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Whoever Repents Will Go to Heaven, Part 1 of 3, Apr. 29, 2020
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Bây giờ nếu chúng ta không ngừng thói quen ăn thịt này, thì số phận của địa cầu sẽ đi xuống cống. Hiện tại bây giờ nó đã đáng sợ rồi. Nhưng tôi không biết trong tương lai, thậm chí các khoa học  gia nói rằng nó có thể còn đáng sợ hơn khi chúng biến dạng thành một vi khuẩn chết người hơn, cho dù mọi thuốc chủng ngừa củng bất lực đối với nó. Tôi đã nói với quí vị rồi, chúng sanh bất lực trước nghiệp quả, mình phải trả cho những gì mình đã làm. Ngay cả thuốc chùng bây giờ, người ta củng sợ nó, thậm chí những người phát triển thuốc chủng không dám dùng nó, vig tác dụng khủng khiếp, họ có thể bị bại liệt cả đời, họ có thể chết vì thuốc chủng. Bởi vậy họ từ chối. Đây là đều khủng khiếp, không phải như chúng ta có thể kiểm soát nó.

Và kỹ nghệ thịt chịu trách nhiệm cho mọi điều này, cho nên chúng ta phải chắm vứt căn nguyên của rắc rối này. Không phải bằng thuốc chủng, mà bằng đạo đức, bằng phẩm chất của thiên đàng vốn có bên trong của chúng ta, chúng ta chỉ lấy ra và dùng.
Selection from Signs of Agni Yoga: Heart – by Spiritual Messengers Nicholas and Helena Roerich (vegetarians), 

Part 1 

Part 2 of 2

More Important Messages from Supreme Master Ching Hai, July 29, 2020

Supreme Master Ching Hai was quite concerned about a few other things She mentioned in the Wednesday, July 29, 2020, conference that She graciously held with the Supreme Master television team. Perhaps that’s why Master has lovingly disclosed this information now so we can be extra vigilant to protect ourselves and our loved ones in this time of uncertainty.
As of the 24th of July… this is the unofficial number of people who have contracted the COVID-19. It’s very far from the news or official numbers. (Yes, Master.) I have to tell you guys so that our brothers and sisters also know. OK? (Yes, Master.) Otherwise it’s a very sad thing, I don’t want to say it, but I have to so that you and our brothers and sisters, at least the initiates, will be more careful. (Yes, Master.) I’m not sure if outside people even listen at all. (Yes, Master. Understand.) OK, as of the 24th of July, this is what I checked inside. This is the inside news. Not official news. (Yes, Master.) Heaven told me. I checked, because I was quite worried about the trend of the pandemic. It keeps going and going, before that. (Yes, Master.) Before the 24th of July. And I didn’t catch any news since then.
So, 24th of July, we have in the whole world 1,003,322,462 COVID-19 infected people. (Wow! That’s a lot.) Only I’m talking about infection. I don’t talk about the dying and all that. (Yes, Master.) And of course, some are dying also. (Yes, Master.)
But, as of today, 29th of July, 2020, we have more. It’s always going up in numbers. (Yes.) As of today, it’s 1,005,432,271 COVID-19 victims, not counting the dead. (That’s so sad.)
Besides sharing the alarming numbers of COVID-19 victims, Master also expressed deep concern about the appearance of many other diseases.
There are many other diseases also showing up right now. (Yes, Master.) I saw it on our [Supreme Master] TV, something in Yemen, cholera. And what else? Ebola? (Yes.) It’s even showing up again. (Yes, Master.) And measles somewhere, etc. You see because of the COVID-19 energy, the air will be somehow polluted, when people carry the disease and running around. (Yes.) So, people’s immune systems are also being affected even though they are not infected by COVID-19. (Yes, Master.) Thus, if they have caught another disease, normally treatable, it could be untreatable; (Oh, wow.) because their immune system is already somehow compromised. So, that’s why I keep telling you and disciples all these conferences, just to let them be more vigilant and careful, and more protecting themselves with spiritual merit. (Yes, Master.) With prayers, with meditation, with purity of conduct and thought and action, and speech. That is the real protection. Otherwise, humans, including my own so-called disciples, don’t have enough love, don’t have enough merit to cover themselves. (Oh, I see.) So must borrow from Master power, from higher power, and thus must pray every day a lot, must meditate a lot, as much as you can. (Yes, Master.) That is to connect yourself always with the Divine. So that we don’t have more problems. (Yes, Master.)
Most Compassionate Master, our profound gratitude for Your boundless Love and care for the well-being of all on the planet, and for all the untold sacrifices You make so that humanity has the merciful opportunity for redemption and a life of bliss here and eternally in the hereafter. May Beloved Master be forever shielded by the Highest Heavenly Beings, as we pray Your days are filled with excellent health, peace and happiness in our emerging vegan world. For the full broadcast of this conference with Supreme Master Ching Hai, please tune in to Between Master and Disciples at a later date.
Supreme Master Ching Hai (vegan) Meets the Former Vice President of Taiwan (Formosa), Her Excellency Lu Hsiu-Lien (vegetarian), and Distinguished Guests, Part 1 of 3, June 25, 2019


