How to check for facts, bias, and fake news
(2022-01-27, 12:39 AM)005 Wrote: Fake news, fact-checking, and bias: How to check for facts, bias, and fake news

    A project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center, this organization checks the factual accuracy of what is said by major U.S. political players in the form of TV ads, debates, speeches, interviews and news releases.
  • Truth or Fiction
    A non-partisan website where "Internet users can quickly and easily get information about eRumors, fake news, disinformation, warnings, offers, requests for help, myths, hoaxes, virus warnings, and humorous or inspirational stories that are circulated by email."
  • PolitiFact
    PolitiFact staffers research statements and rate their accuracy on the Truth-O-Meter, from True to False. The most ridiculous falsehoods get the lowest rating, Pants on Fire.
    This highly regarded rumor analyzing site has been researching rumors since 1995.
  • Hoax Slayer
    Site that debunks email and social media hoaxes and educates web users about email, social media, and Internet security issues. Founded in 2003.
  • How to Recognize a Fake News Story (Huffington Post)
    For the whole story and more information on the list provided above.
  • Fake Or Real? How To Self-Check The News And Get The Facts
    A news item from NPR, with tips on how to self-check the news to ensure you're getting a real news story.
  • What are Confirmation Bias Examples?
    "Confirmation bias is the tendency for people to selectively search for and consider information that confirms already held beliefs. People also tend to reject evidence that contradicts their opinions." This page has some examples of confirmation bias.
  • The Fact Checker’s guide for detecting fake news
    Clear and quick tips for how to detect fake news, from the Fact Checker section of the Washington Post: "When you read them [articles], pay attention to the following signs that the article may be fake. There are fake news stories generated by both left-leaning and right-leaning websites, and the same rules apply to both."

  • Media Bias/Fact Check
    An independent media outlet dedicated to educating the public on media bias and deceptive news practices.They maintain a database of 900+ news sources.
  • AllSides
    News and issues from multiple perspectives. The site clearly identifies each news story's position (left, center, or right).
/* nguồn:

Good job.  10_point  Ok-sign-smiley-emoticon


Messages In This Thread
RE: How to check for facts, bias, and fake news - by LeThanhPhong - 2022-01-27, 08:49 AM