2020-11-24, 10:11 AM
(2020-11-24, 09:45 AM)NhuCanhVitBay Wrote: Hit and Run là tội nặng lắm.Bị bặt và phải bail ra thôi. Nếu không bắt được bên gây tai nạn và gọi insurance của mình thì nó sẽ trả theo comprehensive covers ( Nếu có bảo hiểm full hay có phần comprehensive công vào trong liabilty covers ). Và có thể sẽ ảnh hưởng tới inssurance credit của mình----> increase premium .
hình như comprehensive covers ko cover hit and run
If you're the victim of a hit-and-run, there may be coverage under your auto policy to help with your expenses. The following coverages may be required or optional, depending on where you live and your situation:
Collision coverage
Uninsured motorist bodily injury coverage
Uninsured motorist property damage coverage (not available in all states)
Medical payments coverage
Personal injury protection
Also, keep in mind that each of these coverages has a limit, which is the maximum amount your policy will pay for a covered claim. You may have to pay out of pocket for any expenses that exceed your coverage limits.
Comprehensive insurance is a coverage that helps pay to replace or repair your vehicle if it's stolen or damaged in an incident that's not a collision. Comprehensive, sometimes called "other than collision" coverage, typically covers damage from fire, vandalism or falling objects (like a tree or hail). If you're financing or leasing your car, your lender likely requires comprehensive coverage. If you own your vehicle outright, it's an optional coverage on your car insurance policy.