Linh Tinh - LTP
Make your own saline rinse: Combat sinus infections - Baylor College of Medicine

August 20, 2014

Looking for a natural way to find relief from allergy or sinus infection symptoms? The use of saline (salt water) irrigations for the nose and sinuses has been shown to be highly effective in improving allergy symptoms and shortening the duration of a sinus infection.

Typically, for allergy sufferers, I recommend irrigating the sinuses once every day to every other day with 8 ounces of salt water. There is data that indicates over irrigating the sinuses can deplete natural immune cells that reside in the mucus of the sinuses. I would not recommend irrigating more than once a day.

The advantages of irrigating includes:
  • Keeping the nose clean
  • Decreasing the bacteria count inside the nose and sinuses
  • Flushing out irritants out of the nose on a regular basis.
By doing this, many of my allergy suffers no longer require the use of allergy medications. Irrigation has been shown to improve nasal hygiene and decrease the swelling caused by nasal irritants. The saline irrigations can also help prevent recurring sinusitis.

Sinus infections frequently occur when swelling from irritants, allergens, or viruses causes blockage of the opening of the sinuses, thus preventing proper aeration and drainage of the sinuses.

Once a sinus infection occurs, the irrigations can also serve to flush out the pus from inside the sinuses and keep the sinuses open. Typically, during an active sinus infection, I would recommend that the saline concentration of the irrigation be increased one and a half fold if the patient can tolerate it.

Salt itself has a property of preventing bacteria from growing (that’s why salted foods spoil slowly). During an acute sinus infection, rinsing the sinuses 2 to 3 times per day is effective.

Saline Irrigation Formula

  • Salt-containing no iodide or preservatives (these can be irritating)
  • Baking soda
  • 8 ounces (1 cup) of distilled or boiled water
  • Mix 3 heaping teaspoons of salt with 1 rounded teaspoon of baking soda and store in a small Ziplock bag.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of the mixture to 8 ounces (1 cup) of lukewarm distilled or boiled water. Use less to make a less concentrated salt solution if burning or stinging is experienced.

Using a soft rubber ear bulb syringe, infant nasal bulb or a commercial nasal saline rinse bottle from your drug store, use the rinse by following these steps:
  • Draw up 8 ounces of the saline solution. Tilt your head downward over a sink (or in the shower) and rotate to the left. Squeeze half of the solution gently into the right (top) nostril. Breathe through your mouth. In a few seconds the solution should come out through your left nostril. Repeat the process on the other side.
  • Blow your nose very gently to prevent the solution from going into your ear and causing discomfort.  If water goes into your ears, it is OK.  The discomfort should resolve in a short time.
  • If you are using other nasal medications, be sure you do not use it right before irrigating your sinuses – it will rinse the medication out.  Use other nasal medication at least 30 minutes after irrigating.
As with any medical product, be sure to speak to your doctor about using sinus rinses and stop using if you experience pain, nosebleeds or other problems.

Are you looking for sinus relief? Schedule an appointment at the Baylor Sinus Center.

Additional Resources

Could your seasonal allergy flare ups be allergic rhinitis?
Dr. Takashima offers 10 tips to avoiding sinus infections
Headaches? They could be caused by sinus pressure.

-By Dr. Mas Takashima, associate professor and director of the Sinus Center at Baylor College of Medicine


(Quora) I use a nasal rinse. It seems as if I am making a good medium for a virus to take hold. Should I continue to use my nasal rinse?

Answered by Chris Anderson:

Viruses are not living organisms, they do not reproduce on their own, the only ideal environment for a virus is inside of a cell that will accept and replicate the virus. It is true, however, that if you improperly use your nasal rinse or don't keep it clean or don't use saline solution you can create an environment where bacteria can take hold. Bacterial infections of the sinus can be potentially fatal. Always follow the instructions with your nasal rinse including using saline solution and boiling/sanitation procedures.
The MOST ICONIC Supernanny moment! "It's Unacceptable!" | The Cooke Family | FULL EPISODE | SPN USA


1/ The parents realization that their daughter was capable of hurting another adult hit them and made them realize how dangerous she really was.

2/ Props to the camera man for having to go through all the yelling and survived not getting hit

3/ Wow.... How do parents let their children get to this point? Slapping and biting guests in the house, and yelling in their face? I can't even imagine that.

4/ This episode was so shocking but ended so beautifully. I'm so impressed by Joe's ability to stay focused and calm and how well she does her job helping families!!

5/ It's so important to me that Jo just accepted that Meagan didn't want to hug her and told her that it was okay- she could just wave from the window. Allowing kids to set boundaries is very important. Kids like Meagan may even appreciate it more at the time than you'd think

6/ I think the dad is actually really good at staying calm and dicaplining her

7/ How did Jo manage to keep so calm while she was getting hit, bitten and scratched like that is amazing to me.. Megan's attitude is actually so horrible 🙃

8/ Megan’s behavior is very scary. It’s almost like she’s as sociopath. This one is crazy.

9/ When Megan said "no one can make us happy"... Broke my heart.

