.............................. ben West final coi hoi hộp qua ! Warriors vs Rockets bắt phan thang bai Hue nhau 1-1 gui :dance: Go go go Warriors.... quat 2 tran thang nửa o San nha next 2 games cho Houston thua té tua :banana.dance:

Gui lay championships lam nua lun :dance: :high-five-smiley-emoticon:

Can’t wait to watch game 3

Hêhhehehe chi Mino , doi next 2 games winh o san nhà Warriors se Lay lai 3-1 lun
Kate , theo binh luận thi 2 doi nay se choi toi game 6 lun qua , co the gsme 7 moi phan thang bai :dance:
(2018-05-17, 01:11 PM)Houston_Cowboy Wrote: [ -> ]
you want big house or small house? :face-with-tears-of-joy4:
Tuy cai nao co lợi va healthy cho DT thi DT chon :banana.dance:

Dua hấu thi bo ra 5 K la co lin easy but ko healthy thi ko chon :)
(2018-05-17, 01:43 PM)Houston_Cowboy Wrote: [ -> ]Less talk ...more pix please...
Too hot here...95...hot enough to wear bikini to the beach.
Rockets will in in 6 games.. :face-with-tears-of-joy4:
:ass-kicking2: Warriors butts.
Warriors se kick your Houston’s butt :ass-kicking2: :ass-kicking2: :ass-kicking2: :fighting-with-baseball-bat2: