Kinh Thánh Tân Ước - Đạo / Giáo và ĐSTL
The Old Roman Creed had evolved from simpler texts based on Matthew 28:19,[6] part of the Great Commission, and it has been argued that this earlier text was already in written form by the late 2nd century (c. 180).[6][10][11]

The earliest known formula is found within Testamentum in Galilaca D[ominus]. N[oster]. I[esu]. Christi written between 150 and 180. This formula states: "[I believe] in the Father almighty, - and in Jesus Christ, our Savior; - and in the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, in the holy Church, and in the remission of sins."
Trung Đạo là con đường cân bằng giữa đạo và đời.
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RE: Chúa Jesus đã dạy những gì? - by Tuy duyen - 2023-11-28, 10:55 PM