10/ Megan is far beyond badly behaved. She seems mentally unbalanced.
Sáng nay, chị Lê Thị Bơ (gọi tắt là Bơ Lê)- hàng xóm của tôi, hình như chị đợi sẵn chờ tôi dậy mở cửa. Buổi sáng tôi thường ra góc hiên uống trà là chị sà xuống kế bên liền, vẻ sốt sắng kể cho tôi nghe giấc mơ của chị vừa mới xảy ra đêm qua, chị khóc trong mơ mà khóc thật, sáng ra đôi mắt vẫn còn ngân ngấn lệ.
Chị kể rằng hôm qua chị mơ thấy bố chị. Không hiểu sao lúc thấy bố còn đang tuổi thanh niên, bố nghịch ngợm chui đầu qua lỗ hổng tròn tròn của bức vách ngăn hai phòng của lớp học, mà bọn “nhất quỷ nhì ma” nó khoét lúc đầu nhỏ, sau nhiều đứa chen chúc nhau nên khoét to dần lên để giao lưu với lớp kế bên. Không hiểu sao bố chị lại chui cổ qua và mắc kẹt ở đó, không cách gì rút cổ ra được. Bố chị đang là nam sinh, mà sao chị lại xuất hiện trên đời. Điều vô lý nằm ở đây. Nhưng giấc mơ mà lị, nó cứ xáo trộn quá khứ, hiện tại nhập nhằng trộn lẫn với nhau trong tích tắc, đôi khi chẳng có logic nào cả, nhưng mối quan hệ cha con thì vẫn thuận theo tự nhiên mặc dù trúc trắc khó hiểu. Chị vừa khóc vừa la toáng lên cứu cứu và chạy như bay gọi người giải cứu cho bố. Nhưng khi chị quay lại thì bố đã rút cổ ra được rồi. Rồi chị lại thấy bố ở tư thế khác. Bố lúc này bỗng chốc già đi thành tuổi trung niên. Bố lại nở nụ cười vô tư vừa kể lại rằng, vợ sau của bố trước khi lìa trần dặn bố phải chung thủy không yêu ai nữa và cũng không lấy thêm ai nữa. Bố đồng ý và để thể hiện sự sắt son với vợ, bố chị đành đi giải phẩu, cắt luôn bộ phận sinh sản, bộ phận đó được đem gắn lại phía sau đốt xương sống cuối cùng. Nếu đứng sau lưng bố sẽ thấy rõ như cái đuôi ngút ngoắt. Trải qua đau đớn vậy mà bố vẫn cười và tự hài lòng với chọn lựa của mình. Thế là Bơ òa lên khóc nức nở, chị khóc vì bố chị vừa trải qua cuộc giải phẩu rất đau đớn. Chị khóc bố tuy là bố không nuôi nấng chị, bố mãi bận lo cho gia đình của bố, đến nỗi bỗng quên béng mất sự có mặt của Bơ từ khi bố chia tay với người vợ đầu là mẹ của Bơ. Sau này bố có vợ mới, sinh thêm một mấy đứa con nữa. Khi có ai hỏi bố:
- Anh Hoàng ( tên bố chị là Lê Hoàng) nay mấy đứa con?
Bố trả lời nhanh không chút suy nghĩ, xem như đã thuộc làu và đã mặt định trong đầu.
- Năm đứa!
- Mấy trai mấy gái?
- 4 trai, 1 gái.
- Ừ con là lộc trời cho, có nếp có tẻ vậy là vui rồi anh Hoàng.
Ai hỏi bố cũng trả lời vậy, cũng có thể ai đó muốn bố nói thế, hay bố tự nói điều đó chị không biết, chỉ biết rằng bố đã quen với cách trả lời như thế khi ai hỏi về các con của bố. Và chị Bơ biết, trong số 5 đó không có chị.
Có lần bố đi về làng nội chạp mộ, chú Lê Vọng Đài (chú họ của chị) gặp tay bắt mặt mừng hỏi:
-Anh Hoàng mới về à, lâu ngày quá!
-Khỏe chứ nhỉ! Vợ con khỏe không, nay mấy đứa con rồi!
- Năm đứa.
Chú Vọng Đài: chỉ tay vào Bơ (Bơ đang đứng đó, chứng kiến câu chuyện của hai người) và bảo, con này nữa là sáu chứ nhỉ.
Bố cười gượng gạo: Ừ hè!
Buồn cho Bơ, câu trả lời và nụ cười gượng của bố đã khắc vào Bơ một vết thương lòng, trở thành nỗi đau của Bơ cả một đời người
Nhưng rồi, Bơ cũng lớn, cũng làm người, dù không có bố bên cạnh. Sau này Bơ đi làm, Bơ lập gia đình, Bơ có con cái. Bình thường chị cũng cuốn theo cuộc vật lộn với bộn bề cơm áo, ít khi rảnh mà ngẫm hay thắc mắc gì. Vì chị biết có hỏi cũng chẳng có ai giải đáp cho chị nên cách tốt nhất là tự đối diện với chính mình.
Nhưng bây giờ sao chị bỗng thấy bố, khi không phải trải qua cuộc phẩu thuật đau đớn không đáng. Chị bảo: bố coi tôi như người dưng. (Mặc dù cái khuôn mặt chị thì giống ông như đúc, mắt mũi miệng đến nụ cười rất có duyên) nhưng nhìn bố chị vẫn thấy đau lòng và chị lại khóc. Chị khóc tức tưởi đến nỗi người nhà chị cũng thức giấc, vô lay chị dậy, chị mới thoát được cơn mơ kỳ quái.
Như vậy dù trong cuôc đời chị từ lúc ba mẹ chị chia tay, ai đi đường nấy, chị ở với mẹ chị thêm vài năm nữa cho đến lúc 5 tuổi thì chị bắt đầu về ở với ông bà nội của chị. Chị may mắn được ông bà nội thương.
Từ đó trở đi từ chuyện học hành, đau ốm, vào nghề, lấy chồng, những cái mốc quan trọng của đời chị (như đi học xa nhà, đi làm, lập gia đình, sinh cháu, làm nhà,…) bố chị không can dự mặc dù chị có báo, bố chị cũng biết rất rõ. Chỉ có mẹ chị vẫn âm thầm đi bên lề của chị để quan tâm chị đôi chút, động viên chị lúc khó khăn, chứ mẹ chị cũng bận rộn với gia đình của mẹ.
Như vậy dù trong cuộc đời chị Bơ không có bố, nhưng sao trong giấc mơ bố lại hiện về và chị khóc bởi thấy bố đau.
Chị khóc và la lên:
-Các người làm gì bố tôi thế! Tôi xót bố tôi lắm! Bởi vì bố vẫn là bố của tôi trong huyết thống.
Mặc dù điều đó, chưa chắc bố đã muốn và có người chắc cũng không muốn công nhận điều đó. Nhưng sự thật nó lại trớ trêu và hiển nhiên. Sự thật làm sao thay đổi? Thành ra đôi khi chị thấy chị thừa thãi trong mắt bố và người nhà của bố. Chị kể có có lần chị tới thăm bố, bồng theo con nhỏ mới sáu tháng tuổi, mới ở được một ngày, qua ngày thứ hai, vợ bố bắt đầu cạnh khóe, rồi chửi chị. Bà ấy bảo:
-Tao thấy mặt con này làm tao nhớ đến việc tao lấy chồng thừa.
Chị Bơ lại càng cảm thấy mình khi không mà có lỗi với tổ ấm gia đình bố. Nhưng quá khứ dù không muốn nhưng làm sao thay đổi được? Chỉ có cách chị biến mất, ít nhất là khỏi gia đình của bố. Ngay ngày hôm sau chị chào bố và bồng con về, bố chị có nhờ một anh công nhân chở giùm hai mẹ con chị lên thị trấn bằng chiếc xe đạp cà tàng của anh ấy. Bố chị và các em chị không tiễn. Chị lên bến xe để về Cam Ranh (gia đình chồng chị ở Cam Ranh). Chị lên thị trấn ghé vào thăm nhà của chị chồng cũng lập nghiệp tại Gia Lai. Chị chồng rất quý chị Bơ và thương cu Bi nên hai mẹ con chị ở lại chơi thêm 10 ngày nữa mới về. Chị bảo ở nhà bố mình không quá ba ngày nhưng nhà chị chồng thì ở chơi bao lâu tùy ý. Nhưng chị phải về vì công việc. Từ đó về sau ít khi chị dám lai vãng về nhà bố. Chị bảo cả đời chị hơn nửa thế kỷ mới tới nhà bố khoảng 3- 4 lần gì đó, mỗi lần không quá ba ngày và lần nào cũng bị chửi.
Lần đầu tiên vào năm chị học lớp 2 là 8-9 tuổi, chị đi với bà nội đến thăm bố, Hai bà cháu ở chơi mới một ngày. Lúc đó con trai của bố khoảng hơn 2- 3 tuổi đi ra nghịch gì đó, khóc nên ông ấy phát một phát sau đít, thế là vợ bố lồng lên bảo rằng:
-Ông giết con tôi đi, giờ có đứa lớn về đó rồi, ông không cần đứa con trai này, ông giết con tôi.
Hai bà cháu biết là bà ấy ghen mà nói bậy, chứ con ai nghịch ngợm thì cha mẹ phải dạy cho ngoan là chuyện tất nhiên. Thế là hai bà cháu ngay lập tức quày quả ra về. Từ đó về sau bà nội không hề về nhà bố chị nữa cho đến khi bà qua đời ở tuổi tám mươi lăm.
Chị Bơ Lê sinh ra ở cao nguyên Đồng Văn. Chị là người họ Mạc, nhưng do biến cố, nên Họ Mạc các nhánh chạy tán loạn nhiều ngả và đều đổi thành họ khác để an toàn. Ông sơ, của chị đã chạy từ Cao Bằng về Đồng Văn và đổi thành họ Lê và chị được sinh ra ở cao nguyên Đá. Trưởng thành, chị có óc mỹ thuật nên học điêu khắc, vào Sài Gòn lập nghiệp, nghề điêu khắc mỹ nghệ từ vật liệu đá ở quê chị, biến nó thành các tác phẩm nghệ thuật, rất có hồn và được ưa chuộng. Chị sống được bằng nghề này, lo cho con cái học hành cũng tạm ổn.
Có lần, một người bố tới trường đón con gái, quầy hàng của chị đối diện với cổng trường học. Chị quan sát thấy ông bố dắt con ra xe, bồng đứa con ngồi lên yên xe rồi rút trong túi ra đôi tất để mang vào cho con kẻo ông sợ con lạnh chân. Chị Bơ lúc này đã nửa đời người mà nhìn cảnh ấy vẫn tủi thân, thèm và nghĩ bụng: “Ước gì bố mình đưa mình đi học dù chỉ một lần”.
Hai bố con nhà ấy ra về, chị tần ngần xúc động một lúc rồi cầm máy lên điện cho cô em gái, chia sẻ cảm xúc này. Cô em lúc này cũng đã là một phụ nữ trung niên. Cô ấy bảo:
-Chị giờ già rồi mà cũng thèm được bố chở đi học dù chỉ một lần.
Vậy ra con người ta thiếu điều gì thì họ thèm điều đó, (ngay cả khi họ lúc trưởng thành thì họ hoàn toàn có thể tự đi được.) có lẽ cho đến chết.
Tôi nghe chị kể mà cảm động rưng rưng. Chị như nhánh cây đồng nội tự nổ lực vươn lên. Mỗi người một số phận, như cây cỏ thời gian đầu đời may có ông bà chăm chút, thời gian sau ông bà về cõi vĩnh hằng thì chị tự bươn chãi để sống. Nhưng trong sâu thẳm chị vẫn nghĩ về các đấng sinh thành ra chị. Dẫu chị không có phước nâng đỡ bên cạnh “núi Thái Sơn và nước trong nguồn” như trong câu ca dao. “Công cha như núi Thái Sơn/ nghĩa mẹ như nước trong nguồn chảy ra”
Thôi thế cũng là một đời người! Mừng chị vẫn an yên qua phù trầm dâu bể!
Chúc chị luôn bình an, và tiếp tục chân cứng đá mềm trên mọi nẻo đường đời còn lại!
Sài Gòn ngày cuối năm 2023 ( 29/12)
Hoàng Thị Bích Hà
(Chị nhờ tôi tìm cho chị một ảnh minh họa do chị tưởng tượng ra cảnh hai bố con đang đi dạo để minh họa truyện, nói lên ước mơ của chị. Tôi bảo chị muốn bố dắt đi chơi thì cứ nằm xuống mà mơ tiếp đi nhé!😍)
Investigative journalist Anthony Baxter travels between the US Presidential race and the Scottish countryside to chronicle the troubling confrontation between Donald Trump and a feisty 92-year-old widow, Molly Forbes, as she refuses to make way for his golf course. This shocking insight to a David and goliath battle is a remarkable document of the disconnect between political rhetoric and the lives of ordinary people.

