporting it or condoning it if they don’t do it themselves; then they support it or condone it, or just ignore it like nothing happened to the suffering of all the innocents.

“Report from CBS – Aug. 27, 2018 Reporter(f): Pope Francis refuses to answer accusations that he knew about alleged sex abuse by a former cardinal and allowed him to serve unpunished. A former Vatican official made the claims in a letter. Now, this comes less than two weeks after a scathing grand jury report in Pennsylvania detailed sex abuse in the Catholic Church.
Reporter(m): The explosive letter was penned by the man who was the Vatican’s ambassador to the U.S., and he called on Pope Francis to resign. The 11-page letter by Italian Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano alleges that back in 2013 he told Pope Francis of the allegations of sex abuse against former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick. But he writes the pontiff ignored that and allowed McCarrick to continue to publicly serve the church for another five years. The 88-year-old McCarrick resigned from his role as cardinal earlier this summer, amid a wave of sex abuse allegations, including many involving seminarians.”
“Report from ABC News – Nov. 11, 2020 Reporter1(m): Now to the Vatican’s explosive new report tonight about disgraced former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, what the report reveals about Pope John Paul II, and what the Vatican says he knew.
Reporter2(m): An explosive Vatican report revealing Pope John Paul II knew about extensive sexual abuse allegations regarding adults and minors against Theodore McCarrick, but still promoted him to archbishop and then cardinal. McCarrick, at one time one of the most powerful Catholics in America, directed millions of dollars to the church, even as allegations and rumors surfaced for decades. James Grein claims McCarrick abused him for two decades, starting as a child in the 1960s.
Abuse survivor(m): While the report itself is powerful, the abuse to me was incredibly heinous and it hurts forever.”

So it’s truly they have nothing of religious knowledge, otherwise they wouldn’t dare to do all that. (Yes. Right, Master.) Or supporting all that or condoning that or keeping silent regardless of the suffering of the followers. (Yes.) In their hands. By their hands. Not like enemies are killing them or oppressing them. No. They themselves oppress, molest, rape, torture, murder children. (Yes, Master.) Not to talk about adults yet, children! Babies! I don’t know why they still call them priests or popes or whatever title. (Yes.)

“Report from Al Jazeera English – Aug. 21, 2018 Reporter(m):Tim was just 12 when he says he was raped by his Catholic parish priest. He believes the pope’s letter of apology is not enough.
Abuse survivor(m): Words, words, words, thoughts and prayers does not make a child safer. He could, with the stroke of a pen, demand that every diocese in the world release the records. No more secret files.
Reporter(m): Tim and other survivors also want the pope to punish bishops who’ve covered up abuse. The pope’s letter comes days after a U.S. state of Pennsylvania report estimated that 300 Roman Catholic priests in their state alone molested at least 1,000 children over the past eight decades.
Heather Hogan-Spencer(f): What are prayers and penance going to do for folks who are now abusing alcohol and drugs to self-medicate because a priest raped them at three (years old)?”
“Report from Al Jazeera English – Jun. 29, 2017 Reporter(m): An inquiry was underway in Australia between 2013 and 2016 into institutional responses to childhood sexual abuse. During that, more than 4,000 people said that as children, they had been abused by people in the Catholic Church or its institutions. The inquiry revealed that allegations have been made against 7% of all those who’d been Catholic priests between 1950 and 2010. As a boy, Damian De Marco was one of those abused. In the decades since, he’s worked to expose the failure of organizations to protect children.
Abuse survivor(m): I’m aware of quite a lot of kids who’ve died from suicide or drug overdose and people who are still serious drug addicts on the street. There’s… Yeah, it does a lot of damage.
Reporter(m): During the inquiry, Cardinal Pell, who’d risen through the Australian Catholic Church’s ranks to become Archbishop of Melbourne and then Sydney, was accused of covering up the abuse of others.”
“Report from Al Jazeera English – Aug. 21, 2018 Reporter(m): The pope is dealing with similar cases of abuse and cover up around the world.
Abuse survivor(m): If the Vatican was approaching this issue with integrity, the pope would have come here and not just kissed the ground when he landed, but gotten on his knees and acknowledged the truth of what’s happened in this country and the Vatican’s role in it, 15 years ago when people needed that to happen. This is late. And for any acknowledgment of the abuse issue to be a mere afterthought, I think, is reprehensible.”
“Report from CNN – Oct. 6, 2021 Reporter(f): ‘A culture of silence with complete, even cruel, indifference.’ That’s how an explosive new report is describing the response by the French Catholic Church to seven decades of sexual abuse. This investigation in France certainly follows other reports from other countries. If you look at Australia, the 2017 report found that 7% of Australian priests were accused of abusing children between 1950 to 2015. And then if you look of course in Germany, a 2018 report found that the German Catholic Church admitted to at least 3,677 cases of child sex abuse by clergy between 1946 and 2014. And then of course, England and Wales, a 2020 report found that between 1970 and 2015, the church received over 900 complaints involving more than 3,000 cases of child sex abuse.”