On Tuesday, June 25, 2019, at the New Land Ashram in Taiwan, also known as Formosa, our Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai met with the former Vice President of Taiwan (Formosa), Her Excellency Lu Hsiu-Lien and guests. “War is the most painful thing to humankind, the most… (I think it’s the most stupid thing.) That’s right. The most foolish action. Whatever happens, we all can talk and communicate with each other. (That’s right.) Why use guns? Many people would die because of guns. And then the economy of that country would collapse. Many companies from abroad would be scared. They wouldn’t set up business there, or they would withdraw the business. Therefore, war is bad for everybody. It’s the worst for a country. It’s even worse for the citizens. Children, girls, and all innocent people would be killed. (Yes.) There’s nothing good about it.” “Yes. I grew up in a war. So I feel unpleasant when I talk about it. (You’d feel their pain.) It’s very painful. I feel other people’s pain. People suffer too much in war. They can’t work. They can’t till their lands, either. And children can’t go to school or grow up well. (Yes.) It’s harmful to everybody, especially children. Women are also very helpless. They are greatly harmed by war. And it causes a lot of casualties.” “Whatever we want to achieve, it also depends on our own merits. We depend not only on abilities or vision, but also on merits. It also depends on the merits of those around us, those who support us and the country. (Yes.) Yeah. That’s why we can only do our utmost. Whatever we do, we just do our best. (Yes.) (OK.) And then it’ll depend on the destiny of the country.” “I teach them more profound things. If they meditated, they would be able to accept it more. (The mind is pacified.) Yes, more meditation is beneficial to the country, and to the world. Just talking is not very useful. It’s only good for the mind. Meditation reaches our original true Master, who comes out to help the world. It’s our original Self, our Buddha Nature. Spoken words are only for the mind.” “Our TV program encompasses everything, including Catholicism, Taoism, including Catholicism, Taoism, and Buddhism, so that religions can understand each other and stop competing, praising their own religion and criticizing other religions. If we really spend time to research, the teachings of all religions are similar. (Master is very open-minded.) So, we provide information for people to understand and to reduce fighting.”
Who Could Actually Be Redeemed? Part 3 of 11, July 29, 2020


Recently, we’re bolder now. I said we don’t mince our actions anymore and we don’t mince our words anymore. And so, we put a lot of these animal cruelty on our [Supreme Master] TV. (Yes, Master.) And it does change, at least one million people became vegan (Oh, wow!) (That’s good news!)


(Master, due to COVID-19, 265 million are at risk of a “hunger pandemic” according to experts. World Food Programme executive director, David Beasley, told the UN Security Council that, “We could be facing multiple famines of biblical proportions within a short few months.” Is there something people or disciples can or should do to prepare themselves in case this would happen?)


(Another question is: The factory farmed animals are being killed because the processing plants were shut down and there is an oversupply of animals. Will this cause the COVID-19 pandemic to get worse due to the increased karma created?)

