GRT: Kiến Thức Linh Tinh - LTP
Can I now consider myself as an old man?

Vello Vaher: Contortionist

May 14, 1964

Tallinn, Estonia
Prosecutors deliver first MAJOR blow to Trump at trial

The Legal Breakdown episode 262: @GlennKirschner2 discusses prosecutors' delivering a bruising Sandoval hearing against Trump.


1/ Wow, I would be too ashamed to show my face anywhere after all of those facts and accusations. The man has no morals, principles or shame. A truly despicable person. Where is that lightning?

1a/ yes, that’s because you myself and a whole lot of Americans have a conscience… and have a moral & ethical base.  And many of us and I hope the majority of us are not narcissistic sociopaths

2/ Trump being off social media for even 1 day would be a blessing to America.

3/ It is important for the prosecution to establish Trumps pattern of lying and cheating and to show that trump lacks credibility and normal ethics.

4/ Trump during his lifetime has been involved in 4,095 lawsuits...and counting. SMH

5/ It kills me that a man who doesn’t pay taxes, gets to use our courts as a sword and shield, over and over again, thousands of times. He’s gotten out of having to pay contractors &  and banks.  

He’s finally met his match in our prosecutors who can’t be pushed around. We must have justice in this country.

6/ Well said Glenn K. He should be in jail a long time ago. It’s been so many years we’ve been talking about him violating the law. I hope this time around he will be behind bars!!!!

7/ I live in rural Arkansas and it amazes me how many people still worship Trump and think this is all just a smear campaign.

8/ This traitor has been pampered and coddled since 2015 and unless some action is taken he will continue to do and say what he wants.

9/ Did you say fraudulent charity?   WTF?! What kind of creep does that? You want that for your President?

9a/ Anyone that's been banned from running charities should not be allowed to run the country !

9b/ And how does his cult justify that??

9c/ He took the money and spent it on a painting of himself

10/ Trump's re-tweeting of Jesse Watters's tweet should have gotten him sent to jail the very next day.
Plan Like You'll Live to 100!

How to Live to 100—And Love It!
By Lisa Bendall, Reader's Digest Canada

Life expectancy is on the rise, but a long life isn’t always a full one. These everyday habits—many of which you're already doing—will help you stay both healthy and happy.

1/ How to Live to 100
We’re living longer than ever before, thanks to healthier lifestyles and medical advancements such as vaccines and antibiotics. The average life expectancy in Canada, currently 82 and rising, has increased by 11 years since 1960. Of course, reaching a ripe old age is significantly more rewarding if you feel fit and healthy, and your life is full.

Researchers who study longevity and health have concluded that people who live the longest share some common characteristics in where and how they live, and how proactively they take care of themselves. “Longevity is useless if it means more years incapacitated in a home,” says Benjamin Zendel, a professor at Memorial University of Newfoundland and Canada Research Chair in Aging and Auditory Neuroscience.

Here are 45 proven—and often surprising—tips on how to live to 100, happily.

2/ Watch your weight
An analysis in the Annals of Internal Medicine of three long-term studies found that being overweight at any time in adulthood can shorten your life significantly. If you’re heavy, losing just five to 10 percent of your body weight will help prevent life-threatening chronic diseases such as diabetes.

Here’s the latest research on how to beat diabetes.

3/ Brush your teeth
“There’s a correlation between poor oral health and the risk of other conditions, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes,” says Dr. Howard Tenenbaum, the dentist-in-chief at Toronto’s Sinai Health System. Bacteria from the mouth can enter the bloodstream and spread. Even the molecules involved in fighting oral infection appear to exacerbate inflammation elsewhere in the body.

Find out exactly how long you should be brushing your teeth.

4/ Get your eyes checked
According to a 2014 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association, the reduction in independence from vision loss has an impact on life­span. In the study, seniors who were gradually losing their vision—that is, by one eye-chart line per year—were 16 percent more likely to have died eight years later. The researchers believe that correcting vision or learning strategies for adapting to vision loss, like how to read a grocery list with a magnifying tool, can reduce this risk.

Here’s expert advice on how to maintain healthy eyes at every age.

5/ Breathe deeply
Lung capacity begins to decline around age 35 as your airways lose elasticity, your posture changes and your diaphragm loses strength, making it more difficult to take in the oxygen your body needs to stay active and healthy. Slow these changes by exercising your lungs for five or 10 minutes a day: breathe deeply, concentrating on lowering your diaphragm—the muscle under your lungs that allows these organs to expand. Gradually extend the time it takes you to inhale and exhale.

Here’s what might happen when you start meditating every day.

6/ Don’t overmedicate
A 2015 study of over 5,000 Spanish seniors revealed that patients on the most pills died the earliest. Although it doesn’t prove that multiple prescriptions (known as “polypharmacy”) are the cause of an earlier death, what’s known is that we’re more vulnerable to drug interactions and side effects as we age. Even common medications like ibuprofen can lead to ulcers, kidney disease or cardiovascular events if taken long term. Bring a list of all your prescriptions to your next GP appointment and find out if you can reduce or eliminate anything.

These everyday medication mistakes could be making you sick.