I don’t care about all these titles. It’s all garbage, all rubbish. Worse than garbage. (Yes, Master.) Garbage we still can recycle and can use. After a while, they can fertilize the earth. But these people up there, they’re worse than garbage, they’re worse than devils. They should be taken away as soon as possible so people don’t become misled, or confused, or losing faith in God and Jesus Christ, or Buddha, or Lord Mahavira, or Guru Nanak, or Hinduism, whatever. (Exactly.) All these people should be gone. They should go away. They should disappear. Leave us in peace. Leave the true believers in peace. (Yes, Master.) Not misleading them, not confusing them, like the devils would do. (Yes.) And destroying religion.
“2. Religious ignorance will prevail.” Yes, it’s similar to the first one. For example, they will interpret it all differently. (Yes.) Or they will not know much about their religion, or the Bible, or the sutras, or the holy books that they are reading every day. (Yes, Master.) Or proclaiming that they know, but they know nothing. Because if they know, they wouldn’t do what they are doing (That’s right, Master.) or what they did. (Yes, Master.)
So all these religious ignorant people should just disappear, go away hiding somewhere, and leave people alone. Even to figure it out themselves, they might even get enlightened better than by listening to them. (Yes, Master.) Because they know nothing. They know nothing, that’s why. They know nothing. Not only know nothing, but do the opposite of what the religious top leaders should do. (Yes, Master.) (That’s right.) And therefore mislead people and make a bad, bad, evil example for their followers. (Yes, Master.) That’s why other people, they worship devils, because they think worshiping these priests or God is useless. (Yes, Master.) They worship the devil, they think it’s more honest than proclaiming to be a priest and do just like the devils. (Yes.) And outright, openly. (Yes, Master.) (It’s horrible. Shocking.)
“3. Drinking of alcoholic drinks will be very common.” This I don’t have to explain. No? (No. We see it.) (Yes, a lot of people do it.) Maybe you can count the pubs and the bars and… Anywhere, they just serve alcohol, it doesn’t have to be in the pub or in the club or in the bar. You see it everywhere; you can buy it in a supermarket from a machine even. (Yes, Master.) You drink anywhere, in a park, in a parking lot, in the car, in the airplane. (Yes, Master.) There’s nowhere that doesn’t have alcohol for you to drink, and available and legal. (Yes.)
Long time ago, I remember, in America, maybe a hundred years ago, they forbid alcohol. (Yes. Yes, Master.) And to brew alcoholic drinks was an offence, that they would go to jail and all that. And then suddenly it’s all free.
Be Vegan, make peace.
When Honesty Is Lost: Signs of the Last Hour from the Hadith, Part 15 of 16, Nov. 14, 2021

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So, the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, had already predicted our doom time. (Yes, Master.) So right now, it looks like the doom’s time is upon us. (Yes, Master.) It’s very clear. (Yes.) That’s why we have so much death from all different causes, like even war, killing each other, or the big oppress the small, like big nations oppress small nations. (Yes, Master.)

Long time ago, I remember, in America, maybe a hundred years ago, they forbid alcohol. (Yes. Yes, Master.) And to brew alcoholic drinks was an offence, that they would go to jail and all that. And then suddenly it’s all free.
Just like in some countries now, drugs are legal. (Yes.) (Marijuana.) Not just marijuana, other things. (Yes.) Cocaine and all that, hard drugs. They’re all legal. And they say maybe do that so people don’t get sick, don’t have to hide and get sick because of bad needles and all that stuff. (Oh, right. Yes.) Make it so people feel less tempted. Like using reverse psychology. (Ah. Right. Yes.) Like when you tell them don’t, they will do it. (Ah, yes.) And then you let them, then they probably will think about it and decide that it’s not interesting anymore because there’s no, tang of the forbidden things. No kick. You see? (Right, Master.) They don’t get kick out of that because it’s not forbidden anymore. For example, like that. So, they thought they’d use this reverse psychology (Yes, Master.) so to let people free to have drugs and all that stuff.
Ever since they let alcoholic drinks become legal, how many millions of people have died or are sick or how many billions, trillions of dollars have been spent on related damage because of alcohol? It’s a big mistake. And they are doing it with drugs now, as if alcohol is not killing enough and not damaging all generations enough, or not ruining countries and moral standards enough. (Right, Master.) When they drink, they’ll do all the things. (Yes.) Not just getting drunk, but they do all the bad things: quarreling, and then killing, and molesting people, all kinds of things that happen when they’re drunk. (Yes, Master.) Not like dead drunk to drop dead on the street or swoon out, but just like drunk but not completely yet, and then they will do many bad things. (Yes, Master.)

