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Chuyện nước Mỹ!!
Scalise wins Republican conference vote for speaker!  113-99

If Scalise takes the gavel, Jordan will take over as the majority leader. 🫶
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Leticia James got screwed, no case, such a laughing stock she made of herself.  Chuyện đùa có thật ở Mỹ.   Lol

Leticia James đã tìm ra một nạn nhân trong vụ án Trump để chứng minh Trump lừa đảo - một giám đốc điều hành ngân hàng làm việc cho một ngân hàng trị giá hàng tỷ đô la.

Rất tiếc cho mụ là ông giám đốc ngân hàng này lại nói rằng mình kg bị thiệt hại gì cả. Ông nói rằng nhà bank chấp thuận các khoản vay từ Trump vì họ biết Trump sẽ trả lại cho họ và họ chấp nhận việc định giá tài sản của nhóm ông Trump. Hơn nữa họ có làm “sanity checks.”

What a sick sick joke, wasting our resources and $$ in these dumb charades. 😆

Of course the media twisted words to make this racist arrogant woman looking less dumb. She has absolutely no clues on the lending laws. The bank has no complaints whatsoever against Trump, they got paid on the loan. Yet, this vile woman wants Trump to compensate New York for the damages that did not exist. Lol

Banker says Trump’s financial statements were key to loan approvals, but there were ‘sanity checks’

Trump’s “statements of financial condition” were key to his approval for a $125 million loan in 2011 for his golf resort in Doral, Florida, and a $107 million loan in 2012 for his Chicago hotel and condo skyscraper, former Deutsche Bank risk management officer Nicholas Haigh testified.

But although the bank didn’t conduct its own full appraisals of Trump’s properties, it sometimes gave sizable “haircuts” to the values he’d placed on such holdings as Trump Tower and his golf courses, Haigh said.

“I think the phrase we used might have been ‘sanity checks’ on the numbers,” he said.

Deutsche Bank’s private wealth management unit, which handled the loans, wouldn’t have approved them without a “strong financial guarantee” from Trump, Haigh said.

Haigh said he reviewed Trump’s financial statements before approving the loans and, at the time, had no reason to doubt their validity.

The documents portrayed Trump as a wealthy businessman, heavily invested in golf courses and other real estate with strong cash flow and little debt, Haigh said. Deutsche Bank representatives also met with Trump Organization executives to go over the information, and the bankers looked at bank account and brokerage statements to verify his cash holdings, he said.

“I assumed that the representations of the assets and liabilities were broadly accurate,” Haigh said of Trump’s financial statements.
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Keep lying uncle Joe.  🤣😂

[Image: IMG-1298.jpg]

Ai ngờ uncle bị nhân viên lột áo nói láo sớm quá.  Tội nghiệp ghê!! 🤣😂

“A White House spokesperson later clarified that US officials and the president have not seen pictures or confirmed such reports independently,” The Post reported on Wednesday.

“The president based his comments about the alleged atrocities on the claims from Netanyahu’s spokesman and media reports from Israel, according to the White House.”

Biden’s claims were featured on the front pages of Western newspapers, and reports of beheaded babies have been cited in some quarters as justification for revenge attacks and the collective punishment of civilians in Gaza.
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Rep Scalise has chosen to step aside.   Republicans, unite and stand firmly behind Jim Jordan for House Speaker.  The time for action is NOW!! 

Too many rhinos in the Republican party.   This is infuriating! Mad

GOP’s Scalise ends his bid to become House speaker

WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican Steve Scalise has ended his bid to become House speaker after failing to secure the votes to win the gavel.

Scalise told GOP colleagues at a closed-door meeting late Thursday of his decision.

Next steps are uncertain as the House is essentially closed while Republicans try to elect a speaker after ousting Kevin McCarthy from the job.

“I just shared with my colleagues that I’m withdrawing my name as a candidate for speaker-designee,” Scalise said as he emerged from the closed-door meeting at the Capitol.

Scalise, R-La., said the Republican majority “still has to come together and is not there.”

He had been working furiously secure the votes after being nominated by a majority of his colleagues, but after hours of private meetings over two days and late into the evening at the Capitol it was clear lawmakers were not budging from their refusal to support him.

“There are still some people that have their own agendas,” Scalise said. “And I was very clear, we have to have everybody put their agendas on the side and focus on what this country needs.”

Frustrations mounted as the crisis deepened and Republicans lost another day without a House speaker. Scalise was trying to peel off more than 100 votes, mostly from those who backed his chief rival, Rep. Jim Jordan, the Judiciary Committee chairman favored by hard-liners, who announced he was no longer in the running and tossed his vote to Scalise.
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(2023-10-12, 07:33 PM)Lục Tuyết Kỳ Wrote: Rep Scalise has chosen to step aside.   Republicans, unite and stand firmly behind Jim Jordan for House Speaker.  The time for action is NOW!! 

Too many rhinos in the Republican party.   This is infuriating! Mad

GOP’s Scalise ends his bid to become House speaker

WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican Steve Scalise has ended his bid to become House speaker after failing to secure the votes to win the gavel.

Scalise told GOP colleagues at a closed-door meeting late Thursday of his decision.

Next steps are uncertain as the House is essentially closed while Republicans try to elect a speaker after ousting Kevin McCarthy from the job.

“I just shared with my colleagues that I’m withdrawing my name as a candidate for speaker-designee,” Scalise said as he emerged from the closed-door meeting at the Capitol.

Scalise, R-La., said the Republican majority “still has to come together and is not there.”

He had been working furiously secure the votes after being nominated by a majority of his colleagues, but after hours of private meetings over two days and late into the evening at the Capitol it was clear lawmakers were not budging from their refusal to support him.

“There are still some people that have their own agendas,” Scalise said. “And I was very clear, we have to have everybody put their agendas on the side and focus on what this country needs.”

Frustrations mounted as the crisis deepened and Republicans lost another day without a House speaker. Scalise was trying to peel off more than 100 votes, mostly from those who backed his chief rival, Rep. Jim Jordan, the Judiciary Committee chairman favored by hard-liners, who announced he was no longer in the running and tossed his vote to Scalise.

Phe chánh phái WH, Trump ...đã take care tất cả. Tất cả những âm mưu và hành động phản quốc, tội ác xấu xa của phe cực tả, toàn cầu hoá, Antifa, BLM, Dem., & uncle Joe... đều sẽ được bạch hoá trong thời gian tới.
Ngay cả vụ 911.  Winking-face4 Cheer
‘𝐒ự 𝐭𝐡ậ𝐭 𝐠𝐢ố𝐧𝐠 𝐧𝐡ư 𝐦ộ𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐧 𝐬ư 𝐭ử. 𝐁ạ𝐧 𝐤𝐡ô𝐧𝐠 𝐜ầ𝐧 𝐩𝐡ả𝐢 𝐛ả𝐨 𝐯ệ 𝐧ó. Để 𝐧ó 𝐪𝐮𝐚 đ𝐢. 𝐍ó 𝐬ẽ 𝐭ự 𝐯ệ.’ 

[Image: 198aa2499b024844f484fd87660bac17.jpg]

𝐇ã𝐲  𝐥𝐮ô𝐧 𝐥𝐮ô𝐧 𝐜ô𝐧𝐠 𝐛ố 𝐬ự 𝐭𝐡ậ𝐭 𝐯à 𝐧𝐠𝐚𝐲 𝐜ả 𝐤𝐡𝐢 𝐧ó 𝐥ọ𝐭 𝐯à𝐨 𝐭𝐚𝐢 𝐧𝐠ườ𝐢 đ𝐢ế𝐜, 𝐜𝐡ú𝐧𝐠 𝐭a 𝐬ẽ 𝐡𝐨à𝐧 𝐭𝐡à𝐧𝐡 𝐜ô𝐧𝐠 𝐯𝐢ệ𝐜 𝐜ủ𝐚 𝐦ì𝐧𝐡.  

(2023-10-13, 06:25 AM)duke Wrote: Phe chánh phái WH, Trump ...đã take care tất cả. Tất cả những âm mưu và hành động phản quốc, tội ác xấu xa của phe cực tả, toàn cầu hoá, Antifa, BLM, Dem., & uncle Joe... đều sẽ được bạch hoá trong thời gian tới.
Ngay cả vụ 911.  Winking-face4 Cheer

Dạ cánh tả thì đánh phá ổng bằng đủ trò dơ bẩn nhưng tông tông vĩ đại là trùm corruption thì bọn họ kg dám hó hé và dùng mọi cách để che đậy.  Too bad for them, từ thời lập quốc thì các tiền nhân đã nhìn thấu được nên những trò bẩn cũng bị khui ra ánh sáng thôi.   Shy 

 Biden exchanged 29,000 emails with family businesses while VP

In a recent revelation, documents from the U.S. National Archives indicate that during the Obama administration, the office of then-Vice President Joe Biden exchanged a staggering number of emails with his family members and their associated business firms.

