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P. 5 /8 ) Thiên Đàng Không Chấp Thuận Việc Giết Hại Thai Nhi, 22 10 2021 - THANH HẢI VÔ THƯỢNG SƯ
Be Vegan, make peace.

Be Vegan, make peace.

Be Vegan, make peace.
Tại sao tới bữa nay, vẫn có người u mê đầu phục bà TH này ?  Confused-shrug-smiley-emoticon Mad
(2021-11-19, 09:44 AM)mika Wrote: Tại sao tới bữa nay, vẫn có người u mê đầu phục bà TH này ?  Confused-shrug-smiley-emoticon Mad

Nếu mika không đọc, không xem thì đâu có câu hỏi này đâu há.  Becuoi
(2021-11-19, 09:47 AM)TTTT Wrote: Nếu mika không đọc, không xem thì đâu có câu hỏi này đâu há.  Becuoi

TTTT cũng là đồ đệ bà TH?  Suytu
(2021-11-19, 09:51 AM)mika Wrote: TTTT cũng là đồ đệ bà TH?  Suytu

NO!!!! Lan không thích bà ta nên không bao giờ vô đọc hay tìm hiểu gì về bà ta hết. Nếu mình đã không thích ai đó thì cứ mặc kệ họ làm gì làm đi. Tốt cho bản thân mình hơn thôi hà mika. Tốt là tốt ở chổ mình không biết, không thấy thì lòng mình sẽ không có sự sân si nhiều hơn về người đó thôi. Lan đi ra, không muốn làm loãng thread của chị CN thêm đâu. Have a nice day.  Hello Innocent
(2021-11-19, 09:56 AM)TTTT Wrote: NO!!!! Lan không thích bà ta nên không bao giờ vô đọc hay tìm hiểu gì về bà ta hết. Nếu mình đã không thích ai đó thì cứ mặc kệ họ làm gì làm đi. Tốt cho bản thân mình hơn thôi hà mika. Tốt là tốt ở chổ mình không biết, không thấy thì lòng mình sẽ không có sự sân si nhiều hơn về người đó thôi. Lan đi ra, không muốn làm loãng thread của chị CN thêm đâu. Have a nice day.  Hello Innocent

Ờ, thôi kệ họ, đó là quyền tự do tôn giáo  Face-with-stuck-out-tongue-and-winking-eye_1f61c  Thumbs-up4 mika cũng đi ra luôn ....  Happy-smiley-emoticon

Heaven Does Not Accept the Killing of the Unborn, Part 6 of 8, Oct. 22, 2021
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Whatever happened to the baby will happen to them ten million-fold, (Wow.) more painful because of interest. (Yes, Master.) The longer they live, the more interest because more babies will be killed. (Yes. That’s right.) And at that time, they wish they were dead long time ago, or not born even. (Yes, Master.) So don’t have to partake in this kind of murderous sin. (Yes, Master.) Horrible sin.

Oh my God, if our world is doomed, I don’t blame God at all. I don’t blame our Father God in Heaven or Mother God in Heaven. (And there are many people who would want to adopt these babies.) True. (There are long waiting lists.) It’s true. Everywhere. (Yes.) As you sow, so shall you reap. Isn’t that clear? (Yes. Very clear.) Then why they choose to do the opposite of what God has commanded? It’s not like they are uneducated, living in a jungle tribe somewhere and nobody has ever taught them anything compassionate or good. (Yes, Master.) Compassion has to go with wisdom. Looks like all these people, they’re blind, deaf, and dumb. (Yes.) Stupid, ignorant or downright wicked. (Yes.) Working for Satan. (Yes. Definitely.) Blinded by fame and gain and position and power. (Yes.) That is what it is. (Yes.) Oh, my God.
There was a story before. In China, there were two friends. They’re very good, good friends. Best friends. (Yes.) It’s a long time since I read that. When I was a kid already, I read these. It’s a Chinese story. (Yes, Master.) One friend went down to wash his ears in the stream. (Yes.) And the other friend just came and said “What are you doing washing your ears?” He said, “The king just asked me to go to the court to give me a very big position in the court. And so I have to wash my ears.” He didn’t want it. That’s what it means. He didn’t want the position because he didn’t want the political things. He said, “My ears are contaminated (Right.) because of this event. The king asked me to be his big official. So I have to wash my ears to clean it.” (Oh, understand. Right.) So the friend immediately took his oxen (Yes.) and his cow to the upper side of the stream. He said that he doesn’t want his oxen to be contaminated by the ear-washing water from his friend. So he took his oxen to the upper side of the stream. And then he chided his friend. He said, “Where did you go to let people know that you are good. That means you still want fame. How did you let people know that you are good that people invite you into the court. That means your heart still wants fame.” He chided his friend like that. (Understand. Yes.) That’s how the true, saintly people in the past reacted (Yes, Master.) to fame and gain but it looks like nowadays anybody grabs it. (Yes. Everybody embraces it.) At any cost. Even at the cost of millions of innocent lives.
Oh, I’m so disappointed. I feel so pained. That one supposed to be the biggest religious leader in the world, (Yes, Master.) in the Christian world behaves like that. (Yes, Master.) Behaves so ignorantly, so wickedly. Uttering some wicked things like that to make an example for the world. (Yes.) And making excuses like don’t be political. (Yes, Master.) The way he’s siding for the evil-doer politicians, he’s already political. (Exactly, Master. Yes.) Or not? (Yes, Master. He is.) Isn’t that (Hypocritical.) ironic? Hypocritical? I have nothing else to say. Let me take a break. I cannot say it enough. I could say it forever. Same thing.
(He’s just leading people down the wrong path and then others also lead others to that same wrong path as well. All these other big politicians will keep making laws and stuff to support that bad policy.) Oh, my God. You are right. How can that be? Our world must be coming to an end or something. How can that be, Because everybody wants to kill. (Yes.)
And supported killing…and tender treatment to the killers. Isn’t that contradictory to anything that you’ve ever heard about goodness, (Yes, Master. Completely.) compassion and religious doctrine? (Yes, Master.) Can you believe all this? (Yes, it just seems that so many have fallen into Satan’s trap, and are influenced now by what they say, and what they do. It’s sad to see that happening.) Oh, it’s another trap.
It’s a time of upheaval (Right.) of the devil. That’s why all the devils are born into big positions. Many devils are born in a big position, a deciding position, influential position. That’s the only explanation I can think of. (Ah, right.) Otherwise, how else can anybody behave like that, and support murdering people, and babies, innocent, helpless, harmless babies. (Yes.) who will grow up and populate this Earth and make contributions, great or small. (Yes, Master.)
We cannot live without each other. (Yes, that’s right, Master.) We cannot live without the population. Each one has a job to do. They stop all that. (Yes, Master.) They want the world to stand still. (Oh, yes.) Have no more workers, no more intelligence, no more helpers, no more inventors, no more great doctors, no more whatever. (Yes, Master.) And now thousands of health workers are dead because of COVID-19, up to now (Oh, yes.) as well. (Yes.) Yes. And there won’t be that fast training enough. (Yes, Master.) Training takes many years. (Yes. That’s right, Master.) And after then, they also will die naturally. We need younger people coming up for everything in society. Even laborers we need, because we’re short everywhere. (That’s right. Yes.) I read it in the news.

Media Report from AI Jazeera Sept. 29, 2021 Reporter(m): A fuel crisis, in one of the world’s richest nations. Petrol pumps in the UK are running dry because there aren’t enough truck drivers to deliver the fuel.”
“Media Report from ABC15 Arizona Oct.19, 2021 Reporter(f): A shortage of drivers, those who actually transport that fuel.”
“Media Report from CBS Philly Sept. 25, 2021 Reporter(f): In the school district of Philadelphia, food services never delivered food yesterday for students’ breakfast and lunch.”
“Media Report from ABC Action News Sept. 15, 2021 Reporter(m): Nationwide vet shortages now taking a toll at the Lakeland Animal Hospital.”
“FOX News Interview Oct.12, 2021 Interviewee(m): There are 5 million fewer people working today than before the pandemic.”