“Excerpt from ‘A Royal Hangover’ – A Film by Arthur Cauty -- 2014 Prof. Nutt(m): So a few years ago, I started to get interested in the relative harms of drugs. Why are some drugs legal, some drugs illegal? And we put together an expert panel, and we use this new technique called multi-criteria decision analysis. And that looked at all the kinds of harms that a drug can do, from whether it can kill you when you take it to whether it actually causes environmental problems. We discovered there were 16 separate harms and we ranked all the drugs on those harms, and then we weighted the harms. And amazingly, out of that, to my surprise, alcohol came top. Alcohol was the most harmful drug in the UK. And when you look at the reasons for that, you see it’s because the social harms of alcohol are so enormous. The harms due to health costs, due to road traffic accidents, due to violence in the streets, domestic violence. Those are the ones that make alcohol in the UK the most harmful drug.”
“Media Report from ABC News -- Jan. 14, 2014 Reporter(m): All of the untold stories of alcohol-fueled violence, is the devastating impact it has on medical staff.
Reporter(f): He says treating more young patients suffering the impact of alcohol-fueled violence, is taking its toll.
Interviewee Dr. Winder(m): It’s a devastating injury, not only for the family, but also for the staff who are looking after them. It’s extremely difficult, and I think part of that is having children yourself. You sort of see the senseless violence of it all. It’s almost gets to the point where it’s a Groundhog Day for us. Every time we’re on call, we’re seeing males and head injuries related to violence, and the underlying sort of common denominator is the alcohol with it.”
“Media Report from WPRI -- August 4, 2021 Reporter(f): Taunton police say the 42-year-old man struck a pedestrian on Main Street Tuesday evening. Escobar then drove off and collided with multiple other vehicles on Summer Street, causing his vehicle to tip over. The victim, 59-year-old Lisa Rocha, later died at the hospital. Prosecutors say Escobar had taken opiates, smoked marijuana, and had two shots of whiskey before getting behind the wheel.”
“Excerpt from the film “Faces of Drunk Driving” -- 2012 Woman: The top of his head hit the cab of the truck where it meets the windshield. And I was told by the medical examiner that he pretty much died instantly. His blood alcohol was twice the legal limit, so he shouldn’t have been driving. I never thought I’d have to write one of my kid’s obituaries.”
“Excerpt from ‘Pretty Intense Podcast’ -- Sept. 2, 2021 Dr. Peterson(m): Alcohol is a very bad drug for violence. 50% of people who are murdered are drunk, and 50% of the people who murdered them are drunk. And that’s true for almost every violent crime. In fact, if you eliminated alcohol, you’d eliminate most interpersonal violence.”