7/ Tend to your tootsies
A potential complication of diabetes, a disease shared by 2.3 million Canadians, is open sores on the feet. A 2019 Australian study linked diabetic foot ulcers to a death up to 15 years earlier than the average. Check your feet regularly for redness or breaks in the skin, and see a health-care professional if you have concerns.

Here are the subtle signs of disease your feet can reveal.

8/ Strengthen your skeleton
New research from the Garvan Institute of Medical Research in Darlinghurst, Australia, suggests that when we slow our age-related bone loss with nitrogen-bisphosphonate medications, it lowers the rate of early death by as much as 34 percent.

Find out which osteoporosis risk factors you can control.

9/ Replace worn hips
If you’ve been advised to have hip surgery but put it off because you don’t relish the long recovery, you might reconsider. In Sweden, almost 132,000 patients who had a total hip replacement had a higher chance of being alive 10 years later. The researchers couldn’t pinpoint the reasons but believe many factors are at play, noting that a hip replacement typically improves mobility and lessens pain.

10/ Book a flu shot—every year
In a typical year, there are around 3,500 flu-related deaths and 12,200 flu-related hospitalizations across the country. Even if you recover from the flu, you can have lasting scar tissue in your airways, making it harder for your lungs to oxygenate your tissues.

11/ Reconsider HRT
Before going on hormone replacement therapy, ask your doctor about the risks. According to authors of a 2019 study in Preventive Medicine Reports, women who enter menopause before age 45 raise their mortality risk by 31 percent if they take hormones. Previous studies linked this therapy to cancer, heart attack, stroke and bone fractures.

12/ Don’t neglect your rump
Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers in Canada (the second for men, after lung). The new fecal immunochemical test (FIT) for precancerous changes is a simple diagnostic kit that can be used at home, with no special preparation. Ask your doctor to help you order your own.

13/ Never skip breakfast
According to the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, people aged 40 to 75 were 87 percent more likely to be dead of cardiovascular disease a couple of decades later if they never ate breakfast—even though they had no sign of the disease at the start of the study.

Find out exactly what happens to your body when you skip breakfast.

14/ Prioritize plant protein
A Japanese study following over 70,000 people found that the more plant protein (like beans, seeds and whole grains) they included in their diet, the longer they stayed alive.

Brush up on the best sources of protein, according to Canada’s Food Guide.

15/ Cut back on red meat
According to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, eating just one extra half-serving of red meat a day increases your risk of premature death by nine percent over eight years. The risk is 13 percent if the half-serving is processed.

Here are 14 foods everyone over 50 should be eating.

16/ Grill or bake your fish
If you’re trying to include more fish and seafood in your diet, good for you. But how you cook your meal matters—a lot. Data from the Nurses’ Health Study in the U.S. shows that eating a daily serving of fried fish makes you 13 per cent more likely to die from a heart-related cause. The lesson: opt for less fatty cooking techniques.

Find out the healthiest fish you can eat.

17/ Stay hydrated
Research shows that many of us underestimate the risk of dehydration, which is linked to health problems and death. The right amount of fluid intake is unique to each individual, but if your urine is dark, you probably aren’t drinking enough.

Here’s what happens to your body when you start drinking eight glasses of water a day.

18/ But avoid sugary drinks
A 2019 report from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health suggested that the more sugary drinks people have, the greater their chances of dying earlier, with the difference in risk being 21 per cent greater if you drink two or more of these beverages a day.

Check out 25 ways sugar is making you sick.

19/ Cook from scratch
A 2019 French study following almost 45,000 middle-aged adults noted that people who consumed ultra-processed foods—that is, ready-to-serve products containing additives—had a higher rate of dying from any cause, not just cardiovascular disease.

Don’t miss our ultimate guide to healthy grocery shopping.

20/ Use a smaller dish
To control calories, you can trick yourself into eating less, says Maureen Dobbins, a professor in the School of Nursing at McMaster University. “We tend to overestimate portion sizes in North America, and it’s partly driven by the size of the plate.”

21/ Cut back on booze
Alcohol consumption was blamed for an estimated 14,800 deaths and 88,000 hospital visits in 2014. If you’re female, limit yourself to 10 drinks per week, and no more than two a day. If you’re male, don’t exceed 15 per week, or three a day.

Here’s what booze really does to your body.

22/ Add more tomatoes
The lycopene in this red fruit has antioxidant properties. In study findings published on the Annals of Internal Medicine website, lycopene lowered the risk of dying over a six-year period by 18 percent. For cancer-related deaths, it was a 54 percent reduction.

Check out more high-antioxidant foods worth adding to your cart.

23/ Go nuts
In a Harvard-led study, people who ate a few nuts every day—including walnuts, almonds or cashews—were 20 percent less likely to die over a 30-year period.

Boost your iron intake with these iron-rich foods.

24/ Go ahead, drink more coffee
This beverage is linked to longer life, possibly because the caffeine content helps our bodies fight chronic inflammation. Count your cups and stop at five per day; otherwise you increase your risk of cardiovascular disease. If you prefer decaf, you won’t get the caffeine benefits, but you’ll still be taking in antioxidants.

Here’s how to make your coffee habit even healthier.

