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Bạn nào hơi bị dư dả tiền bạc nên tậu về cái ngai thông minh cho mình và gia đình. Dù sao thì "nó" cũng là 1 trong 4 khoái, nếu có rủng rỉnh thì mua về cũng đáng đồng tiền hihi.

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[Image: e4367920-abf0-11ee-bbee-f49090bb04f5]

Some companies take monitorsTVs or AI-fueled laptops to CES. Others bring a toilet seat you can talk to. The 151-year-old bathroom appliance company Kohler will introduce the PureWash E930 Bidet Seat in Las Vegas next week. The accessory fits onto most elongated toilets, transforming your dumb can into an Alexa- or Google Assistant-powered smart-loo.

Kohler says the PureWash E930 Bidet Seat “brings you the freshness of personal cleansing in a slim, low-profile design.” At $2,149, it isn’t cheap, but it could save you money — and installation hassles — compared to full-on smart toilets. (Kohler has models in the $8,000 to $10,000 range.)

The PureWash E930 opens and closes its cover hands-free when it senses motion. It has a self-cleaning mode, using its built-in UV light. Using Alexa or Google Home, you can control the smart seat hands-free (no small luxury with bathroom gear). Amazon and Google’s voice assistants can turn on the bidet spray, warm air dryer and UV cleaning at your command.

[Image: 017ab0f0-abf1-11ee-be5a-7efaba1ffad8]

The accessory, which supports front and rear wash modes, has a heated seat and a remote control with two programmable presets. The bidet automatically mists the toilet bowl before use “for more effective rinsing while flushing.” Its water temperature and pressure are adjustable, and you can choose between oscillating or pulsating sprays.

A boost spray mode (rear only) will automatically turn up your hindquarters-hosing to the maximum pressure setting. There’s also a child mode, which provides a “soft, gentle wash” for the little ones. When it’s time to dry, it includes a warm-air system with adjustable temperature settings.

The seat has LED lighting to turn your toilet into a nightlight. It even includes Kohler’s “Quiet-Close” technology that prevents seat slamming. The seat has a quick-release function, making it easy to remove for deeper cleanings.

The PureWash E930 is available for order now (in white) from Kohler’s website. A black colorway will be available in late February.
Ăn trái dưa $60 rồi ngồi lên cái ngai $1200 này chắc ... phê lắm. 
Đệ nhất khoái và đệ tứ khoái thượng hảo hạng  Rolling-on-the-floor-laughing4  .
(2024-01-06, 03:32 PM)phai Wrote: [ -> ]Ăn trái dưa $60 rồi ngồi lên cái ngai $1200 này chắc ... phê lắm. 
Đệ nhất khoái và đệ tứ khoái thượng hảo hạng  Rolling-on-the-floor-laughing4  .

Đúng vậy. input và output tương xứng với nhau. Ăn quả dưa $60 phải ngồi ngai cao cấp, ngược lại, ngồi cái ngai xịn đó thì phải ăn đồ sang như lobster, king crab, steak... hoặc đồ ăn của tiên bếp  Face-with-stuck-out-tongue-and-winking-eye_1f61c