“4. There will be prevalence of open, illegal sexual intercourse.” That you know already, right? (Yes, Master.) Even open brothels, legal, and encouraged everywhere, even in a Buddhist country like Thailand. They support, they condone prostitution. It is like not illegal there. (Yes, Master.) That’s why it is one of the very most visited countries, because of all that. (Yes.) Because they can find brothels everywhere, privately or openly or personally also, (Yes, Master.) under the table and all that. And they are as respected as the teacher. (Wow.) People don’t look down upon prostitute girls. Because they take it for granted. That’s normal like that already. (Yes, Master.) It’s not like in the old times, people looked down upon them, and it was rare, not easy to find. But here nowadays, it’s all very common. (Yes.) Many other things also happened in the sexual direction.
So, the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, had already predicted our doom time. (Yes, Master.) So right now, it looks like the doom’s time is upon us. (Yes, Master.) It’s very clear. (Yes.) That’s why we have so much death from all different causes, like even war, killing each other, or the big oppress the small, like big nations oppress small nations. (Yes, Master.)
Flexing muscles just to threaten the weaker ones, (Yes, Master.) and smaller ones, and the innocent ones even. They are not having anything to do with you. They don’t provoke you, they don’t do anything wrong to you; still want to go and take their land, making whatever lame or stupid or evil excuses. It’s just downright bullying. (Right, Master. Yes.) And these are older people already, as old as they almost can go to the grave anytime already. Still flexing muscles and threatening this country and that island, and that nation. (Yes, Master.) Just because they are stronger, bigger, or more populated. Just like that. I think these older leaders, they should consider their time is numbered. (Yes, Master.) Not just to talk about our doom’s time yet. But they’re older.
Most leaders, they’re older. (Yes.) They should know better already that they should retreat into themselves. Even if they are politicians or whatever they are, they should know already their time is numbered. They should be more mellow. (Yes, Master.) More religious, truly religious, more repentant, more thinking of their days ahead, (Yes, Master.) which is not a lot anymore. And where will they go after they leave this physical body. They should think about that and behave accordingly, and seek solace in God, in Buddha, in Allah. And pray for their deliverance, because they don’t know if they die tomorrow (Yes, Master.) and go to hell.
Trying to oppress others or killing others, or psychologically harming them, threatening them. In Âu Lạc (Vietnam), we say, “Một cái dá bằng ba cái đánh.” Meaning if you threaten somebody with your fist, it’s as if you beat him three times already. Because he’s scared. (Yes.)
We are not made up only with the flesh. (That’s right.) We are made up with mental faculty, and psychological aspect, and spiritual aspect, also emotional aspect, mental aspect. So, all this is working together to keep a person as a person, alive. (Yes, Master.) And if you damage any of that, he is not well.
Just like your car, even one flat tire, then the car is also in danger. (That’s right.) (Yes, Master.) Endangers the driver and all who sit in that car. Even one or two screws loose also endanger them. (Yes, Master.) And the car cannot go the way it should go. (Yes, Master.) So, the car is not only the car. The car has people in it, lives in it, or cargo, or goods, fragile goods and all that. (Yes, Master.) So, anything damaged within the framework of that car is no good. (Yes.) No good for the whole thing, (Yes, Master.) for the car and the goods in it or the people in it. (Yes, Master.) Maybe not completely die by accident or smaller accident, but wounded, injured or scared, (Yes.) or swoon out.
Similarly, if you threaten somebody or some country, some citizens of that country will feel scared, nervous, and they don’t feel well. They cannot go about their business as well as if they are not scared or fearful. Or they are fearful for their lives, (Yes.) for their country, for the lives of their children, their friends, their loved ones. So that is a not good behavior, not good action, not good deed. (Yes, Master.)
Even if you have not bombed people yet, but you keep frightening them, and you keep scaring them, threatening them. Then it is as if you already did it. (Yes.) Just like the Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be Upon Him, taught us just the first couple of stanzas before, that even the one who got killed by the killer also goes to hell, (Yes.) because in his defensive mind, he also wants to kill that person to save his life. (Yes. Understand.) So both are guilty. See that? (Yes.) Both will go to hell. Just to kill one person, or to think of wanting to kill that person, even in self-defense, still can go to hell. Imagine how we escape anything.
Just like in the Kṣitigarbha Sutra, the Bodhisattva Kṣitigarbha told the Buddha, when the Buddha was discussing things with Him, just for the sake of the Buddha’s disciples, not that the Buddha didn’t know. Kṣitigarbha, because He stays in hell, (Yes, Master.) to help whomever He can in that hell. Just like many Masters go into this world and try to help whomever They can, even though it’s so difficult. (Yes, Master.) So, in hell, the Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva helps maximum four or five at a time, until these somehow are liberated, (Yes.) by any chance or some Master’s help. Otherwise, He doesn’t have the whole hell as disciples. (Yes, Master.) Number one, they don’t believe in Him. Number two, they’ve been too pained. They’re punished all day long, all day, all night. How can they even have time to come to sit at the feet of the Bodhisattva Kṣitigarbha? (Yes, Master.) (Yes, understand.)
Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva told Buddha that He observed in the whole Jambudvipa, meaning this world , Sahā world, “Everyone is sinning, every ksana of a second,” a fraction of a second, “because they think, they act, and they move. Any movement, any action, any thoughts are all sinful.” He said that, this world is like that.
I read that to you guys sometime before already, (Yes.) but because it’s concerning this, so I repeat it again. (Yes, Master.) Maybe some of you did not hear it, I don’t know. Not all of you always are with me or in retreat with me. And if you’re outside, you don’t always have time to read everything that I taught. And now if you are inside, you have even less time. The same with me. (Yes.)
I thought before, I’d go to find an enlightenment method, and then I will rescue the world. Like, innocently thinking it’s so easy. (Yes, Master.) And then I will enjoy with them together, or then I can be free. No, I have less time now than when I was married and in the world working. (Yes, Master.) Working and running a household at the same time. But now I’m more busy than that time.
Be Vegan, make peace.