
(P. 4/6) "May the Righteous Triumph", Dec 24, 2020

May the Righteous Triumph, Part 4 of 6, Dec. 24, 2020

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Whoever wants, it’s just like humans, if they repent and change their way to more compassionate, which is more compatible to Heaven’s way of life, then they can go to Heaven. I can help them. (Oh.) But if they don’t want to, I cannot force them. (Yes, Master.) Humans and animals and beings, they are the same.

(The sister has the next question, Master.) (Master, at the last conference,) Yes. (Master mentioned how Master bound the demons bothering certain people. And that the Ihôs Kư Godses would not be able to and the Lord of the Fourth Level did not have enough worth to take them all to the Fourth Level at once. What if the Lord of the Fourth Level had taken them? What would have happened?)
Oh, number 1, He probably cannot be the God of the Fourth Level anymore. (Oh.) He could not take them up because He doesn’t have enough worth-power to bring them up. OK? (I see.) Has to be coordinated with Him, not just the Godses of Ihôs Kư. It has to be a big coordination. Understand? (Yes, Master.) And if a God doesn’t have enough worth, then He cannot do that. (Understand.) And even if He does that, then maybe the demons will take over. (Oh, wow.) And then that would not become the Fourth Level anymore, would become a demon world again. (Oh.)

It’s a funny story, I tell you what. Because the Ihôs Kư cannot get them, these who hang around those and push them to do bad stuff. And They cannot go and take them. So I had to go and do it. And then, I strung them all together and dragged them back. And then, I forgot all about it. Forgot all about them. Too busy. You know what I’m saying? (Yes, Master.) You have no idea how busy I am. You really have no idea. If you live next to me 24-7, you would think, “What are You made of Master? Are You all right, Master?”
Anyway, truly I hardly have time for anything. And then, I had a little pain and I asked for some medicine and somebody delivered it. Not to my place, somewhere else. And then somebody else brought it and hung it somewhere. And I go and get it. Far away. You see what I am saying? (Yes. Yes, Master.) Far away from my so-called house. Very far, the big gate outside. But then I forgot to take it also. Sometimes I take, sometimes I forget to take and so the pain doesn’t really go away, so I thought, “Oh, never mind, forget it.” And then I forgot all about them.

And one day, I suddenly looked out of my energy field and I saw them, all kneeling, with head down and kneeling and hands tied and everything. It’s not like physical, but it looked like that. OK? (Yes, Master.) You imagine like a criminal, the police cuff them. Cuff them with handcuffs. (Yes, Master.) And then feet cuffed also, so they cannot even stand, so they have to like kneel down almost, kneel down and their head down on the floor. Yeah? (Yes.) Head looked down and all that. Almost like they chained the hands and the feet together, so they cannot even kneel up straight. You see what I’m saying? (Yes, Master.) Like they are bending down almost on the floor, the hands and the feet together with almost the head touching the knees. Can you imagine that? (Yes.) I forgot and then one day I looked out and it’s about three, four days later. I said, “Eh? What is that?” Because I asked the Gods… Ihôs Kư Godses, the protectors around me to bring them to hell. Or whoever is forgiven then goes to Heaven, lesser degree goes to Heaven, and already repented, and I said this is the last chance I give.

Normally I don’t give anymore leniency after, it was in April or something already. But I feel so sorry for them, so I said, “OK. OK. Let some go to the Fourth Level and some can go to hell because they don’t repent. So half should go to Heaven and half go to hell. How come they’re still hanging around there?” So the Gods said, “We cannot.” I said, “Just separate them. You know, separate them. And then take some to Heaven, some to hell.” They said They cannot. I said, “Why? What’s wrong?” They said, “You bound them.” I said, “Yes, but then You can take them separate then, no?” They said, “No. We cannot. (Wow.) You have to beam out some energy to destroy this binding together, otherwise we cannot do it.” I said, “Oh. My God! (Oh. Wow.) What for I have You around?” I said, “OK. OK. OK. Then can do it now. Do it.” And I even myself have to unbind them. I mean it’s not fun but it looks funny. The way they’re all hanging out like that, hanging down like that. I mean it’s kind of a sad comedy. (Yes.) I don’t know how to explain it when I saw it like that. And I forgot all about it. Many days, I forgot. I don’t remember how many days, it must be at least four days or one week or something. And then I feel so sorry, they’re hungry and all that, and at least maybe in hell they can have their own food or whatever. So, that’s how it takes a few days for Them to take them down to hell or Heaven. And then there are some still left there. I said. “What now? Why are they not all gone yet?” And Ihôs Kư told me… I also forgot. I am busy and forgot. And the Ihôs Kư said to me, “The Lord of the Fourth Level has not enough worth anymore to take care of them.” I said, “What? My God what the guy! How come don’t have enough worth anymore.”
So, They said, “Master, recently, You forgive many people, and many beings went up there, including the animals and hell beings so now it’s full. (Oh.) And even though we can expand it, but the Lord of the Fourth World had no more worth left.” (Wow.) And then I remembered. Of course, of course, the worth can be deducted; or can be minimized; or can be increased accordingly, depends. I said, “OK. OK. Oh, my God! And now, what to do? I have promised I forgive them. Who repents immediately, I forgive.” So, then I had to think, think, think. And then I said, “OK. I will make another ‘space’, another small world to accommodate some people.” I said, “OK. It is not Heaven, but it’s not hell. It’s not punishing hell. And there you will have food and everything. Just stay there until we fix it; OK?” Until the Lord of the Fourth World maybe regain his worth. Because I can give Him some, but He cannot take all. You see what I am saying? It’s just like vitamins, you can’t take the whole bottle and be strong immediately. It’s not like that. You have to take it slowly. (Yes, Master.)

Or even the (vegan) cakes I send you today, you cannot gulp them all down at same time, no? (No.) So, there are some leftover you can eat tomorrow. OK? (Yes, Master.) It’s good. Because eating too much also it will upset your stomach. (Yes.) Too much sweets and it might even cause you headache. (Yes.) You must drink water immediately. (Yes, Master.) Drink tea or coffee and then water also to dilute the sweetness, OK? (Yes.) (Thank You, Master.) I told your kitchen through somebody to make this cream without sugar because the mince pies are very sweet. So, if it’s too sweet, it doesn’t taste that good. Have to combine with that. And it was ok then? (Yes, Master. Thank You.) (I didn’t notice that there was no sugar in it, Master. I thought it was in the cream.) No. Because you mix it with the pies. Then, it just balanced it out. (Yes.)
If you don’t have that cream, then it would be too sweet. But I cannot tell the other sisters and brothers though, they’ll just have to fare their luck. I don’t know if they know how to make the cream over there. So never mind, they can eat less or more. But they also have the same like you; they have a little bit more, more pies than you. Sorry. Last time they didn’t have. You see? (Yes, Master.) All right. Good. That’s it, I told you already. Any more questions then?

(Yes, Master. How come only half of the demons repented and the rest didn’t?)
Oh, just like humans. (Oh.) Some of them can be enlightened, some of them cannot. (Yes.) And that’s why they killed Jesus. No? (Oh.) That’s why we have Christmas. To remember how the Lord has sacrificed for humans. Because most of them don’t listen to Him. They even killed Him. (Yes.) And many other prophets as well. They came to our earth and They taught us all the good things and wanted to liberate your soul and then we just turn around and kill Them or betray Them. I have some of them in my group also. (Oh.) Even recently, a new initiate. It’s like that.
Life after life, the Master never fares well. Never completely fares well. So don’t ask me about the demons. (OK, Master.) They are demons. It is surprising that some even turn around and repent. (Yes.) Compared to many humans who don’t turn around and don’t repent. (Yes.) And even wanted to harm me. OK? (Yes, Master.) It’s not that I really worry about my physical safety, but I still need to work. I need to last a little longer. As long as I can. Because I don’t have the heart to abandon humans and other beings on this planet. All right my love, any other questions? (Thank You, Master.)

(Master, about all the souls from the slaughterhouses being liberated, why could those before and during COVID-19 not be liberated?)
No, I didn’t say during COVID-19, not liberated; it is because they did not want to. (Oh.) Yes. Whoever wants, it’s just like humans, if they repent and change their way to more compassionate, which is more compatible to Heaven’s way of life, then they can go to Heaven. I can help them. (Oh.) But if they don’t want to, I cannot force them. (Yes, Master.) Humans and animals and beings, they are the same. Some are more poisoned, some are less poisoned. The less poisoned and the ones who have some merit in a former life, are easier to talk to. Some cannot be. (Yes, Master.) Not just during or before, but even after the pandemic. (Oh. Yes.) That’s why life after life, there must be a Master who comes down to any planet to help them. Otherwise, all the planets would have become Heavens already. Then there is no need for me to come down here. (Yes, Master.) Or Jesus would have come down and He would have been able to liberate all the souls already. No need for us to be here. Got that? (Yes, Master.) Some are stubborn, just like the demons. Your question before about the demons, it’s the same. OK? (Yes, Master.) Some are too much poisoned in their minds. They cannot change.

You see Judas (Yes, Master.) betrayed Jesus. And Thomas, he doubted about whether Jesus has resurrected. (Yes.) And Devadatta, he’s the cousin of Buddha, growing up with Him. But always competed with Him, even since young already. And when they were both grown up and Buddha already has the world following Him and believing in Him. Devadatta still continued to compete with Him in any way he can. You see what I’m saying? (Yes, Master.) And when Buddha blessed him, to heal him, and he even said the Buddha now wants to be a doctor. As if He’s not famous enough and now He even wants to be a doctor. See what I’m saying? (Yes, Master.) The Buddha stretched His hand far away, wanting to heal him. Not only he didn’t say thank You, he even twisted it around and distorted it, (Oh.) saying that Buddha wanted to be famous now, as a doctor. I’m telling you. Even a cousin, meaning same clan right, same bloodline. (Yes.) (Yes, Master.) I mean almost, similar bloodline, and clan, and maybe DNA is very similar. (Yes, Master. Yes.) Still has nothing likened to the Buddha. Nothing like the Buddha at all. Complete opposite. All right. You happy with my answer? (Yes, Master.) OK.
Be Vegan, make peace.

P. 5/6) "May the Righteous Triumph", Dec 24, 2020

May the Righteous Triumph, Part 5 of 6, Dec. 24, 2020

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I had a vision about something but I cannot tell you. It’s something positive. Many positive, positive! But it’s like a prediction. (Oh. That’s good.) It’s not to tell you now OK?

(Master is there anything further from Your Spiritual Diary that Master might want to share with us.)
I don’t know if I should always read my diary. Diary is supposed to be secret. You’re always digging into my private chamber. Then I have to wear glasses. I have to look for the diary now. (OK, thank You, Master.) You wait there, if there’s something I can tell you, I would. (Thank You, Master.) Otherwise you would tell me that I’m stingy and… (Oh.) (No, Master.) Where’s my diary? Oh dear God. Here it is. All right. My dear diary is almost gone already. Almost one year passed and what have we done. The year passed so fast, the time passed so fast. (Yes.) And our hair greys so fast. Last few days I had time, I steal some time to dye my hair. (You look beautiful, Master.) All by myself. I’m a very low maintenance Master. Do everything myself.

Let me see. I read to you many times before, (Yes, Master.) so, I don’t think, not much left. Oh recently, I don’t have a lot of time to write many things. And other things I cannot tell you yet.
That person will go to jail or at least will be indicted something, all right? But I cannot tell you right now. OK? (Yes, Master.)
I had a vision about something but I cannot tell you. It’s something positive. Many positive, positive! But it’s like a prediction. (Oh. That’s good.) It’s not to tell you now OK?

There are some devils kind of appearing in the sky. People don’t see their shape. But there are some that look like a bubble or something. These are the devils who are trying to destroy earthlings and our Earth. So, “ordered them to be dragged down and more hidden demons to be dragged to hell as well if they not repent. Even if they repent, it’s too late now.” Even some scientists can see them through some instruments. They look like blobs or something like that, (Oh.) almost transparent grey color. If you can see it with the naked eyes, it’s like that. But then they are very ugly and hideous. They are not just like a bubble like that. They are very hideous. You know if you see their real… with your wisdom eyes or something, you see their real image, you will faint. (Wow!) OK. Oh, God.
And here I just wrote about the demon I have just told you before. (Yes.) You know, like their kneeling face almost to the ground because OUP (Original Universe Protector) cannot separate them. So I said, “Clear them out of my sight. I have other work to do. Not obstructing my sight. I forgive them, OK. Whoever, forgive them all. But not kneeling anymore in front of my vision. OK? Take them. Go, go, go.” And that was on the 7th of December. What day is today? 24 December. (24, yes.) OK. Ah, still 24 or almost 25? 25 or 24? (24. 24 still.) OK, good. OK. Many other kinds of predictions, I don’t want to tell.
On the 8th of December, “The bunch of demons and ghosts are still kneeling outside. Why? Why?” I asked the Ihôs Kư. “Why? OUP Protection, why?” And They told me, “Because You tied them all up together, we cannot separate them.” So I just wrote the conversation with Them. “OK. OK. Separate them now, some to Fourth Heaven because they’re repentant and some to hell because they are too bad.” And then later I looked, I still see them there.
I don’t always have to see them. But if I look in some special way, then I can see them. Because they are not like you, they’re not like physical body. They have astral body only. (Yes.) And I don’t have to see things that I don’t want to see. And mostly ghosts and demons like that, they don’t dare to show their real appearance to me. OK? But I just look out somehow; somehow they were crying or something, so I looked out and then I saw them. And so, I asked the Ihôs Kư Protectors around me again, say, “How come? Ah?” “How come the ghosts are still kneeling there?” So, They told me, “Time has not come yet.” I said, “What mean?” I told Them to get rid of them quick.
They said, “Because the Lord of the Fourth Level lacks worth to have them.” And I explained to you already, right? (Yes, Master. Yes, You did. Thank You.) And I said, “OK, then take them to the Third Heaven. OK?” Still cannot. Because not enough worth. And the Second Level even worse. Because these demons are very strong. Very powerful. It’s just like, you can take one bag of 5 kilograms of rice. Yes? But if it’s 100 kilograms, then it’s difficult for you to take. Not to talk about taking the whole lot of them. You see what I’m saying? (Yes, Master.) Yeah, the same. The power of a being is like that. You cannot weigh it. But you will know it if you’re a spiritual person, you know that person has how much power and you cannot deal with it, or you can deal with it. You understand? (Yes.) All right. And also, a being’s karma is also like that. You cannot scale; you cannot weigh it. You cannot put it on the scale to see how many kilograms, but you cannot take care because too much. (Yes, Master.) That’s why the Lord of the Fourth Level cannot deal with it. And the Third Level, the Second Level, They all cannot. Even Astral Level cannot. So, they can only go to hell. I said, “No, cannot. I promised, I forgive them.” So, I have to create a special space for them to stay. You got that? (Yes, Master.) Until later notice.

