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A Global Food Reform is the Answer to COVID-19, Part 1 of 2
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In a YouTube video posted on March 14, 2020, marine biologist Dr. Robert Carter, a senior scientist and speaker for Creation Ministries International-USA (CMI-USA) in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, discussed how SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus responsible for COVID-19, emerged: “You’ve probably learned that you have more bacteria in and on your body than you have cells in your body. That’s a lot of bacteria, but do you know what? You have even more viruses than you have bacteria. ‘What? What are the viruses doing?’ They’re controlling the number of bacteria in your gut, and they’re controlling the species of bacteria. So, what they’re doing is, regulating. In general, they don’t cause disease. However, when they jump to another species, that other species doesn’t have the ability to regulate this virus properly. Right now, there’s a new virus in the world, it’s a coronavirus.” The current consensus among the scientific community is that COVID-19 originated in bats. Bats are a major natural reservoir of coronaviruses. Bats do not become ill themselves from the coronaviruses they carry, but can pass them onto other animals. Since humans rarely interact with bats, it is unlikely that bats directly gave the COVID-19 virus to humans. However, humans routinely interact with other wildlife and livestock animals. Over the years, the ever-increasing human demand for meat and dairy has given rise to more numerous, larger-scale animal livestock operations, increasing the frequency of animal-human contact. Moreover, many of these sites are encroaching on bat territories, amplifying the risk of virus transfer from bats to humans. Moreover, as the “crown of creation,” we humans cannot, in good conscience, turn a blind eye to the fact that wet markets and animal livestock operations are a living nightmare for the animals and the human workers involved, flying in the face of the principle of love central to all major faiths. No matter how you look at it, a shift to a vegan lifestyle is a win-win proposition for all. One thing COVID-19 has opened our eyes to is that, collectively, we are willing to make drastic changes to our lifestyles when human lives are on the line. We wear masks, practice social distancing, stay locked down, and avoid mass gatherings. With potential runaway global warming looming large, no less than life on Earth is now at stake. This beckons the question: “Is it time for humanity to make one more simple but giant step – embrace the healthy, environmentally-friendly, and compassionate vegan lifestyle?” The answer is clearly “YES!” And by taking this action, we can solve a myriad of devastating global issues in one stroke, including pandemics, chronic diseases, enormous economic troubles, water shortages, world hunger, species extinction, and climate change
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Science and Spirituality
Our Universe: A Simulation or Real, Physical Realm? Part 1 of 2
Throughout the millennia, philosophers and enlightened Masters have told us that what we see is not real, but simply an illusion. Plato explained that humans are forever bound by their physical sensory perceptions, misinterpreting these as reality. To understand reality, we must step outside of the prison built by our physical senses, by turning our attention inward and raising our level of consciousness. Today, research scientists are also beginning to wonder, “Is the world around us real, or are we characters trapped inside a simulated game?”
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1156 NWN 1 U.S. President Donald Trump's Covenant with God, Nov. 29, 2020 v7
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1154 BMD 20191215 p7o10 Use Our Wisdom 6m
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Between Master and Disciples
We All Have a Duty to Protect Ourselves and Others, Part 5 of 6, Oct. 26, 2020
I think that all the governments should apply the strict law like in Ethiopia, to protect the innocents, the children, the weak women, the weak persons, the elderly who are more vulnerable than the rest. Because people who don’t wear protective gear, they might get infected, and then cost a lot of money for the government and the society, and cause a lot of pain and suffering for their relatives and friends and family members as well. So they are no good. …So, the government should enforce the mask wearing. They must. It will help to lessen the infection. And even if people are infected, it will be easier to cure because they didn’t get too many of the viruses, through the protection of the mask and or the face shield. Of course, the more you shield yourself, the better the chance that you will not get sick.
(During the Third Anniversary greetings, Master mentioned the invisible world that is in the neighborhood of our planet. Could Master please explain more about this invisible world?)
The Supreme Master TV will benefit them. Master Power will benefit them far and wide. Of course, it’s too slow for your liking and mine. But it does benefit. Believe me. (Thank You.) (Yes, Master.)
…There are invisible beings everywhere around you also. (Yes.) Some good ones and some not good ones. I’m eliminating the bad ones. …If they don’t repent, they have to go because if I forgive them, they will continue to be in this world, obstructing my work, torturing other innocent beings, like animals who are helpless or some infants, or some elderly, or anyone. So forgiveness must go with wisdom and correctness, and practical situation. (Yes, Master.) Don’t blame me, don’t ask me why Master doesn’t forgive this and that. I cannot forgive everyone if they are harmful to others innocent. You got that? (Understand, Master.)
Or some of them are so bad, they like to do bad things. Just like in this world, we have also sadistic people (Yes.) who love to make suffering to others mentally, physically, or emotionally so that they feel happy. (Wow.) Yeah. Of course, you know that? (Yes.) And there are also people who like to be scolded, like to be beaten up, or called names and tortured of some kind so that they feel good. (Yes.) They are so-called masochist. It depends on the graveness of their mental status, that they do it lightly or they want to be punished severely.
Because these people, they are guilty inside, their subconsciously guilty for what they did in a former life. But they have not done too bad enough to go to hell. So, it made them this way. Their karma made them do that, makes them to suffer, makes them to be abused and tortured or beaten up that way. And then they pay for it.
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Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Heartfelt Message to U.S. President Donald Trump, Nov. 24, 2020
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You must fight to the end, Mr. President. As I am talking right now, I don’t know how many children died out there. Because you make peace, so future children will not suffer that fate anymore, you cannot give up. You have to fight for them, Mr. President!
Host: On November 24, 2020, while our Most Beloved Master was lovingly checking in on one of the Supreme Master Television team members, She spoke of Her concern about the United States President, His Excellency Donald Trump and shared an urgent, heartfelt message for him.
Hi, hallo, can we talk? (Yes.) Are you busy? (No, I am okay.) OK. I just want to ask you whether or not you get back to normal already. Are you better? (I’m getting there, Master.) Getting there. (Yes.) Seventy-percent better? (Yes.) OK. Good. Tomorrow, 80, next day, 90. Next, next day, 100 percent. (Thank You, Master.) Got that? (Yes.) Did the girls bring you food? I asked them to bring it to your place, in case you are too tired to get out.
(I was able to go and get some food myself, but, they tried, but I said “It’s OK” and I went to get it myself.) All right then. It’s also better not to give up, on yourself, (Yes.) because the body will listen. They think, “Oh, she says I’m not well, I cannot go there.” Then the cells just do that. (Understand, Master.) Yeah, so you just tell yourself, “I’m tough, I can do it. It’s OK, it’s just temporary.” (Yes. Thank You for Your concern.) I mean I also have problems, but I don’t care. I said to myself, “You got used to it. You know it already. (Yes.) It’s nothing new.” I said to myself, “You got a headache before, you got pain in there before; shut up.” I told myself like that. I’m happy that you are getting there. (Thank You.) If you don’t feel like eating the solid food, just cook some soup. (Yes, yes, Master.) Vegetable soup and broth and fresh fruit, they are recovery foods. (Yes.) Make the body not have to work too hard so that it concentrates on healing. (Yes, Master.) And exercise, fresh air. OK? (Yes, Master.) Or go out and walk, walk around your garden, your vicinity. (Yes.)
- Anything new that you have read? No? Yes? (No, not really. I haven’t been reading the news too much.) Yeah, yeah, because you are not well. Fine. I’ve just read today. I haven’t read the day before, yesterday, because I had too much work. (Yes.) But I just turned on the phone because I need to do that to send something. (Yes, Master.) And then I saw like your President Trump, he’s ready for transition and I thought, what is in that. (Oh no.) Does he give up on us? I mean he should not. (No.) It’s not the end yet. Right? (Yes.) Even if he will not win, so what? He has nothing to lose now. Does he? (No.) OK. Maybe he could transition, fine, but he should not give up. I know it’s very difficult for him. (Yes.)
Because I read on the headlines on my mobile phone, (Yes.) everybody seems to be against him. Almost everybody. Except his supporters, but his supporters don’t have a big voice like those people who are against him. (Yes.) They are the media, they are the Senate, they are the GOP [Grand Old Party]. That’s the…what is that? (The Republicans.) GOP, whoever. (Yes.) I guessed it was Republicans. I thought that. I mean, my God, if they cannot help him, they should not put him down. You know what I’m saying? (Yes, Master.) Meaning trying to discourage him. (Right.) Try to demoralize him. My God, the man is already almost down on the floor. They should not do this. This is not nice. (No.) I don’t think these people are in the same party or maybe same party but not, I don’t know if they have good ideals about the world or about anything. I’m sorry! Well, I’m not sorry. I’m a free citizen. We have free speech. Right? (Yes, Master.) I’m not naming any names, but I don’t agree with these people who are ridiculing your president. He’s still a president. OK? (Yes. Yes, Master.) He’s still the President of the United States of America. He should never give up, yet. (Yes, Master.) Not until the last second, until there’s no more ways. (Yes, yes, Master.)
I feel so sorry for him, you know? I read that and I cried. I thought… I hope he has not given up because I am still praying for him. (Yes.) And then maybe he’ll still change, you know? I don’t want to say anything because sometimes you should not say things, OK? (Understand, Master.) Should not disclose things because we are in the enemy world, you know? We are not in Heaven. We are not in our Home. Yeah? (Yes, Master.) So that’s why many things you ask me, I say I cannot tell you. See? (I understand, yes.) Because even like if you have a spy around you, you cannot talk loud, because you are worried that the enemies will hear you. Yeah? (Yes.) But these kinds of things, you cannot even talk not loud. (Yes.) Because there are invisible spies, you see what I am saying? (Yes, understand.) And they will try to find the way to counteract and then will make trouble for you. (Wow.) Delaying your plan, ruin your idea, or ruin your program, or you know? Everything like that, so many things, but I still have very much hope and I pray for him. Do you guys still pray for him? (Yes, Master.) Please tell all your colleagues. (Yes, Master.) I cannot force anybody, I cannot recommend or anything, I just ask if you can. OK? (Yes.) Please do pray for him. (We will.)