That’s why many countries are short of electric power, short of gas power, (Yes.) short of many essential supplies even (Yes, that’s right.) and food. Empty shelves are everywhere because the cargo are (on ships) moored outside on the sea (Yes.) and not inside the city. Could not bring it in. (Yes, Master. That’s right.) For some reason no labor, no pilot, no driver, no captain. (Yes, Master.)
And continue killing babies. Oh, coming from the pope. I don’t know what kind of food he eats every day that he had to spill out this kind of murderous speech. (Yes, Master.) It is as well as murdering, you support it. (Yes, exactly.) That means you are also accomplice murderers. (Yes, Master.) In normal society, accomplice murderers are also punished, also in jail. (Yes.) Same in hell. The laws here are not as strict as in hell. (Wow.) They don’t mince their actions. They will just punish whoever you are if you act against the Law of God. They’re allowed to punish you. They’re allowed to torture you. Whatever happened to the baby will happen to them ten million-fold, (Wow.) more painful because of interest. (Yes, Master.) The longer they live, the more interest because more babies will be killed. (Yes. That’s right.) And at that time, they wish they were dead long time ago, or not born even. (Yes, Master.) So don’t have to partake in this kind of murderous sin. (Yes, Master.) Horrible sin. Oh God.
(It must be following Satan because You said that the demons want to eat the energy of the dead and especially the tenderness of the babies.) Yes. (So they must be following Satan to promote this kind of death.) Many kind of groups worship Satan and devils. They sometimes kill the babies to make offerings (Yes.) because the devil demands it. (Yes, Master.) They kill babies because they are still pure, but die in agony (Right, Master.) so that they will consume this kind of energy and become more powerful to kill more, (Yes, Master.) to harm more humans. Oh, dear God. What kind of world are we living in? Oh God, it’s getting worse by now. Seems like God doesn’t want us to live here anymore. (Oh, wow!) Wow, what else? (Yes.) It seems like they are killing, killing, killing all the time like this. (Yes. We are walking down the path that we must return from.) I’m not sure if they can even repent and be forgiven. Not so easily. (Wow!) Not when you murder so many. (Yes, Master.)
You see one of your brothers who, in his repeated nightmare, he remember he was a soldier and he just killed many innocent people in war because he was powerful, he can do it. (Yes.) Just push a button, for example. (Yes, Master.) And then he also killed an old, helpless woman with no reason. Just because it became a habit. (Oh, yes. That’s right.) Because he has a gun, he has power, he can do it. Just like that, just shoot. It’s like a habit. (Yes.) You see, automatic. And then, he was born as a pig-person. And before that, he had so many nails always piercing into his body like ocean waves, (Oh, wow. Right.) piercing his skin all the time. A lot of them, like waves of nails. (Wow.) Later, he was reborn as a pig-person. (Yes.) And he said sorry to the woman, but the woman didn’t understand the pig-people language. (Right.) That woman was reborn again and had that pig-person to be killed later, to sell for killing. (Yes.) And he said he’s sorry, but the woman could not hear him. His karma has to be paid. (Yes, Master.) At that time he said sorry ‒ useless already. No use. (Yes, Master.) No use. Because that person you kill for no reason, could not forgive you. She could not understand you even, to forgive you. (Yes.)
It’s not like, “OK, I did everything…” The Catholics have this wrong concept, is that they did anything they wanted, and then they just go in, confess with a priest (Ah, yes.) and their sins will be forgiven. Oh, no! I wish it’s true. I wish it could be done like that.

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Be Vegan, make peace.
Heaven Does Not Accept the Killing of the Unborn, Part 7 of 8, Oct. 22, 2021

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They become numb, stunned to all that. (Yes.) It becomes like nothing. It’s difficult to U-turn. (Yes.) Difficult. It’s not impossible, it’s just difficult. (Yes, very difficult.) Just like people smoke and drink, they know it’s bad, they just continue. (Yes, Master.) Many people also want to be vegan but they just continue eating meat.

Remember the story of Maudgalyayana, (Yes.) that his mother just gave some meat to some monks to eat only, (Yes.) and then slandered the monks of the Buddha at that time. (Yes, Master.) And then she has to go to this hell where every day, all day, she’d been fed burning coal into her throat. (Yes, yes.) And even her son has great magical power, he could go to hell and feed her. (Yes.) But anything he feeds her is turned into burning coal anyway. (Wow.)
And then, he has to beg the Buddha for help. As mighty as the Buddha is, He cannot help. (Yes.) Buddha said he has to beg all the monks in His assembly, believe that? (Wow. Yes.) Two thousand-plus monks, just to pray for this woman alone. (Wow.)
Imagine. She just killed some animal-people and fed them to the monks only, (Yes.) and she has to be punished like that. Imagine, you’re killing so many babies. How will you fare? (Yes. That’s right.) How will you be forgiven? (Yes, Master.) (Many, many more folds on top of that.) Yeah.
And then the Buddha’s monks at that time, they were enlightened. They were saints already. (Yes Master.) They’re almost like Buddha already. (Ah, yes.) So their power of prayer is different than the priests now. Even one million priests could not pray for the pope alone.
I’m telling you all the truth. God is my witness. (Yes, Master.) In the name of God, I’m telling all this. I don’t think they will U-turn. I do hope they do, so their pain will be lessened. Their time in hell will be maybe shortened a little. But I’m not sure if they will even U-turn. (Yes, Master.)

The power blinds people. (Yes.) When you’re in that position, like a pope or president, you feel so mighty, because everybody falls at your feet for a favor, or just the awesomeness of your power. (Yes.) Just because of your awesomeness. (Yes, Master.) Because of your high position, people just fall at your feet. Especially the faithful, they believe the pope is holy. That’s why they call him “Your Holiness.” (Yes, that’s right.)
Is he really holy? I don’t know. I cannot tell. But the way he acts, the way he behaves, the way he talks like that, I don’t believe it. (Doesn’t seem so.) Any holy person would not say such things. (That’s right, Master.) He’s condemning millions of babies, and making a good recommendation or encouragement for governments to continue to murder babies through abortion-supporting laws. (Yes, Master.) And paying for the abortion even. Paying for murder.

(Master talked about habit. People kill once, and then it becomes habitual– killing animal-people, then killing the fetuses, and then killing people.)
They become numb, stunned to all that. (Yes.) It becomes like nothing. It’s difficult to U-turn. (Yes.) Difficult. It’s not impossible, it’s just difficult. (Yes, very difficult.) Just like people smoke and drink, they know it’s bad, they just continue. (Yes, Master.)
Many people also want to be vegan but they just continue eating meat. They can’t stop or they just cannot organize their life to go in that vegan direction. (Yes, Master.) And they make all kinds of excuses, that they have to do business, they have to eat with other people, and then they will look weird if they eat vegan in front of all the meat eaters.
My God! How weird can it be if you are compassionate? If you act compassionately, and even making an example for others to be as compassionate as you are. (That’s right. Exactly.)

In this world, it seems like the strong will win, not the moral anymore, it seems to me. And the thing is, many big people, the top of society, are working for Satan. You can see that on the news. (Yes, Master.) So it seems like ‒ well, I hope not ‒ but it seems like the end. I have meditated and extended some years, but not forever. (Yes, Master. Thank You.) Not forever.

(Seems like not only politicians are following Satan, but maybe, many top religious leaders are following Satan.) Yeah. Because they rape children. (Yes.) And now they support killing children. Oh, how far will they go? How much further? There’s no other end. (No, Master.) There’s no end in sight. (Yes.)
Oh dear God! Oh dear God, I can’t believe this. And millions or billions of people worship these people, or support them. (Yes, Master.) Can you see how the world is upside down? (Yes, Master.) It’s all satanic views nowadays. (Oh yes.) Oh man, it has never been so bad. So, even seems like the end to me.