My God. So much work for me to do. You know how many books you send me every day to take care, to check. How many shows you send to me. Right? (Yes, Master.) Not just one show. Many shows. Like books. I have to read a lot, and take care a lot. So, I have to sacrifice everything, even my sleep, in order to do all this. And to do the inside work. You understand me? (Yes, Master.) That’s why I forgot the demons kneeling outside. They won’t die, they just feel hungry.

If you don’t have this body, you won’t die. But you still feel the suffering, you feel hunger, you feel thirst, you feel anything, but nothing will happen to you. You just suffer the pain of hunger, or thirst, or other things, but you don’t die, or you don’t feel pain, or you don’t faint, or anything like that. You got what I’m saying? (Yes, Master.) Just like some hungry ghosts, they can be hungry forever but they won’t die.
In hell also, people can be punished. A guilty being, sinful being, can be punished forever, but they won’t die. They just suffer, suffer, again, again, and again, but they cannot die. That is the problem. That is the terrible thing in hell. You just won’t die. In this physical body, even if people torture you, or beat you up, or kill you, you can die. And then you won’t suffer any more. Well, of course, if you don’t go to hell. But in hell, you can never die. Until your karma is done, continue suffering forever, being stabbed, being burned, being grilled, being roasted, being beaten, all kinds of horrible punishment. Those that reported on TV or newspaper about the torturing criminals or suspected war crimes, it pales, pales in comparison. You understand what I mean? (Yes, Master.)
Because for example, if somebody is tortured in this world, if it’s too much pain, he will just pass out. (Yes.) But in hell you cannot pass out. You don’t pass out. You don’t faint. You cannot escape. You just continue to feel the pain forever, the suffering forever. You see? Somebody stabbed you or sawed you in half in hell. You just know it all, but you cannot escape, you cannot faint. You cannot even for one second stop the pain for any reason. Understand? And they don’t give you painkillers. Nothing like that. So, I realized that is too much for the Lord of the Fourth Level, so I said, “Yeah, yeah, it’s too much for Him.” You know, I’m talking with the Protecting Gods and Godses and I wrote it down at the same time.
So… And even then, I said, “OK, so I have to help Him to boost His worth. And in that case, when can they go? When can You take the demons?” So, They said, “In five hours.” I said, “Oh, my God! Oh, my God, I forgot all about that. Make sure it’s fast, faster than that.” They said, “We cannot take them anywhere. How can we be so fast?” I said, “All right, all right. Then I have to make some place for them. A little world for them to stay.” And that’s taken care of now. (Yes.) So, not anymore.

Everything from the Higher World, or from the Ultimate Master, or Ihôs Kư Godses, They’re all positive, positive, positive. But in this world, I have to deal with negative. You understand what I’m saying? (Yes, Master.)

And on the 9th of December, I look out, still one! One ghost still there. I said, “Why is he still there?” They said, “Time not come yet.” I said, “Don’t tell me the same stuff again and again. ‘Time not come…’ Take them now. Why?” Oh. They said, “Because we don’t have enough power yet. We will. We will change the shift. Other shift will come.” Because They spent all Their power dragging these demons already. It’s not that easy. The demons, they are so powerful. (Wow.) These are powerful, they can make havoc in the world, that’s why They cannot do much. Even They have to take them down one by one. And one left, that’s why I ask. They said, “We don’t have enough power left. The next shift will do.”
See what I’m saying? (Yes, Master.) They always tell me, “Time has not come yet.” And I have to ask Them about details. OK, never mind. I did not write all this, but that’s what it is. So, I say, “Ah! Whatever. Ah, do as You wanted it. Do it Yourself.” I said, “In this world, whatever you want to do best, you do it yourself.” That’s what I said in here. What I mean is that even Ihôs Kư Godses cannot always help me. In this case only. In many other cases also. That is OK then.

Be Vegan, make peace.

P. 6/6) "May the Righteous Triumph", Dec 24, 2020

May the Righteous Triumph, Part 6 of 6, Dec. 24, 2020

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I don’t know how long until we are free from this COVID-19. It depends on humans. (Yes, Master.) If they U-turn and live compassionately, no more killing animals or man, then this pandemic will disappear in no time, without any medicine, without vaccine, without any trouble. But if they continue the way it is, I don’t know, I cannot guarantee. I can help some. But I cannot help completely. (Yes, Master.)

Any more? December. I check out. Wow! Some more behind, because I didn’t write for many days so I thought nothing left but that was only the 10th, so, there will be more left. And what else is here? Many more but I cannot tell you, OK? (Yes, Master.)

The skunk likes soft food, not the dog’s hard food, even though he ate them. But he likes soft, so… I said, “OK, I will soak them in boiled water for a while and then I’ll give them.” Then he likes it better. He eats it faster and he ate them all. Before he left some of the bigger ones. He ate only the small ones. For puppy. For puppy food.
Now I soften it and he likes it. I asked him, “Do you like anything else?” He said he doesn’t know, “It’s OK.” He went to some places and ate the grapefruit. (Oh.) In some garden, somewhere. He eats the skin out and then he eats some grapefruit, very little. Every grapefruit, he digs a hole and eats some. And then I said, “Is there anything else I can give you, because I am not a skunk, I don’t know what you like?” He said, “It’s OK already, that’s very good. (Vegan) dog food is good.”
And then I asked him, “But how did you know about the dog’s food? Because the skunks, they don’t know anything about this dog food, how would you come and eat the (vegan) dog food, as if you’re my dog?” He said, “Sozy told me that You will feed me.” (Oh.) I said, “Ah, that girl! Busybody.” Not only I have to feed her, take care of her, now she even introduced somebody else to come and eat my food. Oh, yeah, it was very funny. I said, “Of course, I would feed you. I did not know before, I thought it’s better to leave you alone. Because I never knew how to feed a skunk before. And I thought a natural life is better for you.” But he doesn’t like to eat those snails and frogs and stuff. (Oh.) So, Sozy was hanging around some time before, and so she told him that, “You come and talk to Master, She will feed you.”
Because they talk to each other, you know? I didn’t know that a dog can talk to a skunk. They don’t have to be together to talk. (Yes.) If they know that the dogs are in my care, they could talk. He said, “What did you eat? I don’t like to eat all these live snails in the garden.” So, Sozy said, “We don’t eat animals. No! We’re vegan.” So, the skunk would ask, “How do you find vegan animals to eat?” Sozy said, “You silly! It’s not vegan animals. It’s vegan! Just vegan, no animals.” So, he said, “How did you find this food to eat.” She said, “You talk to my Master. She will feed you.” So, he did really come (Wow.) one time when I was there. So, he really looked at me, the two times I met him.
The first time we met, it’s straight, face to face, but far away. A few meters away, and his eyes are glowing, (Yes.) But it’s very sad, (Oh.) Then I know, I feed him. First, I gave him bread and crackers and stuff like that. And he ate the bread. And then I said, “OK, maybe some (vegan) dog food, in the bag, still fresh and new,” so I gave some to him, a little bit, to see if he eats. He ate them all. (Oh.) Yeah. Then next time I gave some bread and more (vegan) dog food. He ate all the food; he left the bread. So, I know that he just likes the dog’s (vegan) food. Maybe he listens to Sozy too much. Sozy said, “We eat dog’s vegan food. We don’t eat other things that are not vegan.” So, maybe he worries any other thing is not vegan. So, he didn’t eat the bread anymore, he eats just the (vegan) dog food. And later, one day I was thinking maybe… because he left some big pellets, from the dog’s pellets. You know, the ready-made (vegan) dog food? (Yes, Master.)
So I told him, and now I told somebody to take care, if I’m not there, somebody else will take care. I don’t always have time or I’m not always in the same place. I have to keep moving. Run around. For safety reasons and for other reasons, spiritual reasons. Because some places have more spiritual value than other places. And after I finish with one place, I go to a higher one. Do you understand that? (Yes, Master.) If there is one, then I had to move. So one day I think, maybe he’s very small. He’s only six or seven months old. So maybe he likes soft food. So I told the person who takes care, “Put hot water to soak it first; he likes it better.” He went around and said, “Thank You. Thank You.” (Oh.) He turned around, around and said, “Thank You.” Just like dogs when they chase their tails. (Oh.) Maybe he learned it from Sozy, I don’t know, my dog. There are many other things that I cannot talk to you about that. Never mind, never mind. Other thing cannot. This one.

You know there are more new variants of COVID nowadays, right? (Yes, Master.) They spread 70 or 80 percent faster than the old one. (Wow.) And they found them in England, but maybe they’re already in France or anywhere else, so the whole Europe is shut down now. (Wow.) They don’t let anyone from England to come, well unless something really urgent or very, very important. (Yes, Master.) They’re all shut down now. Now the whole England is quarantined from Europe. (Yes, Master.) And then even other countries also forbid the English people to come to their country also. I forgot, maybe Turkey or something. You find out. Because this new variant is from England, they found it in England. And six, seven types of them. Or maybe more now. So scary. (Yes, Master.)

Aren’t you happy that you live alone together in a bubble. (Yes. Yes, Master.) I don’t wear a mask. Because if I wear a mask maybe I’ll talk like, “How are you?” Besides, I don’t need, I live alone. (Yes.) I don’t contact anybody. (Yes. Yes, Master.) Not even dogs now. I don’t see any dogs, I don’t see you. We just live like this.

I don’t know how long until we are free from this COVID-19. It depends on humans. (Yes, Master.) If they U-turn and live compassionately, no more killing animals or man, then this pandemic will disappear in no time, without any medicine, without vaccine, without any trouble. But if they continue the way it is, I don’t know, I cannot guarantee. I can help some. But I cannot help completely. (Yes, Master.) It’s a lot already, it’s a lot of help. That’s why not as many people die as it would have been. Understand? (Yes, thank You, Master.)

And I ask, “Are you friends?” We go back to the skunk. I saw it here another day. “Are you friends somehow?” He said, “No, we didn’t know each other before.” “But you talk, right?” He said, “Yeah, yeah we have conversations, and she visits me sometimes.” Maybe astrally. You know, the soul. No relation to me either. To Master, either. “When did she tell you?” He said, “Some months ago.” I said, “OK.”

Some months ago, that’s when I first saw him. Ny, is his name. He has a name. Ny. N-Y. So I call him Ny sometimes, when I fed him before. Now I don’t feed him. Somebody could do it, but when I fed him before I always call him his name. I said, “Ny, your food is ready. When you are ready, when you are hungry you come to eat, OK? With all love, and you have to thank God. God gives it to you. I’m only doing God’s will. OK? I help you, but it’s from God.” So, he understands that. Before, when I was still feeding him, he circled around my house. It’s a little studio, with a toilet and everything inside, in the six meters by four meters. And prepared also for dogs. In case when the dogs come, they can have room. They have a sofa and their cage that I designed. But only one, because mostly they jump on the sofa. They like it. Because they can see me better. Also higher. I say to them, “Maybe the cave is cold because it’s on the floor, so if you want, the sofa is better.” But ever since, they always sleep on the sofa. If they can have it. Sometimes they jump into the cave, you know, their dogs’ dens, if they want it dark. Otherwise they stay on the sofa.
The other day, because it’s raining, I was thinking how can the skunk fare in such weather. And he is so young. His parents passed away already (Oh.) because of old age, he told me. So, he lives alone and fares himself alone. So young already. Since he was maybe three, four months old, yeah? (Oh.) And now he’s OK, so I feel sad, I feel maybe I should tell the person who takes care, to put a dog’s den outside or something for him. But then I said, “Oh, no, better not, because that is not as safe as if he has his own burrow.” Maybe he knows already, maybe his parents taught him, or maybe he stays in his parents’ burrow, because if he keeps continuing to come to eat, that means he is OK. It’s safer than putting him in that dog box and put it outside and any other thing can crawl inside and hurt him You know what I’m saying? (Yes.) Or if the dogs go there they might pass by and scare him. Not all of them will talk like Sozy. They might scare him or go and sniff, sniff and scare him to death. So I said better not. Just let him be. Just give him food, that’s enough. That’s what I was thinking. So, his soul came to me and said, “Don’t be sad, because I love You. (Aww!) As a kid to a mother, more than that.” So, (Wow.) I said, “All right. I’m not sad, I just worry about you.” I worry about many other animals also, because they don’t have their safety, you know? (Yes, Master.)

Last time, I lived in some place and I saw some squirrel, baby, fell on the ground and died. (Oh.) Oh, and that really hurt me so much. But how can you take care of the squirrel? And then they’re just young and maybe too much wind, and then they just dropped. Oh, God. It really gives me so much pain for long, long time. OK. Sorry. Any other … you want the diary, huh? Any other questions? Or just that? (That’s all, Master.) That’s all? See if anything else.