(For some patients, some symptoms from the COVID-19 still linger even months after their official recovery. For instance, shortness of breath. And some even develop new symptoms: brain fog or fatigue. Is there a way to fully recover?)
Holy Songs - Russian Orthodox Chants

Since ancient times, humans have expressed their love and longing for God through singing and music. These holy songs connect us with the Divine and remind us of our heavenly Home. Russia is a multi-continental country stretching from Eastern Europe to Northern Asia and spanning eleven time zones, it is the largest country in the world by area. Russian Orthodoxy has been the main religion for a millennium after Russia adopted Byzantine Orthodox Christianity in 988. The spiritual and artistic Russian people have piously searched for their spiritual elevation, and there are countless Russian holy songs. Today we are privileged to share with you two Russian Orthodox chants performed by the amazing Chór Akademicki UW, or University of Warsaw Choir, one of the oldest academic choirs in Poland. Both chants are from “All-Night Vigil,” a cappella choral composition by the famous Russian composer of the Romantic period, Sergei Rachmaninoff. This extraordinary composition was hailed as “the greatest musical achievement of the Russian Orthodox Church.” The first chant, “Blessed Art Thou, O Lord” is one of the Byzantine Orthodox morning prayers in the ancient Russian language, praising the Lord Jesus Christ who had triumphed over death. This piece expressed such joy for the rising of the Lord Jesus Christ. How fortunate are we to have the Savior, the Son of God, to walk among us and teach us right from wrong. The next chant is called “Blessed is the Man.” The Lord knows the way of the righteous and blessed are those who heed His teachings. May we aspire to heed the messages of the Enlightened Masters and return to our pure, loving self-nature.

Understanding the Mayan Calendar: Selections from “The Book of Destiny: Unlocking the Secrets of the Ancient Mayans and the Prophecy of 2012” by Don Carlos Barrios (vegetarian), Part 1 of 3

Understanding the Mayan Calendar: Selections from “The Book of Destiny: Unlocking the Secrets of the Ancient Mayans and the Prophecy of 2012” by Don Carlos Barrios (vegetarian), Part 2 of 3

1070 WOW Understanding the Mayan Calendar The Book of Destiny Don Carlos Barrios p3o3 6m

As Don Carlos Barrios explains in the following introductory excerpt, the time has come to share this ancient wisdom. Here is an Energy Table containing all 260 energies found in the sacred Cholq’ij calendar. This is a tool to help us find our Mayan sign. In each row, there is a sign for the 20 days in each month; and in each of the columns, we can find 13 forces, representing 13 months. Here is a Calendar Table, which begins on the first day of 1900 and ends on December 21, 2012, because the Mayan Long Count calendar ended on that day. Symbols are provided for each 13-day cycle. So what we need to do is to: “...Find the year you were born and then look down to find the preceding date closest to your birthday. On the right is the corresponding Mayan date. Write this down. Now turn back to the Energy Table and find the name of the sign on the left and the corresponding number along that row in the cells to the right.” “The energy and information in each day’s sign, both positive and negative according to the different stages of life, is used to guide people, help them find their purpose, indicate aspects that will allow them to achieve this goal, and thus shape their destiny. The relationship of the fixed or mobile cycles of change that govern people must also be kept in mind. Through a person’s sign, we can establish the abilities, gifts, spiritual qualities, or paranormal properties that person possesses and outline the places or energy centers that will help him or her develop. The practice of following Mayan signs enabled the traditional Classic Mayan world to be a harmonious civilization. No one lived in opposition to their own energies and destiny. Everyone respected each other because they knew they were all part of an evolutionary whole in the cosmic plan. The mandate that each person was born with was honored.” “No one labored at anything other than what they were born to do as indicated in their sign. Everyone therefore grew in a unified and enriching manner, completely in tune with their own makeup and with Mother Nature. It offers us the opportunity to become self-realized according to our individual capabilities, to increase our understanding of ourselves, and to relate to the energies that manifest each day. A more enlightened humanity is anxious to achieve real, conscious growth.”
Meditation Is Your Shield, September 2, 2020