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, procured through America First Legal, highlighted that Biden communicated through his official vice presidential email with his son Hunter Biden, his brother Jim Biden, and their businesses.

The number of emails exchanged between Biden, his family members, and their businesses, totaling over 29,000, challenged statements made by Biden during his 2020 presidential campaign.

America First Legal highlighted the lack of separation, stating, “Our lawsuit against the National Archives just unearthed that Biden’s Vice Presidential office emailed with Hunter and Jim Biden over 29,000 times. So much for that wall…”
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Chúc mừng California.   Lol

Trong khi con nít Mỹ cha mẹ è cổ trả $ học, hoặc bản thân phải vừa học vừa đi làm để có $ đi học thì Newsome ký luật cho những người Mễ sống cách biên giới California 45 miles khỏi cần trả tiền học phí ở các đại học cộng đồng.

Đang tính kiếm phiếu ghế tổng thống, nên bất chấp ký luật bất hợp pháp.  Luật là ta, ta là luật.

AB 91 by Assemblymember David Alvarez (D-San Diego) – Community colleges: exemption from nonresident tuition fee: residence near the California-Mexico border.

This bill would additionally exempt from the nonresident tuition fee a nonresident, low-income student who: (1) is a resident of Mexico, (2) registers for lower division courses at Cuyamaca College, Grossmont College, Imperial Valley College, MiraCosta College, Palomar College, San Diego City College, San Diego Mesa College, San Diego Miramar College, or Southwestern College, and (3) has residence within 45 miles of the California-Mexico border, as provided. The bill would, in any academic year, prohibit more than 150 FTES at each of these community colleges from being exempted from payment of the nonresident tuition fee.

Và cũng đã vetoed 2 bills để sửa lại cái language trong hai bills này:

AB 616 by Assemblymember Freddie Rodriguez (D-Pomona) – Medical Group Financial Transparency Act.

SB 509 by Senator Anthony Portantino (D-Burbank) – School employee and pupil training: youth mental and behavioral health: mental health education.
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Phe Do Thái và Palestine đụng độ dữ dội trên nhiều thành phố lớn ở Mỹ sáng hôm nay.  Báo chí đăng tin biểu tình "ôn hoà bất bạo động."

Đang choảng nhau dữ dội ở Los Angeles, Do Thái hơi yếu thế.

Truyền thông thì "ôn hòa"...  Lol
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Mọi người quyết tâm pull an all nighter, thật là xúc động khi nhìn thấy từng người thúc đẩy nhau, cùng một mục đích duy nhất, vì đất nước chúng ta yêu mến, vì lợi ích quốc gia.  Từ Friday đến giờ đã có thêm nhiều Rep đổi ý và quyết định ủng hộ JJ.

Until Jim Jordan has the gavel in his hand as Speaker of the House, we don’t stop calling.  We need to make sure our Reps in Congress hear us loud and clear. 

Keep their phone lines ringing and leave your messages.  Twitt them on twitter, by whatever means, make our voices heard!!

We want Jim Jordan for Speaker of the House!

Frank Lucas Ok - (202) 225-5565
John Rutherford - (202) 225-2501
Mike Simpson - Phone: 202-225-5531, Fax: 202-225-8216
Steve Womack - Phone: (202) 225-4301, Fax: (202) 225-5713
Ken Buck - (202) 225-4676
Don Bacon (NE) (202) 225-4155
Vern Buchanan (FL)  (202) 225-5015; fax: (202) 226-0828
Carlos Gimenez (FL) (202) 225-2778
Mario Diaz Balart (FL) Phone: (202) 225-4211; Fax: (202) 225-8576
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(2023-10-16, 10:30 PM)Lục Tuyết Kỳ Wrote: Mọi người quyết tâm pull an all nighter, thật là xúc động khi nhìn thấy từng người thúc đẩy nhau, cùng một mục đích duy nhất, vì đất nước chúng ta yêu mến, vì lợi ích quốc gia.  Từ Friday đến giờ đã có thêm nhiều Rep đổi ý và quyết định ủng hộ JJ.

Until Jim Jordan has the gavel in his hand as Speaker of the House, we don’t stop calling.  We need to make sure our Reps in Congress hear us loud and clear. 

Keep their phone lines ringing and leave your messages.  Twit them on Twitter, by whatever means, make our voices heard!!

We want Jim Jordan for Speaker of the House!