I said here that “I cry too much daily. It’s not good for my eyes. I better try to control it. They’re blurred a little bit more nowadays.” “Please Heavens, forgive animals and their enemies. Forgive all humans.” And there are some other things about something that also cannot tell you. Sorry. I think it’s all done. It’s another diary. It’s nothing much. And this one I don’t write a lot, sometimes, but not much. No. OK, OK. That’s it then. Many other things are about predictions for this and that leader, and this and that things about our planet. I cannot tell you. OK? (Understand Master. Thank You, Master.)

I wish you Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, again. (Merry Christmas, Master and Happy New Year to You too.) No more questions, right? (No, Master. No more.) OK, very good. (Thank You so much for taking time to talk with us, Master.) You should appreciate it, truly. (Yes, thank You, Master.) Because my time is truly very tight. Very tight. Whenever I can make it, I’m happy to do. OK? (Thank You so much, Master.) Today not a lot of rushing shows, not like many airing tonight, airing tonight or not a lot of corrections, so it’s OK. Yes. All right, thank you then (Thank You, Master.) for being good boys (Thank You, Master.) and good girls. God bless you all. (God bless, Master. Thank You Master.) I thank you for doing everything to help the world, to help me, and unconditionally. You don’t want much from the world, you don’t want much for your comfort, even though you can have everything you want, you know that, right? (Yes.) You just order what you need. OK? Never, never… I will not say anything. Just for your comfort, and so that you continue to work. All right? (Thank You, Master.)

By the way, I thank also all the Supreme Master Television workers outside in the world. They also sacrifice a lot because they also have work to earn their living, and they also have their family members, their ties, their obligations, and they still take their time to help with this work, to help our world. So I’m thanking you sincerely and humbly. May God bless you all. Love you so much. Thank you. Hug, hug. God bless you and your family. Bye for now. (Bye, Master.)

Be Vegan, make peace.
Reclaim Your Power of Love and Compassion, Part 4 of 8, Jan. 8, 2021

(Fifty years ago, Master Paramahansa Yogananda declared that President Abraham Lincoln was a Himalayan yogi in the past life and that he died with a wish to unite people and bring racial equality. Master Yogananda stated, “He was working for God. Abraham Lincoln expressed the highest ideal of government when he said it should be ‘Of the people, by the people, and for the people.’ He was a deeply spiritual man. Even so, he had to suffer because of the ignorance of a few.” It seems that history repeats itself with President Trump: he also seems to be very spiritual and we talked last time about his covenant with God. Master, how come the USA has such good leaders who are also so spiritual?)

(We were wondering if Master has ever been a US president in the past or even one of the Founding Fathers?)

(Master, are there other leaders who have been misjudged? Leaders who were actually good for their country and the world, but depicted and perceived wrongly. Like, for example, His Excellency Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, who is agreeing to those peace accords with Arab countries like Morocco, UAE [United Arab Emirates], and maybe more to come.)

…History repeats itself. Mr. President Trump. Same with President Kennedy. John F. Kennedy. (Yes, Master.) I’m so sorry. Many good people are like that. They don’t treat them well. Because this world, it’s not supposed to be a good one. …Because this world belongs to the bad ones. Belongs to the maya. All the scriptures told us that. So that’s why the Master comes down and tells us, “Please follow me, come home. Go home. Go back to Heavens. This is not your world. Whatever you have here, it won’t give you long lasting happiness and it’s not real.”
Be Vegan, make peace.
Reclaim Your Power of Love and Compassion, Part 1 of 8, Jan. 8, 2021

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He could have done much, much more. The second term, he would have pushed more, more and more good issues and really re-arranged the system of the country and really brought more peace and prosperity for the people of the United States of America.

(Hallo, Master!) Hi, guys! (Hallo, Master.) How are you guys? (We are good. Thank You, Master.) Good? (Yes, Master.) (How is Master?) How am I? I don’t even know. I don’t even think how am I, too much work; I don’t have time to think. Now that you ask me, maybe a little bit not very pleased with this world. It’s frustrating, frustrating. (Yes, Master.) I’m reported that you have questions. So, I’m (Yes, Master.) here for you.

(Master, recently the US congress certified the election results with Joe Biden as the winner of the presidential election. Could Master please explain why this happened, even though President Donald Trump was mandated by Heaven?)
You asked me one question about the election’s result. (Yes.) It’s karma. (Yes, Master.) Americans, you know, too much karma… Americans, the United States of America, though it’s a great country, is a leading country in the world, but it has too much karma. (Yes, Master.) American people eat too much meat, too much beef and stuff like that. And the karma is very difficult to erase so quickly. (Yes, Master.) And also American people are sent abroad and everywhere to fight in many wars and in many countries. This is also big karma for your country. (Yes, Master.) I am so sorry. I have tried my best. (Thank You, Master.) You know I tried my best. (Yes, Master.) And because of that it caused me trouble. Not that I’m complaining, I’m just telling you that I really tried my best. (Yes, Master.) (Thank you, Master.) Trouble inside, outside and many other things. But never mind. It cannot be avoided. If you’re helping somebody or some country, or some people, you’re bound to get some of the karma from them. So it’s unavoidable. And at least he (President Trump) has been one term. (Yes, Master.) And then he has been able to do some of his work. Up to date. (Yes.) Many of his works.
He could have done much, much more. The second term, he would have pushed more, more and more good issues and really re-arranged the system of the country and really brought more peace and prosperity for the people of the United States of America. But, unfortunately, the other side, the opposite side of God, (Yes.) they prepared too well. (Yes, Master.) And nobody can catch them now. I told you before, it would be difficult to prove anything. Didn’t I? (Yes, Master.) I mean in one of the other conferences maybe. Even if it’s fraud or it’s rigged or it’s cheated, you can never find out. (Yes, Master.) (Yes.) It’s very well organized and prepared.
And I told you, it’s nobody’s fault. It’s the demons. (Yes, Master.) They hang around many people. And they push them to do wrong things. OK? (Yes, Master.) Everybody knows it. Even if cannot prove, but I think everybody knows it. (Yes, Master.) I know it anyway. (Yes, Master. Thank You.) But what to do with karma so heavy and the demons are so concentrated just on that. Just on the election and on these people who are receptive to the demons, including high office people. I’ve been very frustrated about that. (Yes, Master.) And Heaven has done a lot, but still the karma of the people, there’s about 300-something millions now (Yes, Master.) in America. Right? (Yes, Master.) So that’s a lot; it’s a lot.
And some souls who have been in bad affinity with the American people about the meat and about the wars, they don’t let go. (Yes, Master.) Because their anger, their hatred, all overwhelmed their angel side of their souls, so they did not want to let go, they want to revenge. (Yes, Master.) They really want to destroy America. I’ll try my best to guard it. (Thank You, Master.) Regardless or not if Mr. Trump is in office, of course it’s better with President Trump because his frequency is higher. I will still continue to try my best and pray for your country. (Thank You very much, Master.) (Thank You, Master.) I don’t have any political power. You know that. I can rely on Heaven to help.
Even Heaven told me it’s fraud. Even Heaven told me that Trump won with flying colors. And I know that. He has about 85 million votes for him. (Oh.) (Wow.) It’s obvious. I think everybody knows it. Because he has been on the rise. And everybody likes what he was doing. (Yes, Master.) On the contrary, the other side, I’m sorry if I offend Mr. Biden, but he has been running for president two times before. (Yes, Master.) And he never went anywhere. Never gone anywhere. And how come the third time, suddenly his votes run up to 80 million. (Yes, Master.) Not doing much all these years in office, 40-something years, 47 or 48 years. His political career spanning 80-something years, all his life, 78 years at least. I didn’t hear that he did much. (Yes, Master.) Like everybody else, average in the Senate, and suddenly he comes out a third time, two times, nothing. Didn’t go anywhere. The third time, comes up, 80 million votes. Nobody would believe it. You see what I’m saying? (Yes, Master.) So of course the whole world knows it. That’s why anybody who has some intelligence can guess. (Yes, Master.) No need for Heaven to tell you or tell me. I myself, even though I’m very politically not involved or not interested, just a quick mathematic calculation, then you understand. Right? (Yes, Master.) So, I am very sorry for President Trump and for America. Nevertheless, I told you, it’s no one’s fault. Even if it’s fraud, it’s just the demons’ making and because of the karma of the people that allows it to happen. (Yes, Master.) Did I answer your question enough? (Yes, Master. Thank You.) If anything more is not clear, you ask me. (Yes, Master.)

(Master, during the certification process, many supporters of President Trump protested and raided the Capitol Building. Why would his supporters do that?)
Oh, they were angry. No? (Yeah.) They have been trying to do it in other ways like going to court many times. (Yes.) And the court always rejected them. Or just did a few times like symbolic and did not really want to do anything to clear the injustice. (Yes, Master.) They should have because if the other party didn’t do anything wrong, they shouldn’t be afraid. (Yes, Master.) They shouldn’t have tried so hard to deny it or to stop it in different ways. You know, maybe under the table or whatever.

You know politics. I’m really bored, I’m really frustrated talking about politics, but what to do? We live in this world. We’ve got to help what we can. (Yes, Master.) Even without political motivation. (Yes, Master.) Because it hangs all together, the whole world population. (Yes.) They’re connected with each other. All the countries hang together. Even though people don’t realize it, but we depend on each other for food, for security, for many materials that are needed in this world. For building or for friendship, for humanity connectedness. Everything. And political as well. (Yes, Master.) So even if you live in this world as a spiritual practitioner, it’s not avoidable, you sometimes have to relate to it politically. (Yes, Master.) Even though no spiritual practitioner would really like anything political. (Yes, Master.) It is so scary, and it is so complicated. I also read the news that you have just asked me, concerning this question. I saw some of it, and I thought, “My God, how scary.” How scary and how impossible to even be any president or a good president!

A bad president is not too complicated. Just shut everybody up, jail them or whatever. Threaten them. And then everybody just doesn’t dare. But a good president is difficult to be. (Yes, Master.) Just like a good practitioner. If you quietly do it at home, do it yourself, practicing spiritually yourself, nobody bothers you much. But if you become like a leading figure, like a Master or something, then, oh my God, a lot of attacks. This is nothing new to me in my personal life. I experience many ups and downs, similar like in the political field. Of course, different, but similar. Similar in a way, that people try to suppress you, try to blemish your name, and try to accuse you for nothing, or from nothing. All kinds of bad names and all kinds of obstacles will be in your way. That’s the price to pay if you want to help the world, because the world is full of karma. (Yes, Master.) Very little can help them at all. In fact like the Ksitigarbha Sutra says that every little thing you do, every little thought in your mind, is all creating karma. You remember that? (Yes, Master.) Not to talk about big karma like killing humans and killing animals. (Yes, Master.) And you can see…

Actually, not all of the supporters of Mr. President did that. Just some of them. (Yes, Master.) I read on the news that 90 plus percent of them just stayed calm and quiet outside. Only some of them went inside. (Yes, Master.) Maybe a dozen. But of course, you understand that in every group there are bound to be some more go-getting, (Yes, Master.) more temperamental. (Yes, Master.) Even though they didn’t want to do anything, they didn’t have any weapons, they didn’t have anything anyway. And one lady was shot dead. She was unarmed. And then maybe one or two of them incited, in the heat of the moment, after all this frustration. Because sometimes before also, the President Trump supporters, they did protest, but they never did anything. (Yes, Master.) (Yes, Master.)
Mostly it’s the other side. Like Black Lives Matters or Antifa. (Yes, Master.) And maybe some others, mostly from them. Not all of them are excited or violent but some of them did. (Yes, Master.) And that’s how the whole group gets a bad name. Just like Mr. President’s supporters did something in the Capitol Building the other day. (Yes, Master.) It’s like that.
It just takes a few people to excite some others and they follow. (Yes, Master.) Even though Mr. President has never asked his supporters to do anything. He always tells them to have peace. Don’t play into their games. Have peace, we must have peace. He said go home, (Yes, Master.) go home, have peace, don’t play into their hands
Be Vegan, make peace.
Reclaim Your Power of Love and Compassion, Part 2 of 8, Jan. 8, 2021

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He is a good president. Even to the last minute, when he doesn’t even know if he can continue to be president, he’s still brokering peace, sends people to help him to broker peace in other countries.

It just takes a few people to excite some others and they follow. (Yes, Master.) Even though Mr. President has never asked his supporters to do anything. He always tells them to have peace. Don’t play into their games. Have peace, we must have peace.
He said go home, (Yes, Master.) go home, have peace, don’t play into their hands. And who knows, maybe it’s not President Trump supporters. Maybe it’s the other group who mix in just one or two to cause trouble, (Yes, Master.) just so that President Trump will have no more chance. (Yes.) Even if some of President Trump supporters were there with them, was it because they were incited by these kinds of people? (Yes, Master.) And then they say, “OK, you’re right, that’s it, let’s do it.” And then they all came in together. (Yes.) But just a handful. (Yes.) Not all of President Trump supporters. Because he told them to have peace. Up to now, they have been also protesting. Because there are two sides protesting. A side of the Democrats protesting and so President Trump supporters also did some protests before. But they are the ones who have been beaten up or ambushed. (Yes.) I read it in the news like they protest all day peacefully until evening when most of them have gone home, only some left behind. Some of President Trump’s supporters after the protest, they went in the restaurant to eat, then the other side ambushed them and beat them up. (Yes, Master.) But it’s funny, at that time, I didn’t hear any of the Democrats condemn that. They condemn Mr. Trump’s supporters anytime. (Yes, Master.) This is not fair. I’m telling you, it’s very scary. Politics is so scary. Actually, I’m sorry for Mr. Trump. It’s good that he takes a rest, man, really. It’s good for him. But of course, it’s not too good for America, that’s all. (Yes, Master.)