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During a phone call with Supreme Master Television team members on September 2, 2020, our Most Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai, who continues to meditate intensively for the world, lovingly emphasized the importance of meditation during these uncertain times.
Even I, if I don’t meditate enough, I will have trouble also. Get sick. It’s not only spiritual falling, but bodily also, get sick more or get new sickness or more trouble. Even if you meditate, maybe sometimes you feel, because you have to work and then go meditate on time, maybe you feel tired, but it’s not like that. It’s a blessing. (Yes, Master.) Go out or exercise a little bit, wash your face in cold water, go back to our army. We’re really shouldering on. We’re shouldering the world, you know that? (Yes.) We’re shouldering the world really and soldiering in our little army to work for the world.
Also, all your brothers and sisters around the world, they’re supporting. They’re also working hard, in their capacity and time, and situation, because they have families also. (Yes.) They do what they can and they really try their best. You can see that through all the shows. (Yes, Master.) Through the work that they do. And we should do our part. I do my part also.
But those who don’t meditate well, sooner or later, they will have the effect of the negative world pounding on them. Because not all the world people meditate, or even not yet vegan, so all this negative power is pressuring us. It’s like you are in the deep ocean. Even though you have oxygen and equipment, it’s not the same like on land. (Yes.) And if your equipment leaks, for example like without enough meditation, then you’ll be doomed over there. All the water pressure power around you will just crush you. (Yes, Master.) Because really meditation is your shield. That’s when you’re connected more with your own greater power and the universal force that upholds you, holds you tight and protects you, embraces you with all love and blessing and protection. Truly like that. There’s no other power that can protect you in this world.
Take advantage of any time, any moment, even sitting in toilet, meditate. Any minute, anywhere, always connect with the Divine. The more you’re connected, the better for you, for your wellness and for your spiritual power to shoulder the helpless ones. Actually, we have to carry them, because they’re too weak. We want to be strong. We want to be there, for everyone. (Yes, Master.) For this moment at least. Especially for this moment, because we have a lot of trouble right now in the world. God bless us, God bless us. Only God blesses us that we can continue. (Yes, Master.) But we must also be there for God’s blessing. (Yes.) By meditation, we are more connected with the whole universe. And that power we can rely on. (Yes, Master.) Otherwise, the power of this world will overwhelm us. Do you understand the logic now? You see it? (Yes. Yes, Master.)
If we are not enveloped by the universal great, great Power, then we will be enveloped by the world’s negative power. Even though maya is gone and the maya force is gone, but the negative power is still within people. (Yes.) So all this negative power, we still have to deal with. Don’t let it envelop you, by wearing Universal Power. (Yes.) You wear it all the time, any time by meditating to strengthen it. (Yes, Master.)
Actually, all the people who are involved in any of the public work, working for others, working for Master, must meditate at least four hours a day. (Yes, Master.)
So, we’ll be stronger. (Yes, Master.) More resolute to meditate, to be more with the Universal Power, so that we can be enveloped in this protective shield.
Master also shared some of the recent messages She has received from many animal friends as well as from a Master of the Fifth Level.
In a vision, He also came and told me, “Do not leave.” And the next I cannot tell you. Some other things, it will come true, in time. And not too long distance. I’m glad. But I maybe better not tell you. (Understand.) Forgive me. You will know it when it comes. (Yes, Master.)
Most Gracious Master, our deep gratitude for these uplifting messages of encouragement that give us more strength and understanding to keep going forward. We envision that a bright future awaits our planet and countless beings, in Your forever Love and limitless Compassion, Patience and Mercy. May the Great Godses always protect Beloved Master as we continue to pray for a vegan world, in Divine Light. For the full broadcast of this phone call with Supreme Master Ching Hai, please tune in to Between Master and Disciples at a later date.

