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Mục lục và tóm lược "LTP Học Phật Pháp"
Ôn lại bài cũ:

Xả ít, vui ít.
Xả nhiều, vui nhiều.
Xả tất cả, vui trọn vẹn.

Khi sân, không xả.

Luật Nghiệp Báo rất công bình.


(Quán 5 triền cái) Jack Kornfield - Obstacles are Part of the Path (post #801, p 54)

Watch carefully for it. 
  1. Notice how it begins and what precedes it.
  2. Notice if there is a particular thought or image that triggers this state. 
  3. Notice how long it lasts and when it ends. 
  4. Notice what state usually follows it. 
  5. Observe whether it ever arises very slightly or softly. 
  6. Can you see it as just a whisper in the mind? See how loud and strong it gets. 
  7. Notice what patterns of energy or tension reflect this state in the body. 
  8. Become aware of any physical or mental resistance to experiencing this state. 
  9. Soften and receive even the resistance. 
  10. Finally sit and be aware of the breath, watching and waiting for this state, allowing it to come, and observing it like an old friend.

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RE: Mục lục và tóm lược "LTP Học Phật Pháp" - by LeThanhPhong - 2022-02-06, 07:29 AM