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401K Retirement: High Risk To Be Millionaire
(2024-01-05, 12:22 PM)BrokeAssMillionaire Wrote: As I mentioned before, I am a high risk and no reading and study before buying  Happy-smiley-emoticon so don\'t take any recommend from me.

My 401k has around 20 different funds, so I look at the list of highest gain to jump in. Gain from 5% to 22% so I have been picked those high risk that gains from 18% - 22%. Yeah, I was in crash 3 times since 99 which it didn't bother me and never touch but keep contribute.

There are a lot of plans but will see what it's going on in the next few years. I may or may not continue high risk when I reach 60. If I continue to plan high risk, I would move 1/4 out to cash saving in 401k that would be enough for 4 years withdraw. It's good that my 401k has cash saving option that gains only at 1-2%. 

For my individual Roth account for each year of contribution, I usually go to Fidelity Midcap and search for highest gain then jump in. I start late with Roth in the last 10 years, so I don't have much in Roth.  If you have extra cash, better to put in Roth as early in your 30s. Starting Roth at 40s or 50s is kinda late. 

[Image: Roth-12-30-23.png]

Thanks for your valuable input and honesty, bro. Tulip4 I admitted that I did not read every single one of your posts. It's seemingly trading your shares on your own. Are you a self-managed account? If yes, wouldn't you mind giving the pros and cons based on your experiences/opinions? I hired Fidelity to do all the work and paid .30%. Besides, I opened a SEP-IRA more than a decade ago. It gains above 3% currently. Please share your thoughts if those tentative plans turn out smoothly and fruitfully.

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RE: 401K Retirement: High Risk To Be Millionaire - by TiểuHồLy - 2024-01-07, 10:52 PM