Did I answer your question? Because I probably have gone too far now. I did answer, full, right? (Yes, Master.) I’m very, very…. I feel it’s so scary, this world. After I read all that and I saw all that.
Everybody is just accusing Mr. Trump and his supporters and they forgot that not long ago, all these years, the past year, 2020, everywhere protesting for any reason at all. And the Democrats, even the top contenders, also never said anything. Never condemned them. Even though people died and were wounded and suffered. They did not condemn. They even raised funds to bail them out of jail. (Yes, Master.) Ms. Kamala. And then praising them as well. If not encouraging, then praising them like a hero or glorifying them. If not, then even the Speaker of the House, Ms. Pelosi? When people asked what is her opinion about all this violence around the country, she just shrugged her shoulders and said, “People do what they do.”
But now, even if it was President Trump supporters who did that, they condemn all over, wanting to remove President Trump even though he didn’t do anything; he didn’t tell them to do anything. In fact, he told the opposite. They accuse him all over. My God! Oh! I’m saying to you, it’s so scary this world, especially the political world.
I feel so ashamed for these people who exercise unfairness. I mean even if you win or you lose, you cannot be unfair. You have to remain a gentleman. (Yes, Master.) To be a bad loser is not worthy of your dignity. (Yes.)

If you are the leaders of the nation and you’re bad losers or just trying to accuse the opposition instead of checking on yourself and your side, this is not worthy of a leader of the nation. (Yes, Master.) And they’re not ashamed. Even I read that, I feel ashamed. How can such people exist in this world? And nobody says anything. Nobody does anything because they are in the position of power.
And they even accuse them, like terrorists and all that and they did not look at their actions and their opinions before in other elections or in the beginning of Mr. Trump’s presidency. They also did many things similar like that. There has been occupation in the Capitol before. President Trump’s supporters are not the first ones. (Yes, Master.) The Democrats also did that. Check it out and tell me. (Yes, Master.)
And then want to do this and that to them and want to remove President Trump immediately and all that stuff. If not, then impeach him again! Impeach him again! Anytime, they just want to impeach him all the time. Why don’t they just impeach themselves. There are many things they do that are more criminal. President Trump didn’t do anything like that; like what they did.

You know, I’m kind of brewing inside because the Americans, just the Americans alone, are dying in thousands daily, more than ever before. And they have the power to change it. But they use all their energy just for petty vengeance on Mr. Trump and petty laws like don’t call the mother “mother,” then what shall we call her? For example. All this wasting of tax payers’ money to vote for these kind of people. If you cannot call a mother “mother,” then what else can we do in this free world, so-called “free country?” So ridiculous, ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous! Useless! Wasting money and time and hurting people. Just reminds me of the time of Jesus, when they killed him and pardoned the criminal. My God. It’s 2000- plus here already and we are kind of going backwards or what? We’re supposed to be more civilized by now. (Yes, Master.)

I feel sorry for Mr. Trump. It’s good that he takes a rest also. Never mind, never mind. America’s heavy karma. He did his best already. And we did also our best to help what we can. Because, you see how many people suddenly turned against him or turned against him anyway. You see in times of need, in times of trouble, you will see who are your friends, who are your true friends. (Yes, Master.) In Âu Lạc (Vietnam) we say, “Only the long road will prove the horse’s stamina.” And “If you are awake all night, then you would know how long is the night.” “If you are with somebody a long time, then you would recognize whether or not he is your faithful friend.” (Yes, Master.) Now, all the true colors come out. It’s also good for President Trump to learn some lessons, bad lessons. He’s a very, kind of innocent man. Even though he’s old and seasoned in business, but he’s not very good with humans’ character. Because he’s a good man, he’s a good man.
Even if he wins or loses, I told you before, we still thank him. (Yes, Master.) That’s why I asked you to make the show about him to let people know that he was really a good president. He is a good president. Even to the last minute, when he doesn’t even know if he can continue to be president, he’s still brokering peace, sends people to help him to broker peace in other countries. (Yes, Master.) And then he signed the bill to protect girls from being mutilated, to stop this cruel inhumane practice to little girls. Even in America, already civilized, but some people, they still keep that practice, so he signed that bill now.
And I hope that has an international effect, (Yes, Master.) so soon we don’t molest girls anymore in that way and also don’t circumcise boys anymore, similar way. This is terrible, this is cruel. Imagine it’s you? Imagine it’s done to you? You’re so helpless as a baby, or as a child, you cannot do anything. They just do it to you. Just like that. Don’t care if you suffer and you die. Many die because of that. Oh, if I talk about this, I’m boiling inside. This world is hell. No wonder they cannot have a good president for long. (Yes, Master.) That’s why. That’s why he’s not accepted again. (Yes, Master.)

Anyway, you know that. Ever since he became president, everybody just noses in on him, and him alone even. How can that be? Many hundreds of millions of people nose in on him. Even international citizens also, because he is new. He is not politically trimmed and trained as I told you before. (Yes, Master.)

Maybe President Trump should do like Mr. Biden, like during the public rally he can just push some teenage girl or grab her arm and say, “Don’t play with me, kid.” Or call some decent reporter… “a one-horse pony.” Something like that, etc. Then maybe people will vote for him again. I mean then maybe people will accept him again. Because it worked. It works with Mr. Biden, no? (Yes, Master.) And better still, making secret business with China or Ukraine and all that.

President Trump is new and he has no political experience. But they picked him. Maybe some people sensed that he’s a good man, so promoted him and then he won. And then some did not like it, especially the opposition, because he’s new, he was a nobody in the political field, but he did everything quick. He decided quick, and he has success (Yes, Master.) in everything he did. And he made America better. So, of course the jealousy and the hatred is abundant.
For that you can believe me that he has good protection so far, otherwise he would have been doomed. I told you before, right? (Yes, Master.) You don’t have to believe me. If you just can imagine, then you will understand what I am saying. (Yes, Master.) All this bad energy pounding on him all these years, ever since he became president. Even a little before that. And now, still, until the last minute that he is going out, soon already, they are still accusing him or really degrading him to the lowest bottom already. I really feel detest. I feel some people are so despicable. I don’t know the word to express it.
Be Vegan, make peace.
Reclaim Your Power of Love and Compassion, Part 3 of 8, Jan. 8, 2021

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President Trump, you are forever the beloved President in the hearts of all the people in the world, not just in the United States of America. You are the People’s President. And this status of presidency, no one will be able to deny it. It will go down in history and no one will be able to steal it from you. God loves you. People love you, and God bless you, Mr. President.

When somebody is already on the floor, you don’t beat him up. That’s the gentlemen’s rule in martial arts and in the battlefield. In Âu Lạc (Vietnam) we say that, if you beat them up and they are already on the floor, then you don’t continue beating or kicking, because that is not the noble way of a gentleman, of the martial arts. (Yes, Master.) But these people, they are pounding him… And they accused him of inciting the violence. Oh, this is a laughing stock of all Heaven and Earth. My God. Don’t people have any shame? Or just fame and profit blinded their reason and their mind. That’s what I guess. Otherwise, the demons would exercise too much influence on them, make them became thus.
I saw it on the news. On Fox News today, they kind of collected all the things that the Democrat leadership have been saying all these years about Trump. Violent things. On the contrary, President Trump has never said such violent things about anyone. So, you ask my opinion. There, you got it. I want them all to know. Don’t delete it. I am not afraid of them. I’m scared, meaning I feel it’s such a scary world, but I am not afraid! You got that? (Yes, Master.) You cannot have more risk than being a spiritual Master. A real one. That’s the highest risk you take already. (Yes, Master.)
I want them to reflect within themselves, and feel a little ashamed. In fact, feel a lot ashamed. Being a leader, and so violent, thinking like that. Whatever you think inside, comes out of your mouth. (Yes, Master.) And then, if they were violent like this, they have no right at all, whatsoever, to accuse President Trump ever at all. (Yes, Master.) OK, I could talk forever, because I’m very, very frustrated, very vexed inside, seeing all this injustice done to one good man. These people, maybe they have some laughs now, but they might not be laughing when they face God. If they have a chance to even face God.

Ask me, if you have other questions. Please.
(Master, now that President Trump has accepted Biden’s win, what does Master think about that?)
What do I think? I’m scared. I’m scared for your country and for the world, getting downward. I hope it doesn’t go down too fast. This kind of leadership, how can you lead the country? Especially America, it’s supposed to be the leading country of the world, and have this kind of leadership. I’m not sorry to say it. I’m sorry for your country. I mean for America. What do I think? That’s what I think. I think it’s already outright not fair. (Yes.)
And I told you already before that it’s not fair. But the way they behaved, even it’s not fair or fraud, it’s already bad enough the way they behaved today. I looked into the news, from Fox News, and they have collected all their sayings, and all their violent talk, and all that, and all the mistreatment of President Trump’s supporters, in contrast to the way they treat other violent groups. They really were kind of either not persecuting or just ignoring them, or encouraging them, or even praising them, so that they can continue forever. Why? Just to make trouble for President Trump! They were happy to do anything. I don’t respect these kinds of people.
I’m sorry, even if they are in the highest position in the world, I don’t respect. On the contrary. I think people will look down upon these kinds of people, especially in the role of leadership. All the time, maybe accusing somebody else. It’s like in Âu Lạc (Vietnam) we say, "Vừa ăn cướp vừa la làng"... The robber, he’s robbing somebody and then he keeps screaming, “Help, help, help!” He’s the robber who robs people. But he keeps screaming, making noise, and… "Đánh trống qua cửa sấm"... meaning, there is thunder and you don’t want to hear the thunder, so you make a lot of noise with the drums to cover it up. (Yes.) And when you’re robbing somebody else, you are complaining and yelling, like you are the victim. So, people are confused, don’t know who is who, don’t know who is the victim. See what I’m saying? (Yes, Master.) So, this kind of behavior is similar to that. I don’t want to mince my words, if they don’t deserve it.

(Master,) Yes. (Do you have any message for President Donald Trump?)
Yes, yes. First of all, for the public. (Yes, Master.) From the depths of my heart, my sincerest condolences to the people of the United States of America on the incident of the 6th of January 2021. To all the families who have been unfortunately affected by this event, and to the public, that the souls who unjustly died, went back to their True Home in Heaven. Forever free. (Good. Thank You, Master.) That I promise from my honor.
And now for President Trump. Mr. President, don’t be too sad. You need, you deserve, a good rest now from all the turbulence that has been in the life of your presidency up to now. And time will heal. Time will help you heal all the deep wounds that have been inflicted upon you, upon your heart, your mind, and your peace by the very people that you trusted as friends, family, relatives, colleagues and comrades in your ideal, and those who are supposed to be the pens and mouthpieces of justice and truth. The world is still full of people who are smart, intelligent and just. They know the truth behind every trick, everything that happens in your world.
President Trump, you have done an impressive and great job as a president and leader of the United States of America, more than anyone could have ever hoped for. And you have tried your best, the whole world knows that, rest assured, rest assured, Mr. President. Those who harmed you, ever, forgive them, forgive them all, Mr. President. We know you do because in your heart, you only know love and peace. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry for what you have gone through.
Mr. President, those who did your, those who did you injustice, I’m sorry, I’m too emotional, and harm, forgive them. They just forget that after all, we will all face God and judgement. But you, Mr. President Trump, President Trump, you are forever the beloved President in the hearts of all the people in the world, not just in the United States of America. You are the People’s President. And this status of presidency, no one will be able to deny it. It will go down in history and no one will be able to steal it from you. God loves you. People love you, and God bless you, Mr. President. That’s what I think. (Yes, Master. Thank You.)

Wow, you have a lot of questions ready any time like this? I mean how long… You know everything already, I was thinking, maybe I tell you, but you knew more than I do, therefore all these questions come out. OK, continue.

(Master has been praised and recognized by many US presidents. Master, where does such a good affinity with the USA stem from?)
I don’t have time to check it. I have to go into the Akashic Records. Sometimes, I know it quickly. Sometimes, if I need, I have to go there. Probably good affinity, number one; number two, there are many psychics in America. (Yes, Master.) They can see who is who. (Yes, Master.) But, sometimes, one side’s psychic wins and one side’s psychic doesn’t win because they use different methods. And coupled with the karma of the country. (Yes, Master.) So it doesn’t matter.
The thing is, the dark force in this world sometimes seems to be stronger because of the karma of the people. (Yes, Master.) The karma helps to push it. So, nobody could be successful unless there is karma to re-enforce it, to make it more powerful. (Yes, Master.) And the collective karma can also push events, bad or good to happen. (Yes, Master.) That’s why I also keep telling you, “Nobody’s fault,” even though I am boiling inside. Just the unfairness of it, it makes me feel very, very uncomfortable. (Yes, Master.)
I might have good affinity with America. And also coupled with these clairvoyant people, they will advise the government. (Yes, Master.) (Wow.) One of my disciples, also like clairvoyant, said that the clairvoyants told some of the government leaders that they better treat me well (Oh.) because it’s good for their country. Maybe it’s also like this. Let me think whether or not I should tell you. Maybe I could.
Long time ago, when I wasn’t very famous yet, (Yes.) I had a handful of disciples but nothing more. And I was having not much to do and not too much worry; and just some little karma, easy to take care, from disciples. Not like now, have the world. And then one day, I had a vision, I mean talking to Heavens and all that. So They told me I have affinity with a few countries, (Yes.) with many countries actually, but for this lifetime, I can choose one country to support. (Yes, Master.) And then They gave me a list of the countries. I can pick one.
And then I kept thinking. I was thinking in that episode. I was thinking very hard. I said, “Oh, I want to support all countries.” They said it’s not possible. You have to choose one only. That is a part of the contract, of course. (Yes, Master.) Because I asked, “What can I do for the world. What more can I do? What more can I do except just giving initiation and that.” I said, “Could I help the world more in some way?” And then They said, “You can maybe choose to help a country. And that affinity or that kind of assistance will spread in the world as well.” So I kept thinking hard and hard and hard and long and then I chose America. (Oh.) United States of America.
At that time, I didn’t have any reward or award from America yet. (Yes, Master.) At that time, I had been to America maybe only two times. Just having a lecture with a small congregation. Not a big deal. Maybe a few hundred people. And so I said, “I choose America.” And They said, “Are you sure? You can choose any country if you want.” I said, “I chose America because that is a big country and also has a big influence in the world. (Yes.) What happens to America will also spread out and influence the whole world. That’s why I chose America.”
I didn’t know many people in America at all. (Yes, Master.) Just a couple and then later when the lectures, then mostly only Asians came. So it’s not because I know Americans so that I chose the United States. Maybe that’s why. Maybe that’s why the fruit came later. (Yes.) In the form of many praises from US presidents and governments as you have just asked me. (Yes, Master.
Be Vegan, make peace.
Between Master and Disciples
Reclaim Your Power of Love and Compassion, Part 4 of 8, Jan. 8, 2021
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Many good leaders have been also murdered. (Yes, Master.) Because this world belongs to the bad ones. Belongs to the maya. All the scriptures told us that. So that’s why the Master comes down and tells us, “Please follow me, come home. Go home. Go back to Heavens. This is not your world. Whatever you have here, it won’t give you long lasting happiness and it’s not real.”