(We can only pray. We can only pray for things to be better.) Yeah. That’s all we do every day. (Yes, Master, and thank You for all You do.) I’m risking myself, but I don’t care. I do care. I wish I live long so I can help more if I can. It’s just somebody had to say something. (Yes.) It’s all quiet for the murderers and the supporters, because they are the pope, they are pastors, they are presidents, they are House speakers, they are Senators, (Yes, Master.) or governors, or whoever they are.
Top powerful people on this planet are leading all to hell. You can see that? (Yes, Master. We can. It’s clear.)
I just truly hope that the world will get better. And God, please help us, otherwise all the innocent will be murdered in such a way that it is just like hell now. (Yes, Master.) I can talk forever, but it’s the same thing. (Yes, Master. Thank You, Master.)
This is not condemnation – it’s the truth that I have spoken. (Yes, Master.) I cannot tell lies and say, “OK, you can kill the babies but you will go to Heaven.” (That’s right, Master.) You can just go confess to the priest, pour all your karma on him, and then you’ll go to Heaven. Or give maybe more donations. (Yes.) More donations, make the priests more fat – as if they are not fat enough, not big enough, (Yes, Master.) while the big part of the world lives under poverty. (That’s right.) They’re from hand to mouth. And many die of hunger, starvation, and die of thirst even. They’re pouring all these precious substances into the animal-people industry to feed these murderers. Not just anyone else, but these murderers – the babies’ killers. (Yes, Master.) They don’t have morals – these people, they’re truly Satan’s subordinates, or connected with Satan themselves.
Because, I tell you, in the war, many soldiers come home broken (Yes, Master.) because they had to kill sometimes and accidentally killed babies. And they confess that they cannot feel good. They have nightmares. They are broken men after coming back from the war. (Yes, Master.) As much as they die in the war field, more than double of them commit suicide, (Oh, wow!) because of depression, because of guilt. It is the statistic. I don’t make it up. (Yes, Master.) I read it myself. (Yes, Master.)
And they feel that remorseful, that guilty, that depressed because of accidentally killing a baby as a soldier. They have to sometimes, by accident. (Yes, Master.) Because they group together, the terrorists and the innocent together. Sometimes the terrorists, they use the population to hide behind them, so that they’d be safe. (Yes, use them as a shield.) The terrorists, whoever are the enemies. (Yes.) And then sometimes the soldier cannot help but killing some innocents, like babies, children. (Yes.) And they have so much remorse. All their lives they have nightmares. Either that, or they remorse, or they kill themselves because they cannot bear it.
Imagine, such a normal soldier, (Yes.) has not been taught any religious stuff, or very little, like every other normal people. And they feel remorse, repent, and take their lives even, just to atone for it – for the best they know. (Yes, Master.)
And, I mean, a majority of humans will feel remorse if they do that. And they say it or not say it only. (Yes.) And one woman on the news, she mourned her unborn, killed baby by abortion, four years long, and even wanted to take her life. (Yes, yes, that’s right, I saw that.)

"Media Report by 60 Minutes Australia Reporter (m) Dec. 9, 2019: Hallo again. Natalie mourns the girl she never held. Four years on, the pain hasn’t receded; at times the hurt so great, she even thought of ending her own life.
Natalie (f): I really didn’t want to live with the pain anymore, so there was probably times of thinking that I would have rather go and be with her."
"Interview by June (f): Deep down, I knew that I had killed my child, I had taken away my child, and the pain, and the hurt and everything just started to set in. I didn’t expect this abortion to wreck my life the way it did. All along, I wanted to be a good mom, and for the first time in my life, I just felt like I’m the worst sinner on earth, having taken away my child when he was weak and defenseless, and I was supposed to be the one protecting him when he was in my womb. I just found myself in this dark pit that I could not get out of."

And how can these people at the top of the nation, the top of the world, not feel anything for these babies? They must be Satan-connected. (Yes, Master.) Now you understand me? (Yes, Master. For sure.)
I feel no more sorry, no respect, no remorse for these people. I feel just pain. (Yes.) Just pain. So that means they’re not normal. (That’s right, Master.) They’re not even a normal lay person, not to talk about a priest or a pope or a president. (Yes, Master.)

They’re supposed to take care of their people, protect their people. No, they’re killing their own citizens, legally. (Yes.) And even sue some other state for not doing the same. Like Biden sued the Texas governor for forbidding abortion in his state. (Yes.) I don’t know if it’s legal to sue him or not, because every state has their own governing system also. (Yes, that’s right.) So, actually, they are the king in their own state. So, Biden just used his own over-power to sue him. (Yes.)
I’m not sure if it’s constitutional. The Constitution is never for killing anyway. (That’s right. Yes.) Let alone killing your own citizens, your smaller citizens, baby citizens. (Yes, Master.) That’s not constitutional. (No.) They just say it’s a constitutional right for the women. (Yes, Master.) Oh, rubbish! Evil. Evil talk.
So, you can see clearly, they are not humans. (Yes, Master.) They are demons (Yes, for sure.) or demon-possessed beings because they’re so greedy for power that the demons can do it. They are not protected by morals, by God’s Blessing, so they can be possessed and controlled by demons. (Yes, Master.) That’s what it is.
I told you the other time already, if you’re pure and innocent, demons cannot touch you. (Yes. That’s right.) So, these people, they are not humans anymore. Maybe they were before, but they are contaminated by power and fame. So, they are possessed by demons. They’re allowed to be possessed by demons because they’re not good, they’re not morally protected. (Yes, Master.) They don’t have any morals in their heart, that’s why. So, you cannot blame the demons, either. (Understand.) That’s their job to get those who are not pure. (Right.)

Be Vegan, make peace.
Heaven Does Not Accept the Killing of the Unborn, Part 8 of 8, Oct. 22, 2021
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I just pray to God that they all listen. (We also.) I pray to God to give them the power to understand what I’m saying. To believe what I’m saying and just to do what’s God’s will, because God says everywhere in all the religions, “Thou shalt not kill.”

This is truly hypocrisy from the pope, because remember, a long time ago, he condemned same-sex marriage. (Yes.) And didn’t give them any blessing that was requested for their marriage, remember? (Yes, Master. Yes, we do.) It’s kind of like he denied them. (That’s right, Master.) Like, disowned them. (Oh, yes, Master.) Like they are the worst sinners, or something untouchable.
They only marry each other. They harm nobody. (Yes, that’s right.) And many of them are very charitable. (Yes.) Very kind people, very artistic also. I know many of them. (Yes, Master.) And they do it out of love also, for each other. And love is what counts. (Yes, Master.)
And condemn them, oh, until the ultimate, deny them communion, deny them their union, and excommunicate them. (Yes.) Deny them and hurt their feelings, and sabotage their psychological wellness and mental tranquility. And destroy their emotions. (Yes, Master.)
In the long run, it has a very big psychological effect. (That’s right.) Because they trust these priests and pope, and they let them down. Instead of giving them their blessing and telling them to be more abstinent. Even if they think they are sinners, then tell them to repent. Right? (Yes, Master.) No! Condemning them.
And here, murdering children, babies ‒ cannot condemn! He said, “Don’t condemn them, treat them with tenderness,” these murderous politicians. Isn’t that hypocrisy? (Yes. Definitely.) Or not? (Yes, it is. For sure.)

What else then? It makes me sick to my stomach. I feel sick to my stomach. (Yes, Master.) How these kinds of people, sitting at the top, and misleading the world. (Yes, that’s right.) Damaging the tenet of Jesus, (Yes.) and God’s commandments. (Yes, Master.) This is not a small thing. (No, Master.)
I condemn all these people. They are not good for the world. (That’s right, Master.) If they don’t repent, they should be condemned. (Yes, that’s right.) They should do the opposite, then maybe I will have compassion. Maybe I will pray for them. But right now, they are devils. I don’t pray for the devils to prosper. I don’t pray for the devils to continue to harm innocent human beings and babies. Do you hear me? (Yes, Master.)
I don’t pray for these people. (Yes, Master.) Because whatever they do, they just have to go to hell, no matter I pray or not. And I don’t want to pray for these people who are murderers. Murderers of innocent babies. Got that? (Yes, Master. That’s right.)

I don’t have compassion for the devils. Because who will have compassion for humanity? For the innocent babies. (Yes, that’s right.) (Yes, Master.) My compassion is for the humanity. For the erring humanity, for the badly-influenced- by-the-devils humanity. I have compassion for the helpless babies but not for these evil. (Yes, Master.)
That’s my response to the pope, if he even has enough intelligence or humane quality to listen.
I just pray to God that they all listen. (We also.) I pray to God to give them the power to understand what I’m saying. To believe what I’m saying and just to do what’s God’s will, because God says everywhere in all the religions, “Thou shalt not kill.” There is a reason. You see? (Yes, Master.)