25/ Embrace housework (you’ll thank yourself!)
Even light-intensity physical activity, like sweeping the floor or washing dishes, appears to lengthen your life—with every minute you do, your chances of dying go down, according to a 2019 report in The BMJ. “This suggests that older people and those who are not able to be physically active at higher intensities will still benefit from just moving around,” wrote one of the report’s authors, who was from the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences.

Find out the best exercises for seniors.

26/ Take up a new sport
You’ll gain more health benefits when physical activity is combined with mental stimulation and social interactions. “In my lab, we use the tag line ‘lifestyle cross-training,’” explains psychologist Stuart MacDonald at the University of Victoria, where he investigates the neuroscience of aging. “There’s some basic science suggesting that your memory functions better if you’re also physical. And if you choose an activity where you get to see your friends, you’re more likely to keep doing it.”

Brush up on the benefits of group fitness classes.

27/ Bring your earbuds for exercise
You’ll gain more of the health benefits of brisk walking, like lower blood pressure and protection for your bones, if you can increase your speed. In fact, walking faster reduces risk of death by almost 18 percent over eight years.

Finding your daily stroll a bit dull? Check out 11 easy ways to make walking more fun.

28/ Bond with nature
When you’re planning a walking or biking route in your neighbourhood, make sure it cuts through a park or two. According to a 2017 report in The Lancet, exposure to community green spaces—which increases our sense of well-being—lowers death rates by eight to 12 percent over 10 years.

Here are 10 national parks every Canadian should visit at least once.

29/ Stand when you talk on the phone
Even if you meet your daily physical-activity goals, it won’t eliminate health problems associated with sitting for long periods, including stroke and cancer—you still need to get up regularly. Research led by the American Cancer Society showed that people who sit for at least six hours a day have a 19 percent greater risk of dying.

Find out the easiest way to get a full body workout from walking.

30/ Find excuses to walk
Many municipalities offer themed walking tours. Since participants can learn history or view gardens while being physically and socially active, it also counts as a “lifestyle cross-training” strategy. According to research on men and women over 40, published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, just one hour of leisure walking per week appears to reduce the death rate by 18 percent compared to totally inactive individuals.

Here’s what happens to your body when you start walking 10,000 steps a day.

31/ Jog up the stairs
Short on time? A 2018 study in the Journal of the American Heart Association reported that brief bursts of intense activity have the same benefit to your lifespan as the 10-minute bouts recommended by agencies like Health Canada, as long as you end up getting the same total amount of exercise.

Here are the telltale signs you need to move more.

32/ Make friends
“If you’re socially isolated, you tend to have a heightened inflammatory response. Left unchecked, inflammation gets manifested as disease,” says MacDonald. Research at the University of Helsinki in 2018 showed that lonely people tracked over seven years were much more likely to have a heart attack (43 percent) or stroke (39 percent).

Don’t miss these pro tips on how to make friends as a grown-up.

33/ Get enough sleep
People who don’t sleep enough—seven to eight hours is optimal for most—are more likely to develop conditions like diabetes and mental illness. If you can’t resist using your electronic devices before bed, special glasses can minimize the effects of artificial blue light on your sleep.

Discover more secrets to a good night’s sleep.

34/ Turn up the heat
The more often middle-aged men in Finland visited saunas—from once a week to daily—the lower their death rates over a 20-year period. Sauna use appears to lower blood pressure and protect blood vessels. (It may not be recommended if you’re recovering from a heart attack or have angina.)

Check out more natural remedies for high blood pressure.

35/ Manage stress
“If you have protracted stress for a long time, you tend to have elevated levels of cortisol,” says MacDonald. “It’s been shown that your hippocampus atrophies when you bathe it in cortisol over a long time.” Prolonged exposure to emotional stress can reduce survival rates for people with health conditions, raising their death rate over a four-year period by 39 to 43 percent. Try seeing a problem as a challenge you can tackle and learn from.

Discover more healthy ways to handle stress.

36/ Listen to nature
Can’t get outside? At Brighton and Sussex Medical School in the United Kingdom, MRI scans of volunteers demonstrated that listening to recorded sounds of the great outdoors can produce a brain response associated with reduced stress.

Here are 10 mental health podcasts worth adding to your playlist.

37/ Don’t take work home
A 2018 study in The Lancet showed that job stress may be leading men with cardiometabolic diseases (like insulin resistance or high blood pressure) to an earlier death—with a 68 percent higher risk. The same effect wasn’t seen in women. Guys, stop checking work messages when you’re off the clock.

These feel-good five-minute meditations could help you find a moment’s peace.

38/ Hunt for silver linings
Boston-based researchers have just shown that optimism increases the odds you’ll live to 85 by 50 percent if you’re female and 70 percent for males. Try focusing on all the things you’re grateful for.

Here’s expert advice on how to be a more thankful person every day.

39/ Take piano lessons or join a choir
“As you get older, it becomes more difficult to socially interact in noisy environments,” says Memorial University’s Zendel. Research in his lab and elsewhere is showing that musical training can improve your ability to decipher speech in loud restaurants and bars.

Planning on growing older in your own home? Don’t miss our ultimate guide to aging in place.

