1 bà luật sư hành hung cô gái Á châu trên tàu điện ngầm New York - Printable Version

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1 bà luật sư hành hung cô gái Á châu trên tàu điện ngầm New York - PhongVien007 - 2018-12-16

Bắt nghi phạm hành hung cô gái gốc Á trên tàu điện ngầm New York
  • 00:29 17/12/2018 

  • Người phụ nữ da trắng 40 tuổi bị cáo buộc hành hung một cô gái gốc Á trên tàu điện ngầm ở New York, chấp nhận trả 1.000 USD để được bảo lãnh tại ngoại. 

Cô gái châu Á 24t bị tấn công trên tàu điện New York 

Một phụ nữ 40 tuổi đã có hành vi phân biệt chủng tộc và tấn công cô gái châu Á trên chuyến tàu điện ngầm ở New York, Mỹ. Người này có thể đối mặt mức án 15 năm tù.

Trả lời CNN, Sở Cảnh sát New York cho biết đã bắt giữ Anna Lushchinskaya, phụ nữ 40 tuổi hành nghề luật sư .

Bà Lushchinskaya xuất hiện trong đoạn video gây bão trên mạng xã hội Mỹ tuần qua với hành vi miệt thị một phụ nữ gốc Á 24 tuổi trên tàu điện ngầm New York.

Các nhân chứng cho biết vụ việc xảy ra vào sáng 11/12. Bà Lushchinskaya dùng những lời lẽ phân biệt chủng tộc để công kích người hành khách gốc Á, sau đó đá rồi đánh nạn nhân bằng chiếc dù và chìa khóa.

Bà Lushchinskaya đã dự phiên tòa nghe trình bày cáo trạng ở tòa án hình sự hạt Kings, theo thông báo của văn phòng chưởng lý quận Brooklyn. Bị đơn khẳng định mình vô tội và chấp nhận đóng 1.000 USD bảo lãnh tại ngoại. Phiên xét xử kế tiếp được ấn định diễn ra vào ngày 22/1/2019.

[Image: phan_biet_chung_toc.jpg]
Bà Lushchinskaya liên tục miệt thị nữ hành khách gốc Á cùng chuyến tàu ngày 11/12, sau đó tấn công nạn nhân bất chấp nỗ lực can thiệp của những người xung quanh. Ảnh: WABC.

Cảnh sát New York cho biết người bị bà Lushchinskaya hành hung có nhiều vết cắt trên mặt. Những đoạn video về vụ việc, được ghi lại bởi hành khách trên tàu, đã thu hút hàng triệu lượt xem trên mạng xã hội.

Nạn nhân được giải cứu sau khi những người đi cùng chuyến tàu ra tay can thiệp. Ít nhất hai hành khách tìm cách giật chiếc dù khỏi tay bà Lushchinskaya và chấm dứt vụ hành hung.

Chia sẻ với đài WABC, nạn nhân nói cô cảm thấy may mắn vì bàLushchinskaya không mang theo súng hoặc dao. “Mọi chuyện đã có thể tồi tệ hơn thế”, cô chia sẻ và yêu cầu giữ bí mật danh tính.

“Tôi cảm thấy may mắn khi những hành khách khác ra tay giúp đỡ, đặc biệt là một người đàn ông gốc Á khác đứng ngay trước tôi để bảo vệ. Anh ấy đứng bảo vệ tôi, trong khi những người khác chỉ lo ghi hình. Việc ghi hình không giúp được gì và họ chỉ thật sự giúp đỡ khi tình hình trở nên nguy hiểm”, cô nói.

Theo CNN, đây là lần thứ hai bà Lushchinskaya bị bắt trong năm 2018 vì tội hành hung trên tàu điện ngầm. Cả hai vụ việc đều xảy ra ở nhà ga phố 36 ở Brooklyn, New York.

Tháng 6, người phụ nữ 40 tuổi bị bắt sau khi xịt hơi cay vào 2 hành khách gốc Latin. Bà Lushchinskaya sau đó bị cáo buộc tội quấy rối, đe dọa bằng vũ khí và cố ý hành hung.

RE: NY: 1 bà luật sư hành hung cô gái Á châu trên tàu điện ngầm New York - PhongVien007 - 2018-12-16

Lushchinskaya, or Anna Lushchinsky, the name she used in her career as an attorney, was arrested and charged after the drama on the D.