I hope Mr. Trump won’t give up. I was thinking, is there any way I can contact him and tell him and comfort him, and encourage him? But I am just a nobody. I don’t know any Republicans. (Oh.) Yes, of course, You understand what I am saying? (Yes, Master.) Because I have never been involved in politics or was never interested anyway. (Yes.) But this, I want to tell Mr. Trump if he even heard it, or I hope somebody of his loyal members would maybe tell him what I want to tell him that:
“Please, Mr. Trump, don’t give up. Please don’t give up. Because it’s not for you. I know if I were you, I would also give up long ago. I don’t care about this position, President or whatever… it means nothing to me. Perhaps it means also nothing to you, but it’s your people who trusted you and it’s not for you that you should fight for your rightly earned presidency. People love you. Not just Americans, but people in the world love you. And we love you. OK? We don’t know you, we have no relation to you, but we do love you, we know you are a good, good, good man. Because you did many right things which people opposed, like if you get out of NATO, I approve that. What do they do anyway? What for they have to have so much tax payers’ money just for preparing to kill people? It’s useless. And even other organizations one day they say this, one day they say that, contradicting themselves and confusing people. They’re getting paid, but they don’t do their job well. So wherever you get out, of whatever organization, I think you did the right thing! Until they change. OK?
So maybe nobody told you that you did the right thing, but I tell you now. I am risking my reputation as a spiritual practitioner, as a trusted teacher of many people in the world. I am risking my safety as well to tell you this. Not because… of you, but because of the things you do that benefit the world. You must fight to the end, Mr. President. It’s not for you, not for your families. You have children, you understand, you know how you love your children, imagine if your children are being bombed, being crippled, being killed right in front of you… how would you feel? But that’s how hundreds of thousands of children die like that. As I am talking right now, I don’t know how many children died out there. Die young, die innocently, die unjustly. Because you make peace, so future children will not suffer that fate anymore, you have to… you have to fight, you cannot give up. You have to fight for them, Mr. President!
I never ask anybody to do anything. But I ask you because I have hope that you are the only one who can do this and you have proved it. You have never said that you are going to be president and then you make peace, but you just make peace, like that. And how many hundreds or thousands or millions of people’s lives will be saved? How many countries will be stabilized, and have peace and have prosperity and get on with their lives because of you. Please fight for them. Up to now, not everybody can make peace the way you do, so please continue to fight. It doesn’t matter, you cannot predict whether you win or lose. That also depends on the karma of your country and of the world, so just fight. Just do what is right because you rightly won the election, Heavens told me that and I know that. I know many things that I cannot tell anybody. But time will tell.
You cannot just give up, because maybe the other party comes up and then they will go bombing children, bombing women, bombing innocent people again and nobody can stop them. And these countries…, they are not western countries, they are not America. Most of them cannot afford the medical care that the westerners or the Americans can afford. They are poor countries, they’re already poor and if they are wounded, injured, handicapped, crippled by bombs, by guns, by whatever in the war, they will just die or suffer, suffer, suffer. Please think about that.
Whatever you did was right. I know you don’t accept climate change, because you did not study that. You have been very busy with your business, with your other things. I don’t blame you, but I know, I have trust that if you know more, you would immediately do something. You are doing also something, but it’s not the main point of it. Like, I’m advocating for veganism, because veganism brings peace and prosperity and stabilization for the climate.
I’m not trying to preach to you about this, but I trust in you. At least you make peace and you save humans’ lives, you save Americans’ lives, these young, beautiful, handsome, intelligent boys and girls cannot just be wasted in a foreign land or any land. So you have saved their lives, you brought happiness to their family, you brought smiles to their wives, their children, and for that, I thank you very much and the world thanks you also for having some peaceful future. And that means a lot to Heaven and Earth, means a lot to the whole world. So it’s not for you that you should fight, you have to think of others like that.
And I know you… are not for vegan or anything, it’s fine, you just do what you can. OK? I don’t blame you, because many people know about veganism, that’s good for the world. And many people know for sure what can save the climate and they boast about it. They say they’ll do this, do that for the climate and are hinting that they’re going to make veganism and all that, it is all empty words. Means nothing to me, means nothing to anybody. So at least you are straightforward and you’re honest. You don’t believe, you say you don’t, and whatever you believe, even you don’t boast about it, you don’t promise anything, you just do it. And pronto, fast, as fast as you can. So, I really am grateful to your leadership, please try to continue to reclaim your rightful place… as a winner.
Are we okay, girl? (Yes.) OK, because I heard some noise, maybe you are crying. I thought maybe… I am telling you… I’m sorry, I’m so emotional but your president, he should not give up. (Yes, Master. Thank You.) I have never supported any leader in this way, you know that. (Yes, I know, Master.) You know that for sure (Yes.) and I don’t think I will ever do that again. So, really from my heart, it’s not from the teleprompter or anything like that or any ready-made script, or from a ghostwriter or whatever. (Yes, Master.)
It’s all from my heart. And I just hope somehow that my sincere, heartfelt words will reach your president. (I hope so too, Master.) And just... maybe, just give him a little bit more encouragement. So that he will not just give up. They are attacking his pride. (Yes, Master.) They’re provoking him, so that he gives up. But that’s just the trap and the trick. He should not do that. He’s a smart man, he shouldn’t do that. He should not listen to anybody except his own heart (Yes.) and except God. Listen to the angels around you; listen to God above you, because you are a righteous man. (Yes.) And that’s why I’m telling you this, Mr. President. I’m not embarrassed to show my emotions and support to you, because I know it’s right. I’m not supporting you, Mr. Trump, I support your ideals, your work, your life-saving actions, because very rarely the world can see a leader like you. So, please... I want to tell you, it’s an order. You must fight. You’re a man, don’t give up. That’s all I want to tell you.
Even if they pressure you, they embarrass you, they humiliated you, they degraded you, they try all kinds of all things just to pressure you into giving up quick, don’t do it. Because all the great men, great women, who are destined to do something great for the world, truly great, they are never 100% supported by the world – almost the opposite. That’s the price these great people have to pay. That’s the way it is.
So you continue to do what you can. Work with your lawyers, your trusted friends, your supporters. You also need to consider your supporters who are heartbroken over your unjust outcome of the election. Some risk their jobs, their safety to defend you. So, for all these people, and for the world, you must continue. You cannot give up. I also had many difficulties in my mission, all the way up to now, but I did not give up. So if you are a man, you should be better. You are a man, you cannot give up, not until the last seconds, if there is no more hope, no more way to get out of the fight. You must continue, Mr. President. I wish I could deliver this to you in person, but I’m a nobody, in the political arena. I don’t have any power. I just want to tell you my honest, sincere request. I wish you all the best, all the luck that you deserve. I wish you all the protection from Heaven and men. Amen. (Amen.) ”
Okay, girl, I think I’m out of breath, now. (Oh, Master.) Yeah. OK. (Thank You, Master.) Do you have anything to tell me? If not then I’ll go to continue my work. (OK, Master. Thank You.) This is just a sudden outburst, but I really wanted to talk about it. (Yes, Master, Understand.) Now I get it off my chest. I hope somehow my words will get to your president. (Yes, Master.) Because my sincerity counts. (Yes, I know.) My heartfelt goodwill counts. (Yes.) I do hope that some of the Republicans that know him, can pass on this message to him. I don’t know if anybody cares really about what I say, but I just hope maybe somehow they find a way to him. (Yes.) Just to remind him that he has to continue his way, and what for, you know what I’m saying? (Yes, Master.) It’s not for himself, so he should not be embarrassed or feeling depressed or feeling discouraged from anybody. (Right.) He should just listen to his heart. Listen to the angels, listen to God. (Yes, Master.) And continue his mission. (Yes.)
All right. You have anything to tell me? (No, Master. Thank You.) No, ah? I think you also cannot say anything anymore, right? What do you think? What would you want to tell him as an American citizen? I know maybe we are nothing, but you can tell what you want, get it off your chest. Who knows… (I don’t want him to give up) Yeah. (because I want the world to be at peace.) Yes. (And he’s one of the rare leaders who has courage to be peaceful and not to always go to war over everything.) Yes. (And he has the courage to be different and to be peaceful, and the world needs that right now and we can’t continue the way we’re going.) Yes, yes. (So I really appreciate Master’s words to him. I hope he listens.) Yes, OK. Yes. And we continue to pray for him. (Yes.) Whether or not anybody cares. We just do it. (Yes, Master.) Cause I think he’s our only hope. (Yes.) Even for World Vegan or climate change.
Because many people just use that for political reasons, (Yes.) to gain votes or to gain trust or to raise money, (Yes.) whatever it is, their motive, but they don’t do much. Up to now, the climate is getting worse, and people suffer from famine and drought, and weather craziness, everything already. And they all know it. (Yes.) And they say they’ll do this, do that. They do nothing. Nothing essential. (Yes.) And so, even if the President, he… they told me he denied climate change. I didn’t know much about that because I haven’t read news or anything since years. (Yes, understand.) Just maybe now and then, something special so I just have a glance at the headlines. But only now that I am really into it, because of the pandemic that is like no other disease before. (Yes, Master.)
