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giờ này hơi vắng...khỏi phải đợi lâu ...

[Image: 4887-F83-E-16-D0-4-D62-8634-0-CD58-AF68-C0-D.jpg]

only monday mới bogo freee sea salt coffeee ...lúc nào cũng thêm boba Please

[Image: DC882-C6-A-72-E3-486-C-9425-1-DD00-FDDEFFE.jpg]
(2019-04-08, 12:21 PM)Houston_Cowboy Wrote: [ -> ]You will get fat like me.  Rollin

Ham ăn ngọt đi. Biggrin

Uggghhh.. I need help with sleeping and severe nose congestion. Can't breath.

The big difference is our face Rollin Rollin Rolling-on-the-floor-laughing4 Rolling-on-the-floor-laughing4 

Làm như con nít 3T, stop nagging Fight chair-to-the-head chair-to-the-head
(2019-04-08, 02:46 PM)Houston_Cowboy Wrote: [ -> ]Put a paper bag over your face. It is not so pleasing.  :fisted-hand-sign4:

Can you hook me up with a job? I need one with good pay and benefits. :loudly-crying-face4:

Hey cover your face is a must Rolling-on-the-floor-laughing4 Rolling-on-the-floor-laughing4

How long have u been working that shift ? Why did u choose it?
(2019-04-08, 12:04 PM)TeaOla Wrote: [ -> ]giờ này hơi vắng...khỏi phải đợi lâu ...

[Image: 4887-F83-E-16-D0-4-D62-8634-0-CD58-AF68-C0-D.jpg]

only monday mới bogo freee sea salt coffeee ...lúc nào cũng thêm boba Please

[Image: DC882-C6-A-72-E3-486-C-9425-1-DD00-FDDEFFE.jpg]

Mấy nguoi hay uong cái nay la biet mập rồi, toàn là nuớc duờng, ăn uống cho dữ, roi mập , roi di GYM ... toan la dồ nhập tu TRUNG QUỐC không, uong riet cung bị ung thư nua... may cái nay nguoi ta dành cho may dua trẻ ko biet nhieu tuoi ma con di uong ...shock da mang...