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Asian Fusion Cafe
725 S Rural Rd, Ste 103,
Tempe, AZ 85281

Cơm Gà Hainan ngon lắm

Grinning-face-with-smiling-eyes4 Rolling-on-the-floor-laughing4

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[Image: IMG_20180305_163234.jpg]
:full-moon-with-face4: :full-moon-with-face4: :full-moon-with-face4: :full-moon-with-face4: :full-moon-with-face4: :full-moon-with-face4:
Trước khi học mần thơ phải đi tìm nguồn và ý đã chớ nà......TamMuội dẩn anh NGUOIDUATIN đi dả ngoại hén??????.......hihihihi...okie dokie..coi thời tiết and packing up...

[Image: Out_Of_Africa-6.jpg]

[Image: Out_Of_Africa-2.jpg]

[Image: Out_Of_Africa-5.jpg]

....and are you ready to explore the wild world, anh NGUOIDUATIN??????....hihihihi...

[Image: Out_Of_Africa.jpg]

[Image: Out_Of_Africa-9.jpg]

[Image: Out_Of_Africa-10.jpg]

[Image: Out_Of_Africa-13.jpg]

[Image: Out_Of_Africa-15.jpg]

[Image: Out_Of_Africa-17.jpg]

[Image: Out_Of_Africa-16.jpg]