And I am concerned for our human fellows, so I continue to follow up with the news. Just anything I can say, I have said it. And I help with anything I can help, at least to our people, to your brother and sister initiates. (Yes.) I feel responsible as a teacher. I have to protect you guys, so I must know many things. (Yes. Thank You, Master.) Even if I know, but I have to have scientific evidence. (Yes, Understand.) Therefore, I have to follow up with all that. And then, by the way I know about Mr. Trump and all this… unfair, unjustified actions of everybody against him. That’s not fair, and not nice. (No.) I hope his supporters continue to support him, at least mentally, emotionally, stand by your man. (Yes.) And don’t let him be too lonely, and alone, and surrounded by all these brutal so-called friends, and colleagues, and party members, and media and all this… oh my God! (Yes.) Like… pounding on one person.
I think I have said enough. Do you want to say any more to him? Maybe he’ll never hear you, but you just say it. Who knows? Then you get it off your chest. Just like what I’m doing now. I don’t know if he’ll even ever know about it. (Yes. I just don’t want him to give up and I just… Mr. President, just know that we love you and… just please be strong.) He’s the only hope for the world right now. (Yes.) Other leaders, they just do their business as usual, just to get paid, just to get voted, just whatever… Just to please everybody else around, whether or not right or wrong. (Yes.) He’s the only one who just speaks his mind and does what he thinks is right. (Yes.) Even though he promised nothing. (Yes.) That’s the way it should be for a leader, it should be just straightforward. (Yes.) Just honest. (Yes. Genuine.) Genuine, yeah, that’s it. Genuine, that’s the word. He’s a genuine guy. (Yes.) And that’s why I like him. Heavens love him too. They all support him. All Heavens want him to win. And countless people in the world want him to be President again. (Yes.)
I wish even he could be President forever. (Wow.) Yeah, but there are no such amendments, right, in America? (No.) Each president can be only two terms max, right? (Yes.) But in Russia, their president can be president for a long time. (Yes.) I think maybe you should change your constitution. Ah, yeah, they should change. (Yes.) Amend it. So that a good president, like President Trump, could stay forever. Or as long as necessary. (Yes.) Or until people don’t want him anymore. (Yes.) If he did something wrong. But this president is going to do better and better. (Wow, yes.) And if I can have any power, I would change the law and let him rule, let him help the world in his powerful position. (Yes.) Because in this world, if you don’t have this kind of worldly power, then you cannot do much. So, it’s good. In Russia, President Putin can be president almost forever. (Wow.) They changed the constitution. And why not, if he doesn’t do anything wrong, if he brought safety and peace to his country. (Yes.) At least peace (Yes.) and prosperity. (Yes, Master.) He doesn’t oppress people and people are free to do what they want, go anywhere they like, and live their life. (Yes.) At least peace. Peace is the best medicine for any country. (Yes.)
I want to say something again. OK? (Yes, Master.) All right. This is more official and serious. President Trump, I was too emotional before, I want to add something in all calmness. Seriously, you have to continue fighting your legal fight, until you cannot fight anymore. You cannot give up. You have to think of all the victims of the war all the time up to now.
We don’t talk about long history of war, we talk about the almost two decades of war in Afghanistan, for example. How many people died, how many children suffered, how many widows. Think about them. You know, overnight they became widows, and then overnight, maybe, they are forced to be a slave to some village rich or being abused by them, so that she can have some survival pieces for the children’s sake. Think about the children… suddenly became orphans, homeless. Lost arms, lost legs, groveling on the street for some moldy bread, enduring bullying, harassment, or molesting, anywhere during the war, because of the war, or seduced into brothels, or join revolutionary groups, labeled “terrorists.” Then get bombed again, second time, third time… until any remnant of faith in God shattered, his life shattered also! And never have anymore future, except in the bloody battle field, in the endless blood-shedding wars. Or they have to come and work as child labor in some underpaid job somewhere.
But then, they cannot even be in peace to work to earn their meager survival. Because some hypocrites will come along with big suits and big cameras and big crew, exposing the boss for forced child labor, etc., etc. Then the kid even has no more of this meager existence anymore. Then you can imagine what becomes of them. They can either join the so called “terrorists,” or go in to the brothel or crawling on the streets somewhere. Or being molested with no one even caring a hair because they have nowhere to go. They cannot be anything more than just a castaway kind of garbage in the society, in our world.
Please, Mr. President, this cannot go on forever. The war will breed more war; breed more so-called “terrorists.” And more so-called “terrorists” will breed more war. It is an endless cycle. You can end it. You did some part of ending the war. The solution is in the Bible that you pray with every day “As you sow, so shall you reap.” Only the benevolent energy of PEACE and VEGAN will repel evil force. Then all will be well. Why pardon only a turkey? Just pardon everyone! Just like your Defense Secretary Mr. Miller said, “All wars must end.” There’s no good war ever. We are not born on this planet just to kill – and kill and kill. Be it humans or animals.
All these wars must stop. And we count on you. Many people count on you. Countless of people are thanking you for making peace in their country, so that they can breathe a sigh of relief and look toward their brighter future. OK, I’m not talking too long anymore. You must fight, Mr. President, your legal rightly battle. Don’t give up – for all the war victims’ sake – past, present and future. God bless you, Mr. President. God bless America. May America be Great Again. Thank you.
All right, my love. I think I better get back to my work now. (OK, Master.) Originally it’s just to ask you if you are OK and then we’re both crying like babies. Maybe we have become babies.
Every day, if I stop thinking, then I can concentrate on my work… I might stop for a while thinking. But when I’m free a little bit, I think of the suffering people in the world, due to war, (Yes.) famine because of war. And the animals who suffer so much in the brutal hands of humans. Oh, I cry all the time. (Yes.) That’s why my eyes are not as good as before. (Wow.) I wanted to ask somebody to buy me better eyeglasses. Never mind, it’s not so urgent, I still have these magnifying glasses. (Yes.) So, I wear the glasses on my eyes, but I use also the magnifying glass. (Oh, wow.) Oh yeah, so I can read the words on the computer. Before I could, now I cannot. (Oh.) I think I cry too much for my own good. I just hope my tears will wash away some of the karma of humans and animals and let us have quickly peace and vegan. (Yes. Yes, Master.)
I talked to your brothers and sisters. I said we make one more day for World Vegan prayers. (Yes, I saw.) Maybe the outside people, they won’t do it. But at least we do it. (Yes, Master.) And it will be better. Quicker. Because before, I could not ask too much like that. It has to be a little bit more gradual. (Yes.) Because if outside people, they meditate and pray with us, the power will be too much for them. (Yes.) But now maybe they can be used to it already. (Yes.) So we can increase more blessing power into that gathering and prayer. (OK. Thank You, Master.)
You please, continue to take care of yourself. (Yes, Master. Thank You.) It’s not all your fault. It’s karma of the world and it’s the influence of the negative lingering still in humans. (Yes, Master.) All right. We bear it all, we pay everything. We pay anything as long as others have peace and safety. (Yes, understand.) We try our best. Thank you. God bless you. (Thank You, Master.) God bless you. (Take care. Yes.) Yes, and God rewards you quietly. I’ll talk to you next time. OK? (OK, Master. Thank You.) Alright. But if you really cannot… don’t feel like up to it, just let the girls help you. (Yes, Master.) Because they just bring some food. It makes no big deal. You live next to each other. OK? (Yes, Master.) Maybe one day, you will have to do that for them. (Yes.) You know, everyone has some days of unfavorable luck or physical unwellness. Don’t hesitate, don’t feel embarrassed. (OK, Master. Thank You.) All right. You take good care, really, girl. (Yes.) I love you. (Thank You. I love You too, Master.) Yeah. Ciao. (Ciao.)
Host: Our deepest gratitude, Most Compassionate Supreme Master Ching Hai, for Your merciful Love for all beings and sharing this important message for President Donald Trump and the future of our world. We pray President Trump will hear and heed Master’s words and continue on in strength and Heaven’s protection with his noble presidency of peace for the well-being of all global citizens, in Divine Love.
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U.S. President Donald Trump is Good for the World, Dec. 15, 2020
Our Most Compassionate Supreme Master Ching Hai, setting aside precious time from Her intensive meditation for the world, spoke with the Supreme Master Television team on December 15, 2020. She graciously answered several questions including those regarding the United States presidential election.
(Master, how come there is widespread fraud in this election? President Trump, his supporters, and Republican party members think he was robbed of his winning of the election? Could Master tell us more about that? Please?)
It’s not difficult, ah, sadly. But it’s nobody’s fault. OK? (Yes.) I don’t want anyone to blame the Democrat people. Democrat members and supporters. OK? (Yes.)
They did not mean to. (Yes.) It is a fraud. No doubt. But it’s nobody’s fault. It is these demons, we call them zealous demons, still left, I told you, long ago (Yes.) that I didn’t take them all off yet. I did take thirty more lately. But it’s kind of late. They hang around these people. And they are pushed. Oh, I wrote it somewhere in my diary. Just a moment. (Yes, Master.)
It goes like this, it’s from the Original Universe Protectors. Mine. I have two messages. First one, it says, “Trump won with flying colors. (Wow.) But zealous demons pushed workers to fraud.” Exactly no more, no less words. That’s what it is. So, I said, “Thanks. Can You fix it?” They didn’t think to do that. (Oh.) So, I hope the American people still believe in this voting system. (Yes.) Because it is still democratic. It’s just that sometimes the demons, they messed up. (Yes.) They push people to do bad things. That’s since time immemorial, it’s not just about the United States’ recent election at all. (Yes.) I can only say that the American people should not lose faith in the election. (Yes.) But I think, my advice, I say it any way for you. (Yes, Master.) You are American. The American people should overturn the election outcome and let the incumbent President continue four more years at least because he’s good for you! (Yes.) He’s good for your country and good for the world. So many things he did right. (Yes.) So many things he did good for the Americans, not to talk about for the world. Think about it, look back, see what he has done. And you will know what I’m talking about. If you really want your country better, improved, please let President Trump continue his mission. Because Heaven wants that way. (Thank You, Master.) You’re welcome.