Frank Lucas Ok - (202) 225-5565
John Rutherford - (202) 225-2501
Mike Simpson - Phone: 202-225-5531, Fax: 202-225-8216
Steve Womack - Phone: (202) 225-4301, Fax: (202) 225-5713
Ken Buck - (202) 225-4676
Don Bacon (NE) (202) 225-4155
Vern Buchanan (FL)  (202) 225-5015; fax: (202) 226-0828
Carlos Gimenez (FL) (202) 225-2778
Mario Diaz Balart (FL) Phone: (202) 225-4211; Fax: (202) 225-8576

We don't back down, let's keep those phones ringing. Nếu ai bị kẹt máy thì gọi lại, we are calling non-stop so the lines will be busy. Please don't give up! Republicans can stand united!  I am in tears out of sentiment, everyone.  ❤️❤️

Our calls worked, and they are working.

Grassroots Energize for GOP Unity Behind Jim Jordan Speakership Bid

Grassroots conservatives nationwide are rallying behind Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) as he seeks to lock down the speakership in a Tuesday afternoon floor vote, with activists “melting” phone lines with respectful pleas to GOP members of Congress to unify and end the conference’s divisions by finally electing Jordan as Speaker of the House.

Top conservative activists are rallying the base nationwide, and calls are pouring into the Capitol switchboard and specific offices helping fuel a wave of breaks Jordan’s way in the final day before the vote on Tuesday.

“I haven’t seen anything like this in years,” one top House GOP aide told Breitbart News. “They are literally melting the phone lines. Some offices’ numbers are permanently busy. Thousands and thousands of people are calling their members of Congress demanding Jordan for Speaker.”

Jordan’s grassroots strength is no surprise — he was the founding chairman of the House Freedom Caucus and has long been on the forefront of issues motivating the Republican base nationally — but the overwhelming level of and organized nature of his support from conservative leaders nationwide has certainly caught some beltway insiders by surprise.

Throughout the day on Monday, seemingly one by one, previous critics of a Jordan speakership bid have fallen in line amid a barrage of phone calls from grassroots activists urging unity behind Jordan as the GOP conference nominee for Speaker — and as Jordan has worked the inside game too with personal phone calls to many of them. The first one to back Jordan after previous opposition was Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL), the chairman of the powerful House Armed Services Committee. Rogers’ office was over the weekend and early on Monday flooded with phone calls pressuring him to back Jordan — and meanwhile Rogers and Jordan had multiple conversations between themselves — and then Rogers backed down and endorsed Jordan for Speaker. Conservatives have been thanking Rogers all day since.
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Cảnh báo từ DOS cho người Mỹ.

Worldwide Caution

Due to increased tensions in various locations around the world, the potential for terrorist attacks, demonstrations or violent actions against U.S. citizens and interests, the Department of State advises U.S. citizens overseas to exercise increased caution. U.S. citizens should:

Stay alert in locations frequented by tourists.
Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive information and alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency overseas.
Follow the Department of State on Facebook and Twitter.

Xây dựng lại tốt đẹp hơn
Kẻ thù của dân Mỹ hiện nay là toàn thế giới!

Thông báo từ bộ ngoại giao:

Cảnh báo trên toàn thế giới: Do căng thẳng gia tăng ở nhiều địa điểm khác nhau trên thế giới, khả năng xảy ra các cuộc tấn công khủng bố, biểu tình hoặc hành động bạo lực chống lại công dân và lợi ích của Hoa Kỳ, Bộ Ngoại giao khuyên công dân Hoa Kỳ ở nước ngoài nên tăng cường thận trọng.
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In the tumultuous arena of politics, where internal strife often overshadows external confrontations, the GOP's unmistakable refusal to back Jim Jordan for the House Speaker role resonates profoundly.  This isn't just discord; it's a bold and adamant act of defiance.

Within the Republican Party, factions termed "RINOs" audaciously display their hubris.  Driven by personal vendettas and biases, they seem blind to the urgent needs of our nation.  Jordan's swift ascent and unwavering popularity have kindled both envy and animosity among some, while others appear paralyzed by trepidation and trivial rivalries.

While Kevin McCarthy navigated 15 challenging rounds to cement his leadership role, Jordan found himself sidelined after only three tries. Yet, the resounding wave of grassroots support for him is undeniable.  The heart and soul of America, those fervently upholding its principles and ambitions, rally staunchly behind him.  Their assertive endorsement serves as a wake-up call, unsettling the very pillars of the establishment.

In this charged climate, accounts of death threats and ardent appeals echo intensely within a dems' media realm often eyed with suspicion.  Are these alerts genuine, or merely crafted diversions meant for political maneuvering?  If the latter, such ploys further deepen the mistrust surrounding these individuals, branding them as detached, out-of-touch, and irrefutable cowards.