40/ Improve your listening skills
Focus your attention on the speaker and watch their lip movements. Being a good listener is another strategy that can help you stay socially engaged, reducing your loneliness and isolation. Zendel has met people with hearing issues who don’t let others get a word in edgewise. “They know they won’t understand you, so their solution is to keep talking.”

Here are five signs of hearing loss you might be ignoring.

41/ Get a roommate
A 2019 study that followed men over more than 30 years found that the risk of dying was 23 percent higher for those living alone. Another recent study found a similar link in men and women living by themselves, but only for those who actually felt lonely. The Symbiosis program at McMaster University matches students in need of short-term housing with seniors who have a room to spare. Participants report a greater sense of community connection.

Read the inspiring story of how four Ontario women are challenging traditional notions of retirement living.

42/ Live closer to amenities
Too much isolation can reduce your lifespan. According to a 2019 Statistics Canada report, people in remote areas often have poorer access to health services because of distance and wait times, and are more likely to die a preventable death.

Here are 20 symptoms you shouldn’t ignore.

43/ Share the load
Research led by the Johns Hopkins University Center on Aging and Health in 2013 showed that the emotional rewards of caring for a family member can extend your life by 18 percent. The key, though, is to keep the workload manageable. (These self-care tips for caregivers can help.) This frees you to enjoy the health benefits of higher self-esteem and the sense that you’re making a difference.

44/ Avoid third-hand smoke
We all know about the risks of inhaling second-hand smoke, but the chemical residue that clings to clothes and builds up on furniture can create a type of indoor pollution that may pose harm, too. Studies on this are still ongoing, but Berkeley Lab scientists were able to show, for instance, that these chemicals react with compounds in a room’s air to form carcinogens.

Follow our healthy home checklist to eliminate potential hazards in every room.

45/ Pop a vitamin D
People with low levels of this vitamin appear to have a higher rate of death. A supplement doesn’t guarantee you’ll live longer, but a study in The BMJ found evidence that it may lower the risk of death from cancer.

Find out the 13 essential vitamins your body needs to stay healthy.

46/ Manage your temperature
Heat waves and cold snaps can be life-threatening, especially as you age. If you live in a community that is prone to either extreme (or both—this is Canada, after all), heed weather warnings and stay indoors if you need to.

Now that you know how to live to 100, check out our science-backed tips on how to be happy.
Generation definitions
  • Generation Z: born between 1997 and 2012 (15 years).
  • Millennial: born between 1981 and 1996 (15 years).
  • Generation X: born between 1965 and 1980 (15 years).
  • Baby boomers: born between 1946 and 1964 (18 years).
  • Silence gereration: born between 1928 and 1945 (17 years).
The Lincoln Project REDUCES Trump TO TEARS In New Ad & Trump THROWS A TANTRUM FIT!


1/ Absolutely love those Lincoln project!! They are brilliant in pushing back the Republican Fascist party!

2/ These Lincoln guys are hero’s. I hope they can redeem the Republican Party.

2a/ Amen

2b/ Without MAGA!

3/ On point, factual information should help voters in their decisions. Go Lincoln Project, keep the facts coming!

4/ Im glad to see that there are still well thinking republicans

5/ Love Lincoln Project

6/ Lincoln project men and women stay strong stay honorable and go kick his ass. He took your party over. Now go get yours

7/ Trump has already lost for sure.

8/ Bravo Lincoln Project! Please keep up the good work!!! Keep on keepin' on!!!!!

9/ I absolutely love your videos. They expose the truth and give such a great perspective on what is really going on. Thank you Lincoln Project keep up the great work

10/ Keep up the good work Lincoln Project members
Trump isn't arguing he's innocent, he's arguing he has the right to be a criminal. America is embarrassed by Trump!

If you are offended by Trump comparing hinself to Nelson Mandela, imagine how pissed off we, South Africans, are feeling. Mandela was imprisoned for his convictions, Trump will go to jail because he was convicted.


Trump DARES judge to jail him in stunning move

Inside the Right episode 27: @bulwarkmedia's Tim Miller discusses Trump's post signaling openness to being jailed for violating his gag order in the NY criminal trial.


1/ Trump isn't arguing he's innocent,he's arguing he has the right to be a criminal. America is embarrassed by Trump!

1a/ We’re embarrassed for you 🇺🇸🇬🇧

1b/ The world is embarrased. What a complete joke

1c/ He DOES have the right, and the propensity to be a criminal. That doesn't translate to being the greatest President ever, though, but what do I know.

2/ Trump being a president of America, is one of the most embarrassing periods of America. Please don’t repeat it.

3/ To those who think the Con man is Republican, THINK AGAIN !

4/ Trump not lead no more He's not leading in the polls anymore unless he talking about jail

5/ Nelson Mandella was not imprisoned for endangering court staff and witnesses in a criminal trial. For Trump to compare himself to Mandella is the height of arrogance and stupidity.

5a/ (Trump) He wants to be a martyr. If he can be jailed & released after 3 days, he can say he was "resurrected". His hopes his cult members will turn to violence in the name of their idol.

5b/ Yeah but his supporters eat this crybaby, victim bs right up despite supposedly being this macho larger then life guy. His entire outlook and personality is driven basically by him being this massive victim and constantly whining and crying

6/ I would settle for Trump being under house arrest with no access to any communications. Let the Secret Service babysit this crybaby.