(Master, all this information about President Trump, why didn’t Master tell us sooner?) I never wanted to tell at all. Not just sooner or later. (Oh.) Because normally, I should work all quietly. Yeah. I do thousands of things I never told anybody. And many things I could not even write down into the human language. And never will. (Yes.) Because Heaven… Heaven’s mandate, it’s difficult also to explain to humans. (Yes, understand.) Because humans are so blurred and they would not understand or they would not believe, and they might even make more trouble or ridiculing and all that. (Yes.) And maybe hinder his mission and my work, you got what I’m saying, also. (Yes, Master.) It’s just because of the election has been wronged. (Yes.) So, I just had to say something before I could even stop myself. See what I’m saying? (Yes.) Sometimes it happens and things just leak out. It would have been better if I had never said anything. (Oh.) I normally work… It’s better always to work quietly (Yes.) with Heaven’s mandate. (Yes, Master.) Heaven’s revelation should be better kept quiet. (Yes.) But sometimes, cannot help it. Alright. (Thank You, Master.) Yeah. Good.
Master emphasized the importance of peace instead of fighting over land.
Even if that land belonged to another country before, but it’s been a long time already and it has been settled that this land now belongs to the other country. So it should not be taken back, just like a contract that I sign, I don’t take it back. You see what I’m saying? (Yes, Master.) And it’s already settled for a longtime. Why invade it again? Why take it back again to cause bloodshed, misery, sorrow and pain for the people who are innocent. (Yes.) You should see, even the people who live in this land right now, they had nothing to do with the contract. Right? (Right. Yes, Master.) Talking about that, just like Crimea also. You know that half-island or island, that already belonged to Ukraine a long, long time already. And Nagorno-Karabakh has been settled with the Armenian people for a long time already. You understand me? (Yes, Master.)
They don’t cause your country or your citizens any problem. They live their lives. At least you don’t have to take care of them. That should be good already. No? (Yes, Master.) My God. I don’t see any problem. Do you? (No, Master.) I ask you, the leaders in the world, do you see any problem in that? Answer yourself, your soul, your heart, answer yourself. I don’t want to answer for you, because you know the answer.
Anything at all in this world is transient. Even land could be taken away by earthquake, by tsunami, by landslide, by whatever disaster. Why, why worry about a piece of land and cause so much sorrow, suffering, and anguish. No matter what reason, you cannot kill God’s children and celebrate it as a victory.
You make women become widows. Make men become cripples. Make children become orphans. Make parents become bereaved of their beloved children. Why, why, why, why, why? The leaders of the world, answer yourselves. Answer to God! If anything happens to your life, you know why. If anything bad happens to your life because you are not honest, because you cause grievance to others, do not blame God. Blame yourself. I’m telling you the truth. It’s like that. I wish, I pray, I hope that Heaven spares you any bad consequences.
I never wanted to talk about this, because people will criticize me. I’m not into politics, I’m into humanity, I’m into humane, understand? (Yes, Master.) Decent treatment between people, between humans. As a human to human. You got what I’m saying. (Yes, Master.) And I fear God. I love humans. All these things bother me too much, I had to say it today, OK, by the way, I don’t care why. I should say it once, OK? (Yes, Master.)
Master also explained more about COVID-19.
(Master, if a person who is sick and infected with the COVID-19 virus sincerely asks the animals’ souls, which are in the virus, for forgiveness, would this somehow help the animals’ souls and the infected person?)
I’ve been warning over these decades, but no one, not a lot listen. If they could have U-turned, Then, they would, we would have been able to avoid this. Or suffer very much less. So these people, they are the karma-ladened, heavy already. Their time is like that. They have nothing to offer. If they have something to offer, then, of course they can. If they know, if they believe in Karma, of course they can also pray. They can also pray. But it’s not that easy. You cannot just negotiate directly with these souls. It has to be some intervention from some higher spiritual person, higher accomplished person, even past or present Masters, (Yes, Master.) to intervene, to witness the promise. This person can say it inside, even though he doesn’t see the virus’ soul, he can say that “Please, if I have done you harm, if I have killed you or tortured you before because of my ignorance, please forgive me. If I can live, I will turn around. I can help. I’ll try to help animals instead. And then, I will somehow earn merit by following some righteous way, some Master, and whatever merit I have, I will share with you. And you will be liberated from this lowly existence.” Then, they can do it. Then they can be released. You understand? (Yes, Master.) Heaven has, Master power has intervened a lot, a lot, a lot already.
Master told a true story to illustrate this karmic work. (It will air with the full conference.)
Unless his time or her time is up. Then, they have to go. You see what I am saying? (Yes, Master.) If still can have some time to live, then, the Master will not let them die; intervene, and negotiate. You got what I am saying? (Yes, Master.) With the soul of that person, if they repent in their heart.
Most Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai, You always put the world first, sacrificing Your peace, comfort and safety, to speak for justice and Love so humanity will wake up to live our destiny as beings of peace and compassion. Our deep gratitude, Master. May the Mighty Godses always protect Master, as we continue to pray that World Vegan, World Peace is soon manifested.
For the full broadcast of this conference with Supreme Master Ching Hai, please tune in to Between Master and Disciples at a later date.
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Supreme Master Ching Hai Shares Jewish Stories, Dec. 9, 2020
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Our Most Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai lovingly spoke with the Supreme Master Television team on December 9, 2020, taking precious time away from Her intensive meditation retreat for the world. She graciously translated from Aulacese, also known as Vietnamese, to English, stories from the book, “A Treasury of Jewish Folklore” compiled by Nguyễn Ước. One titled, “The City Guardian,” was about Abraham, a venerated Patriarch in Judaism and Christianity and a venerated Prophet in Islam.
“Now Abraham often pondered and talked to himself, saying thus: ‘How much longer do we have to focus on labor work? It is really not worthy when we have to obey the body for any other things except the earth. Because the earth produces vegetables and fruits, thus keeps us alive, sustains us. But we have to see the earth also needs rain. If there is no rain then…’ He said, ‘If the sky doesn’t open to allow rain to come down to the earth, then the earth also cannot produce anything.’ So Abraham changed his mind. He was thinking that anything else belongs to the physical, nothing is better than the earth, because the earth produces so many nutritious products to keep us alive. But then, he was thinking again, ‘No, but the earth needs rain.’” (Yes.) So he thinks the earth is not the number one either.
“So then he’s thinking, ‘Oh no, then only the sky is worthy for us to worship.’ Because before he was thinking, ‘Oh, everything just to take care of the body is not worthy. Working, working just to earn something to eat, or to survive, that’s not worthy. So the earth is better. We should better concentrate to worship the earth, not worship the body, not take care too much of the body.’ And then afterward he was thinking, ‘Oh, but the earth needs the rain.’ So now he thinks, ‘If the sky doesn’t allow the rain to come down, then the earth is useless.’ Thus, now he thinks the sky is more worthy to be worshipped. Right. Right. (Right.)
And then he was seeing the Sun in the sky. He was thinking, ‘Oh no, the Sun gives the whole world brightness and brilliant color so that all the trees and fruits, and everything can grow.’ (Yes.) And then he said, ‘OK then, only the Sun is worthy for us to worship.’ (Yes.) And then the Sun set. He was thinking, ‘Huh? OK. Then like that, the Sun is not the God, is not the High Spirit,’” that’s what he meant. So the Sun is also not worthy enough for him to worship.
“And then after that, Abraham was thinking, he is weighing back and forth, and he saw the Moon come out, and then many beautiful, brilliant stars in the sky, and how they brighten the dark night. So he said, ‘Oh, the Moon and the stars, only they are worthy for us to worship.’”
“Then the Moon disappeared.” It does sometimes in the night. “And then he said, ‘Oh, then the Moon is also not worthy enough for us to worship as God, as Spirit of God.’” They call it God Spirit, but they mean God Almighty. (Yes.) “And then Abraham keeps looking, keeps thinking, keeps pondering…”
Master also mentioned the importance of learning about the Jewish people.
The Jewish people, in my impression, are the much misunderstood race of beings in the world. So maybe we should learn some things about them, so we have more ease between everybody and the Jewish people. (Yes, Master.)
Our Most Compassionate Master, our deep gratitude for sharing Your valuable time and for opening our eyes to the beauty of different religions, traditions and peoples. The Divine has truly bestowed tremendous blessings on us all. We look forward to when we can live in harmony with each other and all cherished beings on a vegan planet. May the Mighty Godses forever protect Master to live in peace, joy and excellent health as Her noble mission reaches fulfillment, in Heaven’s Glory.
For the full broadcast of this conference with Supreme Master Ching Hai, please tune in to Between Master and Disciples at a later date.
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The Dogs and the Birds in my Life-Supreme Master Ching Hai
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P. 1/3) We Are Transparent in the Eyes of the Universe
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.To Help the World Is Our Duty (Fulltime)
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The True Meaning Of Monkhood, Part 4 of 9, Dec 26, 2019
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When we come back to the world this time, it doesn’t matter what we do or whether we are Buddha or not. Within our scope of work, we respect our own lives. We do our best to respect the work we do, 100 percent. That is good enough. You don’t need to care what position you are in and what it is for. They’re all illusionary titles.
For example, there are three initiates from Costa Rica. Master paid for their plane tickets, because I know they don’t have the money. They really wanted to see me. They have very good experiences, excellent experiences. They’re very good and very sincere. Every time I went to see them, they were exactly the same. But I am rarely able to go to those countries, because I’m busy here. Here is more convenient for you Asians. If I go to America, or to Central and South America, it won’t be convenient for you. It’s not easy to get a visa and not convenient to get around. Because we don’t speak their language, so sometimes we can get lost. Many cities of the countries in Central and South America have the same name.
