Christian Music/Quotes
Bless THE LORD  Admire Admire Admire Admire

Marines singing "Lord i lift your name on high"





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Come .. Now is the time to Worship

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Phi líp 2:10-11

10 hầu cho nghe đến danh Ðức Chúa Jêsus, mọi đầu gối trên trời, dưới đất, bên dưới đất, thảy đều quì xuống,

11 và mọi lưỡi thảy đều xưng Jêsus Christ là Chúa, mà tôn vinh Ðức Chúa Trời, là Ðức Chúa Cha.
Hymn ... Praise to the Lord, the Almighty


How Great Thou Art
It Is Well With My Soul
Blessed Assurance
Sweet Hour of Prayer
O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing
I Come To The Garden
I Need Thee Every Hour
A Mighty Fortress
Rock of Ages
Praise To The Lord
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
Just As I Am
To God Be The Glory
Great Is Thy Faithfulness
Amazing Grace
Crown Him Lord of All
Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus
Victory In Jesus
What A Friend We Have In Jesus
Holy, Holy, Holy
Fairest Lord Jesus
The Old Rugged Cross
He Lives
I'd Rather Have Jesus
Joyful, Joyful
Immortal, Invisible
Eternal Father
For The Beauty Of The Earth
Now Thank We All Our God
Come We That Love the Lord
Oh How I Love Jesus
God Of Our Fathers
Blest Be The Bind That Ties
I Sing The Mighty Power of God
Rejoice The Lord Your King
Morning Has Broken
When Morning Guilds the Skies
Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee
My Jesus I Love Thee
Take My Life And Let It Be
Be Thou My Vision
Trust and Obey
Day By Day
He Leadeth Me
Be Still My Soul
Nearer My God To Thee
O Sacred Head Now Wounded
Jesus Keep Me Near The Cross
It Is Well With My Soul
To God Be The Glory
The Savior Is Waiting

Difference Between Song and Hymn

1. A hymn is considered a traditional hymn  ....   a song is considered a praise song also called a worship song.

2. Hymns are always sung to the same tune or rhythm like The melodies and lyrics of the hymns can be interchangeable  .... Each praise song has its own music and separate lyrics like any other song.

3. The main emphasis on hymns is the words which are played with only an organ, and the music is called chordal  ....  the main emphasis in the praise songs is on music and not words. The songs are played with many instruments.

4. Hymns and their structure have been derived or originated from classical music. It is often a four-part harmony ....  praise songs are not derived from classical music but are influenced more by the current culture and do not have four-part harmony.

5. Hymns have been sung for over hundreds of years  ....   praise songs were introduced in the 1960s.
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