7/ From what I've been hearing he's not only falling asleep in court, but he's grossing everyone out with his stench. How have we sunk so low that this creature is actually a candidate for a major party? I just don't get it...and I am appalled.

8/ Donald Trump has always made the mistake of thinking he's somebody when he's nobody, he's a clown that's not even funny.

9/ He’s making a mockery of our judicial system and he’s wasting hard earned taxpayer dollars!

10/ If you are offended by Trump comparing hinself to Nelson Mandela, imagine how pissed off we, South Africans, are feeling. Mandela was imprisoned for his convictions, Trump will go to jail because he was convicted.

Fed up Democrat goes megaviral with SPEECH OF THE YEAR


1/ Sen Ossoff is a strong Senator.  He is absolutely correct in his rebuke.

1a/ Georgia did a great job electing two wonderful Senators!

1b/ I agree. Can we get someone like that for Florida's senator instead of the 2 idiots we have now?

2/ I am a life time Republican, never have I been more embarrassed to say that and never have I been more proud of Democrats like Rep Rosa DeLauro....Vote not to elect Donald Trump.

2a/ Welcome to the side of sanity, I am happy you realize the danger Trump presents & the crazies that have infiltrated the Republican Party. I’m happy to have you as part of the sane & responsible team

3/ I wish Senator Ossoff was much more visible on the national stage.    He’s very well spoken and extremely intuitive.

4/  In my 77 years I have NEVER seen a former EX President control the current members in the House & Senate!!! What the hell is happening to this country???
Simple answer,: Donald Trump!!! We must vote Blue!!!

5/ Exactly what I've been saying! Do NOT want to Hear another Republican complain about the Border when we had the Best Bipartisan Bill in Decades!

5a/ Trump needs the border as a talking point for his run for  president

6/ Ossoff is one of the best senators we have, I hope he wins re-election in 2026

6a/ Maybe even the presidency one day

6b/ Definitely. Hard to believe that the same state that gave us Marginal Trailer Greed was able to send Ossoff  and Warnock to congress. Both are class acts.

6c/ I still remember what he said directly to his incumbent republican opponent when they were running for Senate:
"It's not just that you're a crook, senator, it's that you're attacking the health of the people that you represent".
I think that was the exact moment he instantly won the hearts of voters in Georgia.
Seriously, if you haven't seen this, you should look it up, this was awesome.

6d/ We have a lot of good ones on the Democratic side.  And boy do we need them!

7/ trump and maga are done. Thank you Democrats

8/ A lot of people still believe the GOP’s gaslighting.  This speech should be repeated everywhere.  He has delivered it so eloquently and it doesn’t hurt that he’s so handsome.   Kick out TRUMP AND MAGA.  VOTE BLUE.

8a/ He alright. I'm better looking

8b/ Presidential material.  He talks with authority and measure.  People listen

9/ How can people believe Trump cares about this country when he asks Congress not to pass a bill that is good for the country because it would not be good for HIM? It is always and only about him.

10/ John Ossoff and the good reverend Raphael Warnock are my senators here in Georgia, and I voted for both of them. I will vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in November. This madness called MAGA must be in our rearview mirror if we are to be able to move forward as the UNITED STATES. Vote blue.

11/ As a Republican- I will vote BLUE across the line on every ballot. Period
New Ad: Dictator Donald

Donald Trump isn't running to be the next president; he's running to be America's first dictator. We can't allow him to get anywhere near the Oval Office again.


1/ Totally on point. As a European watching American politics... this report is what's needed to open the eyes of your fellow countrymen. Don't let this con man con you again.

1a/ The MAGA apparently want this. We are doing everything we can to defeat him. However our Justice department is dragging their asses.  

2/ Saw the link in this morning's Politico Playbook, so thanks for producing this. Needs to be put out there far and wide and be broadcasted from the rooftops if necessary (particularly in swing states). It's all hands on deck time for Republicans, Democrats and Independents to unite and save democracy

3/ "As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do."
Andrew Carnegie

3a/ In regards to understanding Trump, it gets even easier. He says exactly what he's going to do.

4/ Excellent, RAP. Just as strong as the Lincoln Project. Keep getting this out there!

5/ Let me get this straight;  America DOESN'T KNOW if it will elect a dictator or not! ?  We look TERRIBLE in the eyes of the world right now.

5a/ Sorry to have to Agree with You. In Canada, we r incredulous that you could Vote this Criminal Stain back in Power! We Pray it doesn't happen

5b/ As a British person, seeing the catastrophic collapse America from the outside. Trump has turned America into an absolute joke.

6/ I’m a Brit, I can’t vote, so please vote in your millions against Trump for me - Make the world a safer place!

7/ 'The most important election of our lifetime'--->THIS TIME IT'S TRUE!!!

7a/ It was true last time too, it’s just even more true this time!

8/ Most Americans don't want a wannabe dictator in our country we will stand up for democracy

9/ Yup, we need to wake up. This is real folks. Right in front of your eyes. So important to vote against Trump.

10/ Please vote to keep the dictator out!!!!!!!!!

