A heavy purse makes a light heart .. (If you have plenty of money, you 💲 will feel happy and secure)
Everyone in the office is especially cheerful on payday, since a heavy purse makes a light heart
A hedge between keeps friendship green ... (Your friendship will flourish if you and your friend respect each other's privacy)
Linda: Cynthia avoided me all day. I think I'll go over to her house and ask her what's wrong.
Sandra: Maybe you ought to leave her alone for a while. A hedge between keeps friendship green
A house divided against itself can not stand ... (If the members of a group fight each other, the group will disintegrate .. talking about the FAMILY)
- We have to get Aunt Edna and Aunt Anna to make up with each other. A house divided against itself can not stand
A jack of all trades is a master of none ... (If you are able to do a lot of things fairly well, you will not have time to learn to do one thing extremely well)
A jack of all trades ... (someone who can do a great many things fairly well)
Jill : I envy Vincent, he can do so many things. He writes novels, paints pictures, makes sculptures.
Jane: It's true he does a lot of things , but he probably doesn't do them all terribly well . A jack of all trades is a master of none, you know ?
Well done
(2019-03-03, 07:39 PM)tuyetvan Wrote: [ -> ]A barking dog never bites ...
- My boss threatens to fire me at least once a week, but a barking dog never bites
dịch qua tiếng VN là ...........
nói vậy chứ không phải vậy
dịch như trên hình như cũng không đúng, hay là dịch như thế này ......
sủa lắm chỉ mỏi miệng chứ chẳng hại được ai
hay là .........
chỉ được cái vỏ bên ngoài chứ trong chẳng có cái chó gì
Tuy duyen chỉ dịch chơi cho vui thôi !!!
A leopard can not change his spots .. (One can not change the basic way one is)
- Bill may say he'll stop being so jealous after Cindy marries him, but I doubt he will. A leopard can't change his spots
A liar is not believed (even) when he tells the truth ... (If people think that you are a liar, they will not believe anything you say)
Rick had the reputation of being a liar, so he couldn't get anyone to believe he was dying of cancer, no matter how desperately he tried. A liar is not believed when he tells the truth
A light purse makes a heavy heart ... (If you do not have enough money, you will worry and be unhappy)
- Nathan is a cheerful person by nature, but since he lost his job, worry has made him glum. A light purse makes a heavy heart.
A little bird told me ... (A way of indicating that you do not want to reveal who told you something)
Bill: How did you find out it was my birthday?
Sandra: A little bird told me :slightly-smiling-face4:
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing ... (If you do not know anything about a subject, you will refrain from making judgments about it ... and if you know a lot about a subject, your judgments will be well informed ... but if you only know a little about something, you may feel you are qualified to make judgments when , in fact , you are not)
- When Marcie broke her leg, Robert said he could get her to the hospital safely because he had had a first--aid course. In fact, he didn't know how to deal with broken bones & wound up hurting her badly. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing
- After Bill read a book on the history of Venezuela, he felt he was an authority on the subject, but he wound up looking like a fool in discussions with people who knew a lot more about it than he did. A little learning is a dangerous thing
A drop in the ocean ... (A very small part or insignificant amount of something big or whole)
A donation of 100,000 dollars is just a drop in the ocean compared to the millions that need to be spent.