Our stance remains unyielding: We stand firmly with Jordan and endorse his bid for the House Speaker position.  The GOP must rally as one, prioritizing the nation's interests over divisive politics.  Overlooking the unified voice of the masses could lead to severe repercussions, igniting ramifications too dire to contemplate.

The House Speaker's mantle represents more than just a title; it mirrors the party's core values and direction.  By ostracizing a titan like Jordan, select GOP factions teeter on the brink of alienating multitudes who view him as the symbol of hope, promise, and our nation's steadfast trajectory forward.

L. Tran

[Image: 208427-image.jpg]
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Of course dems’ media is silent. 🤣😂

‘Total and Complete Victory against Far Left Lawyer’ after judge gives Trump big win

A federal judge ruled on Tuesday against a class action lawsuit targeting former President Donald Trump in a big win for the leading GOP presidential candidate in 2024.

The lawsuit involved an endorsement deal made between Trump and ACN Opportunity LLC in 2006 to promote its service to independent business owners.

Two plaintiffs who allegedly used ACN’s products because of Trump’s endorsement said they didn’t earn anything, and a third said she earned $38 in two years. The accusers claim they didn’t know Trump was paid for the endorsement.

“The majority of the content on the Opportunity Discs [promoting the company] portrayed testimonials from various successful IBOs, highlighting how ACN has enabled them to have, for example, a relaxed work life, expensive cars, and large homes,” U.S. District Judge Lorna Schofield said in her rejection of the class action lawsuit. “The nature of Trump’s alleged misstatements also raises individual questions of whether any given putative class member believed the statements and therefore relied on them.”

Schofield added that “the record evidence shows that some IBOs knew or assumed Trump was a paid spokesperson.”

Trump’s alleged misleading statements about ACN, including it being a “great opportunity” with a “winning business model” and “proven track record,” could be seen as standard advertising strategies rather than intentional misrepresentations

Bonus, cái check tên “Trump” mà bọn đảng con lừa đang chửi. Hahaha… 😂🤣😂🤣

[Image: IMG-1438.jpg]
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[Image: IMG-1534.jpg]

Now get to work!!!! 📣📢🔊🔇
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Vừa đắc cử, ông Mike Johnson đã yêu cầu hạ viện bắt tay vào công việc thay vì chuyện ăn mừng.

Ông không tán thành việc gộp lại ngân sách viện trợ  105 tỷ thành một luật mà phải chia ra thành những dự luật nhỏ. Chỗ nào cần viện trợ và chỗ nào không cần.

Ông nói việc này sẽ tốn nhiều công sức và thì giờ nhưng sẽ giúp cho dân Mỹ đở tốn nhiều tiền vì ngân sách đã thâm thủng quá mức.  

- support Isarel and stand against the barbarism of Hamas
- fix the BROKEN border 
- bring down INFLATION, bring relief to the American family
- cut the NATIONAL DEBTS, get the country back on track immediately
- defend our CORE PRINCIPLES 'til the end

Focus of House Speaker: Decentralizing the Power; Trust and Transparency and Accountability

-Dân biểu dân chủ, Jamaal Bowman , người giật chuông báo động chửa lửa trong 2 tuần trước, chính thức bị cảnh sát quốc hội yêu cầu truy tố hôm nay.  Ngày mai sẽ ra tòa.

- Thượng nghị sỹ Grassley công bố: FBI nhận 40 báo cáo việc tham nhũng của gia đình ông Biden, nhưng nhắm mắt làm ngơ.

Dozens of FBI sources gave ‘criminal information’ on Bidens that DOJ tried to discredit as ‘foreign disinformation’: Grassley

House Declares Solidarity With Israel in First Legislation Under New Speaker

The resolution pledges to support Israel with whatever it needs as it fights Hamas. It passed overwhelmingly, but a small group of mostly Democratic holdouts remained.

Nine Democrats and one Republican opposed the resolution. Six Democrats voted present, even though five of them had previously co-sponsored the resolution.

The vote reflected the sweeping, bipartisan support that lawmakers have voiced for Israel’s efforts to rout Hamas from the Gaza Strip, which it seized control of 2007, in retaliation for its attacks of Oct. 7 that killed more than 1,400 civilians and soldiers.

But it also reflected the defiance of a small but determined minority of House Democrats who have called for a cease-fire, arguing that Israel’s bombing campaign of Gaza has caused the deaths of too many Palestinians. The Hamas-run Gazan health ministry says Israeli strikes have killed more than 6,500 people, a number that could not be independently verified.
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