10a/ North Korea is Trump's favorite dictator, love  that dictator.
Dan Salinger and his wife are taking care of his father, Dr. Ed Salinger, who has had dementia for a while.  Dr. Salinger was a podiatrist.  His dementia is getting worse and worse.  In the following clip, Dan shares with us a poem he wrote about his father when he was still healthy.

Dad when younger.

Where is my brother and where is my car?
My key and my checkbook can't be too far.
Where is my phone and where do I live?
It seems most of my life was left in the sieve.

I may be old and I may be infirm,
But there are things about me you've yet to learn.
I might not be eloquent or use the right words,
Wanting more than to sit here and stare at the birds.
When I was much younger in the prime of my life,
I was a father and a doctor with a beautiful wife.
People took notice when I walked in a place 
And valued my input on the issues they faced.
My body was strapping and my muscles were strong,
I was able to handle whatever came along.
Life was ahead of me and not in the past.
It seems nothing in life is de
stined to last.
Now when you see me sunk in this chair,
A tired old man who lost most his hair,
I hope that you know I used to be more.
And I hope that you see me like I was before./.
Trump's very bad week: a jury's in the box & NY AG James objects to $175 million bond in fraud case

It was a really bad, awful, terrible week for Donald Trump. Trump insisted that there was no way a fair jury could be found in Manhattan. And yet, it took only about three trial days to find 12 fair and impartial jurors to sit in judgment of the 34 felony crimes on which Trump is indicted.

But if that wasn't bad enough, New York Attorney General Letitia James  just filed a formal objection to the $175 million bond Trump filed in an attempt to stop AG James from seizing his properties. And wait until you hear the three reasons AG James gave the Judge for why he should reject the bond.


1/ I am so grateful  for New York State Attorney General  Letitia James .   She  has been attacked and ridiculed  by Trump,  but she is strong and she just keeps doing what is right.

1a/ Yes. These people - those who persevere in their public duties  to serve the country - deserve our thanks, appreciation and support on a constant basis. THIS is what deserves the lions share of our attention. They are the ones who are and will preserve this country’s democracy; the burden they carry is huge.

1b/ yes. Absolutely agree. These people with HONOR AND  INTEGRITY AND A DEEP SENSE OF JUSTICE are the ones who are really fighting the fight for democracy. They deserve our support and respect for what they do. Ms James has been abused defamed and Vilified by trump but it has NOT DETERRED HER FROM DOING WHAT’s RIGHT. She deserves our thanks and respect. Stinky ass Don is terrified of the trial snd its outcome because HE KNOWS there’s a very strong probability that he will go to prison so he’s trying everything he can think of to get out of it. BUT ITS NOT WORKING SO WELL FOR HIM. Judge Merchan is not having any of his or his attorneys’ shenanigans in his courtroom. Yaaaay I think demented Don realises that he has met his match in this courtroom

1c/ Two trials 2 powerful smart Black woman who will show him who s smart and and who dumb

2/ Trump isn't arguing he's innocent, he's arguing he has the right to be a criminal.  It's crazy that someone so half-witted was our president.

2a/ Exactly what we in Europe have been asking ourselves...

2b/ What's even more crazy is that millions of people still support him.

2c/ What does that really tell you about the people that voted  for him to begin with!!!

3/ its about time the justice system learn that there is absolutely nothing honest, or trustworthy about Donald, or his support. EMBARRASSING

4/ Once a conman, always a conman.  Thank you New York AG for standing up to this scam.  Well done.  

5/ A bad week for Donald Trump is a good week for justice in America!
Should you leave your laptop plugged in all the time?

Story by Joe Hindy • 21h • 6 min read
  • Leaving laptop plugged in is safe physically, but aging the battery faster than necessary.
  • Storage at extreme charges and heat age lithium-ion batteries, reducing the battery's lifespan.
  • Check battery health with provided methods, avoid excessive charging to extend battery life.
When it comes to laptops, portability is usually a top of mind factor. There are even ultraportable laptops out there specifically designed for travel. For the times you aren't on the go, however, your laptop might be sitting plugged in at your desk -- and if you're like me -- constantly plugged into its charger.

[Image: laptop.jpg]

With a little bit of time and not much of tech-savvy, you can convert your old computer into a Chromebook to give it new life.

But is leaving your laptop plugged in at all times a good idea? Despite being a simple question, laptop battery chemistry complexities can make the answer rather complicated. Let's break it down.

Is it safe to leave your laptop plugged in all the time?
In terms of physical safety, yes, it's perfectly safe to leave your laptop plugged in all the time.

There is virtually no risk of anything catching on fire. Modern laptops have voltage control built into the machine that knows when the battery is full and will stop the charge, even if the charger is connected.

These mechanisms rarely fail, and laptops have safety mechanisms that will sever the connection before real damage occurs.

Virtually, there is little risk of anything catching on fire.

However, that all assumes that the charger itself and the electrical outlet it's connected to are in good working order. A short in an outlet can cause a fire, but that's not limited to a charging laptop. That said, be sure to regularly check your outlets.

Should you keep your laptop charging all the time?
This is where the complexity comes in. There are a variety of things that are bad for lithium-ion batteries. Keeping the battery at too low of a charge as well as too high of a charge can cause the battery to age prematurely. As batteries age, they lose their ability to carry a full charge. Thus, while it won't blow up your laptop, you may notice that your laptop battery doesn't seem to hold as much charge as it once did.