There’s one guy who wanted to go to San Jose. There is a San Jose in the United States, too. He wanted to go to San Jose in the USA. They sent him to San Jose in Costa Rica instead. It’s a real aviation story. I also had this problem myself. I wanted to go there, and they sent me over there, instead. Luckily, at the last second, they said, “Oh! No, no, sorry! So and so, come and sign up with us. It’s wrong, wrong! Hurry up and we’ll change Your ticket.” And then really everything had to be changed. The luggage was fine. I didn’t have much luggage. But some luggage was already checked-in. Luckily, I had the most important one with me. So, it was OK. I said, “You’d better take care of my luggage and give them back to me.” They did take good care of them.
It was a real mistake! The plane was wrong, and the time was wrong. They made me run and got me exhausted. Finally, I couldn’t run any longer by myself. I didn’t know where to go at that time. I forgot. It doesn’t matter. It just really happened. I ran halfway and I couldn’t stand it. I couldn’t pull that luggage and run with it any longer. I saw a chocolate shop in the airport. I left my luggage there and I said, “Keep an eye on it! I have to go. I have to go.” She said, “No, No, No! Cannot, Cannot! Come! Come back, Come back!” “Come back, come back!” “No, no!” I didn’t want to listen. I just pretended I didn’t understand and ran away. Because I was going to be back there in a minute. If I pulled it back and forth, I’d pass out in a minute. I am small and weak.
The weakest and the smallest, yet I have to do the biggest job. God is not fair. And there’s more and more work as I get older. What does that mean? Most people retire at 60. I’m 70 already, but I have more work than before. Hes is kidding. God must be kidding. They bully me. And I can’t do anything about it. My work matters. Hes has rules. I have to do it, and I must do it well. Besides, my heart can’t let go. I can’t let go of the sentient beings. I can’t let them go. I can’t give up on humans and animals. You said you are attached to something, I am even more attached.
I’m attached to my job. I can’t let go. I can’t let go of their suffering. I can’t ignore it. I can’t say I don’t know. I can’t pretend to hear and know nothing. I can’t. I think of people’s suffering, while I’m sleeping and meditating. Sometimes, I shed tears when I eat half of my meal, and then I can’t eat anymore. For example like this. I can’t put it down, truly, I can’t. You say you are attached to your family members, your clan. I am attached to a bigger family, everybody. A very big family. I have a lot of family members. You only have a few, and you’re so attached already. Besides, my family is so big, isn’t it? I have the whole world, how can I put it down? And animals, too.
You’ve only got a few kittens and puppies. When they get sick or pass away, you feel so much pain. I have animals of the whole world, clinging to my heart. I can’t let go. Even all creatures. I truly can’t let go. Sometimes, I would say to my dogs, “We have to sacrifice. Sometimes, I don’t see you because I’m too busy working. I’m not ignoring you. You carry on with your lives. We’ll see each other when I’m free, OK? Sometimes, when I can’t see you, I can’t see you. Not that I don’t love you. But we have to sacrifice for the multitude of animals and people.” They understood. They all understood very clearly. Last time, because I had to do a retreat. I meditated by myself for a few days. I do a retreat whenever I can find time, alone.
The last time, I wanted to have a retreat for three days. The whole group of dogs came, and I said, “I’m going to do a retreat tomorrow. I need to be alone. I can’t see you guys. Please understand. Don’t be sad, and don’t think that I’ve abandoned you.” Oh! I made a mistake. They wanted to leave my place right away. They cried and made noise, and I had to get someone to take them away. I told them it was tomorrow morning. It was pretty late by then. But they didn’t stop until someone came and took them away. This is what happened.
Sometimes, they are already here, asleep. Then I’ll tell them when I finish my work. They know that they are going soon. After an hour or two later, they need to leave anyway. So, they don’t make any noise. This time I told them too soon, too early. Oh! The whole group cried and made noise. Usually they are clamoring to come. That day, they were clamoring to leave. I said, “Are you really angry with me or you don’t love me? Why do you behave like this today?” He said, “To let You be free. To let You be free and prepare Yourself.” It’s like that. Don’t think that the small dogs don’t know anything. Anything else? I’m sorry. (Yes, there’s more.) OK.
(Dear Master, I opened my eyes during meditation, and I saw Master’s portrait changing constantly.) This one? (It was changing to various images. Master, is this the so-called Master’s billions of transformation bodies?) Does it need to be asked? My God. It’s just a symbol. Billions of transformation bodies are not like that. That is the Master’s inner power manifesting in different places, with different looks to save different people. Because some people don’t know Master. Let’s say a person believes in Jesus only, but he has affinity with me and is sincere. He asks Jesus to help him in his home. If I go to him without looking like a monk and tell him, “I’ll save you”, he will freak out. Therefore, I’ll appear in Jesus’s image to help him. It’ll make him have more faith. If you have faith, you are saved. This is called the billions transformation bodies. The power from the headquarters of the Universe can manifest in different shapes for the benefit of different beings. But that’s a picture, maybe you had blurred vision. Actually, it just helps you to understand. It’s a symbol. It’s not merely a photo. When Master is here, it is like a real person, to reassure you that Master is here, to let you know, so you are happy. Master doesn’t have only one look, but many. Even a photo can change like that, just to make you understand. It’s an experience. Congratulations.
(Next question. Master, I have three questions.) OK. (The first question is when I am at work, I use my brain all the time. Master, how can I get rid of the habit of using the brain excessively?) Does it mean that he continues to use his brain after work? (Yes.) I can’t help you. Recite the Five Holy Names. Recite them at work when you can. Recite whenever you can. Also, when you’re not working. We can’t help it. We need brains, too. Otherwise, the brain will go rusty. The brain is the brain. We should recite the Holy Names. Recite when you meditate. I know it’s hard to change sometimes. That’s why we need to practice daily. Otherwise, just receiving initiation is good enough. It’s hard to change. Take it easy. It doesn’t matter. You still have faith and that is good. The second question.
(The second question. Master, in Your earlier discourses, You mentioned that it’s always the same few Buddhas delivering the sentient beings, such as Maitreya and Quan Yin Bodhisattva. It’s always these Buddhas. May I ask Master if these Buddhas were all Your reincarnations?) No, not all of Them were “me.” Give other beings a chance, OK? Some were, some were not. Like Shakyamuni Buddha, He was not my reincarnation. Some others, yes. I don’t want to say it, in case people think that I’m bragging. But not all the Buddhas nor the Quan Yin Bodhisattvas were me. I don’t necessarily have to be the Buddhas. I don’t necessarily have to shave and wear monk’s robe. I also tried this time, but I was still called to wear these worldly clothes again. It doesn’t matter. I’m still a monk. I became a monk to save people and sentient beings, not to be worshipped or believed by people. So, whatever I wear is OK. All right.
(The third question. Does every soul, born in this universe have a special destiny? For example, is the person destined to become an enlightened master? Or become a god? Or even the king of a heaven? Thank You, Master.) Not everyone is destined to be a Master, of course. Otherwise, it’s too competitive. “This is mine. I am the Master. Come over here. No, No. Go over there.” It’s not like that. Whatever we are is fine. For example, Ananda. He had been a Buddha for a long time. But he was reincarnated as Shakyamuni Buddha’s attendant. He had reincarnated as Shakyamuni Buddha’s relatives, friends, attendants, etc. When we come back to the world this time, it doesn’t matter what we do or whether we are Buddha or not. Within our scope of work, we respect our own lives. We do our best to respect the work we do, 100 percent. That is good enough. You don’t need to care what position you are in and what it is for. They’re all illusionary titles.
Even Buddha doesn’t care whether people call Him Buddha or not. Just because we respect Him, we call Him that. When Shakyamuni Buddha reincarnated, He didn’t reincarnate to be Buddha every life. He had become Buddha millions of billions of eons ago. He sometimes still reincarnated to be a king; sometimes to be an ordinary cowboy; sometimes a golden deer. Or He came back to become different beings in different positions. Buddhas don’t mind what They are. They come back to help beings. OK, anything else? Thank you. Are you satisfied? Understand? No more questions? (I just hope that my merits gained in this retreat can help me obtain the method to communicate with my inner Master anytime.) Let’s talk about it later. (OK, I will continue to practice hard.) Thank you. Communication is always there. It’s just that you don’t… I can get to you but you don’t talk.
(Next question. Master, my son has been initiated by Master and practiced hard. He’s been working in a temple, and he wants to become a monk. Master, will that affect his practice?) In a temple? (Yes.) Be a monk. No, if he wants to, then let him. He wants to be a monk, then let him be a monk. Just tell him to continue practicing the Quan Yin Method. Being a monk in a temple is also a type of work. He sweeps the floor, cooks, or cleans the Buddha statue. It is the same as working. All of us have a different job anyway, and we continue to practice the Quan Yin Method. For example, he works as a taxi driver, and he still practices the Quan Yin Method. He becomes a monk at a temple and still practices the Quan Yin Method, then it’s fine. In a temple, he can have vegan food easily, without being contaminated. It’s great. You don’t want him to be a monk because you want children or grandchildren, right? A worldly mother’s mind. Not necessary. (I am very supportive.) Good, then OK. (I am just afraid it will affect his practice.) It will not affect his practice. (OK, thank You Master.) He likes to be a monk, then let him be. (OK, thank You Master.) Let him do what he likes, just don’t let him do bad things. Being a monk won’t be a bad thing. I also want to; I like to be a nun. I want to sweep temples, and eat every day, without so many responsibilities. My mission is different. Thank you. (OK, thank You Master.) You are welcome.