(Molly Forbes died in 2021 at the age of 96.)

The film the Trump Organization tried to suppress | You've Been Trumped Too (2020) | Full Film

(From Comments) This is heartbreaking to know that 5 years after the fact, Trump has not fulfilled his legsl and civic duty to restore water for these people. I watched the original production of the Trump's purchase and assumption of the property years ago. The entire family are disgusting monsters. Don Jr. saying "elephants have no purpose."  I counter that they have more purpose than him or his disgusting father.


1/ I'm an American and I find it disgusting that the Scottish government would allow Trump a foreigner to come to their country and treat their own citizens in this manner.

2/ I'm an American and I find it disgusting that the Scottish government would allow Trump a foreigner to come to their country and treat their own citizens in this manner.

3/ God bless Molly Forbes and her family!

4/ “ he’s a child that never grew up “
Love this lady

5/ It’s shameful and unforgivable! I agree! Leaving an old woman without any water and no heat in a Scottish winter.

5a/ And there's dipsticks in the comments saying "So what, it was one woman." Like he hasn't done similar things to thousands of people.

5b/ It's not that cold there

5c/ Uh, it doesn't get like subzero, but the wind and oceanic storms do not help, especially when you have to carry every ounce of water from a stream nearby, as an elderly person, yeah winters are going to be rough, don't downplay it.

5d/ well she made it to 96 so the water must be good

5e/ yeah that’s the lack of humanity for your fellow humans. And it’s a huge character flaw and many sociopaths and psychopaths which I suspect he is and many of his cronies are don’t have the ability nor want to feel empathy. His own daughter screamed at a friend who gave her the book empire falls about working and middle class people and screamed I don’t want to read about effing poor people! And Ivanka thinks firemen and public civil servants make too Hugh meant and their houses are too big and nice. I guess he wants to pay them in ride and vegetables. She is cruel too. They all have that cruel gee except for his niece Mary and her father who can’t stand him  and his aunt who didn’t like him either. I think she just died recently and yet you didn’t hear a peep about it.


6/ This film needs to be shown on as many networks as possible!!  Trump has always acted with no thought to anyone but his own best interests!  If he wins again, he will bullxose his way around this country doing whatever (and whomever) he wants, everyone else be damned!

7/ Just when you think you couldn’t be anymore disgusted

8/ I'm disgusted that so many people fall under the spell of this disgusting, narcissistic liar. He genuinely cares about nobody but himself. The apples haven't fallen far from the tree. It's a family of selfish, entitled liars and sneers. The Forbes family are an actual hardworking honest family who deserve the respect they should have been given. Especially from the government of Scotland. I'm Irish living in Ireland, he opened another flop course here. I would have loved the ending of this film to have been a win for the people who are affected by his ego.
I admire your strength and stamina.
He is a dirty liar.

9/ Just imagine that some people prefer a failed business man, a draft dodging coward, a tv reality figure, a 4 times indicted 91 charged felon.. instead of a man with more than 50y as a civil servant, commended for his diplomacy skills and work across the aisle, a man who shows decency, humility, care and respect.. only in America I guess!

10/ I love this doc. It made a difference in de-programming two of my close family members. This one really captures just how gross that whole family is.

11/ Very, very well done and needless to say appalling. My wife left the room half way through and that’s always a good sign that what she’s seeing is more than enough and in fact too much of this MAGA carnage. She just couldn’t take any more.
Wish to God we were done with him.
Thanks - this was excellent…

12/ This is heartbreaking on all levels.  Molly who is a wartime hero needs our respect, and Trump should respect her and the town, since his own mother is Scotch.  He is heartless.

13/ My heart breaks for these good people. Americans who aren't members of the orange cult see him for who he is and what he is truly all about. Hopefully this family will find peace and not be harrassed any further.

14/ The cruelty and indifference to others by this disgusting family is obscene.

15/ I felt like clicking out of this, so heartbreaking.  Miss Molly 5 yrs without water, and the community flat out lied to, for us here in the states, what else is new.  The Ignorance of some Americans to believe and hang on every word, you know they're too far gone when they say...a 90 yr old woman.."maybe deserves to be without water".  What on earth has happened to our country, we better start now looking into how Germany got Germany back.  I did see parts of this, I think on 60 mins yrs ago, at the start of it all, when some refused to sell.  Lastly...Mr Forbes...I can not wrap my head around it either.!!

