Chúng Ta Sống Trong Một Quốc Gia Nơi Mà Đa Số Các Bình Luận Gia Tuyên Bố Kẻ Dối Trá..
Biden Should NOT Step Down!

Professor Allan Lichtman:

"One bad debate and the spineless Democrats are ready to abandon their incumbent President.  The truth is debates have no predictive value of Presidential election.

"Hillary Clinton went through all debates, John Kerry outshined George W. Bush in 2004, and still lost. In his first debate with Mitt Romney, only 20% thought Obama won compared to 72% Romney won. Obama went on to win an electoral college landslide.

"It is absolutely the primrose path to error for Biden to step down. If that happens, you create on open seat. The incumbent isn't running, and you create an internal party contest because there's no obvious heir apparent. Over the last 25 years, how many times have incumbent parties won in an open seat and the contested nomination? The answer is zero!"

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RE: Chúng Ta Sống Trong Một Quốc Gia Nơi Mà Đa Số Các Bình Luận Gia Tuyên Bố Kẻ Dối Trá.. - by LeThanhPhong - 2024-06-29, 01:50 AM