Faith Is the Mother of All Virtues, Part 2 of 7, July 7, 2019

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I love that so much about India. No matter how many religions have taken root in India, the Indian people, inside, they are always the same. They just love God, in whatever name you call Hirm. They’re just religious, whatever religion you want to call yourself.
And in Monaco, they also recognize loyalty. The hotel where I stayed... Because when I first went there, I looked for places for Europe. We did not have SMC. We did not have a house yet. I had to go there because, at that time, we also had Supreme Master TV. I had to stay in a hotel that I could stay long, with high internet speed, so that I could send things, documents or USB, and film, stuff like that, because I had to check Supreme Master TV also at that time. So, people also criticized me for living in a big hotel, first, five-star hotel, or four-star. But I lived in a hotel, but an apartment belonging to the hotel. But cheap! You pay €3,000-something one month, but you have to live for a longer time, not just like one month only. You sign the contract, maybe half a year, a year. But only €3,000, three and a half or €3,000 something, not even €4,000 euros. And you have free internet. Yeah! Free everything, except food and drink and room service, of course. But you have the free service of a chamber maid. They come and change your sheets every ten days. If you stay in a hotel room, they change every day, of course. But if you stay cheaper, every ten days, that’s good enough for me. In my house, I don’t change it every, maybe ten weeks or something. But I keep it clean. If I’m not clean, I never lie on my bed, so it never smells bad or anything. So, sometimes, living in a good hotel doesn’t mean luxury; it doesn’t mean you are overspending. In fact, it’s cheaper even, because some hotels are so big and they don’t have enough customers, so they cut out some part of it, make it an apartment. And like that, they’re always full all year round and still earn money. And less workers, so, less expenses. And if people stay there stably, it’s also good. They don’t have to take care of a lot; the customers take care of themselves. And they also can sell their food and drinks in their hotel. They earn differently also. Because they have a restaurant in the hotel, and they have a bistro, they have a coffee shop, and they have a bar. So, always full of people; it makes the hotel look crowded and prosperous, also good advertisement. Very smart, very smart. So, sometimes, I live in a luxury hotel, but I don’t pay a lot. And I am vegan, so I don’t eat a lot. Just (vegan) pizza or something, or (vegan) soup, (vegan) salad. But good, high speed internet.
Actually, I had two helpers at that time. One from Mexico and one from Finland. Now they’re still working for Supreme Master TV. Both of them are so good looking, whenever I went out with them, all the women in Monaco, “Wow! Who are they?” I said, “My brothers.” They said, “They don’t look like You!” I said, “Yeah, I adopted them.” They were all ga-ga goo-goo. Oh man, I felt also proud to go out with handsome guys. Concerning two handsome guys, there’re some interesting stories coming. I’m sure you’d like to hear very much. I tell you, I have to do the job of four or five people. Today, the nails are missing a little bit, because I did not have enough time. Long time, I didn’t put any color on. You put it on, it doesn’t look too bad. Makes you look a little younger, the hands. And I need a hairdresser. Hair stylist and hair dyer and dresser, seamstress. Sometimes, they made the dress too big, too small; I have to fix it all by myself! And a makeup artist also. I do the job of four, five people. I need to eat something. You don’t give me food, I don’t work. Are you happy, all of you? (Yes, Master.)
Sorry I didn’t invite you earlier. Before, I was just too busy and had to organize things. It wasn’t all that possible before. We had to repair many things, especially bathrooms. And some areas didn’t have air-con, and all that. I had to take care a little bit here and there. Hsihu is best. I like it. I like Hsihu, it’s natural. A lot of natural mosquitoes; natural ants. But you guys have all you need, right? (Yes, Master. Thank You.) Remind me of the story. No, this one is very appetizing. You guys don’t have? They’re mixed in there. Just some spicy, like Indian. Give you some, so you don’t miss your home too much. Try it with rice, if you have rice. Have rice? No. Don’t have? Here, here, here. Looks like Indian rice. Looks like Indian fried rice You guys just can eat everything. She is different. Don’t be jealous. The Indian people, they eat very spicy stuff. I’m sure she must be very food-sick every day, right? (Yes.) (No, Master, I add little spices into the food.) Yeah, yeah. OK, good. You know what? (Vegan) pakora. You know what? You can order spices. Tell them you need this, you need that, and they’ll buy for you, and you keep them all for yourself in a corner. Write your name on it, and then every day, whatever normal rice, but if you put curry, masala, whatever on it, then it would taste also similar. Similar, not the same. You want me to order some Indian food and pack from an airplane, (No, no.) and bring it to you? (No, Master. I’m enjoying Taiwanese (Formosan) and Korean spices.) (Yes, Master.) Good. Wonderful. What made you like to come to Taiwan (Formosa)? (This is the only place that I want to be. This is the most comforting place.) Yeah? (Yes, Master.) Wonderful. But I love India. People also, they love India. The food and people are so pure, mostly. Of course, everywhere, we have rich and poor. But they are very, very pure people, very, very God-loving, believing. You can go to any corner of any farm anywhere, far away from cities; you go into any farmer’s house, the first thing they say to you is God’s name, like Ram Ram or Krishna or whatever. They would say that to greet you. They remember only God. I love that very much.
One time, I went on my pilgrimage all over; I walked around, roamed around, and I went into one farm. She was a farmer, robust, big, strong, healthy. She saw me come in. She didn’t say, “Where are you from?” like most people. I hate that! I hate that question. If I go into a non-Asian area, always, “Where are You from?” Immediately, with big eyes and big mouth and … Like I came from the moon or something. Always like that; America, Europe, always, “Where are You from?” And like they just stick their head right next to you. But the Indians, they don’t care. They may ask later. She immediately greeted me, “Hare Hare Ram Ram!” Very powerful voice. She was naturally matter of fact that I was there, and I knew her God, that I accepted already, and that I had to know that was her God, and I should know, and I had known it already, and like her friend or her family. “Hare Hare Ram Ram!” She said it in such a powerful, and I’d say almost, like a masculine voice. But she was also robust. I was thinking maybe she was a man, but she was not. She had a bunch of kids and her husband was also as strong and handsome. I wondered who was the man, who was the woman, and who was more handsome, because of the way she said it; so authoritatively. It was more powerful than what I’d say normally. She said, “Hare Hare Ram Ram!” like that, truly, but more powerful than that, more natural. Like she kept saying that all her life already; nothing else would matter, like that. Wow, beautiful. Just a farmer, very rural area farmer.