16/ None of this is a surprise to me, he is the most deplorable person, whoever thinks that this man should be a president is out of their minds.. I m from the uk, Thank you for sharing this film with us, everyone in America should watch it, see how vile a person he is..

17/  OMG, everyone should see this. The despicable way he treats others is unforgivable.

18/ This is horrific! How could this happen? Trump destroys everything he touches. I  think the Scottish government should throw the bum out of the country!!!! God bless Molly Forbes.

19/ What a revealing film.  Thanks to Molly Forbes and the other courageous local folks who stood up to Trump & Co.  He is shameless.  I can only hope that our legal system here in the US will finally grind him to dust.

20/ notice how Trump says he lives on the 68th floor, when Trump Tower is only 58 stories tall!😂

20a/ Maybe he is just not very bright . . .  maybe suffering from senility.

20b/ If his lips are moving he's lying.😊😊😊

20c/ In other words he living in space 😂😂😂😂😂

21/ Molly Forbes died in 2021 at the age of 96.
I truly hope this wonderful woman is at rest, finally.
Cho các anh thích của lạ .  Ha ha ha .

Actor Jonathan Daniel Hamm .

A Husband Was Found With Another Woman. This Is What Was Done To His Organs.


0:00 RB is a 42 year old man ☝️ presenting to the emergency room
0:18 A history ⏰ of the history
1:05 A wild thief 🥷 appears
1:22 "I'll take care of u bebe"
1:50 The only real way to butter 🧈 your bread
2:18 Where we are 🚑 now
3:37 "Not life threatening..." but is it really?
4:11 This rapid pace becomes 🤨 concerning
5:48 Something is very 😩 heavy
6:44 A solid foundation 🌎 of understanding nature (as seen on Earth)
9:01 An imposter 🥸 appears and the body cant discern 😳 the difference
10:15 The mitochondria is no longer 😞 the powerhouse of the cell
11:39 A connection to 😳 ancient esoteric 😳 knowledge
12:44 Can iron and cyanide 😲 be involved in the help?
13:54 Speaking of "life-threatening" and "energy" and "nerves," it brings us here now
14:27 An incorrect assumption
15:24 Enclosed herein is a case preserved into the written record
(Quora) What's something your husband did to you that you will never forget?

Answered by Kathleen Tierney:

Not a husband…a fiance. He hit me…smacked me hard across the face. I was so shocked that I didn’t react. My crime was letting the gas tank get too low forcing him to stop for gas on a cold night on the way home when he was really tired.

He had never before behaved like that. He went off to bed and I slept on the couch. In the morning, he asked why I didn’t come to bed. He found it hard to sleep without me. No apology. Off to work. I called my boss and asked for a day off. Called my sister for a ride and packed while waiting for her.

I had a friend in real estate who found me a studio apartment that day. I left my fiance a post-it note: Don’t call anyone. I’m fine. I don’t want you anymore.

Of course, he tried to find me, accused me of being too fussy (it was only one time), pleaded with me to come home, etc.

I spent a few weeks crying and feeling lonely and wanting him back but I got over it. No man is ever going to hit me or treat me unkindly. That is my line in the sand.
Crowding Teeth Will Increase Tartar Buildup | Scaling


1/ This was fabulous, thank you for showing the front of the teeth as well. It shows how much tartar can get between the teeth too. Great job. 😊❤🇺🇸

2/ Awesome job !!!!! You have to be proud to help those in such need !! God bless you and your team. Bless this lady also .

3/ Oh dear, the tartar has devastated the gums, especially at the rear. I was surprised no teeth just fell out. Thank you for the video.

4/ Wow, that's great. People appreciated your job Dr. and also that person now is living a new life and inhaling fresh air other than before.

5/ Oh my! I watch this while brushing my teeth. I'm brushing so vigorously till my gums are sore.

6/ if you have to hold the teeth in place while you clean it shouldn’t they just be pulled out?

7/ Looks like the tartar was the only thing keeping some of those teeth in his mouth. So sad to see such poor dental hygiene.

8/ Good grief! Some of those upper teeth were about to fall out, I think they were only held in by the tartar!! 😖😖

9/ These videos should be shown to young children to show what will happen if they don't brush and floss.

10/ I really wish this dentist would tell the viewers that this is not a complete dental cleaning. Many commenters think it is. This is only a gross scale or general debridement and is the easiest part of the cleaning. There is a lot of tartar beneath the gumline, sometimes many millimeters below and a deep cleaning with anesthetic is needed after this initial scale with the ultrasonic instrument.

10a/ You can have tartar all the way to the root surface of the tooth. We use an instrument that slides beneath the gums along side the tooth surface to measure the depth of the pocket in millimeters. You can literally have a 10 mm pocket full of tartar. The normal depth is from 1 to 3 mm in healthy gum tissue. The teeth are held in with bone, not gums.
The #1 Top Remedy for Dental Plaque (TARTAR)

0:00 Introduction: What is dental plaque?
1:12 How to prevent dental plaque
2:05 The top remedy for tartar
5:55 Check out my video on vitamin K2!

Today, I will share how to get rid of tartar. Tartar is dental plaque. But, what we’re really dealing with are biofilms.

Biofilms are like little calcium houses for bacteria. An overabundance of biofilms can cause bad breath, receding gums, and inflammation.

If you chew gum, it’s best to chew gum that contains xylitol because xylitol has antibiofilm properties.

There also seems to be a positive correlation between vitamin K2 and inhibiting dental plaque. So, you may want to start taking vitamin K2.

Natural herbs that help prevent dental plaque:
• Rosemary
• Clove
• Thyme
• Garlic
• Curcumin
• Oregano
• Cinnamon

The top remedy for tartar:
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp hydrogen peroxide (3%)
1/2 cup water

Mix the baking soda and the hydrogen peroxide in the water. Then, use your toothbrush to brush your teeth with this mixture. Do this after you brush your teeth with toothpaste.


1/ Ok as a dental professional I want to add something. Be sure that baking soda is WELL disolved since it's very abrasive. Also tartar is calcified dental plaque you have about 12 hours to brush it off before it starts the process of hardening, but it takes about two weeks to actually fully harden where it has to be chiseled off. This is what gets under your gums and leads to bone loss. Thirdly....a lot of medicines cause somethign called dry mouth. If you have a problem with cavities even though you brush and floss religiously, cut all the sugar. This is the only way to curb/stop dental decay in dry mouth.

2/ Dr Jeff( dentist) here. Great video. Just to clarify - plaque is the sticky biofilm that starts to build up after 6hrs. Tartar is a calcified deposit - a result of calcification which occurs after the formation of the biofilm. Prevent the biofilm and you prevent the tartar forming. The Dental profession should be following this advice rather than being led by companies wanting to push their products.

3/ Tip: My dentist said I had gingivitis, periodontal disease, and receding gums. So I decided to made my own toothpaste, using
1. Coconut oil,
2. Hydrogen peroxide
3. Baking soda and
4. Peppermint Extract.

I came back 3 months later and he couldn't believe that my gum's stopped receding, my gingivitis was gone and my teeth were whiter. He didn't seem to like that I fixed it myself so I never went back to him.

I'm embarrassed to say I did not have a dental cleaning for 6 years after that.

This year I went to a new dentist. The dental hygienist could not believe I had not had my teeth cleaned for that many years. I had no receding gums, no tartar on my teeth, she said they looked great, and my mouth and teeth were healthy!