And it turns out, this is not the first time she’s been maniacally violent on the subway. Or even the second. She’s facing more than a dozen charges,court records show[/url]. But, she was released from jail the first time without bail and now, released again on just $1000 cash bond.

Here’s what you need to know:

1. It’s 7:50 a.m. Aboard a Packed D Train Rolling Through Sunset Park. Inexplicably, Anna Lushchinskaya Decides to Begin a Violent, Racist Tirade & Assault on a Young Asian Woman

Quote:[Image: wfUgKcLf_normal.jpg]
[/url]PL∆T∆NO M∆N™@PlatanoMan

So this happened yesterday
#mta #36st #nyc

2:08 PM - Dec 12, 2018

On a packed New York City subway during the morning commute Tuesday, Lushchinskaya screams at, strikes, spits at and yells racist slurs at a young Asian woman identified by the New York Daily News as Michelle Tung, 24, before being detained and then arrested.

Twitter user PlatanoMan, real name Juan Ayala, not only captured the incident in a serious of videos but took Lushchinskaya down and then held her until New York City Transit Police arrived.

Here’s what happened:

In the first video, Lushchinskaya screams, ‘Fu*k off,” a number of times, strikes Tung with her umbrella and heavy keys and, attempts to kick Tung. For no reason. Then, Lushchinskaya repeatedly kicks Tung who was simply standing on the train. Tung then tries to defend herself and stop Lushchinskaya from kicking her. That’s when others intervene. 

Lushchinskaya, with a Russian accent, screams that the man who has stepped in her way is preventing her from hitting Tung and then Lushchinskaya lunges at Tung, who now begins to fight back. All the while, the dyed-blond Lushchinskaya, carrying a Louis Vuitton bag, kicks, strikes, and screams. People in the train are begging her to stop the attack. She then uses the metal part of her umbrella and again, strikes Tung, who is still trying to defend herself. 

People in the subway car are pleading for Lushchinskaya to stop.

2. The Scene is Captured on Video by New Yorker Juan Ayala, AKA Platano Man, Who Goes From Recording the Assault to Making a Citizen’s Arrest

The entire scene is being recorded by Ayala, who goes by PlatanoMan on Twitter and Facebook. He initially provides some comic relief by turning the camera phone on himself making what’s-going-on faces, but soon finds himself very much part of the action as opposed to just documenting it.

In the second part of his video, Lushchinskaya continues to fight, scream and then, attack the girl with her closed umbrella, stabbing at Tung. People are yelling, “What are you doing? Stop! What are you doing?”

Then, shockingly, as she appears to be using her phone to call the police, she spits at Tung and then yells at her, “Fu*king chink.” People are stunned, screaming at her. “Get the fu*k out of here with your racist shit.”

But she does not stop and turns her venom on Ayala.

3. Lushchinskaya Spits at & Calls Ayala Muhammad Atta, the 9-11 Bomber. Ayala is Latino

Lushchinskaya appeared unfazed and when Ayala asks if her plan is to continue to attack people, “So you’re just going to pick fights with everybody on the train now? Is that what you’re going to do?” Her response was to spit on him. She then calls him “fucking Muhammad Atta.”

Incredulous, Ayala responds: “Bitch, I’m Dominican.”
As he tells her the “whole world is laughing at you,” while he continues to record her, she then smacks his headphones out of his hands and then tries to smack his phone out of his hands. Ayala, fed up, shouts, “I’m not the one,” and takes her down to the floor.

Minutes later, when the train stops, Ayala has her in custody, her hands behind her back, awaiting police.

She is arrested.

4. Lushchinskaya Faces Menacing, Weapons, Assault & Harassment Charges. This is Not the First Time She Allegedly Committed a Subway Assault. Or Even the Second Time
Quote:[Image: EYFzhTMq_normal.jpg]
NYPD Transit


ARRESTED: 40 year-old Anna Lushchinskaya was arrested by officers from Transit District 34 in Brooklyn and charged with felony assault in this case- Thank you to everyone who intervened and provided information

PL∆T∆NO M∆N™@PlatanoMan[/color]

So this happened yesterday #mta #36st #nyc[/color]
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]After the incident, the NY Transit Police took to Twitter to thank Ayala and people who intervened and supplied police with videos and eyewitness accounts.[

“ARRESTED: 40-year-old Anna Lushchinskaya was arrested by officers from Transit District 34 in Brooklyn and charged with felony assault in this case. Thank you to everyone who intervened and provided information.”