Part 3
1177 BMD 20191226 p3o10 The True Meaning Of Monkhood 6m
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Supreme Master Ching Hai speaks at “Enlightening Our Way Together,” Dec. 22, 2020
Our Most Compassionate Supreme Master Ching Hai lovingly accepted the heartfelt invitation by the Honorable Chief Phil Lane Jr., Hereditary Chief of the Ihanktonwan Dakota and Chickasaw Nations, to be a keynote speaker on December 22, 2020 at “Enlightening Our Way Together.” It is a global digital program, running from December 11 through December 22, celebrating the dawning of a new age, with emphasis on the worldwide adoption of the vegan diet and actualizing Article 15 of the International Treaty to Protect and Restore Mother Earth. Article 15 commits to eliminating factory farming and “protecting Mother Earth from further destruction.”
In his letter, Chief Lane, who was inspired by Supreme Master Ching Hai’s messages and Supreme Master Television programs to become vegan, said: “It was clear for me to fully address Article 15 that I needed to be vegan, myself, and 'Walk my Talk!' So I am a vegan now. Thank You for all your inspiration, prayers, and support. Literally, without Your very kind, loving, and generous support, all our work in 2020, could not have been accomplished! Our thanksgiving transcends the world of names and the murmur of syllables and sounds.”
Although unable to attend the event due to Her intensive meditation retreat, Master graciously recorded a special video message for the participants; the following is an excerpt.
Greetings, all the great First Nations in the world. All the Indigenous people, beloved of the Creation. I’m very honored to be with you today. But I feel like we always are together, no matter how long, how far the physical distance because that doesn’t matter to the souls.
I wish all of you, first of all, the best that Heavens can bestow, that your people will always be feeling the love of the Divine in your heart, in your mind and in your soul. Amen.
I congratulate those who have turned to veganism as a way of life to help save the animals and save our planet. I’m truly grateful for that. And may God bless you ever more.
Yes, our world is in trouble. But we can fix it. Each one of us has a power to do it – simple, being vegan. And then other beautiful qualities will come out, and bless you, bless your loved ones, and then bless the world as well. That is the power of compassion, benevolence, which is inherent in all of us. All we have to do is just to use it.
God is all love, and God has only love for all of us. It is that we should also spread that love, through a kind, compassionate way of life, so that no one, no beings get hurt, or damaged, or ruined, or destroyed through our negligent actions, through our inconsideration for others’ feelings and right to live.
I am thanking Chief Phil Lane again for his leadership in this role, in this time of need, that he may remind his kinships, his people, his relatives, friends, to remember the benevolent way of life. May God bless him. May God bless you, Chief Phil Lane. You are truly a Chief, because you research, you know and you assimilate all the knowledge that is beneficial to yourself and to your people. And you are spreading it.
And by being a vegan, you are the best example of leadership for your people. We thank you. Heaven takes note of that and is blessing you, your loved ones and your people evermore, evermore, evermore than before.
It’s just that in this time of trouble, people will be more inclined to look inward, to be more connected with the Divine. Thus, they will feel, they will recognize more of the love and the blessing of the Providence. And it is a good thing that sometimes we go through upheavals, so that we can be awakened to something greater than our physical lives and our physical beings. And the Indigenous people know this.
Because you are a very spiritual race of beings, ever since time immemorial, you have always tried to connect with the higher level of Spirit, and you have always tried to protect the environment, the lands, all the beings around you. Even trees, and grass, and flowers, always receive your respect, and love and protection. And for that, the Earth, Mother Earth thanks you. Nature thanks you and the animals thank you. And I thank you. And Heaven praises you for being so conscious of the blessing that you have. I wish all the people in the world have the same consciousness of respect, appreciation and protection and love for all beings around us, because we are all connected. If we hurt one, we will hurt ourselves. If we hurt one, we also hurt all. The Indigenous people, especially, realize this fact very, very deeply, and they always preserve the tradition of respect and love for all around them.
Because they are a gentle race of beings, they are the forefathers of many races on this planet. We all came from Indigenous roots. We all came from the First People on this planet. Like, the First Nations now you call them. And we all have the duty to protect them, to protect this ancient heritage, this ancient way of life, relying on nature more and protecting nature more, respecting nature more.
I do hope that all of us will remember these lessons we learned since the first day we appeared on this planet. Many of us have forgotten and that is a very sad thing. We pray Heavens to bless us to remember again, to remember deeper, deeper through our consciousness to be more connected with something higher than ourselves, something sacred, something protective, something holy, something benevolent, something of love of the highest order. Amen.
It is Christmas season and I hope all of us remember the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus and make use of His blessing, His loving grace to do something good for ourselves, for others, for the world, and for the planet so that we might continue to exist in peace and love and harmony with all beings and above all, with all Heavens, with all the universe, in the all-embracing Love and Mercy of the Most High. May you all be well and blessed and loved the way that God intended for us to be. Love you forever. We are connected, we are relatives, we are friends. God bless you more. May God bless us all. Amen.
Following Master’s message, Chief Lane and several participants expressed their appreciation:
Chief Lane(m): Just heartfelt thanksgiving. I just had so many beautiful tears in listening to that beautiful kind, compassionate message from Supreme Master Ching Hai.
Dr. Sailesh Rao(m): I'm truly grateful to Supreme Master Ching Hai for this incredible message. And I am grateful to Her for speaking out on behalf of the animals so clearly… that we must treat them with kindness and compassion… And also for highlighting the unity of compassion among all religions.
Connie Baxter Marlow(f): I would like to honor and thank the Master for Her recognition of the role of the Indigenous people, in honoring the sacredness and oneness of all life for humanity…
Adriana Alvarez(f): Thank You so much. Beloved Master Ching Hai, we have received Your blessings in our hearts, in our spirits, in each part of our DNA… Your example, Your pathway has inspired us, motivated us, enlightened our way together, to love, to honor, to cherish all life, and especially our animal relatives.
Dr. Dot Maver(f): …And it is as though Supreme Master had a watering can of love and nourishment, on all the Earth for all creation and my heart is full. So, gratitude to You, to Supreme Master, and to all who are walking the journey ever more consciously.
Our deep gratitude, Most Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai, for sharing this illuminating message of Love, uplifting hearts and lighting our way to a future filled with benevolence for all beings. Also, our sincere appreciation, the Honorable Hereditary Chief Phil Lane Jr. and all those involved in this event, for your caring leadership and commitment to safeguarding our precious Mother Earth. We pray more humans quickly adopt the compassionate vegan way of life so generations to come of all peoples and species will know an existence where peace and love reign.
Please tune in for Supreme Master Television’s show on the “Enlightening Our Way Together” global digital program, at a later date
Be Vegan, make peace.
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(2020-12-10, 06:42 AM)Chân Nguyệt Wrote: Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Heartfelt Message to U.S. President Donald Trump, Nov. 24, 2020
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You must fight to the end, Mr. President. As I am talking right now, I don’t know how many children died out there. Because you make peace, so future children will not suffer that fate anymore, you cannot give up. You have to fight for them, Mr. President!
Host: On November 24, 2020, while our Most Beloved Master was lovingly checking in on one of the Supreme Master Television team members, She spoke of Her concern about the United States President, His Excellency Donald Trump and shared an urgent, heartfelt message for him.
Hi, hallo, can we talk? (Yes.) Are you busy? (No, I am okay.) OK. I just want to ask you whether or not you get back to normal already. Are you better? (I’m getting there, Master.) Getting there. (Yes.) Seventy-percent better? (Yes.) OK. Good. Tomorrow, 80, next day, 90. Next, next day, 100 percent. (Thank You, Master.) Got that? (Yes.) Did the girls bring you food? I asked them to bring it to your place, in case you are too tired to get out.
(I was able to go and get some food myself, but, they tried, but I said “It’s OK” and I went to get it myself.) All right then. It’s also better not to give up, on yourself, (Yes.) because the body will listen. They think, “Oh, she says I’m not well, I cannot go there.” Then the cells just do that. (Understand, Master.) Yeah, so you just tell yourself, “I’m tough, I can do it. It’s OK, it’s just temporary.” (Yes. Thank You for Your concern.) I mean I also have problems, but I don’t care. I said to myself, “You got used to it. You know it already. (Yes.) It’s nothing new.” I said to myself, “You got a headache before, you got pain in there before; shut up.” I told myself like that. I’m happy that you are getting there. (Thank You.) If you don’t feel like eating the solid food, just cook some soup. (Yes, yes, Master.) Vegetable soup and broth and fresh fruit, they are recovery foods. (Yes.) Make the body not have to work too hard so that it concentrates on healing. (Yes, Master.) And exercise, fresh air. OK? (Yes, Master.) Or go out and walk, walk around your garden, your vicinity. (Yes.)
- Anything new that you have read? No? Yes? (No, not really. I haven’t been reading the news too much.) Yeah, yeah, because you are not well. Fine. I’ve just read today. I haven’t read the day before, yesterday, because I had too much work. (Yes.) But I just turned on the phone because I need to do that to send something. (Yes, Master.) And then I saw like your President Trump, he’s ready for transition and I thought, what is in that. (Oh no.) Does he give up on us? I mean he should not. (No.) It’s not the end yet. Right? (Yes.) Even if he will not win, so what? He has nothing to lose now. Does he? (No.) OK. Maybe he could transition, fine, but he should not give up. I know it’s very difficult for him. (Yes.)
Because I read on the headlines on my mobile phone, (Yes.) everybody seems to be against him. Almost everybody. Except his supporters, but his supporters don’t have a big voice like those people who are against him. (Yes.) They are the media, they are the Senate, they are the GOP [Grand Old Party]. That’s the…what is that? (The Republicans.) GOP, whoever. (Yes.) I guessed it was Republicans. I thought that. I mean, my God, if they cannot help him, they should not put him down. You know what I’m saying? (Yes, Master.) Meaning trying to discourage him. (Right.) Try to demoralize him. My God, the man is already almost down on the floor. They should not do this. This is not nice. (No.) I don’t think these people are in the same party or maybe same party but not, I don’t know if they have good ideals about the world or about anything. I’m sorry! Well, I’m not sorry. I’m a free citizen. We have free speech. Right? (Yes, Master.) I’m not naming any names, but I don’t agree with these people who are ridiculing your president. He’s still a president. OK? (Yes. Yes, Master.) He’s still the President of the United States of America. He should never give up, yet. (Yes, Master.) Not until the last second, until there’s no more ways. (Yes, yes, Master.)