Edit - please read my reply below for how to make it. And of you have bleeding gums use a soft bristle brush. The other brushes are too harsh on our gums. After using this method daily I doubt you'll have bleeding gums again. IMO

I'm editing again. I've answered several questions down below, please scroll. Also, remember to brush your cheeks and tongue. Lots of bacteria on the tongue.

NOTE: I am NOT a dentist, I'm not advising anyone to do anything, this is what I do for my teeth and gum health. I will always recommend seeing your dentist for your checkups and concerns. :)

3a/ I'm so sorry I did not know so many people responded to my text. I just I eye ball it.

I have a small jar about the size of a baby food jar that has a cork top and it sits by the side of my sink. I fill it with solid coconut oil 3/4 up the jar, melt it, stir in 1/2 to 1 tsp baking soda, a couple drops or 1/4 tsp of food grade peppermint extract that you bake with, stir in, then fill the rest of the way with hydrogen peroxide. Stir as best you can. You can also put all of this in a bigger jar and whip it then transfer to a small jar. Then I put it in the refrigerator and keep stirring when I see the peroxide is separating from the coconut oil. When it's all firmed up then I put it in the bathroom And dip my toothbrush into it and brush once or twice a day, usually 1st thing in the morning, I know I should do it at night - sometimes I forget. I also have a miniature spoon that I usually dip into the mixture and put it on my toothbrush rinse off and put it to the side. I hope this helps I think you'll love it!

3b/ I make a batch, put it into a closed lid jar by the sink. I brush with it as I would any toothpaste. I either dip my toothbrush into the jar to get a clump on the brush or I use a little spoon to put it on my brush. Also after brushing, then rinsing my brush in hot water, I spray hydrogen peroxide on the brush and let dry. You can wet your brush with water before putting on the paste or use a dry brush, it's up to you.

Trump và MAGAs đạp đổ pháp luật, dùng bạo lực đe dọa tính mạng những ai không đồng ý với họ.

Đúng là nhóm QUÁ KHÍCH!!!

Truly truly, I said to you, Trump and MAGAs: "Your accusations are your confessions."

Posts # 445/446, page 30
Đa số dân Mỹ không bỏ phiếu cho Trump:

1/ 2016: Hillary thắng Trump số phiếu phổ thông với 3 triệu lá phiếu 
2/ 2020: Sau 4 năm, Trump thất cử.

Tóm lại, nhóm ủng hộ Trump thuộc về thiểu số. 

[Image: co-vang.jpg]

Cờ vàng ba sọc đỏ hiên ngang tung bay trong nhóm nổi loạn vào ngày 6 tháng giêng năm 2021.
Cho dù Trump có chính thức được đảng Cộng Hoà cho ra tranh cử Tổng Thống Hoa Kỳ, Trump rất khó đắc cử, vì ngay từ năm 2016, Trump đã không được lòng dân .  Kỳ này, Trump còn bị tai tiếng hơn nữa:

Post # 440, p 30 

Q: Every day I seem to read he has the total support for presidency by his party and the country. Please tell me it won't happen?

A: He only got 46% to Joe Biden's 51% in 2020. That was before he incited an insurrection to overturn a free and fair election, got busted with stolen National Security Documents, was found liable for sexual assault, proposed suspension of the Constitution, and suggested putting his enemies in camps. The support you're hearing about is from his vocal minority. Lot'sa wind, no sail! 
"I think the Supreme Court wants to be rid of Donald Trump and the good news is they can be honest brokers of the law. They can simply interpret the very words, the language of the 14th Amendment's disqualification clause and disqualify him and they will be rid of him.

"Why do I say I believe they want to rid of him? Because he's announced he will be a dictator on day one. And Brian, we've talked about this before. Dictators have no interest in a Supreme Court, inferior courts are just fine . But Donald Trump, if he returns to the Oval Office, if he retakes the reigns of Presidential powers, he will just cut the legs out from under the Supreme Court. In my opinion, so I think, the Supreme Court has every reason to be honest brokers of the law in this instant and disqualify Donald Trump."

~~ Glenn Kirschner

Bắt đầu từ (10:49):
Ha ha ha ...  

Rachel Powell can't understand that when a police officer is hitting you with a baton and spraying you with tear gas, that means "go away".  Dancer_4


Reporter asks mom going to prison for Jan. 6 if she blames Trump. Hear her response

A January 6 rioter speaks to CNN's Donie O'Sullivan days before she begins her lengthy prison sentence. #CNN #News


1/ Let's be clear - she 100% "deserves this."  She's not a victim - she's the assailant.

2/ Her children will pass on her ignorance to their children. Which means we will be fighting this insanity for decades to come. Her only hope is that Trump pardons her.

3/ She admits she was wrong but then defends her actions all while blaming others. She deserves every minute of that 5 yrs.

4/ She said that someone put an ice axe in her hand! People need to take responsibility for the actions they take and not blame everyone else. She's not a victim, she's a criminal.

5/ She clearly, by her own words is a seditionist. She deserves very minute in jail. The fact she still can’t see what she did wrong is very concerning.

5a/ Lucky for her there is no parole in the federal system so she's going to do every single day of that 5 years.

6/ Typical Trumper.
“It’s not my fault.”
“I was set up.”
“I don’t deserve this.”
If it was a setup which it wasn’t then why were you there? Why didn’t she turn around and go home? I have absolutely no sympathy for her. She deserves jail time.

7/ To think the government was so close to being taken over by this woman. It sends shivers down my spine.

8/ She said her whole body was in pain. But she still stayed, she was caught breaking the window & climbing inside. But she thinks she was set up?! Really?! She controls what she does & does not do. When it got 'violent', like she says, she should have left. She says trump will pardon them from prison. She isn't taking responsibility for her own actions. What normal grown person does that?

8a/ Yeah her pushing against the barricade with her backside is a choice and to breach that line is a personal choice.  Most people would see a barricade at a concert or road construction with police or security.  Would politely, respectfully step away.  Oh no not this gal.  What a disrespectful human.

9/ She most certainly DOES "deserve this."    And she continues to have NO remorse.

9a/ I'm an Australian, so, to my way of thinking, five years is a serious sentence. Indeed, it's serious enough that it suggests to me that this report, if anything, underplayed what it is she did and her actual guilt in the process.

I also had the feeling that some of what she said, in particular the way the ice pick just magically materialised, was less than 100% factual.

9b/ yes, I remember her at the time. I watched the chaos live and was in shock. She was a very serious instigator of the violence. She’s absolutely NOT owning her role in this violence. Her behaviour prior to the incident on social media pretty much defines her as a ‘serial protester’ who is more than prepared to exercise violence to get her way. And not only that, but encourage others to follow her lead.

9c/ She says she feels horrible about destroying her family. Is that not remorse? She said she wished she would of just sat down and protested.

What kind of remorse are you wanting? You want her to say trump lost? Lol

9d/ she's remorseful she got caught and being caught shamed her family. She doesn't appear to be remorseful for her role in breaking and entering during an insurrection...

9e/ You regret the action, not the consequences........If I steal something and I got caught and I feel horrible about destroying my family because I am going to jail, I didn't feel horrible for the crime I committed (ie the stealing), I felt horrible for the consequences conferred to me (ie me going to jail)

10/ "They never actually told us to go away"  This isn't just violent behavior, it is idiocy, incarnate.