According to New York court records on the Dec. 11 attack, she is facing five charges: an A misdemeanor, menacing in the second degree with a weapon other than a gun; another A misdemeanor, fourth-degree criminal possession of a weapon used in an assault; a B misdemeanor, third-degree menacing; another B misdemeanor, attempted assault with the intent to cause physical injury; and a criminal violation, harassment in the second degree.

Records show[/url] that she bonded out on $1000 cash bail and has an order of protection, presumably prohibiting her from contact with Tung and perhaps others on the train; the parameters are not made clear in case records. She has a Legal Aid lawyer, Jacob Bradley Rolls. She is due back in court Jan. 22, 2019. Legal Aid is provided to the indigent, people who are poor or otherwise cannot afford a lawyer. Lushchinskaya is a lawyer who reportedly earns $110,000 a year.

“The Legal Aid Society exists for one simple yet powerful reason: to ensure that no New Yorker is denied their right to equal justice because of poverty,” the website says.

She carries Louis Vuitton, as can be clearly seen in the video. Her address is listed as 2940 W. 33 Street, feet from the Atlantic Ocean sandwiched between Seagate and Coney Island, known as O’Dwyer Gardens. A building owned by the New York City Housing Authority;[/url] public housing.


]And, it turns out this is not the first time that Lushchinskaya has been violent on the Manhattan D or R trains, and in the same general location, 36th Street in the Sunset Park section of Brooklyn.

]According to court records, Lushchinskaya was charged after allegedly pepper-spraying a man on the train on June 28. That man told the Daily News he and others on the train, soon filled with a cloud of the noxious spray that attacks mucous membranes in the eyes, nose, throat, and lungs, terrified, thought it was a terror attack.

In the June case, Lushchinskaya was charged with two counts of misdemeanor assault. She was also then given a Legal Aid lawyer and was released on her own recognizance, in other words, she walked out of jail sans bail. She apparently did not show up for a fall court date and in November a warrant was issued for her arrest. When she did appear in court on Nov. 16, she was again released without posting any bail. She had a court date on Dec. 13, the same day of the D train incident and on the June case, was again ROR’d. But court records [/url]appear to show that both cases have now been combined and in total, she is facing 10 charges with several counts each of menacing and harassment


]None of the charges of menacing, attempted assault and harassment which appear racially motivated in nature, are listed as hate crimes.

Days before, Gothamist reported Lushchinskaya allegedly struck at another subway passenger.
From Gothamist:

Quote:“”As I was passing her she stuck her arm out and like, side punched me with her keys in her knuckles …I stumbled, caught myself, kept walking and turned around because she was screaming at me to leave her alone. She called me a ‘psycho bitch,’ and I still had my headphones on so I couldn’t completely catch what she said because I was so taken off guard.”[/size][/color]
That passenger said she informed transit police right after the incident and followed up with an email but has not heard back.

5. Records Show That Lushchinskaya Was Licensed as a Lawyer in New York in 2004 & Was Named a Member of the NY Bar Association in 2005

[Image: Anna-Lushchinsky-LinkedIn.png?w=782&h=300]
According to online records ]and reports, Lushchinskaya, who is listed under the name Anna Lushchinsky, was admitted as an attorney in New York State in 2004 and was named as a ]new member of the New York Bar Association in 2005 for the second district, which covers Brooklyn.

And according to Dun & Bradstreet, she has a law practice in Sheepshead Bay with two employees. It’s reported that her practice earns $110,000 a year. 

That said, the New York Department of State Division of Corporations says her two-person firm has been inactive since 2012 citing “Dissolution by Proclamation / Annulment of Authority.”
According to a LinkedIn profile that appears to be that of Lushchinskaya, known as Lushchinsky, attended Hunter College and graduated from New York Law School. The profile also says she worked as an attorney for the Law Offices of Tarasov & Associates until 2013. The firm lists Igor Tarasov as a personal injury lawyer though it has not won a judgment since 2014, according to its website.

She’s also listed in this lawsuit as being employed in 2013 by the Law Office of Aleksandr Vakarev, another Brooklyn-based personal injury lawyer.

Her LinkedIn profile says Lushchinsky is “skilled” in personal injury and immigration law, among other specialties. A cursory search of New York State court records with her listed as attorney found no pending cases.