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Thợ đánh giày New York một ngày kiếm 900 đô
Thợ đánh giày New York một ngày kiếm 900 đô

07/03/2018 02:35:28

Shoe shiner makes $900 a day insulting his customers
March 23, 2017

If you don’t have anything nice to say, you could make $900 a day!  Don Ward — whose stand is prominently perched at 47th Street and Sixth Avenue in Manhattan — jokingly chides Midtown schlubs when their hooves aren’t up to par. Ward says he first decided to go into the shoeshine business when one of his former colleagues made more money in one day polishing than he did all week at a photo job he previously had. Ward has been shining shoes and cracking jokes for 17 years.