It’s very sad, but has to be said. (Yes, Master.) Has to be said. Nobody says anything. I don’t see any newspaper talk about that. Except to print what the pope said, they have not said anything against it. (That’s right, Master.) Or surprise or shock, nothing. Too powerful. (Yes, Master.)
Woe to whoever uses their power for the wrong end. Satan and devils will be waiting for them. That’s what they tempted them for, so they have more to torture in hell. (Yes, Master.) They are bored down there, waiting for these kinds of people. First, they send some subordinates to get them because they’re greedy for power and gain. So, some of the subordinates of Satan go to them and possess them or influence them, (Understand. Yes, Master.) day in, day out. And then, they are happy to wait for them in hell so that they can have something to do. Someone to torture, so they can hear their screams.
What do you think the devils do? What do you think? (They’re just torturing.) That’s their job, they like it. (Yes.) Just like sadistic persons on this planet, they like it when somebody else suffers. That’s what it is. (Yes, Master.)
So, that’s what awaits them, because Heaven cannot welcome this type. (Yes. Yes, Master.) There’s no such quality in Heaven. (Yes. That’s right, Master.)

I cannot emphasize it enough. They don’t understand this. Whatever you do, it will be done to you. And ten-thousand-fold, hundred-thousand-fold, or millions-fold more. And more painful than on Earth. (Wow.) You don’t die quick. You don’t die quick, you’ll be tortured day in, day out, all the time. It depends. Mostly you don’t have a respite, if you yourself do it, or condone it, or make a law of killing. (Yes, Master.)
Even meat eaters, they have some respite in between. But these murderers, they won’t. (Wow. Unending suffering.)
Meat eating only, innocently eating. Because the meat, they make it into a very neat and tidy package. (Ah, yes.) So people don’t connect with the animal-people that have been murdered or tortured in the slaughterhouse. (Yes, that’s right.) Not just dying, but dying in such agony. They don’t connect it. And even then, they have to be punished. But less than those who did it themselves, or who did it for selling, for making money.
Even just eat meat, you are tortured like that. (Yes.) Because they never went to Heaven or hells, they know nothing. (Right.) And even they professed to be Catholic or Christian or Buddhist, they know nothing. They don’t listen to the Buddha’s teaching or Jesus’ teaching. (Yes. That’s right.)

(And even during like Christmas, when they’re supposed to celebrate Jesus, they’re killing more animal-people to eat.) I know. Supposed to celebrate birth. (Yes. And life.) The holy, pure birth, and they stained it with blood all over the world.
Every Christmas I feel sick, I mean physically, ever since I can remember. Since I was young already. Every Christmas I was very, very sick. And after a long time, after Christmas has gone by, then I get better. (Yes. But then you’re followed by other celebrations. You got New Year and then Thanksgiving, and all those.) I was sick a very long time, until after Christmas was long gone. That included New Year and all that.
I was often sick, before. (Yes, Master.) And now, I’m practicing, but if I’m more going out with people and all that, I also get sick. I have always been sick. Only when I’m in retreat, then I’m well. (Yes, Master.)
I didn’t do retreat just so that I feel well. It’s not like that. It’s just the byproduct. (Understand. Yes.) Or a good side effect of it. (Yes, Master.) Whenever I do retreat for a long while, I have no problem. Not sick physically, just emotionally, mentally, psychologically, because of the sickness of the world, because of the suffering of the world. (That’s right, Master.) They make me feel pain, but not physical. Sometimes physical, but not so bad like before. (Yes, Master. Understand.) Not so bad like have to be hospitalized, and operation and all that kind of stuff. (Yes, Master. We hope that never happens again.) Never mind, whatever happens, will happen.
I just wish I am well and live so that I can do my work. That’s all. (We wish that too, Master.) Not that I care about when I go. Sometimes I really wanted to go also. (We understand. Yes, Master.) Go back Home, go to Heaven, because it’s too much suffering to bear sometimes for my little heart. (Yes, Master.) But I know I won’t do that. It’s just a feeling. (Yes, Master.) It’s just the thought one normally has. But of course, I won’t do that. I won’t go home just yet. (Thank You, Master.) Unless it has to be. (Master, Thank You.)

All right, my love. Ciao now. (Yes, Master.) (Goodbye, Master.) Be well. Be blessed. Pray to God. (Yes, we will.) (Thank You, Master.) And thank God. Thank Heaven. Thank all the Protectors, for all of us. (Yes, Master. Thank You.) For our luck, for our safety, for our fortune, that we are better off than a lot, a lot, a lot of people in this world. (Yes, Master.) All right. Talk to you another time. OK? (Yes, Master. Thank You.) God bless.

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Be Vegan, make peace.
When Honesty Is Lost: Signs of the Last Hour from the Hadith, Part 1 of 16, Nov. 14, 2021
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Mostly it’s about the stories that are narrated about the Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be Upon Him, about His life. (Ah, yes, Master.) And about His talks or teachings, or mentioning a note here and there during His lifetime, and the disciples, some of them have noted down and made it into a book called Hadith.

How are you, guys? (Very good, Master. Hallo!) A little bit like echoing. Kind of blurred, the voice. But I heard you; you said you’re OK, right? (Yes, Master.)
(How is Master?) Oh, She’s OK. She doesn’t have enough time to think how She is or anything; wherever pain or whatever, She fixes it. And that’s it. Fix it and forget it. Just like that. (Yes.) Anytime. It’s OK for being a Master. It could be worse. (Yes, Master. We are lucky.) I’m very grateful that that’s all there is. It could be worse. The astral body is taking a lot of karma and pain, but the physical body is still OK. (Oh, Master.) It affects a little bit. I mean, quite decently. Otherwise, the physical body still functions.
By the way, are you all alright in winter, no pain, no aching anywhere? (No, Master.) (We are all right. We’re OK.) (Thank You, Master.) You’re all OK? (Yes.) Good. Good.

I’m going to read you something from the Hadith. Some parts. (OK, Master. Thank You, Master.) Hadith is a very big book and it has like nine volumes. And each volume is also quite a decent volume. (Right.) I’m not sure how many volumes we will be able to read. Some things are interesting and some things are less interesting. Mostly it’s about the stories that are narrated about the Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be Upon Him, about His life. (Ah, yes, Master.) And about His talks or teachings, or mentioning a note here and there during His lifetime, and the disciples, some of them have noted down and made it into a book called Hadith. (Right. Understand.)
They even recorded some very minute details like how he would take a bath and all that. It’s really very, very alive. Very lively book. I don’t think anybody would have noticed so much about other Masters’ lives like this Hadith. Well, I guess the Buddha. The Buddha’s stories are also very, very detailed. (Yes, Master.)
Excuse me. Did you hear anything? (Yes. Yes, we did.) I just sneezed. (Bless You, Master.) Thank you, thank you.
It’s winter. (Yes, Master.) Winter, and sometimes I come in and out too quickly, I forgot to put on warmer clothes. (Oh, right.) I don’t like to wear a lot of clothes. So, when I’m in the room, I don’t carry them. Only when I go outside. It’s cold outside, so I should wear it. But sometimes it’s so urgent, I forgot. Sometimes I have to run fast somewhere, you know. So, you know, I don’t really have time to dress up and make up for you. Sorry. (That’s OK, Master.) (That’s OK, we can hear You, that’s good already. Thank You.)
Yeah, you should think like that because in the old time, even to see the Master, you have to arrange a lot, a lot. (Yes, Master.) Or even have to leave your country. (Yes.) And not seeing the Master even after, after the Master passed away to Nirvana or to Heavens, whatever you call it, many people had to devote all their life in order to go to a certain place to acquire this kind of book or that kind of holy book. (Yes, Master.) Like the Torah. Some people devote all their life just to study it. So they became like priests. (Oh right, yes.) It’s very treasured, those holy books. And then, like the Buddha has passed up to Nirvana, but people still devote their life. Some of the faithful had to devote all their life in order to study all the Buddhist sutras. Just like many rabbis, they devoted their life, traveling a long distance in order to study the Torah, with a learned, religious person. (Yes, Master.)
So we are very lucky nowadays, we just push a button, and then push another button to print it out. Like what your brother printed out for me, and sent to me, because I requested it, I don’t have it with me. I probably have it somewhere in other rooms or other residences far away somewhere. But I keep moving too much, I don’t even know where my things are anymore. (Oh Master… Understand.) And there are so many books to take around, you know, right? (Yes, Master.) All the Buddhist sutras, not all, but even some are very heavy already. (Yes.) And then the Jewish stories, (Yes, Master.) and then the Torah or the Koran, the Holy Bibles. (Yes, Master.) Multi-dimensional. (Right.) That is the thing. Not many Masters in the past had to do this. Only I. And God knows why Hes chose such a frail woman to do such a heavy job.
If you’re a Buddhist monk, it’s good enough that you study some of the Buddhist sutras. And people would think you’re learned and good enough already. (Yes, Master.) Many, they don’t even get to study. Maybe many Hinayana monks don’t even get to know the Surangama Sutra and other sutras. (Oh.) So if you could even study all the Buddhist sutras, that’s supposed to be very good already, good monk already. And I have to study so many different religious holy scriptures. (Yes, Master.) Because you want them, you like them. I mean, not you, I mean the so-called disciples, in general. (Yes, right.)
I have to clarify, because not everybody reads the Bible and understands it. (Yes, true.) And not many read the Surangama Sutra and have any idea about it. (Yes, Master.) Generally, they misunderstand a lot or don’t know how to explain it. (Yes.)