Any more questions? (Yes.) Did I answer you enough? (Yes, Master, thank You.) You can always ask more if it’s not clear or some other idea comes out with it. You ask me. Next one, if you have.

(Yes, Master. Fifty years ago, Master Paramahansa Yogananda declared that President Abraham Lincoln was a Himalayan yogi in the past life and that he died with a wish to unite people and bring racial equality.) Yes. (Master Yogananda stated, “He was working for God. Abraham Lincoln expressed the highest ideal of government) Yes. (when he said it should be ‘Of the people, by the people, and for the people.’) Yes. (He was a deeply spiritual man. Even so, he had to suffer because of the ignorance of a few.” It seems that history repeats itself with President Trump: he also seems to be very spiritual and we talked last time about his covenant with God. Master, how come the USA has such good leaders who are also so spiritual?)

Why not? Why not? Would you prefer that your country doesn’t have any spiritual leader? (No, I prefer spiritual.) Life after life, many countries have spiritual leaders as also government leaders, country leaders. You saw the AP (Ancient Predictions) list before. Like a king of Âu Lạc (Vietnam), a king of Korea, a king of… Many. (Yes, Master.) It’s just a Master, spiritual people, they have a choice to choose to be what. It depends on how much they want to help. Or how much affinity they have with the people of that country. So they can choose the road to benefit the most, (Yes, Master.) for their country, for that country.

Not just the USA has good leaders. (Yes, Master.) You should be glad that your country had several good leaders. (Yes.) Spiritual also. Some are more quiet and some are more open. (Yes.) Like, for example, Mr. Trump, nobody mentioned, mostly most newspapers don’t praise him as a spiritual person or anything. They don’t see through it. It’s only maybe Fox News is the best. Fox News and maybe New York Post? Is it the New York Post who had the list of his doings? I think the newspaper. Several newspapers and… the media, several of them are good, and straight and very, very insightful, and knowing, feeling more intuition about who’s good, who’s not, and also fairness. Like Fox News and New York Post. Others I…maybe there are one or two more.

I didn’t see much, I only happened to know recently because of President Trump stories, otherwise I wouldn’t have known which one is what. Other newspapers or other media outlets, they are downright very, very biased, and shamelessly calling him all kinds of names and even said he’s a… criticize his weight, all that. I think he looks good, no? (Yes. Yes, Master.) He doesn’t look obese or anything. Even if he does, so what? No? Is there any law in America saying that the president has to look like a model, (No, Master.) cannot have one inch of fat more than the calculated rules or anything like that. Ridiculous, no? (Yes, Master.) You should judge a president or anybody by their virtues, by their actions, not by their appearance. (Yes, Master.) But I think he looks good for his age. (Yes, Master, he does.) He looks very dignified. (Yes.) He walks straight and he looks like a king, very authoritative, very dignified. (Yes.) So that’s what I’m saying.

Why did I tell you all this? What was your question? Oh, spiritual people and suffering. You don’t know, that’s not all because nowadays we have newspapers and we have television, so we know more about President Trump’s suffering from different attacks, from different sources. But in Abraham Lincoln’s time, there are less, (Yes.) so we didn’t know how much he had to suffer. He suffered much more than just the day he died. (Yes, Master.) Just like President Kennedy. He was also a very great president, right? (Yes, Master.) Beloved by people, but then how did he end up? You know, right? (Yes, Master.) For no reason at all, for cruelty, just cruelty, just hell, just like that. So, if President Trump is still alive, he should count his luck already. (Yes, Master.) Count his blessings already, my God! But instead of making him suffer physically, they’re making him suffer mentally, emotionally. (Yes, Master.) And reputation, right? (Yes. Reputation.) Yes, yes.

I’m just too much burdened with this election stuff and with the world. I’m really seeing through the political area right now. I mean, these few days, these few weeks or since I began to realize about the unfairness and the bad treatment to the President. Just to look at it, I don’t want to look. (Yes, Master.) God, what a world we live in, I’m telling you, it’s scary, too scary. My God! Ah, God!

You have to be really bad or you can’t survive. Mr. Trump, of course, he cannot be anyway, even if he wanted to, he cannot be. He’s just not born for it. (Yes, Master.) So it’s very lucky already, it’s a miracle that he survived one term already. (Yes, Master.) History repeats itself. Mr. President Trump. Same with President Kennedy. John F. Kennedy. (Yes, Master.) I’m so sorry. Many good people are like that. They don’t treat them well. Because this world, it’s not supposed to be a good one. (Yes, Master.) Life after life, you see how many people practice spiritually? Jesus’ time, how many people follow Him? (Yes, Master.) And equally how many people harass Him and torture Him and deny Him, (Yes, Master.) and harming Him all the way up to his crucifixion. Many Masters, they never fared well before. I’m counting my blessings. (Yes, Master.)

Maybe, I don’t know, this time I’m better. I’ve been hiding very well all these years. For you, of course, now we have Supreme Master Television so I’m out again. But when I’m alone, or not necessarily alone, with just one or two disciples, driver or something, anywhere I go people don’t know who I am. Never. Because I don’t talk like a spiritual person. I talk normal things and I don’t dress up or anything. (Yes, Master.) I dress normal. I don’t show off or anything like that, because I had to protect myself. (Yes, Master.) But because of the world, I want to help the world. If you want to help the world, you cannot always hide. And I’m hiding now, still, but whenever I can, (Yes, Master.) whenever I can. Many times it helped me escape harm. Escape death. Escape trouble and danger. Many times it helped, the hiding helped.

Anything else, my love? (No, I think the brothers are going to ask another question.) Anybody else asks? (Yes, Master.) Boys, girls.

(We were wondering if Master has ever been a US president in the past or even one of the Founding Fathers?)

Why you keep asking this kind of question? I cannot even prove it. I know. President Washington? (Yes, Master.) You remember him? (Yes, Master.) That was your Master. (Oh!) Surprised you. (Yeah.) Maybe that’s why I can talk politics these few days. I know the inside and the outside. I know the opposition and the self. You are surprised. You probably thought maybe I’m Abraham Lincoln, because he’s obviously more spiritual.

I remember one time, now that you ask. One time I read in some Aulacese (Vietnamese) magazine in America, I was one time in America, and they just have these magazines laying around. And one of the women somewhere, she was writing an advertisement in that newspaper. She said she had an experience that when she prayed to Mr. Washington, President Washington, she doesn’t call him “President.” She said, “It is true, it is true that Bodhisattva Washington…” That’s what she said in Aulacese (Vietnamese). “It is true that Washington Bodhisattva is really, really…” How do you say "linh" in English? I forgot… holy, miraculous? “…is very holy, like very saintly. I prayed to him and my wish came true. You all should pray to him.” Something like that. It is true. That’s why she keeps saying that. It’s true.

In Âu Lạc (Vietnam), I remember they pronounce his name “WA-SHIN-TUN”. Washing… Washing-tung. Something like that. She called him Boddhisatva, means a Buddhist saint, like a saint in Buddhism. (Yes, yes.) I remember that. Maybe you can still check back if all these magazines are inside the congress library somewhere? Maybe you still can read that. I’m not sure if we can. I read that, must be 30-some years ago. That was some days of the beginning of my spiritual mission, and only maybe second time in America or something, I happened to read that. And at that time, I didn’t think much. I said, “Oh. How can? A president.” At that time. At that time, I didn’t know much about my past lives. I didn’t have to. I did not have any… I didn’t have reason to check. For what? I lived every day as now, at that time. Only when you guys ask me, or somebody saw it, then we know. The longer I live, the more you dig out all these secrets, that I didn’t even know before.

Any more? I think more, right? (Yes, Master.) Tell me.

(Master, are there other leaders who have been misjudged? Leaders who were actually good for their country and the world,) Yes. (but depicted and perceived wrongly. Like, for example, His Excellency Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, who is agreeing to those peace accords with Arab countries like Morocco, UAE (United Arab Emirates), and maybe more to come.)

Of course, there are more. More than just President Trump. Of course. I don’t have their names in my head right now. And I know a couple more are still alive also in a European country and also in a Latin American country, and in Korea. But how can you be praised and acknowledged in this world when this world is the opposite of goodness? (Yes, Master.)

Even many Masters came and went but how many people follow Them? How many? Even if millions follow them, in the world, there are billions. (Yes, Master.) Just some percentage of the world are following Them. And many of Them are from higher Heaven. They reincarnate into this world in order to help their former friends or former family, relatives, who are also reincarnated in this world. (Yes, Master.) Then of course, these kinds of people, they immediately recognize a true Master. Just the first lecture, or first talk, they immediately recognize the Master and they follow and they want initiation already. And the rest just continue their ignorant way of life. That’s why Jesus has been crucified. And many, many, many, most of the Masters have been killed or murdered or tortured in very, very cruel and terrible ways. Horrible ways.

So, to be a good president, you have more or less a similar fate. That’s why they killed President Kennedy. For what reason? Nobody would really find out the true reason. Many good leaders have been also murdered. (Yes, Master.) Because this world belongs to the bad ones. Belongs to the maya. All the scriptures told us that. So that’s why the Master comes down and tells us, “Please follow me, come home. Go home. Go back to Heavens. This is not your world. Whatever you have here, it won’t give you long lasting happiness and it’s not real.”

Now you understand. (Yes, Master.) Did that answer your 

.question? (Yes, thank You, Master.) You’re welcome, love.

Be Vegan, make peace.
Between Master and Disciples
Reclaim Your Power of Love and Compassion, Part 5 of 8, Jan. 8, 2021

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If they have seen a Master somewhere, a real Master, a powerful Master, who can liberate people, and somehow feels like, oh, they like that person even though they might not know that that person was a Master. They probably feel some affection, at least not hatred in their heart. Then maybe at the time of death, maybe that Master will come and help them.

(Master, in a previous conference, you told a story about a man who used to kill chickens for business and later got sick and went to hell where he experienced great karmic suffering. After he prayed to Quan Yin Bodhisattva, She appeared before him and gave him a chance to go back to life to redeem all his sins from the past by being very good and virtuous) Yes. (and taking care of the animals. Master, are these kinds of experiences part of a person’s destiny? Or does it depend on the person’s purity of heart and faith to have them?) Yeah. (Would, for example, a similar experience help a slaughterhouse owner of today to help wake up quicker and act in a similar way as the man in the story?)
I wish, I wish. The man in the story, even though he killed chickens and all that, but you don’t know what kind of merit he had in a former life. Maybe he had affinity, maybe he has offered something to a spiritual practitioner, a good spiritual practitioner or maybe he was born in a very good background, like a Buddhist family. Even though they don’t follow strictly Buddha’s teaching, but at least they have something, some impression in their subconscious, know how to be good. And then maybe he killed the chickens, but inside his heart he did not feel good. He was maybe thinking, he knew that he shouldn’t do it, because according to the background that he was born into, like Buddhism, not to kill, and this and that and other. Even though he kills, but he doesn’t approve of that himself, but he has to do it. He thought that’s the best way, the quickest way to earn a living. Easy to earn a living, because you raise animals, and they multiply quickly and then you just sell them or kill them to sell. So at least he has something good within him or in his heart or in his subconscious, or some merit in the former life that’s still, it’s still merit. (Yes, Master.)
There are two types of karma we carry with us, the meritorious one, or the sinful one. In some of the periods of our life, we will make use of either of them, one of them. And it depends on how much we use the positive one, then we continue more in that way. But if we start in the negative way, then maybe we continue that way. (Yes, Master.) That doesn’t mean the merit lessens, just the sin increases.
There was a story I told you before. One guy who one time went to listen to one of the spiritual Master’s preaching. One time only, and then the Master told him that you’re going to die soon, today, or tomorrow, I forgot, anyway, very quick, that his life is going to end now. “So, after you die, your soul will go in front of the judge, and if they ask you, you have also some merit and some sin. For the merit, you will be rewarded in Heaven, and for the sin, you will be punished in hell. Which one do you prefer to use first? Because you have a choice. You have some merits, so you can have a choice, because you have listened to the Saint’s teaching one day, one time. And if the judge asks you that, you have to say I want my merit first in Heaven, then he will let you go to Heaven, then you don’t have to go to hell.”
So he went to Heaven and then he met this spiritual Teacher again also in Heaven, because great Masters, They have different levels of existence. They teach different beings in different Heavens as well as on Earth. You know that, right? I told that you that before. (Yes, Master.) Therefore, he went to Heaven and the judge told him that after you finish your merit in Heaven, you have to go back to hell. But, of course, he didn’t have to because he went up to Heaven and then he listened to this Master’s preaching again, and he has more merit! So he keeps going up. (Yes, Master.) So he didn’t have to go to hell at all.
So similarly, this man in the true story I told you, probably has some merit. Thus, the Bodhisattva Quan Yin even went there to help him. He was praying. So he must have been born in the good background, and he knows to pray to Quan Yin Bodhisattva.
Many people, regardless of their religion, many of them don’t know about the killing stuff. So they just kill anything during any festival or every day just to eat. Even if they don’t kill it themselves, they buy it, the killed animal’s flesh, to eat. You see all the Christians or Muslims or Hindus or… not all of them, many of them belong to different religions. They still eat meat every day, even though their Founder, the Teacher, the original Master told them not to. (Yes, Master.) Like Christians, “You should not be among wine drinkers and meat eaters.” And what do they do? They do exactly that. (Yes, Master.) “Follower of Christ,” and “Follower of Buddha,” same stuff. Now, so, unless they have something like that, it’s very difficult to cure their ignorance and their habit of unkindness. (Yes, Master.)
Because they just think of this life, they are busy. They have a business to run, they have family to take care, they have quarreling with a wife, with a husband to fix up, and all that stuff, and maybe inheritance to go to the court for, and all kinds of things, and they eat whatever is already cooked and given to them. They don’t connect with the live animals. They don’t think. And then even if they splittingly think, they will not have time to continue to analyze that thought. And then they’re busy, they just eat, and go back, work again, and worry about many other things.
So, actually, we don’t have many true Christians, Christ followers. We don’t have many true Buddhists, Buddha’s followers, we don’t have many etc., etc. (Yes, Master.) Very difficult to find good believers in any religion. Not many. (Yes, Master.) So that’s why you asked me whether or not the slaughterhouse owner or the butcher should have this kind of experience. Not that lucky. (Yes, Master.) Not everyone has luck like that. You must sow something in order to reap something. Yes? (Yes.) “As you sow, so shall you reap.”
That’s why I always tell you guys, I mean my so-called disciples, that you have to always do good. And be virtuous, be good. Treat others like you treat yourself. Whatever way you don’t want to be treated, you don’t treat others. Especially unprovoked, unprovoked. So anyway, because you never know, you never know when you die. Even non-disciples, outside of my circle, they should also always be good, do good. Then they will have good merit. Even if the next life, they cannot be liberated, because they don’t practice well. Even among my disciples, if they do bad things, truly, maybe they have to be re-born again. And you never know if the merit you have done in this lifetime will follow you next life. The same with karma.
So at least you have some merit. So in some special situation, the saints can help you, can have an excuse to help you. (Yes, Master.) Or, these kinds of people, they are pushed to do this kind of job. But inside they don’t like it. They repent and they feel sorry. And they also have some excuse. There is some germinating of some seed, compassionate seed, loving seed within their soul, their heart. Then maybe they could also be helped (Yes.) in times of need, after they depart from this world or before. Depends on each person. Or, if they have seen a Master somewhere, a real Master, a powerful Master, who can liberate people, and somehow feels like, oh, they like that person even though they might not know that that person was a Master. They probably feel some affection, at least not hatred in their heart. Then maybe at the time of death, maybe that Master will come and help them. But not many people are that lucky. (Yes, Master.)
If they don’t criticize or slander the Master, it’s counted as lucky, or a miracle already. In this kind of world, you cannot expect much. People are poisoned so deeply already. Life after life, following their habits, their pattern and don’t care much about spiritual subjects, don’t think too much. And if a Master comes to their town, they don’t even care to come listen. Or they might criticize or they might spread fake news and make more trouble and more karma for themselves because of ignorance. All right, love. You got it now? (Yes, Master, thank You.) You are welcome, love.

