Father'sday June/17/2018 sao buồn quá VBest ơi!
BV &  Gracie ,,bro TN ơi !

Tình cờ gặp 1 Bs nguới Việt mình ,nhưng she qua  lúc 2t nên không rành tiếng Việt ,nghe she nói :

@ The chances of someone having a stroke increase with age .Two thrid of all strokes happen to 
people who are over age 55

Stroke risk double  with each decade past age 55

@ Males have  slightly higher stroke risk than female 

However ,because women in the USA live longer than men ,most stroke survivors over age 65 

Although actual risk varies ,people with a family historry  of stroke are at risk for strokes themselve
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RE: Father'sday June/17/2018 sao buồn quá VBest ơi! - by Như Ý - 2018-05-24, 01:48 AM