Keeping the battery at too low of a charge as well as too high of a charge can cause the battery to age prematurely.

The other worry is heat. Lithium-ion batteries lose charge over time even if the device is powered off.

That means the battery is almost continuously getting topped off, which introduces heat. Heat, like high or low charge, can prematurely age the battery as well, which will cause it to lose charge capacity over the long-term.

Finally, every lithium battery ever produced has a finite number of charges before it simply cannot charge anymore. By leaving it on AC, you're introducing extra charge cycles that the battery doesn't need since it's off. This will shave off even more lifespan from the battery.

You will age out your laptop battery much faster than if you used it off of AC power from time to time.

Thus, leaving your laptop on the charger is a bit of a triple whammy. Your laptop won't catch on fire or receive any damage in the short-term. However, you will age out the battery much faster than if you used it off of AC power from time to time, which will cause the battery to die sooner than expected.

How to see your laptop's battery damage
There are methods for both Windows and macOS machines to check in on battery health. We'll go through each one briefly and then go over how to read the reports.

  1. Click the Apple menu button and select System Information.
  2. Open the hardware section in the left margin and select the Power option.
  3. Your battery information will be there.
Admittedly, macOS is much easier than Windows in this regard, so you should be able to find it relatively quickly.

Windows PC
  1. Open a Command Prompt. The easiest way to do this is to type "CMD" without the quotes in the Windows search bar.
  2. Type powercfg /batteryreport and press Enter on your keyboard.
  3. Command Prompt will generate a battery report and then save it to a folder, which it'll show you when you enter the command.
  4. Navigate to that folder on your machine and access the report.
The report is in HTML, so you'll need to use a browser to open it. Fortunately, all browsers can handle HTML files.

What to make of your laptop's battery information
The Power section will show you Cycle Count, which is how many times you've charged the battery. Under that is Condition. If it says anything other than Normal, then you may want to schedule a trip to the Apple Store to get it investigated.

Maximum Capacity tells you how much charge your battery can still hold. Only brand new Macbooks show 100%, so expect to see yours below that.

Windows PC
For Windows, the information is broken up into the days that you used your laptop. Thus, if you look under the At Full Charge section and the Active column, you'll see how long your battery was expected to last that day.

You can compare that to the At Design Capacity section under the Active column to see how long the battery would last if the battery was brand new. Compare to see how much battery life you've lost.

How to prevent damaging your laptop battery
Mostly, just don't leave it on the charger any longer than necessary. Charge it to full, unplug it, and then don't plug it back in until it needs to charge again. This doesn't prevent battery aging because nothing does, but it'll age much more slowly when it's not being held at 100% charge by the charger. Yes, you might lose a few percent of battery by the time you turn it back on, but it's a small price to pay.

[Image: phone.jpg]

Your iPhone's battery health could be slowing it down, but there's an easy fix
Apple will slow down your iPhone if the battery gets too old -- here's how to manage iPhone performance, plus tips for a longer battery life.

Another option is to use OS-level mitigation tools. Windows has a smart charging feature that'll essentially charge the device in a way that's less damaging to the battery. Apple has an Optimized Battery Charging feature that'll do the same thing. These limit the battery charge, so it's not topping itself up all the time.

What you're trying to avoid is discharging and recharging the battery for no reason and also leaving it on the charger 24/7.

What you're trying to avoid is discharging and recharging the battery for no reason and also leaving it on the charger 24/7. Unplugging your laptop reduces heat, reduces the number of unnecessary charge cycles, and keeps the battery from being held at high charge all the time, which will allow your battery to age better.

Q: Is it OK to leave a laptop plugged in while using it?
Yes, but we recommend using the aforementioned OS-level battery charging features so that it's not always at 100% battery. In addition, laptop brands like Asus and HP have tools that limit power to 60% (HP) or 80% (Asus) to prevent battery degradation. This is for optimal health, and it'll help your battery last longer.

It's essentially the same rules as when the laptop is off. You want to avoid unnecessary charge cycles, and you also want to avoid keeping it at 100% all the time. Take it off the charger, use the laptop, and then put it back on the charger if it needs it. Treat it like a smartphone instead of a desktop PC.

Q: Does leaving your laptop plugged in all the time actually strip your battery?
Yes, and no. I own a six-year-old laptop, and it's been plugged in for approximately 98% of its life. My battery lasts less about an hour when it's off the charger, and it only holds about a 60% charge. It hasn't caught on fire nor is the battery bugging, but my battery did wither away without the charger because I left it plugged in most of its life.
Ex-Trump Official Busts 1 Of Trump's Favorite Myths About Himself Wide Open

Story by Ed Mazza • 21h • 2 min read

Donald Trump likes to think of himself as a great businessman, but at least one official who served under him says that’s not the case at all.

“Donald Trump is not a great businessman,” former Homeland Security chief of staff Miles Taylor told MeidasTouch. “He is a failed businessman across the board. Trump Steaks and Trump Vodka and Trump Airlines and we could go on and on.”

Taylor also dispensed with the argument that the former president’s wealth is proof of his business acumen.