(Master, how do the Lords of the different levels regain their worth?)
How would they do that? (Yes, Master.) They have to rest (Wow.) and meditate (Yes.) and call some Master to help. (Yes, Master.) Just like the people in this world, they regain their purity and their spiritual worth because they met the Master, and learn with the Master and then practice daily. (Yes, Master.) Then they become healthier, spiritually. Then they regain it. Just like a king in this world, they’re allowed only to have how many citizens in their country. (Yes, Master.) Mostly like that. So, the number of people who came, are well or not well, it depends on the worth and the merit also of the leader of that country. (Oh.) That’s why I told you before, I’m scared, because a bad leader will bring bad things to that country.
President Trump is great for America. He will lift… he will do things like peacemaking. (Yes, Master.) And then with him, we will have more hope for a vegan country than any other leader. Well, I will try to do something, but I’m not sure if I can. (Yes, Master.) Of course, people can change, from bad to good. That is for sure. (Yes.) But it depends if they want to change or not. You cannot force them. (Yes.) And once they want to change, then the Master Power can help them. Heaven can help them, (Yes, Master.) because they go in the opposite direction. (Yes, Master.) And also, if he is good, if he is worthy then the Master Power can give him also some, gradually. Just like you feed some people with nutrition and light food so they recover from their illness. (Yes, Master.) You can also give spiritual food for somebody who is in need of it.
It’s because He’s the Lord. If in the Higher World, above the Shadow World, then They don’t have to ever lose it. But if They came down to the Shadow World, any God, any Master, They will be prone to losing Their worth or Their merit also, because They give. And because that’s the reason the Master came down, to give (Yes.) to give spiritual merit, otherwise this world has no cure. You can see that. OK? (Yes, Master.)

Be Vegan, make peace.
Reclaim Your Power of Love and Compassion, Part 6 of 8, Jan. 8, 2021
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That’s when you awaken yourself and reclaim your power of love and compassion. This power will enable you to be more enlightened, and more and more compassionate, and more and more loving all the time. And many better ideas, a better way of life, better thinking, better work. Everything will be affected by your power of love and compassion. That’s the way it is.

You can see around the world, Leaders, not only they don’t bring everything good to their country, they will degrade their country. They pull it down. (Yes, Master.) Remember in the Bible, King David. (Yes, Master.) His country was punished with a plague because he took a census of the people of Israel, indicating his pride and lack of trust in God and lack of humility because he thought he’s a “big shot” now. He decides everything, he can do everything. So his country was punished (Wow.) for some time.

Even for arranging the death of the general so then he can marry his wife, for that King David’s son died. King David he was infatuated with one of his official’s, one of his general’s wife. And so he sent him to the battle and he tried some way to make him die, like did not give more soldiers when he needed, something like that, or cut the food supply, whatever or did something so that then that general died, his army man died, (Yes, Master.) so then he can marry his wife. And then God did not like that, if you remember that story, any of you? (No, Master.) Maybe if I have time, I will read you the Jewish folklore again, that’s also in there. (Yes, thank You, Master.) But this story should be in the Bible too. Just because I’ve read so many, I don’t know where it comes from. Sometimes I remember, sometimes not. (Yes, Master.) But it happened like that, that God punished his country, King David’s country, because he did something wrong. And then also one of the priests also came to King David’s court and told him direct in the face as well. Well, what to do? (Yes, Master.)

If the leader of a country is not good enough, not worthy enough, then he will bring that country down to some level, to some extent, some percentage. That’s why I said I’m worried about your country. (Yes, Master.) Why I said I’m scared. I will try to help though but I am not sure if I can. (Thank You, Master.) I mean I am not sure if I can, how much. (Understood.) Because if some people, they like fame too much, they like being famous or they like profit too much, money and fame too much, then they have a penchant toward the negative side of this world. We have two sides, a positive and negative power in this world. If their penchant to greed or fame or just for that instead of serving the country, they just want to serve themselves, then it’s difficult to get rid of the demons. (Yes, Master.) Because like attracts like. So I cannot promise anything. I’m trying. I will try, (Thank You, Master.) regardless. Because I don’t hold any grudges against anybody. I know actually it’s just karma. (Yes, Master.) Also, the karma of the country breeds different kinds of citizens as well as leaders, as well as government workers. (Yes, Master.) If it’s a good country, you will have a good leader. At least must have some goodness, must have some percentage of goodness in order to earn it. (Yes, Master.)

In Hinduism, I read somewhere it said that no country will ever be destroyed if there are ten truly good people in that country, ten truly virtuous people live in that country, ten only. Ten is good enough. (Yes, Master). But I guess that was a long time ago when every country had just maybe a couple of hundred thousand, maximum. Now we have hundreds of millions. (Yes. Yes, Master.) So it depends. And if that country did not do much good and then continues with wars and killing too much, too much; animals as well, (Yes, Master.) then the merits have to be more, not just 10 people. (Yes.)

But at least your country has earned some good presidents and recently, President Trump. (Yes, Master.) For him, in his heart, he did not want to be in politics anymore. Even before he did not, they just picked him. Otherwise, he did not have to do anything. He did not even need to be a president. It’s not his ambition to be famous and gain anything because he works as president for free. He did not take the salary, US$400,000. (Yes, Master.) He refused that. He did not take it. He just wants to serve. (Yes, Master.) Free.

He’s rich, so it’s not for the money that he became president or he wanted to be president. He did not, the people just picked him out. OK, fine. It’s his job, it’s his destiny. And it’s not for fame either. Not like he wants to be famous or something that he runs for president, first time or second time. Because he himself, also is well known. And he also has that television program where he teaches people how to become rich, how to do business and all that. So many people love him. And he’s happy in his own world already. (Yes, Master.) So there’s no need for him to seek any fame or recognition. (Right.) Truly like that. Just like for example, now if somebody makes me a president, if I agree to that, it’s just because of some noble reason. (Yes.) Of course, it won’t happen. But I’m saying that I’m happy in my own world already. You see what I’m saying? (Yes, Master.) I don’t need more money, I don’t need more recognition. It’s like that. (Yes, Master.)

So he’s really for people, for your country and for the world. You saw what he did. You saw what he has done and then you can understand what I am saying. It’s the proof. (Yes, Master.) That he immediately worked as soon as he became president. He used that power to help his countrymen and help the world already, especially the poorer class in America, poorer workers. He created many, many hundreds of thousands of jobs (Yes.) for them.

He really cares about people. He went into some of these rural areas and he saw some city dilapidated. He felt sorry and he said we will build your city again. And some people told him that this and that job is no more available. He said, “You will get your job back,” like that, very simple and straight. He sympathized with the lower income people, poorer people. He’s a people’s president. (Yes, Master.) And that’s what I like about him. It’s a pity that not all Americans realize that. (Yes, Master.)

It’s just people asked, so he did it. He wasn’t aware that he’s here on Earth as an instrument of God. He wasn’t aware. He’s still not aware. Only some people who are witnessing, who know it, who have visions tell him. Like, for example, we told him. Yes? (Yes.) And he’s aware a little bit. But he still doesn’t know. But inside him, is a penchant for goodness and morals and virtue. That’s what he knew. He did not really care to be president. Especially a second time after he had been treated day in, day out, every minute of his life with all badness and all wrong accusation and all blemish and all degradation. Degrading kinds of criticism and attitude. (Yes, Master.) They are all there to cut him, all this time, all these years. So he did not really feel enthusiastic to be president for a second term. So for doing that, actually it’s a sacrifice from his part because he knew now that he could do something more for the world like making peace (Yes.) and helping Americans, the downtrodden ones.

Like even the children being mutilated, of the girls, and like that. (Yes, Master.) Or human trafficking, especially children trafficking and all that. He even reformed the prisons so that the prisoners will be more comfortable. You saw that? (Yes, Master.) I saw it on the news.

For example, he thought of everybody. He helped whomever he can in his power in the short four years. So can you imagine if he continued for another four years how much more he could do for your country? (Yes.) You don’t have to believe me. You see the logic? (Yes, Master.) Then you know why I support him. (Yes.) And then your country’s karma just ruined it all. Last minute even, the last-minute try. (Yes. Yes, Master.) Did I answer you? (Yes, thank You very much. Yes.) Everything? (Everything. Thank You.) OK.

(Master, as we are moving toward a total vegan world, which as Master said, is the fastest way to normalize and stabilize the state of our planet, could we also see a greater change in humans’ spiritual perception? Like in regards to religion and spiritual beliefs?)

Oh yes, of course. You see how many people became vegan, and how much their attitude changed? How much their conception changed about compassion? Yes, about treating animals and others kindly? It hangs together. No? (Yes, Master.) Before that, they were not like that. Like many of your brothers, they have told many stories like before they were this and that. They were very anxious or very not friendly, hot temper and all that. After initiation, became vegan, they totally changed. (Yes, Master.) (Yes. Right.) Some of the stories that we read sometimes when we gather or sometimes they write it, they say this and that, and others. (Yes.) Like one man, before, he was very hot tempered and all that. And then his friend, normally, often got angry with his friend. After initiation, even when his friend scolded him, he bowed his head, put his palms together and said, “Thank you.” You know some stories like that. There are thousands of them. I don’t remember them all. I know them all. People change, you know? If they turn toward the south, then they will be in the South. If they continue walking to the North, then they will arrive in the North. (Yes, Master.) So, veganism is not just about the animals’ suffering, but it’s about our own love and compassion. Then we remember it. We uncover that again, so that quality will shine forth, will be nurtured, will grow big.

So of course, then that’s what you will have: compassion and love. Truly that. Before that, you cover that with many of the bad things: smoking, drinking, meat-, fish-, egg-eating, don’t care about the suffering of others or the bad influence or the bad health of yourself or others. After that, you realize you are more clear. Because the love and the compassion grows, and then you will understand what others are feeling, just like as if you are feeling it. If they are happy, you feel the same, if they are sad, you feel the same. If they suffer, you imagine, you feel like it’s you. Well, I am not talking about everybody, I am talking about myself. When I see some wild animals injured or something, which I cannot help, oh, I feel so sad, so, so sad, so suffering, many days. I keep asking Heaven and all who can, please help him, help her to recover, or let her go in peace. Things like that. I don’t just look at it and forget about it. Or don’t remember. No! I remember again, again, and again. All the time.

That’s when you awaken yourself and reclaim your power of love and compassion. This power will enable you to be more enlightened, and more and more compassionate, and more and more loving all the time. And many better ideas, a better way of life, better thinking, better work. Everything will be affected by your power of love and compassion. That’s the way it is. (Yes, Master.) Not just about animals, it’s about us. We have to live a worthy life also as a human being. (Yes, Master.)

