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Thấy gì ở chùa to Phật lớn?
LTP đã rút email của mình khỏi nhóm rồi.  Hy vọng VB sẽ không có sự góp mặt của robot ChatGPT.

Ngày nào đó, nếu Quora tràn ngập bài robot viết, LTP cũng sẽ rút lui khỏi Quora.
(Quora) What concerns you lately?

Answered by Sean Kernan:

I’m increasingly concerned that Quora is going to hand this platform over to clunky AI writing.
I’m starting to see generic AI-written answers appearing at the top of question pages.
[Image: main-qimg-9d31d7cecb12d2c78259bee250f4d4ef]
Yes, my opinion is inextricably biased to some extent. I benefit from viewership on this platform and do get paid for my writing.

Yet even discounting that bias, I feel safe in my opinion that this is problematic.

I’ve spent my 10,000 hours in online writing and know that readers value hearing from human beings, and actual thoughts that are rooted in their lived experiences and thoughts. Even further, I know that many readers are openly hostile towards AI writing being shoved in their faces.

It’s not a matter of AI writing evolving and getting more effective or believable, it’s a matter of people caring about connecting with other humans. Voices matter.

I’m a typically fierce defender of Quora. I don’t like inane criticisms by people who don’t know how to curate their feed, or people constantly complaining about things, or going after employees over trivial stuff.

But I do hope Quora doesn’t lose the spirit of its platform, and that it values the readers and writers who still enjoy being here.


Commented by Gunjita:
This will really suck not only from writer's but from reader's point of view too…People are not using Quora so that they will get answers from AI….They want something realistic

But if this will happen I wonder where will writers and readers of Quora rely on??

Commented by Michelle:
There are answers appearing from people using ChatGPT and not admitting to it either but it gets accidentally revealed in the answer, like this one:

[Image: main-qimg-84dda9f40c4ac042ba633f12d50c3ef1]
I just check all his other answers and they're all ChatGPT. 😒 That’s frustrating too!

Commented by Josh Frost:
I am suddenly imagining a future world where people who want to be truly knowledgeable have gone back to books, leaving the internet as a place where the majority throw misinformation at one another. (Or maybe we are there already…)

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