OK. Let’s go to the Hadith now. Just because I promised before that, when I have time, I will read some for you, so I do it now. (Thank You, Master.) You’re welcome.
OK. This is from Volume One, Book Two, Number 12. There’s one person named Anas. He has heard the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, say something, so he recorded it. Because there are many disciples. (Oh, yes, Master.) And the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, had been in different places and with different groups of people, sometimes with one or two and sometimes with a big group. And maybe they assign whatever group he’s been in. Maybe one person was assigned to record. (Oh, yes, Master.) Just like in our group, you see sometimes during my talk, one sister or one brother, keeps noting things, what I’m saying, just the essence. (Yes.) So that they can distribute it at home or maybe put it on our magazine. (Yes, Master.) So like that.
This person, his name’s Anas, he said that the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him… I think the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him Forever. Maybe sometimes I forget to say that, I hope the Muslims don’t mind. I do all this and say His name, His title with all respect from the depth of my heart. And you know that. (Yes, Master.) If there’re any Muslims among you, please forgive.
So the Prophet said, Peace Be Upon Him, “None of you will have faith until he wishes for his brother,” means the Muslim brother at that time, “what he likes for himself.” Meaning, whatever you like, whatever you wish for yourself, you should wish for others first, your brother. Brother meaning the brother in faith. (Yes, Master.) That’s how the Muslims, they stay strong. They really knit with each other tightly, (Yes, Master.) because they listen to the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him.
At that time, you must know it was a very difficult time for the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him. Very difficult for Him and for His disciples. He had to keep moving and then He had to run to another city in order to have safety. (Yes. Yes, Master.) The government at that time was really hard upon them, persecuting His disciples, and wanted to kill the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, as well, as the history recorded.
So this is just one of the Prophet’s, Peace Be Upon Him, teaching. And they probably cannot write the whole thing, so they just write whatever is most important. (Oh, yes, Master.) This is from Anas. And many others also recorded many things, each of them recorded something. Maybe they divided, like maybe only write the first, and the other one writes the middle, and the other one writes the end, or something like that. (Yes, Master.)
Be Vegan, make peace.
When Honesty Is Lost: Signs of the Last Hour from the Hadith, Part 6 of 16, Nov. 14, 2021

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When you practice this (inner) Heavenly Light and Sound, that means you contact your Self already, your real Self, your original face yesterday. The real original power, the universal network of holiness, of enlightenment, of contentment, of happiness.

In this book, it’s of course all the teaching according to the Koran as well. But this is really personal from the Prophet Himself, (Yes, Master.) Blessing Be On Him.
So you see, if the Muslim believers do not act or do not live according to the teaching of the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, then they’re no Muslim. I’m sorry to say that. I’m not sorry. I’m just telling the truth. (Yes, Master.) The same with Buddhism or Christianity or Hinduism or Jainism or Sikhism. (Yes.) Within all these tenets, if people profess that they are Christian, they are Sikh, they are Hindu, they’re Buddhist and they’re Jain, if they continue to eat meat, they are not already. (Yes, Master.) Period. Not to talk about anything else yet. (Yes, Master.)
So, very rare we find any true Muslim, any true Christian, true Buddhist, true Jain, true Hindu, or true Sikh anymore. (Yes, Master.) Only when the Masters, like Guru Nanak Dev Ji, like Buddha, the World Honored One, Jesus, Son of God, or Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be Upon Him, or Lord Mahavira, for example, when They were alive and Their disciples, the ones who followed Them closely and were initiated by Them, only they were true Muslims, true Christians, true Sikhs, true Buddhists, true Hindus, true Jains. (Yes, Master.)

You see, I wasn’t intending to be a Master or anything before, so I was not really prepared. I jumped out and then I continued. I didn’t think that I have to do much or study much or know too much. Because when we practice the (inner) Heavenly Melody and (inner) Heavenly Light, that’s all we need. (Yes, Master.) We go back to our Origin, we go back to our true Self, connected with the true Heaven, to God’s power and universal force.
So, I never felt like I needed anything more. Whatever Buddhist story or Buddhist sutra I read before, that was before I was enlightened. Maybe I was enlightened a little, but not like officially real enlightenment. (Yes, Master.) Like, at that time, I would not be able to read all these stories for you. I wouldn’t be able to really express my opinion and my anger at the injustice of this world. (Yes, Master.) I did feel the pain of others as if it’s mine, but not so deep like now. (Yes.) And I did understand some of the Buddhist sutras, which I’d recite, but not so deeply like these recent years. I mean, after enlightenment. (Yes, Master.) (Understand.)
If you are meditating on the (inner) Melody of Heaven and Light, then you don’t need anything more. You don’t really need to study anything. The same with the Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be Upon Him. He did not study anything further. (Oh yes, Master.) He just went to the cave and then He heard the (inner Heavenly) Sound and so loud and all that. And He was kind of scared because maybe He wasn’t quite sure what it was. (Yes.) Many of my disciples, similar, sometimes very loud. (Yes.) It depends on who and what level you are in. So He was kind of scared. So the Angel Gabriel came to Him and forced Him, told Him, “You have to read.”
You see, because many sutras, many holy books have written about these experiences. Just like in the Holy Bible, I told you that Moses saw the fire in the bush, saw God like a fire in the bush. (Yes.) It’s not fire, it’s God’s Light. (Yes, Master.) For example, like that. And many of Jesus’ disciples heard the (inner Heavenly) Sound, trumpet from Heaven. (Yes.) Or like the (inner Heavenly) Sound of many waters, meaning the waves of the ocean. (Yes.) And like the (inner Heavenly) Sound of thunder and all that. (Yes, Master.)
If you did not read all that, you have no holding point to compare. (That’s true.) And then you would not understand more. You see? Thus, the angel forced Him, “You have to read.” He did not understand to read what. But He should go and study other existing holy books. Before the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, there were other Prophets, other Masters. And They left records. Just like in the Bible, it left the record.
Like Moses sees the (inner Heavenly) Light and all that stuff. (Yes.) Or John hears the (inner Heavenly) trumpet from Heaven, or the (inner Heavenly) harp, and such things that we do hear when we practice the Quan Yin Method. And we do see (inner Heavenly) Light, we do hear. (Yes, Master.) Most of the disciples. Sometimes they sleep; they don’t see, of course. Too tired, come home and they’re tired and drop dead, until tomorrow. But many disciples do see, do hear and do have visions. You know that. (Yes, Master.)
We have plenty. Just I don’t let them always tell too many. (Yes, Master.) Because people don’t believe, people don’t understand and they might make trouble for them. (Yes.) Many Masters saw what we saw and got killed, got murdered, got persecuted. Or many other Masters’ disciples before. Just like Jesus. (Yes, Master.) And they proclaimed that they hear God, they see God, and people say they’re blasphemous. (Yes.) That’s why they were killed. Because other people hear nothing. They say they go to the church every day, there is no such thing. (Yes, Master.) And they don’t understand anything anyway.
So, after that, I guess the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, went and studied with many other learned pundits. And then He understood more of His inner visions, and then He began to be able to teach people, and explain the holy books and those experiences that others who followed Him had at that time. (Yes, Master.)
Just like, if I just meditate on the Quan Yin Method – there is no “method” – but if I only meditate on Quan Yin, then I’ll probably feel also sufficient, (Yes, Master.) feel satisfied and contented. So, I’d never think I need to read anything, for example, the Hadith. (Yes.) I did not read it before. I just saw some here and there, a reference somewhere, but not reading the Hadith, just like I’m reading now. (Yes, Master.) I did not feel the need. I believe that the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, was a Prophet. He was right. That’s enough for me. I believe the Buddha was the Buddha. I believe Christ was Christ, etc. (Yes. Understand.) Just because I happened to be acquainted with you guys, for example, then now I have to work harder. (Yes.)
Maybe not for you. Maybe you all believe in me already, and you did not feel the need to study any more of anything. (Yes, Master.) But other people still do. (Yes, Master.) So, we just do it for them. (Yes.) You are great, enlightened already. You don’t need it, right?
Why are you laughing? (Well, we wouldn’t say we are.) You wouldn’t say so? (No.) Who knows? Yeah, you are enlightened somehow, otherwise you wouldn’t stick around. (Thank You, Master.) You wouldn’t be able to do the work, the way you do. (Thank You, Master.) I mean, not just you, but all your brothers in-house and remote. (Yes, Master.) Your brothers and sisters also.