I love that so much about India. No matter how many religions have taken root in India, the Indian people, inside, they are always the same. They just love God, in whatever name you call Hirm. They’re just religious, whatever religion you want to call yourself. Or they just love practitioners, love yogis, love monks, and love nature. They love animals and their environment, trees; they worship them all and love them all, and I like that atmosphere. I love India. People look like they are poor, but they’re not. They just don’t care much about it inside. So, instead of elaborately building a little hut or something for themselves, sometimes they don’t care, they just sleep in a tent on the street. When they’re selling something on the street, they just live there also. They don’t go home anywhere, some places in India. Maybe they cannot afford, maybe they couldn’t care less. But even the poor Indian people, their houses are very tidy. Very tidy compared to some place that I don’t want to mention. Like you don’t find garbage or any refuse or stuff, leftover wood planks, or anything outside their house. They make use of everything. Otherwise, they would tidy up. You saw some of their villages on our TV. Very tidy. And they take care of animals even in their dire need for water. They would share their water and food to the needy one.
I think most of you would like also to work alone, by yourself, not in a group, because maybe that’s why you like to come and work in Hsihu. Otherwise, you would have stayed in New York or Los Angeles, middle of the city or something. So, if you feel like it’s too crowded or something in your office, you can please pick an area and ask them to decorate it for you. You can go there and work if you feel better. You can also work in your own sleeping area, but it’s just too much of the working energy or atmosphere, so you can have a working area and a sleeping area. If you want, try to arrange it. I know many of you would like that, like your own office area, because you can sleep any time. Am I right? (Yes.) If you sit in the office, you have to look left or right, “Oh, can I sleep or not?” (Maybe they don’t move because they know if they move, maybe they will fall asleep.) They will sleep all day? (They will sleep all day.) How surprising! Even I know that. It’s OK if you sleep on the job. I know, but I won’t say anything, because I know all of you are very responsible anyway. So, even if you sleep in the office or if you sleep in your area, it’s the same to me. No? Hey, Master knows everything. My God! How can you hide anywhere even? Even in a deep area, She’ll still look into it and know what you’re doing. This Master is to be avoided. Anyway, we have many areas still empty and even some working-ready areas. If I want to go to your area ever, I will tell somebody first. “The boss is coming! Look busy!” That’s why I don’t go there because what’s the use? I can never catch anybody by surprise. You locked all your area, everything. It’s all dark and secret. I don’t know the number of your gate lock. Besides, it keeps changing. They even change my own gate and they don’t tell me. So, every time I come back, they all know, “Master is coming.” Just stand in front of the gate, no secret. Have to ask this person, that person, for the number of the lock. So, anyway, I’m not coming there, so don’t worry about it. I feel useless. You all know, telling each other. We all have intercom. So, “Hey, Master is coming to your area. Wake up, man! Wake up! What do you think you’re doing?” And the other person probably was still in samadhi, “What did you say? I am working. Why do you disturb me?”
The story. Story of Monaco. In Monaco, I just happened to know one maybe multi-millionaire or maybe billionaire… I don’t want to mention his name, because he is very famous, came from a very famous, wealthy family, and is even connected a little bit with the royalty. So, anyway, it wasn’t like I went around looking for rich people or anything; I know they are all rich anyway. And many times, they just came and talked to me casually like that. One person, a famous writer from England, went there, even wanted to marry me! My God! That was some years ago, a few years ago, when I was still in Monaco. We already had SMC, so it’s recent, as recent as maybe six years. Well, I look a little less young now but I’m... Six years; you didn’t know how old I looked like? One of my assistants at that time. They used that hotel room more than I used. Because they had to go there, prepare the camera, and then take the documents and print it out for me, and then leave, so that I could do my work alone, and then come back and fetch it. So, it is not fair that people say I lived in a luxury hotel. They lived there; they should be in the newspaper. They were there more than I, so I told them, “You two should be criticized for living in a luxury hotel. All the time, you go there, both of you, do anything…” – hanging my clothes, boiling water, something like that, and taking out documents from a computer, because I had zero knowledge about machines. Lucky. So, you know I’m a real woman. Only men, they love machines.
So, I know this rich person. He’s not young anymore, of course. And he also had a girlfriend next to him, real big blonde, tall Canadian. And I know both of them because one time, I went into a Thai restaurant to eat something. I love spicy food just like you. Everywhere there’s a Thai restaurant, I surely go, at least one time. So, I went there and then the multi-million or billion – he has a yacht, of course, a yacht. You know what a yacht is? A big boat with many rooms in it. Even can land a helicopter on it. And then I was eating alone. I always go alone. I’m always alone. I don’t always invite the two handsome guys, and they live somewhere else far away, and whenever I feel like eating, I don’t want to wait for them, say, “OK, come over. The address is so-and-so, and if you get lost, then don’t worry about it. I eat by myself.” I normally don’t like to wait. If I want to go eat, I go just like that. Otherwise, I don’t have the mood anymore, or I do something else later or go somewhere else later. So, I went alone all the time, most of the time. But whenever I invited them or one of them, all the restaurant girls go goo-goo ga-ga. “How come? Who is he? So handsome! Where did he come from?” I said, “You make sure where my food comes from, and now, not the guy, where he comes from. I am hungry.” I was joking with her, not like ordering. But I made it like a joke, she knew. Because I knew the restaurant and they knew me; I was very kind to them.
Spinning the Light of Art” - 2019 International Artist Day Celebration in Taiwan (Formosa), Part 1 of 10


