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Autumn hike 2023...

Hành trình hiking lần này vất vả hơn lần trước vì chặng đường đi cứ mãi lên dốc…
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Cuối cùng cũng đã đến đỉnh núi…
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"It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves."
"Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life."
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  • anattā, Chân Nguyệt, JayM, phai, TanThu, Thuctinh, TNNA, TTTT
Đẹp quá chừng, ở đâu vậy Sophie?
Những ngôi nhà trong thung lũng đến gần chắc đẹp lắm?

Cảm ơn Sophie đã cho đi anh phai du lịch ké.
[-] The following 2 users Like phai's post:
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(2023-09-30, 04:51 PM)phai Wrote: Đẹp quá chừng, ở đâu vậy Sophie?
Những ngôi nhà trong thung lũng đến gần chắc đẹp lắm?

Cảm ơn Sophie đã cho đi anh phai du lịch ké.

Ở vùng Tyrol (Tirol) của nước Áo đó anh phai. 

Hy vọng những bức ảnh thiên nhiên có thể mang lại chút thoải mái cho người xem. :)

Cảm ơn anh phai đã ghé qua thread này.
"Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life."
Hồ Garda (Lago di Garda) ở Ý vào mùa Thu 2023…

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"Most of us are so arrogant because we rely so much on our knowledge. We are certain; our beliefs, our conclusions, our desires are so strong that we have lost all sense of deep, natural humility."

"Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life."
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Tháng Mười 2023: Ghé thăm thành phố Colmar ở Pháp và ngôi làng lân cận…

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"There cannot be compassion if the activities of thought are anchored in any one particular ideology or faith, or attached to a symbol or to a person. There must be freedom to be compassionate."
"Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life."
[-] The following 7 users Like Sophie's post:
  • anattā, duke, dulan, Mãi Yêu Thương, phai, TanThu, TTTT
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In a serene village nestled between misty mountains lived a wise Zen master named Ryu.

Ryu was known throughout the land for his calm demeanor and insightful teachings. 

One day a troubled villager named Kira approached him with a heavy heart. "Master Ryu", Kira sighed. "I am surrounded by toxic people. Their negativity weighs me down and I feel trapped in their web of bitterness." 

Ryu looked at Kira kindly and gestured for him to sit.

"Tell me Kira, have you observed the lotus flowers in the pond near the village?"

Kira nodded, slightly puzzled by the sudden change of topic.

"Yes, Master Ryu. The lotus flowers are beautiful and pure despite growing in the mud."

"Exactly", Ryu smiled. "The lotus flower teaches us a valuable lesson about dealing with toxic people. Just as the lotus rises above the mud to bloom in the sunlight, we can rise above the negativity of toxic individuals."

Kira frowned, still not fully understanding. "But Master Ryu, how can I rise above when their toxicity keeps pulling me down?"

Ryu paused, allowing the gentle breeze to carry his words. "Imagine that your mind is like the still surface of the pond and the toxic people are like pebbles being thrown into the water. The initial ripples represent their negativity affecting you. But if you let those ripples settle the surface becomes calm again."

Kira's eyes widened with realization. "So, Master Ryu. You mean to say that I should not let their words and actions disturb my inner peace?"

"Indeed", Ryu nodded. "Toxic people thrive on reactions. If you react to their negativity, you give them power over your emotions. Instead, practice compassion. Just as the lotus extracts nourishment from the mud, see if you can find understanding and empathy for the pain that might be causing their toxicity."

Kira pondered this for a moment. "But what if their negativity becomes too overwhelming?"

"Ah", Ryu said. "That's when you must practice detachment. Imagine you are the sky, and their toxicity is merely a passing cloud. Observe it without judgment and let it drift away. Remember their actions are a reflection of them not of you."

With a newfound sense of clarity, Kira thanked Master Ryu and left, carrying the wisdom of the lotus with him. Days turned into weeks and Kira applied the Zen master's teachings in his interactions with toxic individuals. Slowly he realized that he no longer felt trapped by their negativity. Instead, he had cultivated a sense of peace within himself that remained untouched by external turmoil. One morning Kira returned to the Zen master with a heart full of gratitude.

"Master Ryu, your teachings have transformed my life. I no longer allow toxic people to disturb my inner peace. Just like the lotus, I rise above the mud." 

Ryu smiled warmly. "You have embraced the essence of the lotus, Kira. Remember, the lotus does not try to change the mud, but rather it transforms itself through resilience and grace."

And so, in the village surrounded by misty mountains, the wisdom of the Zen master spread like ripples on a pond reminding all who encountered it that inner peace and compassion can help one rise above even the most toxic of circumstances.

"Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life."
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Thành phố Zürich ở Thụy Sĩ…

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"I used to talk too much and spent a lot of energy on people, often thinking negatively about them. This excessive talking and negative thinking wasted my time and made my mind disturbed."

"Many people in the world talk too much. Even today many people speak to hurt others and this excessive talking is still causing problems in their lives."