I did not let you do more connection because I was in a hurry. I’m always in a hurry. I don’t have much time nowadays. (Yes, Master.) You can see so much going on in the world. How would I have time? (Yes, Master.) And even if I want to scold you, you probably have to wait until next year if you did something wrong.
One of your brothers, wrote to me today, said he forgot, he misplaced the lecture. Instead of the 16th, he put on the 17th, different lecture. Even if I wanted to scold him, I didn’t have time. So I just make it correct and then I send it. (Yes, Master.) I don’t have time to scold you guys. So don’t dream about it. No more of that.
Before, I had more time. So I just do general teaching nowadays. (Yes, Master.) Not too much personal. You guys take care of yourselves. (Yes, Master.) If you meditate a lot every day, and now and then I read you a story and explain it, then you’re OK. (Yes, thank You, Master.) Also, for other brothers and sisters of yours. (Yes.) So, do you understand now? (Yes, Master.)
Not just because you think then you won’t be accountable. If you think something bad, you’ll be accountable. If you think something good, also a good outcome will visit you. (Yes, Master.) But it’s better we don’t think bad, we don’t think good anymore. We don’t need anything anymore. (Yes, Master.) We just continue our way because we know we are on the right way. (Yes.) According to GPS, according to the map, we’re on the right track, so we just keep driving or walking. (Yes, Master.) It depends on your means. So we don’t need to look left and right, looking for other roads or anything anymore, or any other map anymore. (Yes, Master.) That is it.
When you practice this (inner) Heavenly Light and Sound, that means you contact your Self already, your real Self, your original face yesterday. The real original power, the universal network of holiness, of enlightenment, of contentment, of happiness. (Yes, Master.) But there are always younger brothers and sisters. So, I have to study this and that and explain to them. Otherwise, I don’t feel I need anything, do you? (No, Master.) Yeah, that’s it. It’s the contentment that the enlightenment brings to us. (Yes.)

Any more questions about what I have just said before we go to another one? (No, Master.) No? OK.

Be Vegan, make peace.
When Honesty Is Lost: Signs of the Last Hour from the Hadith, Part 5 of 16, Nov. 14, 2021

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You see, anyone who eats meat, who kills animal-people or partakes in that killing indirectly to eat, they are not Christian. (Yes, Master.) They’re also not Muslim. They’re not Buddhist. They’re not Hindu. They’re not Jain. They’re not Sikh. (Yes, Master.) Because they don’t do anything according to the teaching of the Masters, of Jesus.

(…) Those priests are not worthy to even stay in prison, not to talk about stay in that “holy” church and using that base to hurt others. Not just any, but children, because children are helpless, defenseless. (Yes, Master.) Oh, this is low-life. Lowest of all the low-life, (That’s right, Master.) most wicked of all the wicked, the most evil of all the evil. (Yes, Master.) They should be kicked out and the church property should be sold, and they should trace all the children possible, compensate for their family. Not that money can buy everything, but at least they’re not worthy to stay in any church at all.
They should be driven out, like homeless. (Yes, Master.) Worthless! How can this kind of people stay in our society, still safe, protected? (Yes, it’s not right.) It’s not right, is it? (No, Master.) (No.) (Definitely not.) All the while they’re chasing criminals, waste a lot of time and a lot of police effort. (That’s right.) (Yes.) And these criminals, the worst of all criminals, are staying all over everywhere in front of them! (Yes.) And nobody does anything!! There’s no justice!! Is it? (No, Master.) What kind of society is this, that nobody dares to do anything to these criminals, the worst of all criminals on this planet?!

"Interview by BuzzFeed–March 5, 2016 Manuel Vega (m): A lot of the abuse took place inside the church, inside the house of God. Saying no to him would almost be saying no to God. And when have you ever said no to God? I was sexually abused by a Catholic priest from the age of 11 to the age of 16."
"Interview by BuzzFeed–March 5, 2016 Joelle Casteix (f): When I was between the ages of 15 and 17 years old, I was sexually abused by a teacher at a private Catholic high school in Southern California. With me, it started with long conversations about my mom and how I was alone. Then he started telling me secrets, and he wanted me to share those secrets with nobody else. Then it moved into the kissing and the touching. And within a few months, it was full blown sexual abuse. And it was so bad, by the time that the abuse ended, I was 17, and I was pregnant, and I had a sexually transmitted disease. In the end, my lawsuit settled and I got more than 200 pages of documents, secret documents, spotlight documents, in my case. And they included the signed confession from the man who sexually abused me. He confessed to abusing me and he confessed to abusing my friends. I got secret documents from school administrators who said, 'Oh, yeah, we knew that this was going on. We knew that Joelle was being sexually abused. And we decided to keep it quiet because it was better that way.'"

OK. If you have any questions, you want to ask now or later? (Yes, I have a question.) Now? Concerning this? (Yes.) OK, tell me. (Well, I read that the pope thanked the journalists for their reporting about the sexual abuses in the Catholic Church.) Yes. (Is this a good sign, Master?)
He did that because everybody scolded him, blamed him that he did nothing. He said that, not because he feels sorry for the children, but he said that because he’s under pressure. (Oh, right.) Because now the whole world knows, and everybody keeps condemning it. So he had to say something, but such a weak announcement. Just thank the journalists. (Yes.) Not even one word to protect the children for the future. Not even firing all this evil from his own church and other churches.
And then what do the children, what do the families who suffer all these years, decades, get out of it? (Nothing.) And being under oppression and have no power, cannot do anything, cannot claim any justice. Even all the top governments do nothing! (Yes, Master.) You see how powerful they are, these evils? (Yes, Master.) That’s not correct. There’s no justice in this world. Not at all. It’s all “jungle law” that the church can get away with anything they do, including pedophile (acts) and murder of the children.
And many are even not known. It’s just like many hundreds of children had been murdered in Canada and USA, they just recently discovered. (Yes, Master.) How many more that’s hidden and swept under the carpet? Because before, the pope was trying to cover it. Ignored it or tried to cover up. Did not want to do anything about it. (Yes, Master.)
OK. They will go to hell and then they will have to answer there. They will have to suffer there for thousands of years, I’m telling you. (Wow.) At least thousands of years, Earth time. (Wow.) (Yes, understand.) Anybody who knows anything about hell, can confirm that. And no need; there are many sutras saying such things. (Yes.) Many holy books say things like that. Even the Holy Bible says similar things. (Yes, Master.) It says something like, “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” (Yes.)
But in hell, it’s not just a tooth and an eye. Will be many, many hundreds, thousands, millions times more, (Right, Master.) because of interest. (Yes.) Just like you owe something and you don’t pay right away, the interest will mount up. (Yes, Master.) Then you have to pay more and more all the time.
And in the universal law, there is much more than just that. Because it’s so wicked, do you understand me? (Yes, Master.) If you kill somebody in self-defense, this is already very bad. You still need to pay anyway, not to talk about molesting and oppressing and abusing the innocent and helpless, defenseless. (Yes, Master.) Just because it’s so easy. This is more evil than in hell.
In hell, they only punish the guilty. They don’t punish the innocent. (Yes, Master.) These people, they’re worse than devils. Worse than devils in hell. Why don’t they just go disappear somewhere, so that the society feels a little bit fresher, cleaner. (Yes, Master.) More purified.