10a/ Well, if she means that a nice policeman didn't approach her personally and ask her to please leave, she's probably correct. She probably also testified that she didn't hear any of the many bullhorn announcements telling the crowd to disperse. Because, after all, they weren't *specifically addressing *her*, right? I would not be at all surprised if this was part of her defense. This must be what she meant by "They never actually told us to go away". She is pathetic. They are all pathetic. And confused.

10b/ There is also video footage of her being beaten back with a baton…I mean, sometimes actions are louder than words, right? A baton beating you back says loud and clear: “Leave now!” She really had to try hard not to understand any type of language used toward her that day.

10c/ She can't understand that when a police officer is hitting you with a baton and spraying you with tear gas, that means "go away".

10d/ That's like saying you shouldn't be charged with bank robbery if the teller doesn't remind you that bank robber is a crime.  Nothing is ever her fault.

11/ This woman was giving instructions to other rioters on “how to take this building.” She was coherent.

12/ "It is the last thing they can take from me." "I don't deserve this?" What? She did this! She broke a window at the Capital. She battled with the police. The police did not tell her to stop? Did she really say that? She actually had a shrine to trump there. What in the world!

13/ I was almost having some sympathy for her until she said no one told her to go away and she had no remorse. Now she deserves every minute of the five year sentence and more.

13a/ Lady, I think a police baton to the back is a non-verbal, "Get out of here."


"Bullhorn Lady" Rachel Powell sentenced to nearly 5 years on Jan. 6 charges

By Madeline Bartos
Updated on: October 17, 2023 / 2:59 PM EDT / CBS Pittsburgh

WASHINGTON (KDKA) -- Rachel Powell, a Mercer County mother of eight accused of using a bullhorn to instruct rioters and smashing a window during the Jan. 6 Capitol attack, was sentenced to nearly five years in prison on Tuesday.

Powell was ordered to serve 57 months in prison followed by 36 months on supervised release, CBS affiliate WUSA reported. She asked for three years of probation while the government sought eight years in prison.

A judge convicted Powell, who became known for her bullhorn and pink hat, of all nine counts in her indictment after he heard testimony without a jury in July.

[Image: RP.png]quick image upload

According to the indictment, Powell stormed into a restricted section of the U.S. Capitol carrying an ax and a large wooden pole. She allegedly destroyed a window in her path, costing more than $1,000 in damage.

Court paperwork says Powell was with a group inside the Capitol and provided detailed instructions on the building's layout, telling rioters that they should "coordinate together if you are going to take this building."

Federal prosecutors have called Powell a "leading participant in the most violent insurrection to occur at the U.S. Capitol in over 200 years," and said she "fueled a situation that threatened the peaceful transfer of power in the United States."

When the feds raided her home in Sandy Lake, they said they also found bags loaded with duct tape, rope cell phones, throwing stars and other weapons.

Powell asked U.S. District Judge Royce C. Lamberth for mercy, saying she succumbed to the "toxic" partisan divide in the country. Lamberth said she had done "everything right today" but it didn't change what happened on Jan. 6 or her lack of remorse since, WUSA reported.


A Pennsylvania Mother’s Path to Insurrection
How claims by Rudy Giuliani and Alex Jones spurred a parent of eight to become one of the Capitol riot’s biggest mysteries, and a fugitive from the F.B.I.

By Ronan Farrow

February 1, 2021

[Image: RP1.webp]

Before the pandemic, Rachel Powell, a forty-year-old mother of eight from western Pennsylvania, sold cheese and yogurt at local farmers’ markets and used Facebook mostly to discuss yoga, organic food, and her children’s baseball games. But, last year, Powell began to post more frequently, embracing more extreme political views. Her interests grew to include conspiracy theories about covid-19 and the results of the Presidential election, filtered through such figures as Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, and the Infowars founder Alex Jones. On May 3, 2020, Powell wrote on Facebook, “One good thing about this whole CV crisis is that I suddenly feel very patriotic.” Expressing outrage at the restrictions that accompanied the pandemic, she wrote, “It isn’t to late to wake up, say no, and restore freedoms.” Several days later, she posted a distraught seven-minute video, shot outside a local gym that had been closed. “Police need to see there’s people that are citizens that are not afraid of you guys showing up in your masks. We’re going to be here banded together, and we’re not afraid of you,” she said. “Maybe they should be a little bit afraid.”

On January 6th, during the storming of the United States Capitol, Powell made good on that threat. Videos show her, wearing a pink hat and sunglasses, using a battering ram to smash a window and a bullhorn to issue orders. “People should probably coördinate together if you’re going to take this building,” she called out, leaning through a shattered window and addressing a group of rioters already inside. “We got another window to break to make in-and-out easy.”

In recent weeks, as journalists and law-enforcement officials tried to identify participants in the assault, she came to be known as “Bullhorn Lady” and “Pink Hat Lady.” She appeared on an F.B.I. “Wanted” poster, was featured in cable-television news segments, and became an obsessive focus of crowdsourced investigative efforts by laypeople and experts. Forrest Rogers, a German-American business consultant who is part of a Twitter group called the Deep State Dogs, recently identified Powell and reported her name to the F.B.I. She is now being sought by law enforcement.

In her first public comments since the riot, Powell acknowledged her role in the events at the Capitol. During a two-hour telephone interview, she claimed that her conduct had been spontaneous, contrary to widespread speculation that she had acted in coördination with an organized group. “I was not part of a plot—organized, whatever,” Powell, who was speaking from an undisclosed location, told me. “I have no military background. . . . I’m a mom with eight kids. That’s it. I work. And I garden. And raise chickens. And sell cheese at a farmers’ market.” During the interview, she reviewed photographs and videos of the Bullhorn Lady, acknowledging that many of the images showed her, and offered detailed descriptions of the skirmishes they depicted. She declined to comment on some of her conduct—including smashing windows and shouting orders to fellow-rioters—that could carry criminal charges. “Listen, if somebody doesn’t help and direct people, then do more people die?” she said. “That’s all I’m going to say about that. I can’t say anymore. I need to talk to an attorney.”

Powell was born in Anaheim, California, and grew up on what she described as “the really bad side” of Fresno. She was raised by her mother, who worked at a local shop, and by her stepfather, a plumber. “It was rough, but she didn’t do without anything,” her mother, Deborah Lemons, who has had a strained relationship with Powell for the past several years, said. “She always had clothes. She always had food.” Lemons said that, when Powell was a child, she and her stepfather were the victims of a carjacking. Powell was held at gunpoint and her stepfather was kidnapped for several hours by their assailant. “Knowing what that feels like, I am just absolutely amazed that she would participate in something like this and not consider or have a lot of compassion for the people who were inside that building,” Lemons said, referring to the riot. “She well knows what it’s like to wonder if she’s gonna lose her life.”

When Powell was fifteen, her family moved to West Sunbury, in western Pennsylvania, to care for an ailing relative of her stepfather’s. The town was typical of declining Rust Belt communities. “There were a lot of steel mills that closed even since I lived there,” Powell told me. She told me that she had married young, and her mother said that Powell had her first child at sixteen. After graduating from high school, she remained in Pennsylvania. Three years ago, Powell separated from her husband. Since then, she has worked various part-time jobs to support her children, who range in age from four to their mid-twenties. She told me that she has a certification as a group fitness instructor, and has taken a course in alternative medicine. “She’s very granola, very crunchy,” a friend, who asked not to be identified, told me. “Does yoga, eats vegetarian, homeschools all their kids.”

