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Have you ever been told that you are overpowering at work? Well,  I have, just yesterday  :78: . I know what I need to do : time to learn to relax again  banana-skipping-rope-smiley-emoticon be kind, think twice before speaking my mind (and if I don't have anything nice to say, maybe it's best not to say anything at all). This might not be the best strategy but it is a start. 
So here I am relaxing at Tim Hortons on my day off.

[Image: 20181031-104141.jpg]
No house chores on your day off?  Hello
(2018-10-31, 11:36 AM)Vâng Wrote: No house chores on your day off?  Hello

All chores can wait  :slightly-smiling-face4: today 's goal is to relax  Innocent
Are you relaxing?
(2018-10-31, 11:45 AM)LamTu Wrote: All chores can wait  :slightly-smiling-face4: today 's goal is to relax  Innocent
Are you relaxing?

Nhà mà dơ là tôi bị khủng, khó mà relax được. 😀
(2018-10-31, 11:49 AM)Vâng Wrote: Nhà mà dơ là tôi bị khủng, khó mà relax được. 😀

Va^.y thi` ho+i me^.t cho ba.n  :78: Mi`nh cu~ng ho+I gio^'ng ba.n nhu+ng ko dde^'n no^~I "bi. khu?ng".
LamTu, có power mới over...chứ hỏng có thì phải "keep silent and continue to swim" :sunflower_1f33b:

(2018-10-31, 12:21 PM)Mimo Wrote: LamTu, có power mới over...chứ hỏng có thì phải "keep silent and continue to swim" :sunflower_1f33b:

Cu~ng ddu'ng ha Mimo. Chi? so+. la` mi`nh tu+. cho mi`nh power tho^I. Mi`nh ddang ho.c la.i nhu+~ng ddie^`u ca(n ba?n dda^y. Wish me luck  :slightly-smiling-face4:
(2018-10-31, 11:01 AM)LamTu Wrote: Have you ever been told that you are overpowering at work? Well,  I have, just yesterday  :78: . I know what I need to do : time to learn to relax again  banana-skipping-rope-smiley-emoticon be kind, think twice before speaking my mind (and if I don't have anything nice to say, maybe it's best not to say anything at all). This might not be the best strategy but it is a start. 
So here I am relaxing at Tim Hortons on my day off.

[Image: 20181031-104141.jpg]

From the look of your desert--strawberry.. I"m guessing you're a female.
(2018-10-31, 12:55 PM)LoveStory08 Wrote: From the look of your desert--strawberry.. I"m guessing you're a female.

Yes  Hello
(2018-10-31, 01:52 PM)LamTu Wrote: Yes  Hello

I don't think they have Horton's here in Cali..  :rolleyes:
(2018-10-31, 03:04 PM)LoveStory08 Wrote: I don't think they have Horton's here in Cali..  :rolleyes:

Probably not.  Maybe you 'll see it there someday in the near future  Face-with-stuck-out-tongue-and-winking-eye_1f61c it's very popular in Canada.
Looks like you have underbite teeth.
(2018-10-31, 05:58 PM)OneSunday Wrote: Looks like you have underbite teeth.

I don't think so  Astonished-face4
Hi sis LT Hello

How are you? do u feel better now?. I just want to stop by and say hi :rose4:
I lovvveee ice coffee from Tim Hortons, it’s way cheaper than starbucks coffee here.
(2018-10-31, 05:58 PM)OneSunday Wrote: Looks like you have underbite teeth.

Nói đúng hơn là môi trề.? Lol