OK. I read further this. There was a story told about a person. He wanted to have a quarrel or a fight with another person. This one is narrated by Al-Ahnaf bin Qais, if I read it right or not. This man said, “While I was going to help this man named 'Ali Ibn Abi Talib, Abu Bakra met me and asked, ‘Where are you going?’ I replied, ‘I am going to help that person.’” Help, meaning I’m going to correct him. (Yes.) I’m going to fix him. I’m going to deal with that person. (Oh, yes, Master.) Probably fighting. But they just say, “I’m going to help him” or “I’m going to meet him.”
So, this Abu Bakra maybe was a higher rank among Muslims at that time. “He said, ‘No, no, go back, go back. Because I have heard Allah’s Apostle saying…’” Allah’s Apostle, meaning the Prophet Muhammad, (Yes, Master.) Peace Be Upon Him. Some people call Him the Prophet Muhammad. Some people call Him the Prophet. Some people call Him Allah’s Apostle. So, this Abu Bakra was probably a high priest or some more elder senior believer in the Muslim faith at the time. He said, “Go back, go back. Go home. Because I have heard Allah’s Apostle saying that, ‘When two Muslims fight each other…’” Meaning meet. They say, “go to meet” that and this person but that means go to fight.
“‘When two Muslims fight each other with their swords, both the murderer as well as the murdered will go to the hell-fire.’” (Oh!) Just one person, with each other only, you still go to hell, not to talk about killing, molesting children, all the years like that. And even support it. (Yes, Master.) You see, the Muslim religion originally was very good. You hear what the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, just said? (Yes, Master.) So, “I said,” meaning the person who was going to fight with the other one. “I said, ‘Oh, Allah’s Apostle! It is all right for the murderer to go to hell, but what about the murdered one?’ So, Allah’s Apostle replied, ‘He surely had the intention also to kill his companion.’”
Because when both are fighting, then the other one will kill, but the stronger one kills the weaker one, perhaps. But the weaker one, at that time, also wanted to kill back. (Yes, Master.) So both go to hell. Even just intend to only. Just think about that, wanted to, but did not commit the act of killing yet, still, both go to hell. (Yes, Master.)

And people say Muslims are violent, Islam religion is murderous and terrorists and all that, because they don’t understand Muslims, including these so-called terrorists or the “Muslim” fighters, or “Muslim” suicide bomber or “Muslim” organized behind the suicide bomber as well. (Yes.)
These are not Muslim. (No, Master.) No. Because the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, said very clearly here. You see that? (Yes.) The intention is enough to drag you to hell already. That’s what I keep telling you, you have to be pure, not just bodily, but speech, as well as your mind, your thoughts. (Yes, Master.) Body, speech, and thoughts. (Yes, Master.) Physical, verbal, and thoughts. (Yes, Master.) We say in Âu Lạc (Vietnam), “thân, khẩu, ý” (body, speech, thought). In Chinese, also, “shen kou yi” (body, speech, thought). So, you see that? (Yes, Master.)
So, there are not many Muslims in the world, are there? If they support all these kinds of murderers. And also, besides, talking about Christian people or Catholic people… You see, anyone who eats meat, who kills animal-people or partakes in that killing indirectly to eat, they are not Christian. (Yes, Master.) They’re also not Muslim. They’re not Buddhist. They’re not Hindu. They’re not Jain. They’re not Sikh. (Yes, Master.) Because they don’t do anything according to the teaching of the Masters, of Jesus. Jesus went to save the weaker lamb-child, carried him. (Yes.) And then His followers now, still continue eating the lamb-children instead. You see that? (Yes, Master.)
And in Islam, it says clearly that you have to treat animal-people very well. (Yes, Master.) I don’t remember where, but we will come to that one day or… We do have it in our religious scroll, that in Islam, the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, also taught people to be kind to animal-people. (Yes, Master.) He never asked them to kill them for Him or anything.

And now, that was Volume One, Book Two, Number 30 (of the Hadith). I cannot read all of the books. (Yes, Master.) Just selective here and there. (Yes, Master.) If you want to, you can also study it by yourself. I just select some to explain it to you as well as your brothers and sisters about the Muslims and the teaching of the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him. (Yes. Thank You, Master.)
Be Vegan, make peace.
When Honesty Is Lost: Signs of the Last Hour from the Hadith, Part 4 of 16, Nov. 14, 2021

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Because I still have this illusion that humans are OK. (Yes, Master.) (Yes.) And all the people who go to the church are OK. But the truth is, the majority of them condone the murder of innocent children, babies. (Yes.) No wonder they have Satan-worshiping, openly and legally, in the name of freedom of religion. That’s not religion. (No, Master.) That’s murderers.

In The Hague, they imprison and judge and sentence many big shots also. Like some ex-presidents or any crime against humanity. (Right, Master.) So why do these priests have any immunity? What right do they have to continue living in luxury, while many children languish all their lives? (That’s right, Master.) Either murdered or languish all their lives, and losing faith in God and in the teaching of Jesus. Imagine if it’s you, so helpless like that and you don’t know whom to pray to anymore, because these are supposed to be representatives of God on Earth. (Yes, Master.)

"Philadelphia Inquirer Interview Oct. 26, 2017 Abuse survivor (m): What’s actually happening is there’s a priest that’s trapping boys in a room and raping them. That’s what’s actually happening. I couldn’t even believe it was true, what was happening to me. I couldn’t even believe it was true. It had to come out in dreams and anxiety attacks. I feel like this kind of trauma can kill you, and it’s essential to shine light on it. I’m a Catholic. I was baptized, confirmed. I did the Sacrament of Penance. My sister was married in the church. My parents were married in the church. Like, that was my place, that was my home. That was my ideation about transcendence and God, and Heaven and hell, frankly. But that guy made it impossible, and everybody that facilitated that guy made it impossible for me to rest in that place. And I need some rest, everybody does."
"Philadelphia Inquirer Interview Oct. 26, 2017 Abuse survivor (m): These last… what 12, 13 years, it’s taken a toll on me. It’s… it’s worn me out. It almost killed me last year with the drugs because I was trying to kill the pain. And I went… I got overboard, it just about killed me."
"Philadelphia Inquirer Interview Oct. 26, 2017 Kristen Ott (f): And these kids are not moving on with their life. This priest and every other priest that has done the same thing, has ruined families. They have broken families. They have broken these kids, either they’re alcoholics, drug addicts. Between siblings and parents, they have broken families. And that’s sad because that’s not what the Catholic Church was about."
"The Guardian Interview Feb. 3, 2016 Abuse survivor (m): I was a complete and utter innocent, the only child of a very, very, very devout Catholic mom and dad. What happened after the abuse stopped was actually worse than when the abuse was taking place. Shame. Guilt. I tried to become invisible. Never occurred to me to tell anybody. When the head teacher’s been abusing you, who do you tell? Put it into a cupboard in my head and I shut the cupboard door. I stopped going to church. You see how the church in Boston tried to sweep things under the carpet, and you read about cases in this country and other parts of the world. I lost my faith."

And they’re doing all these kinds of evil deeds. And the top one protects them, supports them (Yes.) by ignoring it completely and let them continue to be big shots. Even one of the molesters is compared to Jesus. (Oh gosh.) The pope compares him to Jesus. Ah! Child molester.
In the world, if there’s any pedophile like that, they put him in jail, (That’s right.) (Yes, Master.) or in some cases, even execute him. (Yes.) And all these pedophiles are walking, talking, breathing, enjoying all the privileges still!!!
I don’t understand this world!!! Do you?! (No, Master.) All these people have to be in the court and judged like everybody else, because a cancer is a cancer. It has to be treated. It has to be operated on. A cancer on the king is the same as a cancer on a street sweeper. Do you understand what I’m saying? (Yes, Master.) What’s wrong cannot be right, no matter who you are! (That’s true, Master.) (Yes, true.)

"The Guardian Interview Feb. 27, 2018 Abuse survivor (f): My local priest sexually assaulted and raped me several times. I think it’s hard for me to speak with an absolute certainty on why – why the diocese, why a bishop, why the pope, why anybody within that institution would be so forgiving to an individual that rapes children. I can’t personally comprehend how that’s even a possibility. Let alone offering promotions or moving them around or whatnot. It, in my mind, is such a solid brotherhood, and it’s beyond protecting the rapist. It’s protecting the institution."
"The Wall Street Journal Interview Jul. 13, 2019 Abuse survivor (m): I was a small kid. There was no way that I could have done anything. I mean, he was two hundred and some pounds. He’s on top of me. I’m not going anywhere until he got off me, and that’s when I crawled out of bed and lay on the floor in a fetal position. It was a crime that happened to us. Since when should the church be allowed to handle criminal cases? Why isn’t it in front of the judicial system as it should be?"

