2020-04-02, 04:44 AM
Em la sinh vien dai hoc, truong em bi dong cua vi virus19. Em co xin that nghiep duoc khong ? Hoc sinh khong di hoc duoc co phai la that nghiep ?
You have powerful eyes. You can see things that no one else can. You can also say stuffs that what Donald Duck always said: Fake News.
Em cam on mytheyeu1 nghe.
Em la sinh vien dai hoc, truong em bi dong cua vi virus19. Em co xin that nghiep duoc khong ? Hoc sinh khong di hoc duoc co phai la that nghiep ?
You have powerful eyes. You can see things that no one else can. You can also say stuffs that what Donald Duck always said: Fake News.
Em cam on mytheyeu1 nghe.