I feel so sorry for him, you know? I read that and I cried. I thought… I hope he has not given up because I am still praying for him. (Yes.) And then maybe he’ll still change, you know? I don’t want to say anything because sometimes you should not say things, OK? (Understand, Master.) Should not disclose things because we are in the enemy world, you know? We are not in Heaven. We are not in our Home. Yeah? (Yes, Master.) So that’s why many things you ask me, I say I cannot tell you. See? (I understand, yes.) Because even like if you have a spy around you, you cannot talk loud, because you are worried that the enemies will hear you. Yeah? (Yes.) But these kinds of things, you cannot even talk not loud. (Yes.) Because there are invisible spies, you see what I am saying? (Yes, understand.) And they will try to find the way to counteract and then will make trouble for you. (Wow.) Delaying your plan, ruin your idea, or ruin your program, or you know? Everything like that, so many things, but I still have very much hope and I pray for him. Do you guys still pray for him? (Yes, Master.) Please tell all your colleagues. (Yes, Master.) I cannot force anybody, I cannot recommend or anything, I just ask if you can. OK? (Yes.) Please do pray for him. (We will.)
I hope Mr. Trump won’t give up. I was thinking, is there any way I can contact him and tell him and comfort him, and encourage him? But I am just a nobody. I don’t know any Republicans. (Oh.) Yes, of course, You understand what I am saying? (Yes, Master.) Because I have never been involved in politics or was never interested anyway. (Yes.) But this, I want to tell Mr. Trump if he even heard it, or I hope somebody of his loyal members would maybe tell him what I want to tell him that:
“Please, Mr. Trump, don’t give up. Please don’t give up. Because it’s not for you. I know if I were you, I would also give up long ago. I don’t care about this position, President or whatever… it means nothing to me. Perhaps it means also nothing to you, but it’s your people who trusted you and it’s not for you that you should fight for your rightly earned presidency. People love you. Not just Americans, but people in the world love you. And we love you. OK? We don’t know you, we have no relation to you, but we do love you, we know you are a good, good, good man. Because you did many right things which people opposed, like if you get out of NATO, I approve that. What do they do anyway? What for they have to have so much tax payers’ money just for preparing to kill people? It’s useless. And even other organizations one day they say this, one day they say that, contradicting themselves and confusing people. They’re getting paid, but they don’t do their job well. So wherever you get out, of whatever organization, I think you did the right thing! Until they change. OK?
So maybe nobody told you that you did the right thing, but I tell you now. I am risking my reputation as a spiritual practitioner, as a trusted teacher of many people in the world. I am risking my safety as well to tell you this. Not because… of you, but because of the things you do that benefit the world. You must fight to the end, Mr. President. It’s not for you, not for your families. You have children, you understand, you know how you love your children, imagine if your children are being bombed, being crippled, being killed right in front of you… how would you feel? But that’s how hundreds of thousands of children die like that. As I am talking right now, I don’t know how many children died out there. Die young, die innocently, die unjustly. Because you make peace, so future children will not suffer that fate anymore, you have to… you have to fight, you cannot give up. You have to fight for them, Mr. President!
I never ask anybody to do anything. But I ask you because I have hope that you are the only one who can do this and you have proved it. You have never said that you are going to be president and then you make peace, but you just make peace, like that. And how many hundreds or thousands or millions of people’s lives will be saved? How many countries will be stabilized, and have peace and have prosperity and get on with their lives because of you. Please fight for them. Up to now, not everybody can make peace the way you do, so please continue to fight. It doesn’t matter, you cannot predict whether you win or lose. That also depends on the karma of your country and of the world, so just fight. Just do what is right because you rightly won the election, Heavens told me that and I know that. I know many things that I cannot tell anybody. But time will tell.
You cannot just give up, because maybe the other party comes up and then they will go bombing children, bombing women, bombing innocent people again and nobody can stop them. And these countries…, they are not western countries, they are not America. Most of them cannot afford the medical care that the westerners or the Americans can afford. They are poor countries, they’re already poor and if they are wounded, injured, handicapped, crippled by bombs, by guns, by whatever in the war, they will just die or suffer, suffer, suffer. Please think about that.
Whatever you did was right. I know you don’t accept climate change, because you did not study that. You have been very busy with your business, with your other things. I don’t blame you, but I know, I have trust that if you know more, you would immediately do something. You are doing also something, but it’s not the main point of it. Like, I’m advocating for veganism, because veganism brings peace and prosperity and stabilization for the climate.
I’m not trying to preach to you about this, but I trust in you. At least you make peace and you save humans’ lives, you save Americans’ lives, these young, beautiful, handsome, intelligent boys and girls cannot just be wasted in a foreign land or any land. So you have saved their lives, you brought happiness to their family, you brought smiles to their wives, their children, and for that, I thank you very much and the world thanks you also for having some peaceful future. And that means a lot to Heaven and Earth, means a lot to the whole world. So it’s not for you that you should fight, you have to think of others like that.
And I know you… are not for vegan or anything, it’s fine, you just do what you can. OK? I don’t blame you, because many people know about veganism, that’s good for the world. And many people know for sure what can save the climate and they boast about it. They say they’ll do this, do that for the climate and are hinting that they’re going to make veganism and all that, it is all empty words. Means nothing to me, means nothing to anybody. So at least you are straightforward and you’re honest. You don’t believe, you say you don’t, and whatever you believe, even you don’t boast about it, you don’t promise anything, you just do it. And pronto, fast, as fast as you can. So, I really am grateful to your leadership, please try to continue to reclaim your rightful place… as a winner.
Are we okay, girl? (Yes.) OK, because I heard some noise, maybe you are crying. I thought maybe… I am telling you… I’m sorry, I’m so emotional but your president, he should not give up. (Yes, Master. Thank You.) I have never supported any leader in this way, you know that. (Yes, I know, Master.) You know that for sure (Yes.) and I don’t think I will ever do that again. So, really from my heart, it’s not from the teleprompter or anything like that or any ready-made script, or from a ghostwriter or whatever. (Yes, Master.)
It’s all from my heart. And I just hope somehow that my sincere, heartfelt words will reach your president. (I hope so too, Master.) And just... maybe, just give him a little bit more encouragement. So that he will not just give up. They are attacking his pride. (Yes, Master.) They’re provoking him, so that he gives up. But that’s just the trap and the trick. He should not do that. He’s a smart man, he shouldn’t do that. He should not listen to anybody except his own heart (Yes.) and except God. Listen to the angels around you; listen to God above you, because you are a righteous man. (Yes.) And that’s why I’m telling you this, Mr. President. I’m not embarrassed to show my emotions and support to you, because I know it’s right. I’m not supporting you, Mr. Trump, I support your ideals, your work, your life-saving actions, because very rarely the world can see a leader like you. So, please... I want to tell you, it’s an order. You must fight. You’re a man, don’t give up. That’s all I want to tell you.
Even if they pressure you, they embarrass you, they humiliated you, they degraded you, they try all kinds of all things just to pressure you into giving up quick, don’t do it. Because all the great men, great women, who are destined to do something great for the world, truly great, they are never 100% supported by the world – almost the opposite. That’s the price these great people have to pay. That’s the way it is.
So you continue to do what you can. Work with your lawyers, your trusted friends, your supporters. You also need to consider your supporters who are heartbroken over your unjust outcome of the election. Some risk their jobs, their safety to defend you. So, for all these people, and for the world, you must continue. You cannot give up. I also had many difficulties in my mission, all the way up to now, but I did not give up. So if you are a man, you should be better. You are a man, you cannot give up, not until the last seconds, if there is no more hope, no more way to get out of the fight. You must continue, Mr. President. I wish I could deliver this to you in person, but I’m a nobody, in the political arena. I don’t have any power. I just want to tell you my honest, sincere request. I wish you all the best, all the luck that you deserve. I wish you all the protection from Heaven and men. Amen. (Amen.) ”
Okay, girl, I think I’m out of breath, now. (Oh, Master.) Yeah. OK. (Thank You, Master.) Do you have anything to tell me? If not then I’ll go to continue my work. (OK, Master. Thank You.) This is just a sudden outburst, but I really wanted to talk about it. (Yes, Master, Understand.) Now I get it off my chest. I hope somehow my words will get to your president. (Yes, Master.) Because my sincerity counts. (Yes, I know.) My heartfelt goodwill counts. (Yes.) I do hope that some of the Republicans that know him, can pass on this message to him. I don’t know if anybody cares really about what I say, but I just hope maybe somehow they find a way to him. (Yes.) Just to remind him that he has to continue his way, and what for, you know what I’m saying? (Yes, Master.) It’s not for himself, so he should not be embarrassed or feeling depressed or feeling discouraged from anybody. (Right.) He should just listen to his heart. Listen to the angels, listen to God. (Yes, Master.) And continue his mission. (Yes.)
All right. You have anything to tell me? (No, Master. Thank You.) No, ah? I think you also cannot say anything anymore, right? What do you think? What would you want to tell him as an American citizen? I know maybe we are nothing, but you can tell what you want, get it off your chest. Who knows… (I don’t want him to give up) Yeah. (because I want the world to be at peace.) Yes. (And he’s one of the rare leaders who has courage to be peaceful and not to always go to war over everything.) Yes. (And he has the courage to be different and to be peaceful, and the world needs that right now and we can’t continue the way we’re going.) Yes, yes. (So I really appreciate Master’s words to him. I hope he listens.) Yes, OK. Yes. And we continue to pray for him. (Yes.) Whether or not anybody cares. We just do it. (Yes, Master.) Cause I think he’s our only hope. (Yes.) Even for World Vegan or climate change.