Be Vegan, make peace.
Reclaim Your Power of Love and Compassion, Part 7 of 8, Jan. 8, 2021

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Holiday is supposed to be holy. Holiday comes from “holy days.” (Yes.) And people should know better. But instead, they do other things opposite to what the Master taught them. Jesus never asked anybody to kill turkeys to celebrate Christmas. (Yes.) Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be Upon Him, never asked people to kill any animal to feed Him. And now, every holiday, they kill billions of animals just to celebrate the birthday of Christ, for example.

Any… is that your question? (Yes, thank You.) Anymore? (There’s a follow up.) Yeah. (Master, would there be a time in the near future when people’s consciousness would allow them to recognize how Master’s presence and hard work saved our world? Could humanity come one day to a state of worshipping Tim Qo Tu, the Loved Lord of all Worlds?)
They don’t need to worship Tim Qo Tu, they just need to worship God, (Yes.) and worship their own innate God quality. If they’ll just Be vegan, Make Peace, then other good things will come. And then they will think clearly. They will remember God more, they will be maybe more tolerant towards each other’s beliefs, and then the World Peace will be more and more lasting, and the world will become better and better all the time, due to this loving, kind energy and power of compassion. (Yes, Master.) Because these are the powers of God: compassion, love, kindness, mercy. These are the qualities of Heaven. And if you have it within you, imagine how powerful you are. (Yes.) That’s the logic of it. Do you understand now? (Yes, Master.) That’s why I say, it’s not about animals, it’s about you. It’s about us.
We have to reclaim our noble qualities, our high status in Heaven as well as on Earth, starting with on Earth. And then, everything else will come along well. Then, you will remember God more and believe more in God, truly. Not just lip-service, saying, “Oh, God, God this and that,” always saying, “Give me this, give me that,” and not truly believing in God, or worshiping God, or loving God. If you are loving God, or loving a Master with high quality, then, you will have that quality with you. Not that God needs you to love Hirm. (Yes.) Not that the Master needs you to love the Master. It’s just you will be transferred, the quality of the Master, to you. (Yes, Master.) And of course, you cannot have it all at once. But at least, it’s always improving, improving in you. (Yes, Master.) That’s why you become a better person, a better being. And then, that’s why, that’s how you become closer and closer to Heaven, closer to God and a higher level of spiritual wisdom. (Yes, Master.)
Tim Qo Tu, worshipping Tim Qo Tu, don’t have to. If people already are so God-like like that, no matter if they worship or not worship, (Yes.) it will become like their second nature. (Yes.) Then, they will not think that they are worshipping God or loving God anymore. They just do. Just like natural. Just like if you have children, you just love them. You don’t think, “Oh, I am loving my children. Am I not?” If you are in love with a girl or a boy, you wouldn’t question; you know it. (Yes.) (Yes, Master.) You love children, you just know it. You love your children, you know it, you don’t question. (Yes, Master.) I don’t know if I answer you so much. Is that enough? (Yes. Thank You, Master.) You’re welcome, love.

(Master often reminds us that it’s people’s hearts that must change in order to move quicker toward a completely vegan and peaceful world. Master, will people’s hearts be more receptive and transformed through the World Prayer for World Vegan on Thursdays and Sundays? Or is this a matter that needs other special care and influence?)
Together. Together. (Yes, Master.) When people pray, it has an effect. (Yes.) In a religion, maybe Christian and also Judaism, there are some days that the followers get together or alone at home to pray for somebody, anyone, whether or not they know or not know. There’s someone who has nobody to pray for them. (Yes.) Thương khó. I don’t know how to say that in English. Just the day you pray for those souls who are lost; who have no one, who did not believe in God, or who did not do anything good at all that anybody even remembers them to pray for them. Most people, when you do something good to somebody, then that somebody feels grateful to you. And when you die, or when you have trouble, they pray for you. And then, you will have benefit from that. If you cannot, because some people maybe are too sinful or too forgetful, in life they never worship God or remember God, they don’t know how to pray, they don’t pray in times of trouble. If somebody happens to pray for them when they are in the vulnerable state, then they have the effect of that. That’s why you see in many religions, when you die, or some people die, or in their death time or death day, they invite the priests or the monks to come and pray. (Yes.) But some people don’t have that luxury, some people don’t even know anything about religion. Then, that day, the people in Christianity or in Judaism pray for these kinds of people, whether or not they know them. But if they know you, they pray for you, that would even be better for the prayers, as well as for the “prayees.” (Yes, Master.) Both benefit. But the prayers have more benefit than the “prayees.” It says so in the Buddhist sutra. Like, if you pray and you have merit from the priest’s prayers for you, for somebody, then you have two thirds. And the one, the dying one or the one who is being prayed for gets one third of the benefit. (Yes, Master.) So, both are benefitted. Good that way, good that way. (Thank You, Master.) You’re welcome. It didn’t say so in Christianity though, it says that in Buddhism. Buddha lived long. He lived until 80-something years, so he talked many, many, many days, a lot of lectures.
Also, Jesus talked a lot, too. But after, the Roman authority, they told them to cut many, like meat-eating stuff. So, now we have only some remnants of vegetarian/vegan inside the Bible. Before, Jesus talked a lot about that and even about reincarnation and all that. They cut them all. They didn’t want it. So at that time, some priests had to do it, otherwise they cannot continue their lineage under this kind of authority. (Yes, Master.) It’s a paradox, it’s ironic that now the Christians’ capital is in Rome. (Yes.) Before, they are the ones who persecuted Christians, and now its capital is in their country. You know Vatican? (Yes, Master.) it is in Rome, (Yeah.) in Italy. Did I answer you? (Yes, Master. Thank You.) Maybe more, maybe less. OK. Next.

(Master, the holiday seasons are a time when people unite in spirit, feel more oneness than the rest of the year, and more hope and kindness is spread among people. Master, is it the tradition that brings people together or there’s also some special uplifting energy embedded in the celebrated events and occasions?)
Yes and no. Holiday is supposed to be holy. Holiday comes from “holy days.” (Yes.) And people should know better. But instead, they do other things opposite to what the Master taught them. Jesus never asked anybody to kill turkeys to celebrate Christmas. (Yes.) Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be Upon Him, never asked people to kill any animal to feed Him. And now, every holiday, they kill billions of animals just to celebrate the birthday of Christ, for example. (Yes, Master.) Any, many religions are similar. They twisted everything. When the holy things come down to this world, they have been twisted to their liking, (Yes.) to their habit. And then it spreads out, and then others follow, and the religious essence is no more. Now it’s just symbolic. And even worse, worse in the name of God, in the name of Jesus, they kill too many, too many. I don’t know if any Heaven… It’s not logical that any Heaven would tolerate this kind of suffering, would tolerate this kind of torture to other creations of God, other children of God (Yes, Master.) in the different forms.
You can see that on our Supreme Master Television that animals, they have souls, they have intelligence, they have affection, they have love, they have sympathy. They rescue each other, they’re loving each other, even from different species, from stranger to each other. Like the dog rescues a deer, and then, kissing him, licking him until he’s dried and he became conscious again, for example like that. Or even the cat hugging the chicken, the little chicks, let them sleep warm. And even the tiger, hugging the dogs. My God. They are just like humans, no more, no less. (Yes, Master.) I have contacted many animals, I know that for sure, it’s not just on photos.
I told you already, some of the stories about wild animals that I encountered. (Yes, Master.) They are so kind, so kind and so sympathetic, and so good, so good, so intelligent. You can see it; you look more into the animals’ clips that we have every day, (Yes, Master.) and you can see it. Animals are exactly like us, if not better. (Yes, Master.) If people became vegan, then of course, it’s better off, for everybody. And they will be more receptive, like your last question. (Yes, Master.) People are becoming more and more vegan nowadays. (Yes, Master.) The vegan trend has become more exponentially developing. (Yes.) That’s good news, but too slow for me. I want it yesterday. Holiday season…
If they even want to tell you any religious doctrine, in a holiday season, it’s just because they want to drag you in, to make their religion more crowded. If they are not vegan, if they are not enlightened, that’s the sole purpose. Or just from ego, just feeling good that they have converted one more person, and then they can be proud, telling their priest or their family member, “Oh, yes, that guy became Catholic because of me.” Or, “That person became Buddhist because of me.” Just ego stuff.
If they became vegan due to our prayers, that is more effective, (Yes, Master.) because they truly realize the meaning of it, the meaning of being vegan. They truly will develop their love and compassion. Otherwise, it’s useless. (Yes, Master.) Useless, whether holiday or not. (Yes, thank You, Master. Thank You.)

Be Vegan, make peace.
Between Master and Disciples
Reclaim Your Power of Love and Compassion, Part 8 of 8, Jan. 8, 2021
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Even if God appeared right in front of them, they would not accept. They would find some excuse to slander God or harm Hirm in any way, or even kill Hirm. Like they did to Jesus. They’re all made blind, deaf, and dumb, on this planet. They get better, of course, but not everybody.

(So, the last one, Master. Just wanted to share a prophecy from the 1980s related to President Donald Trump and his mission.) Oh. (It says here: A holy man, named Thomas Zimmer, also known as “the Hermit of Loreto,” prophesied that Mr. Donald J. Trump “will lead America Back to God.” He shared this prophecy in 1983 with an American psychologist, who was on a visit in Loreto, saying: “Right now, in the United States, there is a man who has the hand of God on him. He has the IQ of a genius and a first-class education. And everything he approaches, he attacks with a blinding efficiency.”) Yeah, it’s true! (“His name is Donald Trump.”) Oh, he even tells the name! (Yes!) Wonderful. (“The hand of God is on him, and God is going to use him in the future.”) Yes. Wow. (As testimony of his prediction, Mr. Thomas Zimmer purchased a brick for a Holy Door in the Vatican with Mr. Donald Trump’s name on it, in order that he would receive blessings from the many Masses in the Vatican, as he knew that Mr. Trump was going to be a great leader of America and bring Americans back to God.)

Yeah, indirectly! Wow. Fancy that! (Yes.) And not many people know that. (No.) Now they do. But they won’t change much. If they’re so obsessed and poisoned with fame and gain, they won’t notice that, and they won’t want to accept that. (Yes.) Even if God appeared right in front of them, they would not accept. They would find some excuse to slander God or harm Hirm in any way, or even kill Hirm. Like they did to Jesus. They’re all made blind, deaf, and dumb, on this planet. They get better, of course, but not everybody. (Yes, Master.) If they are blinded by fame and gain, driven by this kind of worldly ambition, not for serving-people spirit, then they won’t change. (Yes.) Now, we put this maybe on Supreme Master TV then everybody will know it, but I bet you not many people will believe it. Especially his opposition. Oh, at least they will know it, at least somebody else might believe. But what’s the use now? They want to get rid of him, even already just ten more days and they could not even wait, they want to get rid of him already, today. (Yes.) The so-called, the leader of your country, or leader-to-be, also. Kick him out already. They could not even wait for another twelve days. (Yes.) Not even two weeks, and he’ll be out. Now he doesn’t want to make any more trouble, because some people died, in the Capitol Building. So, he did not want that anymore, because of that. He doesn’t want to keep fighting in that way. Maybe he will continue to object. But I’m not sure how many people will back him up, because they’re all blind, and also scared. Scared of the majority, (Yes.) of others who are already opposing him. So if they do not also oppose him, they might be isolated, or persecuted in different ways. Most people they have to take care of themselves. (Yes, Master.) Mostly people are like that. Self first, and anybody else later. So, to be president, like he is, is very lonely, very frustrating, and very risky.

So, where does this man live? He’s still there? Thomas. (Tom Zimmer was an American World War II veteran) Wow! (who, upon his return to civilian life, became a pilgrim in Italy,) Yes? (“essentially just spending the rest of his years praying for humanity.” He has also written a book, “The Pieta Prayer Book,” which has sold upwards of “ten million copies.”) Wow. OK. Very good. So, he’s gone or he’s still there? He’s still in this world? (He’s gone, Master.) Oh, that’s what I thought. Never mind. There was one time, before I went to Jerusalem, for a lecture, there was one American man, I wonder if it’s him. (Oh.) He predicted… He kept telling… He was in Israel, he said he waits for the Messiah to come, Jesus, the second return of Jesus. And everybody was thinking he’s cuckoo, or something. And then, one day, a few days before my lecture, he said, “Ah, Jesus’ coming, He’s coming, He’s coming.” And then, somehow, they kicked him out (Oh, no.) just two or three days before I came for lecture. (Wow.) So I wonder… Wow, so many people are clairvoyant. Well, not many, but quite a few. (Yes.) Good for the world. All right, look, it’s good.

So, no more questions now? (No, Master. That’s it.) Good, good, good! Good questions today. Very good. If I get into trouble, then you know, it’s your fault. OK? I don’t care. Remember to pray for me, your Master, (Yes, Master.) so, She can continue. And pray for yourself as well. I pray for you guys. I pray for everyone, (Thank You, Master.) every day. If I could pray for the wild animals like a skunk, or like a squirrel, of course I would pray for you, no? I would, and with all my heart. All right, love. If nothing more, then we call it a day. (Thank You, Master.)

Thank you for having me. It’s nice that we can always talk to each other whenever possible. (Yes, Master.) It doesn’t have to wait until Monday or Sunday. Because sometimes I want to talk to New Land (Ashram) and I forgot, and then after Sunday night, I say, “Oh my God!” When I know it’s the time for meditation, for Vegan (World), (Yes.) then I remember, “Oh my God! It’s gone.” But never mind, they can hear it. It’s better like this also, you know why? Because we have all the subtitles. (Oh.) So that they can understand. (Yes.) If I talk to New Land (Ashram), then I talk in Chinese. And I’m not very inspired. I’m more inspired, when I talk in English, it runs faster and more smoothly. So with you, I don’t have to have any translators, or any equipment. (Yes.)

And also, anytime when I feel like it’s a good time to talk, then we can always talk. But with them, we have to wait, we have to arrange, and several times, whenever I want to talk to them, there is always something that goes wrong. They gave me a wrong number… wrong extension, for example. (Oh.) And then it keeps going to the same place, same people again and again. They give me another one, then it goes to another one. Or I go back to the operator because of something, or somebody else picks up and then doesn’t recognize who is talking, puts it down. Or keeps talking, himself only, and doesn’t let me talk to the public. For example, like that. Etc. Or the microphone didn’t work. Karma, yeah?