"I stay silent to dive deep within myself. Silence is the first step to truly knowing yourself. Without silence self-discovery is impossible."
"Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life."
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  • anattā, duke, dulan, phai, TanThu
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In a small village nestled amidst the rolling hills there lived a humble Buddhist monk named Kavi. 

He was renowned not only for his deep wisdom but also for his kindness and compassion towards everyone regardless of their social status. 

People from far and wide would visit the village to seek his guidance and to bask in the light of his teachings. 

One day a curious young man named Arjun approached the monk.

Arjun was ambitious and craved respect and admiration from others. He asked Kavi: "Venerable Monk, how can I gain the respect of others? I long to be admired and revered by my peers."

Kavi smiled gently and motioned for Arjun to sit beside him.

"Respect, my dear friend, is not something that can be demanded or forced upon others. It is earned through genuine actions and sincere intentions." Kavi began. 

He then shared a story with Arjun. A tale that illustrated the essence of gaining respect through humility and kindness.

In a distant kingdom there lived a wise king named Rajendra. He was loved and respected by his subjects because he ruled with fairness and compassion. 

One day a young prince from a neighboring kingdom, Prince Ashwin, visited Rajendra's court. Ashwin was known for his arrogance and believed that respect could be commanded through power and wealth. Curious to understand the secret behind King Rajendra's respect, Prince Ashwin approached him boldly and asked: "How do you earn the respect of your people?" King Rajendra smiled warmly and replied: "Respect, dear Prince, is not a product of fear or authority. It is a result of understanding, empathy and kindness. Watch and learn." 

With that King Rajendra called a servant boy, Ravi, who was known for his humble nature and dedication. The king handed Ravi a golden tray with a glass of water and said: "Please carry this glass of water to the Prince." 

Ravi, trembling with nervousness due to the prince's imposing presence, carefully carried the tray and presented the water to Prince Ashwin. However, just as he was about to hand over the glass he stumbled and a few drops of water spilled onto the floor.

Prince Ashwin's face turned red with anger and he scolded Ravi harshly for his clumsiness. The entire court fell silent waiting to see how King Rajendra would react. 

Instead of reprimanding Ravi, King Rajendra calmly spoke: "Dear Prince, even the most careful hands can make mistakes. What defines us is not our ability to avoid mistakes but our ability to handle them with grace and understanding."

With those words King Rajendra picked up another glass of water and handed it to Ravi. Showing the prince that respect was not about demeaning others but uplifting them even in the face of mistakes. 

Kavi paused, allowing the wisdom of the story to sink in. "Respect, Arjun, is a reflection of your own character. Treat others with kindness, understanding and forgiveness. Be humble in your actions and respect will naturally flow towards you like a river finding its course."

Arjun looked deeply moved by the story and the monk's words. He thanked Kavi for the valuable lesson and left with a newfound understanding that true respect could only be earned through genuine compassion and humility and from that day on he dedicated himself to practicing these virtues not for the sake of gaining respect but because he understood the beauty of kindness and empathy in the journey of life.

"Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life."
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Thành phố Salzburg ở Áo…

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"If your mind is full of opinions and knowledge there won't be space for real understanding and wisdom."

"When the mind is already conditioned by a set of beliefs, how can it ever find out the truth about them? Surely, the mind must first free itself from its beliefs, and only then can the truth concerning them be perceived."

"Freedom must be at the beginning and not at the end - for a conditioned, confused mind will only find something that is conditioned and confused. Hence, first there should be freedom and only then does the pursuit of truth make any sense."
"Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life."
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  • anattā, duke, dulan, TanThu
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"In a dense forest there were a variety of flowers, each with its own unique beauty and fragrance. The flowers did not compare themselves to one another nor did they wish to become like the other flowers. They simply bloomed, each according to its own nature, adding to the beauty of the forest. Just like the flowers, each individual has their strengths and weaknesses, their unique qualities and virtues. Your journey is a personal one and the key is to focus on nurturing your own inner garden rather than worrying about other people's progress."

"Focus on yourself not on others, see yourself clearly not to judge others harshly, understand yourself deeply not to cling to your own views blindly, master yourself fully not to be controlled by your emotions easily, practice yourself sincerely not to seek approval from others vainly."
"Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life."
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  • anattā, duke, dulan, TanThu
Bavaria (Bayern)/Germany…

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Once upon a time in a small village nestled between majestic mountains there lived an old Zen master named Koji.

He was renowned for his wisdom, compassion and the ability to impart valuable life lessons through simple yet profound stories. People from far and wide would journey to seek his guidance on matters of the heart and soul.

One sunny morning a young and curious traveler named Hiro approached the village. Hiro had been wandering across distant lands, meeting various people on his journey. However, he found himself struggling to differentiate between those who were genuine and those who were fake. Seeking answers, he inquired among the villagers about the renowned Zen master.

Upon hearing about Master Koji, Hiro's eyes lit up with hope. He decided to visit the old sage to seek the wisdom he so earnestly sought. Following the villager's directions, Hiro made his way to the heart of the village where Master Koji's humble abode stood amid blooming cherry blossom trees. Arriving at the Zen master's door Hiro hesitated for a moment, his heart pounding with anticipation. Taking a deep breath, he knocked gently on the wooden door which creaked open revealing the serene face of Master Koji.