Because many people just use that for political reasons, (Yes.) to gain votes or to gain trust or to raise money, (Yes.) whatever it is, their motive, but they don’t do much. Up to now, the climate is getting worse, and people suffer from famine and drought, and weather craziness, everything already. And they all know it. (Yes.) And they say they’ll do this, do that. They do nothing. Nothing essential. (Yes.) And so, even if the President, he… they told me he denied climate change. I didn’t know much about that because I haven’t read news or anything since years. (Yes, understand.) Just maybe now and then, something special so I just have a glance at the headlines. But only now that I am really into it, because of the pandemic that is like no other disease before. (Yes, Master.)
And I am concerned for our human fellows, so I continue to follow up with the news. Just anything I can say, I have said it. And I help with anything I can help, at least to our people, to your brother and sister initiates. (Yes.) I feel responsible as a teacher. I have to protect you guys, so I must know many things. (Yes. Thank You, Master.) Even if I know, but I have to have scientific evidence. (Yes, Understand.) Therefore, I have to follow up with all that. And then, by the way I know about Mr. Trump and all this… unfair, unjustified actions of everybody against him. That’s not fair, and not nice. (No.) I hope his supporters continue to support him, at least mentally, emotionally, stand by your man. (Yes.) And don’t let him be too lonely, and alone, and surrounded by all these brutal so-called friends, and colleagues, and party members, and media and all this… oh my God! (Yes.) Like… pounding on one person.
I think I have said enough. Do you want to say any more to him? Maybe he’ll never hear you, but you just say it. Who knows? Then you get it off your chest. Just like what I’m doing now. I don’t know if he’ll even ever know about it. (Yes. I just don’t want him to give up and I just… Mr. President, just know that we love you and… just please be strong.) He’s the only hope for the world right now. (Yes.) Other leaders, they just do their business as usual, just to get paid, just to get voted, just whatever… Just to please everybody else around, whether or not right or wrong. (Yes.) He’s the only one who just speaks his mind and does what he thinks is right. (Yes.) Even though he promised nothing. (Yes.) That’s the way it should be for a leader, it should be just straightforward. (Yes.) Just honest. (Yes. Genuine.) Genuine, yeah, that’s it. Genuine, that’s the word. He’s a genuine guy. (Yes.) And that’s why I like him. Heavens love him too. They all support him. All Heavens want him to win. And countless people in the world want him to be President again. (Yes.)
I wish even he could be President forever. (Wow.) Yeah, but there are no such amendments, right, in America? (No.) Each president can be only two terms max, right? (Yes.) But in Russia, their president can be president for a long time. (Yes.) I think maybe you should change your constitution. Ah, yeah, they should change. (Yes.) Amend it. So that a good president, like President Trump, could stay forever. Or as long as necessary. (Yes.) Or until people don’t want him anymore. (Yes.) If he did something wrong. But this president is going to do better and better. (Wow, yes.) And if I can have any power, I would change the law and let him rule, let him help the world in his powerful position. (Yes.) Because in this world, if you don’t have this kind of worldly power, then you cannot do much. So, it’s good. In Russia, President Putin can be president almost forever. (Wow.) They changed the constitution. And why not, if he doesn’t do anything wrong, if he brought safety and peace to his country. (Yes.) At least peace (Yes.) and prosperity. (Yes, Master.) He doesn’t oppress people and people are free to do what they want, go anywhere they like, and live their life. (Yes.) At least peace. Peace is the best medicine for any country. (Yes.)
I want to say something again. OK? (Yes, Master.) All right. This is more official and serious. President Trump, I was too emotional before, I want to add something in all calmness. Seriously, you have to continue fighting your legal fight, until you cannot fight anymore. You cannot give up. You have to think of all the victims of the war all the time up to now.
We don’t talk about long history of war, we talk about the almost two decades of war in Afghanistan, for example. How many people died, how many children suffered, how many widows. Think about them. You know, overnight they became widows, and then overnight, maybe, they are forced to be a slave to some village rich or being abused by them, so that she can have some survival pieces for the children’s sake. Think about the children… suddenly became orphans, homeless. Lost arms, lost legs, groveling on the street for some moldy bread, enduring bullying, harassment, or molesting, anywhere during the war, because of the war, or seduced into brothels, or join revolutionary groups, labeled “terrorists.” Then get bombed again, second time, third time… until any remnant of faith in God shattered, his life shattered also! And never have anymore future, except in the bloody battle field, in the endless blood-shedding wars. Or they have to come and work as child labor in some underpaid job somewhere.
But then, they cannot even be in peace to work to earn their meager survival. Because some hypocrites will come along with big suits and big cameras and big crew, exposing the boss for forced child labor, etc., etc. Then the kid even has no more of this meager existence anymore. Then you can imagine what becomes of them. They can either join the so called “terrorists,” or go in to the brothel or crawling on the streets somewhere. Or being molested with no one even caring a hair because they have nowhere to go. They cannot be anything more than just a castaway kind of garbage in the society, in our world.
Please, Mr. President, this cannot go on forever. The war will breed more war; breed more so-called “terrorists.” And more so-called “terrorists” will breed more war. It is an endless cycle. You can end it. You did some part of ending the war. The solution is in the Bible that you pray with every day “As you sow, so shall you reap.” Only the benevolent energy of PEACE and VEGAN will repel evil force. Then all will be well. Why pardon only a turkey? Just pardon everyone! Just like your Defense Secretary Mr. Miller said, “All wars must end.” There’s no good war ever. We are not born on this planet just to kill – and kill and kill. Be it humans or animals.
All these wars must stop. And we count on you. Many people count on you. Countless of people are thanking you for making peace in their country, so that they can breathe a sigh of relief and look toward their brighter future. OK, I’m not talking too long anymore. You must fight, Mr. President, your legal rightly battle. Don’t give up – for all the war victims’ sake – past, present and future. God bless you, Mr. President. God bless America. May America be Great Again. Thank you.
All right, my love. I think I better get back to my work now. (OK, Master.) Originally it’s just to ask you if you are OK and then we’re both crying like babies. Maybe we have become babies.
Every day, if I stop thinking, then I can concentrate on my work… I might stop for a while thinking. But when I’m free a little bit, I think of the suffering people in the world, due to war, (Yes.) famine because of war. And the animals who suffer so much in the brutal hands of humans. Oh, I cry all the time. (Yes.) That’s why my eyes are not as good as before. (Wow.) I wanted to ask somebody to buy me better eyeglasses. Never mind, it’s not so urgent, I still have these magnifying glasses. (Yes.) So, I wear the glasses on my eyes, but I use also the magnifying glass. (Oh, wow.) Oh yeah, so I can read the words on the computer. Before I could, now I cannot. (Oh.) I think I cry too much for my own good. I just hope my tears will wash away some of the karma of humans and animals and let us have quickly peace and vegan. (Yes. Yes, Master.)
I talked to your brothers and sisters. I said we make one more day for World Vegan prayers. (Yes, I saw.) Maybe the outside people, they won’t do it. But at least we do it. (Yes, Master.) And it will be better. Quicker. Because before, I could not ask too much like that. It has to be a little bit more gradual. (Yes.) Because if outside people, they meditate and pray with us, the power will be too much for them. (Yes.) But now maybe they can be used to it already. (Yes.) So we can increase more blessing power into that gathering and prayer. (OK. Thank You, Master.)
You please, continue to take care of yourself. (Yes, Master. Thank You.) It’s not all your fault. It’s karma of the world and it’s the influence of the negative lingering still in humans. (Yes, Master.) All right. We bear it all, we pay everything. We pay anything as long as others have peace and safety. (Yes, understand.) We try our best. Thank you. God bless you. (Thank You, Master.) God bless you. (Take care. Yes.) Yes, and God rewards you quietly. I’ll talk to you next time. OK? (OK, Master. Thank You.) Alright. But if you really cannot… don’t feel like up to it, just let the girls help you. (Yes, Master.) Because they just bring some food. It makes no big deal. You live next to each other. OK? (Yes, Master.) Maybe one day, you will have to do that for them. (Yes.) You know, everyone has some days of unfavorable luck or physical unwellness. Don’t hesitate, don’t feel embarrassed. (OK, Master. Thank You.) All right. You take good care, really, girl. (Yes.) I love you. (Thank You. I love You too, Master.) Yeah. Ciao. (Ciao.)
Host: Our deepest gratitude, Most Compassionate Supreme Master Ching Hai, for Your merciful Love for all beings and sharing this important message for President Donald Trump and the future of our world. We pray President Trump will hear and heed Master’s words and continue on in strength and Heaven’s protection with his noble presidency of peace for the well-being of all global citizens, in Divine Love.
Tôi biết có nhiều đệ tử của Bà đã bầu cho Tân Tổng Thống Biden.
Vậy là bị đệ tử của bà đã đi ngược thông điệp của Bà rồi.
Bây giờ gởi thơ đến cho các Thượng Nghị Sĩ có quá muộn không?
Tôi tuy không ủng hộ Bà, nhưng cũng không đến nỗi thiếu phần thiện cảm.
Sau khi đọc thông điệp này, một chút thiện cảm với Bà cũng không còn mà chỉ còn để lại lòng ghê sợ.
Nào là cứu địa cầu, nào là ăn chay cứu thế giới, nào là tháng nắng Covid19 sẽ chết. Bây giờ lại đổi là
Covid19 có linh hồn, do nghiệp nặng quá, vvvvv.
Hơn 300 ngàn mạng người chết vì Covid19, đọc thông điệp này của bà, chắc họ cũng sanh lòng ghê sợ bà như tôi đây.
Đúng là tào lao hết thuốc chữa.