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Avoid car mounts that mount your phone in front of the heater vent because: HEAT + BATTERY = BAD NEWS
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Not saying that your phone will go boom but we all know that batteries just don't like heat.

If you're the type to charge your phone while in your car, then I'd avoid these types of car mounts for sure because heat coming from the vent while charging can't be a good thing.

There is one exception though. If you live in a warm climate all year around (and I hate you) then this is actually beneficial because you're running the A/C and cooling your phone while it charges.

[Image: m005998562-sc7.jpg]
Dùng cái này tốt hơn ... nhưng make sure CÁI DASHBOARD THIỆT THIỆT THIỆT LÀ SẠCH trước khi dán nó xuống

[Image: mpow-universal-dashboard-mount.jpg]
Đi trên ice như thế nào cho khỏi ... bể đít ???  Rollin

[Image: penguins-walking-on-ice-jpg-838x0-q67-crop-smart.jpg]

  • View sidewalks and parking lots as the enemy. A sidewalk or parking can be clear of snow, but still have a layer of translucent ice. Assume that any wet surface could bring you down and move cautiously. If a sidewalk looks icy, head for the grass for more traction.
  • Snowy, icy sidewalks and parking lots were the culprit in 80 percent of these incidents.

Walk This Way

  • Walk like a penguin. Spread your feet. This broadens your base, making it harder to fall. Bend your knees slightly to lower your center of gravity. And put your arms out to your sides for balance.

  • Do the slow shuffle. If you can’t bring yourself to do the Penguin, keep feet about a foot apart, and take small, shuffling steps, aligning your feet after each step. Keep your pace slow.

  • Take stair steps one at a time. Whether you’re going up or down icy steps, test the handrail and then make sure to plant both feet on a step before moving to the next one.

  • Fall like a pro. If you’re about to go down lean forward so the back of your head and spine don’t hit the pavement. Try to fall on your thigh, hip and shoulder, not on your easily broken arms, knees, wrists or spine. And hard as it may be, relax your muscles as you fall. You’ll be less likely to get hurt.

Rollin Rollin Rollin Rollin Rollin

Big Pair of Socks

If you are stuck out in a snow emergency and need to do something, anything for traction—slip a big pair of socks over your shoes to add a little grip.

[Image: white-cotton-socks-casenbina-eplus-getty...5f9b58.png]
Mỗi lần Vân đổi xe , là Vân tốn tiền kêu locksmith tới mở cửa ... vì chưa quen , nên cứ để quên chìa khoá bên trong ... not cheap though

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[Image: 31-Xu-JCa-QQML.jpg]

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đậu xe kiễu này là bị blocked ... đẹp (take a break , cười chút đĩnh  Rollin )

không đẹp ... không ăn tiền ...  :full-moon-with-face4:

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nhiều khi đi đâu về , thấy ai đậu vào chổ của mình ... nếu làm được như vậy , thì thiệt là ... quá đả 

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nếu "chưa" biết nên mua "backup camera" nào ... thì nên back up in a parking .. để tới lúc đi ra , mình không lo ai ở đàng sau mình 

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[Image: mercedes-tight-parking-spot.jpg]
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nếu không muốn bị firefighters đập bể cửa kiếng xe , thì đừng nên đậu gần fire hydrant

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[Image: badly-parked-cars-549446.jpg]

[Image: parking-ticket-turtle-coloring-line-fb.jpg]
Muốn tìm hiểu về BACKUP CAMERA , thì vào link này , đi vòng vòng tìm hiểu 

Vân thấy nó rất ư là complicated ... cái nào cũng có người khen , người chê tàn bạo ... một chộc , khiến Vân nghĩ , thôi dẹp đi  :full-moon-with-face4:

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Dạy con nít call 911

My favorite ones

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Premium gas vs. regular: What's really better for your car?

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