So this world is evil. (Yes.) To tolerate this, it’s evil already. Because you’re same-minded. And you know, I read in the news that the majority of Catholics say that abortion is normal, must be allowed everywhere. (Wow.) So, the majority are evil!! (Yes.)
All these evil people stay on top of it, to protect all this evil below it. (Yes, Master.) And all the people below support the bigger evil on top, so that they continue to stay in this world, damage humanity, and damage the teachings of the Saints, the great ones, like Jesus Christ. (Yes, Master.) The same mouths, they say, “Can kill, kill, kill children, babies,” and the same mouths, they say, “Worship God and pray to God to give us daily bread.” Who can even believe this? (That’s right.)
Before, I knew that this world is not too good, but I did not know it is so bad like this. (Yes, Master.) Only recently I did more research in the news. (Yes, Master.) Because many things are related, and it’s just the situation of the world. So, I did some research. And the more I see, the more I know about it, the more I’m shivering. (Yes, Master.) Like we’re living in a devil world. (Yes, Master.)
No wonder they don’t understand anything what I’m saying. No wonder they had no interest in my teaching. And my teaching is the same like Jesus’ teaching or Buddha’s teaching. I don’t teach anything contrary. But they don’t care. (Yes, Master.) They’re all blind, deaf and dumb. Or they are just devils. Therefore, they don’t care about all that. (Yes.) You see the way they do, the way they support, the way they talk. (Yes.) It’s all evil! (That’s right, Master.)

If you say abortion is OK, then they are evil altogether. The majority of the Catholics, my God, they’re worshipping Satan. They’re not worshipping Jesus or worshipping God. Do you see that? (Yes.) Clear or not? (Yes, Master.) It’s terrifying, that the big faith in the world is all evil. Is it not scary to you? (Very scary, Master.) (Yes, it is.) (It’s shocking.)
And that is one of the most popular religions. (Yes.) The Catholics. (Yes.) They have so many followers everywhere. (Yes, that’s right.) (Yes, Master.) And the pope is like the king. (Yes.) More than the king; they can rule over the king, even. All the politicians, big shots come and kowtow to him. You see that? (Yes, Master.) So, this world is truly evil.
No wonder Heaven told me only 10% are worthy to go to Heaven. Because I was thinking, “Why is this world like this?” I never imagined. (Yes, Master.) So, Heaven told me only 10% are worthy of Heaven, and these 10% don’t include these priests ever. Including the pope. That’s what Heaven told me. And I was sweating. (Yes, Master.) And I was just jolted out of samadhi because the truth is so hard to swallow, for me.
Because I still have this illusion that humans are OK. (Yes, Master.) (Yes.) And all the people who go to the church are OK. But the truth is, the majority of them condone the murder of innocent children, babies. (Yes.) No wonder they have Satan-worshiping, openly and legally, in the name of freedom of religion. That’s not religion. (No, Master.) That’s murderers. Murderers, gangsters. (That’s right.) If they accuse the drug gangsters, drug cartels, they are worse! (Yes.) The drug people, they just sell drugs. These are murderers! (Yes, Master.) And the drug people, they sell, you don’t have to buy.
This group, they’re more powerful, they can kill the babies and anybody, just like that. Because they’re powerful and nobody can do anything. None of the governments even condemn them. I don’t understand it! If a normal person kills a person, he’d go to jail, he gets executed. (Yes.) And if the priest kills so many children, why is nothing done to him? What’s the difference between this killing and that killing? Can you tell me? (No, killing is killing.) Yeah! And killing even innocent children!! (Yes, Master.) And then accuse the drug cartels and the drug boss and all that. I’m not saying drugs are good. You know my stand on drugs already. (Yes, Master.) They’re harmful to people, but you don’t have to buy them. (Right.) These children, they have no choice. (That’s true. Correct.) They did not want anything to do with these priests, and they just molest them, abuse them, and even in some cases kill them, murder them. (Yes, Master.) Just to cover up so that they don’t tell. (Yes, Master.)

"CNN Interview Aug. 15, 2018 Reporter (f): A disturbing new grand jury report reveals decades of abuse by priests in Pennsylvania. More than a thousand children were sexually abused by clergy. And the report finds the Catholic Church leaders actively protected and covered up for more than 300 predator priests. Joining us this morning, Shaun Dougherty, who was sexually abused beginning at the age of ten by a priest who was also a teacher and a coach at his school. What should happen to these priests? Is there such a thing as justice for you?
Abuse survivor (m): Sure. You know, justice is… There’s a crime, there must be a punishment. The Catholic faith is raised on sin. We are all sinners. We all commit sin, and we are all due forgiveness. It’s possible. Well, you have to first stop the sin. And to this point, the church has refused to do that. They fought this report up to the very last minute. What do you tell an institution that teaches morality but has none? What am I supposed to say to them? They’re not treating it as a moral, faith-based organization. They’re treating it as a business. And they understand money because when one of their priests embezzle, they prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. When you embezzle from the church as a priest, you go to jail. When you rape a child as a priest, you get transferred to a whole new flock of kids."

Oh, so this world is truly a devil place, mostly it’s no good. (Yes.) Maybe not all of these 90% are evil, but they’re influenced. (Yes, Master.) They’re weak. (Yes.) They don’t have power like those evil people. Just like in hell, the devils are powerful. They control everything there, in hell. (Yes.) Similar to our world here, all the big people are working for devils, are doing evil things or supporting evil deeds. You see that? (Yes.) Oh my God, it’s just a different kind of hell. (Yes.)
Oh my God. When I think about that, I’m scared myself, (Yes, Master.) of what a world we live in. No wonder they kill one Master after another. (Yes.) And even a good president, they won’t leave alone. (Yes.) They’re still harassing President Trump, and finding every little pickel (pimple) thing they can. (That’s true.) Even this mainstream media, oh, I feel so nauseated. I can’t believe it.
Before, I used to like those big media. (Yes, Master.) I thought they are good and they are for charity and all that. Oh, this is all for show. It’s all for show. So that they can have more followers and earn more money. (Yes.) They have no love, no compassion, nothing in their hearts. That’s why they can support the bad president and harass the good president. (Yes, Master.)
Oh, my God. It makes me so sick. All the world, what’s happening, all this makes me so sick. Very, very few good leaders in the world. Very few, and they don’t fare too well. And everybody seems like just supporting the bad ones. (Yes.) Evidence is that the church in Rome is still there. (Yes.) People still go there and ask for blessing.
My God, what kind of blessing can you ask from these kinds of people? (True.) If he is even a human, I don’t know. Maybe possessed by zealous demons. You know, the bloodthirsty demons? (Yes, Master.) That’s why he said such things, comparing a child pedophile priest with Jesus! How dare he do that!! How dare he be so blasphemous!! (Yes, Master.) How dare he!! (Yes.) I mean, all the Christian people should be mad, but nobody does anything! Nobody says anything. Only one or two newspapers reported about it. Reported only, not saying anything more. (Yes, Master.) I don’t know why…
Oh! The devil’s force in this world is so incredible. Oh, yes, but why should I be surprised? This is just next to the Astral World. (Yes, Master.) It’s a world of evil. Many Masters came and went, they killed Them all. Most of Them. (Yes, Master.)
I’m lucky. Even if I’m a Master, I’m so lucky still. (Yes.) Every day I’m still alive, I thank God for protection. (We thank God too, Master.) But that doesn’t mean that I’m at peace. (Yes, Master.) This kind of persecuting energy, I still feel it. (Yes.) It’s not like physical. Physically, I’m still OK. But not psychologically, not peaceful. (Yes, Master.)

Oh, God. Can I call you back? (Yes, Master.) I need to walk out, have fresh air and I’ll come back. (OK, Master.) Few minutes. (Take care, Master.) If you don’t feel good, you can also do that. It’s just two minutes. OK? (Yes, Master.) I’ll come back soon.
Be Vegan, make peace.