Dear guests, artists, artistic creators, and performing artists from all sectors of society, welcome to the second International Artist Day celebration held in Formosa (Taiwan) in 2019 entitled “Spinning the Light of Art.” We are also honored that Supreme Master Ching Hai, who launched the International Artist Day, will be holding a conference with us to celebrate art and enjoy a touching experience of art. We look forward to having Her with us. We are joined here today by many distinguished guests. While we’re preparing for our conference with Master, let’s welcome the first performance today by the Dili Elementary School choir from Nantou. They will bring us “The Bunun Music Medley” describing the simple and natural lifestyle of the Formosan (Taiwanese) indigenous people with their heavenly vocals. We would now like to invite our noble guests to come on the stage to say a few words. First, we invite our former Vice President Annette Lu Hsiu-lien to speak to us. “We have just enjoyed a performance by our indigenous children. Their innocent and lively dance made me forget myself and my age. I think art can be an elevating and fascinating experience. That’s truly a manifestation of our national soul! I envy our artist friends very much.” “My wish for our artist friends is to have the courage to interact with the politicians. If our politicians are equipped with the ethics of the religious practitioners and the ideas of the artists, perhaps our world will be more peaceful and more beautiful. I also hope that, in your artistic creation, like Supreme Master Ching Hai, you will focus your thoughts on Heaven and Earth, respect Heaven, cherish our Earth, and love all beings.” Next, let us invite Taipei City Councilor Lo Chih-Chiang to say a few words. “Scientists seek the truth; politicians seek righteousness; artists seek beauty. When these three values converge, the world will become a better place.”


Tiết lộ về người ngoài hành tinh UFO _ Ngô Tuấn Kiệt

Nghe ông Ngô Tuấn Kiệt nói về UFO và nhiều điều khác ... thì CN nhớ lại nhửng lời thuyết pháp của Sư phụ Thanh Hải đả từng giảng qua.

Người UFO thường đến trái đất âm thầm làm việc giúp cho cho thế giới này.

- thế giới của họ kim cương như sỏi đá , họ lấy để làm tàu bay.

- nhửng thế giới khác sung sướng ..  muốn tu hành nhanh thì phải đến địa cầu này ..

Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Urgent Call to Pray for World Vegan in Order to Rescue Our World, February 6, 2020

The Golden Thread of Wisdom That Lights the World,

Pqrt 1 


Part 3 

 Part 4 of 4 - The Glorious Transcendence

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