"Welcome young traveler", the master greeted Hiro with a warm smile, inviting him inside. Hiro felt an immediate sense of tranquility in the presence of the wise old man. He bowed respectfully and said: "Master Koji, I have traveled far and wide, meeting countless people on my journey. However, I find it difficult to distinguish between those who are authentic and those who are fake. Can you please teach me how to identify fake people?"

The Zen master nodded thoughtfully and gestured for Hiro to sit with him under a beautiful cherry blossom tree in his garden. Master Koji plucked a ripe cherry from a nearby branch and handed it to Hiro. "Before I answer your question, young one", the master said, "Take a moment to observe this cherry carefully. Tell me what you see."

Hiro examined the cherry, appreciating its vibrant red hue, its plumpness, and the delicate stem that connected it to the tree. "This cherry is ripe and beautiful", Hiro remarked with admiration. The Zen master smiled and asked: "Do you see any imperfections in this cherry?" Hiro scrutinized the fruit, searching for any flaws. After a moment of contemplation, he replied: "Well, there is a tiny brown spot on its side but that does not diminish its beauty." Master Koji's eyes sparkled with delight. "Indeed", he said. "Just like this cherry, every person has imperfections. No one is perfect and that's what makes us human. The key to identifying fake people lies not in seeking perfection, but in recognizing sincerity." Curiosity piqued, Hiro asked: "But Master, how can one recognize sincerity in others?" The wise Zen master leaned in and whispered gently: "Observe how a person treats others. Pay attention to their actions and words and see if they align with their true selves. Fake people often wear masks, pretending to be someone they are not, and their words may sound sweet, but their actions may tell a different story." He continued: "Genuine people on the other hand embrace their imperfections. They are honest about who they are and are not afraid to show their vulnerabilities. Their actions are rooted in kindness and their words carry the weight of truth. Look for consistency between what they say and what they do and most importantly, trust your intuition."

Feeling a newfound sense of clarity and peace within himself, Hiro thanked the Zen master for his profound wisdom. As he continued his journey, he carried the lesson of the cherry in his heart. Along the way he met different people, each bearing their unique imperfections. Yet, armed with the guidance of Master Koji, Hiro could discern the genuine from the fake with a heart full of understanding and compassion. In his own interactions with others Hiro embraced his imperfections, cherishing the beauty of being true to himself. Like the ripe cherry with its tiny brown spot, he learned to value authenticity amidst the vast garden of life.

And so, the young traveler's quest for truth and authenticity continued, leading him to form meaningful connections with genuine souls while gracefully avoiding the deceivers. His journey became a testament to the wisdom of Master Koji.

And the tale of the ripe cherry lived on, passed down from generation to generation as a reminder that authenticity is a rare and precious gem to be cherished and celebrated in the tapestry of humanity.

"Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life."
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Những hình ảnh đẹp và những câu văn/bài viết nhiều ý nghĩa, cảm ơn Sophie.

Mời Sophie ly cà phê và nhánh hoa lan như lời cảm ơn đã cho anh phai đi du lịch ké bằng hình ảnh.

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[-] The following 5 users Like phai's post:
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Thanks-sign-smiley-emoticon Sophie về những hình ảnh rất đẹp từ những nơi SP thăm viếng, du lịch  Thanks-sign-smiley-emoticon

Tulip4 Tulip4 Tulip4

Have a blessing Monday to Sophie & everyone  Heavy-black-heart4

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(2023-10-23, 08:52 AM)phai Wrote: Những hình ảnh đẹp và những câu văn/bài viết nhiều ý nghĩa, cảm ơn Sophie.

Mời Sophie ly cà phê và nhánh hoa lan như lời cảm ơn đã cho anh phai đi du lịch ké bằng hình ảnh.

Cảm ơn anh phai đã mời ly cà phê và cho Sophie xem hình hoa lan tuyệt đẹp.

Chúc anh phai một buổi sáng an vui và thư giãn.  Tulip4

(2023-10-23, 12:59 PM)duke Wrote:
Thanks-sign-smiley-emoticon Sophie về những hình ảnh rất đẹp từ những nơi SP thăm viếng, du lịch  Thanks-sign-smiley-emoticon

Tulip4 Tulip4 Tulip4

Have a blessing Monday to Sophie & everyone  Heavy-black-heart4

Cảm ơn anh duke.

Chúc anh duke một buổi sáng thứ tư vui vẻ và an lành.  Tulip4
"Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life."
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  • phai
"Cultivate compassion, kindness and empathy within yourself and watch as these qualities ripple outward transforming the lives of those around you."

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I love to observe your humility when you dance harmoniously to the music of the howling wind and adore your calm and tender manner. You are so simple, yet so wise and charming. I cherish your flexibility and ability to adapt to any circumstance. By virtue of your strong and resilient nature you always manage to bounce back from adversity, and I admire you for not breaking when you are being pushed hard because you have learned to bend with the wind.

Dear bamboo, there is so much to learn from you…
"Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life."
[-] The following 6 users Like Sophie's post:
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