Powell said that, before the election of Donald Trump, in 2016, she held a wide range of political opinions. “My views kind of fall all over the place,” she said. “I guess you could say that I’m more libertarian at heart.” Though her county supported Trump by wide margins in both 2016 and 2020, Powell told me that she didn’t vote for him in his first run, and her social-media posts during that time include sharp criticism of him. “Trump makes me uncomfortable as a presidential candidate,” she wrote in a Facebook post that linked to a piece about Trump’s lack of civility. “What disturbs me is that so many people support this type of person.” She also told me that she took issue with his environmental policies. During his tenure in the White House, however, she embraced Trump and, eventually, the misinformation that he nurtured about the coronavirus and election fraud.

Those political views began to have various impacts on her life after the pandemic hit. Paula Keswick, who co-owns a local creamery that sold Powell cheese and yogurt, said that Powell was barred from working at some events after she refused to obey pandemic restrictions. “She was just adamant she was not going to wear a mask,” Keswick said. (Powell said that she now works part time at a local bookstore.) Last summer and fall, Powell said, she attended various protests, including anti-mask rallies. “If there was a protest in Harrisburg, I was there for almost all of them,” she told me. On July 4th, she drove for four hours to join members of several far-right groups, some of them armed, who gathered at the Gettysburg National Military Park, purportedly to protect Civil War monuments from desecration. At the rally, a man wearing a Black Lives Matter shirt was surrounded and aggressively questioned by about fifty demonstrators. In a video posted online, Powell is among the group, holding an iPhone with the same Kate Spade Hollyhock Floral case that she was later photographed carrying at the Capitol. Powell also told me that she attended rallies in Washington, D.C., on dates she could not recall, including one attended by members of the far-right group the Proud Boys, where Alex Jones, who has falsely alleged that the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was faked, spoke. (Powell said that Jones is not her “favorite person,” but that she considers him to be “another journalist to listen to—he has interesting things to say.”) She told me that she did not share the racist views espoused by some on the far right. (In 2013, she tweeted, “what’s up, my niggas?” Powell defended the use of the N-word, saying, “My favorite book is ‘Gone with the Wind,’ and it uses that term freely.”)

Last November, Powell voted for Trump. “It was a little bit of a hard decision for me, and I didn’t make that decision to vote for him till two months before the election,” she said. “I appreciate his business mind. Economy-wise, he has it going on. He loves America.” Ultimately, she concluded, she “couldn’t vote for the other person. I really don’t think Biden or Harris will be good for the country.”

Concerns about mask requirements, which she called a “liberty issue,” were instrumental in her decision. She claimed that the risks of the coronavirus had been overstated by public-health officials, saying that she had not seen many deaths in her county. On November 5th, 2020, she wrote in a Facebook comment directed at a friend, “I won’t get a vaccine either. I hear what you’re saying about the whole world being in on the conspiracy as far as the corona virus goes.” On December 27th, she posted, “I’m unashamedly a ‘super spreader,’ ” attaching photographs of crowded, mask-free holiday and birthday parties. That day, she uploaded a video of a large maskless meal, during which several children said, “No masks,” and Powell could be heard saying, “The masks are total bullcrap. You guys just need to get out there and live. Get arrested—it’s fine.”

Powell connected her beliefs about the coronavirus to claims promoted by Trump and his allies that he had won the election. The day after the election, she shared a screenshot of a graphic claiming that several states had more votes recorded than they did registered voters, information that Facebook flagged as “partly false.” In the accompanying text, Powell wrote, “I’m sitting here thinking about how everyone has been so complacent during COVID.” She went on, “The government knows exactly how far you can be pushed because the population has been successfully tested.”

That post, like others reflecting Powell’s increasingly extreme views, was met with positive reinforcement online. “The dumbing down and fattening up of America has been very successful,” one person wrote in response to the election-fraud conspiracy theory. “It may be too late if ever they wake up.” Earlier posts protesting mask-wearing prompted comments such as “Truth!!!” and “Wake up people!!!!”

Powell said that she derived her beliefs “a little bit from everywhere,” and that she was not a follower of any mainstream news source. “You can go online, go on Facebook now, and dig up a thousand different links about it,” she said, of the election-fraud conspiracy theories. She said that Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s personal attorney, had been a significant source of information, and that she had watched remarks he gave in Gettysburg, on November 25th, during a widely discredited state-senate committee hearing in which he and several witnesses made baseless claims of voter fraud. “That was pretty moving to me,” she said. “I learned a lot from Giuliani and people’s testimonies.”

Joan Donovan, a scholar of media manipulation and extremism, who serves as the research director of Harvard’s Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics, and Public Policy, told me that Powell’s process of radicalization was increasingly common. “You don’t have to go to the dark corners of the Web to find this anymore,” she said. “Through these influencers, through these political propagandists, it’s all brought in through your news feed, through your home page.” Donovan said that friends’ comments often provide an echo chamber for misinformation, and that every click on extremist content can prompt social-media algorithms to produce more of the same. Giuliani, in particular, has proved to be a popular entry point into the world of misinformation. “There were a lot of people like her in that crowd,” Donovan told me, referring to Powell’s participation in the Capitol riot. “They’re going to figure out ways to get back online and to keep communicating with each other. And, if Trump does figure out a way back on platforms where he can build power in the way he did before, this group of people is going to continue to be dangerous and menacing.”

At the July 4th demonstration in Gettysburg, Powell met Kevin Lynn, the founder of a group that advocates for the hiring of American workers in the U.S. technology industry. Last August, after Lynn’s group placed ads pressing Trump to restrict the outsourcing of jobs overseas, Lynn met with Trump at the White House. Lynn told me that he had attended the Gettysburg protest to document the event, and that he interviewed several participants, including Powell. Afterward, the two stayed in touch. “I would say we’re friends,” he said. Before Trump’s Stop the Steal rally in Washington, D.C., Powell told Lynn that she planned to attend, and they agreed to go together. On January 5th, Powell and Lynn met near Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and drove to Washington in his car. At least two other friends, the owners of the bookstore where Powell works, drove in another car. (The bookstore owners did not respond to a request for comment.) At the rally, on the morning of January 6th, Powell helped Lynn operate his camera. Trump urged attendees to “fight like hell.” He added, “We’re going to walk down to the Capitol. . . . Let’s walk down Pennsylvania Avenue.” Powell said that Trump’s words weighed “partially” in her decisions that day. “It’s good he did ask the American people to come and let their voices be heard for what they believe in,” she told me, “but it was definitely not the sole reason that I came.”

Both Powell and Lynn said that, as they marched to the Capitol, they were separated. Lynn told me that he did not enter the Capitol and that he was “shocked” by the footage of Powell in the thick of the violence.

At the Capitol, Powell said that she found herself in an increasingly violent confrontation between rioters and Capitol police. Powell appeared to be wearing a jacket designed specifically for the concealed carrying of a gun, but said she did not carry one, “unless you count a Lärabar and bottle of water as a weapon.” In one video, her pink hat is briefly visible in a crush of bodies during a skirmish near an entrance on the west front of the Capitol which is reserved for members of Congress and staffers. “That’s where the pileup was,” she told me, after reviewing the video. “The people were wedged so tight.” She said that she heard a woman’s cries growing gradually quieter beneath the crowd and claimed ultimately to have seen her dead body. (The New Yorker was unable to confirm whether a woman died there.) Powell added, “I was beaten with a baton, and sprayed and gassed.”