“Al Capone was incredibly rich,” he said. “You can be rich and not be a great businessman. You can be a fraud. And we’ve seen this with Donald Trump throughout his history. Even people who’ve been huge supporters of his have come away saying, ‘he’s a total fraud.’”

Taylor said Trump took all of his worst tendencies from the world of business with him into the White House.

“And in a lot of ways, he made the U.S. government his largest failed venture yet,” he said, adding that Trump’s “volatility and corrupt nature” made it difficult for government departments and agencies to function.

“I saw it in our own department,” he said, where he was unable to do his job effectively because he was too focused on dealing with Trump’s impulses.

“I had to spend my time focused on how do we manage the president,” he said. “That’s not the sign of a good businessman. He’s clearly not communicating and delegating really well. That’s the sign of the exact opposite.”

He warned business leaders who think Trump might be better for the bottom line that a second Trump term would be so volatile that it would be “dangerous and destabilizing” for the U.S. economy.

Trump on Sunday attacked his critics, and hit Taylor specifically by name as a “weak and pathetic RINO.”

“Other than seeing him on TV, I have no idea, from the Administration days, who the hell he is,” Trump wrote on his Truth Social website. “I assume a con man because he gets paid for talking about a subject he knows nothing about, ME.”


See more of Taylor’s discussion below:

LIVE: Trump WHISTLEBLOWER Reveals ALL, Trump is FURIOUS | The Weekend Show

Whilst Donald Trump languishes in criminal court, former White House staffers are increasingly blowing the whistle on the clear and present danger of a second Trump presidency. Counter terrorism official Miles Taylor joins Anthony Davis for an essential exposé on The Weekend Show.


1/ Miles is not a whistlebower.
He is a Truth-Teller.
He is very courageous risking all to expose wrongdoing and shine light on the truth

2/ Miles Taylor as chief of staff at the US Department of Homeland Security simply did his job.  He spoke up and told the truth to protect our beloved nation.  By doing his job with integrity during the trump administration makes him an American hero.  Thank you Miles!

3/ You can be conservative and still vote for biden if you REALLY CARE ABOUT YOUR FUTURE

4/Miles is a courageous supporter of democracy who suffered a lot after being persecuted by Trump's MAGAs.

5/ A man whose sense of honesty and integrity , whose decision to tell the truth regardless,  has called out the injustices Trump has caused. Trump is indeed a very bad man.  I hope you get peace of mind .  You have done what many people lack the courage to do. You may have helped to protect democracy.  Good luck.  From the Uk.

6/ I have so much respect for credible whistleblowers. M. Cohen and A. Vindman are both on my list of courageous whistleblowers along with you.

6/ Why is it so hard for other people to speak what Miles so eloquently stated. "I am a conservative,  

Trump has never been a conservative." He is also not a Christian, not a savior, and he is dumb as a rock.  He is only as good as the corporations feel he does at  providing a system of chaos with them in power.

I love that Miles admits his lessons and what he has done because of them. It's frightening that truth is dissent of the day.
Ha ha ha ...

Nhóm nghe lời Trump đang ngồi tù cho vụ án Jan. 6 rồi .  Làm sao họ dám phá nhà tù, chạy tới NYC giúp Trump được, hử?  Còn những ai tham gia vụ Jan. 6, nhưng chưa bị bắt, đang run sợ chờ FBI gõ cửa .  Vì thế, MAGAs nào dám nghe lời Trump xúi bậy, gây náo loạn tại NYC?


Trump calls on his supporters to protest in NYC, but he's not getting the circus he wants

Former President Trump has taken to social media in an attempt to boost the number of his supporters outside the courthouse in Lower Manhattan, and he has suggested the poor turnout was a result of a plot against his supporters. The Morning Joe panel discusses.


1/ They know that last time he got them arrested and put in jail. This "man" only cares for himself.

1a/ And he didn't pardon them when he could, because they are scum to him

1b/ And instead of pardoning the foot soldiers he pardoned his generals and let the soldiers rot in the jail...sad

2/ His kids don't even show up to support him ?  Why would anyone else ?

2a/ Wife didn't either lol.

2b/ He didn't even go to his kids graduation ceremonies.

2c/ Maybe his ex girlfriend will show up! Won't be to support him though.

2d/ The fact that his wife and children aren't there speaks volumes.

3/ Asking for your supporters to show up at the courthouse and attacking the jury is just plain stupid

3a/ Yep the judge might stop threatening  jail and follow through.

3b/ Yep!  Nobody is going to do that!

3c/ Why?

3d/ Just plain illegal

4/ Good point, Mika.  Trump should be wary of trying to get a crowd together to protest on his behalf.  That hasn't worked well in the past.

4a/ Trump don’t care about no one but himself. Not even his children or wife or in-laws

5/ I told you. The number of people who can travel, take off work, be violent and handle the expense of all that entails are limited. And most of those are either in jail for J6 or on probation and parole. Wearing a stupid red hat is easy. Going somewhere to riot and go to prison is not. And J6 told them all that there is no anonymity in the mop anymore.

6/ People may be tired of going to jail for him.

7/ His supporters are in jail from the last time they came to his defense.  You have to be pretty low to support this gangster.

8/ Pretty much he wants to start another Jan 6th