So like this, it’s good and it’s more natural. (Yes, Master.) Especially, I don’t ever have any teleprompter or anything like that. So if I can talk when I’m ready or inspired, then it’s more powerful. (Yes, Master.) A better energy, no? (Yes.) And then, in a few days, or in a week or something, you can always translate it and make it into beautiful scenery behind me, sometimes, and then all the languages for everybody to see. That may be better. (Yes, Master.) I think that way; I think I don’t need to talk live to them anymore; like this it’s almost live. (Yes.) In a few days, they will see me, right? (Yes, Master.) And since we are all one, so if you saw me, it’s like they saw me, no? How convenient. You can eat for them as well, no?

Because, if you make it into a show, it’s also more beautiful, you add more pictures, more illustrating kind of clips. (Yes.) Just like before, many times, they took my photo just anywhere, and then when they develop into photos, oh! Or into videos. (Yeah.) I’m just standing on the bare floor, with just a wall behind me or something, and then, when it goes into video: wow! I have a chimney, with a fire going on. (Yes, Master.) And a beautiful, beautiful room, with a luxury sofa and chair next to it or whatever, a beautifully decorated house, like a luxury room. At least, with beautiful French windows and what not. Or If I sit, just in my simple garden, nothing around it, just some trees, and then when they made it into a photo, I have flowers around and birds cheeping, whatever.

Talking about that, yesterday, I saw some birds outside, very small. Oh, so small, so small, that even… I will give you that photo. There was a photo of it yesterday on the very slender, very thin bended bamboo outside of my bathroom window, the small bathroom window, with a net on it, mosquito net. Therefore, the photo has some net type of pattern on it, but doesn’t matter, you still can see the birds on it, and they’re so small.

So, they can even park on them, and stay on that little bamboo twig, bending already in the wind. And yesterday was so windy and so cold. Oh, I saw them and I said, “Oh my God, I wish I could feed them something.” But I don't think they know what. Some other time before, I fed birds, I put some bread outside. Nobody ate. Same in the New Land house. A lot of birds, a lot of birds. But they never came down to the garden and ate the bread. They’re not used to it.

The same, the squirrels, I put a lot of nuts outside in a big jar so that they can eat until they finish and then I will not have to change every day. They just passed by it. Just, like walking on my balcony, pass by that big chunk of nuts, all kinds of luxury nuts. Never even looked at it. Many days. And then I hung a corn on a cob, fresh. They also did not look at it. So, I asked them one day, “How come you didn't eat any nuts that I put out?” I also did that before, in other houses, on the balcony and outside. They did not touch it.

I asked the squirrels, “Why didn't you eat? I leave it for you.” And they told me, “We're not used to it. Not habitual.” Maybe because nobody ever fed them before. But in the other mountain, when I fed, the squirrels understood. They came and ate every day, all day long until it's gone, then I put new ones. I put in different places, a bunch here, a bunch there, so they don't have to fight with each other or wait in queue.

They enjoyed it and they were very grateful. They told me that and then they even helped me to point out who is the bad one for me. I even told that person in the face, and that person told me, “Oh, thank you, squirrel! My God, squirrel, why did you say such a thing?” But it was true. True, true. Some people have different kinds of quality and also some different affinity. If they are your enemies in a former life, it's very difficult to work with. You can forgive them, but that doesn't mean your relationship will be smooth. They will continue to do what they have to do, to bother me, to trouble me, to make some little harm, or big harm somewhere. Could be fatal also. If that person is not good for you, not compatible spiritually or karmically, it could be fatal, could make you sick, wounded, or injured or something. Like the story I told you about the man and the snake. (Yes.)

In Asia, maybe Âu Lạc (Vietnam) and China, such countries, they are very careful to choose a wife. In India also, they have to choose compatibility. They don't know each other, they don't have to know each other, mostly arranged. They still do so in India nowadays, they arrange marriages. And the boy and the girl do not always know each other in advance. Nowadays, they can refuse, of course. In the old times, they cannot. They cannot refuse. If the parents arranged, they just have to. My parents were also arranged. They didn't know each other. I told you already, right? (Yes, Master.) My mother even told her parents, "He is so dark!" Means the skin. He wasn't very white. In Asia, in Âu Lạc (Vietnam), they like people with white skin. Because we don't have white skin. And if people like to be in the sun often, then the skin is not as white as the Europeans’. So anybody who has white skin, oh, he’s a favorite. Like that, yes. And in Europe, it’s the opposite. If you look a little tanned, they like it better. And they spend a lot of money baking in the sun, suffering all that heat or whatever, just to look tanned. And come back, and everybody will say, “Oh, you've been on holidays!” Prestigious skin tan. OK, that's it.

All right! I wish you the best, (Thank You, Master.) so you are healthy, happy, so you can serve the world better. (Yes.) OK, see you next time. Love! Love! (Thank You, Master.) (Love You.) God bless. (God bless, Master.) Happy Holy Season! (Thank You, Master.) Take care! (Thank You, Master.) (Take care, Master.) Love you! (Love You, Master.) God Bless.

(Hi, Master.) You can see me a little bit now. (Lovely to see You, Master.) Ah! Nice to see you also. The girls, can you see me? No. (Not yet.) Can you see at all, girls? No? (We see You now, Master.) Just to have a good quick look. (Thank You, Master.) Because sometimes the questions and answers are not clear through the phone, so they put the questions for me to look (at). (Yes, Master.) And if the question is there, I cannot always see you. It’s all right then. See you next time then. Don’t worry. (Master looks lovely today.) Oh, I do? (Yes. You look good today.) Only today? (Every day. Every day, Master.) How disappointing! How surprising! Never mind, it’s OK. Maybe today because the light is behind me or maybe because of the camera stand you gave me? It’s truly helpful. I can see more in the front. So, it’s all right. No need now. We are done. See you next time. (OK, Master.) (Thank You, Master.) Love, Love.

Be Vegan, make peace.
Synchronize With Heaven for a Better World, Part 1 of 3, Jan 30, 2021

Everywhere, every country I go, even the richest country, I saw homeless people, and it always pains my heart. Our world is not OK. Not OK at all. I don’t know what the governments are doing; they turn the blind eye or something to the suffering of humans, of fellow humans and fellow animals. It’s not OK.

Be Vegan, make peace.
The Fallen Angels, Part 7 of 8, Feb 7, 2021
Also one time I told you about Washington DC, the White House, that it is in the road, hell road, did I tell you? (Yes, Master.) That’s also another trouble. …Because if you want to help the country, if you want to be the good guy, the demons won’t like it and you are in the hell road sitting there. Every day, they are visiting you, they are causing trouble to your staff, to your opposition, to your people, to yourself, making trouble. That’s the hell road, they come in and out, like a highway.

I will try to work with whomever I can to make it better. I hope the Americans pray sincerely to make a better energy for their country. (Yes, Master.

Be Vegan, make peace.
Between Master and Disciples
The Fallen Angels, Part 1 of 8, Feb 7, 2021
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“A long, long, long, long time ago. You cannot imagine how long it has been. There were two angels. They are serving God, close proximity. Close, very close, like attendants. Two of them, serving God. Both of them have a very high position in Heaven, and very, very powerful. One of them takes care of the water element, and the other one takes care of the wind.”

(Hallo, Master. Hi, Master.) Hi, girls, boys. Everything OK? (Yes, Master. Thank You.) I’m going to read you a story just to cheer you up. (Thank You, Master.) Too much work, all the time. Sometimes for a change. (Yes, Master. Thank You, Master.) Also, I am getting older now, I’m worried you might forget me, how I look like, so… I have to update you, my look. What if I don’t talk to you for a long time? And, I’m getting older and older and when I appear again you thought, “Who are you? ID please.” I just happen to open this, and then I thought I’d just read it. (Yes, Master. OK, Master.) I didn’t choose it. It just happened to be there, so we just read it. OK. (OK, Master. Yes.) (Thank You, Master.) Are you ready for bedtime story? (Yes, Master.)

The story, from the same book, we have this Aulacese (Vietnamese) book, because I’m thinking if I read in the English book, maybe similar, same or not, I don’t know yet, I have not had time. I just turn some pages and I don’t know how to find the story. It’s a different arrangement. (Oh.) And yet, we also have not contacted that person in order to ask for permission. (Yes, Master.) So, it’s better we just stick with the Aulacese (Vietnamese). (Yes, Master.) Just I have to work harder, that’s all, until I have time maybe to check out the English book. (OK, Master. Thank You.)

Now it’s like this. This is a story about the fallen angel. You heard that in the Bible as well? (Yes, Master.) Some angels are supposed to be fallen. Fallen, right? (Yes, Master.) Just like some of your brothers or sisters. Some. They are coming back a lot nowadays. I told you last time already from my diary. But you can tell by new applications for Supreme Master TV. Some people have been initiated, I don’t know how many decades ago. Now they show up. You can see that. Right? (Yes.) If you arrange it, you can see that. Do I look different today or the same? (You look good Master, today. Every day.) How do you know every day? I’ve never been with you everyday. (Beautiful as always, Master.)

“A long, long, long, long time ago. You cannot imagine how long it has been. There were two angels. They are serving God, close proximity. Close, very close, like attendants. Two of them, serving God. Both of them have a very high position in Heaven, and very, very powerful. One of them takes care of the water element, and the other one takes care of the wind.” Well we need both of them. The water especially. “One day, both of them came in front of God. They normally were in front of God, on both sides of God. One day, they came to kneel in front of God, and said to Hirm, ‘Sire.’” I mean, they say here like “Sire”, in Aulacese (Vietnamese). But it could be like, “Your Almighty” or something. Or “Your Majesty.” Or “Your Most High.” Or “Your Most Majestic High.” “‘We have been serving You loyally, all day, all night, but You have even demanded both of us to have more effort.’”

It’s our time to meditate. Today we meditate by this story, the Jewish. OK? (Yes, Master.) We can make it up later. (Yes, Master.) We cannot always go by the book. (Yes.) I cannot always go by the time because I feel very oppressed when I have to go with the… with the clock. (Understand.) Except when we meditate. (Yes.) I am old now. I want to have a little bit more freedom. (Yes.) Because like that, I have more inspiration. (Yes.) If I am forced to work the way we have to go with the clock, then I cannot. I cannot. Not always, not always. (Understand.) Before, when I have to go out, mostly on Sundays, to talk to your brothers and sisters, sometimes I have to force myself. (Oh.) Though I love to see them, but sometimes I don’t feel like it. Not inspired. Not spontaneous. And not natural. (Yes, understand.) (Yes, Master.)

We, the practitioners, we love to be more natural, more free. Is that true? (Yes, Master. That's true, Master.) Except the time for meditation, and except when we have to run because of deadlines. We would love to have freedom. Is that correct? (Yes, Master. Correct.) But when I am having a conference, do you prefer to go out, have freedom instead? (No, Master.) You can, but then it will look bad for both of us. Because I don’t always have time for you, so when I have time, you should accommodate, correct? (Yes, Master.) Not every day. Thanks God, for me anyway, for me. For you maybe… (Yes.) We need a break sometimes.

“So now, the two of them are kind of complaining.” Yes, it’s typical, of disciples also. And I wonder why. I wonder why. “They say…” They compare now. “They say, ‘You always…’” God. He means God, “‘…always demanded them to put all their effort and be good and be kind, be loyal, be all there, all there is, and be good, be virtuous and be obedient, and everything that you expect from Heaven people, or from angels. But meanwhile, the humans, they are very vicious, and they committed all kinds of sins. They are not having the loyalty and whole sincerity and respect for you at all. But then, not only you forgive them all the time, but you even prepare all kinds of necessities for them so that they can have a comfortable life. They have nothing lacking. We would like to ask You to destroy them, all of them.’” (Wow!) “‘And then after, that maybe You make a new kind of human.’” Because these two angels, they complain. They think the humans are not worthy of God’s benevolence, attention and attentiveness and generosity and all that. And forgiveness, even. They want God to destroy the whole humankind, and make a new one. It sounds familiar to me in this recent period of our lifetime on the planet. (Oh.)

So now what did god reply to them? “God said to them, ‘About your proclamation that you have put all your heart, your mind, your soul to serve me, it’s simple, easy for you, because I used fire to create you. And fire is the most pure, the purest of all elements.’” I think god means the material elements. I mean the things that we could see. Yes? (Yes.) God doesn’t mean the things that we cannot see. There are two things in the Universe. Right? Some material substance and the nonmaterial substance. So in all the material substances, the god in here… I’m not judging what kind of god is this. It could be maybe Almighty God. But I do not think so because Almighty God doesn’t have only two angels around Hirm. Hes has better than that. Or Hes has nothing that you can imagine. Because God Almighty doesn’t really need us or anyone – holy or not. So the one who created the universe, I mean the material kind of life, like on Earth here, so this is the Creator then. It could be Brahma. All right.

“So he said that, ‘Fire is a purer material. The humans are weak and fickle.’” Fickle, means changing all the time. Fickle, the word right? (Yes.)

Remind me if I forget the English as well. Lucky, I read you some stories sometimes. If not, I probably won’t speak anything anymore and then I forget. I already forgot much Aulacese (Vietnamese). I mean, I don’t forget, it’s just not easy for me to immediately express, (Yes.) as if I do it in English when I’m in a lecture, or seeing your brothers and sisters on a Sunday or retreat. I already forgot a lot of Chinese. It takes some time to think now. If I have to talk to a Chinese person, I “um... ah... oh...” all the time. Long time I don’t speak Chinese. Actually, not much. Just mostly English. And working with English for Supreme Master TV. And reading English books and all that. So, lucky that I read books sometimes for you. Yes. (Yes, Master. Thank You.
Be Vegan, make peace.