In another video, Powell and other rioters are seen using a makeshift battering ram to shatter one of the Capitol’s windows. She pulls the heavy, pipe-shaped object back and throws her weight forward against it repeatedly. (“That’s one of those things I can neither confirm nor deny,” she said. “I just need to talk to an attorney. If you look at that video, people are just going to make their own assumptions.”) In yet another video, she stands outside a broken window, shouting instructions through the bullhorn to rioters inside. Powell says, “I’ve been in the other room,” and appears to outline a plan involving breaking a pane of glass to get into another part of the Capitol. Powell said, regarding her knowledge of the building’s layout, “Anything that was said was figured out as time went on. It wasn’t like there was a map or anything.”

After the riot, Powell said, “I was by myself—I didn’t rendezvous with a bunch of people . . . I didn’t meet militias.” Lynn said that Powell did not join him for the drive home. Powell declined to answer questions about how she returned to Pennsylvania, or with whom.

Forrest Rogers, who reported Powell’s name to the F.B.I., at first thought he had identified a ringleader in a premeditated campaign to invade the Capitol. “The initial footage showed a woman, an apparent insider with an understanding of the Capitol layout, shouting commands to a bunch of unknowns through a bullhorn,” Rogers said. “This created a perception that she was one of the conspirators with an extensive network.” John Scott-Railton, a researcher at the Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto, who has been involved in crowdsourced efforts to identify participants in the riot, said that he also independently confirmed Powell’s identity: “It became clearer over time that her actual role might be different, but still important to understanding what brought a person like that to the Capitol.”

Lemons, Powell’s mother, expressed astonishment at her daughter’s conduct and said that she condemned the violence during the riot. “The whole family is, in a way, just devastated,” she said. “It’s a thing you never expect, that your child is going to be on some F.B.I. ‘Wanted’ poster.” Powell said that her only regrets were the possible repercussions for her children. Asked whether she would have acted differently, given the chance, she said, “I try not to think about that. There are some things that are just worth blocking out.”

More on the January 6th Attack
  • When the Capitol was breached, a New Yorker reporter became the sole journalist in the Senate chamber to witness its desecration.
  • Inside the chamber, Luke Mogelson captured raw, visceral footage of the siege.
  • Should Americans refer to the Sixth of January as a protest, an act of treason, or something else?
  • What the January 6th papers reveal.
  • The violence was what Donald Trump wanted.
  • If America is to remain a democracy, Trump must be held accountable.
Ronan Farrow, a contributing writer to The New Yorker, is the author of “Catch and Kill” and “War on Peace.” His reporting for The New Yorker won the 2018 Pulitzer Prize for public service.
Weather the winter storm: How to keep your pipes from freezing when temps dip below zero

Natalie Neysa Alund

From skiing to ice skating and building snowmen to drinking hot cocoa, cold weather is great for a slew of things.

But when temperatures dip below freezing during winter, failure to prepare for frigid weather can cause major damage to homes and not only cause headaches for homeowners but cost them thousands of dollars in repairs.

Here's how to prepare for your home during cold weather and how to keep your pipes from bursting.

1/ Check your local weather forecast daily

Freeze warnings are issued by the National Weather Service.

To find out when temperatures are likely to dip below freezing, visit the weather service's website at

USA TODAY also tracks weather watches and warnings nationwide, which you can check anytime here.

2/ Thermostats matter

Being prepared is key to preventing frozen pipes, Prime Drain Cleaning and Plumbing Owner Brycen Sperlich told USA TODAY.

"Open cupboards and vanities to warm pipes," said Sperlich, whose company is based in Middle Tennessee. "That is something I've done before when temps are getting into the teens. Open up a cabinet allows more heat to get to the pipes."

He also recommends setting home thermostats no lower than 60 degrees.

3/ How to properly drip your faucets

Water expands when it freezes, Sperlich said, so people should drip indoor facets when temps dip below 32 degrees.

Just make sure you drip the farthest faucet from your main valve.

4/ Which pipes freeze the most?

Here are the pipes The Red Cross, says freeze most frequently in homes:
  • Pipes exposed to "severe cold" including outdoor hose bibs, swimming pool supply lines, and water sprinkler lines. (If you have swimming pool or sprinkler supply lines, don't forget to drain them too.)
  • Water supply pipes in unheated interior areas including basements, crawl spaces, attics, garages and cabinets.
  • Those running against exterior walls that "have little or no insulation."
"You don't have to drip them all," he said. "One or two is fine."

5/ How do I find my main water shut off valve?

According to a fact sheet from, look for the main valve where the water supply enters your home. It's usually in the basement, the garage or a concrete metal box near your street.

Mark the valve with brightly colored paint or tape so you can find it if it is dark.

If the valve is outside, lift its cover and use a crescent wrench to turn the water off.

"Some older homes don't have one (a main water valve) so if you don't, it's important to know where your meter is," Sperlich said.

6/ Outside preparation

Before the temperature drops below 32 degrees, outdoor water spigots attached to homes should be opened to allow to drain water out.

They should also be covered.

Faucet covers are fairly inexpensive and can be found online at retailers including Amazon, Walmart and various home improvement stores like Home Depot or Lowes.

They are simple and quick to attach. In a financial pinch? Cover one with a thick, waterproof insulated item like a glove or wool sock, Sperlich said.

7/ What to do if your household pipes burst

According to a fact sheet, if a household pipes bursts, immediately shut off your main water valve and call a licensed plumber.

According to Thumbtack, an American home services website the national average cost to fix a burst pipe ranges from $400 to $1,500. Pinhole leaks cost anywhere from $150 to $2,540 and to unfreeze broken pipes it costs about $200.

Hourly plumber rates for pipe repair range from $55-$195 per hour but some plumbers who charge by the hour charge extra for emergency response or outside normal business hours.

8/ Get multiple estimates

When hunting for a plumber, make sure to ask for multiple estimates. They are usually free, but it depends on the company.

Thumbtack also recommends people ensure they hire a professional, licenced plumber.

"Not only does this ensure you're hiring a qualified, experienced pro, but it can protect you in case anything goes wrong," the business says.

Natalie Neysa Alund is a senior reporter for USA TODAY. Reach her at and follow her on X @nataliealund.
【Umbrella Looks Alive!!】Over 2600000 views incredible dance by Kazuho Monster

Thank you for watching my dance video!!
I'm Kazuho Monster.
Japanese dancer and model.
I wanna be the best dancer in the world.

Please subscribe and click the Like button!


1/ Damn that was super cool. You definitely deserve to win AGT & perform in front of thousands.

2/ My jaw actually dropped. How'd you get back up, the sides of your feet pushing back up was insanely cool. Hats and umbrellas off to you man.

3/ Amazing! Combining dance with pantomime, so incredibly powerfull. Beautifully done❤

4/ Smoothness, positioning, everything was on point🔥❤️

5/ So realistic i kept forgetting youre dancing. IDK how long youve had your channel but you'll get signed fast. Good luck on your dreams and goals you mentioned

6/ That umbrella can really dance! The prop it kept dragging around wasn't bad either.

7/ Wow! Holy crap! His movements are super clean and so crisp!

8/ This is what life is really all about ! Not violence but watching beautiful talented people display their wonderful skills ! I’m sure it took hours of hard work to master this masterpiece ! I applaud him ! Magnificent !  👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

9/ Wow 🤩 Idk what to say so good to watch over and over. MJ is smiling up from heaven for sure how his moonwalk evolved through different generations.

10/ Outstanding!!  Such talent!❤️